The norm for feeding a child is 3 weeks. Nutritional standards for infants from birth to one year with breastfeeding and artificial feeding

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 6 minutes


Latest update articles: 05/25/2019

The first weeks of your baby’s life have flown by. Very soon he will turn one month old. During these three weeks, the parents noticed that the baby was not at all the same as he was after birth. He has grown noticeably, gained weight, and his behavior has changed significantly.

The baby no longer spends as much time sleeping as it did in the first two weeks after birth. And he has a lot of reasons for that.

The total time spent by the baby in the arms of Morpheus at this age is 16–22 hours. This gap in values ​​is explained by the individual characteristics of the baby’s body and the conditions in which he finds himself.

How much should a 3 week old baby sleep during the day?

Its proper development and mood depend on how much time the baby spends sleeping and how much time he is awake.

During the day, a three-week-old baby should sleep for a total of about 6-8 hours. At this age, the child’s periods of wakefulness differ significantly from those of older children. early age. If before he woke up only to eat, now his list of important tasks has expanded significantly.

Waking up during the day, the infant eats mother's breast or formula from a bottle, and then good mood is engaged in studying the world around him, delighting his relatives. Now the period of his wakefulness can range from 50 minutes to 1 hour.

A child who has reached 3 weeks of age has the following skills:

  1. He tries to keep his head in an elevated position when his mother places him on his tummy.
  2. The baby has already learned to focus his gaze on a specific object more long time. He looks at his mother’s face and the faces of people close to him with pleasure.
  3. It is during this period that your child can please you with his first smile. Keep your camera or camera ready to capture this beautiful moment.
  4. Congenital reflexes at this age are still preserved (proboscis, plantar, sucking, etc.).
  5. The child already hears well various sounds and reacts to them differently. He likes his mother's voice, quiet music, lullabies that his mother and father sing to him. Listening to such sounds, the baby calms down, becomes quiet, and can smile. In response to loud and unpleasant sounds, the baby expresses his dissatisfaction: he shudders, and demonstrates fear and anxiety by crying loudly.
  6. Limb movements have become more coordinated. If earlier he swung his arms and legs chaotically and sharply, sometimes being frightened by this, now the movements have become softer and smoother.
  7. If you place a finger or a light toy in the baby's hand, he will be able to hold the object for some time.
  8. The baby has become sensitive to touch. He likes when his parents massage him and enjoys taking warm baths.
  9. His crying became louder. He realized that all his complaints and requests needed to be expressed by crying. This way, mom will come to him faster and do everything to calm him down.
  10. The baby has already managed to carefully study its mother. He reacts violently to her appearance, smiling and randomly kicking his legs and arms.
  11. Tries to make its first sounds, similar to humming or cooing.

These are skills he enjoys practicing and improving during his daytime activities.

Don’t worry if your child doesn’t yet know how to do any of the above. Day by day he grows up and learns new skills. You just need to wait a little, because all children develop individually.

Night sleep

The question of how long a child should sleep at night worries parents during the first year of a baby’s life. Any mother wants her baby to sleep soundly all night, in order to fully rest herself. Working all day with the baby and doing household chores at the same time, at night the mother really wants to rest.

However, you should tune in to what else for a long time You can only dream of a restful sleep. On average, children begin to sleep through the night only after reaching 1 year.

At 3 weeks of age night sleep cannot be long-lasting, since the child wakes up from a feeling of hunger, and after eating, he will want to have a bowel movement or burp. Caring mom will have to wash her bottom and change her diaper. Only after the baby has fulfilled all his natural needs will he be ready to go further into sleep.

Typically at this age, babies wake up every 2-4 hours during the night. It all depends on how long it takes for the milk to be digested in his body. If the baby is bottle-fed, then the periods of sleep will be longer, since artificial formulas are “heavier” than breast milk and take longer to digest.

Mother's milk is more familiar and familiar to the baby's intestines, and therefore its absorption occurs very quickly. With natural (breast) feeding, the baby can wake up every 2 hours for a new portion of milk.

Create a meal schedule online:

As a rule, breastfed babies often wake up with insufficient nutrition - the mother either has little milk or it is of insufficient fat content.

The duration of night sleep depends not only on hunger, but also on the baby’s sensitivity to environment. Some children can easily sleep in wet diapers, but for others this fact becomes the reason for waking up. The same goes for extraneous noise. Some children sleep with the sound of the TV on, while others require complete silence to sleep.

Why does a baby sleep poorly at three weeks of age?

A three-week-old baby should sleep about 16–20 hours, but very often parents encounter problems with their newborn's daily routine. Most often, complaints are made that the baby does not sleep well and this is reflected in his behavior, mood and weight gain. After all, in order to grow and develop in accordance with age, the baby must receive proper rest.

A baby can sleep poorly for several reasons:

  1. It is at the age of 3 weeks that a child may develop colic. Accumulated gases in the intestines put pressure on the intestinal walls, causing severe abdominal pain, which makes it impossible to sleep peacefully. No matter how much a mother tries to rock her baby to sleep and put it to her breast, the baby’s sleep will still be short. And during sucking, colic can only intensify due to increased peristaltic movements of the intestines. Colic goes away on its own after 3 months. Before this, parents should be patient and do everything possible to alleviate the condition of the newborn: massage the tummy every day, put it on the stomach; the mother must follow a diet that excludes the consumption of gas-forming products; give the child dill water or use pharmaceutical products(Plantex, Espumisan, Bobotik).
  2. The baby does not sleep well if he is too hot or cold. Hang a thermometer in the room and make sure the air temperature is between 20–22 degrees.
  3. It will be difficult for a child to sleep if he not saturated with mother's milk or formula. A hungry child will be capricious for a very long time before falling asleep. To know how much milk a baby should eat at the age of 3 weeks, you need to contact your pediatrician with this question.
  4. It is not uncommon for a newborn to wake up from your own sudden movements. In this case, put him to sleep without tightly swaddling his arms. Tight swaddling disrupts blood circulation in the organs, which will also affect the quality of sleep.
  5. It happens that children at this age confuse day with night. The baby sleeps for a long time during the day, but wants to stay awake at night. This is normal for this age. He does not yet know that night is for sleeping. Parents should teach him this: do not turn on bright lights at night and do not talk to the child, do not turn on the TV. All loud sounds are appropriate only during the day. Let the baby lie in the crib on his own. If he is dry and fed, then after a while he will fall asleep. Very soon he will understand that there is a day for games and communication with his mother, and at night the whole family should rest.

Pay attention not to how many hours the baby sleeps, but to how he feels after waking up.

An infant does not owe anything to anyone; he carries out all actions unconsciously, as his growing body requires. Don't try to squeeze it into the framework of some norms.

All values ​​are given approximately in order to monitor the development of the baby during important periods of his life.

If your indicators differ significantly (by an order of magnitude) from the standards given in the tables, then you need to inform your pediatrician about this.

Read further:

The amount of milk a child eats depends on developmental characteristics, age and health status. Most often, mothers of bottle-fed babies worry about this. After all, when feeding, they can clearly control the amount of formula that the child sucks out, and if something happens, sound the alarm. With properly organized breastfeeding, things are more complicated - the child himself regulates the amount of milk he needs and determining the volume of breast milk consumed is no longer so easy. However, in both cases, the child must consume an amount of food that meets the standards derived from many years of observations and experience of pediatricians in order to meet the needs of his body.

Average age norms for milk or formula

During the first breastfeeding, the baby eats very little. The fact is that for some time after childbirth, a woman produces not milk, but colostrum, which has a high calorie content. Even a few drops are enough for your baby to eat. A few days pass and the colostrum turns into milk. At this time, it is important not to waste time and establish breastfeeding correctly so that the baby is provided with breast milk for a long time. But not always and not everyone succeeds without problems, and for a number of reasons there may not be enough milk. A lack of breast milk means its quantity is below the norm, which is established taking into account the general and individual characteristics of the child.

Norms for one feeding for children up to 10 days

On the first day, the newborn eats 7-9 ml of food at one feeding. To calculate the amount of food that a child should eat up to 10 days, you need to take the child’s age in days and multiply it by 10. That is, at 3 days, a child is supposed to suck 30 ml of milk or formula per feeding.

Daily values ​​for children under 1 year

These standards, developed on the basis of the volumetric calculation method, do not take into account individual characteristics child, which must also be taken into account. So for babies with a birth weight of more than 4 kg, this norm may be insufficient, and for low birth weight babies it may be too high.

AgeDaily volume of milk or formula
7 days - 2 months600-950 (600-800)
2-4 months800-1050 (800-900)
4-6 months900-1050 (900-1000)
6-8 months1000-1200 (1000-1100)
8-12 months1000-1200

The recommendations outlined in the table below can be considered a transitional option between average and individual milk standards.
AgeAmount of milk consumed per feeding, mlAmount of milk consumed per day
1 week50-80 400 ml
2 weeks60-90 20% of the child's body weight
1 month100-110 600 ml
2 months120-150 800 ml
3 months150-180 1/6 of the child's body weight
4 months180-210 1/6 of the child's body weight
5-6 months210-240 1/7 (800 ml -1000 ml)
7-12 months210-240 1/8 - 1/9 of the child's body weight

Norms for a large child at birth and a child with high rates of physical development

AgeVolume of formula or breast milk per day, ml
1 month700-850
2 months750-850
3 months800-900
4 months850-950
5 months900-1000
From 5 monthsno more than 1000-1100

How to calculate the amount of formula or milk based on the baby's weight

Simple calculations will help you determine how much milk your child specifically needs, taking into account, in addition to age, such individual characteristics of the child as weight, height, and health status. When using them for children in the first days of life, you need to remember that they can give overestimated results of the amount of milk.

Children in the first 10 days of life

  1. Finkelstein's formula modified by A.F. Tura.
    Amount of milk per day (ml) = Day of a child’s life × 70 or 80, where
    70 – with body weight less than 3200g,
    80 – with body weight above 3200g.
  2. Formula N.F. Filatov modified by G.I. Zaitseva(considered the most optimal for calculating this age category of children).
    Amount of milk per day (ml) = 2% of body weight × Child's day of life.
  3. Formula N.P. Shabalova.
    The amount of milk per 1 feeding (ml) = 3.0 × Day of life of the child × body weight (kg).

For children over 10 days of life

  1. Reiche method.
    Amount of milk per day (ml) = Body weight (g) / child’s height (cm) × 7.
  2. Calculation method according to Geibener and Czerny (volume method). Takes into account the daily volume of milk or formula without additional drinking.
  3. Method for counting calories. It is considered the most appropriate for calculating the nutrition of children over 10 days of age and before the first introduction of complementary foods.

The calorie calculation method assumes that a child must consume a certain number of calories per 1 kg of body weight per day. Different literary sources contain different information on this matter. The maximum values ​​are contained in WHO recommendations, which also take into account changes with the age of the child. energy value breast milk.

Child's age in monthsChild’s daily energy requirement, kcal/kg (WHO)A child’s daily energy requirement, kcal/kg (Maslov M.S.)
0,5 124 120
1-2 116
2-3 109
3-4 103 115
4-5 99
5-6 96,5
6-7 95 110
7-8 94,5
8-9 95
9-10 99 100
10-11 100
11-12 104,5

The simplest and easiest way to use this method is to calculate the volume of the mixture, since its calorie content is indicated in advance on the packaging. With breast milk everything is more complicated. The composition and energy value of breast milk is not constant and changes throughout the entire period. For this reason, when applied to breast milk, this method is more approximate. But you can still use it if you know the average energy value of breast milk, which is 53-80 kcal/100 ml.


Let’s say you need a volume of formula for a two-month-old child weighing 4600 g with a calorie content of the mixture of 680 kcal/l.

Calculation procedure

  1. We calculate the number of calories for a child per day using data daily requirement child in calories per 1 kg of body weight, for example, according to V.S. Maslov:
    Number of kcal = Child’s daily energy requirement, kcal/kg × Child’s weight, kg.
    Amount of kcal = 115 kcal/kg × 4.6 kg = 529 kcal.
  2. We calculate the volume of formula needed by the child per day:
    Volume of mixture, ml = Number of kcal × 1000/calorie content of 1 liter of mixture.
    Mixture volume, ml = 529 kcal × 1000/680 kcal = 780 ml

When using this method, it is also necessary to take into account the appropriateness of the child’s weight for his age.

Regardless of what standards you use, remember that a baby whose mother had to supplement feeding or who is fed exclusively on infant formula should consume the same amount of nutrition as any other baby who is breastfed.

The amount of food per day in children of the first year of life should not exceed 1000 ml, and in children of the second half of the year 1000-1100 ml.

Calculation of nutrition for premature babies

Nutrition of a premature baby is carried out taking into account the needs of the body and capabilities digestive system, since energy needs are very high, and digestion capabilities are not yet sufficient.

The number of calories per 1 kg of body weight for a premature baby in the first days of life is presented in the table.

AgeNumber of kcal/1 kg body weight
1 dayat least 30
Day 240
Day 350
7-8 days70-80
14 days120
1 month130 (artificial mixture) - 140 ( breast milk)

From the second month of life, for children born weighing more than 1500 g, caloric intake is reduced by 5 kcal/kg/day (compared to the first month of life), and for children born weighing 1000-1500 g, the calorie intake is maintained at the same level for up to 3 months. level as in the first month of life. Next, they begin to reduce calorie content by 5-10 kcal/kg/body weight, taking into account the child’s health and well-being.
Increasing the amount of nutrition in premature infants should be done gradually and carefully. If the child’s condition worsens, the amount of food must be reduced.
Feeding in the first 1.5-2 months. are produced 7-10 times/day. They switch to six meals a day when the child reaches a body weight of 3 kg. At 6-7 months the child will be ready to switch to 5 meals a day.

Calculation of nutrition for low birth weight and sick children (WHO recommendations)

These recommendations apply to children in the first 10 days of life. Low birth weight babies are defined as babies born weighing less than 2500 g. This can include both premature babies and children who are simply small for their age.

For such children, the volume of milk per kg of body weight should initially be 60 ml. Then, every day, it is necessary to increase the total volume of milk by 20 ml per 1 kg of weight, until the child begins to receive 200 ml per 1 kg of weight per day.

Sick children are defined as children whose weight is over 2500 g and who, due to illness, are unable to breastfeed. For such children, the amount of milk should be 150 ml per 1 kg of body weight per day.

The amount of milk or formula per feeding

The one-time volume of the mixture should be calculated based on the number of feedings per day. However, here mothers often reach a dead end, not knowing how many feedings are considered normal. To do this, you can refer to the table in which the number of feedings is given taking into account the age of the child.

Average volume of milk or formula per feeding depending on age

With the arrival of a baby in the family, parents try to do everything right. After all, its development depends on the quality of care for a newborn. First of all, adults are interested in the question of feeding the baby. At first glance, it seems that there cannot be a more natural process than feeding a child. But a woman always worries whether the baby has eaten enough, whether he has enough nutritional fluid, and how many breastfeedings per day are considered normal. Even more questions arise when a mother cannot breastfeed her baby. The child is transferred to a specially adapted formula, but this also has its own nuances. Let's take a closer look at nutrition standards infant: how to understand how much milk or formula a newborn should eat.

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How much milk does a newborn need during breastfeeding?

Today's approach to breastfeeding has changed dramatically when compared with the recommendations of pediatricians twenty to thirty years ago. Increasingly, women are turning to breastfeeding consultants, who tell young mothers in detail about the rules of feeding a baby, the technique of breastfeeding and other nuances. Now it is important to maintain close contact with the baby, so feeding on demand is encouraged.

Nature provides for the process of breastfeeding a child, so immediately after the baby is born, the hormone responsible for milk production appears in an increased amount.

In the maternity hospital, a young mother is explained the rules for attaching a child to the breast in order to establish breastfeeding from the first days

What if he doesn’t have enough: secrets of the first feeding

But mothers most often worry in the first days after the birth of a child, when there is no milk as such yet, and the body produces only colostrum. Moreover, the amount of this valuable nutrition for the baby is very small: during the first breastfeeding, the baby receives about 1.5–2 ml of colostrum.

Experts have proven that receiving colostrum is mandatory for the baby. The fact is that it contains a huge reserve useful substances: microelements, immunoglobulins, antibodies, and also a lot of protein. Therefore, doctors around the world insist that the baby be placed on the mother’s breast immediately after birth or in the first hours of life. Colostrum not only saturates the baby with nutrients, but also helps to activate protective forces body.

When colostrum enters the baby’s body, it is completely absorbed, because It contains practically no fat and provides the child with passive immunity, which protects the baby from many infectious diseases. After the next meal, the amount of colostrum increases slightly and reaches 200–300 ml per day. During one feeding, the baby eats about 20–30 ml of liquid on the second and third days after birth.

Newborn babies eat only colostrum for the first days, and that’s enough for them

However, many women are worried that colostrum alone is not enough for the baby and he is not getting enough. You can often hear the opinion that in the first days the child needs to be supplemented with formula. This is a false statement: the amount of colostrum is absolutely sufficient to meet all the nutritional needs of an infant. Therefore, women should not worry about this.

Supplemental feeding of a newborn baby with an adapted formula can cause breast refusal. The baby will get used to receiving food from a bottle and will not want to perform active sucking movements in order to get milk. Also, the baby will take less from the mother’s breast, which, in turn, will lead to a decrease in the woman’s milk production.

Therefore, experts insist: for a child in the first days of life, the nutrition he receives during breastfeeding is quite enough. It is also worth noting that the volume of a newborn baby’s stomach is very small and is about 10 ml. Therefore, 7–8 ml of colostrum eaten at one feeding on the first day is quite enough for the baby.

Required milk standards in the first ten days of a baby’s life

The baby feeds on colostrum for the first two to four days after birth. He is actively mastering the sucking reflex, which is not yet very developed, and is learning to properly grasp his mother’s breast in order to extract valuable liquid. The volume of the stomach increases every day, so the child begins to eat more milk. The baby is put to the breast about 8-10 times a day.

Lactation consultants explain to new mothers that in the first days after birth, the baby should be latched to the breast frequently to stimulate the woman's milk production. After all, the body works on the “supply and demand” principle; the more the baby eats, the more milk comes in. And the first month is very important: it is at this time that breastfeeding is established.

In the first days after birth, the baby is often put to the breast: on average, 8–10 times

There is a formula that makes it easy to determine the amount of milk consumed for a child in the first days of life. It looks like this: N*10=the amount of milk that the baby should eat in one feeding, where N is the number of days from the moment the baby is born.

Table: How much milk does a baby eat in the first ten days after birth?

Sometimes doctors determine how much milk the baby has eaten by weighing the child. It is necessary to weigh the baby before feeding and immediately after. The difference in weight shows how much liquid entered the baby’s body during feeding. Sometimes women worry because... By the time they are discharged from the maternity hospital, children lose weight. Doctors rush to reassure that this is a normal phenomenon: after birth, the child’s body is cleansed, excess fluid leaves, so his weight decreases. This does not mean that the baby does not have enough milk.

If the baby is healthy and active, there is no need to specifically buy scales and weigh him at home before and after each feeding. The pediatrician makes all the necessary calculations once a month during a routine examination. He calculates the optimal weight gain; if everything is normal, then the baby has enough milk.

Table: Formulas for calculating milk standards for children in the first 10 days of life

How to properly organize a newborn's feeding schedule

Today, doctors advise feeding children on demand. If earlier children's doctors insisted that a baby should be put to the breast no earlier than three to three and a half hours after the previous feeding, now the situation has changed. But experts warn young mothers not to confuse hunger with the desire to satisfy the sucking reflex. The baby should not be at the breast 24/7. Normally, the baby eats every 2-3 hours and the number of feedings decreases as they grow older. If in the first two to three days of life the baby asked for the breast about 10 times a day. Then by two weeks the feeding schedule is getting better: during the day the child can wake up 5–6 times, and at night 1–2 times. Some children need less, for example, they can sleep peacefully at night and not ask for food.

Each mother decides for herself how to organize the feeding schedule: on demand or by the hour

Dr. Komarovsky explains that it should be comfortable first of all for the mother. After all, from emotional state The happiness of the child depends on the parents. If it is more convenient for the mother to feed the baby by the hour and she wants to accustom him to the regime, this is also a variant of the norm. The pediatrician insists that the baby should not nurse for hours to calm down, even if the baby is fed on demand.

How long a baby can stay at the breast depends on the baby. Some children are full in 15 minutes, while others take about 30-40 minutes. In this matter, everything is individual. But the mother should clearly know that she should not let the baby suckle at the breast for more than an hour. You need to try to distract the baby with something else.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about the feeding regimen of newborns

Nutritional norms for children of the first year of life

All mothers understand that the health and normal development of the baby depends on good nutrition. Therefore, worries about whether the baby is eating enough do not leave many women. In order to be sure of the correct development of the baby, the baby is examined by a pediatrician once a month. The main criteria are the weight and height of the baby. The doctor will weigh and measure the child, compare the data with the figures at the time of birth and discharge from the hospital, and draw conclusions based on this.

If the baby is active, has a good appetite, gains weight and height according to the norms, then everything is fine with him and he has enough milk.

Another criterion is the amount of urination and bowel movements. The wet diaper test is recognized by doctors all over the world and gives a clear answer: whether the baby eats enough milk per day. The number of times a baby goes to the toilet varies depending on age:

  • in the first three days after birth, the baby can write only three times a day;
  • by the end of the first week, the number of urinations increases and is 4–8 times in 24 hours;
  • from the second week after birth, the baby goes to the toilet 12 or more times a day.

Pediatricians explain to parents that if a child between the ages of 14 days and 6 months pees 12 times, then everything is normal and he has enough milk. If the number of urinations has decreased to 8–10 times, the mother’s milk supply has decreased. But 6 or fewer wet diapers indicate that the baby does not have enough milk, so an urgent consultation with a pediatrician is needed.

The main indicator of a child’s adequate nutrition is monthly weight gain

There are also various methods to calculate the amount of milk that babies need at different ages.

We find out the amount of milk needed using the Speransky method

This method is based on the child’s weight and the number of calories in milk:

  • 1 liter of mother's milk contains about 700 kcal;
  • from birth to three months a child needs 125 kcal per kilogram of weight;
  • from three months to six months there are 115 kcal per 1 kg of baby’s weight;
  • in the second six months of life and up to 12 months - 105 kcal.

To calculate, we use the following formula: the baby’s weight in kg must be multiplied by the number of calories depending on the baby’s age. We convert the resulting number of calories into milliliters. As a result, we will get the required amount of milk that the baby should eat per day.

For example: a baby is 2 months old and weighs 4 kg, which means 125 kcal per kilogram of weight. 4*125=500 kcal. Then we calculate the amount of milk: 1000*500/700=715 ml. This means that a baby should eat 715 ml of milk per day.

Calculation using Geubner's method

This method is based on the child’s weight: the amount of nutritional fluid required directly depends on the age and number of kilograms. It is quite accurate.

Table: Milk norms per day for children of the first year of life depending on body weight

For example, a child weighs 7800 grams at 7 months. This means he should receive 7800/8=975 ml of milk per day.

No matter what formulas parents use to calculate the amount of milk, the numbers will be approximately the same

Shkarin method

The formula is quite simple: at 8 weeks a baby should eat at least 800 ml of milk. To calculate the amount of valuable liquid you need:

  • for a baby under 8 weeks, take 50 ml each week;
  • for children older than this age - add 50 ml of milk, but not every week, but every month.

Table: Daily milk intake for children of different ages according to Shkarin’s method

This method is considered the simplest, but not accurate enough, because each child is individual and not all babies gain the same number of grams of weight from month to month.

Milk intake varies from child to child: large babies eat more, smaller babies eat less.

How much should a newborn on artificial nutrition eat?

For children who are fed a special adapted formula, they receive it strictly according to the schedule. Pediatricians insist that you should not overfeed your child, so baby food they receive 7-8 times a day with an interval of 3-3.5 hours between feedings.

At night, the interval between feedings can increase to 5–6 hours. If the baby does not wake up and does not ask for food, then the nutrients he received before bed are enough for him. You shouldn't wake him up.

Some mothers, however, overfeed their babies: as soon as the baby starts crying, and the time to eat the formula has not yet come, they cannot stand it and feed the babies ahead of time. Doctors explain that it is much easier for a baby to get nutrition from a bottle than from the mother’s breast. Therefore, the baby eats not as much as he needs to satisfy his hunger, but as much as his mother gives in a bottle. Overfeeding is fraught with many digestive problems, so pediatricians insist that parents monitor the feeding schedule of bottle-fed children.

How to calculate the amount of formula for a child

First of all, you need to consult a doctor and study the information on the packaging of the mixture. There must be instructions and the amount of powder for children of different ages. However, there are special formulas, using which you can quickly find out how much mixture you need to give your baby so that he eats, but does not overeat.

For children in the first 10 days of life, you can calculate the amount of formula using the Finkelstein or Filatov methods, which we discussed above.

Table: How much formula does a 4 kg child need in the first 10 days of life, according to Filatov’s method

When feeding with formula, the dosage must be strictly observed.

But the most popular method by which the required amount of formula is determined is based on the child’s weight, which changes every month.

Table: Determining the volume of formula for children under one year of age

The resulting volume of the adapted mixture must be divided by the number of feedings to calculate the volume sufficient for one meal.

Video: How much formula should be given to a baby

How many cans of formula should you buy to feed your baby?

This question worries many parents, because formula is not cheap, but if a woman cannot breastfeed, there is no other choice. It is impossible to say exactly how many days an average jar of mixture weighing 400 grams will last. The fact is that it depends on the baby’s appetite: what older child, the more mixture he eats.

The amount of mixture that needs to be diluted in water is determined using a measuring spoon. One level spoon contains approximately 4.3 grams of powder.

Table: Volume of formula for babies of different ages (in weeks and months)

A 400 gram jar of the mixture contains about 93 scoops of powder. 24 spoons of mixture are needed per day to feed a newborn baby. Thus, provided that a baby receives eight meals a day from birth to two weeks, one can of formula will last for three and a half days. And for a one-month-old baby, one package is enough for 5 days. Parents need to buy six cans of baby food per month.

The older the child gets, the more cans of formula he will need per month.

Moms' experience: how many cans of formula is gentle for a child under one year old

If the infant is mixed-fed: how much formula to give?

Some children are fed both mother's milk and an adapted formula. If a child is not gaining weight well, the pediatrician may recommend supplemental feeding with formula. But the principle also applies here: do not overfeed the baby. To calculate how many grams of formula your baby needs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Doctors advise doing a wet diaper test. If the baby goes to the toilet fewer times, it means he doesn’t have enough milk.

Based on the test results, the amount of formula for supplementary feeding of the baby is calculated. For each missing urination, a certain amount of baby food is required:

  • from birth to three months - 30 ml;
  • 4 months - 40 ml;
  • 5 months - 50 ml;
  • six months - 60 ml;
  • over six months - children are given complementary foods, so the question of supplementary feeding with formula is decided only by a doctor.

For example, a child at five months pees 10 times, while the norm is at least 12 urinations per day. This means he needs an additional 100 ml of the mixture.

His full development depends on how much milk or formula a child eats. After all, this is the main and only food for children in the first six months of life. Parents and doctors carefully ensure that the baby gains weight and has a good appetite. If the baby does not have enough mother's milk, the doctor may recommend supplementing the baby with formula or switching to artificial feeding. But doctors around the world insist that the most better food for the baby - breast milk. And only in extreme cases should the baby be switched to formula.

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With the birth of a child, along with joy, a lot of accompanying troubles come into the house. New parents don’t have to worry about anything in order to create all the conditions for the baby’s comfortable life, but out of all the variety of worries that have arisen, feeding comes first for any mother, because health and general condition new family member.

Questions about feeding the baby, its frequency and the amount of milk consumed are some of the most pressing for young mothers

It would seem that such a simple daily process as feeding cannot cause difficulties, but for all mothers it is associated with a lot of anxiety and worry. It is necessary to consider how, when and how often to feed the baby, and to control the amount of milk consumed. Two factors influence how much a newborn should eat:

  • type of feeding;
  • baby's age.


The most difficult time during breastfeeding is the first week after birth, when mother and baby are just learning to understand each other and adapt to new conditions. Newborns eat very little and this is quite natural, since their sucking reflex is still poorly developed. They are just learning to eat their mother's breast and quickly get tired in the process. During the day, the mother can put the baby to the breast up to 10-12 times, sometimes more.

It is very important for a young mother to remain calm these days and not worry that the baby may not receive enough milk and will remain hungry.

  • Firstly, in the first days of life, the stomach size of babies is very small - about 10 ml, therefore, it can accommodate no more than 7-9 ml per feeding (this is approximately 100 ml per day).
  • Secondly, during this period, the mother’s body produces colostrum, not milk. Nutritious and fatty, it contains everything necessary substances to meet the baby's needs. But extra nerves can provoke a delay and decrease in lactation.

Milk norm for children in the first ten days of life

About 3-4 days after birth, most mothers' milk comes in. Now the amount of milk a baby will receive depends on his age and weight. Every day the size of his stomach increases, which means the volume of milk consumed also increases. Already on the second day, the baby drinks 20 ml of mother's milk per application to the breast, which is 200-240 ml per day. On the third day, this figure increases to 30 ml, that is, the daily norm should be 300-340 ml.

Exists simple formula, which helps you easily calculate for the first ten days of life how much mother’s milk a newborn should eat at each feeding. It is enough to multiply the number of days from your birthday by 10 and you will get the result you are interested in.

Baby feeding regimen

After 7-10 days the milk supply stops- from this moment on, the amount of milk that the baby usually requires per feeding is one fifth of his weight.

In addition to the amount of milk the baby needs, mothers are interested in:

  1. when to put the baby to the breast;
  2. how often to feed yours small miracle;
  3. how long to let your baby breastfeed.

Today, pediatricians recommend adhering to an arbitrary regimen: feeding not strictly every 3 hours, as they insisted before, but at the request of the baby himself. With this approach, the child can be on the mother's breast 10-12 times a day. The intervals between feedings are 1.5-2 hours.

The usual duration of one feeding is approximately 15-30 minutes. During this time, the baby actively feeds on the breast and has time to eat. True, there are often exceptions to the rules: for example, if the mother has a lot of milk, the little one can stop breastfeeding within 5-10 minutes. The opposite situation also happens - after eating, the baby continues to remain on the chest for an hour or longer. In this case, he most likely just likes the process itself, but it is better to try not to allow the baby to stay on his mother’s chest for too long (more than 60 minutes).

Daily and one-time amount of breast milk by month for children under 1 year of age:

How do you know that your baby has eaten the required portion of breast milk? For this you will need regular baby scales. The difference obtained when weighing the baby before and immediately after eating is the amount of milk that he received. For a more correct result, such weighings should be repeated several times.

Mothers, especially those who have their first child, are very worried about their baby gaining weight, and can weigh the baby, if not every week, then 2-3 times a month for sure (the baby does not gain weight well while breastfed). If the baby is reasonably well-fed and healthy, you should not constantly put him on the scale - 1 weighing per month in the hospital is enough.

Regular weighing to reassure parents is pointless, unless the baby has congenital diseases. Nuances when artificial feeding

When a child is artificial, the feeding regime and rules have their own characteristics:

  1. The child should be fed at least 8 times during the day.
  2. When bottle-fed, the stomach digests incoming food more slowly. The interval between daytime meals ranges from 2.5 to 3 hours, and between night meals can reach 5-6 hours.
  3. It is important not to overfeed your baby. In the first days, his sucking reflex will develop well, and sucking a pacifier is much easier than sucking a breast.
  4. Don’t worry if your little one has eaten formula or less milk than normal. At the next feeding, will he get the right amount by eating more than he should? so there is no need to force feed him the full amount. It's better to wait until he gets hungry again.
  5. If, after a short period of time after eating, the child begins to cry, there is no need to rush and force him to eat again. His stomach probably hurts because of the air trapped there. Help your baby burp by holding him upright for a few minutes.

Calculation daily norm for bottle-fed children

The task of parents is simplified when the child is not breastfed, but eats formula. Each package of milk formula indicates exactly how much a newborn should eat of this particular formula. Is it possible to calculate the required norm yourself?

Daily portion of milk for artificial infants up to 1 year:

Using the table data, we will find the rate of one feeding for a two-month-old baby weighing 4800 grams. We divide its weight by 6 and get the milk norm per day - 800 ml. Next, we divide the resulting 800 ml by the number of feedings per day 6. As a result, in one approach the child needs to receive 130 ml of milk or formula.

Constant crying is not an indicator of malnutrition, but if the child sleeps poorly and is restless, constantly demands the breast and sucks greedily, and the monthly weight gain remains small, then you should definitely contact your local or other pediatrician. The awareness of parents will help to exclude serious violations of the child’s health.

How can you tell if your child is full?

There are standard signs that indicate that the newborn is eating the required amount of food:

  • calm behavior;
  • sound sleep;
  • sufficient weight gain every month;
  • regular urination and bowel movements.

The main thing is to remember that each child is individual and requires appropriate treatment. Your little miracle knows better than others when and how much it needs to eat. Be careful, be patient, and over time the feeding regime will improve itself.

The period of initial growing up of a newborn baby is an intense time of trials, fear and joy, both for the newborn and for his mother. Often crying baby cannot help but worry the mother. And since this is practically all that the child can “say,” the mother often has to wonder what is bothering him and whether he wants to eat, whether something hurts, or the baby is just tired and wants to sleep. Therefore, it is necessary to know the answer to the question whether the baby has enough milk or not. And whether the baby is full after breastfeeding or perhaps he is malnourished. So how many grams of milk should a child eat at one feeding? And how much of it should be produced during the day?

Behavioral criteria for undernutrition Some behavioral signs may indicate that the child is not eating enough. For example:

  • after feeding, the baby cries and tries to find the breast;
  • rare and insignificant bowel movements;
  • The baby sticks to the breast for a long time, although he has already passed the age of one week.

If the mother feels her breasts filling with milk, and during feeding everything goes away and the baby falls asleep, then this indicates the norm and no additional steps need to be taken, including pumping and checking the amount of breast milk consumed. We, of course, remember that it begins to exist towards the end of the first week after birth. If food is received in sufficient quantities, the baby is freed from food waste 1-3 times during the day, and urinates from 6 to 15 times. So six soaked diapers should save mom from unnecessary worries.

There is no need to control the amount of grams of milk you drink if, when breastfeeding, the dynamics of weight changes do not differ from the norm and the baby is cheerful, calm and growing noticeably, which means that he sucks out as much milk as he needs.

Such control is relevant if a mixed diet is used to feed the child or if he is completely bottle-fed. It is in this case that it is necessary to keep under control the number of grams of the mixture per dose and in general per day, since the baby should not pass it on.

How to determine the required amount of milk

The first few days the baby's diet is colostrum. This liquid is very nutritious and contains all the substances that the baby must receive for normal growth and development. To meet the nutritional needs of colostrum, a little is enough. These days the baby eats little and often. And there are reasons for this. We have already said a few words about volume above. The number of meals, about ten times a day, is due to the fact that the volume of his stomach is only 7-9 ml and the baby does not yet know how to suck properly. Many pediatric doctors consider it natural for the baby to practically not leave the mother’s breast during the first few days. After the end of the colostrum period, the newborn begins to use mother's milk. And here the question arises: “How much milk does a newborn need to eat in one sitting and during the day?” The answer to this question depends on several factors. For example, on the weight and height of the baby with which he was born. The volume of consumption also depends on the age of the person and the nutritional properties of milk, for which one of the indicators of these properties is fat content. The higher the weight and dimensions of the baby, the more he needs milk. If the weight of the newborn did not exceed 3200 g, then the formula for determining the daily requirement is expressed as the product of the baby’s age in days by the number 70. For more weight, in the above formula 70 should be replaced by 80.

The formula for determining a child’s one-time need for milk: V = 10 x W, where V is the volume of milk in ml, and W is the baby’s age in days.

If breast milk is enough to satisfy the baby, then:

  • He should receive 600 ml/gram per day for up to 1 month;
  • 700 ml - after 2 months;
  • 900 ml - at 6 months;
  • 1050 ml - by 9 months;
  • 1200 ml - by 12 months.

IN different sources The volumes of food and the number of feedings, which are accepted as norms, are somewhat different from each other. It depends on the pediatric school. Average data depending on the age of the children for one-time and daily milk requirements, as well as for the frequency and number of feedings, are given below in the table.


Age/day Feedings/times
3-4 days In 3 hours 20-60 200-300 8-12
Age/month Break between feedings/night break Requirement for breast milk, ml/time Milk requirement, ml/day Feedings/times
up to 1 80-100 600-700 8-7
from 1 to 2 After 3-3.5 hours / night break 6-6.5 hours 110-140 700-900 6-7
from 2 to 4 After 3-3.5 hours / night break 6-6.5 hours 140-160 800-1000 6
from 4 to 6 After 3.5-4 hours / night break 6.5-8 hours 160-180 900-1000 6-5
from 6 to 9 After 4 hours / night break 8 hours 180-200 1000-1100 5
From 9 to 12 After 4-4.5 hours / night break 8-9 hours 200-240 1100-1200 5-4

In addition, the baby’s satiety depends on whether he receives fatty milk, sucking everything completely, or sucks out only what is at the edge.

Determining the amount of breast milk absorbed by the baby

If a parent wants to find out how much her child can eat, then this can be determined by weighing the baby before and after meals. The difference in the readings of special children's electronic scales will be the desired answer to the amount of food eaten.

The weighing conditions must be identical. Weighing is carried out on the same diaper, without changing clothes and diapers.

In the case when the baby shows all the signs of a normal state, that is, is not capricious, sleeps soundly, is gaining weight, behaves cheerfully, sucks without excessive greed, there is no need for such studies.

Breastfeeding rules

Two points are important for normal lactation: proper attachment of the baby to the breast and organization proper feeding. You need to know that what is important is not the volume of one-time food consumption, as they say, at a time, but how much he will eat per day. How much he eats depends on the immediate need for food, on his psycho-emotional state and other reasons. Care must be taken to ensure that the baby can receive not only primary, but also later, high-calorie milk. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the baby sucks one breast completely at one meal, since milk later arrives after the start of intensive sucking after 10-15 minutes.

The peak intensity of the mammary glands occurs at night, which means that even at night the baby cannot be denied food. If feeding is not organized correctly, then after some time problems related to nutrition may arise. Three months after the start of the lactation period, the process is established in an equilibrium state, when the amount of breast milk produced is approximately equal to what the baby absorbed.

This does not mean that there is not enough nutritional fluid. It is important to remember that reducing food intake can lead to a decrease in lactation. There is no need to express in order to determine the volume of lactose produced, since, without experience or the necessary knowledge, you can express a little, and the baby will suck as much as he needs. Having incorrectly decided that the baby does not have enough food, you can reduce the level of lactation by starting artificial supplementary feeding of the baby.

Pediatricians' opinion: with normal lactation, acts of feeding are possible at the baby's request. It does not matter how much the newborn has absorbed, since he himself regulates this process.

All young mothers are concerned about the same question: is my baby getting enough to eat? Especially if this is a woman’s first child. Of course, on a subconscious level, we all understand that the instinct of self-preservation will not allow the baby to starve, and yet every mother wants her child to eat well and develop properly. To do this, you need to know about nutritional standards. They differ depending on the type of feeding of the newborn - natural, artificial or mixed, the age of the toddler and its weight. Next, we will consider all the nuances of this important issue.

Nutritional features of a breastfed baby

Breastfeeding (BF) is a natural continuation of the mother-child bond, which allows the baby to more easily cope with the stress of birth. But in the new world, the baby needs to learn everything, including numbers and eat (for this you need to develop a sucking reflex). So it’s not surprising that a new mother worries whether her baby is full.

First feeding

Colostrum, or the first portions of mother's milk, is a real treasure trove of nutrients for the baby. Good health and well-coordinated functioning of the baby’s immune system largely depends on the huge amount of vitamins, well-digestible proteins and antioxidants contained in colostrum.

The first feedings are important for the rest of your life. little man

This is interesting. The volume of a newborn's stomach is about 12 ml.

You can't overeat colostrum. At the first meal, the baby eats about 8 ml. Considering that the number of feedings per day is usually about 12 times, in total the newborn will eat approximately 100 ml of liquid. Every day the daily norm will increase by 10 grams.

Table of nutritional norms for a child 2–4 days of life

There is another option for calculating the amount eaten. He demands mathematical solution equation X x 10 = ml per single meal, where X is the age, that is, the days of the child’s life. For example, a newborn on the 7th day after birth should eat about 70 ml of breast milk at a time.

Table of nutritional norms for a child from 2 weeks of life to one year

Feeding standards are developed taking into account the introduction of complementary foods from six months of age

Please note that these figures are approximate, so a difference of plus or minus 5-10 grams is not significant. But what is really important is the interval between feedings. At first it should be no more than 2 hours. Then the intervals will increase, as the little one will suck more intensely, that is, receive more fluid. Improving the sucking reflex will lead to the fact that feeding time will decrease.

How to determine the amount of milk that needs to be consumed (depending on the child’s weight)?

So, numbers are a good thing, but many mothers will definitely have an absolutely logical question: how can you find out how much your child has eaten?

The easiest way to find out how much your baby has eaten is to weigh your toddler before and after meals.

To do this, you can weigh the baby before and after feeding. The difference will be the desired value. To calculate the daily intake, you need to add up all the feeding results obtained over 24 hours. This method is suitable for both natural and artificial scientists.

How long to keep a baby at the breast?

On average, the baby stays at the breast every 2-3 hours. How long should food intake last? Breastfeeding experts say about 30–40 minutes, unless the baby releases the breast earlier. By the way, feeding for 15–20 minutes is not a deviation from the norm if the child is gaining weight well and is not capricious. But staying “on the chest” for more than 40 minutes indicates that the baby is using the nipple as a pacifier, that is, playing. In the future, this can create a lot of inconvenience for both mother and baby, so it is better not to indulge in such entertainment.

Video. Dr. Komarovsky: the best feeding regimen for a newborn

Features of the nutrition of a bottle-fed child

Artificial feeding (IF), unlike breastfeeding, requires more accurate calculations, because formula is more difficult to digest than breast milk, so too much can lead to problems with the child’s gastrointestinal tract. But even such a task is feasible for a young mother.

Diet and feeding time

This is the most important component proper care for an artificial baby.

For proper development Artificial child needs to follow a diet

A child under 2 months should eat 8-9 times with a break of 2.5-3 hours, at 2-3 months - 7-8 times, at 4 months - 6-7 times, at 5-6 months - 5-6 times , and from 7 months to a year - from 4 to 6 times a day. In this case, one feeding will last no more than 15 minutes, because drinking from a nipple is much easier than sucking the breast.

Nutritional standards for IV

As a rule, manufacturers of mixtures indicate doses and norms on the packaging. But it still doesn’t hurt to know the average, approximate data.

Table of nutritional norms for children from 10 days to one year

How many grams are in a daily and single dose and how to calculate them?

Cans of formula must indicate the norms for children of different ages.

This is interesting. The most popular calculation formula for a daily and single dose of formula for children on IV is called the Geibener and Cherny method.

For example, a baby weighs 4,850 grams. He is 2 months old, which means he should consume 1/6 of his body weight per day. Accordingly, 4850/6, we get a daily dose of 808 ml. We divide this amount by the number of feedings, we get a single dose - 135 ml. Another example: a newborn weighs 4,000 grams, eat 1/5 of its weight, it turns out that the daily dose is 800 ml, and a single dose is 100 ml.

Methods for calculating the amount of formula for children from 10 days to a month

In the first month, the baby is just beginning to adapt to the new diet. Therefore, the calculation of the amount of mixture is slightly different from that described above. There are two ways.

  • Use Zaitseva's formula. We multiply 2% of body weight at birth by days of age, which gives the daily dose. We divide the result obtained by the number of feedings, which is equal to the volume of a single dose.
  • Use the Finkelstein formula. If the baby weighed less than 3,200 grams at birth, then multiply the age in days by 70, the resulting value will be the daily dose. If the birth weight was more than 3,200 grams, then to obtain the daily norm, the age in days must be multiplied by 80.

In both cases, to determine a single dose, the daily dose must be divided by the number of feedings.

How many feedings does a 400 gram jar of formula last?

Again, these calculations will be approximate, since it all depends on how much your baby weighs and how many times a day you feed him. In addition, the older the child, the more he eats. On average, up to 2 months, 1 jar is required for 5–6 days; 5 jars are used per month. At 3-4 months, 1 can will last for 3-4 days, which means 7.5 cans will be needed per month.

How much formula does a mixed-fed baby need?

In this case the math will be very complicated. We recommend using one of two methods of introducing supplementary feeding.

With mixed feeding, breast milk is still considered the main one.

  • Mom introduces the mixture, starting with a minimum amount. For example, 30 ml 1-2 times a day. Once a week, the mother carries out control weighings and, if the gain is less than 125 g/week, increases the amount of supplementary feeding per day by minimum quantity: adds 1-2 more feedings of 30 ml. If there are 6-7 feedings of 30 ml, then the volume of one-time feeding begins to increase: 6 feedings of 30 ml + 1 feeding of 40 ml until all feedings are 40 ml, etc. Increasing the amount of supplementary feeding should be stopped when the child begins to gain 125g/week or more. You can carry out one more additional control weighing (control - not the one before and after meals, but control - whether you gained 125 g or not) to make sure that this volume is enough.
  • The mother counts the number of times the baby urinates and adds approximately 30 ml of supplementary food for each missing time. For example, a baby peed 8 times in one day. He is 2-4 times short of normal, which means the minimum amount of supplementary feeding can be set to 2 feedings of 30 ml each. After two or three days, the urination count is repeated. As soon as the number of urinations is set slightly above the minimum norm (12–14), the increase in supplementary feeding is stopped. Attention: this method requires confirmation by monitoring weight gain! Those. Once the desired number of urinations has been established, one or two weigh-ins are required, 7 days apart, to ensure that the weight gain is 125 g/week or more.

3 rules for supplementary feeding of children on SV

Following these tips will allow you to supplement your baby's feeding without reducing lactation.

  • The mixture is given not from a bottle, but from a spoon. This will avoid a situation where the baby is too lazy to suckle, if there is an easier option - drinking through the nipple.
  • Supplementary feeding must be dosed in small portions, that is, the required daily volume should be divided into several times.
  • The mixture must be given strictly on an hourly basis. The rest of the time, food needs are satisfied with breastfeeding.

How can you tell if your baby is full of milk?

There are 4 main signs that the toddler is full:

  • he sleeps well and is active when awake;
  • the baby has stable stools, not accompanied by bloating or tantrums;
  • the baby can withstand the intervals between meals; at night they are twice as long;
  • Every week the child gains weight by 150–200 grams.

Your baby is growing by leaps and bounds. He will soon be a month old. In the 3rd week, the baby’s sleeping and eating patterns are formed, and he himself is already stronger than on the first day after the hospital. The little man’s baggage of “knowledge” is also gradually expanding.

Physical development of a three-week-old baby: height, weight, appetite, sleep, stool

Weight and height gain: how has a three-week-old baby grown?

  • It is still difficult to calculate weight and height, since more valuable indicators await you at the end of 4-1 weeks.
  • On average, in the 3rd week the baby gains about 200 g.
  • Child growth per week unlikely to be more than 1 cm .

Walking a newborn - when to start walking?

How much should a three-week-old baby eat, how to determine whether he has enough milk or not?

  • Baby eats at least 10-12 times per day .
  • The daily amount of food is 1/5 of the child's body weight , and it stays this way for up to 6 weeks.
  • On average, during this period the child should eat about 500 ml per day .

Focus on weight gain

How long should a three week old baby sleep?

  • The daily routine is just beginning to establish itself. Moreover, the “artificial baby” gets used to the feeding time, and the baby’s hunger decreases. natural feeding wakes up simultaneously with the flow of milk in the mother’s chest.
  • The baby's sleep is still long, it will be 20-22 hours per day . However, periods of wakefulness are longer, usually before and after feeding.

Three week old baby's stool

By 3 weeks, your baby's bowel movements vary greatly. It depends on the feeding method.

  • When breastfeeding, the baby's stool is more frequent (in some cases it happens after each feeding). On average, 2-8 times a day . Color yellow, mustard consistency, buttery milky smell . Rare stool in a baby less than 2 months old means a deficiency of the fatty component of milk.
  • When feeding with formula, feces are more hard and dark , has a mustard-greenish or brownish tint and bad smell. Stool frequency is twice as often than with breastfeeding.

What does a 3-week-old baby feel, feel and communicate?

Baby's sense of touch: what pleases a 3-week-old baby?

For a three-week-old baby, the sense of touch is extremely important.

What does mom need to remember?

  • Most sensitive face, feet, palms .
  • Most enjoyable gentle stroking, light massage, procedures in warm water.
  • Baby now needs close physical contact , so you can safely place the child with dad on his bare stomach.
  • At this stage the baby acutely developed sense of smell : He can “smell” his mother’s scent several meters away. Accordingly, do not use products with fragrances or strong odors for cleaning/laundry.

Touching the entire surface of the baby's body becomes stimulation of the development of touch. The more diverse the stimuli, the faster the development process.

That's why…

Rules for communicating with a child three weeks old

Rules for caring for a three-week-old baby: how to cope with emerging problems?

The child has a tummy ache, colic and constipation. How can I help?

What to do if a 3-week-old baby sleeps poorly and constantly cries?

It would seem, what else does a 3-week-old baby need? Sleep and eat. But about 25% of children behave very restlessly. They constantly cry, scream hysterically, sleep poorly . Sometimes even a pediatrician is not able to determine the reason for this behavior, although he confirms the fact of absolute health.

What should mom do in this case? Be patient. This condition can last up to three months.

The baby does not sleep because he cries, expressing his concern. Main reasons: loneliness, colic (usually in the afternoon or evening, goes away on its own by three months), hunger, difficulty adapting outside the mother’s tummy.

How to help the baby?

  • Carry the baby in your arms, rock him to sleep.
  • Press your tummy closer against you, and the warmth will soothe the baby.
  • Don't be nervous. Your condition is passed on to the baby.
  • Create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility at home, ventilate the room.
  • Refrain from having guests in the house.
  • Go for a walk with your baby more often. In a stroller fresh air he will sleep much better and longer.
  • Alternate night “watches” at the crib with dad so that your fatigue does not affect the emotional message to the baby.
  • Put your baby to your breast more often.
  • Bath your children before bed and give them a relaxing massage.

Remember, now is yours What the baby needs most is warmth and affection. The strictness of the feeding regime, attempts to accustom the child to independence from the cradle and other educational moments up to 2-3 months are completely useless. Now the baby only needs you and your tenderness.

A 3-week-old baby spits up frequently. Looking for a reason

Regurgitation is the process of expelling milk into the oral cavity along with air leaving the stomach. What happens due to immaturity of the lower part of the esophageal sphincter. This process occurs from 2-3 weeks to 3-6 months baby .

What are the reasons?

Regurgitation does not require treatment, since it will go away on its own in a few months. Main, don't confuse it with vomiting , which just requires attention and treatment.

Remember: regurgitation...

  • Happens immediately after feeding.
  • Cannot be repeated several times in a row.
  • Differs in small volume.
  • Not accompanied by poor health (sweating, elevated temperature etc.).
  • Has no admixture of bile ( yellow) in the secreted liquid.

Three-week rash in a baby, photo of the rash and rules for caring for the skin of a newborn: just don’t panic!

During the first weeks and months of your baby’s life, you will more than once encounter various options rashes on his skin. Of course, there is no need to panic. We understand the nature of the rash and the treatment method.

  • : small pustular pimples of a reddish color on the back, neck, face and head of the baby.
    No treatment required , will go away on its own. Do not use alcohol solutions, potassium permanganate, fatty ointments, or powder on your baby’s skin. Maintain hygiene (with boiled water), maintain the temperature in the room to 18-21 degrees. and humidity (up to 40-70%). If a large area of ​​skin is affected by a rash, ketoconazole cream can be used (after consultation with a doctor!).
  • Prickly heat: a pinkish rash of tiny blisters with fluid on the neck, groin and folds of skin. May be accompanied by itching.

    Ventilate the room more often, bathe your child regularly, treat his skin by special means. Itching is soothed by a compress of soda and water (1 tsp per 1 glass).
  • Hives (allergic reaction) : red raised spots (as with a nettle burn) on the cheeks and chin (most often) or on the back, shoulders, legs.

    Take care of your diet , exclude all allergenic foods, choose the right mixture, refuse early feeding of the baby.
  • Dermatitis(the culprits are external allergens in the form of animals, wool, fluff, and laundry detergents).

    Carefully choose washing/cleaning products, limit the child’s interaction with animals (more precisely, at this age about animals with the child), check the baby’s clothes and underwear for the presence of synthetic fabrics, and clean more often.
  • Chickenpox: rash all over the body. These are red bubbles with clear contours, then large bubbles filled with liquid appear, like drops with a red-pink rim; temperature under 38 degrees. After 2-3 days, the blisters are replaced by crusts, and after a week they completely disappear.

    Treatment: isolation for one and a half weeks (contagious), use of brilliant green, potassium permanganate, yellow rivanol.

Hardening and gymnastics for a newborn: new classes and exercises

For a 3-week-old baby, this is the time to start gymnastics, massage and passive hardening .