On what day does the Holy Fire descend? When did the Holy Fire descend for the first time?

when I first got off Holy Fire?

  1. The Holy Fire descended in Jerusalem
    For the first time, the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire was described by the first Russian pilgrim to Palestine, Abbot Daniel.
    History The Holy Fire has appeared in the temple for more than a millennium
    . The earliest mentions of the descent of the Holy Fire on the eve of the Resurrection of Christ are found in Gregory of Nyssa, Eusebius and Silvia of Aquitaine and date back to the 4th century. They also contain descriptions of earlier convergences. According to the testimony of the Apostles and Holy Fathers, the uncreated Light illuminated the Holy Sepulcher soon after the Resurrection of Christ, which one of the Apostles saw: “Peter believed, he saw not only with his sensual eyes, but also with the lofty Apostolic mind - the Sepulcher was filled with light, so that, although and the night was, however, two images I saw internally - sensually and spiritually,” we read from the church historian Gregory of Nyssa. “Peter presented himself to the Sepulcher and was terrified of the light in vain,” writes St. John of Damascus *. Eusebius Pamphilus narrates in his “Church History” that when one day there was not enough lamp oil, Patriarch Narcissus (2nd century) blessed to pour water from the Pool of Siloam into the lamps, and the fire that came down from heaven lit the lamps, which then burned throughout the entire Easter service . Among the earliest mentions are the testimonies of Muslims and Catholics. The Latin monk Bernard, (865) writes in his itinerary: “On Holy Saturday, which is the eve of Easter, the service begins early and after the service, Lord have mercy is sung until, with the coming of the Angel, the light is lit in the lamps hanging over the Tomb. »

    The miracle of the descent of divine fire on the eve of Orthodox Easter has been happening in Jerusalem for more than 1,500 years. Its first descriptions date back to the 4th century AD. Scientists have still not found an explanation for this phenomenon, RIA Novosti reports.
    In Edicule, on the site of the cave where the body of Christ rested before the Resurrection, lamps light themselves.

    Today, on Holy Saturday, about ten thousand believers will witness the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. The entire temple and the area in front of the temple will be filled with believers. Many climb onto the roofs of houses,

    The sacred fire miraculously ignites during the prayer of Patriarch Theophilus of Jerusalem, as happens every year on the eve of Orthodox Easter. Before this, when the primate appears in the temple, many chant: “Axios,” which translated from Greek means “worthy.”

    After the fire descends, Patriarch Theophilus hands it over to the believers, who light a bunch of 33 candles from it - according to the age of Jesus Christ. Pilgrims wash their faces and heads with the Holy Fire, since in the first minutes it does not burn the skin and hair. Believers light lamps and oil lamps to bring fire to their homes.

    The miracle of the descent of fire is preceded by a complex ceremony: the doors of the edicule - the small chapel in which the Holy Sepulcher is located - are sealed with a large bright yellow wax seal as a sign that its inspection has been completed and there is nothing in it that would allow the primate of Jerusalem Orthodox Church Patriarch Theophilus to light the fire using ordinary means.

    20-30 minutes after the edicule is sealed, Orthodox Arab youth run into the temple, whose presence is also mandatory. Young people asking the Mother of God and the Lord to grant the Holy Fire, and shouting: “Our faith is right, our faith is Orthodox.”

    Shortly before the appearance of Patriarch Theophilos, the seal on the door of the edicule is removed, and a large lamp and 33 candles are brought into the cave. The Patriarch then goes inside and the anticipation ensues. Those present pray, asking the Lord to grant fire. The prayer continues until a miracle occurs.

  2. 34 (?) Apostle Peter, according to the testimony of St. The Fathers of the Church saw sensually the light that illuminated the Holy Sepulcher” See Saint Gregory of Nyssa (+394). The second word is about the Resurrection. John of Damascus. Octoechos. First Sunday Sedal. Voice eight.
    Saint Gregory of Nyssa (+394). In the second word on the Resurrection he writes about the Apostle Peter (1st century) who saw the Holy Light. St. Gregory of Nyssa. The second word is about the Resurrection. IV century

    The works of the church historian Eusebius (IV century) describe how under Patriarch Narcissus (II century) there was not enough oil in the lamp on Easter. Water was poured into it from the spring of Siloam. The lamp was lit by heavenly fire and burned throughout the Easter service. See Eusebius Pamphilus. Church history // Theological works / Moscow Patriarchate. M., 1982-1985. Sat. 23-25 ​​rep. : M. : Publishing house. Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery, 1993. Book 6. Chapter 9. 1-3.
    Silvia of Aquitaine, 385. The work “Sylvia’s Pilgrimage” - opened in the library of the Abbey of Rossano (Calabria, Italy).

    Theodosius the Great (+395), who, according to legend, visited Jerusalem secretly, entered the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, all the lamps lit up by themselves. “This miracle surprised the patriarch, but an Angel revealed to him that the pilgrim was not an ordinary man, but the holy king of Feodosia.” Bishop Porfiry (Uspensky). The Book of My Genesis, Part 3. St. Petersburg. , 1896, p. 299-300.
    The Monk John of Damascus (780), in his church hymns, often mentions the light that miraculously shone on the Holy Sepulcher. So, for example: “Quick Peter presented himself to the Sepulcher and, the light in vain in the sepulchre, was horrified” See Octoechos, Sunday sedalene, tone 8, etc.

    The Muslim Arab Al-Jahiz (died 869) in his work “The Book of Animals” gives a critical mention of the Holy Fire. “The guardians of the temples did not cease to arrange various tricks for the people, such as the trick of the monks with the lamps of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem (claiming) that the oil in the lamps is lit without fire at night on one holiday.” Krachkovsky I. Yu. “The Holy Fire” based on the story of al-Biruni and other Muslim writers of the 10th-13th centuries. - Christian East. T. 3. Issue. 3. Pg. , 1915, p. 231.

    The Latin monk Bernard, (865 or about 870) writes in his itinerary: “On Holy Saturday, which is the eve of Easter, the service begins early and after the service is sung, Lord have mercy until, with the coming of the Angel, the light in the lamps hanging over the Tomb. » Mabilon. Acta Saneta. T.III. P.II. p. 473.

    Codex of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem Hagios Stauros 43 HS 43 (IX century)
    The book of the famous Arab jurist Ahmed ibn al-Qass (died 936) “Signs of the Qibla” says the following: “On the day of Holy Saturday, people come out from the place of the tomb to the rock around which the choirs; (from them) they look at the place of the tomb, everyone prays and bows before the Almighty God from the time of early prayer until sunset. The emir and imam of the mosque are present. The ruler locks the door to the coffin and sits down next to it. They all remain like this until they see a light like white fire coming out of the inside of the coffin. The ruler then opens the door of the tomb and enters there. In his hands is a candle, which he lights from this fire and then takes out. ..He gives it to the imam, who carries this candle and lights the lamps of the mosque. ..A report about this is written to the ruler, saying that the fire came down at such and such a time on such and such a day. When he came down on time morning prayer, this serves as a sign for them that the year will not be fertile, but also not dry; if it descended at noon, this indicates a lean year.” Krachkovsky I. Yu. “The Holy Fire” based on the story of al-Biruni and other Muslim writers of the 10th-13th centuries // Christian East. St. Petersburg , 1915, T. 111. Issue. 3. pp. 231-232.
    Abu el-Abbas Ahmad, like contemporary polemicists of the tenth century, details how the Muslim governor of Jerusalem closes the doors of the Holy Sepulcher before the appearance of fire and, when its white flashes become visible inside the tomb, he opens the door leading to the Tomb and then the fire is lit lamps. Per

In addition to Easter cakes and Easter eggs, Lent and religious processions, in Rus', on the eve of Easter, special attention was always paid to the Holy Fire. It is on the eve of Orthodox Easter that every year a divine service is held in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Jerusalem, after which the Holy Fire is taken out.

The phenomenon of the appearance of the Holy Fire is ancient. When does the Holy Fire 2018 descend? Like many centuries in a row - always on Holy Saturday, but this phenomenon does not have a strict time schedule for the day.

How does alignment work?

Fire has been appearing in this Jerusalem temple for thousands of years. The earliest mentions of this phenomenon can be found in books dating back to the 4th century. The ceremony when the Holy Fire descends in Jerusalem begins one day before the start of Orthodox Easter. That is, in 2018 it will take place on April 7. Pilgrims from all over the world gather in the temple, who want to see with their own eyes the miracle of the descent of the Holy Fire. At the same time, the temple can accommodate up to ten thousand people, and at the ceremony of the descent of the Holy Fire, not only Christians, but also Muslims, Jews and even atheists gather there.

A lamp containing oil but no fire is placed in the middle of the spoon. Pieces of cotton wool are laid out around, and tape is laid along the edges. The first signs of divine power begin to appear on the morning of Holy Saturday. You can hear the thunder even though it's outside good weather. This continues for several hours, after which the temple is illuminated by a flash of bright light - a harbinger of the descent of Heavenly Fire. Next, prayers, processions and rituals are held until the expected miracle occurs. It does not happen on a schedule, because the divine power simply does not have it.

After another flash, the temple is surrounded by lightning and glare, which spread among the pilgrims. The fire begins to burn in the altar and slowly descends along the candles to the believers. It is believed that the first ten minutes of fire have amazing properties - it does not burn. Therefore, believers try to light their candles from Heavenly fire precisely during this time period.

It is extremely important whether the Holy Fire descends in 2018, because its descent is a symbol that life will continue, that God has blessed humanity. What will happen if not the blessed one will descend fire? It is believed that this will be an omen of the imminent end of the world. It is for this reason that believers all over the world are waiting for the descent of Heavenly Fire. But also, of course, because this process is a great miracle of the modern world.

Let the Holy and Great holiday take place in accordance with all customs and traditions. In particular, on Holy Saturday we should look forward to the Holy Fire. Each believer contributes to ensuring that this fire comes down from Heaven every year. The sincere faith and righteous life of every person is the greatest gratitude and respect that a person can show to Jesus Christ for his suffering on the cross for the atonement of human sins.

Holy Saturday 2018 (April 7) is the day when the Holy Fire 2018 descends. Many TV channels broadcast this event in real time, therefore, you can follow the descent of the Holy Fire from anywhere in the world.