What kind of fish is the Azov mullet? What kind of fish is mullet? Steaming in a slow cooker

Scows full of mullet,

Kostya brought him to Odessa... (from a song by M. Bernes)

Mullet is a marine, predominantly herbivorous fish belonging to the order Mullet-like. Found off the coast of the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Madagascar, Russia (Black, Caspian and Azov seas), Ukraine and Southeast Asia.

In Black and Seas of Azov There are 4 species of mullet: singil (serendaka, sarianak), sharpnose (chularka, larisch), mullet (black mullet) (in the first third of the twentieth century, this fish was also artificially introduced into the Caspian Sea, where it successfully took root), pelengas (also spelled "pilengas", otherwise called belingas or maenads, is a Pacific species of mullet that comes to the Black Sea from the Japanese Sea and settled in the Sea of ​​Azov in the 60s of the last century). Besides listed types In the Black Sea, the bighead mullet (ramada, magnet mullet) and the wrasse mullet, or thick-lipped mullet, are still preserved.

Despite the fact that outwardly mullets are not fundamentally different from each other - they all have a torpedo-shaped body, large scales and a flattened head - nevertheless, we can say with confidence that average weight The body and fat content of each type of mullet is different, and therefore different methods of culinary processing are applied to them.

The largest fish among mullets is the pelengas. The length of its body can be more than 1 m, and its weight ranges from 2 to 10 kg! (True, most often pelengas weigh 5-6 kg.) Next comes the mullet, growing to 55-75 cm in length and weighing about 2.5 - 3.5 kg, then the bighead mullet with a body size of 60 cm and a weight of 2.9 kg, then - mullet wrasse - 75 cm in length with a weight of 4-5 kg, singil - 35 cm in length with 1 kg of live weight, and finally the sharpnose - 25 cm in length with a weight of 0.5 kg.

The largest mullet, pelengas, is usually stuffed and baked. Lobana can also be baked, for example, in sour cream, but not stuffed. In addition, it is important to consider that the mullet sometimes contains poison in its head, so before heat treatment His head should definitely be cut off!

The remaining mullets are suitable for stewing, baking, boiling (regular, steam, over a fire), poaching, drying, smoking, frying and salting. IN food industry All mullets are used to make canned food.

It should be noted that mullets in general have an amazing taste. This characteristic is especially applicable to Black Sea and Azov mullets, caught in autumn and spring. Separately, it is worth considering the mullet, which gives very delicious caviar and having a kind of tasty “fat” in the abdominal cavity.

Caspian mullet has less fatty meat than its “brothers” from other seas. However, it is also in high demand among fish lovers.

Mullet meat is white and tender. It does not contain small bones and is therefore easy to eat. When baked, fried or boiled, it goes well with pasta, boiled rice, potatoes, onions and let's fry. Fennel, celery greens, black pepper, mustard and garlic are suitable for it as spices. Some also serve mullet in sweet and sour sauce, obtained from citrus fruits.

The Black Sea mullet, a photo of which is in this article, has several subspecies. This fish is caught from mid-summer until the onset of October cold. This is one of the most famous and sought after seas. Mullet is very tasty, so it is a regular in dishes

Description of mullet

The body of the mullet is elongated, resembling a torpedo. The back is flattened, so the nose of the fish is in line with dorsal fin. Mullet colored gray, on the abdomen - with a silvery tint. The back is darker than the sides, which are covered with longitudinal black stripes.

The scales are round and large. The mullet has two dorsal and pelvic fins, prebranchial and anal, with silver inclusions. The tail is dark gray, with clearly visible notches.

Due to the shape of the body, the Black Sea mullet fish is very mobile and maneuverable. Her head is small, with a sharp nose. The eyes are large, with fatty, wide eyelids. The mouth is small and toothless, with a pointed lower lip. Mullet can grow up to 90 centimeters. The smallest fish is 40 cm. The weight of a mullet can reach 7 kilograms. She lives from 12 to 15 years.

Types of mullet

The Black Sea mullet is one of the most famous Black Sea fish. The indigenous subspecies are the singil, sharpnose and the famous mullet.

Pelengas is an “emigrant” brought to the Black Sea from the Sea of ​​Japan. This had to be done due to a sharp decline in the population, since a lot of this fish was caught. Pelengas is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, it short terms found its habitat in the waters of the Black Sea. Initially, local residents were unhappy and treated the new “tenant” very hostilely, worrying that because of him the population of indigenous mullet would decrease or disappear altogether. But their worries were in vain. Thanks to the timely release of mullet into the Black Sea, the population of indigenous people sea ​​waters is now being restored.

Loban is the most common of the subspecies. It is significantly larger than other mullet species and is fast growing. At the age of five years it usually reaches 50 centimeters in length and weighs 2.5 kilograms. But there are also very large individuals. They grow up to 90 centimeters and weigh almost seven kilograms. They excellent swimmers and can develop high speed as soon as they sense danger. from May to August.

Singil is the most numerous subspecies of mullet. But in size it is much inferior to the mullet. Basically, the singil weighs no more than a kilogram and reaches 35 centimeters in length. In terms of nutrition and behavior, the mullet does not differ from other subspecies, but its migrations to estuaries are longer. This is the main Black Sea commercial fish.

Sharpnose is the smallest subspecies of mullet. His Weight Limit reaches only half a kilogram, and the length is 25 centimeters. Otherwise, in terms of behavior and nutrition, it is no different from other subspecies.


The habitat of the mullet is wide. This Black Sea mullet lives mainly in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean, as well as in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Black Sea. Prefers sub- and tropical latitudes. In Russia, the most common species are mullet, singil and pelengas.

Mullet lives in estuaries, seas and river mouths. Sometimes it goes into fresh water bodies (during spawning). But he spends the winter in the seas. Mullet does not migrate long distances, prefers familiar places, and moves only in large flocks.

Behavior and nutrition

Black Sea mullet is a schooling fish that prefers warm water, but not higher than 35 degrees. She is not afraid of the salt contained in the water and the amount of oxygen in it. The most unpretentious type of mullet is the pelengas. It feeds mainly on bottom silt, which contains many nutrients. To diversify its diet, this fish feeds on zooplankton, worms and small invertebrates.


Females mature in the eighth or ninth year of life. During this period they reach 40 centimeters in length. Males mature a couple of years earlier than females. The Black Sea mullet goes to estuaries, bays and lower river reaches to feed. There, the fish first feed abundantly, then return to spawn (June - September) back to the sea.

Females shed pelagic eggs on warm sandy shallow water. The fertility of this fish is low. One brood can contain a maximum of only seven thousand eggs. After spawning, the fish leave again to feed, although most of them remain to winter in the sea.

Why is it dangerous?

Black Sea mullet: fishing and its features

For industrial scale caught everywhere. In summer, fish bite well in estuaries and river mouths. Fishing is carried out at a depth of three to five meters. Anglers consider catching mullet an art. There are ten different ways fishing, some of which are prohibited by law. The most popular and best options fishing - donk or float.

Despite the fact that the Black Sea mullet has several subspecies, they all look for food in the bottom layers, lead a single lifestyle and swim in schools. This fish is caught mainly with worms, nereis and sandworms. They can be found on the coast at low tide or simply bought in fishing shops. The mullet bite is best from the beginning of August. At this time, the fish swims straight to the shore to have a good meal before wintering.

You need to look for mullet on the coast, joining a crowd of fishermen concentrated in one place. In a more deserted place, the bite may not be as successful. For fishing, you need to choose a coast with a rocky or pebble bottom. This is where the silt lingers, which is what this fish feeds on.

Fishing will be more successful if you feed the mullet several days before fishing. Fresh white bread (a couple of loaves) is great for this. It needs to be broken and placed in water for half a minute. Then it is simply ground to a thick sticky mass. Add 150 grams of processed cheese and some small pebbles (no more than a third of the total bait). Then the baits are molded. In a few days, the mullet will get used to the fact that there is always food here, and by the time of fishing, the entire flock will be swimming in this very place.

The mullet can confidently be called one of the symbols summer holiday on the Black Sea. Tasty, healthy and nutritious, it is a traditional representative of the fish counters of southern markets and shops. Fishermen enthusiastically compete in the quantity of their catch and the size of the caught fish, housewives willingly include fish in the kitchen menu, and vacationers enjoy feasting on the white and tender meat.


Translated from Greek, mullet (kephale) means “head”, and this general characteristics 81 species of fish living in the World Ocean, mainly in tropical and subtropical latitudes. The most common is the mullet, often called the mullet. He's a "native" Black Sea, in which, besides it, there are 3 more species of mullet fish: mullet-singile, pointy mullet And mullet-pelengas. Their interesting feature– the ability to jump high out of the water, especially in cases of danger or fright.

  1. Loban. The largest representative of the order, growing up to 80-90 centimeters in length and 6.5-7 kilograms in weight. By the age of 6-8 years, the period of sexual maturity, it can already reach 50-55 cm and 2-2.5 kg. The fish has an elongated torpedo-shaped body with a dozen longitudinal brownish stripes, covered with large scales: light-gray on the belly, blue-gray on the back. On a massive head with a wide forehead and swollen nostrils there are two eyes, with fatty eyelids hanging over them, and a small narrow mouth with a thin lower lip. There are two dorsal and pelvic fins, they are separated, and the first upper one has 4 hard and sharp rays. The caudal fin is wide and powerful, V-shaped.


  2. Singil. Less big fish, at a maximum growing to 35-50 centimeters and 1 kilogram (specimens over “a kilo” are very rare in the Black Sea). It has a rounded head with a wide muzzle, narrow mouth and eyes with thin, fatty eyelids. Scales large, gray with blue colors on the back, and silvery on the sides, on which several longitudinal stripes of golden color are visible. Feature- “golden” spot on the gill cover.


  3. Sharp Nose. Outwardly it resembles a mullet, distinguished by its pointed snout. The maximum dimensions are also approximately the same - 40-50 cm and up to 1 kg in weight. The scales are large, their tone can vary from dark gray to dark brown on the back, and light silver on the belly. The edges of the second upper and caudal fins are painted black (the latter is V-shaped).

    Sharp-nosed mullet (sharp mullet)

  4. Pelengas. The second largest mullet species Black Sea waters, grows up to 70-80 centimeters and 5 kilograms. He is a “guest”, deliberately brought from Sea of ​​Japan and has taken root perfectly in Black. By the way, in the “homeland” some of its specimens reach 1.5 meters in length and 12 kg of weight. It is distinguished by dark spots on the edges of large silver-light scales and an orange color of the iris.


Habitat and spawning habitats of mullet

Mullet is active in the warm season, going to the depths for the winter in large schools and sensitively reacting to the slightest warming of the sea. Moreover, sometimes mullet and pelengas flock together into single herds. It begins to “grow fat” in the spring, migrating to the coast and often appearing in shallow water. Excellent tolerance both weakly and strongly salt water, mullet often enters river mouths and estuaries, and loves bays and bays. TO constant movement the fish is driven by feeding on detritus (organic remains in the water column or on the bottom), in addition to which it can also feed on small crustaceans, invertebrates and even small mollusks.

Spawning different types mullet occurs in different ways. For example, sharpnose and singil lay eggs in August-September, going to the open sea for this. Pelengas also spawn in late summer - early autumn, preferring shallow bays, and female mullet spawn from late May to September, both in the open sea and off the coast. Mullet eggs are of the pelagic type, develop in the water column and are found far from the shore, but the fry very quickly acquire the habits of adults, rushing to shallow water.

Mullet fishing

The high nutritional value of mullet is difficult to overestimate. Its meat contains large number fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on work cardiovascular systems and brain, amino acids and vitamins, phosphorus, fluorine, zinc, many micro- and macroelements. This, as well as "comfortable", is relatively large sizes together with life “shoals”, they make fish commercial species. Its mass catch is carried out using various nets, including “fixed” and “cast” seines.

In addition to industrial fishing, mullet is a popular catch among amateur fishermen and athletes. The constant search for food, the “entry” of fish into shallow coastal bays, estuaries and lakes, gives them the opportunity to use quite standard bottom gear and float rods. In this case, fishing can continue from spring until autumn, in most cases, provided the right approach and a bit of luck, ending with some good catches.

Experienced fishermen recommend catching mullet in the morning and evening hours, when they swim to the coast to “feed”. Preferably - on bottom gear, using transparent fishing line, since the fish are timid by nature. The composition of the feeding should include at least 30% of what is being caught. (The bait made from Nereis, polychaete, is especially popular among local residents sea ​​worm). But you can also use a float rod with a long rod, which allows you to fish from the shore.

Mullet - what kind of fish? Have you ever heard of her? Maybe you tried it? No? But in vain! In fact, this is an underrated product. In terms of nutritional value and taste characteristics, this species is not inferior to trout, salmon, and salmon. In addition, the price of this fish is quite attractive. From it you can cook delicious, and most importantly, healthy dishes. Its meat contains a large amount useful microelements, dietary fiber, ascorbic acid, retinol, pyridoxine, niacin, phosphorus, potassium and much more.

These incredibly active aquatic inhabitants are found in bodies of water in almost every corner of the earth and prefer to live in a school. The weight of the average representative reaches 7 kg, the size ranges from 40 to 90 cm in length. Tender mullet meat is rich in chemical composition, which includes vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fats.

Useful properties of mullet:

  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • prevention of the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • cleaning arteries from blood clots;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • saturation of cells with useful substances;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • recruitment and maintenance muscle mass etc.

This fish can be used to cook delicious breakfasts for children. It is incredibly useful for the growing body and helps improve brain activity. Mullet is included in various diet menus. Despite the fact that fish meat is quite filling, it does not contain many calories - only 88.

Mullet fish soup recipe

Mullet soup is a tasty and very healthy first course that will undoubtedly appeal to both adults and children.

In addition to the actual half kilo of fish, you will need:

  • potatoes - approximately 200 g;
  • large carrot;
  • bulb;
  • celery root (optional, optional);
  • flour.

Take parsley from the greens. You will also need 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and, of course, salt and pepper. So, let's start cooking.

  1. Clean and cut the fish.
  2. Place a pot of water on the stove to boil. For this set of ingredients, 3 liters is enough.
  3. Now let’s peel and cut the vegetables: potatoes - large, carrots - into circles, celery root - into small cubes, onions can be rings, or finely.
  4. As soon as the water boils, salt it, pour in vegetable oil and place the prepared vegetables in the pan.
  5. In a glass cold water dilute 50 g of flour and also pour the resulting mixture into the pan.
  6. After 10-15 minutes, when the vegetables are almost ready, add pieces of fish to them and leave the pan on the stove for another quarter of an hour.
  7. At the very end, add chopped parsley and cover the finished dish with a lid.

That's all, the soup is ready. If you are planning to feed it to your child, you are probably wondering how many bones there are in such fish. So, there are almost no small bones in it, so mullet fish soup can be given to children without fear.

Bake in foil in the oven

The dish turns out incredibly tasty, tender and aromatic. Believe me, your loved ones and guests will like baked mullet. And it is prepared very simply from ingredients that you probably have at home. All that remains is to buy the fish and cheerfully start baking.

  1. Clean and rinse 1 kg of mullet (this is approximately 4 - 5 fish).
  2. In a separate container, mix salt, pepper and, if desired, spices for fish dishes. You can add a couple of drops of lemon juice to this mixture. Rub the carcasses with this mixture and place them in a cool place for 20 minutes. Now you have time to prepare other ingredients.
  3. Peel and wash 1 kg of potatoes; if the tubers are large, cut them in half or quarters. Bun green onions and chop the parsley, cut the carrots into rings.
  4. Place the potatoes and salt on foil greased with vegetable oil, then distribute the fish and carrots, sprinkle it all with herbs and garlic, and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  5. We cover the resulting culinary “construction” with a second sheet of foil and send all this delight to the preheated oven. 40 minutes will be enough. Take it out and serve it to the table.

Attention! Lemon juice makes mullet meat even more tender and gives ready-made dish interesting flavors. Lemon juice can be squeezed out simply by hand, using a juicer, or with a fork.

Delicious homemade pickling

Tired of herring and mackerel? Surprise your guests (and yourself too) with salted mullet. The recipes for this dish are varied. Here's the simplest one for you.

  1. Gut the carcasses, preferably through the gills, so as not to cut them. Rinse the fish thoroughly in salted water and leave to drain.
  2. Now fill the belly of each piece with coarse salt.
  3. Place the mullet in a glass bowl, cover with brine (water, salt, bay leaf), place a wooden board on top and something heavy on it.
  4. We send the dish to the basement or refrigerator. Salting is prepared within 10 days. The brine needs to be changed daily.

Fish fried in a frying pan

Fried fish is a universal dish that can be prepared for breakfast, lunch, and festive table. Have you tried frying mullet? Try it, you will be pleasantly surprised by its taste.


  • medium-sized mullet – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • seasoning for fish dishes – 1 tsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper

We clean, wash, dry the fish, salt it, pepper it and sprinkle with spices. Dip the carcasses in flour. Place the mullet in a frying pan in heated oil and fry until golden brown crust on both sides. To remove excess fat, place the fish on paper napkin. Everything is ready! To prepare this tender, delicious dish It will take no more than 15 minutes.

Stuffed mullet in the oven

Mullet can also be stuffed. For 4 fish take 1 ripe tomato, a bunch of parsley, 50 g olive oil, salt, pepper, lemon juice.

  1. We clean the fish (through the gills), wash it. While it is draining, prepare the filling.
  2. It is advisable to peel the tomato, then finely chop it and add chopped parsley, oil, spices and the juice of half a lemon. Mix.
  3. We put the filling inside each carcass, tie the pieces with thread and put them in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  4. Now lubricate the mullet with the remaining olive oil and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve, garnished with parsley branches.

Steaming in a slow cooker

What could it be healthier than fish for a couple? Having a multicooker simplifies the cooking process as much as possible - steamed mullet is very easy to prepare.

For 1 kg of fish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 small carrots;
  • bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • lemon;
  • salt, pepper

The process is extremely simple:

  1. Clean the mullet and cut into pieces. Peel and chop the vegetables into cubes as well.
  2. Place vegetables at the bottom of the container for steaming dishes, and distribute the fish on top.
  3. Salt and pepper the carcass and sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon.
  4. Pour water into the multicooker bowl, filling it one-third full, place the container with our future dish, close the lid and set the “Steam” program. Time – 15 minutes. After completing the process, take out the mullet and serve with vegetables and lemon slices.
    1. For the batter, beat 2 eggs until foamy, add 5 tbsp. l. flour and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Leave to swell. This composition is enough for 4 medium-sized fish fillets.
    2. Cut the fish, salt and pepper, add lemon juice and leave to marinate for 20 - 30 minutes.
    3. After this time has elapsed, dip each piece of mullet into the batter and then place it in hot oil in a hot frying pan. Fry the fish on both sides until golden brown.

Mullet is a small (about 60 centimeters) commercial fish of the genus Mugilidae, living mainly in sea and brackish waters of all tropical and warm seas; several species of mullet are found in fresh waters tropical America, Madagascar, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. In the United States, where mullet is caught mainly off the coast of Florida, the most common are two varieties: striped mullet, which in Russia is called mullet, and white mullet.

Both types are usually fried or baked and are often served for breakfast in the southern United States.

Mullet, a beautiful silvery fish with a small mouth, up to 40cm long with large scales. Swims in schools, is very mobile, has the ability to jump out of the water when frightened, and easily jumps over set nets. It becomes sexually mature at 6-8 years of age with a length of 30-40 cm. Spawns in May-September both in open and coastal waters.

In the cuisines of most countries of the world you can find the most different dishes from mullet: it is stewed in white wine sauce with onions and fish broth, breaded and fried in oil until crispy brown, baked with porcini mushrooms or simply baked.

Calorie content of mullet

100 g of fresh mullet contains 124 kcal. It is quite nutritious due to its high protein content. 100 g of boiled mullet – 115 kcal. Calorie content of fried mullet is 187 kcal per 100 g of product. And 100 g of stewed mullet contains 79 kcal. The calorie content of cold smoked mullet is relatively low and amounts to only 88 kcal. Moderate consumption of this type of fish will not harm your figure.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of mullet

Mullet has very valuable, tender and tasty meat. Mullet contains fats, proteins, phosphorus, calcium, chlorine, zinc, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, vitamins PP, B1, provitamin A.

Eating fish helps prevent heart disease and stroke. This is because fish, as well as shellfish and crustaceans, contain a special type of oil called omega-3, which keeps arteries healthy.

A heart attack or stroke is a consequence of blood clots blocking an artery. What are the benefits of omega-3 oil? - It prevents the formation of these clots. Among other things, it helps lower blood pressure, which is why people who eat a lot of fish are much less likely to have heart attacks and strokes.