Is it healthy to eat dried apples? Dried apples - composition, benefits and harm

Since fresh apples are now available year-round (organic or not is another matter), dried ones are usually ignored. And in vain, because most of the nutrients in them are retained even after dehydration. And eating a couple of dried fruits that fit in the palm of your hand is much easier and more convenient than crushing two fresh apples.

Do not rush to give up dried fruits, since they inherited the entire range of beneficial properties of apple peel, due to the high concentration of antioxidants.

This is a fairly filling product: 1 glass contains 209 calories. For comparison, a whole apple contains about 80 calories.

Dried apples are a storehouse of insoluble fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system and helps control cholesterol levels. While one medium apple contains 4 grams of fiber, or about 15% of your daily value, just 1/3 cup of the dried fruit will provide you with 2.5 grams of fiber.

With moderate consumption, digestion is normalized, cholesterol and sugar levels are reduced, and constipation and indigestion become a thing of the past.

On the other hand, fresh apples are high in vitamin C, while dehydrated fruits are virtually devoid of this valuable compound.

Thanks to B vitamins, this product supports metabolism, nourishes liver and epidermal cells. Vitamins B5 and B6 in dried apples are involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters - chemicals necessary for brain function.

It is also worth noting the following microelements:

  • potassium: good for the nervous and cardiac systems;
  • iron: participates in hematopoiesis and helps saturate cells with oxygen;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • selenium.

And the low glycemic index of the product (26), especially in comparison with other dried fruits, will undoubtedly be of interest to patients with diabetes.

Culinary ideas

They pair well with unsalted nuts (such as flaked almonds) and raisins—a mixture (available year-round, by the way) that is great to sprinkle on unsweetened yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast.

Oven-dried apples paired with dried cranberries (also homemade) plus a pinch of cinnamon are an incomparable seasoning for marinating lean pork and chicken breasts. Consolidation!

Harm and side effects

This dehydrated product does not have any specific side effects, and all the unpleasant phenomena that can be caused by dried apples are also typical for other dried fruits.

  1. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Dried fruits are rich in healthy fiber, but an excess of it is a real test for an organism unaccustomed to such a diet. There is a possibility of gas, pain and cramps in the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea is possible. If you set out to increase your fiber intake with dried apples, you need to do this gradually over several weeks.
  2. Weight gain is another trouble that awaits lovers of dried fruits. Of course, your figure will suffer only if you include dehydrated fruits in your diet without changing other components of the menu. In other words, just increase your daily caloric intake.
  3. The harm from dried apples also extends to your teeth. Fans of this product, generous with fruit sugar, the likelihood of caries increases. The sticky consistency of dried fruits also makes a negative contribution. Their pieces stick to the teeth, causing the growth of bacteria that are destructive to tooth enamel. Therefore, dentists advise drinking dried apples with water, and after eating, brushing your teeth more thoroughly than usual, using not only a brush, but, if possible, dental floss.

Sweet doesn't mean healthy

Even when fresh, apples contain a lot of natural sugars, and dried ones are also sweetened (apple chips especially). That's why the healthiest dried fruits are those prepared at home without adding sugar or salt.

Drying fruits yourself is not difficult at all. Even the most ordinary oven is suitable for this.

I wish you successful preparations!

Now that fresh fruits can be bought at any time of the year, fewer and fewer people use dried fruits. And it’s completely in vain, because dried fruits retain a huge amount of nutrients and vitamins. In addition, it is very convenient, they take up little space and you can make yourself a delicious snack with them.

Dried apples retain all the beneficial substances, including those from the apple peel. They have the same high concentration as fresh ones. But it is important to remember that dried fruits are much higher in calories: due to their low water content, about one glass of dried apples contains more than 200 calories, while one fresh one contains only 80 calories.

Apples instead of medicine

Dried apples are very useful for people who suffer from allergies. Scientists have found that, firstly, they do not cause any allergic reactions in people who are prone to them, and secondly, they suppress the manifestation of allergies. So dried apples can be considered a tasty and healthy treatment for allergies. Of course, they are great for children too. Moreover, they contain a large amount of useful substances that are simply necessary for a growing body.

And, of course, dried apples have a positive effect on the immune system. It has long been a well-known phrase that if a person does not want to get sick, he needs to eat 2 apples every day. Considering that dried raw materials retain almost all the beneficial properties, it is quite possible to replace fresh fruits with dried ones.

Restrictions for diseases

Many people are interested in whether diabetics can eat dried apples. They are quite acceptable for use by people with diabetes, but not when the disease is at the last stage of development. The fact is that, despite their sweet taste, dried apples actually do not contain much sugar, and do not stimulate a jump in blood sugar levels and can even reduce it slightly. This means that they can be consumed by diabetics, of course, in moderation. Since dry fruits take a long time to digest and absorb, they are as healthy as natural fruits.

Is it possible for an infant to eat dried apples?

Many mothers are interested in whether dried apples can be consumed by their infants. The answer to this question is no. The fact is that dried apples are very difficult to digest, not to mention the fact that they are quite difficult to chew. They can be included in children's diets only after 6 months of life, and this is only if you prepare compote from them. To make such a compote, you need to take a glass of water and boil a couple of pieces of dried apple in it. This compote can already be given to a child, but no more than half a glass a day. It is not advisable to add sugar to such a compote, since the fruits themselves are quite sweet, plus it is generally undesirable for children under 3 years of age to consume sugar. If your child tolerates berries well, you can add currants or something else to this compote.

For pregnant and lactating women

Women often wonder whether dried apples can be consumed during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If you follow the precautions for consuming these products, you can certainly consume them during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. Since dried apples retain the maximum amount of beneficial properties, they are just as useful as fresh ones, including for pregnant women.

For weight loss

Despite the relatively high calorie content of the product, dried apples are also recommended for weight loss. This became possible because they give a feeling of fullness and also significantly speed up metabolism, which makes them a very useful product for those losing weight. This is especially useful if you are on a diet, but feel very uncomfortable due to the ban on sweets. Dried apples can be a very good substitute for candy; they are rich in dietary fiber, so they will only bring benefits.

Composition of dried apples

Dried apples, like fresh ones, contain insoluble fiber, which has a good effect on the human digestive system, relieves intestinal problems and normalizes blood levels. Thus, with regular use of dried apples (of course, in limited quantities), digestion significantly improves, cholesterol levels in the blood decrease and well-being improves. The only significant drawback of dried apples is that there is practically no vitamin C left in them after drying. So, if you need this particular vitamin, give preference to fresh fruits.

Composition of dried apples
253 kcal
59 g
2.2 g
0.1 g
Saccharides 55.6 g
2.3 g
1.5 g
14.9 g
20 g
3.4 g
1 mg
0.04 mg
1.2 mg
0.02 mg
0.02 mg
2 mg
A (RE) 3 mcg
111 mg
1 mg
30 mg
77 mg
12 mg
580 mg

, which are contained in the dried product, support and improve metabolism, promote the renewal of body cells. Some B vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the brain and the entire nervous system, as they improve connections between neurons. Iron, which is contained in fresh apples and remains in dried ones, stimulates the formation of blood cells and maintains its normal condition, is an essential substance for the blood.

What dried apples can do:

  • give the body a lot of energy, which is very useful for athletes;
  • improve the condition of hair and skin;
  • normalize intestinal function;
  • maintain proper nutrition;
  • increase immunity;
  • support the functioning of the nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of developing cancer;
  • support the circulatory system and heart.

They contain a lot of sugar, but they have a relatively low glycemic index, so they can be consumed by diabetics, of course, in moderation.

Use in cooking

Dried apples go very well with various foods; for example, they can be included in your daily diet by adding them little by little to natural food. The ideal combination would be dried apples, any nuts you like, and. In addition, in dried form, some cooks use them to season poultry dishes, especially. For such an original seasoning, just mix dried apples with dried cranberries, add a little and use it to marinate meat.

If you have the opportunity, try to replace your usual desserts with dried apples. First of all, they saturate very well and give energy for the working day, without giving the body too much and saturating them with useful substances. Moreover, this natural healthy dessert will even speed up your metabolism, so it will help you lose weight rather than gain excess weight.

Prepare at home

The best dried apples are the ones you make yourself at home. The fact is that even fresh fruits contain a fairly high concentration of sugar, and in dried fruits per 100 grams of product this concentration only increases; unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes add a little more sugar to the product to make it more tasty.

To get really high-quality dried apples, it is not best to take sour or sweet-sour varieties. So if you have a lot of fruit growing and you don't know the best way to store it without spoiling, your best bet is to dry it. In this case, they retain the maximum concentration of useful substances, while they will occupy a minimum of space and can be stored for a very long time. If apples are dried properly and given enough attention, they can be stored for several years.

How to dry

It is best, of course, to choose apples for drying with the onset of autumn, when they ripen. In this case, it is best to focus on the period when it is still quite warm outside, since it is the fruits dried in the fresh air that will have the greatest amount of useful substances. Although, of course, you can use an oven for these purposes. It would be ideal if you dry them outside or in a dry room with fresh air. They need to be cut, preferably into rings, the thinner the better.

Then lay them out on paper or parchment and place them in a dry place in the shade. Once you notice the tops starting to dry out, simply turn the apples over and let the process continue. This natural drying process usually lasts more than a week, and despite the fact that this is the longest option, this is how the highest quality product is obtained.

If you are wondering how many dried apples you get from a kilogram of fresh ones, keep in mind that they lose almost 90% of their mass. Expect that from one kilogram of fresh apples you will get about 100 grams of dried ones. Since they retain most of the minerals and vitamins, a certain concentrate of useful substances is obtained. If you do not have the opportunity to dry fruits naturally, and you are going to do it in the oven, you need to repeat the procedure: just lay them out on parchment and put them in a warm oven. Some chefs recommend pre-blanching apples to make them easier to cut and dry faster, but we strongly advise against doing this. The fact is that heat treatment removes a huge amount of useful substances from fruits, so be patient and dry them naturally.

Before drying apples, be sure to remove the seeds from them. The fact is that they contain a substance that, when digested, can cause harm to the body. Try not to eat a lot of apple seeds, at least not more than 5 per day.

Oven drying

Drying apples in the oven is divided into three stages: the first is a temperature of about 50 degrees, during which it is necessary to open the stove doors. And then you need to raise the temperature to 65 degrees and wait until most of the moisture evaporates. The last part is complete drying, you need to raise the temperature to about 80 degrees and wait until the apples are completely dry. Each step takes about 30 minutes, but can be reduced if you slice them very thin using a slider.

Using a dryer

Of course, it is ideal if you have a special fruit dryer. In this case, it is enough to carry out preliminary preparation, wash and cut the apples, and then simply follow the instructions and dry them in the dryer. By the way, it is in the dryer that they turn out to be of the highest quality, since it is specifically designed for this purpose and preserves the maximum concentration of useful substances in them.

How to store dried apples

Dried apples can be stored for a very long time, up to about 2 years. It is very important to store them in a room that is well ventilated and has a minimum level of humidity. It is best to place apples, like any other dry product, in a glass container. However, it is quite possible to simply place them in special bags made of natural fabric. If you keep dried apples on hand in your kitchen, their lifespan is significantly reduced, to about six months, since the kitchen is usually very humid.

Daily norm

Every day, an adult who does not suffer from diabetes or obesity can consume from 3 to 6 slices of dried apples. This will only be beneficial, especially if used regularly, especially if you replace your usual desserts with dried apples. But for children under 6 years old, only 1 to 2, maximum 3 circles per day are needed. If a child is 6 years old and tolerates fruit normally, just one such circle twice a week is enough.

Harm and side effects

As for side effects, they are exactly the same for dried apples as for other dried fruits. Since they contain a high concentration of fiber, excess can also be harmful, so you should consume dried apples in doses. The fact is that a high concentration of fiber, especially if your body is not accustomed to this kind of food, can lead to stomach pain, flatulence and constipation. So you need to either very strictly regulate their consumption, or, if you need a lot of fiber, start introducing them into your diet little by little, gradually increasing the pace.

Of course, dried apples are much healthier than candy, but it is important to remember that they contain a fairly high concentration of sugar per 100 grams of weight compared to fresh fruit. Treatment with dried apples can significantly increase the daily calorie content of your diet, which will lead to inevitable weight gain. In addition, it is necessary to take good care of the condition of your teeth, since fruits contain substances that make the product sticky, as well as a high concentration of sugar, which can lead to caries. So if you love dried apples and eat them regularly, be sure to drink plenty of water, and, no matter how trivial it may sound, don’t forget to brush your teeth regularly.

To our joy, apples are our national treasure, and we do not experience a shortage of this healthy and tasty fruit. It is worth paying attention to dried apples, because... Unlike fresh ones, we have a considerable assortment of dried apple products, which are currently offered by manufacturers, in particular our company "S-Fruit Siberia": candied apples, dried-dried rings and slices, apple crackers, and incredibly crunchy natural apple chips .

You can dry apples on your own, but also do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to try high-quality dried apple snacks, which are obtained in special production conditions, when dried at low temperatures, preserving vitamins and achieving a certain degree of dryness, up to a crispy plate.

It is worth noting that dried apples in some cases have clear advantages over fresh ones: the beneficial substances do not disappear after the apple dries, and eating a handful of dried fruits is often easier than eating 2 whole apples.

Pectin in dried apples

The benefits of dried apples are the abundance of fiber. Fiber in reasonable quantities is good for the gastrointestinal tract: improves digestion, cleanses the intestines, normalizes stool, helps speed up metabolism, prevents the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract into the blood (the component of apple pulp, pectin, is responsible for the latter).

The peel of an apple, for example, contains a lot of cellulose, and the pulp contains pectin; all of this is dietary fiber; Cellulose is an insoluble dietary fiber (it is not digested or absorbed by our body), and pectin is soluble; together they play an important role in overall health. Many fruits contain pectin, but apples are especially rich in it. In addition to a beneficial effect on the digestive system, pectin and cellulose have a healing effect on the skin - they improve its condition in all respects.

If your daily diet includes a lot of fruits and vegetables, then you get all the benefits described from fresh fruits and vegetables. But if you are not a fan of fresh plant foods, then dried apples will compensate for the benefits of fresh fruits for the body.

It should also be noted that when consuming dietary fiber, you should not forget to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

Dried apples inherit from fresh ones ascorbic acid, B vitamins, as well as microelements: potassium, iron, manganese, selenium.

Are dried apples good for weight loss?

Dried apples contain a lot of natural sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose. The calorie content of dried apples per 100 g without added sugar is approximately 230 Kcal. Thus, it is quite a satisfying product. Dried apples can be used on diets and when losing weight, but precisely because they can dull the feeling of hunger and help avoid unnecessary snacks before bed. Dried apples are also suitable as a substitute for sweets during a diet.

Dried apples do not contain fat, but at the same time they are rich in fiber, which is necessary for weight loss. The main thing is to follow the norm and not overeat extra calories.

Please be aware that some dried apple products may contain sweeteners or sugar. Initially, any candied fruit contains sugar, because... pieces of fruit or vegetables are first boiled in sugar syrup.

Our line of dried apples, free of sugar and other additives, includes amazingly crunchy all-natural ones, which are sold in metallized packaging that retains the properties necessary for apple chips; we also have dried-dried and sliced ​​ones, as well as. And we buy the apples themselves for the production of apple snacks in Russia, in the Samara Region.

Apples are one of the ten healthiest fruits.

You need to eat one or two apples a day to stay healthy and strengthen the body's protective functions, strengthening its resistance to any disease. Drying, as a way to preserve the product itself and the maximum of its useful components, is ideal for apples.

Dried apple slices are a natural concentrate of vitamins and a storehouse of microelements. They are the best alternative to fresh fruits in the winter-spring period, when natural apples are no longer available, and only chemically processed surrogates are on the shelves.

A simple and widely available tool

Dried apples are undeservedly ignored by food lovers. But this is an inexpensive, nutritious, extremely healthy and pleasant treat. Among the variety of dried fruits, almost the entire periodic table is concentrated in apple slices.

Drying apples is very simple - in the sun or using a household oven. This can be done both in urban conditions and in country cottages.

Upon completion of the process, the output is a unique product, with a long shelf life, lightweight, not requiring much storage space or special conditions, which, moreover, is a complete replacement for fresh apples.

When drying apples, only the liquid evaporates, and all the beneficial properties, acids, vitamins, and minerals do not change their quantity and form.

Dried apples are the raw material for preparing delicious compotes and jelly. They are convenient to take with you to work or school, on the road, or on a picnic for a snack. You can chew them, like seeds or popcorn, while watching your favorite movie.

There is only one significant difference between dried apples and fresh ones - calorie content.

Dried ones are much more nutritious - about 5 times, so those who are watching their figure need to be more careful with them, although it has been proven that dried apples, when consumed correctly, promote weight loss.

Chemical composition

It would be useful for skeptics who doubt that there could be anything useful in such a primitive product to learn about the chemical composition of dried apples.

Vitamins in quantity they are not inferior to those contained in fresh apples. These are PP, C, B, K, E, beta-carotene and others.

Mineral components(iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, magnesium, copper, manganese) for the full functioning of all body systems, and most of all for the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

Pectins, which normalize blood cholesterol levels, accelerate metabolism and digestion.

Sahara, including fructose, glucose, and sucrose, help quickly recover from mental and physical stress and give strength.

Catechins, flavonoids, tannids(tannins) known for their anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidant abilities, and antibacterial properties. The highest concentration of these substances is observed in the peel of dried apples.

Organic acids, among which the leaders are wine, apple, ascorbic, lemon and arabic. Protect the body from viral and infectious attacks, maintain normal pH in the body.

It is also impossible not to mention phytoncides, which prevent the development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. In addition, essential oils, fiber, fats, carbohydrates, starch, and proteins are fully preserved in dried apples.

Dried apples - benefits

Dried apples can be eaten in their pure form, or together with nuts and other dried fruits, then the benefits for the body will be even more significant.

With moderate but regular consumption of dried apples, a person can get rid of many unpleasant symptoms, as well as significantly strengthen his body.

1. Dried apples normalize digestion, speed up the digestion of food, stimulate peristalsis - relieve constipation.

2. Fiber cleanses the intestines of toxins.

3. Cholesterol levels are reduced.

4. The elasticity of blood vessels improves, full blood circulation is restored.

5. Dried apples reduce not only cholesterol levels, but also blood sugar.

6. Dried fruit with such a high potassium content has a beneficial effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

7. As a dietary product, it speeds up metabolism and gives a feeling of fullness. Although the calorie content of dried foods is close to baked goods, unlike carbohydrates they do not “settle” on the sides and help you lose weight without debilitating hunger.

8. from dried apples - a recognized remedy for hyperthermia for adults and children.

9. Dried apples strengthen the immune system.

10. Replace sweets for children and adults.

11. Improves the condition of hair and nails.

12. Normalize brain activity, improve the condition of the nervous system, and help strengthen memory.

13. An excellent source of vitamins for pregnant women.

14. Calcium contained in dried fruits supports healthy bone tissue.

15. Due to their low glycemic index, dried apples are one of the few foods allowed for diabetics.

16. A drink made from dried apples is a remedy for pancreatitis.

17. Relieves swelling and provides a diuretic effect.

18. Heal the organs of the genitourinary system, neutralize infections.

Dried apples tend to improve vascular permeability and stabilize blood pressure.

Dried apples are harmful

For a body unaccustomed to digesting fiber, eating a large amount of dried apples at once can be stressful.

Since dried apples contain a lot of sugar, they can cause tooth damage. Experts recommend brushing your teeth or rinsing your mouth after consuming this product. Stay healthy.

Making a supply of healthy vitamins for the entire winter period is not difficult at all. To do this, you can dry apples without adding any preservatives, without heat treatment, and even without sugar and other sweeteners. At the same time, the fruits retain their pleasant taste, and there are much more nutrients and vitamins than in the juicy bright fruits laid out on supermarket shelves in winter. Dried apple fruits can be stored for a long time, and they are more affordable compared to all others. However, you can prepare them yourself. The topic of our conversation today will be the benefits of dried apples for health and weight loss and the possible harm from eating them.

What are the benefits of dried apples??

Due to the numerous beneficial properties of this product, it is worth making a sufficient supply for the winter, even if prunes, dried apricots and other dried fruits are already stored on the shelves. This is due to the presence of a huge number of beneficial properties of dried apples:

* thanks to the presence of a large amount of fiber, digestive processes are normalized, and just a few slices allow you to satisfy the feeling of hunger, which helps reduce excess weight;
* salts of heavy metals are removed from the body, which is an effective prevention of a number of diseases, including cancer;
* pectins neutralize accumulated cholesterol in the body, clearing blood vessels of plaque;
* the content of potassium and magnesium has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle and normalizes the blood circulation process;
* the nervous system is strengthened, and thanks to this, the emotional state is stabilized, the effects of stress are neutralized, fatigue is reduced and efficiency is increased;
* preserving vitamin C in dry fruits allows you to maintain the body's defenses and always resist viral attacks and infectious diseases;
* iron is necessary to improve blood composition, to enrich every cell of our body with oxygen, as well as to maintain normal blood pressure;
* memory improves and brain function is stimulated, and all thanks to the boron contained in dry slices.

By the way, the most vitamin C is retained in acidic varieties, and dried ones also contain vitamin K, H, PP, and group B. But the largest amount of antioxidants is present in the peel, so it should not be peeled under any circumstances. Antioxidants naturally slow down the aging process in the body and accelerate metabolic reactions.

Dried fruits are also useful for the organic acids they contain, which are needed to maintain the acid-base balance: tartaric, malic, citric, chlorogenic.

Why are dried apples harmful??

Even the most useful product with its numerous properties and unique composition may not be useful to everyone. The same goes for dried apples. These dried fruits, unfortunately, are not suitable for the diet of diabetics or those who are overweight. This does not mean that their use is strictly prohibited, but the quantity should be limited. When dried, moisture is removed from the fruits and the sucrose content increases, so they become completely safe for diabetics.

Moderate consumption of dried apples is also indicated for pancreatitis - due to inflammation of the pancreas. This category of people is recommended to drink dried fruit compote without added sugar - it has a gentler effect on the pancreas.

The benefits of dried apples for weight loss

To combat excess weight, nutritionists recommend skipping dinner completely and eating a few slices of dried apples instead. If you maintain this diet for 1 month (without changing your usual daily diet), you can easily say goodbye to 3-4 kilograms.

Drying contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals that people who are losing weight usually lack. The delicacy will help satisfy your need for sweets, replace high-calorie dessert and at the same time delight you with a pleasant taste. Do you agree that it is precisely different snacks with tasty treats that prevent you from getting rid of extra centimeters on your waist?

Apple slices can even be added to boring, bland oatmeal - they will sweeten the taste. Dried apples do not cause gas and bloating, unlike fresh fruits.

You can also use more strict diets if there are no contraindications for health. For example, within 5 days you need to eat 200 grams of dry food, dividing the entire volume evenly across all days. You need to make 10 meals a day, adding walnuts, peanuts or other nuts to the apple slices. It turns out that you need to eat every hour and a half. In 5 days, your body can become 4 kg lighter. Don't forget to drink mineral water or green tea without sugar.

Her one way to lose weight involves 1 fasting day per week. You need to eat 200 grams of dried apples per day and drink clean water regularly. It will not be possible to lose many kilograms at once, but with regular unloading, the weight will be kept within optimal limits.

And of course, dried fruits for weight loss can be combined with fermented milk products. With the apple-kefir diet, you will lose 3-4 extra kilos in 3 days. During the day, eat 4-5 slices of dried fruit at regular intervals, then drink 1 glass of kefir (no more than 1.5 liters per day). By the way, you need to take kefir that is not low-fat. Lose weight and be healthy!