Why do we dream about human language? Why do you dream about Language? Language according to Aesop's dream book

A dream in which you see a dish of beef tongue on the table speaks of the meaninglessness of your actions. Everything you do will not bring any results, you will just waste your energy, time, and money.

Stop, take a breath, let the situation develop on its own, go with the flow and wait for the right moment to resume activity.

If you saw the tongue of a cow or a bull in a dream, then you need to diversify your dull sex life, otherwise it will be difficult to revive passion later. Decide on bold experiments.

Soon you will have such an opportunity, don’t miss it, take the chance to make your intimate sphere brighter and more interesting.

Dreaming about dirty tongue

Why do you dream of a dirty tongue? You should control your desire to speak out; sometimes words are unnecessary. Sloppy phrases can cause dissatisfaction among others and get you into trouble.

Carefully watch your language in the coming days, restrain the comments born in your head that you want to express, otherwise you will ruin your relationships with people and find yourself in an awkward situation.

Long tongue in a dream

Also, such a dream can be interpreted as a reflection of your oratorical abilities, the ability to find a common language with your interlocutor, the gift of playfully conducting small talk, and starting dialogues on complex topics.

Use your unique skills and advantages wisely, wisely manage your available intellectual resources, then you will be able to achieve incredible success in any business.

Why do you dream about a coated tongue?

Did you dream that an unpleasant coating formed on your tongue? The Dream Interpretation Oracle predicts negative changes that will affect all areas of your life. Along with them will come experiences, disappointments, unpleasant emotions, and depression.

Don't let your feelings take over, don't worry about what doesn't depend on you. Try to come to terms with the upcoming changes, adapt to them, and find an approach.

I dreamed that my tongue was swollen

A dream about a swollen tongue is a symbol of quarrelsomeness and scandalousness. Such a dream is often overly direct, open to people involved in the spread of various rumors and gossip.

People around you consider you an immodest, intrusive person, which is why your merits go unnoticed. Rethink your behavior, principles, open up to people from the other side in order to earn their respect and recognition.

I dream about my tongue falling off

Did you dream that your tongue suddenly fell off? The dream book explains a similar plot depending on the gender of the dreamer. The interpretation of a dream recommends that a woman be less frank, more vigilant, otherwise her enemies will turn the words they hear against her.

The dream advises a man to be careful in his statements addressed to representatives of the fairer sex, as phrases may be misunderstood, which will lead to unpleasant misunderstandings, awkward situations, and a damaged reputation.

Talk less, listen more - arm yourself with this motto for the near future. Follow your comments to avoid unnecessary explanations and difficult troubles.

Bite off your tongue according to the dream book

If you dream about your tongue being bitten off, problems in the intimate sphere await you, which may lead to misunderstandings with your partner. Difficulties in sex can be caused by self-doubt and fatigue. Also, a dream sometimes hints at your need for a new relationship.

Don't worry, just sit back, relax, relax by candlelight or soak in a warm bubble bath. You need to restore strength, energy, relieve tension, then your sex life will also improve.

Dream about a pierced tongue

Why do you dream of a pierced tongue? Dream Interpretation Oracle reminds you: your talkativeness can lead to trouble. According to another interpretation, this symbol means problems related to the health of family and friends.

Show sincere attention to the people you care about, surround them with care, ask about their well-being, and offer to be examined by a doctor.

Tongue in the mouth according to the dream book

Did you dream about your tongue in your mouth? Most likely, you lack communication skills. It is difficult for you to meet people, find topics for conversation, and maintain a dialogue.

If you dreamed that you couldn’t find your tongue in your mouth, then you don’t have a suitable sexual partner nearby, which makes you irritated due to unmet needs. The situation has a bad effect not only on your emotional state, but also on loved ones who suffer due to your irritability.

Why do you dream about tongue? The simplest and most truthful interpretation is that you talk too much or, on the contrary, trust other people’s chatter. So what does this multifaceted image mean? Dream books will help you understand what you saw in your dream.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you dreamed that your tongue had become large and did not fit in your mouth, then the dream book is sure that you will rightly suffer from your own intemperance in speech. Foreign language marks a scandal or dispute.

Interpretation according to the new family dream book

Why do you dream about your own tongue? The dream book is sure that you should not count on friends. If you stuck your tongue out at night, then your behavior will lead to a major conflict. Did you see a wound on your tongue? Stop talking, otherwise you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation.

Interpretation according to the modern combined dream book

In a dream, one's tongue signifies the loss of respect from loved ones. Have you ever seen someone else's tongue? Your reputation will suffer because of someone else's wrongdoing. Your own tongue in wounds and pimples warns of the troubles that a careless word will bring.

Opinion of the Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about language? In a dream, it reflects the opinion and thoughts of the dreamer. If you dreamed that your tongue was swollen and you could not speak, then just one extra word will lead to misfortune. This is also a hint that the dreamer often lies.

Did you dream that the tip of your tongue was cut off? In reality, you will not be able to provide compelling evidence of your innocence or defend your point of view. Seeing your wife or girlfriend with her tongue cut out means that the lady is extremely pious and well-mannered.

If in a dream your tongue was completely cut out, then in reality you will believe false speeches without hesitation. Feeling that your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth or cheek means that you will try to avoid paying a debt or will spill someone else’s secret.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream about tongue? Miller's dream book is sure that your acquaintances will turn their backs on you. Seeing someone else's language means a scandal due to your own fault. Any wounds on the tongue should be taken as a warning that you need to weigh every word spoken.

Interpretation of sleep according to Freud's dream book

Did you dream that another character was teasing by showing his tongue? This is a sign of long-term abstinence. Did you dream that you burned the tip of your tongue? Judge people more carefully, and especially do not stoop to spreading gossip.

Did you happen to bite your tongue in a dream? Someone will trust you with their secret, and it is up to you what you will do in the future with the incriminating evidence you receive.

I dreamed about a tongue - according to Aesop’s dream book

Why do you dream that your tongue is covered with ulcers and boils? Excessive talkativeness will bring the most unpredictable consequences. Seeing your tongue cut out is a sign of surprise at the insincerity of a loved one.

Did you dream that this part of your body was completely lost? Get ready for a long streak of bad luck and failure. If someone sticks out their tongue at you, then in real life they will try to provoke you. Did someone grab your tongue in a dream? In reality you won’t be able to lie; your lie will certainly be revealed. Did you accidentally bite your tongue? Don't believe everything people say.

Did you happen to cook a dish from an animal's tongue in a dream? The dream book is confident that you will overcome all life's adversities.

What does a person's tongue mean?

Your own language warns that you will lose respect due to rash steps or idle chatter. A foreign language symbolizes a scandalous situation with unpredictable consequences.

Did you dream that someone was sticking out their tongue? This means you need to be wary of gossip. Seeing your tongue means talkativeness will get you into big trouble. Sometimes human language symbolizes complexity or, on the contrary, ease of communication. The vision also warns of a situation where you will have to understand literally without words.

I dreamed about an animal's tongue

Why do you dream that you saw or ate a dish made from tongue? In real life, get an education or touch forbidden knowledge. Cooking something from an animal’s tongue yourself means that in real life you will pass a difficult test and gain the necessary experience from it.

Seeing your tongue in a dream

If in a dream you miraculously managed to see your own tongue, then the vision calls for prudence and wisdom in solving a difficult problem. If this part of the body seemed unnaturally long in your dreams, then it’s time to leave all your troubles and experiences in the past and think about your future life.

Foreign language - what does it mean?

Why do you dream that you had to learn a foreign language? In reality, you have to communicate with a person who came from another country. At the same time, it is possible that communication will be very close - intimate.

Did you have to study a foreign language in a dream? A real prospect of getting a more advanced position loomed ahead. If in a dream you spoke a foreign language, then perhaps you will go on a trip or marry a foreigner.

Did you dream that you don’t understand the language that everyone speaks? In reality, you will find yourself in a position of complete misunderstanding.

Tongue in a dream

Why do you dream about tongue? This image has many meanings, so it can act as a part of the body or a certain action. For a more accurate interpretation of a dream, it is worth remembering even the sensations and taste of the food you eat.

  • tongue is long, but of a regular shape - gossip/eloquence
  • short – profit, prosperity
  • serpentine forked - slander, slander
  • swollen - illness of a loved one
  • cut - harm from personal actions
  • cut off completely - danger
  • licking ice cream is good news
  • taste sour - disappointment
  • bitter - resentment
  • sweet - improvement
  • sticking your tongue out at someone is shameless behavior
  • burn - contagious disease
  • bite - be less frank
  • to the point of bleeding - a vain hope
  • pip on the tongue - bad news
  • human – natural disaster, misfortune
  • animal - worries, troubles
  • preparing aspic from it is an invitation to a gala feast
  • there are positive changes in business

Based on the interpretations presented, it is not difficult to understand what language means in dreams. In a dream, he most often calls for restraint both in speech and in actions.

In the dream book, language is included as a symbol of connections and communications. Man is a social being and achieves much in life through communication.

Feelings and thoughts are expressed through words. Through language we can provide support or express sarcasm.

So why do you dream about language? Just as the use of speech is varied, the interpretation of sleep can also be different. The dream focuses on the fact that you hear a foreign speech - the meaning is one, if you see the language as a cooked dish - a completely different meaning.

When you dream of a language, the semantic context of the dream becomes very important. Interpreting one dream episode separately from another is ineffective. Speech is a means of interaction, communication, community and conflict. Therefore, each episode of a dream is similar to a word, but we will understand the meaning of what was said only when a sentence is made from the words.

You need to remember the maximum number of events and episodes of the dream, then the reading will be able to give you wise and valuable advice.

Body part

1. Why do you dream about your tongue if you are being teased? A dream can be interpreted differently if the dream contexts are different.

  • If in a dream you see formally dressed characters, then the dream means disappointment in work matters.
  • If a woman teases you, then the dream suggests that you will soon plunge into a love adventure.

2. Why do you dream about your tongue if it hurts in your sleep? A dream may warn you in such a way that you will suffer from your own talkativeness. This may concern your boasting or a thoughtlessly thrown rude word.

3. If you dreamed that your tongue fell off. You can interpret such a plot in different ways, but in general the meaning is this: one or more commutative connections are broken.

  • For example, you hoped for the protection of a strong person, but for some reason help was refused.
  • Or they will block your access to something important or significant for you. For example, at work a promising project will be denied.

4. If the tongue is longer than usual. If you see your tongue like this in a dream, then the dream may indicate your excessive talkativeness.

Remember, maybe you were entrusted with a secret, but you were unable to keep it? In any case, you need to know that talkativeness can let you down. When you see a long snake sting on another person, the plot can be interpreted to mean that you should beware of slander.

5. Why do you dream about the language in which the industries. The interpreter foretells that you will have to earn money by talking - the more hair, the greater the expected fee. Lectures, seminars, trainings or consultations - think about how you can use the chance to earn extra money.

Foreign speech

The dream also advises you to become more attentive to those around you - who in your close circle is stronger and more successful than they show to others. It is possible that you will be able to “pick up the key” to this person.

4. Hear an unfamiliar conversation and understand it as your own. The interpretation foretells that someone else's secret will be revealed to you. The secret will most likely be of a commercial nature.

Seeing a dish in a dream

1. See cooked beef tongue. The interpretation foretells that someone’s speech will bring you a lot of income. It is possible that someone will say a good word about you to your superiors, which will become an impetus for accelerated promotion.

It will be good if you don't miss the chance and last through the trial period. Then the word about you as a promising employee will spread beyond the boundaries of the enterprise.

2. Seeing a mountain of cooked tongues on a platter. Such a dream can be interpreted to mean that in the near future you will acquire many business connections. There will be so many friends and partners that for some period you will find yourself at the center of rotation of various affairs and acquaintances.

3. in a dream, a poorly prepared dish. If in a dream you eat meat that is too tough or burnt, then the plot is interpreted as a warning against an argument, discussion or bet. The subconscious senses the risk of such actions and advises you to beware, act wisely and not seek the truth in a dispute, even if a dispute is forced on you.

Dreams that involve conversation in one form or another are remembered by an avalanche of plot events. It's like a good movie that keeps the viewer in suspense from the first minute to the last. Therefore, for a correct interpretation, it is so important to be able to remember the nuances and use them when interpreting a dream. Author: Igor Vaskin

A tongue in a dream symbolizes the need to keep your thoughts to yourself. To understand why such a dream occurs, you should remember your dream in detail and interpret what you saw in relation to the events and circumstances in real life. Then use the dream book.

In Miller's dream book, the interpretation of sleep - language, foreshadows tense relationships with people around him due to the excessive talkativeness of the sleeping person. Seeing a stranger means the risk of becoming the instigator of a huge scandal.

Miss Hasse's dream book associates the meaning of sleep with language with idle and idle chatter, as well as with words spoken into the wind that will never come true.

According to the esoteric dream book, seeing your tongue in a dream indicates that the dreamer said or is tempted to blurt out something unnecessary, which he will bitterly regret. If someone shows this part of the body to a sleeping person in a dream, it means that one should not trust one’s secrets to anyone and should not be frank, since others may find out about it.

Body part

If a woman’s tongue falls off in a dream, it means, according to the dream book, you should be wary of frankness, which will then “backfire.” An unpleasant situation or even trouble will be on the young lady’s conscience. For a man, such an image speaks of the need to watch his words when talking with the opposite sex.

For people who consider themselves straightforward and frank with others and with themselves, a dream in which the tongue is swollen indicates quarrelsomeness and a tendency to gossip. It is worth reconsidering your life and moral principles, since the environment perceives a person not as a straightforward person, but as a gossip and intriguer.

Growing or grown hair on the tongue is predicted by the dream book to talk a lot. People working in the field of television journalism, education and public speaking should present information to listeners in moderation, since an overabundance of material will lead to fatigue and rejection of information.

Despite the pleasant and exciting sensations in a dream, in most cases a kiss with the tongue indicates a person’s deceit, the ability to slander and spread lies.

A girl who dreams of kissing a man with her tongue indicates the dishonest intentions of the young man. False speeches about love, marriage and family should not be taken seriously, since the guy intends to have a pleasant time with the young lady and go home.

It is useful to know why you dream of a cut off tongue. For a man, such a dream warns that in moments of rage, he should keep his mouth shut, because, giving free rein to his own emotions, he can say something to his opponent that he will bitterly regret and repent of. Moreover, the punishment for your incontinence will also be severe.

A tongue torn out by the roots in a dream testifies to the mental anguish and worries that the dreamer experiences due to his momentary weakness in a moment of frankness. Because the news that a sleeping person told a certain person will very quickly reach the ears of the person in question.

Dream books ambiguously interpret what a pierced tongue means in dreams. On the one hand, it stands for punishment for excessive talkativeness, on the other hand, it broadcasts about health problems among the person’s family and friends.

Why do you dream about a person’s tongue? Freud's dream book indicates the need to diversify your intimate life with new poses and sophisticated caresses. Seeing someone sticking out their tongue in a dream means a person’s long-term sexual abstinence and the need to “let off steam,” since this already interferes with communication with people.

I dreamed of a tongue that the dreamer examines in the mirror, a desire for exquisite intimate caresses and a misunderstanding of why the partner does not want to give pleasure to the desire.

Why do you dream about an animal's tongue? The dream book deciphers this image as exclusively positive, which indicates the dreamer’s popularity, his ability to gain authority and be in the center of attention. The opportunity to be known as an erudite and intellectual in narrow circles, which will provide an opportunity to establish business connections and sign lucrative contracts.

It’s interesting to know why you dream about beef tongue. The dish characterizes the meaninglessness of the actions of a sleeping person, wasted time. Part of the body is interpreted as an opportunity to experiment in sex.

The article on the topic: “pulling out the tongue in a dream book” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

LANGUAGE traditionally interpreted as something related to the manifestation of the “I”. For example, forked

Tongue means deceit, and if you happen to bite your tongue in a dream, then this has to do with excessive talkativeness, however, a bitten tongue can also mean a complex of a silent person or a silent person. In dreams, someone’s tongue can even be torn out, which does not mean absolute speechlessness; most likely, the person is overly worried that he was deprived of words at some crucial moment, ignored as a person. Dreaming of black hairs on the tongue can be evidence of either true rudeness or fear of looking uncultured in conversations or saying something stupid. However, we should not forget that the tongue also has a second, no less important function - it is an organ that serves to determine the attractiveness of food. Disgusting long tongues appear in dreams of vampiric content. All sorts of ulcers and warts on the tongue are evidence of vicious tastes. But you can also catch an infection, because the absorption of food can be both biological and informational. It is very easy to become infected through “feeding” on rotten social and cultural substrates, since few people are aware of such a danger. So, language personifies the nature of self-expression and tastes of a person, as always some problems come to the fore.

Dream: I’m sitting on the fence, and the villagers are milling around inside the yard, some sitting, some walking. I see one little man attacking another. I go down, separate them and see that the one he attacked is my father. I grab the little man in my arms and drag him out of the gate and put him on the ground. And then I see that it’s not a man, but a tongue, with a beard and a hat, seemingly dressed.

Interpretation: Interesting beginning – “I’m sitting on the fence.” The meaning here is complex. The man undertakes to judge relationships (is above others), to protect people from all sorts of troubles (fence) and at the same time feels his power and importance (sits on the fence). At first everything went according to plan, the offender was expelled from the territory of interest, but then suddenly the “little man-criminal” turns into a tongue with a beard and a hat. The dream revealed an amazing game of the subconscious - the man considers his father’s criticism, objective in its own way, (in reality there is really something to criticize for) his property. This is a dream about how the Ego can take credit for absolutely any fact. No matter what a person does, the Ego will always turn things around in such a way that the “master” remains the best. In this case, the Ego cuts coupons out of objectivity and good intentions and justice. It’s interesting how the hat in the “tongue” symbolizes the attribute of power, the beard symbolizes wisdom, and the clothing symbolizes social decency.

Dream Interpretation Language, why you dream about seeing a tongue in a dream

From this article you can find out why you dream about the Language from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about Tongue: interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream about language in the fall?

Tongue – Anyone who sees a tongue in a dream should be extremely careful in conversation.

Why do people dream about language in the summer?

Language - A scandal will break out through alcohol, a quarrel will break out until divorce, this is the interpretation of what you dream at night.

Why does a woman dream about Tongue, what is this dream about?

Dreaming about Tongue - If you saw someone's tongue in a dream, you can cause a scandal. Dreaming of your own tongue means a serious disagreement with friends. If you see your tongue wounded, moderate your talkativeness, it does no good to anyone.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about Language, interpretation of sleep:

Language - Empty chatter, unpleasant person; swollen - illness, misfortune; short – profit; injured - illness of relatives.

What does language mean and why do you dream:

Tongue - To have a swollen tongue means a passion for chatter, an inability to keep secrets and talkativeness that bores everyone; a tongue in wounds portends illness to a wife or close relative; the tongue of some animal foreshadows our glorification of our learning.

Dream book of the writer Aesop

Why do you dream about Language in the everyday sense?

Language - One of the famous ancient rulers offered to bring his slave something that is not more beautiful in the world. He brought him the tongue on a golden platter. To his master’s surprised question, he replied that everything beautiful in this world is accomplished with the help of language and with its help is destroyed. If this image appears in your dream, remember one popular wisdom: “The tongue waters, feeds, and whips your back.” Or: “The tongue is small, but it controls the whole body.” Perhaps an unexpected message awaits you or you receive a warning through your dream that someone will try to slander you. You should also not forget that your excessive talkativeness can cause you a lot of trouble and suffering. If you saw some ulcers on your tongue in a dream, this means that your excessive talkativeness will have the most unpleasant consequences for you. Seeing a cut off tongue in a dream is evidence that in reality you will be unpleasantly surprised by the insincerity of your acquaintances or friends. A dream in which you feel that you have lost your tongue means that a long streak of failures has begun in your life. Seeing in a dream how someone teases you and sticks out their tongue at you is a sign that they will try to provoke you into an unworthy act. If in a dream you prepare a tasty and original dish from your tongue, then in reality you will be able to overcome all life’s obstacles. To see in a dream how someone grabs you by the tongue means that in reality your lie will be exposed. A dream in which you saw a long tongue symbolizes unexpected news or rumors. Biting your tongue in a dream is a symbol of the fact that in reality you should trust rumors and other people’s conjectures as little as possible. Seeing a long, snake tongue in a dream means slander and slander, the consequences of which can turn into a serious problem for you. If in a dream you lick ice cream with your tongue, expect good news in reality. Feeling a sour or bitter taste on your tongue is a disappointment.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

Why do you dream about Language, dream analysis:

Tongue - To dream of someone teasing you by sticking out their tongue - you have refrained for too long. It's time to have real sex, with all the accompanying emotions and sensations, and not imagine any colorful details - it will only get worse! Burning your tongue in a dream means you need to be more careful about what you say about other people. This may seem like directness or spontaneity to you, but others may have a different reaction - you will be accused of spreading gossip. Agree that this prospect does not bode well. If you dream that you are biting your tongue, it means that one of your friends will tell you a secret concerning the personal life of your mutual friend, and you will have to decide what to do next with this information; this is the interpretation of Language according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about the Language, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

Why do you dream about tongue in spring?

Language - To gossip, denunciation, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you dream about.

Why do you dream and how to interpret Language according to the dream book?

Tongue - Seeing a tongue in a dream means that in reality you should show wisdom and prudence: if the dreamed tongue is unnaturally long, you will soon have to worry about the future, mourning inconsolably what has passed.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

To see a dream about Language - Language symbolizes communication problems. “Swallowed my tongue, bit my tongue” is a characteristic of a person driven into a corner. Having a sore, swollen tongue means talking badly about someone, gossiping. Have a short tongue - others will pay attention to your intelligence.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about Tongue according to the dream book:

Language - If you see your own tongue in a dream, it means that soon your friends will turn away from you. If you see someone's tongue in a dream, the dream promises that you will soon become the cause of a scandal. If you see your tongue wounded, it means that your talkativeness will not bring you any good. This dream should be taken as a warning.

Why do you dream about the Tongue according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Tongue - If someone sees his tongue is long, he will talk a lot, and if he sees his tongue tied to something or falling out, then this is a sign of trouble and anxiety. If someone sees in a dream that hair has grown on his tongue, then the meaning of the dream is the same, so the dream that you are dreaming is deciphered ambiguously.

Why do we dream and what does Language mean in our time?

Language – Idle chatter

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming about Language, why?

Language is idle chatter.

What does language mean in dreams, interpretation:

Language - See what you said, or you will be tempted to say too much, which you will regret later. As they say, “tip your tongue.” You are shown not to trust your secrets to anyone, otherwise the whole world will know about them.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about Tongue according to the dream book?

Language – Idle chatter

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Language (speech) – Speak yourself – see Doing section. They tell you, the speech of others - see R. Sounds; speak a foreign language - see R. Conditions.

What does it mean when you dream about Tongue (part of the body) - Gossip, conversations; symbol of eloquence. Swollen, cut, long - harm from your chatter; wife's illness.

Dreamed / dreamed of a short tongue - Profit; cut off - danger; biting yourself until you bleed is a vain hope.

Tongue (part of the body) – “Sharp tongue”, “tongue without bones” (wit, offender); “long tongue” (talkative person). “keep your mouth shut” - remain silent, keep a secret; “lose your tongue, the power of speech” – surprise, fear; “on the tip of your tongue” – an attempt to remember. “The tongue cannot move” - the inability to say due to shame, guilt, or a promise to keep a secret. “bite your tongue” - cut off your speech, danger of letting it slip, getting scared. “loose your tongue” – the opportunity to speak freely; “to loosen someone’s tongue” - to force someone to be frank, to confess. “pulling the tongue” - forcing someone to speak. “well-spoken” – excellent ability to express one’s thoughts, hold a speech, give speeches (lectures, reports)

Languages ​​(foreign) – What an individual does not understand about himself. Everything is foreign, misunderstood. Occasionally symbolic dream language, reminiscent of a riddle in a foreign language. Symbolism of the desire to leave. Language associated with the enemy. Fear.

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about Language in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about Tongue according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about Language from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about Language according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about Language from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about Language in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about Tongue in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Thu December 01, 2016, 10:02:27

Wed July 27, 2016, 11:06:24

Tue July 12, 2016, 15:33:29

Please help me interpret the dream.

I dreamed that I was pulling my teeth out of my mouth, not one at a time, but in whole rows.

Then I dreamed that my tongue was half torn off hanging out in my mouth. I decide to bite it off entirely so that this piece doesn’t just hang around in my mouth.

Please tell me how to understand this disgrace.

Wed January 06, 2016, 14:11:47

Sat November 07, 2015, 10:04:36

Language in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Language interpretation of the dream book

Language in night dreams embodies the need to preserve one’s thoughts without revealing them to others. In the hope of understanding the meaning of a night vision about language, it is necessary to recall in detail the dreamed plot. Then interpret the details into events that should happen in reality. The interpreter will help you understand all this.

According to Miller's dream book, the interpretation of the dream language predicts strained relationships with strangers due to the dreamer's talkativeness. Did you happen to see another character's tongue? You risk becoming the culprit of a major conflict.

According to Hasse's dream book, language is comparable to idle talk. At the same time, the interpreter points out, you too often express phrases that have not yet been realized in reality.

According to the esoteric dream book, seeing your own tongue in a dream indicates that the sleeper has already spoken out or wants to express something that he will deeply regret in the future. If you have your tongue stuck out in your night dreams, this means you should not trust your secrets to strangers, because other people might find out about them.

Body part

When a woman’s tongue falls off in a dream, this means, according to the dream book, you need to be wary of outspoken statements that could be directed against you in the future. A bad incident or even a misfortune will be on the conscience of the young lady.

For male dreamers, a similar image indicates the need to control their statements when talking with representatives of the opposite sex.

For people who consider themselves frank with those around them, including themselves, a dream where you saw a swollen tongue means your tendency to spread gossip. You need to reevaluate your priorities in life and moral standards, because the people around you only think bad things about you.

Hair that grows on the tongue in a dream promises excessive chatter in the dream book. Persons working in educational institutions, journalists or presenters, need to present data to their public more moderately, because too much information will cause overwork and failure to perceive the data.

It is not difficult to understand why you dream of a long tongue. Such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s increased curiosity about the affairs of strangers, and the desire to tell everyone around him about something new. In addition, a similar plot is explained in the dream book as the dreamer’s talent for talking with different personalities at social events.

Despite the joyful and exciting feeling in a dream, a kiss with a tongue often means a person’s hypocrisy - a talent for misleading and telling lies.

For young ladies who had to kiss a guy with their tongue in their night dreams, this indicates his ungodly intentions. False declarations of love, desire to get married, or anything else should not be taken seriously. The young man just wants to show off a little with the young lady and then leave her.

It will not be superfluous to know why you dream of a cut off tongue. For representatives of the stronger sex, such a vision warns that in a fit of violent emotions he is capable of saying a lot of unnecessary things, which he will regret in the future. In addition, the payment for what he has done will be very severe.

As the dream book explains, a tongue pulled out by the roots personifies the mental anguish experienced by the sleeper in reality.

Dream books provide ambiguous explanations of what a pierced tongue means in dreams. First of all, the dream is interpreted as punishment for excessive chatter, and then it speaks of a deterioration in the well-being of relatives.

Why do you dream about a person’s tongue? According to Freud's dream book, the dreamer needs to be creative in bed with a partner. To see that someone is sticking out their tongue at you in a dream means that you are abstaining from intimacy for a long time, so you should loosen up. This way you will be able to establish good relationships with outsiders.

Did you dream that you were looking at the reflection of your tongue in the mirror? You want to be satisfied in bed through foreplay and other inventive activities.

Why do you dream about the tongue of the beast? The dream book interprets such an appearance as favorable, which indicates his fame, as well as his ability to maintain authority among the team and be at the center of all events. Perhaps you need to establish communication in a narrower circle of people, which will give good prospects for the future.

Are you interested in why you dream about beef tongue? Such a dish can characterize the sleeper from a negative side. In real life, he spends more time on meaningless actions. Language is explained in the same way as a chance to experiment in sex.

Scientific discipline

Speaking in the language of foreign peoples is explained as a sexual or love affair with a foreigner.

A dreaming Russian language teacher gives a hint to the dreamer that you need to control what you express. Your future in your career will depend on this, first of all.

For a young lady trying to learn English in her night dreams, the dream book promises a meeting with residents of another state.

Why do you dream about tongue?

Why do you dream about tongue? The simplest and most truthful interpretation is that you talk too much or, on the contrary, trust other people’s chatter. So what does this multifaceted image mean? Dream books will help you understand what you saw in your dream.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If you dreamed that your tongue had become large and did not fit in your mouth, then the dream book is sure that you will rightly suffer from your own intemperance in speech. Foreign language marks a scandal or dispute.

Interpretation according to the new family dream book

Why do you dream about your own tongue? The dream book is sure that you should not count on friends. If you stuck your tongue out at night, then your behavior will lead to a major conflict. Did you see a wound on your tongue? Stop talking, otherwise you will find yourself in a very unpleasant situation.

Interpretation according to the modern combined dream book

In a dream, one's tongue signifies the loss of respect from loved ones. Have you ever seen someone else's tongue? Your reputation will suffer because of someone else's wrongdoing. Your own tongue in wounds and pimples warns of the troubles that a careless word will bring.

Opinion of the Islamic dream book

Why do you dream about language? In a dream, it reflects the opinion and thoughts of the dreamer. If you dreamed that your tongue was swollen and you could not speak, then just one extra word will lead to misfortune. This is also a hint that the dreamer often lies.

Did you dream that the tip of your tongue was cut off? In reality, you will not be able to provide compelling evidence of your innocence or defend your point of view. Seeing your wife or girlfriend with her tongue cut out means that the lady is extremely pious and well-mannered.

If in a dream your tongue was completely cut out, then in reality you will believe false speeches without hesitation. Feeling that your tongue is stuck to the roof of your mouth or cheek means that you will try to avoid paying a debt or will spill someone else’s secret.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream about tongue? Miller's dream book is sure that your acquaintances will turn their backs on you. Seeing someone else's language means a scandal due to your own fault. Any wounds on the tongue should be taken as a warning that you need to weigh every word spoken.

Interpretation of sleep according to Freud's dream book

Did you dream that another character was teasing by showing his tongue? This is a sign of long-term abstinence. Did you dream that you burned the tip of your tongue? Judge people more carefully, and especially do not stoop to spreading gossip.

Did you happen to bite your tongue in a dream? Someone will trust you with their secret, and it is up to you what you will do in the future with the incriminating evidence you receive.

I dreamed about a tongue - according to Aesop’s dream book

Why do you dream that your tongue is covered with ulcers and boils? Excessive talkativeness will bring the most unpredictable consequences. Seeing your tongue cut out is a sign of surprise at the insincerity of a loved one.

Did you dream that this part of your body was completely lost? Get ready for a long streak of bad luck and failure. If someone sticks out their tongue at you, then in real life they will try to provoke you. Did someone grab your tongue in a dream? In reality you won’t be able to lie; your lie will certainly be revealed. Did you accidentally bite your tongue? Don't believe everything people say.

Did you happen to cook a dish from an animal's tongue in a dream? The dream book is confident that you will overcome all life's adversities.

What does a person's tongue mean?

Your own language warns that you will lose respect due to rash steps or idle chatter. A foreign language symbolizes a scandalous situation with unpredictable consequences.

Did you dream that someone was sticking out their tongue? This means you need to be wary of gossip. Seeing your tongue means talkativeness will get you into big trouble. Sometimes human language symbolizes complexity or, on the contrary, ease of communication. The vision also warns of a situation where you will have to understand literally without words.

I dreamed about an animal's tongue

Why do you dream that you saw or ate a dish made from tongue? In real life, get an education or touch forbidden knowledge. Cooking something from an animal’s tongue yourself means that in real life you will pass a difficult test and gain the necessary experience from it.

Seeing your tongue in a dream

If in a dream you miraculously managed to see your own tongue, then the vision calls for prudence and wisdom in solving a difficult problem. If this part of the body seemed unnaturally long in your dreams, then it’s time to leave all your troubles and experiences in the past and think about your future life.

Foreign language - what does it mean?

Why do you dream that you had to learn a foreign language? In reality, you have to communicate with a person who came from another country. At the same time, it is possible that communication will be very close - intimate.

Did you have to study a foreign language in a dream? A real prospect of getting a more advanced position loomed ahead. If in a dream you spoke a foreign language, then perhaps you will go on a trip or marry a foreigner.

Did you dream that you don’t understand the language that everyone speaks? In reality, you will find yourself in a position of complete misunderstanding.

Tongue in a dream

Why do you dream about tongue? This image has many meanings, so it can act as a part of the body or a certain action. For a more accurate interpretation of a dream, it is worth remembering even the sensations and taste of the food you eat.

  • tongue is long, but of a regular shape - gossip/eloquence
  • short – profit, prosperity
  • serpentine forked - slander, slander
  • swollen - illness of a loved one
  • cut - harm from personal actions
  • cut off completely - danger
  • licking ice cream is good news
  • taste sour - disappointment
  • bitter - resentment
  • sweet - improvement
  • sticking your tongue out at someone is shameless behavior
  • burn - contagious disease
  • bite - be less frank
  • to the point of bleeding - a vain hope
  • pip on the tongue - bad news
  • human – natural disaster, misfortune
  • animal - worries, troubles