The most beautiful nose in the world. High-quality makeup as a worthy alternative to rhinoplasty

A nose like the Duchess of Cambridge is the most popular order among patients at facial surgery clinics, both men and women. But the Duchess's profile is not the only standard for those who are determined to change their face. We'll tell you whose noses are trending today and whose are not, and why.

The Duchess of Cambridge sets many fashion and beauty trends, for which the royal person is idolized by many photographers, designers and stylists. Now, plastic surgeons have also fallen in love with Prince William’s wife: according to statistics, last year the number of people wishing to go under the knife increased by 15%. One of the most popular operations is rhinoplasty. The most popular nose shape is like that of your favorite duchess.

Among patients, both men and women can be observed equally often. Ideally straight, forming an angle between the forehead and lips of exactly 106 degrees - the shape of the nose, which has already received the name “Duchess” in professional circles, suits both sexes equally.

Kate Middleton's nose is the most frequently requested item in the surgeon's office - according to this indicator, Prince William's wife has overtaken such divas as Rihanna, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Lopez.

According to Dr. Julian de Silva, a specialist at Harley Street Cosmetic Facial Surgery, perfect face The duchess inspires many women to change something about their appearance through surgery. “Kate is a very beautiful woman, and this is perhaps main reason, why rhinoplasty is now at the peak of popularity,” comments the doctor.

Singer Rihanna

Angelina Jolie after rhinoplasty, 2014

Rhinoplasty is the most popular facial plastic procedure, but it is also one of the most difficult. It requires from the surgeon not only technical skills, but also a certain artistic vision of the final result, because each patient’s face is individual, and everyone has their own ideas about beauty.

A girl may desperately want a nose like her favorite star’s for a long time, but when she comes to the surgeon’s office, she may well hear the fateful words: “This shape will not suit you.”

It is important to understand that, when deciding on rhinoplasty, you can, of course, be inspired by photographs of stars, but final decision you need to accept, focusing, first of all, on yourself. And to do this, you need to clearly understand your “initial data” and only then choose the appropriate option for you personally. We analyze the 10 most popular nose shapes and find out whether they need correction.


Ideally straight, this shape is considered the standard of a beautiful nose. Equally suitable for both women and men, the "duchess" is the most popular request sent to the surgeon's office. It is traditionally believed that owners of such noses are spontaneous and creative people.

Expert comment: This is the Gold Standard. If you happened to be born with this nose shape, then accept it: there is no way to improve it.

Greek nose

Actress Svetlana Khodchenkova

Actress Natalie Portman

Like the Duchess, this nose shape is perfectly straight, but there is no pronounced button at the tip. This nose shape is quite common among models.

Surgeon's comment: Distinctive feature The Greek nose is a long and very graceful bridge. The second most popular form desired by patients.

Roman nose

Actor Tom Cruise

Actress Anne Hathaway

This shape is characterized by a distinct bridge of the nose, which can be either curved or slightly tilted forward, and the tip is slightly beveled towards the bottom. Looks great on a man's face.

Expert comment: A high, protruding bridge of the nose will add masculinity and a little severity to the face. On a woman’s face, this nose shape does not look very organic, so many rightly want to correct it with rhinoplasty. the main problem after the operation - make sure that the new nose (which, obviously, will become much smaller) can breathe easily and freely. To do this, it is best to use a tissue graft, and then straighten the septum - and you will breathe better and look more beautiful.

Roman nose

Actress Uma Thurman

Socialite Paris Hilton

This is the classic nose shape, but with slightly enlarged nostrils. The straight profile, as well as the proportional tip - not too large and not too small - give the eagle shape nobility and aristocracy.

Expert comment: Most often it is men who ask for the eagle uniform. The peculiarity of male rhinoplasty is that the surgeon must avoid anything that can give the future nose a feminine appearance - for example, a concave bridge or an upturned tip. In this case, an aquiline nose is ideal.

Bow-tipped nose

Actress Mila Kunis

D Doctor Stefan Markworth, after 30 years of studying female beauty, created universal formula attractive facial features.

According to his theory, we see a face as beautiful if its features are located in accordance with the golden ratio - the ratio is 1:1.618. That is, the ideal mouth should be 1.618 times wider than the nose, the front teeth 1.618 times wider than the twos, etc.

The diagram looks like this:

To compare, you need to take a photograph of the face clearly from the front, apply a mask and combine the images along the midline of the pupils and the midline of the mouth. The features, in accordance with the proposed ideal, should coincide with the lines of the mask. Anything that doesn't fit isn't in ideal proportions.

Let's check how the rule works on the faces of actresses and singers

Taylor Swift

According to Markworth, to achieve the Taylor ideal, you only need to slightly narrow your nose. Has this made her more beautiful? In my opinion, not much.

J e Jennifer Lawrence

Slightly narrow the nose, slightly raise the tails of the eyebrows and add width to the cheekbones. It turned out well and the individuality was preserved.

Kristen Stewart

Kristen needed to raise the tails of her eyebrows, reduce her chin and the overall width of her face, slightly narrow the wings of her nose (and, on the contrary, widen the back). Yes, in general the face has become more attractive - you want to look at it. But something was missing.

Keira Knightley

Kira's features fit perfectly into the mask, except for the width of her face and chin. We change... and we get a cute unknown girl. And the tiny nose and neat mouth even seem to look rougher. No, I like Kira better before the “idealization”.

Amber Rose

My beloved Amber Rose has a very correct face: her cheeks just need to be narrowed a little, her lips smaller and the tails of her eyebrows raised. Almost nothing has changed.

Marion Cotillard

It was necessary to narrow the nose, slightly change the angle of the eyebrows and reduce the lower jaw. It turned out to be a beauty. However, she was a beauty even before the changes.

If she wanted to match the ideal proportions of Markworth's mask, she would have to narrow the angles of her jaw and nose (bottom left, immediately looking like her sister Kendall). Instead, Kylie enlarged her lips (bottom right). Taste and color...

Our celebrities

Liza Boyarskaya

Narrow everything: cheeks, cheekbones, nose, mouth and eyes, which are widely spaced. She also turned out to be a beautiful girl. But again I can’t say that I like her more.

Renata Litvinova

It was necessary to narrow the rather heavy and not entirely symmetrical lower jaw, the tip of the nose, and spread the close-set eyes wider. I don’t even know, it seems like something has improved, but Renata herself is so interesting that I don’t want to make her fit the standards.

Ksenia Sobchak

The lower jaw, of course, had to be reduced... but I don’t like the result at all. Simple and uninteresting. True, the original photo is not very good.

Maria Sharapova

Quite classic features with the exception of the width of the face and the asymmetry of the eyes and eyebrows. We narrow it down, level it out - and it turns out well. Although the mouth looks unusually large.

Here are the perfect faces

Monica Bellucci

Perhaps the proportions suggested by Dr. Markworth are ideal. But for the majority of truly beautiful and interesting women, as can be seen from the examples presented, imperfection is part of beauty and individuality. So you should think seven times whether it’s worth getting rid of your shortcomings. Suddenly without them from Julia Roberts you will turn into a standard “face in the crowd”.

Since ancient times, people have been trying to determine what makes a face beautiful. Fashions and ideas about beauty have changed, but, you see, even today we admire when we look at a very beautiful face, even if we see it in a painting by an old master.

Apparently, there is some secret that allows us to perceive a face not just well-groomed and fit, but objectively beautiful. What is this secret and is it possible to achieve such a result?

We have been at Platinental for more than 10 years deeply to find out which type of face is admired from the very beginning human history. We managed to reveal the secrets of attractiveness and develop a correction technique that, without surgery, brings the face closer to the ideal.

We offer a unique V-lift service, which, using a complex of fillers of different densities, not only rejuvenates and tightens the skin. This procedure creates a beautiful oval face, which greatly increases the attractiveness of your appearance.

The most beautiful face shape in women - what is it?

To begin with, just a little theory. Let's talk about the beautiful half of humanity.

What do you think is a beautiful oval face? Can you tell what facial features are considered beautiful in girls? Of course, there is no arguing about tastes: if you ask different people, what is needed for a beautiful face, some will remember the doe eyes of Audrey Hepburn, while others will prefer the slightly sharp features of Angelina Jolie...

Expert comment:

The facial features of women of this type can be large or smaller, but the face still looks harmonious and beautiful. In addition, in our age of Instagram and social networks, it is very important that this particular type of face is the most photogenic, since the light falling on a face with high cheekbones is refracted exactly as needed to create the ideal image.

Photos "before" and "after"

What face is considered beautiful on a man?

Of course, men have different priorities: a heart-shaped face does not work for them. Then which male face is considered the most attractive? What shape allows you to emphasize strength and courage?

There is also an answer to this question: the most Beautiful face men are a pentagon, which is made up of a wide forehead, clear cheekbones and a strong “strong-willed” chin. Research shows that this type of face indicates active production of testosterone (by the way, women read this information subconsciously).

And, of course, both women and men need smooth, fresh skin, no wrinkles, age spots, harmonious, regular features and a friendly expression on the face of a person who is confident in himself and his attractiveness.

Is it possible to make a beautiful face at home?

Most often, having decided “I want a beautiful face,” a woman limits herself to trying to beautiful make-up face, which is best described by the phrase “spend five hours in front of the mirror to look natural.”

Even if makeup is done at home, in order to change facial features, you have to do it using Kim Kardashian’s complex technology - use several layers of base, concealer, a whole set of foundations in contrasting shades, and highlighter. Are you ready to “do” such a face every day only to wash it off a few hours later?

However, to be fair, even the secrets of makeup artist Kim will not help visually enlarge , significantly raise flat cheekbones and make them hollow .

As for men, it’s even sadder: if it’s not given, then it’s not given, and no amount of makeup can fix the matter.

It is in order to make a temporary result permanent that we at Platinental have developed the V-lift technique.

In just one procedure, the technique makes the face significantly more attractive in all positions at once - it redistributes proportions and accents on the face, provides a pronounced lifting effect, forms a beautiful jawline, smooths out wrinkles and gives natural fullness to the lips!

The fillers of different densities used for this technique comprehensively solve the problems of any skin type and are suitable for all patients.

The result lasts from 1 to 1.5 years.

How to create the most beautiful facial features for yourself

The unique V-lift service was born after Allergan introduced VYCROSS hyaluronic acid, amazing in its properties, to the market.

Divine Proportions of Leonardo Da Vinci

It is known that wide-set eyes and a small nose are considered beautiful. According to classical canons, the distance between the eyes should be equal to the width of the palpebral fissure, and the boundaries of the nose should not extend beyond the lines drawn through the inner corners of the eyes. If the nose is too large and the eyes are set too close, rhinoplasty can balance the proportions. If the tip is too wide and narrowed, the nose will become smaller and the eyes will visually widen.

The ideal nose length is described by the equation a, b and c. The distance from the hairline to the eyebrows is equal to the distance from the eyebrow line to the line drawn under the nose, and equal to the distance from the line drawn under the nose to the chin line. Returning to the beginning of this chapter, we note that Sarah Jessica Parker's b is much larger than a.

The boundaries of the lips should reach the lines drawn through inner edge pupils. The mouth should be approximately one and a half (1.5) times wider than the nose.

Ideal profile

The angle shown in this picture is called the nasolabial angle. For women, it is preferable that the nasolabial angle be greater than 90 degrees.

The angle between the forehead line and the bridge of the nose should be between 30 and 40 degrees. Too much of an angle outlines the bridge of the nose too high. If the angle is too small, there is also little pleasure - the back is too low, the face looks “flat”.

The column, or, in other words, the columella, is the same skin bridge between the nostrils that is cut during open rhinoplasty. It is considered beautiful when the column is lowered just below the level of the wings.

After rhinoplasty, their noses look terrible. Our selection includes celebrities who, with their example, confirm the saying: the best is the enemy of the good.

Paris Hilton

Since childhood, Paris Hilton dreamed of fixing 2 things about herself: small breasts and a big nose. Her parents tried to dissuade the girl from surgery, but she was adamant. And if with breasts socialite I was lucky, but the rhinoplasty didn’t go very well.

Courtney Love


Courtney Love has two passions: a wild lifestyle and visits to plastic surgeons. In an interview, the star admitted: “I acted in films in the 80s, and let's be honest, I had a really big nose. This shnobel was only suitable for radio. I had rhinoplasty and my new nose opened all doors for me. In six months the whole world has changed.” The nose has really become smaller... Only now it is so crooked that Kurt Cobain's widow has to carefully choose the right angle for the photo.

Melanie Griffith

Due to constant experiments with plastic surgery and injections, there is not a trace left of Melanie Griffith’s beauty today. It all started with an unsuccessful rhinoplasty: despite the fact that the actress’s nose was almost perfect, she still decided to slightly correct its tip. But Melanie’s plan failed: rhinoplasty ruined the shape of the bridge of her nose, and instead of a straight nose, the actress has what she has.

Demmy Moor

Demi Moore also became a victim of unsuccessful rhinoplasty. The actress wanted to make the bridge of her nose narrower, but instead she ended up with a crooked bridge of the nose and an asymmetrical nose.

Lara Flynn Boyle

Lara Flynn Boyle's career went downhill due to unsuccessful plastic surgery. Why the actress decided to correct her already graceful nose is a mystery to us. As a result, today Lara has something more like a bird's beak.


Beyonce was quite happy with her nose, she just wanted to make her wide nostrils more graceful. The singer had several rhinoplasties, but all were unsuccessful. As a result, the singer’s nose looks too small against the background of the girl’s rather large facial features.

Janet Jackson

In all likelihood, Janet Jackson followed in the footsteps of her late brother Michael. In pursuit of a perfect nose, the singer has done so many rhinoplasties that it is no longer possible to correct the horror that exists now.

Lil Kim

Lil' Kim is another star unhappy with her nose shape. The singer underwent several operations, but they could not be called successful. A curved septum and asymmetrical nostrils look creepy.

A gift of nature or the work of a master?

Most beautiful woman planets have been accused more than once of plastic sensual lips, and in vain, because she has her own lips. But after surgery at the very beginning of her career, the wide bridge of Angelina Jolie’s nose became much thinner.

Jennifer Aniston inherited a classic Greek nose from her Greek father. Is it any wonder that at the first opportunity, she decided to abandon him!

Let Ashton Kutcher's wife continue to claim that her beauty was given to her by nature pictures different years they say the opposite. To maintain her youth, Demi Moore not only had a facelift, but also ventured into rhinoplasty.

"The most sexy woman planet" is proud of its African-American roots. But who knows, Halle Berry would have been able to have an affair with agent 007 if she had not corrected the shape of her nose at one time!

The Paparazzi star decided to shock fans with extravagant outfits, rather than the shape of her nose. At the beginning stellar career Lady Gaga decided to sign up for rhinoplasty.

One might assume that Kristina Orbakaite made an appointment with a surgeon to get rid of childhood complexes. But no, a nose injury forced her to decide on rhinoplasty (according to rumors, her ex-husband Ruslan Baysarov had a hand in this).

Before becoming Woody Allen's muse, 24-year-old Scarlett Johansson had her nose reshaped. From now on, no more eggplant; the voluminous wings and partition have become noticeably thinner and neater.

Megan Fox is so desperate to look like Angelina Jolie that in 2005 she changed the shape of her nose, making it more sophisticated and noble.

Natalya Podolskaya had rhinoplasty twice, and both times to correct her nasal septum. If a deviated septum interfered with breathing, then with new form nose, she forgot about this problem.

Perhaps the singer herself would like to improve the shape of her oriental nose. However, Jasmine's final decision was influenced by assault ex-spouse Vyacheslav Semenduev.

The nose is important in a person's life. It consists of an osteochondral skeleton and the nasal sinuses. The organ is involved in breathing, smelling and is a filter for germs and dust. The nose affects the shape of the face, characterizes personality, age and ethnicity. Therefore, each organ is unique. However, not all noses are perfect, and the idea of ​​them is subjective. Let's look at the secret to a perfect nose.

Nationality and perfect nose

Inside each ethnic group There is a wide variety of facial features, and the nose is no exception. For diagnosis, not only absolute dimensions (length and width) are taken, but also the nasal index. Narrow is found among Europeans and Eskimos. Broad nose is characteristic of blacks, Australians, Melanesians, and African pygmies.

Various criteria for determining the perfect nose

Let's look at the nose in terms of proportions.

  • Symmetry is a generally accepted characteristic of beauty. To do this, the face is divided vertically into three parts, where the nose is middle part faces.
  • If you divide the face vertically into five parts, you will notice that the width of the organ approximately corresponds to the width of each eye.

The ideal nose according to Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian scientist, artist and scientist in the 15th-16th centuries gave the most complete idea of ​​the model of the perfect and the body. He devoted a number of studies to this topic, drew sketches and drew conclusions about ideal proportions. A feeling of harmony appears if the figure is based on symmetry and the principle of the golden ratio. This principle is that human body consists of components that are in a certain relationship to each other and to the whole.

To measure the parameters of the nose and check the principle of the golden proportion, you will need measuring instruments: ruler, pencil and protractor.

The parameters of the nose become ideal if its length corresponds to one third of the height of the face, and the height of the tip is equal to two thirds of the back of the nose.

How can you tell a person's character by their nose?

Nose length. Short indicates a person who is open, optimistic, flexible and friendly. Very long - characterizes an intelligent but capricious personality. Long and characteristic of calm, charming and business people. A long nose indicates a conservative personality.

Nose shape and the character of people are interconnected. A straight nose indicates the honesty, energy and calm nature of its owner, a skinny nose indicates low concentration person. A potato nose is characteristic of slow, phlegmatic people. A person will have to work a lot with a narrow nose. If a woman has a small one, she is jealous.

Definition of character by tip of the nose:

  • A round shape is characteristic of a successful person.
  • The pointed tip indicates a treacherous, treacherous personality.
  • An upturned nose characterizes a person with unstable sexual morals and unable to keep secrets.
  • A full, convex and large tip of the nose is characteristic of a kind, hardworking, kind-hearted person capable of self-sacrifice.
  • A split tip of the nose indicates suspicion and shyness of its owner.

Female standard of beauty

A girl's ideal nose has been studied by many scientists based on facial analysis. beautiful girls antiquity and modern beauties.

IN Ancient Egypt the standard of beauty is a slender, graceful woman with a straight nose, big eyes and huge lips. IN Ancient Greece The standard of beauty was the sculpture of Aphrodite, which had a straight nose profile, large expressive eyes and a majestic posture. The Greek profile was emphasized by straight lines of the chin, mouth and nose, and a low forehead.

Modern research was carried out by American scientists under the leadership of Professor Omar Ahmed. They looked for the formula for a woman's ideal nose and came to the conclusion that its beauty depends on the angle formed by the base of the nose and the line connecting its tip to the lips. In a study of four thousand girls, a focus group and online users rated faces with noses ranging from 96 to 116 degrees. After processing the results, it turned out that the optimal angle was 106 degrees. The singer has such a neat, slightly upturned nose, famous model and actress Scarlett Johansson. It is with a nose like hers that girls want to see a plastic surgeon.

Now there is no standard of beauty. Individuality is valued. More and more often, European designers invite girls of atypical appearance to the catwalk.

What does it mean in men?

According to scientists, the shape of a man’s nose speaks not only about his mental, creative and artistic abilities, but also about his sexual activity.

The most popular myth is that men with small noses have sexual problems, and those with large noses have problems of a sexual nature. However, there is no evidence of this.

Men with long nose- smart, conservative people. They value habits, tradition and family. Easy to find mutual language with men with short noses. They are friendly and optimistic.

People with little ones are balanced, practical and energetic. They are often the soul of the party and leaders.

More often than others, men with a fleshy nose or potatoes are unlucky in their personal lives. They are careful, hardworking and attentive.

Men with a hump on the nose are stubborn, calculating, and have a strong character.

The ideal male nose is straight. Such men are educated, straightforward, and love beauty. However, often personal life does not work out.

How to make a beautiful nose?

Nature has endowed man with an individual appearance. But what if there are flaws and need to be hidden? There are many ways to achieve image harmony and improve your appearance.

Let's look at some of them:

  • With the help of makeup, you can visually enlarge or reduce different parts of the face. Lightly move the powder and foundation you can make the perfect nose for a girl.
  • Using a hairstyle, you can emphasize your face shape and hide imperfections.
  • Radical methods of changing appearance include plastic surgery. If a person has serious congenital or acquired defects, for example, curvature of an organ after an injury, then rhinoplasty will help cope with this problem.

Every person is unique. The idea of ​​a perfect face and an ideal nose is subjective and changes all the time. By properly emphasizing your strengths, you can achieve harmony in your life. appearance and greatly improve your self-esteem.