What is the highest calorie juice? Calories in fruit and vegetable juices

The aromatic red tomato drink contains many valuable substances. And its taste has been familiar to everyone since childhood. Tomato juice is recommended to be consumed at any age and for the prevention of various diseases. This is not surprising, because it has a rich chemical composition of minerals and acids.


Tomato juice helps improve health in cases of anemia, hypertension, obesity, and angina. It contains substances that stimulate the production of serotonin, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the likelihood of stress and the negative consequences of stressful conditions.

Thanks to this product, putrefaction processes stop and the intestines are cleansed of toxins. With the help of tomato juice you can get rid of constipation and flatulence. It is also a diuretic and choleretic product, useful for water-salt imbalances.

This product may be useful for gastritis with low acidity and duodenal ulcers. But you should avoid this drink during times of exacerbation of the disease. Tomato juice provides particular benefits to people with diabetes, because this drink helps regulate blood sugar levels. Tomato drink also reduces intraocular pressure and is especially useful for glaucoma.

This product has other beneficial properties, including:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • removal of waste, radionuclides and toxins;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • reducing the likelihood of developing cancer.

Tomato juice contains a lot of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Thanks to this substance, the condition of the skin improves and immunity increases. Moderate consumption of this product improves health.

Tomato juice is a diet drink. It reduces the likelihood of blood clots in blood vessels, is an effective prevention of emphysema and is especially useful for smokers. To get the maximum benefit from this product, you should only consume freshly squeezed tomato juice half an hour before meals. To increase the digestibility of this drink, you can add 1-2 tsp. vegetable oil or drink a drink with nuts and cheese.

You should not add salt or pepper to this drink: this reduces the value of tomato juice and sharply reduces the amount of nutrients. To make tomato juice more tasty and healthy, it is better to add finely chopped herbs to it.

When choosing the healthiest juice, it is better to take fresh tomatoes and prepare the drink yourself.


In large quantities, fresh tomato juice can cause stomach upset. You cannot prepare a drink from unripe tomatoes, because... they may contain solanine (a harmful and toxic substance).

Tomato juice contains very few carbohydrates and saturated fat. If fresh tomato juice does not contain carcinogens, then a canned tomato drink may contain substances that contribute to the development of cancer. You should also remember that directly pressed juice cannot be heated, otherwise harmful components may also form in it.

Calorie content

There are 20 kcal per 100 grams of kiwi (1% of the daily value of 2000 kcal).


Tomato juice should not be consumed during exacerbations of ulcers, pancreatitis, gastritis or cholecystitis. You cannot combine this drink with protein foods and foods that contain a lot of starch, because this can cause kidney stones. Tomato juice is suitable for consumption during pregnancy, but only in moderate doses. You should not drink this drink if you have gallbladder disease. It is also better to avoid drinking tomato juice after surgery.

Tomato juice can be given to infants at 7-8 months of life, in small quantities and with the addition of water. But, before giving your baby this drink for the first time, you should consult with your doctor about the advisability of using it.

Nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Despite the small variety of vitamins contained in tomato juice, a glass of this drink provides the body with half the daily requirement of ascorbic acid.

Also, the tomato drink contains a number of minerals that help normalize the salt balance in the body:

Tomato juice is especially appreciated by people who strive to gain a slim figure. But it is also important to use this product to strengthen the immune system. Organic acids and other substances have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Since time immemorial, people have squeezed juice from available vegetables and fruits, thereby quenching their thirst and adding variety to their menu. Today, juices are a daily health drink for the majority of the world's population.

Which juices should you prefer: store-bought or freshly squeezed (fresh)? The first of them retain vitamins, but can lose useful substances during heat treatment. The latter have a significant advantage over the former, which is discussed below.

What are the benefits of freshly squeezed juices?

Due to their healing properties and low calorie content, fresh fruit juices have become an excellent alternative to other drinks for many.

Low-calorie juices contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and other microelements necessary for the functioning of the body. They cleanse the body of harmful substances, increase immunity, and are effective doctors during diets and infectious diseases.

The calories in freshly squeezed concentrated juice are approximately the same. But fresh juices do not contain anything other than the gifts of nature, while dyes, flavors, artificial sugar, and other flavoring additives and components that negatively affect the liver and stomach can be added to concentrated juices.


Freshly squeezed orange juice contains a high amount of vitamins C, A, E, B, K, micro- and macroelements, and amino acids. This truly magical juice is useful for diseases of the joints, skin, lungs, liver, as well as low hemoglobin.


A large amount of vitamins and organic acids in freshly prepared apple juice ensures rapid recovery of the body after surgery or physical activity. Fresh apple juice has a beneficial effect on the stomach, liver, duodenum, and joints.


Fresh pineapple is unique in that, in addition to all the advantages of freshly prepared juices, it contains bromelain, an enzyme that actively breaks down fats. Pineapple juice has a positive effect on metabolism, the nervous system, kidneys, blood vessels, and normalizes cholesterol in the blood.

The advantage of fresh vegetable juices

Compared to freshly squeezed fruit juices, low-calorie fresh vegetables have a clear lead in the amount of vitamins and microelements.

The calorie content of fresh fruit juices is higher due to the presence of organic sugar in their composition.

Vegetable juices normalize the acid-base balance in the blood, increase metabolism, stimulate the digestive process and are perfectly absorbed by the body.

Fresh vegetable juices made from beets, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and pumpkin are considered the most effective.

Thus, beets have a cleansing effect on the liver, kidneys, gall bladder, and normalize blood pressure, metabolism, and blood composition.

Carrots help improve vision, immunity, liver and intestinal function. Fresh carrots are indicated for eczema and thyroid diseases, nervous system disorders.

Tomato juice is useful for vascular and heart pathologies, digestive problems, celery improves well-being in diabetes, and pumpkin juice is considered an indispensable drink for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder.

Number of calories

Depending on the varieties of source fruits and vegetables, places and methods of growing them, the energy value of the same drink, for example, the calorie content of freshly squeezed banana juice, may differ slightly.

Below are the types of freshly squeezed juices and the calories contained in 100 grams of the drink.

Apple – 43.2 kcal

Grapefruit –35.7 kcal

Orange – 45.4 kcal

Grape – 60.6 kcal

Pineapple – 46.5 kcal

Banana – 48 kcal

Apricot – 56.5 kcal

Quince juice – 45 kcal

Tangerine – 44 kcal

Pomegranate – 60 kcal

Pear – 59 kcal

Cherry – 50 kcal

Plum – 56.3 kcal

Peach – 58.3 kcal

Blackcurrant – 40.5 kcal

Cranberry – 48 kcal

Blackberry – 27.5 kcal

Lemon – 25 kcal

Carrot – 36.5 kcal

Beetroot – 51.5 kcal

Tomato – 17.3 kcal.

There is a special table of caloric content of freshly squeezed juices, from which you can find out the energy value of fresh juices from other fruits, berries and vegetables.

Low calorie content and high content of nutrients are the advantages of freshly prepared juices. If you compare it with other healthy drinks, which has more calories: juice or kefir? 100 grams of low-fat kefir contains 30 kcal, kefir with 1% fat contains 36 kcal. This is also a low-calorie drink, but it is inferior to juices due to the limited amount of valuable vitamins.


Due to the presence of organic compounds that increase the acidity of gastric juice, fresh juices are contraindicated for peptic ulcers, gastritis and pancreatic diseases.

People suffering from diabetes and obesity should strictly limit the consumption of fresh orange and grape juices due to their high sugar content. To maintain immunity for such diagnoses, it is enough to consume 3-4 tablespoons of juice per day.

Useful information

You can approach the preparation of fresh juices creatively, with a reasonable amount of imagination. For example, freshly prepared carrot juices with the addition of two drops of sesame oil are useful and original.

You can also combine pumpkin with apple, kiwi with pineapple and apple. A delicious vitamin mixture is obtained by adding orange, lemon and mint leaves to one glass. You can experiment with apple and celery, kiwi and grapes, cucumber and carrots.

The beneficial properties of fresh juices are preserved as much as possible if they are consumed within 15 minutes after preparation. The best time of day to drink juice is morning or afternoon.

Sweet fresh juices should be diluted by half with water; you can add a little honey to vegetable ones. The pulp of freshly squeezed juice contains the bulk of valuable substances, so there is no need to strain the juice.

Low-calorie juices are drinks of health and youth that are good when consumed in moderation.

Fruit and vegetable juices are tasty and healthy. They are recommended for children from a very tender age, and adults enjoy drinking these delicious drinks. However, most often, when we think about the calorie content of food, we do not pay attention to the energy value of drinks. And for juices, unlike coffee or tea, it is not small.

Calorie content of freshly squeezed juices

Of course the most beneficial are freshly squeezed juices without sugar. However, this product must be consumed within a few hours after production. This is worth remembering when purchasing these juices in the store. They are usually kept in refrigerators or on ice sheets. And the bottles indicate the exact squeezing time and expiration date.

Vegetable juices have the lowest calorie content. The most popular is tomato. Its owners often preserve it so that this drink is suitable for consumption for several months. Another favorite vegetable juice by many is carrot. However, it is worth using it combined with a little cream. Animal fats will help the body absorb all the beneficial substances of carrots. Calorie content of carrot juice with cream is 85 kcal.

The energy value of fruit juices is much higher. It correlates with the calorie content of the fruits themselves. Thus, pineapple, peach and grape juices can be called the most energetic (120, 100 and 135 kcal per glass).

However, do not forget that this drink contains a large amount of carbohydrates, so you should not combine it with food. Also Due to the high concentration of acids, freshly squeezed fruit juices are not suitable for people with high acidity, ulcers or other stomach diseases.

The table below provides calorie information freshly squeezed juices.

Packaged, reconstituted or “store bought” juices

To get a freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable drink, you need to have a juicer, and the consumption of fruit is significant. It is much easier to purchase ready-made packaged juice. However, it is worth knowing here that The reconstituted product is sold in boxes - powder diluted with water. Such a drink would not have a very rich taste, so manufacturers add sugar. As a result, calorie content increases.

calorie content per 100 g calorie content
1 cup (250 ml)
Calorie content apple juice 46 kcal 115 kcal
Calorie content orange juice 60 kcal 150 kcal
Calorie content tomato juice 21 kcal 53 kcal
Calorie content carrot juice 56 kcal 140 kcal
Calorie content pineapple juice 46 kcal 115 kcal
Calorie content grape juice 70 kcal 175 kcal
Calorie content multifruit juice 48 kcal 120 kcal
Calorie content peach juice 68 kcal 170 kcal
Calorie content cherry juice 51 kcal 130 kcal
Calorie content grapefruit juice 38 kcal 95 kcal

If the temptation to drink juice is too great, then choose series that do not contain sugar. An excellent option is drinks for baby food. Most often, these products are of higher quality.

Juices are an excellent dietary product. They are rich in vitamins and microelements, are quickly digested and contain a minimal amount of calories. With the help of juices you can not only lose weight, but also improve your health. It is only important to choose a juice that is suitable for your illness. Fruit juices contain the maximum amount of vitamins, but they are higher in calories than vegetable juices. Vegetable juices contain more microelements and fewer calories. Proper use of juices in nutrition allows you to saturate the body with all the necessary nutrients without resorting to the help of dietary supplements and vitamins.

Juices are successfully used in dietary nutrition. They can be used instead of fruit in any diet. It is very useful to drink juices in courses of 1-2 weeks, especially in spring, when our body especially needs vitamins and microelements.

It is important to remember that juices should be drunk 30 minutes before meals and should not be combined with other foods.

Calorie table for juices per 100 grams






Apricot juice


Quince juice



Pineapple nectar



Pineapple juice



Orange nectar



Orange juice


Watermelon juice


Banana juice


Birch sap


Elderberry juice


Grape juice


Cherry nectar


Cherry juice



Pomegranate juice



Grapefruit nectar



Grapefruit juice


Pear nectar


Pear juice


Guava juice



Strawberry juice


Zucchini juice 0,6 0,3 4,6 24
Cabbage juice 1,8 0,1 4,7 25
Potato juice 2 0,4 16,3 77

Lemon juice


Raspberry juice



Mango juice



Tangerine juice


carrot juice


Passion fruit nectar


Nectarine nectar



Nectarine juice


Cucumber juice


Sea buckthorn juice


Peach nectar


Peach juice


Beet juice


Plum nectar


Plum juice


Kiwi juice


Noni juice


Papaya juice



Tomato juice


pumpkin juice


Blueberry juice


Chokeberry juice


Blackcurrant juice


Rosehip juice



Apple nectar

Nika Sestrinskaya -specifically for the site site

How do you usually quench your thirst? Water? Tea? Or maybe soda? There can be a million answers, and everyone has the right to life. Another thing is that sometimes a drink can contain exclusively “empty” calories, and sometimes it has great benefits. Take apple juice, for example. It has low calorie content, and its taste and aroma never gets boring. Preparing natural apple juice is very simple, and real masterpieces are created using it in cooking. How do you get natural juice?

To drink or not to drink?

There is a wide range of juices in stores, but doctors are not unanimous that it is worth making such a purchase. It turns out that packaged juices contain a lot of sugar, preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes. Such a time bomb has a sharp and severe impact on your figure and your health. Sometimes juice can be much more caloric than soda. But if you take a closer look at the composition of packaged drinks, it will become clear that apple juice is always an indispensable element in the list of ingredients. Its calorie content is relatively low, and the taste is good. In addition, it goes well with any additional components. However, natural juice tastes best. This is a fortified drink obtained by mechanical action on fruits or vegetables.

Pros of juices

It is considered an integral element of proper nutrition. Its calorie content even meets the postulates of dietary nutrition, since it is tasty and healthy. The juice is quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, as well as pectins and other substances. True, it needs to be consumed in moderate doses, otherwise you can provoke allergies or hypervitaminosis. Ideally, you should eat fresh apples. Alas, you should not drink juice if you are poisoned, have high acidity, gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis or any allergies.

Juice in numbers

Apple juice has a low calorie content - only 42 calories per 100 grams of the finished product. Thus, one glass will cost 105 calories on average. In terms of energy value, apple juice “weighs” a little less than whole apples. It turns out that apple juice is average relative to similar indicators of other juices. For example, there are 54 calories in grape juice, and only 30 in grapefruit juice. The juice meets the standards of proper nutrition: it contains only 0.4 fats and proteins, as well as 9.8 carbohydrates.

A little about the cons

So, the main character of the feast is natural apple juice. Its calorie content allows you to create amazing dishes, original cocktails and smoothies with it. But there is one caveat: many people should use it in limited quantities. In particular, people with diseases of the digestive tract, as well as allergy sufferers, should not drink it. The rest can drink pure juice without the slightest “but” or cook various dishes with it. The price of the product is affordable, but when purchasing, pay attention to the composition. The best product should contain nothing but fresh apples. Such a product will not spoil and will not seem cloying or bitter. The taste of fruits and their juice directly depends on the growing conditions and the crop variety. During the growing process, apple trees are “fed” with organic acids, tannins and even essential oils. Therefore, you need to buy juice with an eye on where you live. If there is a gardening partnership in the region, then most likely you will be able to purchase good apple juice. Its calorie content will average 42 calories per 100 grams, but the amount of carbohydrates may fluctuate depending on the added sugar.

In order not to gain weight

If you are watching your figure and health in general, then add freshly squeezed apple juice to your diet. The calorie content per 100 grams of this product is so affordable that you don’t have to limit yourself to a glass for breakfast. If you suffer from constipation, then drink several glasses during lunch. The product contains a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins of groups E, PP, H and B. And in terms of mineral substances, the juice is completely ahead of its analogues. There is also zinc, iron, copper, sodium, potassium, manganese and many other useful elements. It is impossible to gain weight from apples, but it is easy to significantly improve your health!

Apple juice is indicated for use for diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver, intestines and bladder. Pediatricians advise including it in children's diets, as it normalizes the functioning of the stomach and has a positive effect on brain cells. Apple nectar is a preventative against Alzheimer's disease. Just 300 ml of juice daily protects you from the development of cerebral vascular sclerosis. Organic acids and natural sugars in the drink strengthen the blood vessels of the heart and restore the body after heavy exercise. Drink juice for rehabilitation after a heart attack and stroke. This way you also protect yourself from radiation, and at the same time reduce cholesterol in your blood. Do not forget that the juice has a diuretic and choleretic effect, so try not to drink it before important meetings.

Surprisingly, this product destroys germs and improves sleep quality. If you are trying to lose weight, then apple juice will be a great help, because it quickly eliminates the consequences of overeating. Failures are inevitable on strict diets, but don’t give up. If a heavy meal results in a heaviness in your stomach, then drink a glass of juice at night, and eat as lightly as possible the entire next day. You can even do a fasting day on this unique product, but it is quite difficult and hungry, although you will get a lot of useful substances.

In cooking

In short, don’t be afraid to buy apple juice. The calorie content per 100 grams of this wonderful product is 42-47 calories. At the same time, you can drink it not only in its pure form, but also widely use it in cooking. Drinks, jellies, mousses, sauces, as well as jelly and gravy are prepared on the basis of this product. Apple juice is added to cocktails and sorbets. In the end, it perfectly sets off the taste and aroma of strong alcohol. It’s not for nothing that high-quality whiskey is served with apple juice to dilute the alcohol.

Apple juice is used in folk medicine to prepare a medicine that dissolves gallstones. You need to drink two glasses every two hours for three days. You don't need to eat any food. If there is no bowel movement in the evening, then you need to take an infusion of laxative herbs or do an enema. The method is complex, but very effective. However, it should only be used with the permission of the attending physician.