What digit is the number rounded off from? How to round decimals

Today we will look at a rather boring topic, without understanding which it is not possible to move on. This topic is called “rounding numbers” or in other words “approximate values ​​of numbers.”

Lesson content

Approximate values

Approximate (or approximate) values ​​are used when exact value it is impossible to find something, or this value is not important for the object being studied.

For example, in words one can say that half a million people live in a city, but this statement will not be true, since the number of people in the city changes - people come and leave, are born and die. Therefore, it would be more correct to say that the city lives approximately half a million people.

Another example. Classes start at nine in the morning. We left the house at 8:30. After some time on the road, we met a friend who asked us what time it was. When we left the house it was 8:30, we spent some unknown time on the road. We don’t know what time it is, so we answer our friend: “now approximately about nine o'clock."

In mathematics, approximate values ​​are indicated using special sign. It looks like this:

Read as "approximately equal."

To indicate the approximate value of something, they resort to such an operation as rounding numbers.

Rounding numbers

To find an approximate value, an operation such as rounding numbers.

The word "rounding" speaks for itself. To round a number means to make it round. A number that ends in zero is called round. For example, the following numbers are round,

10, 20, 30, 100, 300, 700, 1000

Any number can be made round. The procedure by which a number is made round is called rounding the number.

We have already dealt with “rounding” numbers when we divided large numbers. Let us recall that for this we left the digit forming the most significant digit unchanged, and replaced the remaining digits with zeros. But these were just sketches that we made to make division easier. A kind of life hack. In fact, this was not even a rounding of numbers. That is why at the beginning of this paragraph we put the word rounding in quotation marks.

In fact, the essence of rounding is to find the closest value from the original. At the same time, the number can be rounded to a certain digit - to the tens digit, the hundreds digit, the thousand digit.

Let's look at a simple example of rounding. Given the number 17. You need to round it to the tens place.

Without getting ahead of ourselves, let’s try to understand what “round to the tens place” means. When they say to round the number 17, we are required to find the nearest round number for the number 17. Moreover, during this search, changes may also affect the number that is in the tens place in the number 17 (i.e., ones).

Let's imagine that all numbers from 10 to 20 lie on a straight line:

The figure shows that for the number 17 the nearest round number is 20. So the answer to the problem will be like this: 17 is approximately equal to 20

17 ≈ 20

We found an approximate value for 17, that is, we rounded it to the tens place. It can be seen that after rounding, a new digit 2 appeared in the tens place.

Let's try to find an approximate number for the number 12. To do this, imagine again that all numbers from 10 to 20 lie on a straight line:

The figure shows that the nearest round number for 12 is the number 10. So the answer to the problem will be like this: 12 is approximately equal to 10

12 ≈ 10

We found an approximate value for 12, that is, we rounded it to the tens place. This time the number 1, which was in the tens place in the number 12, did not suffer from rounding. We will look at why this happened later.

Let's try to find the closest number for the number 15. Let's imagine again that all numbers from 10 to 20 lie on a straight line:

The figure shows that the number 15 is equally distant from the round numbers 10 and 20. The question arises: which of these round numbers will be the approximate value for the number 15? For such cases, we agreed to take the larger number as an approximate one. 20 is greater than 10, so the approximation for 15 is 20

15 ≈ 20

Large numbers can also be rounded. Naturally, it is not possible for them to draw a straight line and depict numbers. There is a way for them. For example, let's round the number 1456 to the tens place.

We must round 1456 to the tens place. The tens place begins at five:

Now we temporarily forget about the existence of the first numbers 1 and 4. The number remaining is 56

Now we look at which round number is closer to the number 56. Obviously, the closest round number for 56 is the number 60. So we replace the number 56 with the number 60

So, when rounding the number 1456 to the tens place, we get 1460

1456 ≈ 1460

It can be seen that after rounding the number 1456 to the tens place, the changes affected the tens place itself. In the new number obtained, the tens place now contains the number 6, not 5.

You can round numbers not only to the tens place. You can also round to the hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands place.

Once it becomes clear that rounding is nothing more than searching for the nearest number, you can apply ready-made rules that make rounding numbers much easier.

First rounding rule

From the previous examples it became clear that when rounding a number to a certain digit, the low-order digits are replaced by zeros. Numbers that are replaced by zeros are called discarded digits.

The first rounding rule is as follows:

If, when rounding numbers, the first digit to be discarded is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

For example, let's round the number 123 to the tens place.

First of all, we find the digit to be stored. To do this, you need to read the task itself. The digit being stored is located in the digit referred to in the task. The assignment says: round the number 123 to tens place.

We see that there is a two in the tens place. So the digit to be stored is 2

Now we find the first of the discarded digits. The first digit to be discarded is the digit that comes after the digit to be stored. We see that the first digit after the two is the number 3. This means the number 3 is first digit to be discarded.

Now we apply the rounding rule. It says that if, when rounding numbers, the first digit to be discarded is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

That's what we do. We leave the stored digit unchanged, and replace all low-order digits with zeros. In other words, we replace everything that follows the number 2 with zeros (more precisely, zero):

123 ≈ 120

This means that when rounding the number 123 to the tens place, we get the number 120 approximating it.

Now let's try to round the same number 123, but to hundreds place.

We need to round the number 123 to the hundreds place. Again we are looking for the number to be saved. This time the digit being stored is 1 because we are rounding the number to the hundreds place.

Now we find the first of the discarded digits. The first digit to be discarded is the digit that comes after the digit to be stored. We see that the first digit after one is the number 2. This means that the number 2 is first digit to be discarded:

Now let's apply the rule. It says that if, when rounding numbers, the first digit to be discarded is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

That's what we do. We leave the stored digit unchanged, and replace all low-order digits with zeros. In other words, we replace everything that follows the number 1 with zeros:

123 ≈ 100

This means that when rounding the number 123 to the hundreds place, we get the approximate number 100.

Example 3. Round 1234 to the tens place.

Here the retained digit is 3. And the first discarded digit is 4.

This means we leave the saved number 3 unchanged, and replace everything that is located after it with zero:

1234 ≈ 1230

Example 4. Round 1234 to the hundreds place.

Here, the retained digit is 2. And the first discarded digit is 3. According to the rule, if, when rounding numbers, the first of the discarded digits is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

This means we leave the stored number 2 unchanged, and replace everything that is located after it with zeros:

1234 ≈ 1200

Example 3. Round 1234 to the thousands place.

Here, the retained digit is 1. And the first discarded digit is 2. According to the rule, if, when rounding numbers, the first of the discarded digits is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

This means we leave the saved digit 1 unchanged, and replace everything that is located after it with zeros:

1234 ≈ 1000

Second rounding rule

The second rounding rule is as follows:

When rounding numbers, if the first digit to be discarded is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, then the retained digit is increased by one.

For example, let's round the number 675 to the tens place.

First of all, we find the digit to be stored. To do this, you need to read the task itself. The digit being stored is located in the digit referred to in the task. The assignment says: round the number 675 to tens place.

We see that there is a seven in the tens place. So the digit being stored is 7

Now we find the first of the discarded digits. The first digit to be discarded is the digit that comes after the digit to be stored. We see that the first digit after seven is the number 5. This means that the number 5 is first digit to be discarded.

Our first discarded digit is 5. This means we must increase the retained digit 7 by one, and replace everything after it with zero:

675 ≈ 680

This means that when rounding the number 675 to the tens place, we get the approximate number 680.

Now let's try to round the same number 675, but to hundreds place.

We need to round the number 675 to the hundreds place. Again we are looking for the number to be saved. This time the digit being stored is 6, since we are rounding the number to the hundreds place:

Now we find the first of the discarded digits. The first digit to be discarded is the digit that comes after the digit to be stored. We see that the first digit after six is ​​the number 7. This means that the number 7 is first digit to be discarded:

Now we apply the second rounding rule. It says that when rounding numbers, if the first digit to be discarded is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then the digit retained is increased by one.

Our first discarded digit is 7. This means we must increase the retained digit 6 by one, and replace everything after it with zeros:

675 ≈ 700

This means that when rounding the number 675 to the hundreds place, we get the approximate number 700.

Example 3. Round the number 9876 to the tens place.

Here the retained digit is 7. And the first discarded digit is 6.

This means we increase the stored number 7 by one, and replace everything that is located after it with zero:

9876 ≈ 9880

Example 4. Round 9876 to the hundreds place.

Here, the retained digit is 8. And the first discarded digit is 7. According to the rule, if, when rounding numbers, the first of the discarded digits is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then the retained digit is increased by one.

This means we increase the stored number 8 by one, and replace everything that is located after it with zeros:

9876 ≈ 9900

Example 5. Round 9876 to the thousands place.

Here, the retained digit is 9. And the first discarded digit is 8. According to the rule, if, when rounding numbers, the first of the discarded digits is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then the retained digit is increased by one.

This means we increase the stored number 9 by one, and replace everything that is located after it with zeros:

9876 ≈ 10000

Example 6. Round 2971 to the nearest hundred.

When rounding this number to the nearest hundred, you should be careful because the digit being retained here is 9, and the first digit to be discarded is 7. This means that the digit 9 must be increased by one. But the fact is that after increasing nine by one, the result is 10, and this figure will not fit into the hundreds digit of the new number.

In this case, in the hundreds place of the new number you need to write 0, and move the unit to the next place and add it with the number that is there. Next, replace all digits after the saved one with zeros:

2971 ≈ 3000

Rounding decimals

When rounding decimal fractions, you should be especially careful because a decimal fraction consists of an integer part and a fractional part. And each of these two parts has its own categories:

Integer digits:

  • units digit
  • tens place
  • hundreds place
  • thousand digit

Fractional digits:

  • tenth place
  • hundredths place
  • thousandth place

Consider the decimal fraction 123.456 - one hundred twenty-three point four hundred fifty-six thousandths. Here whole part this is 123, and the fractional part is 456. Moreover, each of these parts has its own digits. It is very important not to confuse them:

For the integer part, the same rounding rules apply as for regular numbers. The difference is that after rounding the integer part and replacing all digits after the stored digit with zeros, the fractional part is completely discarded.

For example, round the fraction 123.456 to tens place. Exactly until tens place, not tenth place. It is very important not to confuse these categories. Discharge dozens is located in the whole part, and the digit tenths in fractional

We must round 123.456 to the tens place. The digit retained here is 2, and the first digit discarded is 3

According to the rule, if, when rounding numbers, the first digit to be discarded is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

This means that the saved digit will remain unchanged, and everything else will be replaced by zero. What to do with the fractional part? It is simply discarded (removed):

123,456 ≈ 120

Now let's try to round the same fraction 123.456 to units digit. The digit to be retained here will be 3, and the first digit to be discarded is 4, which is in the fractional part:

According to the rule, if, when rounding numbers, the first digit to be discarded is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4, then the retained digit remains unchanged.

This means that the saved digit will remain unchanged, and everything else will be replaced by zero. The remaining fractional part will be discarded:

123,456 ≈ 123,0

The zero that remains after the decimal point can also be discarded. So the final answer will look like this:

123,456 ≈ 123,0 ≈ 123

Now let's start rounding fractional parts. The same rules apply for rounding fractional parts as for rounding whole parts. Let's try to round the fraction 123.456 to tenth place. The number 4 is in the tenths place, which means it is the retained digit, and the first digit to be discarded is 5, which is in the hundredths place:

According to the rule, when rounding numbers, if the first digit to be discarded is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then the retained digit is increased by one.

This means that the stored digit 4 will increase by one, and the rest will be replaced by zeros

123,456 ≈ 123,500

Let's try to round the same fraction 123.456 to the hundredth place. The digit to be retained here is 5, and the first digit to be discarded is 6, which is in the thousandths place:

According to the rule, when rounding numbers, if the first digit to be discarded is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, then the retained digit is increased by one.

This means that the stored digit 5 ​​will increase by one, and the rest will be replaced by zeros

123,456 ≈ 123,460

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Many people are interested in how to round numbers. This need often arises among people who connect their lives with accounting or other activities that require calculations. Rounding can be done to whole numbers, tenths, and so on. And you need to know how to do it correctly so that the calculations are more or less accurate.

What is a round number anyway? This is the one that ends in 0 (for the most part). In everyday life, the ability to round numbers makes shopping trips much easier. Standing at the checkout, you can roughly estimate the total cost of purchases and compare how much a kilogram of the same product costs in bags of different weights. With numbers reduced to a convenient form, it is easier to make mental calculations without resorting to a calculator.

Why are numbers rounded?

People tend to round any numbers in cases where it is necessary to perform more simplified operations. For example, a melon weighs 3,150 kilograms. When a person tells his friends about how many grams the southern fruit has, he may not be considered very interesting conversationalist. Phrases like “So I bought a three-kilogram melon” sound much more concise without delving into all sorts of unnecessary details.

Interestingly, even in science there is no need to always deal with the most accurate numbers possible. What if we're talking about about periodic infinite fractions that have the form 3.33333333...3, then this becomes impossible. Therefore, the most logical option would be to simply round them. As a rule, the result is then slightly distorted. So how do you round numbers?

Some important rules when rounding numbers

So, if you wanted to round a number, is it important to understand the basic principles of rounding? This is a modification operation aimed at reducing the number of decimal places. To perform this action, you need to know a few important rules:

  1. If the number of the required digit is in the range of 5-9, rounding is carried out upward.
  2. If the number of the required digit is in the range 1-4, rounding is done downwards.

For example, we have the number 59. We need to round it. To do this, you need to take the number 9 and add one to it to get 60. This is the answer to the question of how to round numbers. Now let's look at special cases. Actually, we figured out how to round a number to tens using this example. Now all that remains is to use this knowledge in practice.

How to round a number to whole numbers

It often happens that there is a need to round, for example, the number 5.9. This procedure is not a big deal. First we need to omit the comma, and when we round, the already familiar number 60 appears before our eyes. Now we put the comma in place, and we get 6.0. And since zeros in decimal fractions are usually omitted, we end up with the number 6.

A similar operation can be performed with more complex numbers. For example, how do you round numbers like 5.49 to integers? It all depends on what goals you set for yourself. In general, according to the rules of mathematics, 5.49 is still not 5.5. Therefore, it cannot be rounded up. But you can round it up to 5.5, after which it becomes legal to round up to 6. But this trick doesn’t always work, so you need to be extremely careful.

In principle, an example of correct rounding of a number to tenths has already been discussed above, so now it is important to display only the main principle. Essentially, everything happens in approximately the same way. If the digit that is in the second position after the decimal point is in the range 5-9, then it is removed altogether, and the digit in front of it is increased by one. If it is less than 5, then this figure is removed, and the previous one remains in its place.

For example, at 4.59 to 4.6, the number “9” disappears, and one is added to the five. But when rounding 4.41, the unit is omitted, and the four remains unchanged.

How do marketers take advantage of the mass consumer's inability to round numbers?

It turns out that most people in the world do not have the habit of assessing the real cost of a product, which is actively exploited by marketers. Everyone knows promotion slogans like “Buy for only 9.99.” Yes, we consciously understand that this is essentially ten dollars. Nevertheless, our brain is designed in such a way that it perceives only the first digit. So the simple operation of bringing a number into a convenient form should become a habit.

Very often, rounding allows for a better assessment of intermediate successes expressed in numerical form. For example, a person began to earn $550 a month. An optimist will say that it is almost 600, a pessimist will say that it is a little more than 500. It seems that there is a difference, but it is more pleasant for the brain to “see” that the object has achieved something more (or vice versa).

There are a huge number of examples where the ability to round turns out to be incredibly useful. It is important to be creative and avoid loading yourself with unnecessary information whenever possible. Then success will be immediate.

If displaying unnecessary digits causes ###### signs to appear, or if microscopic precision is not needed, change the cell format so that only the necessary decimal places are displayed.

Or if you want to round a number to the nearest major place, such as thousandths, hundredths, tenths, or ones, use the function in the formula.

Using the button

    Select the cells you want to format.

    On the tab Home select team Increase bit depth or Decrease bit depth to display more or fewer decimal places.

By using built-in number format

    On the tab Home in a group Number Click the arrow next to the list of number formats and select Other number formats.

    In the field Number of decimal places enter the number of decimal places you want to display.

Using a function in a formula

Round the number to the required number of digits using the ROUND function. This function only has two argument(arguments are pieces of data needed to execute a formula).

    The first argument is the number to be rounded. It can be a cell reference or a number.

    The second argument is the number of digits to which the number should be rounded.

Let's say cell A1 contains the number 823,7825 . Here's how to round it up.

    To round to the nearest thousand And

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,-3), which is equal 100 0

      The number 823.7825 is closer to 1000 than to 0 (0 is a multiple of 1000)

      In this case it is used negative number, since rounding must take place to the left of the decimal point. The same number is used in the next two formulas, which round to the nearest hundreds and tens.

    To round to the nearest hundred

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,-2), which is equal 800

      The number 800 is closer to 823.7825 than to 900. Probably everything is clear to you now.

    To round to the nearest dozens

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,-1), which is equal 820

    To round to the nearest units

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,0), which is equal 824

      Use zero to round a number to the nearest one.

    To round to the nearest tenths

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,1), which is equal 823,8

      In this case, to round the number to the required number of digits, use positive number. The same goes for the following two formulas, which round to hundredths and thousandths.

    To round to the nearest hundredths

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,2), which is equal to 823.78

    To round to the nearest thousandths

    • Enter =ROUND(A1,3), which is equal to 823.783

Round a number up using the ROUND UP function. It works exactly the same as the ROUND function, except that it always rounds the number up. For example, if you need to round the number 3.2 to zero digits:

    =ROUNDUP(3,2,0), which is equal to 4

Round a number down using the ROUNDDOWN function. It works exactly the same as the ROUND function, except that it always rounds the number down. For example, you need to round the number 3.14159 to three digits:

    =ROUNDBOTTOM(3.14159,3), which is equal to 3.141

In some cases, exact number when dividing a certain amount by a specific number it is impossible to determine in principle. For example, when dividing 10 by 3, we get 3.3333333333.....3, that is, this number cannot be used to count specific items in other situations. Then this number should be reduced to a certain digit, for example, to an integer or to a number with a decimal place. If we reduce 3.3333333333…..3 to an integer, we get 3, and if we reduce 3.3333333333…..3 to a number with a decimal place, we get 3.3.

Rounding rules

What is rounding? This is discarding a few digits that are the last in the series of an exact number. So, following our example, we discarded all the last digits to get the integer (3) and discarded the digits, leaving only the tens places (3,3). The number can be rounded to hundredths and thousandths, ten thousandths and other numbers. It all depends on how accurate the number needs to be. For example, in the manufacture medical supplies, the amount of each of the ingredients of the medicine is taken with the greatest precision, since even a thousandth of a gram can be fatal. If it is necessary to calculate the progress of students at school, then most often a number with a decimal or hundredth place is used.

Let's look at another example where rounding rules apply. For example, there is a number 3.583333 that needs to be rounded to thousandths - after rounding, we should be left with three digits after the decimal point, that is, the result will be the number 3.583. If we round this number to tenths, then we get not 3.5, but 3.6, since after “5” there is the number “8”, which is already equal to “10” during rounding. Thus, following the rules of rounding numbers, you need to know that if the digits are greater than "5", then the last digit to be stored will be increased by 1. If there is a digit less than "5", the last digit to be stored remains unchanged. These rules for rounding numbers apply regardless of whether to a whole number or to tens, hundredths, etc. you need to round the number.

In most cases, when you need to round a number in which the last digit is “5,” this process is not performed correctly. But there is also a rounding rule that applies specifically to such cases. Let's look at an example. It is necessary to round the number 3.25 to the nearest tenth. Applying the rules for rounding numbers, we get the result 3.2. That is, if there is no digit after “five” or there is a zero, then the last digit remains unchanged, but only if it is even - in our case, “2” is an even digit. If we were to round 3.35, the result would be 3.4. Because, in accordance with the rounding rules, if there is an odd digit before the “5” that must be removed, the odd digit is increased by 1. But only on the condition that there is no significant figures. In many cases, simplified rules can be applied, according to which, if the last stored digit is followed by the values ​​of digits from 0 to 4, the stored digit does not change. If there are other digits, the last digit is increased by 1.

There are several ways to round numbers in Excel. Using cell format and using functions. These two methods should be distinguished as follows: the first is only for displaying values ​​or printing, and the second method is also for calculations and calculations.

Using the functions, it is possible to accurately round up or down to a user-specified digit. And the values ​​obtained as a result of calculations can be used in other formulas and functions. However, rounding using the cell format will not give the desired result, and the results of calculations with such values ​​will be erroneous. After all, the format of the cells, in fact, does not change the value, only the way it is displayed changes. To quickly and easily understand this and avoid making mistakes, we will give a few examples.

How to round a number using cell format

Let's enter the value 76.575 in cell A1. Right-click to bring up the “Format Cells” menu. You can do the same using the “Number” tool on the main page of the Book. Or press the hotkey combination CTRL+1.

Select the number format and set the number of decimal places to 0.

Rounding result:

You can assign the number of decimal places in “monetary”, “financial”, “percentage” formats.

As you can see, rounding occurs according to mathematical laws. The last digit to be stored is increased by one if it is followed by a digit greater than or equal to "5".

Feature of this option: than more numbers we leave after the comma, the more accurate the result will be.

How to properly round a number in Excel

Using the ROUND() function (rounds to the number of decimal places required by the user). To call the “Function Wizard” we use the fx button. The function you need is in the “Mathematical” category.


  1. “Number” is a link to the cell with the desired value (A1).
  2. “Number of digits” - the number of decimal places to which the number will be rounded (0 – to round to a whole number, 1 – one decimal place will be left, 2 – two, etc.).

Now let's round the whole number (not a decimal). Let's use the ROUND function:

  • the first argument of the function is a cell reference;
  • the second argument is with the “-” sign (up to tens – “-1”, up to hundreds – “-2”, to round the number to thousands – “-3”, etc.).

How to round a number to thousands in Excel?

An example of rounding a number to thousands:

Formula: =ROUND(A3,-3).

You can round not only a number, but also the value of an expression.

Let's say there is data on the price and quantity of a product. It is necessary to find the cost accurate to the nearest ruble (rounded to the nearest whole number).

The first argument of the function is numeric expression to find the cost.

How to round up and down in Excel

To round up, use the “ROUNDUP” function.

We fill in the first argument according to the already familiar principle - a link to a cell with data.

Second argument: “0” - rounds the decimal fraction to the whole part, “1” - the function rounds, leaving one decimal place, etc.

Formula: =ROUNDUP(A1;0).


To round down in Excel, use the ROUNDDOWN function.

Example formula: =ROUNDDOWN(A1,1).


The “ROUND UP” and “ROUND DOWN” formulas are used to round the values ​​of expressions (product, sum, difference, etc.).

How to round to a whole number in Excel?

To round up to a whole number, use the “ROUND UP” function. To round down to a whole number, use the “ROUND DOWN” function. The “ROUND” function and cell format also allow you to round to a whole number by setting the number of digits to “0” (see above).

IN Excel program For rounding to a whole number, the “ROLL” function is also used. It simply discards the decimal places. Essentially, no rounding occurs. The formula cuts off the numbers to the designated digit.


The second argument is “0” - the function cuts to an integer; “1” - up to a tenth; “2” - up to a hundredth, etc.

A special Excel function that will return only an integer is “INTEGER”. It has a single argument – ​​“Number”. You can specify numeric value or a cell reference.

The disadvantage of using the "INTEGER" function is that it only rounds down.

You can round to the nearest whole number in Excel using the “ROUND UP” and “ROUND BOTTOM” functions. Rounding occurs up or down to the nearest whole number.

Example of using functions:

The second argument is an indication of the digit to which rounding should occur (10 to tens, 100 to hundreds, etc.).

Rounding to the nearest even integer is performed by the “EVEN” function, rounding to the nearest odd integer is performed by the “ODD” function.

An example of their use:

Why does Excel round large numbers?

If you enter large numbers into spreadsheet cells (for example, 78568435923100756), Excel automatically rounds them like this by default: 7.85684E+16 is a feature of the “General” cell format. To avoid such display of large numbers, you need to change the format of the cell with the data a large number on "Numerical" (the most quick way press the hotkey combination CTRL+SHIFT+1). Then the cell value will be displayed like this: 78,568,435,923,100,756.00. If desired, the number of digits can be reduced: “Home” - “Number” - “Reduce digits”.