How to cook cornmeal porridge. Various recipes for corn porridge: how to cook it so that the dish turns out very tasty? Peasant polenta from Italy

Corn porridge accompanies us throughout our lives, starting from infancy. Traditional dish is truly a universal product, it can be used not only as breakfast, but also as a side dish for lunch or dinner. The nutritional properties of corn cereal, due to its saturation with many beneficial vitamins, have long been proven. There are several ways to cook porridge from corn grits. Introducing more detailed technology, important rules And exact ratio necessary components.

Corn grits porridge on water

The method of making porridge from water is simple, in contrast to the length of its preparation time, and is about 1 hour. Any self-respecting housewife knows how to cook porridge from corn grits in water, and each has her own recipe. In any case, the main aspect is the execution of the technology sequence.
It is recommended to follow 8 important rules:

  1. Rinse the cereal under warm water.
  2. The pan should have thick walls.
  3. Pour the cereal in a thin stream into salted boiling water, stirring at the same time.
  4. Cook over moderate heat only.
  5. Stir occasionally throughout cooking.
  6. Preparation of the dish takes 30 minutes.
  7. To prepare a liquid dish you need 4 glasses of water, and for a thick dish – 3 glasses.
  8. Leave with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

List of correct ratios of products:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • water - 3 - 4 tbsp.;
  • a little salt;
  • butter – 50g.

Order of laying components:

  1. pour water into a saucepan and boil;
  2. add salt and cereal;
  3. stir occasionally until boiling over medium heat for 30 minutes;
  4. remove the pan from the stove;
  5. stir in adding oil;
  6. close the lid and leave for half an hour.

Adding butter while steeping the porridge gives it richness. Onion lovers can add fried onion product, which will give the dish a piquant taste. The savory dish is also suitable as a side dish for meat and fish products, mushrooms and vegetables. An important aspect when cooking a corn product is maintaining proportions.

Corn grits porridge with milk recipe

This dish is especially useful due to the content of healing vitamins in milk, which complement the valuable properties of corn. It is possible to properly prepare porridge with milk by first boiling the cereal in water. This necessary condition so that the product does not burn or splash during cooking. At the same time, the grains will be undigested and intact. Milk porridge made from corn grits includes for preparation:

  • cereal - one glass;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • salt - half a small spoon;
  • granulated sugar - 1 spoon;
  • 50 gr. oils


  1. boil water in a saucepan;
  2. put the cereal;
  3. Continue cooking over moderate heat until the liquid evaporates;
  4. stirring add milk, portions of sugar and salt;
  5. continue cooking, stirring, for 10 minutes;
  6. Remove from the stove, add oil and mix well.

Milk baby corn porridge can be cooked with vanilla sugar and dried fruits. This dish for a child’s body will have not only amazing taste, but also the nutritional properties of dried fruits. In addition, it will have a fragrant vanilla smell that children love so much.

For a dairy dish you need:

  • cereals – 1 glass;
  • 3 glasses of water;
  • milk – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 50 grams:
  • granulated sugar – 3 spoons;
  • 200 gr. dried fruits;
  • half a spoon of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of salt.

Sequential order:

  1. boil salted water;
  2. stirring, pour in the cereal;
  3. Cook, stirring, over medium heat until evaporated, 15 minutes;
  4. pour in milk, stir, adding vanilla sugar;
  5. cook for 15 minutes with occasional stirring;
  6. turn off the stove and put in butter and dried fruits;
  7. leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

Corn grits porridge in a slow cooker

The technology of preparing porridge in a multicooker has a quick and simple process. There is no need to monitor how long to cook corn grits - the set mode of the household electrical appliance will handle all functions automatically during cooking. There is also no need for constant stirring of the product. During cooking, the evaporation of liquid occurs gradually, with a transition from the “porridge” mode to the “heating” mode. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to worry about burning.

Cooking a product in a slow cooker has a great advantage over cooking in a saucepan. It turns out more tasty and aromatic, while maintaining all the necessary nutritional properties. You can leave the dish in the slow cooker and enjoy it later. At the same time, it will remain warm and fresh for a long time.

All porridges in a slow cooker turn out excellent, but corn grits, the recipes for which are very diverse, work best. We suggest considering recipes for dairy dishes and water ones. A dietary corn dish prepared with water is a product for the health of the body.

The easily digestible product consists of:

  • one glass of cereal;
  • water - 3 tbsp.;
  • oils – 50 gr.;
  • salt for taste.

Required order:

  1. put the cereal in a bowl;
  2. put butter and salt;
  3. add water and stir the contents of the bowl;
  4. press the “porridge” mode for 35 minutes;
  5. stir and leave for 10 minutes;
  6. add butter before serving.

A hearty recipe for milk corn porridge - an easily accessible option for cooking in a slow cooker. Its calorie content in porridge is much higher than that of a product prepared with water. It is especially loved by children, who eat it with adoration in the morning, adding various jams or fruits. The recipe for a dairy dish is almost no different from the recipe for water.

You will need:

  • one glass of cereal;
  • milk – 4 tbsp.;
  • oils – 50 gr.;
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Product order:

  1. pour the cereal into the multicooker bowl;
  2. add salt, milk, sugar;
  3. set the “porridge” program for 25 minutes;
  4. leave for 10 minutes with the lid closed;
  5. serve with butter.

Pumpkin porridge with corn grits

Many gourmets are faced with the question of what can be prepared from corn grits with a lower calorie product. Pumpkin is definitely suitable as such a product. Being a topical additive in porridge, it does not lose its valuable significance in combination with a corn product. This Pumpkin Corn Dish is one of those things. low calorie dish, which is not only healthy, but also sufficiently consumed in the family diet.

Rich color of pumpkin and its most delicate taste always attracts the attention of little admirers. Pumpkin corn porridge is prepared in water, and cooking in milk is also popular, which makes it much more tender and buttery. Honey and cinnamon added at the end of cooking can add a piquant note to the dish. Such a bright product can be included in the diet of the whole family.

Pumpkin porridge with corn grits in a slow cooker

The presence of pumpkin in corn porridge turns it into a dessert product. Rich in aromatic taste, it is not only a favorite dish for children, but also an adored product for adults. Adding honey instead of sugar gives it an amazing flavor. A slow cooker recipe with honey requires the following ingredients:

  • half a glass of cereal;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • pumpkins 500 gr.;
  • honey 2 spoons;
  • oils – 50 gr.;
  • salt.

How to prepare the recipe:

  1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes;
  2. put in a bowl: pumpkin, water, milk, cereal, salt;
  3. program - “porridge” for 35 minutes;
  4. stir in adding oil;
  5. turn off the multicooker and let it brew for 15 minutes;
  6. add honey to a warm product.

Pumpkin porridge with corn grits and milk

Dishes made from corn grits cooked in water have lower calorie qualities compared to dairy dishes. Low-calorie corn porridge cooked in milk increases its calorie content. Due to the large amount of vitamins found in milk, it has beneficial nutritional properties.

An unusual recipe for pumpkin porridge with corn grits contains the following ingredients:

  • a glass of cereal;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • pumpkin – 400g;
  • oils – 50 g;
  • granulated sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • a pinch of salt.


  1. put the cereal in a frying pan and fry a little;
  2. bring milk to a boil in a saucepan;
  3. pour the cereal into boiled milk and leave for 30 minutes;
  4. peel the pumpkin and cut into small cubes;
  5. pour sugar into the pumpkin and leave until it is completely dissolved;
  6. cook over medium heat for 15 minutes;
  7. put the pumpkin in the cereal, add salt and cook until the pumpkin is ready;
  8. turn off the stove and leave for 10 minutes;
  9. Oil is added before serving.

  • polished - for consumption;
  • large – flakes are made from it;
  • small - sticks are made from it.

Corn porridge rich in microelements that are necessary for the functioning of the body. Among her useful qualities can be distinguished:

  • hypoallergenic - can be used as the first complementary food for children;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • cleansing the body;
  • improved digestion;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • fiber content;
  • improvement nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Corn flour also contains histidine and tryptophan, which are components of vegetable protein. The chemical composition is suitable for women during pregnancy.

Recipes for making delicious porridge

Before cooking, it should be borne in mind that the larger the grain for which corn was used, the longer it will take.

Basic rules for cooks:

  1. Cereals must be thoroughly washed, regardless of grinding.
  2. Dishes should only be used with thick walls.
  3. Pour the main component into the boiling liquid, stirring.
  4. Cook over medium to low heat.
  5. To prepare a liquid mass, the ratio of cereal to liquid should be 1:4, and for a thick mass – 1:3.
  6. After cooking, keep the dish covered for a quarter of an hour.

Adding milk and butter will add tenderness. If porridge is prepared for a child under one year old, then the milk must be diluted. Women know how to prepare maize porridge: they have their own secrets and recipes by which they prepare it. Various products will help give you a new, unusual taste.

Porridge on the water

Corn porridge on water is combined with meat, fish and vegetables. You can add nuts, dried fruits and honey to the dish, which will diversify children's menu. This option is easy to prepare, but takes a long time – 60 minutes.

For cooking you need:

  • corn flour - 1 tbsp;
  • water – 600-800 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch.


  1. Add processed maize and seasoning to boiling water.
  2. Cook until boiling over medium heat for half an hour, stirring.
  3. Remove from heat, add oil and stir.
  4. Insist.

You can add honey, but it is better after the porridge has cooled. So he will save beneficial properties.

Unsweetened porridge is suitable as a side dish.

Porridge with milk

Cooked porridge with milk is the simplest dish, but it is difficult to underestimate its benefits. The beneficial properties of milk increase the benefits of corn grits. You can cook corn porridge in milk so that it is soft and juicy if you first boil the grain processing product.


  • cereal – 150 gr.;
  • water – 0.4 l;
  • milk – 0.2 l;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar – 1 spoon;
  • oil drain – 50 gr.

Cooking steps

  1. Add the main component to the boiling liquid.
  2. Cook over low heat until the liquid evaporates.
  3. While stirring, add milk, sugar, salt.
  4. Cook for another quarter of an hour. Add oil, stir.

Porridge with milk is high in calories. But at the same time, it contains a lot of vitamins. She will become excellent option breakfast.

Cooking in a slow cooker

Cooking in a slow cooker saves time and preserves the beneficial properties of the product. This process is simple and uncomplicated: you do not need to monitor the readiness of the dish and stir it regularly.


  • cereal – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 600 ml;
  • oil – 50 g;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook porridge in a slow cooker

  1. Pour the corn product into the bowl of the device.
  2. Add salt.
  3. Pour in the liquid and stir.
  4. Set the required mode.
  5. After finishing cooking, let the dish sit.

To make the porridge thicker, you can leave it in the “Warming” mode for half an hour.

Add oil before use.

The recipe for milk porridge in a slow cooker is very simple. The cooking principle is similar, only milk and sugar are used instead of water.

Microwave cooking

For instant cooking You can use the microwave for porridge. This solution will save time and get a tasty and healthy dish without much effort.

You will need:

  • cereal – 1 tbsp. The product is required to be finely ground so that it is completely cooked;
  • water – 0.6 l;
  • salt, sugar - to taste;
  • oil - 50 gr.


  1. Add to container hot water– for 1 tbsp of cereal, 3 tbsp of liquid.
  2. Add cereal, salt and mix well.
  3. Cook for 5 minutes at full microwave power.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, you need to take out the dish, mix it and put it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.


Fireproof cookware is required for microwave cooking. Containers made of other materials may burst.

Eat it hot.

Porridge with corn grits and pumpkin

If you add pumpkin to corn flour, you get a kind of dessert. The dish turns out aromatic and tasty, so no one refuses it.

For preparation use:

  • corn grits – 1 cup;
  • milk - 500 ml;
  • pumpkin – 0.4 kg;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g; salt – a pinch.
  1. Place the cereal in a frying pan and lightly fry.
  2. Boil the milk.
  3. Add the cereal to the milk and let it brew for 30 minutes.
  4. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces.
  5. Cover the vegetable with sugar and leave until the latter is completely dissolved.
  6. Cook the porridge for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Place the pumpkin in the cereal, add salt and cook until it is completely cooked.
  8. Let it brew for 10 minutes.

Add butter before serving.

Maize porridge in the oven

Oven-cooked maize flour - a variety regular recipe porridge. This dish is suitable for people who adhere to a strict diet.


  • cereal – 250 gr;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • sugar, salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 40 g;
  • raisins - to taste
  1. Soak raisins 2 hours before cooking.
  2. Bring water to a boil.
  3. Place the cereal in a cauldron with thick walls or a baking pot.
  4. Add boiling water, sugar, salt and raisins.
  5. Stir and cover with a lid.
  6. Place in the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees. It is necessary to remove the cauldron from the oven and stir, then place it back.

If after the specified time the boiled cereal does not become soft, then the cooking time should be increased.

The last manipulation must be performed until a golden crust appears.

Corn grits porridge with dried fruits

Porridge cooked according to this recipe will give you strength, energy and vigor for the whole day. The child will like it, in addition, there will be no problems with digestion.

To prepare you need:

  • cereal – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • raisins – 75 gr;
  • other dried fruits – 150 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 40 grams;
  • salt - to taste.


  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in water and put on fire.
  2. As soon as the water boils, add the cereal.
  3. After boiling again, reduce the heat to minimum.
  4. Cook for 15 minutes.

You need to add butter and chopped dried fruits to the finished dish. Let it brew for half an hour and you can serve it.

A tasty and satisfying dish with meat

Basically, porridge is served as a side dish, but if you add meat and vegetables to corn grits, you will get an independent dish. It is easy to prepare, and the result will surprise you.

For preparation you need:

  • corn grits – 0.3 kg;
  • meat – 0.3 kg;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs;
  • water – 500 ml;
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Cut the meat into small pieces.
  2. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Cut tomatoes and onions into cubes.
  4. Place the meat in a frying pan with preheated oil and fry for 7 minutes.
  5. Add onions and carrots and continue frying along with the meat.
  6. After 5 minutes, add tomatoes to the food and continue to simmer.
  7. Salt and pepper.
  8. Add cereal and fill everything with water.
  9. Bring to a boil, reduce heat.
  10. Cook for about 30 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.

The cereal prepared according to this recipe turns out to be tender, nutritious and very tasty.

Recipe with cheese

Porridge made from corn processing is a popular dish in many countries. But to prepare it you need hard cheese. This cooking option can be used as a side dish or an independent dish. Corn grits go well with any type of cheese.


  • corn grits - 1.5 cups;
  • hard cheese – 100 grams;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • water – 0.6 liters;
  • seasonings - to taste.


  1. Bring the water to a boil.
  2. Pour the main component of the dish into the boiling liquid and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Add butter and cheese to the almost finished porridge and mix well.
  5. Simmer until fully cooked.

Serve it hot.

Adding herbs will help give the finished dish an unusual taste. This must be done at the final stage of cooking.

Children's recipe

Corn porridge is hypoallergenic and therefore safe for children. If you cook corn porridge with milk, it will perfectly diversify the children's menu - it can be used as complementary foods or a full breakfast. It should be liquid because it will thicken as it cools.


  • milk - an incomplete glass;
  • water – 0.5 cups;
  • corn product - 2 full tbsp. l.;
  • butter - to taste;
  • salt (sugar) - to taste.

Preparation consists of stages

  1. Combine milk and water, put on fire.
  2. Sweeten immediately.
  3. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, add the cereal and mix well.
  4. Cook over low heat for about half an hour. Cooking time can be halved if you grind the cereal in advance in a coffee grinder.

It is allowed to add chopped fruits, nuts, dried fruits. You can add a delicious aroma by adding vanilla.

When the child reaches 1 year cow's milk he needs to be replaced with breast milk if he is on breastfeeding or with a mixture - if artificial feeding.

Italian recipe

If you want to cook something unusual, then Italian-style corn porridge is what you need. It should be eaten with cheese sauce, which will decorate everyday meals. Ingredients:

  • cereal – 1 tbsp.;
  • milk - an incomplete glass;
  • water - 4 tbsp.;
  • hard cheese – 100 gr.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • paprika - to taste.


  1. Mix milk with water and put on fire.
  2. Pour the main component into the boiling liquid.
  3. Cook for half an hour over low heat. Stir with a whisk.
  4. Line the serving pan cling film, place the prepared porridge on it in the form of a layer, let it cool. It will thicken as it cools.
  5. Prepare the sauce. Melt butter, add flour. Simmer the resulting mass over low heat. Grate the cheese, mix with the resulting mass, paprika, and salt.

Before serving, cut the dish into portions and pour over the cheese sauce.

Cooking corn porridge is easy. You need to know the correct proportion of ingredients and cooking time. To avoid getting tired of this healthy dish, you can experiment in the kitchen with different recipes and components.

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REFERENCE: Corn is a perennial herbaceous plant with edible yellow grains. She has a huge amount useful vitamins and minerals. Well suited for people with nervous work and students, as it relieves stress perfectly.

Thanks to all its vitamins, it has a wonderful effect on the heart, your nerves and even the production of red blood cells. Corn is the third most important cereal on Earth! During cold winter And rainy autumn it will strengthen your immunity. When overeating any harmful but tasty foods, it will help cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and then normalize the functioning of the stomach. Let's look at some recipes and figure out how to correctly - how many and what ingredients are needed for a particular dish, what proportions to follow and how long to cook the porridge.

Simple recipes using water

From cereals, in a saucepan

How to properly cook porridge using water from cereals and prepare a very tasty dish?

For this you will need:

Prepare all ingredients. You need to choose high quality cereals and oil. The grain can be polished, fine or coarse. If you need to quickly prepare a dish, you should choose the finest grind, which is usually used to cook porridge for a child. Take a saucepan or saucepan for cooking.

IMPORTANT The walls and bottom should be thick.

Step by step method cooking:

  1. Place a pot of water on the fire and bring to a boil.
  2. After boiling, add the cereal to the pan.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Cook for 30 minutes.
  5. Add salt and stir.
  6. Cover with a lid and reduce heat to low.
  7. Cook until done, stir occasionally. The water should be absorbed (about 25 minutes).
  8. Add sugar, butter and mix again, dissolving them completely.
  9. Cover the pan with a towel and let the porridge sit for about half an hour.

From flour, in a slow cooker

You will need:

  1. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear.
  2. Place butter on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  3. Place in the “Fry” mode for a couple of minutes.
  4. Sprinkle in the corn grits when the butter has melted a little.
  5. Add salt and stir.
  6. Turn off the Roasting program.
  7. Add water and mix well.
  8. Close the lid and select the “Porridge” (“Grains”, “Buckwheat”) mode. If there is no such option, then turn on the “Multi-cook” mode.
  9. Set the time and temperature (35 minutes, 150 degrees).
  10. After cooking, let the porridge stand with the lid closed on the heat.
  11. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table. If desired, you can add another piece of butter.

From crushed

How to properly cook porridge from crushed corn in water?

You will need:

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear.
  2. Pour water into the pan. Add salt. Bring to a boil.
  3. Add cracked corn and reduce heat (lower than medium).
  4. Cook for 25-30 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. Turn off the fire. Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes until the porridge is ready.
  6. Add oil and mix well.
  7. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Sweet dairy

In the oven with raisins

How to cook a hearty porridge with milk from corn grits in the oven?

You will need:

To prepare, you will need a clay pot. Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear.
  2. Soak the raisins for 15 minutes in hot water.
  3. Pour water and milk into the pot.
  4. Add corn grits, salt and sugar.
  5. Add raisins and mix well.
  6. Place the pot in the oven for 30 minutes, preheat it to 200 degrees.
  7. Take out the porridge and stir it.
  8. Place the pot in the oven for another 15 minutes.
  9. Add oil and stir. You can add more sugar if desired.
  10. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table.

With apple

How to cook sweet porridge in milk with an apple from corn grits?

You will need:

Take a saucepan or saucepan to prepare porridge. The walls and bottom should be thick.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear.
  2. Grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour water and milk into a saucepan. Bring to a boil.
  4. Add cereal, salt and vanilla sugar. Cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
  5. At the end of cooking, add apples and butter. Mix well, remove from heat.
  6. Let the porridge brew (about 20 minutes).
  7. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Breakfast with banana

You will need:

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear.
  2. Finely chop the banana.
  3. Pour the cereal into the pan.
  4. Pour in water and bring to a boil, stirring constantly so that the porridge does not burn.
  5. Add salt and sugar when the water is absorbed.
  6. Pour in milk, add butter, mix well.
  7. Add banana pieces.
  8. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table.

For babies

REFERENCE! For your baby's first feeding, you can use cornmeal, which is finely ground cereal.

You will need:

  • corn flour (4 tbsp);
  • water (250 ml, can be divided in half with milk);
  • butter (2-3 g).

Step-by-step cooking method:

Hearty dishes

With vegetables

You will need:

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Add cereal, salt.
  4. Cook over low heat for 45 minutes, stirring constantly so that the porridge does not burn.
  5. At the same time, chop the onion.
  6. Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
  7. Place onions and carrots in a heated frying pan, add a mixture of peppers and salt.
  8. Fry for 3 minutes.
  9. Pour in boiling water and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  10. Cut the baked peeled peppers into strips.
  11. Add peppers and peas to the pan and mix well.
  12. Place vegetables on prepared porridge.
  13. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table.

With meat

You will need:

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Prepare the chicken meat and cut into small pieces.
  2. Fry the meat in sunflower oil, add salt and a mixture of peppers.
  3. Chop the onion and add to the pan, fry until golden brown.
  4. Cut the carrots into cubes, fry with onions and chicken.
  5. Place the chicken with vegetables in a saucepan.
  6. Rinse the cereal well until the water runs clear. Add to meat.
  7. Pour in water, bring to a boil, add salt.
  8. Cook for 5 minutes until the water is absorbed.
  9. Remove from heat and let the porridge sit for about 10 minutes.
  10. The porridge is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Sunny masterpieces

Hutsul banosh from western Ukraine

You will need:

For cooking you need to use a deep frying pan.

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Place sour cream in a frying pan and dilute with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, gradually add corn grits, stirring constantly wooden spoon so that lumps do not form.
  3. Add salt, cook over low heat, stir constantly so that the porridge does not burn.
  4. Leave for 20 minutes until the porridge thickens, then remove from heat. Small droplets of sour cream fat will appear on the surface.
  5. Let it brew for 15 minutes covered.
  6. Chop the bacon, fry in a frying pan until golden brown with chopped onion.
  7. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
  8. Place the porridge on plates, place cracklings and fat on top, sprinkle with cheese.

Advice! It is recommended to serve lightly salted cucumbers with the dish.

Watch a video about the Transcarpathian style banosh recipe:

Peasant polenta from Italy

You will need:

  • corn flour (1 cup);
  • water (4-5 glasses);
  • oil;
  • parmesan (optional);
  • salt (to taste);
  • pepper (to taste).

Let's consider two types of preparation of classic polenta: soft and hard. You can choose according to your preference. Step-by-step cooking method:

Mamaliga from Romania

You will need:

Step-by-step cooking method:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, put on fire, bring to a boil.
  2. Add corn flour, stirring constantly.
  3. Cook for about 25 minutes.
  4. Add butter.
  5. Stir and place on a wooden base.
  6. Cut with thread or a wooden knife.
  7. For the sauce, grate the garlic and mix it with salt.
  8. Add broth and sunflower oil to garlic.
  9. Mix well.
  10. Pour the sauce over the mamalyga, sprinkle with feta cheese and parsley.
  11. The dish is ready and can be served.

Watch the video about the hominy recipe:


Corn is contraindicated for:

  1. Increased blood clotting.
  2. Tendency to thrombosis.
  3. Thrombophlebitis.

Such a popular corn porridge has a huge number of variations in its preparation. And there are more and more recipes, because many housewives like to experiment with this dish.

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Corn grits porridge is extremely useful product. It is made from ground dried corn kernels. Porridge can be consumed as a separate dish or as a side dish for meat and vegetable salads.

From corn flour bake bread, make pies, various sweets. This cereal makes delicious dietary soups. Flakes are used in muesli as a quick breakfast.

Tablets are even made from these cereals. Flour is also used in cosmetology to make masks.

Corn grits come in the following types:

  1. Coarse grind. Such grains are used to make flakes. They are made from corn kernels.
  2. Fine grind. This flour is used to make children’s favorite delicacy – corn sticks.
  3. Polished. Particles of kernels of various sizes are added to this cereal. The grains are polished using special equipment. Each grain has rounded edges.

General information about corn

In ancient times, the American Indians worshiped corn. They thought this plant sacred. Medicines were made from the leaves of the bush. Even now, adherents of alternative medicine treat hepatitis with the help of tincture of corn leaves. And from the hairs - stigmas - a decoction is made that treats indigestion.

The calorie content of corn porridge per 100 grams is approximately 330 kcal.

The dish is rich in useful microelements, and also does not cause allergies at all. Therefore, doctors allow even small children to use it.

  • fatty acids: linolenic, arachidonic, which control cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • vegetable protein, which is building material for muscles;
  • vitamins of group B, A, E;
  • calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, copper, silicon.

What are the benefits of corn porridge?

The uniqueness of the product is that it retains its valuable qualities during cooking and frying. And all the beneficial microelements and vitamins contained in the product are very easily absorbed by the body.

Benefits of corn porridge:

  1. Regular use of the product yellow, prevents depression in people, and also chronically Bad mood. Psychologists and nutritionists have proven the influence of the color of a product on a person’s psycho-emotional state.
  2. Strengthening the nervous and immune system. This is due to the content of valuable vitamins B5, B1. Doctors strongly recommend that people with mental disorders consume this dish.
  3. Prolongation of youth and beauty, thanks to the presence of vitamins A, E.
  4. Vitamin PP regulates everything important functions body.
  5. Eating it for breakfast normalizes intestinal function.
  6. The large amount of fiber contained in cereals helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body.
  7. Rich in carbohydrates and carotene. And these are those valuable microelements that maintain strength and energy in the body in the absence of physical activity.
  8. Grains strengthen the heart and blood vessels. Valuable grains regulate cholesterol levels and rid blood vessels of harmful plaques. Therefore, regular consumption of them prevents heart attacks and strokes.
  9. Recommended for use by expectant mothers. She contributes correct formation fruit, thanks to the content of valuable folic acid.
  10. Corn porridge is a universal product that is suitable not only as a breakfast, but also as a side dish, soup for meat and fish dishes.
  11. A cereal product is a must for those who want to lose weight! After all, despite its satiety, it leaves no chance for putting on extra pounds.

Despite such an impressive list of advantages, there are also contraindications:

  1. This product is low-calorie. Therefore, it is contraindicated for people suffering from weight deficiency.
  2. If you have a stomach ulcer, it is also not recommended to use it.
  3. If you have liver and gallbladder diseases, you should consult a doctor and then use this product.

Anyone can cook corn porridge. This activity will take no more than 30 minutes.

Corn porridge recipes

It would seem that cooking corn porridge is as easy as shelling pears! But this unique product requires compliance with its own rules.

  1. To improve the taste, you can add pieces of baked pumpkin to the dish, dried apples, apricot, prunes, canned peaches, pineapples, as well as raisins, peanuts and nuts.
  2. For salty dishes, sugar should not be added. Just add grated cheese and tomato paste.
  3. Corn product is extremely healthy. Since it contains all valuable microelements and vitamins.
  4. Regular consumption improves intestinal motility and has a beneficial effect on the liver.
  5. Ready dish can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, and the cereal itself can be stored for about 2 years. Before purchasing, you should carefully look at the production date of the cereal.
  6. When cooking, add 4 parts of liquid to 1 part of cereal.
  7. It is better to cook porridge in a thick-walled cast iron pan.
  8. If the dish turns out hard after cooking, then it should be simmered over low heat for another 5-10 minutes.
  9. To prevent the porridge from burning, it should be stirred all the time while cooking.
  10. The cereal product should be stored in a cool, dark place. A dry glass jar with an airtight lid is best for this.
  11. Before cooking, the cereal should be thoroughly washed and foreign particles should be removed.
  12. For a sweet dish, it is better to use honey rather than sugar.
  13. To work in the kitchen you will need high-quality utensils. A cast iron pan with a thick bottom will do. After all, wide walls retain heat longer, which makes them open better taste qualities dishes. In Rus', all porridges were cooked in thick cast iron ovens.

How to cook corn porridge in water

Corn porridge with water is delicious, quick and healthy breakfast for the whole family.

To prepare 2 servings you will need the following products:

  • corn grits - half a glass;
  • water – 2 glasses;
  • butter – 20 grams;
  • honey – 2 teaspoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • dried apricots.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the cereal through a sieve and then wash.
  2. Take another pan, pour in 0.5 liters of water, add salt, then bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the cereal into boiling water, reduce the heat, then cook for 15 minutes, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Add oil to the cooked porridge, cover the pan tightly with a lid, wrap the dish with a towel to allow the dish to steam and gain flavor.
  5. Place on plates and add raisins and dried apricots on top. If you have fresh berries and fruits, you can add them to your plates.

How to cook corn porridge with milk

Recipe for corn porridge with milk:

  1. Take a medium-sized saucepan and pour 150 grams of dry cereal into it.
  2. Pour the mixture with purified water, volume 300 ml.
  3. The porridge should boil and then simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Bubbles on its surface will indicate readiness. It begins to increase in volume and “shoot out”.
  4. Before finishing cooking, add salt and add 10 grams of butter. After 5 minutes, turn off the gas and let it brew under a closed lid for another 10 minutes.
  5. While the delicacy is gaining flavor, we begin preparing the milk. To do this, pour 1 glass of milk into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil.
  6. Pour the milk into the saucepan with the porridge, turn on low heat again and simmer for 5 minutes, stirring.
  7. You can add sugar or honey, as well as various dried fruits and nuts, so the dish turns out not only satisfying, but also healthy.

Children love corn porridge with milk. This is a very nutritious and healthy product for a growing body.

Popular dishes made from corn grits

Cornmeal pie

Required ingredients:

  • wheat flour – 200 grams;
  • finely ground corn flour – 200 grams;
  • sugar – 150 grams;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil – 70 grams;
  • baking powder - 3 teaspoons;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon;
  • raspberries.

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C and grease with deco oil. During this time, start working on the dough.
  2. Pour wheat and corn flour into a large container. Add salt, sugar, baking powder. Mix everything.
  3. Beat the egg into the flour mixture, pour in the milk and vegetable oil, and then mix again.
  4. Grease the top of the pie egg yolk so that the crust turns out golden brown.
  5. Place raspberries along the edge of the pie. Instead of berries, you can use orange, banana or pineapple slices.
  6. Place the viscous dough on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 20 minutes.

Italian polenta with cheese

Required ingredients:

  • corn grits – 100 grams;
  • Parmesan cheese – 50 grams;
  • butter – 10 grams;
  • water – 400 grams;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour water into it and put on fire.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. As soon as the water boils, pour the cereal into the pan in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  4. Turn the heat down, continue stirring, and cook the porridge for another 5 minutes until there is no water left in the container.
  5. As soon as the mass becomes so dense that it is able to hold a spoon, the fire can be turned off. (Complete readiness time – 25-30 minutes).
  6. Place the thick mixture on a pastry board and let it cool slightly.
  7. Roll out this mass and make various shapes out of it using pastry molds. You can also use silicone molds, which should be filled with porridge.
  8. Take a baking sheet, grease it and place the corn porridge figures on it.
  9. Place a small piece of butter on each figure and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  10. Place the deco in the oven preheated to 100°C. Set the timer for 20 minutes. During this time, the cheese should melt, forming a golden crispy crust on top of the flatbread.
  11. The finished composition can be decorated with caramelized pear or honey on top.

Corn porridge with mushrooms

Required ingredients:

  • Pour the cereal into boiling water in a thin stream, stirring gradually.
  • After 10-12 minutes, turn off the gas. Add the frying from the frying pan and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Cover the pan tightly with a lid, wrap it in a towel and let it stand on the stove with the gas off for 1 hour.
  • After the dish has steeped and gained flavor, it can be served warm.
  • Corn porridge in a slow cooker

    Required ingredients:

    • cereals 200 grams;
    • water – 1.5 cups;
    • milk – 1 glass;
    • sugar – 1 tablespoon;
    • salt - half a teaspoon;
    • butter – 50 grams.

    Recipe for corn porridge in a slow cooker:

    1. Sift the cereal and run running water through it.
    2. Pour the resulting mixture into the bowl and add sugar and salt.
    3. Pour 1 glass of water and 1 glass of boiled milk into the bowl.
    4. How long to cook corn porridge? Usually the timer is set for 25 minutes.
    5. As soon as the food is cooked, set the “Keep Warm” mode. This is to make her soften up.

    Smear porridge can be cooked in a double boiler. To do this, pour half a glass of cereal into a bowl and fill it with 2 glasses of water. Set the timer for 30 minutes, and then add a spoonful of honey and a pinch of salt. After this, hold for another 5 minutes.

    At the end it should be soft and delicate in texture. Therefore, if coarse cereal is available, it should be crushed with a blender or coffee grinder. But under no circumstances should you turn the cereal into dust. The grains should be up to 1 mm.

    Corn porridge in a slow cooker is best solution cooking breakfast. A morning meal is a boost of energy for the whole day. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right diet for breakfast - this is health for the whole family!

    Today, corn grits porridge is eaten for breakfast in almost all families. It is on par in terms of healthiness with oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and other cereals. Let's learn how to cook corn porridge quickly, nutritiously and with health benefits.

    No baby food is complete without aromatic porridge “the color of the sun.” Today we will talk about corn grits and the variety of dishes that can be prepared from it.

    For the first time, this type of cereal crop was domesticated on the western continent - in the territory of modern Mexico. One of the versions of the origin of the modern variety of corn is selection work on one of wild species. The role of corn in world history is great. Scientists are of the opinion that all ancient Western civilizations owe their appearance to corn, which at that time was the basis of agriculture.

    Corn grits are made from the kernels of corn cobs. When processing the latter, the bran shells and germ are separated from the endosperm. It goes to cooking cereals. Not all corn is used in production, but only those varieties whose grains meet certain proportions of glassy and mealy parts.

    Types of grinding

    When processing corn, three types of grinding are obtained.

    1. Polished grain– used for consumer purposes for the population.
    2. Coarse cereal– used for industrial purposes in the production of corn flakes.
    3. Small grains– used in food industry for making corn sticks.

    It is polished cereals that are found on the shelves of mass markets. These are crushed pieces of grain that do not have a specific shape. The multifaceted sides of the grain particles are polished during the production process. There is no difference between coarse and fine grains, except, in fact, the particle size.

    Composition and benefits

    Corn porridge is one of the few cereals that is rich in... a large number substances beneficial to the body. All contained elements are vital for humans. Corn flour contains histidine and tryptophan, components of vegetable protein.

    The chemical composition of corn grits puts it on the list of products that are recommended for the diet of people who are losing weight, as well as pregnant women.

    Corn porridge has the following beneficial qualities:

    • hypoallergenic chemical composition – corn porridge is among the first products introduced into complementary feeding for infants;
    • regulation of blood cholesterol levels– porridge cooked in water is prescribed for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
    • dietary product– porridge with water can cleanse the body of excess fats and toxins and has a beneficial effect on the digestive process;
    • porridge of youth– increases the production of your own elastin, thereby healing and rejuvenating the skin;
    • rich in fiber– invaluable benefits for intestinal function;
    • porridge for expectant mothers– the presence of folic acid in the composition makes it an indispensable product in the diet of expectant mothers;
    • heart porridge– improves condition cardiovascular system and strengthens the nerves.

    Delicious porridge for breakfast can be prepared in any way available to you - in a pan, oven or using.

    It doesn’t matter which method is preferred, the porridge always turns out perfectly top level taste and consistency. But the most important thing is that, in addition to satiation, it brings many benefits to the body.

    It’s worth noting right away that cooking a dish on the stove requires increased attention from the housewife. The porridge must be constantly stirred and cooked over low heat using thick-walled dishes. Otherwise, the cereal will burn.

    - This modern assistant in the kitchen of any housewife. This kitchen chef can prepare everything quickly, tasty and does not require the attention of the hostess. Also, most multicookers have a “Delayed Start” function. This means that if you add all the necessary ingredients in the evening, the whole family will have healthy, aromatic corn porridge for breakfast.

    The oven also takes pride of place in the kitchen and is capable of preparing crumbly, tender porridge quite quickly. You just need to have special heat-resistant forms for cooking.

    Each product has its own characteristics during the preparation process. Corn grits are no exception. It is quite difficult to prepare it correctly, because you need to preserve maximum benefits for the body.

    So, the basic rules to follow when preparing corn porridge:

    • The ratio of dry cereal and water during cooking should be no less than 1:2.5. Subject to cooking over low heat. If the porridge boils strongly, the liquid evaporates faster, which means there is a chance of getting soggy, burnt porridge;
    • to use for preparing “sunny” porridge, you need dishes with thick walls, in ideal– dishes made of cast iron;
    • Regular stirring of the porridge prevents thick cereals from sticking to the walls of the dish and promotes uniform cooking;
    • The cooking time for porridge should not be less than 20-25 minutes from the moment of boiling, but most often this parameter is calculated individually;
    • You can determine readiness only by taste. Many people judge that porridge is unprepared because of the hardness of the cereal. But this is due to the specific shape of the grains themselves;
    • To serve corn porridge deliciously, you should prepare more butter, then it becomes noticeably tastier.

    The appearance of the cereal after cooking changes from crumbly to viscous. After sitting and cooling, it hardens.

    Still, the most common option for preparing porridge remains cooking on the stove. Let's figure out how to cook corn porridge in a saucepan, spending a minimum of nerves and time.

    Exists large number recipes for making corn grits. Let's look at the main ones.

    Corn porridge cooked in water is close to diet menu. It is low in calories, but promotes quick saturation. In addition, it has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    However, people with stomach and intestinal ulcers should treat it with caution. In this case, porridge is contraindicated. It is also worth postponing the intake of corn porridge for people suffering from dystrophy. The main problem is lack of weight. And porridge is low in calories and does not contribute to weight gain.

    For corn grits porridge with water, you will need grits and water in a ratio of 1:3, as well as spices to taste and a piece of butter.

    After the water boils, spices and corn grits are added to the container. Everything is thoroughly mixed so that the grains do not form lumps. Bring to a boil with regular stirring at intervals of 4-5 minutes. After boiling, reduce the flame to low, but so that the porridge continues to boil. Cook, taking into account the rule of regular stirring. When serving, season butter. Healthy porridge ready.

    If you prefer sweet porridge, then when cooking after boiling, add a sweetener to taste.

    With milk

    Milk porridge is a common dish in any family with small children. Milk is very beneficial for humans. This natural product animal origin, which is rich a large number micro- and macroelements. Today, everyone can choose the quality of milk according to their preferences - goat or cow, homemade or store-bought, with a certain amount of fat content.

    Porridge with milk most often involves diluting the milk with some water. So, for cooking you will need water and milk in a 2:1 ratio, a glass of cereal, spices to taste and a piece of butter.

    Initially, the cereal is cooked in water until tender over a small flame. During the cooking process, spices are added to taste. After the water has evaporated, milk is poured into the pan and the porridge is brought to readiness with constant stirring. This should be served hot with butter. If desired, you can add honey.

    Italian style (polenta)

    One of the varieties of corn porridge is “polenta” - a dish based on corn flour. This is a type of thick porridge. It can be served either as a separate dish or as an excellent side dish for meat. The dish has Italian roots. Historically, this dish was the main food of the poor, and later began to occupy special place on the menu of expensive Italian restaurants.

    The quality of cooked polenta depends primarily on the quality of the main ingredient. The finished dish should be creamy and have a smooth texture. This is achieved by dissolving starch.

    Italian culinary experts recommend using a flour to water ratio of 1:3 for this dish. The porridge is cooked over low heat in a thick-bottomed container (ideally a copper bowl) with continuous stirring.

    Basic recipe:

    • corn flour – 1 part;
    • water – 3 parts;
    • salt to taste.

    Flour is added to boiling salted water in small portions so that no lumps form. It's better to use a whisk. Next, for half an hour we do not leave the stove and monotonously stir the polenta with a wooden spoon.

    We determine the readiness of the dish visually - the mass separates from the walls of the dish and the bottom, forming a thin crust on them. Ideal homogeneous consistency and creamy taste are guaranteed. But if the proportions have been calculated a little and the mass is too thick, you can add a little boiling water and bring to the desired consistency over low heat.

    With pumpkin

    Pumpkin is a vitamin-rich autumn food. It can also be added to corn porridge, further enhancing its taste. Ripe pumpkin is peeled, pulp and seeds removed. The hard part is cut into small cubes and covered with sugar until the juice is released. Place the aluminum container with the pumpkin on low heat and cook until tender, stirring occasionally.

    While the pumpkin is exposed heat treatment, wash the corn grits and pour hot milk until it swells. Combine the finished pumpkin with the swollen cereal, add some salt and let it boil. For the porridge to reach, cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in several layers. This method will make the porridge especially aromatic and tender.

    The benefits of dried fruits for the body are invaluable. They are not only rich in microelements, but also have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Ordinary corn porridge can be made even tastier and more nutritious by adding a piece of dried fruit to it.

    If they are large, chop them for ease of use. Fill the dried fruits with boiled water in advance and allow time for swelling. Prepare corn porridge according to your favorite recipe. 10 minutes before readiness, add pieces of dried fruit and cook for the remaining time. After this, remove the pan from the heat and wrap it so that the porridge is saturated with the taste and aroma of dried fruits.

    How to cook corn porridge in a slow cooker?

    You can also cook corn porridge using kitchen gadgets. Each multicooker has a porridge cooking mode.

    To cook it from corn grits, grease the multicooker bowl with butter and place the washed grits, salt and water in it. standard proportions. The “Porridge” mode is designed for 40 minutes.

    Cooking porridge in the microwave

    To cook porridge in a microwave oven, be sure to use fireproof containers, otherwise another container may burst during cooking. For porridge, you can use any proven recipe.

    To ensure the porridge cooks quickly, use the highest power and set the timer for 5 minutes. You can add salt or sugar during cooking. After the timer expires, the power is reduced to medium, and the porridge is cooked until the end.

    Do not forget that corn porridge requires attention and constant stirring. After cooking, add butter.


    We looked at several options for preparing aromatic and healthy dish for people of all ages. How to cook corn porridge for your family is up to the housewife to decide. Even in gloomy weather, corn porridge can lift your spirits and give you a ray of sunshine.