Presentation for children of the senior group “Wild animals. "forest animals" for preschoolers presentation, project, report Presentation of wild animals of our forests for children

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Animals of our forest

My little friend, today we will go on an exciting and educational journey - into the animal world. We will get acquainted with the animals living in our forests, learn about their habits and way of life.

Hello, bunny! -I’ll be jumping in the winter. How are you doing? Gnaw the bark of aspen trees. How will you spend the winter? Hares Hares feed on food that usually does not attract other rodents - mainly bark, young branches, leaves, and grass.

Hello, little fox, I will run through the forests, beloved beauty! I will run through the fields. How do you live, little fox? And I’ll look into the village, How will you spend the winter? Maybe I'll find a chicken! Fox cubs happily eat mice, hares, rabbits, amphibians, and reptiles; after the rain, they dig earthworms out of the ground, and catch fish and crayfish in the river. But they especially love to eat poultry.

Hello, squirrel! -I saved some nuts. How are you doing? Near a warm hollow. How will you spend the winter? I’ll jump along the branches, I’ll grab a cone from the Christmas tree. Then I will be full, When winter comes to the forest. Squirrels The squirrel feeds on fruits, seeds, buds, branches, bark, berries, grains and mushrooms. Its main food is pine seeds, buds and young shoots. Sometimes it eats insects, eggs and chicks, small rodents and lizards.

Hello, bear! -I’ll sleep in the den! How are you? Suck your paw. How will you spend the winter? Bear cubs After the snow melts, bears feed on overwintered berries, young grass shoots, and a little later switch to fresh aspen leaves and various small animals.

Hello, gray wolf! -It’s difficult to walk through the forest. - Hello little gray barrel! It's hard for me to catch rabbits. What do you do in winter? That's why I'm angry, Why are you angry? How hungry I am in winter! Wolves usually feed on animals: domestic and wild. These can be wild boars, horses, moose, deer, cows, as well as hares, muskrats, beavers, marmots, and mice. If the wolf cannot find such food, then it can even feed on lizards and frogs. Wolf cubs

Wild animals of our forests GBDOU No. 113 Preparatory group Teachers: Mamonova L.V. Porshneva G.N. Project type: socio-pedagogical

    • Project duration:
    • short
    • Project participants:
    • Children of the preparatory group,
    • educators,
    • musical director.
    • Educational areas:
    • Cognition,
    • communication,
artistic and aesthetic. Relevance: Children do not have enough understanding of the lifestyle, habits, nutrition and homes of wild animals in our forests; about how they prepare for winter in the forest. Children do not have a general concept and do not know how to describe objects. Project goal: To create conditions for the development of children’s cognitive and creative abilities during the project. Project objectives: 1) To give an idea about the wild animals of Russian forests, their way of life, food, housing, and how animals in the forest prepare for winter. 2) Enrich your vocabulary with nouns (hollow, den, lair, hole); adjectives (prickly, shaggy, clumsy, cunning, angry, hungry); verbs (hide, hunt, hide, peep, etc.) 3) Develop coherent speech through writing a descriptive story about animals. 4) Foster a desire to help animals., Preliminary work: Preliminary work: 1) Selection of illustrative material on the topic, board and printed games,
  • didactic games
  • , wild animal toys, materials for games. 2) Selection methodological literature
  • fiction

for reading, riddles on the topic, audio recordings. Products of project activities: Products of project activities: 1) Application “Bear”. 2) Making a mini-album “Wild Animals of the Forest”. 3) Design of the exhibition “Animals of the Forests”. Reception of children. Quiz. Conversation on the topic “ Safe behavior

  • with animals" Morning exercises. Teremok.
  • Breakfast
  • Nod Cognition "Wild Animals of Our Forests."
  • Objectives: 1. Systematize children’s knowledge about the wild animals of our forests and their young. Shape
careful attitude
    • to nature and all living things.
    • 2. Development
logical thinking
  • learn to establish connections between features appearance, animal behavior and winter season conditions;
  • to cultivate interest in the life of animals, love, and the desire to help in difficult conditions.
  • Labor activity: cleaning twigs from the sandbox.
  • Target:
  • learn to work together
  • achieve goals through common efforts. D/i: “Who lives in the forest.” Outdoor games: "
  • Sly Fox
", "By the bear in the forest." Target: follow the rules of the game. Dinner. Dinner. Quiet hour. Afternoon Gymnastics after sleep - “Walk in the winter forest.”
  • Afternoon snack.
  • Thematic leisure “IN THE WORLD OF ANIMALS. » Goal: Systematize and generalize children’s knowledge about wild animals Objectives: 1. Learn to answer questions
  • different levels
difficulties. 2. Develop thinking, imagination and speech.
    • 3. Develop artistry, creativity and improvisation.
    • 4. Contribute to the development of children’s creative activity in theatrical activities.
    • 5. Develop
    • musical abilities
    • Sly Fox
    • children.
    • 6. Develop an interest in the animal world, cultivate a careful, caring attitude towards all living things.
    • Integration of educational areas:
    • "Cognition", "Communication",
“Socialization”, “Music”,

"Artistic creativity"

An evening walk. Wind Observation Objectives:

expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature;

develop interest in natural phenomena.

Outdoor games: “Sly Fox”, “Bear the Bear in the Forest”.


learn to speak clearly in the game,

D/n: “Remember and name it.” S/r game: “Veterinary hospital” Purpose: arouse children's interest in the profession of veterinarian;

cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards animals,

kindness, responsiveness, culture of communication.

Thank you for your attention Slide 1. Sometimes they eat insects, frogs, and small birds. Squirrels make preparations for the winter: dry mushrooms, collect nuts. The squirrel builds a nest in a hollow tree, lining it with thin twigs and insulating it with moss.

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The red-haired cheat hid under the tree. The cunning one is waiting for the hare. What is her name?..

The red-haired poultry lady came to the chicken coop, counted all the chickens and took it with her.

Taller than a cat, lives in a hole in the forest. Fluffy red tail, We know everything... Behind the trees, bushes, It flashed like a flame, Flashed, ran... There was no smoke, no fire.

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Fox is beautiful wild animal. The fox can be red, fiery red, gray and black. The fox digs its own hole, but can settle in someone else's. In winter, foxes sleep in the snow, curled up. They run into a hole to escape their pursuers. In winter, thick fur grows on the fox's paws so that it is not cold to step on the snow. The fox walks as if wearing felt boots. The fox eats berries, insects, hares, mice, birds and other small animals.

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He looks like a shepherd:

No matter what the tooth is sharp knife! He runs, baring his mouth, ready to attack the sheep.

Gray is chasing white, wants white to dine. As soon as it catches up, it clicks with a tooth: White - poor, well-fed -...

Gray, scary and toothy, created a commotion. All the animals ran away. Scared the animals...

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The wolf has a strong body, long strong legs, and, like any predator, powerful jaws with sharp and strong teeth. By winter, wolf fur becomes thicker and longer. Wolves need this, because they sleep right in the snow, covering their nose and paws with their tail. They usually sleep during the day and hunt at night. Wolves hunt in packs. The strongest wolf in the pack becomes the leader. Wolves feed on other animals. Predators locate their homes and dens in remote, hard-to-reach places to protect the growing wolf cubs.

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The hare is a herbivore. In summer, hares eat succulent herbs: clover, dandelion, yarrow, mouse peas, sedges, and cereals. In autumn and winter, hares feed on shoots and bark various trees and bushes. In summer, hares' fur is grayish-brown, and in winter it is almost all white. In severe frosts, the hare digs a hole in the snow. And the hare's summer burrow is hidden under the bushes.

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The hedgehog is small in size. Does not like dense forests. Can live next to a person. The hedgehog sleeps in the nest during the day and hunts at night. The hedgehog is an omnivore.

It eats insects, slugs, caterpillars, sometimes earthworms, bird eggs, even small chicks, fruits, and berries. Maybe there are vipers. In winter, the hedgehog hibernates. He sleeps in a hole, having caulked the entrance.

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The horns are branched and the hooves are fast. Shaking his head, he touches the sky.

Touching the grass with his hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest, walks boldly and easily, horns spread wide

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Elk is a mighty, strong animal. A blow from a hoof can kill a wolf. Huge spade-shaped horns are excellent weapons. The animal sheds them once a year. Moose live close to water. They feed on aquatic vegetation and also eat grass, branches and leaves of trees and shrubs. The main winter food for moose is willow, pine, aspen, rowan, birch, and raspberry.

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Branches crunch in the forest, here and there. Looking for acorns...

Trick riddles:

He teaches his daughters and sons to grunt... He loves the oak acorn, of course, it’s wild...

This beast has two fangs, very powerful legs, and a cake on its nose. He digs earth in the forest.

In front - a snout, in the back - a hook, in the middle - a back, on the back - a bristle.

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Boar - wild ancestor domestic pig. Boar fur is long, stiff bristles. The means of defense are strong, sharp fangs. Boars eat whatever they find. They are very fond of underground parts of plants, nuts, and acorns. From the top layer of soil, the wild boar selects everything it likes: roots, bulbs, insects and their larvae, earthworms, snails, mice and their reserves in burrows. They eat shellfish and fish. Cubs of wild pigs - piglets - striped.

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The beaver is one of the largest rodents. Beavers are excellent swimmers and divers. Their luxurious fur does not get wet easily and helps keep them warm and in ice water. They settle along the banks of slow-flowing rivers, ponds and lakes, where there are many trees and shrubs. They build their homes near the water - these are burrows and huts with an exit under water. In addition, beavers build dams. Beavers eat plants and insects. Beavers eat young shoots and fresh bark from trees and bushes. Tree stumps, branches, and aquatic plants are prepared for the entire winter. Beavers are capable of chewing up thick trees.

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The presentation was prepared by teacher of the 2nd qualification category Chumakova Valentina Dmitrievna. Materials used: 1. “The world around us. Non-standard activities. Preparatory group." Author – compiler T.M. Babushkina Publishing House “Corypheus” 2010 2. Internet resources, 3. T.M. Bondarenko. " Environmental activities with children 6-7 years old" Shopping Center "Teacher" 2007

Victoria Olegovna
Presentation for children senior group"Wild animals"

Preschool education is the first stage in the education system, therefore the main task of teachers working with preschoolers is to develop interest in the learning process and its motivation, development and correction of speech.

Working with children with various speech pathologies and facing problems in their learning, a speech therapist has to look for aids, facilitating, systematizing and guiding the process of children’s assimilation of new material. One such means is to use presentations.

Presentation contains materials on 28 slides for classes on the development of lexical and grammatical aspects of speech and vocabulary activation older children preschool age.

A slide show can attract any child to watch it. The screen displays bright images of various forest animals. Each illustration has a text entry for the teacher, which informs him of his habitat, housing, and method of nutrition. This feature of the display can allow the child to independently activate the sound production of speech and compose a short descriptive story anyway animal.

Some wild animals presented in the presentation in full family (mom, dad and baby). Their habitat is clearly shown. On the slides you can see brown and polar bears, hare, squirrel, wild boar, wolf, moose and fox.

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