The hottest peppers in the world: rating, description of varieties. The hottest pepper in the world - how the ratings are compiled, which pepper is now in the lead, what can be prepared from it The hottest hot pepper eating competitions in the world

“Playing with fire” in the daily diet is very useful - the active substances of hot peppers contribute to the production of hormones, fight depression and strengthen the immune system. But some varieties of pepper are so unbearable that it seems as if they are actually on fire! Hot top of the hottest peppers in the world.

1st place

Carolina Reaper - The brainchild of South Carolina. The lumpy surface and tail make it scary even in appearance, but tasting it is an even more dangerous task - the human mucous membrane is not adapted to such extreme doses of pungency. The degree of pungency is determined in chemical laboratories organoleptically, that is, by taste, but not of the pure product, but of the extract. Therefore, it makes sense to conduct experiments with this type of pepper only at your own peril and risk.

The record holder owns 2,200,000 units on the special Scoville scale. In comparison, Chili, aka Cayenne pepper, has only 50,000 units on this scale, which evaluates heat based on the amount of the “hot” alkaloid, capsaicin. It is its content in one quantity or another that makes pepper more or less spicy.

2nd place

– this is the name of the pepper, which back in 2012 was the Guinness record holder for the hottest pepper in the world. This name was given to the pepper because of its round shape and tail, like a scorpion. Pepper fruits are used to make tear gas and pepper spray. You need to use autojack workwear whose price matches the quality.

On the Scoville scale, the severity of Scorpio Trinidad ranges from 1.5 to 2 million units.

3rd place

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T . The predecessor of the first two types, which until 2011 was the first among the hottest peppers. It was grown by crossing different varieties. Professional chefs who have had to deal with this type of pepper claim that the numbness of the fingers lasts for several more days, despite the fact that the dishes are prepared using gloves, a mask and a suit.

Sharpness: 1.46 million Scoville units.

4th place

- another pepper obtained artificially thanks to a breeder from Britain. It held the title of the hottest pepper for only two weeks, but don’t let that fool you – its heat will be enough to make even the most prepared person cry. In appearance, it has a lumpy surface and pleasant colors from orange to dark red.

Sharpness – 1.17 million units on the Scoville scale.

5th place

Spanish Naga . Despite the name, this type of pepper has nothing in common with Spain, except that its bright red color may be reminiscent of the Spanish bullfight. It was grown in the harsh conditions of UK breeding laboratories. Its pungency on the scale is 1.08 million units.

6th place

Chocolate Bhut Jolokia . Contrary to the rather “sweet” name, the reason for it is only the color of the pepper. India is considered to be its homeland, where it is popular in preparing a variety of curry dishes.

Sharpness – 1 million units.

7th place

Red Caribbean Habanero . This type of pepper is native to the Amazon and is quite popular in Mexican cuisine. Its spiciness is almost twice that of a traditional habanero and amounts to 457 thousand units.

8th place

Tigerpaw NR . An artificially bred pepper variety originally from a US agricultural laboratory. Its origin does not allow it to be used as food, however, many extreme lovers use it for cooking to add to their list of tried-and-true insanities.

Sharpness – 331 thousand units.

9th place

Devil's tongue . This type of pepper really resembles a tongue in shape and has a pleasant yellow tint. Tasters claim that its fruits have a nutty flavor; believe it or not - it’s up to every gourmet. The heat of this pepper is 270 thousand units.

10th place

Madame Jeanette . Pepper from Suriname, which with its pleasant yellow color and smooth shape can mislead you, but you should not trust the first impression - it is a frequent guest in the cuisines of Suriname. And the traditions of this cuisine are incomparably hotter and sharper than ours.

Sharpness – 225 thousand units.

Pepper gives dishes a special piquancy, bitterness and spiciness. But not many people know that there is a special Scoville scale, which determines the level of their heat. Those that occupy the very first lines are usually used only for technical purposes; eating them is not only not recommended, but also prohibited, because this can lead to burns of internal organs. But those plants that have a lower level of bitterness are used as seasonings, as well as additives to various warming ointments and tinctures.

Today we decided to introduce you to the most “vigorous” peppers in the whole world.

Be careful, it burns!

This is the inscription that should appear on all types that are included in our top 10, here they are:

10. Poblano. This is a must-have vegetable in Mexican cuisine. When ripe, it has a dark burgundy, close to black hue. The sweet aroma seduces and captivates, and the taste of prunes surprises spicy lovers. Mexicans use it both dried and fresh, stuffed or fried in batter.

9. Hungarian wax. Outwardly, it is very similar to a small banana, having a similar shape and a beautiful yellow color. The fruits are so shiny and neat that at first glance it may seem like they are fake.

Hungarian wax has a medium pungency, and perfectly reveals its taste when marinated, as well as in salads with fresh vegetables.

8. Cayenne. He has long been heard all over the world. But if someone thinks that it can’t get any more acute, we can say with confidence that they are mistaken. Cayenne pepper is successfully used to prepare sauces, marinades, canned food and even sausages. It also copes well with radiculitis pain.

7. Thai. It was first grown in Portugal, but it gained particular popularity in Thailand, for which it received the name of the same name. Thais especially often use this vegetable in fish and meat dishes, and at one time they discovered that it fights cellulite well, and advise women to make body wraps with it.

6. Jamaican. You should be careful with this vegetable, because in the wrong doses it can cause burns. To at least slightly reduce the bitterness, it is often consumed with dairy products.

5. Habanero. There are several types of this fiery seasoning - chocolate, with a “smoky” aroma, “devil’s tongue” with a bright fruit and nut flavor, and many others. But it is worth noting that only true connoisseurs will be able to distinguish and feel the real taste, who will be able to feel something else behind the incredible spiciness.

By the way, it is habanero that is part of the well-known fiery Tabasco sauce.

4. Naga jolia. It was once included in the Guinness Book of Records as the hottest in the world. To be able to safely eat it, 1 g of pepper needs to be diluted in 1000 liters of water.

3. Scottish cap. Very cute to look at, this vegetable, if used incorrectly, can cause dizziness and even numbness in some parts of the body. It goes great with first courses, and gourmets eat it with fruit and chocolate.

2. Trinidadian scorpion. To grow this vegetable you need a chemical protection suit. Why is it needed then? It is used primarily to produce tear gases, as well as paints used on the undersides of boats to prevent shellfish growth.

1. Carolina Reaper. It is bred through selective breeding, and thrill-seekers claim that the “reaper” has a sweetish citrus flavor and even a little chocolate. But it is recommended to take it only with gloves.

Hot pepper is not just a seasoning for dishes, it is also a very healthy vegetable that helps to activate the process of digesting heavy foods, has a disinfectant effect, improves hair growth, and also helps restore potency in men. But it’s always worth remembering that the main thing in this case is not to overdo it, because everything is good in moderation.

If you are traveling to Mexico, don't forget to enjoy the Mexican culture. Immediately you pay attention to her kitchen. It is based on a variety of dishes from fish, corn, beans and meat. However, for such dishes to become truly Mexican, one more ingredient must be added to them - salsas. These are fiery hot sauces, which, in addition to tomatoes and herbs, contain several types of pepper. We will talk about them in our article.

The familiar hot pepper to all of us can be called fiery and spicy. But it's not all that simple. It turns out there are a bunch of other types of product on the planet. Among them we will find some that are so sharp that they are used exclusively for technical purposes. Less hot peppers are used in cooking, as well as in various tinctures, ointments and rubs. Based on studies of capsaicin, the pungent substance in peppers, scientists have created a scale for the hotness of capsicums. ECU is a unit of the Scoville scale.

Now it's time to take a closer look at the most fiery foods in the world. It is not recommended to consume half of them in their pure form. Otherwise, your organs will burn in a matter of seconds.

Our top ten starts with pepper, the name of which can be translated as Trinidad scorpion. It is not recommended to enjoy this product even for those who love spicy tastes. And all because it contains capsaicin in such quantities that the vegetable is processed in chemical protective suits. Pepper was created mainly to produce tear gas and paint, which protects ships from the growth of shellfish colonies on them. The ECU of pepper is from 855,000 to 1,463,700.

ECU is 1,001,304. And if you want to get to know this product better, you don’t have to go to the Indian Naga tribe. All you have to do is get hit by a pepper smoke bomb. In other words, in order to reduce the heat of one gram of pepper to a test of its use, it must be diluted in 1000 liters of water.

The top three is closed by another hot pepper with a beautiful name - Habanero. Its ECU is 570,000. There are even several legends about the hotness of this type of capsicum. Some say that the Indians of Yucatan in ancient times offered their tribes to make a choice: to be sacrificed to the gods or to drink half a liter of tincture of this product. Many chose the first option. And if we take into account its modern use, then pepper is used in the preparation of Tabasco sauce, or to add spiciness to Tequila.

This vegetable got its name for its resemblance to the Scottish beret. The product is very pungent and can even cause dizziness or numbness in the limbs. As a rule, the product is used in sauces or with first courses. Gourmets prefer to eat it with fruit and chocolate.

The ECU of pepper ranges from 100 thousand to 200 thousand. Dangerous despite its aroma. If pepper is used incorrectly, it will cause burns. Traditionally, the vegetable is used in spices, sauces and pickles. Allowed to be eaten with dairy products and meat.

Here you will find 75,000 – 150,000 ECU. Portugal is the birthplace of the product. From there he migrated and took root successfully in Thailand. Pepper is used to create meat and fish dishes, or in salads and sauces. In addition, Thai pepper can cope with such a female problem as cellulite.

Cayenne pepper contains 30,000 – 50,000 ECU. As for the name, it comes from the port town of Cayenne, which is located in French Guiana. From the 15th to the 19th centuries, this was where the popular spice route from South America to Europe passed. This type of vegetable is used to create marinades, sausages, and canned food. It is also used against radiculitis.

They also say that this pepper is a time bomb. The birthplace of the product is Mexico. Pepper received its comparison because of its feature - delayed heat. When you try a couple of pieces of capsicum, the inevitable reckoning will come. It will feel like a real bomb exploded in your mouth.

The ECU of pepper is 5,000 – 10,000. At first glance, the product may be harmless, however, it should not be underestimated. Pepper is believed to have originated from Hungarian women who sought to show their passion in eating these fiery delicacies.

This product closes our top. It is also the main pepper of Mexico. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the most important holiday of the country - Independence Day. The pepper tastes like prunes. But at a celebration it is eaten stewed, along with white nut sauce or pomegranate seeds.

Video: Top 10 hottest peppers

Here you will find a fresh list of the top 10 hottest peppers in the world as of 2019, as well as their photos with a detailed description and rating of hotness on the Scoville scale. On the site you will find out which variety currently occupies an honorable first place and who has been included in the world ranking in recent years, as well as what will happen if you eat one of the hottest peppers in the world.

The Scoville scale is a measure of the heat of peppers, named after chemist Wilbur L. Scoville, who pioneered a way to measure the concentration of capsaicin.

Capsaicin is a chemical compound that gives the plant its pungent taste and also causes sensations of burning, pain and heat in the receptors.

To measure the concentration of this substance, a solution of pepper extract is diluted in sugar water. Then five experienced tasters taste the solution, and it is gradually diluted further until at least three out of five test participants no longer feel the burning sensation. Depending on the amount of dilution, the product is assigned a value in heat units on the Scoville scale (ESH) or SHU – Scoville Heat Unit.

For example: red chili has between 500 and 750 SHU, jalapeno has 8,000 – 23,000, and the most powerful US military pepper spray is 2 million SHU.

This measurement method is very popular, but not entirely accurate because the sensitivity of the receptors in the mouth varies greatly among people.

To keep it simple, most companies use a number scale from 1 to 10 as an indicator of spiciness.

Top 10 hottest peppers in the world in 2019

There was a time when the mighty habanero was considered one of the hottest peppers on earth with its 500,000 Scoville units. He held the record from 1994 to 2006. Today its fame has paled in comparison to some of the super hybrids that have made their way onto the scene. Now, instead of hundreds of thousands on the scale of capsaicin concentrations, the count goes to millions of units.

Every year, hot pepper breeders develop new hybrids, looking for the right combination of soil and temperature to create a pepper that will compete for the title of hottest.

The best ones are recorded in the Guinness Book of Records; getting there is a great success, since sales of this variety will increase many times, bringing the owner of the burning winner multimillion-dollar income.

10. Bhut Jolokia

Bhut Jolokia – This hot pepper variety is native to northeast India and its name translates to “Ghost”. In addition to the heat, it has an amazing aroma of tropical fruits, which disappears quite quickly. It comes in a variety of colors, from yellow and red to orange and deep chocolate.

For a long time (until 2007) it ranked first in terms of severity with an indicator of 1,040,000 ECU. At one time, he blew up YouTube with videos featuring daredevils eating this pepper. People in India use Bhut Jolokia as a way to keep wild elephants at bay, including it in smoke bombs and even smearing it on their fences.

Its spiciness is not immediately felt, which allows you to taste the sauce or food in which it is located, and then all the heat appears. If you want to add Bhut Jolokia to a dish, use it sparingly - no more than a pinch or two for a large portion of gravy or stew.

Although this wrinkled, spiky pepper is no longer the hottest on the planet, it still has its charm and is still a hit.

9. Chili Infinity

Pepper Infinity (Chili Infinity) with 1,067,286 ECU replaced its predecessor in the Guinness Book of Records in February 2011, but it retained the title of the hottest for only 2 weeks. This variety was bred in England by Nick Woods and this is how he himself describes the taste of Infinity pepper:

“When I tried it, I first felt an unusual fruity taste. The stinging effect lingered and then suddenly hit me. Suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my throat, it was so acute that I could not speak. I began to shake uncontrollably, I had to sit down, I felt physical pain. I would not recommend anyone to eat it raw!”

8. Pepper 7 Pot Brain Strain Red

7 Pot Brain Strain Red pepper is the hottest of all the red variations of the 7 Pot variety, it has about 1,350,000 ECU. The pods have a pronounced citrus aroma and a smoky-sweet taste. This variety is not a hybrid (which is created by crossing varieties), instead it was developed using selective propagation by saving pods from plants that had the desired characteristics.

7. Naga Viper

Naga Viper, with a rating of 1,382,118 on the Scoville scale, for some time held the proud title of “The World's Hottest Pepper,” which it was awarded in 2011. It was created in England by farmer Gerald Fowler of the Chilli Pepper Company. It is an unstable hybrid obtained from three very pungent varieties - Naga Morija, Bhuta Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpio and it cannot produce seeds with the same properties. To buy him for breeding, you will have to sign up for a long queue with Fowler.

6. Komodo Dragon Pepper

The Komodo Dragon was grown in the UK by the largest pepper grower, Salvatore Genovese. The pungency is rated at 1,400,000 Scoville units. In the summer of 2015, news spread around the world that in Europe the Komodo Dragon began to be sold in many Tesco supermarkets.

This is how pepper and spice purchasing expert Eleanor Munsell described the Komodo Dragon: “It creates a false sense of security: in the first seconds you will only feel a rich, warming aroma and taste, and then you will find that your mouth and esophagus are literally melting from its heat. This is a real little demon."

5. Trinidad Scorpion Butch T

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T surpassed the previous Guinness World Records holder in March 2011 with a pungency of 1,463,700. Native to the Trinidad and Tobago region of the Caribbean.

They taste, like most super-hot peppers, sweet with fruity notes that can be detected in the first few seconds before their fiery essence emerges.

If you are an extreme eater and want to try a raw piece of Trinidad Scorpio Butch T, be especially careful - it can cause serious burns.

4. 7 Pot Primo

7 Pot Primo - The orange-yellow fruits of this pepper have a fruity-floral flavor and an extreme heat of 1,473,480 units. Looks very lumpy and misshapen with a thin small tip. Translated into Russian, the name sounds like “7 pots,” which means that one small pepper can add spice to seven pots (pans) of soup.

3. 7 Pot Douglah

7 Pot Douglah – This chocolate brown fruit yielded 1,853,986 units. Its aroma is not only fruity-sweet, but also slightly nutty. The name, like the previous variety, says “7 pots”, and the word “dougla” in Trinidad, where this pepper comes from, refers to people of mixed race - African and Indian.

7 Pot Douglah has a dark brown or dark purple skin with a pimply surface. Because of its color, it is also called chocolate pepper.

2. Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend

The Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend variety broke the world record in 2012, with Scoville heat ranging from 1.2 to 2 million units. Because of the incredible pungency, scientists worked in gas masks, two pairs of latex gloves and protective suits while studying this pepper.

Despite the extreme pungency, it has a rather pleasant fruity aroma, and when added to food in very small quantities, it gives the dish a piquant taste.

Those who decide to try a piece of Trinidad Scorpion Moruga pepper will not feel its spiciness at first. However, after just a few minutes, the burning sensation will rapidly increase, it will seem that the tongue, throat and esophagus are on fire! The blood pressure will rise, the face will turn red, the eyes will begin to water, and nausea may occur.

However, not all fruits of this variety can achieve such pungency. More often than not, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga has just over 1.2 million Scoville units, depending on the conditions in which it was grown.

1. Carolina Reaper

Carolina Reaper or translated as “Carolina Reaper” - at the end of 2013, this pepper was recognized as the new reigning champion among super-hot peppers.

In 2019, the hottest pepper in the world is still the Carolina Ripper with its 1,569,300 – 2,200,000 Scoville heat units! To date, the Carolina Reaper pepper is the only one that has defeated itself, confirming the title of the hottest in the world in 2018.

It was bred by Puckerbutt Pepper, a company based in South Carolina. It's a hybrid of a red habanero and a Naja Viper pepper, another pepper that was once the hottest pepper in the world.

Its creator, Ed Curry, wanted it to improve the taste of food, which is why it is the sweetest and most flavorful of the super-hot peppers yet. Sauces made with Carolina Reaper are quite tasty, of course, if you are used to extremely spicy foods.

However, a warning: Eating Carolina Reaper raw is not recommended and handling it with bare hands may cause serious burns.

There are many desperate people who have recorded their experiences trying to find out what will happen if you eat the hottest pepper in the world, just watch the video on YouTube.

Eating the world's hottest pepper - video


In 2017, there were a couple of peppers vying for the title of “the hottest pepper in the world”: Devil’s Breath and Pepper X. Their heat was reported to be 2.48 and 3.18 million ECU respectively.

However, there are no official studies confirming that any pepper has knocked the Carolina Reaper off its pedestal. Until official tests from the Guinness Book of Records are carried out, everything remains the same.

As soon as the situation changes and a new record holder appears, the information on our website will be updated.


What will it be like to eat a Carolina Ripper or another of the hottest peppers on this list, will it lead to a visit to the hospital or send you to the grave?

People's reactions to large amounts of capsaicin vary from person to person - while some may find it quite tasty, others will find the heat unbearable.

Here's what happens to your body when you taste hot peppers:

  1. As soon as you take a bite, you'll feel hot almost immediately without any real change in temperature.
  2. A signal is sent to the brain that you are too close to a heat source. Fluid begins to flow from the nose and eyes, along with heavy salivation.
  3. Then you start to sweat. This is the body's way of getting rid of excess fluid because the brain thinks you are in extreme heat.

Please note: Never drink hot peppers with water or alcohol, this will only spread the heat. This, unfortunately, is what most people do and this is their mistake. The only thing that works is casein protein, which is found in milk. You can also eat the pepper with bread or boiled rice.

Eating some of the hottest peppers will result in at least burns (blisters) in your mouth, but here are some other side effects:

  • The digestive system is compromised and you may get an upset stomach even if you are used to spicy foods.
  • Pepper is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as the intense heat may aggravate symptoms.
  • In some people, large amounts of capsaicin can cause high blood pressure and heart attacks.
  • You will also have to visit the hospital if you accidentally touch your eyes after touching one of the hottest peppers.

The world's hottest hot pepper eating competition

Every year, popular eating competitions are held around the world, where participants have to go through several rounds of speed-eating increasingly hotter peppers.

They usually start off easy enough, with simple hot peppers like jalapenos that almost anyone can eat without serious side effects.

But the competition gets tougher with each round, and you'll soon find yourself eating flaming Bhut Jolokia and Naga Viper with Scoville scores averaging over 1 million.

And when you somehow make it to the final round, the remaining competitors will have to taste the Carolina Reaper - the hottest pepper in the world, with an average heat rating of 1,569,300.

If you love spicy food and believe you can handle the heat in a serious competition, challenge yourself and enter! Just keep a glass of milk at the ready.