Can be given to a child after 5 months. What does the diet of a five-month-old baby consist of when breastfed, bottle-fed or mixed-fed? Rules for feeding a child of this age

Previously it was believed that a child on an artificial or artificial mixed feeding The first complementary foods in the form of fruit, vegetable purees and cereals can be eaten at 5 -5.5 months. But according to the latest recommendations of the World Health Organization, this age has been shifted to 6 months. Why is this so: because in the intestines of a child in the 5th month of life, enzymes have not yet fully matured and the immune system has not formed.

A child of 5 months can only eat breast milk or a highly adapted milk formula (plus clean boiled water as needed), and it doesn’t matter whether the child is breastfed or completely bottle-fed. The introduction of complementary foods before 6 months of age, even in small doses, is fraught with:

  • stomach ache;
  • gastrointestinal dysfunction;
  • stool disorder;
  • regurgitation, vomiting up to serious disruption of the entire digestive system;
  • delayed consequences in the form of allergies.

Remember: juices in boxes, purees in jars and all kinds of cereals marked “available from 5 months” are, first of all, a business.

How much should a five month old baby eat?

A five-month-old child should eat 180-210 ml per feeding (it doesn’t matter whether it’s formula or breast milk), a volume equal to 1/6 of it per day. own weight. The number of bottle-fed feedings is approximately 6, so the baby will drink a liter of formula or a little more per day. On breastfeeding the norm is the same, but the principle of feeding is “on demand”, so the child can eat 8 times a day.

Is it possible to give a 5 month old baby yolk or fruit juice?

Yolk, fish oil, vegetable puree, porridge, even in small quantities, should not be given to a child under 6 months. Of course, those around you will advise you to “introduce normal food quickly,” but all this advice is based on the experience of our grandmothers and mothers, 30-40 years ago. Even 30 years ago there was no talk about highly adapted milk formulas; it was believed that a child from birth, as well as at 5 months, could eat boiled cow's milk or donor.

And the children were indeed fed this, but most of the vitamins in this milk were destroyed during the necessary heat treatment. The kids lacked vitamins, iron, and mineral salts, which resulted in hypovitaminosis, low hemoglobin (anemia), rickets, low weight, and developmental delays. Therefore, for that time, early complementary foods in the form of juices, fish oil, yolk and soups were justified. In particular, such complementary foods were introduced early to breastfed children, since in the USSR few nursing mothers could provide themselves with a complete and varied diet and breast milk often did not satisfy the needs of a rapidly growing body.

IN modern world, if the child is on breastfeeding and the mother eats a nutritious and varied diet (vegetables, fruits, eats fish, meat), or if the baby eats formula, and the parents can afford to buy a highly adapted formula, as close in composition as possible to breast milk, then nothing until 6 months There is no need to feed the baby.

Juice up to 6 months of age, even freshly squeezed, even one teaspoon per day can cause gastrointestinal upset, allergies, dysbiosis, problems with the kidneys and pancreas (based on research by the American Academy of Pediatrics, information about which was published in the magazine "MAMA info" ", October 2001 (No. 5).

What foods can you feed a baby at five months to dilute the diet and provide maximum nutrition? We’ll talk about this in the article and talk about the nuances of introducing complementary foods, as well as sample menu for a day.

What can a 5 month old baby eat?

At this age, the basis of nutrition is still breast milk or formula. After all, the child did not acquire mouth full teeth and is just learning to swallow, and his small stomach is not ready for adult food. Therefore, it must be approached with great caution.

  • fruit purees in small quantities;
  • chicken or quail egg yolk;
  • dairy-free cereals;
  • vegetable puree;
  • cottage cheese.

In summer, there are no problems with fruits and vegetables, so you can prepare everything yourself. Fruits are grated on a fine grater, and vegetables are boiled and grated.

Cottage cheese is bought specifically for children or you can make it yourself.

If the child gains enough weight and blood tests show good results, then you can hold off on complementary feeding. But, as a rule, many mothers can’t wait to introduce their baby to new food.

Menu for a 5 month old baby

If you decide to introduce complementary foods, then approximate diet Your child's daily routine should look like this:

First breakfast. Chest m milk or milk mixture.

Lunch. Dairy-free porridge, cottage cheese or fruit puree. Juice.

Dinner. Milk or . Vegetable puree.

Afternoon snack. 1/2 yolk and juice.

Dinner. Milk or formula.

Allowed vegetable purees:

  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower.

Such a small variety, in our opinion, gives the child a lot of pleasure from food. New tastes and smells make the baby interested in food. The main thing is not to add salt or sugar to anything.

How much should a baby eat at 5 months?

It all depends on the baby’s appetite and the fat content of the milk. That is, the fatter it is, the longer baby stays full. The mixture does not give a long feeling of fullness. Therefore, the baby may ask to eat more often. If we look at the exact numbers, then at least 180-200 g should be eaten per meal. Per day, if the child eats 5-6 times - from 800 to 1,000 g.

Many mothers adhere to feeding on demand - when they wanted, then they ate. In this case, less can be eaten at one time, because... Not much time has passed since the previous feeding.

When feeding on demand, it is important to remember that the interval between feedings should not be less than two hours. If it is smaller and the child constantly requires food, then you should consult a doctor.

Mom should also be wary of the following situations:

  • If the child does not take a pacifier, but often asks for the breast. It turns out that the baby overeats and does not have time to collect milk. The stomach becomes empty and the feeling of hunger reappears. And the mother gives the breast again in order to calm the baby.
  • The child hardly cries and sleeps constantly. Perhaps the mother has little milk and the baby simply does not have the strength to cry and ask for food. In this situation, you need to pay attention to the baby’s weight. If the increase is small, then the doctor can or complementary foods.

Therefore, after experience of feeding on demand, mothers switch to a feeding schedule by the hour. This way the baby becomes calmer, he knows that he will soon be fed. And it’s easier for mom - you can safely leave the baby with dad or grandma.

A child's nutrition at 5 months is entirely provided by breast milk or first-stage formulas. But now many parents are already thinking about the first complementary foods.

  • He is already sitting confidently with support, meaning he can be fed in a highchair;
  • Doesn’t push the spoon out with his tongue, but tries to lick it;
  • Is interested in your food and asks for it;
  • Doesn’t get enough of breast milk, keeps asking to eat earlier, doesn’t maintain a four-hour interval between feedings;
  • The first tooth has erupted.

These signs indicate that the baby is ready to try his first “adult” food.

Nutrition for bottle-fed children

Formula-fed babies are traditionally started to be fed earlier, as they digestive system ready for this earlier. However, the issue of underfeeding is not so acute for artificially fed animals - you can simply increase the amount of the mixture. If your baby refuses to eat anything other than the usual formula from a bottle, you can wait a little longer.

Infant nutrition

Breastfed babies may no longer have enough milk if they don’t get enough, emptying their breasts, crying and looking for more. If you notice this, try giving your baby his first solid foods. For example, pureed vegetables and juices, if the child has excess or normal weight or liquid porridge if you are underweight. Only dairy-free porridges are used; they can be diluted with mother’s milk or formula. The menu for a 5-month-old baby also includes pureed fruits and juices.

Sonya’s mother, 7 months: “Restless night sleep told me 2 months ago that my daughter didn’t have enough food. At first we chalked it up to teething, but she did not refuse breast milk; on the contrary, she constantly asked for breast milk. At the next weigh-in, it turned out that she had only gained 200 grams and the pediatrician suggested trying porridge or starting supplemental feeding with formula. We started introducing cereals, and by the next weigh-in we gained normal weight.”

Choosing the type of complementary foods

The choice of first complementary foods is also influenced by the nature of the stool. If the stool is too hard and the baby has difficulty pooping, it is better to start with vegetables and fruits; they contain fiber and pectin, which promote bowel movements. Rice porridge is suitable for babies with unstable stools, but they do not need to give prunes, beets, cabbage, apricots yet.

How to introduce complementary foods?

It is better to offer new food to your baby at the beginning of the day to observe the body’s reaction. First, they give vegetable puree a try while the baby is hungry, and then supplement it with milk or formula. Fruit juices, on the contrary, should not be given on an empty stomach; they are very sour. This can lead to regurgitation and indigestion. It is better to offer juice after meals.

Having chosen the type of complementary food, give it, starting with a teaspoon and bringing this amount per week to about 50 ml (how much the child is ready to eat). The first complementary feeding is offered only once a day, gradually it will replace one meal, but this will happen later, but for now you will need to supplement the baby with breastfeeding or formula. When introducing the next product, it replaces another feeding.

The juice is also given gradually, starting from a few drops, up to 30 ml. There is no need to give more at this age.

Do not introduce a new product if the child is ill, is capricious, has spoiled stool, or is teething. Also, do not give a new product for the first two days after vaccination.

Always monitor your baby's condition. Don't be afraid if your stool changes, this is normal. The main thing is that there is no liquid foaming diarrhea or vomiting. In these cases, cancel this product, take a break a week and offer your baby another. Be sure to consult your pediatrician!

Baby's diet at 5 months

How much should a 5 month old baby eat, whether breastfed or formula fed? We will try to answer these questions.

Important! The volume of menu products is indicated for ready-made dish. If you cook 50 g of dry porridge, you will get three times the amount!

Table for 1 day with natural feeding looks like this:

Artificially fed the volume of food will be slightly less, because The calorie content of formula is higher than breast milk:

The total volume per day is no more than 900 ml, not counting juice, which can be given between lunch and dinner.

Water, herbal tea, and dried fruit decoction are given throughout the day upon request.

As can be seen from the tables, a 5-month-old child’s daily routine includes five meals per day. But a sixth feeding may be added if the baby wakes up at night. By the way, waking up at night can also be due to the fact that the child begins to feel hungry. How to find out if this is true? Let's answer the two most important questions:

How much should a 5 month old baby eat?

This amount reaches up to a liter of milk per day. If this volume is not gained, then the baby really does not have enough nutrients.

How much should a baby weigh at 5 months?

Whether the baby has enough milk is also judged by weight and height; the WHO table will help with this (these tables are also called Centenary). During the fourth month, boys gain an average of 430–580 grams, and girls 390–580. In height - 2 and 1.9 cm, respectively. If the weight gain is significantly lower (by 20%), then it is simply necessary to introduce complementary foods.

Table of height and weight of boys, according to WHO:

Very low
Short Below average Average Above average High Very tall
Weight 5.6-6.1 6.1-6.5 6.5-7.8 7.8-8.3 8.3-8.8 > 8.8
Height 9.9
59 .9 - 61.1
61.1 - 62.3
62.3 - 65.6
65.6-67 67-68.9 > 6

Table of height and weight of girls, according to WHO:

Very low Short Below average Average Above average High Very tall
Weight 5.5 - 5.9
5.9-6.3 6.3-7.2 7.2-7.7 7.7-8.1 > 8.1
Height 9.1 59.1-60.8
60.8-62 62. 0 - 65. 1
65.1-66 66.0-68.0 > 68. 0

According to the standards of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the minimum weight for girls at this age is 5.9, and the maximum is 7.7 kg. Accordingly, for boys it is 6.1–8.3 kg. If we talk about height, the norm for girls is 60.5-66 cm, and for boys 61-67 cm.

What should not be given to a baby at five months old?

A child’s diet at 5 months is quite poor, and this is correct, because the baby’s intestines cannot yet digest heavy food. That's why they don't add it to dishes butter and other animal fats. Avoid salt and sugar, all spices, meat and fish broths. You don't even need to try this yet. You can add a little to the puree vegetable oil(for example, flaxseed). It is best to dilute mashed potatoes and porridge with mother’s milk or formula.

Menu for a five month old baby

Despite the small variety of foods, the diet can and should be varied. What to feed your baby should be decided based on his preferences. For this they try to give various types vegetables and cereals, see what the child likes.


Vegetable feeding often starts with zucchini. This is a hypoallergenic vegetable, quite tender in consistency. Then enter cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, and so on - all vegetables colored in green, pale yellow shades. Brightly colored vegetables: carrots, beets are included in the diet later and are usually mixed with other purees.


Fruits and berries begin to produce according to the same principle: from light-colored to dark-colored. Traditionally, the apple comes first, followed by the addition of the pear. Of the tropical fruits, a child of 5 months can only eat banana. With plums, cherries, and grapes it is better to wait until 6-7 months.


The first cereals to be introduced are those that do not contain gluten: rice, buckwheat, millet.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

Monitor closely for possible allergy symptoms. It would be rational to keep a special notebook where you write down what was given to the child, what the reaction was, how the stool changed, and whether a rash appeared. It is convenient to keep such a notebook at hand or use a magnetic notebook by hanging it on the refrigerator.

Keeping a feeding diary

Keeping a diary, which records the daily routine and nutrition, will not take much time from the mother, but she will be able to analyze the information and adjust the menu. Parents often get tired while caring for their child and become distracted. Having read the entry in the diary that yesterday there was broccoli for lunch, mom will not be afraid when she sees an unusually colored stool.


The recipes for all dishes for infants are very simple. To prepare them, it is better to get a sieve, since it is not very convenient to prepare such things in a blender. Not large number products. Mom will also need a measuring cup and a plastic grater (it is better than a metal one because it does not oxidize the food). Kitchen scales are very helpful because they allow you to measure the required amount of food by weight.

Children's devices

Some babies have difficulty getting used to spoon feeding. In this case, liquid 5% porridge can be given from a bottle. But you still need to systematically make attempts to switch to feeding in a high chair, from a spoon and learn to drink from a cup. To get your baby interested in baby equipment, you may have to try several options.

DO NOT store cooked food

Remember that cooked food cannot be stored, even in the refrigerator.

Better to use less food for cooking. If you feed your baby food from jars, then the remains of this food cannot be stored either.

Homemade food or jars?

Parents are wondering what is better: cooking on their own or using commercially made purees. In summer, of course, it is better to use fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits to enrich the diet with vitamins. In winter, you can buy ready-made purees. However, to increase the lifespan of purees in a jar, they are used chemicals, so they are worth using if you don’t have time to prepare fresh food. Vegetables and fruits sold in supermarkets in winter are treated with chemicals, traces of which in food can lead to allergies or worsen stools, and useful substances they have much less.

In winter, it is rational to buy frozen cauliflower, broccoli, spinach and cook from them. Freezing vegetables yourself is also welcome. If you have the foresight to prepare containers with diced zucchini and pumpkin during the season, then their preparation will take very little time. Adults, including nursing mothers, will also benefit from a stew of fresh vegetables in winter.

You can also prepare cereals for making porridge yourself by grinding them in a coffee grinder. In this case, cereals purchased in a store must first be washed and dried. Usual dosage: five grams of cereal per one hundred milliliters of liquid. Porridge industrial production those that do not contain milk are used.

Menu table

A sample menu table for the week looks like this:

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
1 feeding Breast milk (HM) or adapted formula (AFM)
2 feeding Buckwheat porridge and GM or AMC supplementation
Rice porridge and GM or AMC supplementation Buckwheat porridge and GM or AMC supplementation Corn porridge and supplementary feeding with GM or AMS
3 feeding


Broccoli puree, vegetable oil, supplementary food
Zucchini puree, vegetable oil, supplementary food
Cauliflower puree, veg. oil, supplementary food
Potato puree, vegetable oil, supplementary food
4 feeding Applesauce, supplementary food
Pear puree, supplementary food
Banana puree, supplementary food
banana puree, supplementary food
Applesauce, supplementary food
pear puree, supplementary food
Pear puree, supplementary food
5 feeding Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula Breast milk or formula

10 recipes for babies aged five months

1. Applesauce and bananas

  • 30 g peeled apple of yellow or green varieties (1/4 of a medium apple);
  • 30 g ripe banana (1/5 of a medium banana);
  • 10 ml of mixture or water.

Grate the apple on a fine grater, bring to a uniform state, rubbing through a sieve. Also wipe the banana and dilute the puree with water or a mixture.

2. Pumpkin puree with milk

Cut a piece of pumpkin into small cubes and boil over low heat for 20 minutes. It should become slightly transparent and soft. Rub the vegetable through a sieve. Mix four teaspoons of puree with 50 ml of breast milk and grind thoroughly again. You can add a little water until the desired semi-liquid consistency is achieved.

3. Zucchini and broccoli puree

Boil vegetables until soft. Drain and save broth. Puree the zucchini and cabbage. Dilute with broth until liquid.

4. Mashed potatoes with white cabbage

The dish is seasonal, it is good to prepare it when the first new potatoes and early varieties of cabbage appear. Not recommended for use in dishes white cabbage late varieties, coarse fiber can lead to increased gas formation.

Peel potatoes and soak in clean water for an hour and a half, so that excess starch comes out of it, which is undesirable for a five-month-old baby.
Boil vegetables, cut into small pieces, in a sealed container until soft. Cool slightly, wipe and dilute with the mixture, breast milk, and the remaining broth.

5. Rice porridge with milk

  • one heaped teaspoon of rice flour;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 50 ml of prepared formula, breast milk;

Dissolve rice flour in milk or mixture. Boil water, pour milk and flour in a thin stream and cook until thickened.

6. Buckwheat porridge

1 tsp. with a heap of buckwheat flour;

Water – 100 ml;

Place a teaspoon of flour in hot water and cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool slightly, add 1/5 tsp. cold pressed vegetable oil (optional).

7. Prune infusion that regulates stool

It is used for a tendency to constipation, which is typical for artificially raised children. If such a problem occurs in a breastfed baby, the mother can simply eat the prunes herself.

Rinse 7-8 fruits thoroughly in hot water. Then pour in fresh boiling water, close the lid and leave for 18-12 hours. Give your baby two to three teaspoons three times a day. The decoction can be kept in the refrigerator for two days after preparation, but give until room temperature.

E. O. Komarovsky recommends preparing a raisin decoction for infants, especially those who are bottle-fed. This product contains natural sugars and a large amount of minerals, especially potassium. It is simply necessary in hot weather. summer days when the child sweats a lot.

8. Raisin decoction

Rinse hot water a tablespoon of raisins, preferably dark varieties. Then pour boiling water (glass), boil for 10 minutes. and let cool. After discarding the raisins, give the broth to drink 100 ml per day.

9. Porridge with banana

  • One heaped teaspoon of rice flour;
  • 1/6 part banana;
  • 100 ml water.

Pour into hot water rice flour and cook until thickened. Add mashed banana to the prepared porridge and boil for another 1 minute.

10. Herbal tea with mild anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and diuretic effects

  • ½ tsp. chamomile (herb);
  • ½ tsp. linden (flowers);
  • ½ tsp. strawberry (leaves).

Pour boiling water (a glass) over the herbs and leave in a sealed container until cool. Strain and give 150-200 ml per day for anxiety, increased gas formation, and during teething.



Time flies quickly and 4 months from the birth of our baby are already behind us. Many problems - such as intestinal rabbits, bloating due to accumulating gases, they are no longer as acute as in the first months of the baby’s life. But parents face other equally pressing and important issues: how to teach a baby to roll over and crawl , what educational games are suitable for a five-month-old baby, how introduce complementary foods correctly and make a daily menu, how to measure the temperature. We will consider these and other important questions in this article.

Five-month-old babies happily lie on their tummy and can hold their body on their outstretched arms for quite a long time.

Many babies are very adept at turning from tummy to back at this age, so you need to be very careful when they are on a bed without sides. By the end of the fifth month some crumbs can crawl quickly and stand on your feet, holding onto the back of a chair or the bars of your crib.

Try to communicate with your child as often as possible - talk to him, tell him fairy tales and rhymes, sing lullabies. , demonstrate finger games. Nowadays, articulation and speaking skills are very actively involved in the child’s development. The baby gurgles with pleasure and demonstrates his emotions with facial expressions.

First teeth at 5 months?

Typically, babies start teething at 6 months from birth. But recently the appearance of the first teeth at five months of age is no longer uncommon.

The first signs of teething:

suddenly the baby develops a runny nose and a fever;

saliva is released very abundantly during the daytime, and at night the child often wakes up and is very capricious;

The baby's stool becomes very liquid;

If you run your finger along the gum, you can feel the seal or the already erupted edge of the incisor.


At this age, the baby confidently raises his head and body, resting his hands on the surface;

Able to change position, turning from back to side and belly. If the baby still does not roll over on his own from his stomach to his back, then try to do strengthening exercises with him more often. muscular system and get a massage;

The grasping reflex and eye are already sufficiently developed and the baby can easily reach out to an interesting toy and grab it with his hand;

If shown to a five month old baby bright pictures in the book, he focuses his eyes on the colorful illustrations for some time. In addition, the baby must be able to concentrate attention on the action that interests him and follow the event with his eyes;

A 5 month old baby can coo and make sounds resembling syllables;

Must be able to instantly distinguish “us” from “strangers”. When a stranger or little-known person appears before the eyes of a baby, he may burst into tears and calms down when the stranger disappears from his field of vision;

Must be able to confidently turn the head towards a sound heard nearby.


By 4-5 months the body small child ready to be absorbed with a consistency that is denser than breast milk. It's time to gradually introduce complementary foods into your baby's diet. . Thanks to complementary feeding, the developing child's body will additionally receive vitamins and minerals, and chewing abilities will also develop. But mommy's milk is still included in the diet infant, if for one reason or another the baby is not bottle-fed.


To ensure that the child does not have problems swallowing food, make complementary foods with the most homogeneous consistency. Only after 3-4 weeks introduce more varied and dense foods into the diet;

Introduce complementary foods very gradually and offer each subsequent product only after the child’s body has clearly adapted to the previous one;

Give juices and other drinks to your baby after breastfeeding , and complementary foods - before feeding. It is enough for a 5-month-old baby to give a little more than five grams of complementary foods, gradually increasing the volume to 130-140 grams over several weeks. If the consistency of your baby's stool does not deteriorate, then continue to increase the amount of food;

First, it is best to add puree from one type of vegetable to your baby’s diet, with a gradual transition to a vegetable mixture (the least allergenic foods are zucchini, potatoes, beets). It is important to avoid increased gas formation in the baby’s intestines, which causes bloating;

Then you can add porridge to your diet. But choose gluten-free grains for complementary foods - corn flour, rice, buckwheat;

Feed your baby warm food from a spoon. The baby should be in a sitting position.

Sample menu for 5 one month old baby bottle-fed:

1) 6 am - 200 grams of kefir;

2) 10 am - 150 grams of buckwheat porridge with milk and 4 tbsp. spoons of fruit puree;

14.00 - 200 g of kefir and 6 spoons fruit juice;

18.00 - 150 grams of vegetable puree and half a chicken yolk;

22.00 - 200 g of mixture.

Example menu for a 5 month old baby:

6 am - breastfeeding;

2) 10 am - 150g vegetable puree, half an yolk, a few tbsp. spoons of fruit puree;

3) 14.00 - breastfeeding, 5 spoons of juice;

18.00 - breast milk, 2 teaspoons of cottage cheese and 5 tablespoons of juice;

22.00 - breastfeeding.

Why does a child burp profusely and often?

A five-month-old baby should burp from time to time.

If you think he is spitting up too much or too often , then pay attention to the following points:

The baby does not grasp the nipple correctly and swallows a lot of air along with food;

Too long an interval between feedings forces a hungry baby to swallow food quickly and in large portions. The stomach becomes heavily overloaded and pushes everything back out.


Below is an example of a daily routine for a baby:

How many hours does a 5 month old baby usually sleep?A five-month-old baby sleeps on average about 16 hours a day. Sleep is divided into three short daytime ones (several hours each) and one long one at night. At night, the baby sleeps 9-10 hours, but may wake up periodically, for example, if he is hungry or feels unwell.

How to organize your small child's bedtime:

If your child doesn’t sleep well and takes a long time to fall asleep, give him a relaxing massage 15 minutes before bedtime;

Baths with chamomile added to warm water have a calming effect on the child. If the baby sleeps poorly and often wakes up, then give him such a bath at night before bed;

Before bed, tell your child a story or sing a lullaby. . After this, talk to him kindly and with the same intonation. Always try to speak to your baby with the same intonation before going to bed - this will make it psychologically easier for him to fall asleep;

It is not advisable to give a 5 month old baby a toy in bed before bed. . He will most likely play with her, and not fall asleep hugging his favorite teddy bear or dog, as older children do;

The first walk is not advisable earlier than 2 hours after the baby wakes up;

In the daytime, it is advisable to go for a walk with the baby so that he can sleep in the stroller in the fresh air;

Even if the baby is capricious while going to bed and does not fall asleep for a long time, do not pick him up;

Do not wrap your baby tightly before bed. You can even put him in his crib in stockings or pants, and cover him with a light blanket on top. The baby's movements in the crib (or in the stroller) before falling asleep should not be constrained;

Usually a 4-5 month old baby sleeps until feeding time. Try to help your baby fall asleep if he woke up long before feeding - pat him on the head, open him a little if he is sweating a little. If your baby wakes up 15-20 minutes before feeding, give him a toy ,play with him. Do not start feeding earlier than the time you set in your daily routine.


The rate of growth and weight gain at five months slows down somewhat when compared with the indicators of these parameters in babies under 4 months. During the fourth month from the moment of birth, the baby gains an additional 740-830 grams, another 2-3 cm is added to the height, the chest circumference increases by about 20 mm, and the head circumference increases by 15-18 mm. Below is a table with the normal weight, height and head circumference of a five-month-old baby:

◘ Weight ◘

How much does a baby weigh at 5 months:
On average, a boy's weight ranges from 6.2 kg to 9.4 kg
Girls weight at this age - from 5.6 kg to 8.7 kg

◘ Height ◘

What is the average height of a child at this age:
The height of a five-month-old boy is from 62 cm to 70.3 cm
Girls' height ranges from 59.4 cm to 68.6 cm


How can you measure the temperature of a small child and how to use antipyretics?

It is advisable to use a children's electronic thermometer to measure temperature. It is best to measure the temperature in the baby's armpit while sleeping. For larger measurements, take measurements several times. Permissible limits of fluctuation - from 36.3 °C to 37.1 °C

If the temperature increase is insignificant, then you can perform the following procedure to reduce it: completely undress the baby and rub with massage movements the legs, tummy and back of the toddler with vodka (since even weakly concentrated alcohol can cause burns on the baby’s skin). You can also rub the baby with table vinegar if you dilute it in a one-to-one ratio with water. After rubbing, let the baby lie on the diaper without clothes for 3-4 minutes.

If the child’s temperature rise is significant, then first of all it is necessary to find out the cause and immediately begin to eliminate this cause after consultation with the pediatrician.

Only after examination, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for the disease and means to reduce the temperature. For a 5-month-old child, it is preferable to use rectal suppositories with paracetamol - the drug is quickly absorbed by the rectal mucosa and quickly enters the bloodstream, providing an antipyretic effect. Rectal suppositories can be used even while the child is sleeping. Suspensions with paracetamol can also be used (Panadol, Efferalgan), but small child may spit out the drug or regurgitate.

Causes and methods of eliminating cough in a child at 5 months:

A child's cough is a protective reaction of the body and a way to get rid of excess phlegm and germs. Do not use products that relieve cough symptoms but do not eliminate the cause.

The causes of cough in a small child include allergies. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to identify the object with which the baby comes into contact and coughs after that.
Also, the cause of a five-month-old baby’s cough may be excessive salivation due to the eruption of the first teeth. . It is advisable for the baby to be on his tummy more often while playing on the floor, so that a large amount of saliva gets into the larynx less.
If the cause of the cough is a cold or flu, be sure to consult a doctor - self-medication is dangerous for a small 5-month-old child!

What to do if your baby falls and gets seriously hurt?

The reason for the deterioration in the health of a five-month-old baby may be a fall from a sofa or crib. If a child falls and is injured, be sure to take him to the hospital or call ambulance. Do not try to determine the degree of injury by symptoms yourself. Brain contusions, concussion, fracture and others possible consequences A bruise should only be determined by a specialist!


Try to improve the physical abilities of your 5-month-old baby every day and strengthen it musculoskeletal system. In this video lesson, you will be clearly shown how to perform massage and exercises that develop your baby’s muscles:

IN summer heat These questions become especially relevant for parents.

Everyone knows that water is necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. Its lack primarily affects the processes of digestion and absorption of food, hematopoiesis - the formation of new blood cells. In addition, without water, heat exchange processes in the body cannot occur. A child’s need for fluid depends on age, type of nutrition (breastfeeding, artificial milk formula, complementary feeding), temperature environment, motor activity And individual characteristics metabolism.

The total amount of fluid that a child of the first year of life should receive is 100–150 ml/kg of body weight per day. Before 6 months it is 80–130 ml/kg per day, after 6 months – 130–150 ml/kg,
from 1–3 years – 100 ml/kg, after 3 years – 80 ml/kg per day.

When to start?

The fact is that breast milk is both food and drink for the baby. Foremilk, which is released at the beginning of feeding, is more liquid and consists of 87% water. It completely satisfies the baby's need for fluid. Supplementing a breastfed baby before 6 months can lead to a decrease in breast milk consumption. This is due to the fact that if the baby receives water instead of milk, he has a false feeling of fullness, he sucks out less milk, which leads to malnutrition and loss of body weight of the baby.

If the baby sucks little and reluctantly after drinking water, this, in turn, can lead to a decrease in mother's milk production. Therefore, a breastfed baby should be supplemented with water only when complementary foods are introduced.

For children who are bottle-fed or mixed-fed, the need for additional water consumption arises from the moment formula is introduced into the diet. Formula milk is a difficult product to digest, and without supplementation, the baby may develop problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as constipation.

How to give water to a child?

However, there are times when a baby needs extra fluid, regardless of whether he is receiving formula or breast milk. These are conditions in which pathological loss of fluid occurs: fever (body temperature above 38°C), vomiting, frequent loose stools, hot and dry weather (above 25°C). To avoid dehydration, in hot weather children need to be given water more often than usual; Babies receiving breast milk can be put to the breast more often.

Drinks can be given to the baby in between feedings. There is no need to offer your baby water before feeding, so as not to cause a false feeling of fullness. It is better to feed the baby from a spoon, and when he grows up a little, you can teach him to drink from a sippy cup or sippy cup. Such a cup has back side The lids have a special valve that prevents liquid from spilling, even when it is tipped over or tilted to the side.

When a baby drinks from a spoon, the liquid goes directly into his mouth, and he just needs to swallow it. When drinking from a cup, the same principle is used. Babies who are accustomed to drinking from a bottle (which requires several sucking movements to drink) often find it difficult to transition to drinking from a cup.

Choosing drinks


At first, the best drink for a child is water. It must be clean and of high quality. This is necessary because the child’s body is more susceptible to harmful substances and microorganisms, because young children have not yet fully developed their immune system.

It is best to give your baby special bottled water for children. Firstly, during its production all hygienic requirements are met, and it is safe for children. Secondly, it has a low level of mineralization, which is important for normal kidney function. The water bottle must clearly indicate that it is “for children.” Water must meet the basic quality characteristics: be transparent, odorless, and have a neutral taste.

You can also use regular boiled water, cooled to room temperature, for your baby to drink. Only in this case is it necessary that the tap water be pre-cleaned with a filter. Filters purify tap water from harmful impurities– chlorine, iron, salts of heavy metals, as well as from some bacteria and viruses.


In addition to water, various children's teas are used for drinking. It is important to remember that children's tea is not at all the same tea that adults drink. Ordinary black tea should not be given to children under 1.5–2 years of age. This is due to the fact that it contains tannin, a substance that has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. As a result, the child develops sleep disturbances, tearfulness, and increased excitability. In addition, tannin affects the functioning of the heart, causing an increase in the number of heart contractions.

Children's tea has many beneficial properties. For example, it strengthens the walls and enhances vascular tone; contains fluoride, which helps avoid the development of caries and strengthens bones and teeth; contains many B vitamins necessary for the full development of the baby. Lightly brewed black tea can be given to children from 1.5–2 years old, after diluting it with milk.

There are special baby teas for infants that may contain extracts medicinal herbs(chamomile, dill, fennel, lemon balm, mint, anise) or fruit and berry additives - lemon, wild berries, raspberries, etc. Herbal teas have certain preventive and therapeutic effects. For example, tea with mint or lemon balm has a calming effect, and it can be offered to a child with increased neuro-reflex excitability, disruption of the process of falling asleep and staying asleep. To stimulate the immune system, rosehip extract, anise and vitamin C are added to children's tea. Before purchasing and drinking children's herbal tea, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.

Most children's teas can be given to a formula-fed baby from 4–5 months; Until this age, babies are given only water. It is not recommended to introduce teas to children receiving breast milk before 6 months. The age at which tea can be used must be indicated on the packaging. The exception is chamomile and fennel tea, which can be given from the first month of life. It is used in children with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as it eliminates flatulence (excessive gas formation), relieves intestinal spasms and stimulates digestion processes.

The volume of tea drunk for a baby should not exceed 100 ml per day. Almost all commercially produced children's teas contain a significant amount of carbohydrates: sucrose, glucose, fructose, maltose. Excessive consumption of tea as a drink can cause the development of caries and flatulence.

When preparing teas, you must follow the instructions on the package, do not serve the tea hot (it should be at room temperature) and do not add sugar.


Children love these drinks very much, but there is no need to rush to give your baby juice. The fact is that juices are an allergenic product and can cause diathesis in infants, and also irritate the immature mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause bloating, rumbling, abdominal pain, and unstable stool. Pediatricians and World organization Health officials recommend introducing juices into a baby’s diet no earlier than 8 months.

First, clarified juices (without pulp) are introduced into the child’s diet, and at 10–11 months you can try giving the baby juices with pulp. The later introduction of juices with pulp is due to the fact that they contain vegetable fibers(fiber), which stimulate intestinal activity, and the child may experience bowel irregularities.

At first, it is better to give your baby single-component juices made from one type of fruit. This is necessary so that if allergic reaction it was possible to determine which component the child’s body reacted negatively to and exclude the allergen.

The first thing you can do is offer your baby green apple juice. It is the least allergenic and contains a large amount of iron necessary for the baby. Then pear, peach, apricot and plum juices are introduced. You should not offer your child juices of exotic fruits (mango, papaya, grapefruit), orange and strawberry: they often cause allergies, so it is recommended to give them after the age of 1–1.5 years. There is also no need to rush into introducing grape juice: grapes contain an increased amount of sugar and can cause fermentation processes in the baby’s intestines, which will cause him anxiety.

You need to start giving your child juice with 5 drops, gradually increasing the volume over the week to 20-30 ml per day (day 2 - ½ teaspoon, day 3 - 1 teaspoon, by day 7 - 6 teaspoons (30 ml By the end of the first year of life, the volume of juice that the baby drinks should be 100–120 ml per day.

The child can be given fresh juices prepared using a juicer, or industrially produced juices recommended for baby food. The packaging usually indicates the age at which children can consume this product.

Freshly squeezed juices can have an irritating effect on the baby's intestinal mucosa due to their high content of organic acids. This is manifested by increased gas formation, bloating, and intestinal colic. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute such juices with chilled boiled or bottled water in a 1:1 ratio (up to 2–3 years of age), and children over 3 years of age can be offered juices not diluted with water. At the beginning of administration, industrially produced juices are also recommended to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio for better adaptation of the child’s gastrointestinal tract to this product. You can stop diluting the juice when the child begins to receive the volume of this drink that corresponds to the age norm.


After 1 year, the child can be offered compotes of fresh berries and dried fruits. They are prepared without adding sugar. The same rule applies here as when introducing juices: you need to start with a monocomponent drink and give it in small portions (starting from 10 ml per day). First, it is better to cook compote for your baby from hypoallergenic fruits - apples, pears, plums. After some time, you can add berries - cherries, cherries. The compote is given to the child cooled to room temperature.


This drink, made from the juice of berries or fruits, contains various vitamins (although some of them are destroyed during cooking), quenches thirst well, increases body tone and appetite. Morse is prepared from different berries: cranberries, lingonberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries. It can be offered to the baby in the third year of life. To introduce young children to this drink for the first time, it is better to prepare a fruit drink from one type of berry. Industrially produced fruit drinks are mainly allowed for children over 3–4 years of age. They are often a mixture of juices of several types of berries and water, so you can offer such a drink to your baby if he is not allergic to the components included in its composition.

You can prepare fruit juice at home yourself. To do this, you need to sort the berries, wash them and squeeze the juice out of them using a fine sieve or gauze. The remaining pomace should be poured with hot water, add a little sugar and boil for 10-12 minutes after boiling, then strain. The strained broth should be mixed with the previously obtained juice. Fruit juice is usually drunk chilled.


Homemade jelly from fresh or frozen berries and fruits can be given to your baby after 1 year. Industrially produced jelly (in packs) contains a large amount of dyes and sweeteners, so it can be given to a child no earlier than 3 years old. In order to make jelly yourself, you will need fresh or frozen berries and potato starch. The berries must be sorted, washed with hot water, mashed and squeezed out the juice through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. The pomace should be poured with hot water and boiled for 5 minutes, then strained. Pour potato starch, previously diluted in cooled boiled water, into the strained broth and, stirring, let it boil again, then add the previously squeezed juice. For 1 cup of berries, take 2 tablespoons of potato starch.

Mineral water

It is divided into two categories - dining and medical. Medicinal mineral water contains a lot various salts and is intended to treat certain diseases. This water should not be drunk without a doctor's prescription. Table mineral water is weakly mineralized and does not have any therapeutic effect. The main important elements in mineral water are calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron. Dining room mineral water can be offered to children after 1 year. To remove gas bubbles from the mineral water, simply pour the required volume of water into a cup and let it sit for 20–30 minutes; you can stir the water in a glass with a spoon - and everything will happen faster.


Sugary carbonated drinks are not recommended for children under 3 years of age. Soda contains many preservatives, flavors and dyes that can cause allergies in a child. Such drinks also contain a lot of sugar or sugar substitutes, which contribute to the development of tooth decay. Finally, carbon dioxide, which is found in carbonated water, causes belching and bloating.


As a hot drink, a child over 2–3 years old can be given cocoa no more than 3 times a week. It is best to offer your baby cocoa with milk for breakfast or afternoon. Cocoa powder is rich in protein, fiber and vitamins. It contains a lot useful microelements, such as zinc and iron, folic acid. Cocoa is very healthy drink for children with underweight, as it is a high-calorie product. The recommended amount of cocoa for young children is no more than 50 ml per day.

Coffee drinks

Another hot drink is coffee. Instant coffee strictly contraindicated for children under 13–14 years of age. Coffee is known to contain caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In a baby, this can lead to overexcitability, moodiness, neuroses, and sleep disturbances. Children can be given a coffee drink that does not contain caffeine. It may contain chicory, extracts of rye, barley, oats, and rose hips. These products are completely safe for the baby and very rarely cause allergies. In addition, they have beneficial properties. Chicory increases appetite and regulates metabolism. In addition, chicory contains various mineral elements and vitamins A, E, B1, B12. Rosehip helps strengthen the immune system, and barley and oat extracts improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. A coffee drink diluted with milk can be given to a child over 2 years old to try.

When choosing a coffee drink, you need to carefully study the packaging. Sometimes it may contain a small percentage of natural coffee. It is better not to offer such drinks to your child.

Drinking regime in the heat

Particular attention should be paid to the drinking regime during hot weather when the baby sweats a lot and loses a lot of fluid. Children's fluid reserves are used up faster, since water metabolism is more intense than in adults. Babies have an imperfect thermoregulation system, so they easily overheat. On hot days, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the baby (due to possible dehydration) and give the child water more often, even if he does not ask.

The main symptoms of excessive fluid loss (dehydration) in the body are:
dry mucous membranes;
decreased number of urinations (less than 6 times a day).

To prevent dehydration, breastfed babies just need to be put to the breast more often. It is advisable for “artificial” children to be offered cool drinks every 15–20 minutes. Ordinary water is suitable for drinking drinking water room temperature, still mineral water, unsweetened children's tea.

For older children, you can offer non-carbonated mineral water, diluted juice, unsweetened compote, or children's kefir as a drink. The drink should not be sweet, since sweet drinks do not quench thirst well and the baby will soon want to drink again. It is also important to remember that on hot days it is not recommended to drink cold drinks, because due to the sharp temperature difference you can catch a cold.

Drinks should be at room temperature or slightly chilled.

It is very important to maintain a drinking regime for a child, since water and various drinks are an important part of his daily diet. Improper drinking regimen can lead to water-electrolyte imbalance, constipation, and disruption of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.