The pig was badly sunburned, what should I do? What to do if you get sunburned

Hello, dear readers of my blog. The real summer has come and everyone wants to quickly get a beautiful, golden tan. So we begin to lie in the sun, not thinking about the consequences. The result is dangerous burns. Let's find out about help from sunburn.

If a person is badly burned, then he should be taken to the shade and the sore spots should be moistened with cold water, you can even wrap him in a wet sheet, wetting it every 15-20 minutes.

Then, when the extent of the burn is determined, treatment must be started immediately.

Treatment of burns

When treating burns, three rules must be followed:

  • protect the skin from bacteria;
  • cool the surface until the pain subsides;
  • prevent skin peeling. To do this, you need to treat the epidermis with nutritional compounds, a solution of vitamin E and aloe.

If you receive a first-degree burn, wait a few days, stay out of the sun, and apply moisturizer to the affected areas.

Treatment for second-degree sunburn is much more difficult. A number of procedures will have to be carried out to prevent microbes from getting onto the burned surface.

Typically, sunburn treatment is carried out at home, which means everything must be done to avoid unpleasant consequences, such as dark spots, marks and, worst of all, skin cancer.

  1. Avoid exposure to the sun.
  2. Treat the affected areas with a wonderful healing agent - Panthenol spray.
  3. If you have a fever, take an antipyretic drug, such as ibuprofen.
  4. Take vitamin E internally to speed up tissue repair.
  5. Drink up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day to prevent dehydration of the affected skin areas.
  6. To quickly restore the epidermis, supplement the treatment with an ointment containing. You can buy an aloe solution for injections at the pharmacy and apply it in the form of lotions to the skin.

Take care of your face!

Most often, the face suffers from sun rays. The dangerous thing is that it is not immediately obvious that there are burns on the face. If redness and swelling appear, then begin treatment immediately to prevent unsightly spots and premature wrinkles from appearing.

What can you do as soon as you notice redness? Try applying yogurt until the burning goes away.

To avoid this problem, use sunscreen good quality, do not expose your face to the sun for a long time.

Folk remedies for sunburn

Folk remedies are always at hand, so do not hesitate with treatment. Of the folk remedies for sunburn, the most useless and even harmful from a medical point of view is coating with sour cream. Fat prevents the skin from cooling, and the burn spreads deeper.

Aloe juice. An excellent remedy for healing wound areas. You need to take one part each of aloe juice and water. If your back is burned, soak gauze in this solution and apply to the sore area for 1 hour. Wet the gauze every 15 minutes.

Potato. Boil potatoes in their jackets, mash, add cream or sour cream, apply to your face, hold for 15 minutes.

Cabbage. Take a cabbage leaf, rinse under water, dry and simply apply to your face. It will soothe inflamed skin. Cold water can be applied to burned feet. sauerkraut for 20 minutes. It has excellent restorative and anti-inflammatory properties. Do this procedure 3-4 times a day.

Chamomile decoction. An excellent sedative. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes. Make a compress from the cooled infusion by applying moistened gauze to painful areas.

St. John's wort. Make a decoction of St. John's wort and use a cotton swab dipped in the decoction to carefully blot the burned areas.

Oak. Take 3 tbsp. l. oak bark, pour in 200 ml of water, bring it all to a boil, then let it stand for 30 minutes. Use in the same way as St. John's wort decoction.

Calendula. A compress made from a decoction of the flowers of this plant will reduce inflammation and pain. Pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 25 minutes. Do the compress three times a day for 20 minutes.

Tea. Brew regular black tea, soak a cloth in it, wrap the burned surface of the skin, and hold for 25 minutes. Repeat three times a day.

Kefir. Its elastic structure and fermented milk environment are ideally suited for such procedures.

If blisters appear

If you notice blisters, you know that you have received a very severe burn, and this is no longer a joke. If extensive blisters, weakness, dizziness, nausea, or fever appear, without wasting time, call an ambulance.

Drink more fluid, even if you are not thirsty, your body still loses moisture. What to anoint and how to treat will be decided by a specialist.

If there are no such problems, then treat yourself. Irrigate your skin with Panthenol or Bepanten spray. They contain moisturizing agents, as well as vitamin B5, which promotes wound healing. You can apply ointments such as Indomethacin or Diclofenac. They relieve swelling and pain well.

Sun protection products

Skin protection is of great importance for skin health. Do not forget to use special preparations that have sunscreen properties of types A and B. Most often, they contain vitamin E, which reduces the sensitivity of the skin to exposure ultraviolet rays.

When choosing a drug, consider the characteristics of your skin. Light skin burns quickly, so pay attention to a product marked SPF of at least 70. In the future, the degree of protection can be reduced by choosing SPF 20.

Those who have no problems with sun exposure can choose a product with a protection level of SPF from 6 to 15.

Having chosen the right drug, apply it before going outside, and not when you are already on the beach. Lubricate your nose, cheekbones, décolleté, chest, and shoulders well. There is no need to rub the cream into the skin, just lubricate it with a thin layer.

After swimming and using a towel, reapply your protectant. Don't forget about dark glasses, because they protect not only the skin around the eyes, but also the retina.

In parting, I want to say, do not neglect the tips that you learned from this article. Let your summer and your friends be tanned and painless, which means show this article to all your acquaintances and friends.

Immediately after the appearance of pain or severe redness of the skin, you must leave the open sun.

If you are sunburned, do not apply ice.

Rapid skin restoration will occur with the following tactics:

  1. Make sure there is no heat stroke, signs of which include nausea, weakness, and chills.
  2. Apply moistened to the skin cool water fabric that is replaced as it heats up.
  3. Use Panthenol spray - it is intended for healing wounds from burns.
  4. If possible, immediately after the burn appears, immerse the area in cool water or take a shower. But not during treatment!
  5. For severe pain, you can take painkillers.

If sunburn occurs, you need to drink more clean water, juices or fruit drinks.

To relieve tissue swelling and itching, the doctor may prescribe antihistamines. Taking vitamins A and E will help speed up skin healing. Panthenol-based products can be used topically; among “folk remedies”, applying aloe pulp to wounds will ease the condition. It is important to ensure that wounds are protected from infection. Bed and underwear must be perfectly clean. The best way avoid sunburn - behave correctly on the beach and prevent their development. Choose right time for sunbathing - do not sunbathe when the sun is at its zenith, from 12 to 14 hours. Sunscreen protects the skin from too much strong impact ultraviolet.

Mistakes when providing assistance if you are sunburned

Feeling that the skin is “burning”, we try by any means to relieve the pain. And sometimes we only make it worse for ourselves.

What not to do if you have sunburn:

  • Applying ice can relieve pain at the site of the lesion, but often leads to permanent damage and sloughing of the epithelium in this area.
  • Any friction of the skin at the burn site, as well as treatment with soap, alcohol or alcohol-containing solutions, will injure the skin even more and interfere with healing.
  • Using a cream or ointment with a greasy base (such as Vaseline) will cut off access to oxygen, seal the pores and complicate the wound's healing.
  • Strong tea, coffee, and alcohol contribute to dehydration and worsening of the condition.
  • Piercing the blisters will interfere with healing.
  • Going to the beach before complete recovery means subjecting your wounds to new tests.

Need to know correct sequence providing assistance even before getting ready to go to the beach.

Children receive three times more ultraviolet radiation than adults. In addition, the skin of a newborn and infants up to two years of age practically does not produce melatonin. This substance protects skin from negative influence ultraviolet. Therefore, up to 2-3 years old, children should not sunbathe for more than ten minutes a day and sunbathe in direct sunlight. Otherwise, the child’s skin may get burned. Let's look at how to make your baby's rest comfortable so that the skin doesn't get burned. And we’ll find out what to do if a child gets sunburned.

When do sunburns appear?

Children under two years of age and those with fair skin are most susceptible to sunburn. Dark skin burns less often, but even in this case it is important to follow the rules of tanning and recommendations for being in the sun. Since the child does not have the protective substance melanin, and the skin is still very delicate and thin, the baby burns in five to ten minutes. Therefore, it is not recommended for children to sunbathe at this age.

Sunburn occurs in children who are exposed to direct ultraviolet rays for a long time, as well as when they stay near water for a long time. Such Sun rays most active or aggressive. It is especially dangerous if the baby swims in a pond for a long time on an inflatable mattress or circle. The sun's rays reflected from the water are very aggressive. In addition, sunburn is possible in strong windy weather.

Be especially careful when vacationing at sea. If you are going to go to the sea, remember that small children are subject to longer acclimatization than adults. This takes about five days. Therefore, a sharp change in climate and time zone can negatively affect the well-being and health of the baby. In addition, the child may become severely burned and damage the skin. This is especially true for children living in northern regions Russia, where most of the year is cold and cloudy. And also when traveling to countries with particularly hot climates.

Signs of sunburn

Symptoms of sunburn appear in the evening or the next morning, and sometimes within 30-60 minutes. In this case, you observe inflammation of the skin. It turns red, peels and becomes hot. The baby's health worsens, and sometimes the temperature rises.

Burnt skin hurts. Severe pain is felt when the affected area comes into contact with another person or when it comes into contact with a surface bed linen. In addition, the baby may cry and sleep poorly, and his appetite may worsen. If the burn is severe, dark red spots with small watery blisters later appear.

You may notice the following symptoms:

  • Burnt areas of the skin turn red;
  • The child develops a painful sensation and a strong burning sensation;
  • The baby cries, eats and sleeps poorly, becomes restless or, conversely, very lethargic;
  • Weakness and headache;
  • Swelling in the burn area and swelling of the body;
  • The baby feels severe pain in the areas of burns upon contact with a person or objects;
  • Vomiting and nausea;
  • Fever and chills;
  • The appearance of watery blisters.

With a mild sunburn, the skin begins to peel off, and the symptoms disappear after two to three days. If the temperature rises and a burn appears, then it is a severe sunburn. Treatment methods are chosen depending on the degree of the burn. Let's look at how to help a burned baby.

Burn degree

Degree Signs Treatment
Low The skin turns red and itchy, there is slight pain, peeling appears on the second or third day Not required special means treatment, you should not appear in the sun for the next two or three days, you can use folk remedies, soothing and softening cream, milk or oil
Average Areas of the skin turn red and become hot, the affected areas are painful to touch, and the child experiences general weakness Bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids and treatment with painkillers are recommended.
Heavy The skin becomes very red, in some places even turns blue, the temperature rises, chills and blisters appear on the skin Give painkillers and see a doctor immediately

What to do if your child has a sunburn

  • If you have fever, chills and blisters on the skin, consult a doctor immediately! In other cases, use home methods;
  • To relieve pain, cool your skin. Soak a towel in cold water and apply to the affected areas for 10-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure every half hour. But make sure that the baby does not get too cold;
  • Popular folk remedies include sour cream or kefir. You can apply this product to sunburned skin;
  • If your back is sunburnt, it is convenient to make a compress from fresh cabbage leaves. They will relieve burning and pain;
  • Instead of kefir and sour cream, use strong green tea. The drink is brewed, cooled quickly and applied to the affected areas of the body. Repeat treatment every 20-30 minutes;
  • Raw potatoes and fresh cucumbers- also effective folk remedies which will reduce pain. To do this, cut the vegetables into thin circles and place them on the burnt areas of the body. Leave for ten minutes. Or you can make cucumber or potato juice and lubricate the skin;
  • If the skin is burned, use burn ointments. The best and safest creams are “Panthenol”, “Rescuer” and “Bepanten”. But be careful, as your baby may be allergic to some medications;
  • Give your child food more often. This must be cool water, tea, compote or fruit drink. In the evening it is better to give fermented milk drinks. Kefir or yogurt will do;
  • Cool baths with eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile or mint effectively relieve itching, soothe and soften the skin. But the baby should not be allergic to the selected component. You can also add 100 grams of baking soda to the water;
  • Give your child a pain reliever. The best and safest drug in this case is Paracetamol. It eliminates pain, lowers fever and temperature, and the drug is safe for children;
  • If the temperature rises to 38-38.5 degrees, give the child paracetamol and place a cool compress on the head and legs. Leave for 10-15 minutes;
  • If vomiting, turn the baby on the right side;
  • Dress your baby in loose, non-tightening clothes without elastic bands or compressive elements. It is advisable that things be made of cotton or other natural fabric. Then the clothes will not cause pain when they come into contact with the burned areas of the back and other parts of the body;
  • Cover your baby with a light cotton sheet when sleeping;
  • Carefully monitor the condition of the baby. When the burn begins to subside, you can moisturize the skin with baby softening lotion or milk.

Call Ambulance necessary if a newborn or a child under one year of age is injured. If blisters form on the skin and the temperature rises above 38 degrees. For swelling, severe headache and vomiting. If you notice pus or other symptoms of infection. If the burn covers large areas of the body. Call an ambulance immediately if your baby loses consciousness!

How to prevent sunburn

The possibility of sunburn does not mean that the baby should not be exposed to the sun, and sometimes even sunbathe. After all, the sun's rays are important for infants, since due to ultraviolet radiation the body produces useful and necessary vitamin D. In the first year of a child's life, a severe lack of this vitamin was noticed. Its deficiency leads to the development of childhood rickets, abnormal material metabolism, disruption of the bone skeleton and musculoskeletal function, and weakened immunity.

To avoid such problems and get the full amount of vitamin D, it is important for a nursing mother and child to eat properly. Regular walks in the sun will also help. And to avoid sunburn, follow the rules and recommendations for being in the sun:

  • Choose a hat for children with a visor or wide brim;
  • Dress your child in light and breathable clothing of exclusively light and white colors, made from hypoallergenic fabrics;
  • After two or three years, you can already choose children's sunglasses. It is important to ensure reliable eye protection, because in children under ten years of age they transmit up to 90-95% of ultraviolet radiation! By the way, glasses will protect not only from the sun, but also from wind, dust and dirt;
  • It is not recommended to spend a lot of time in the sun for children who have fair skin or have a large number of freckles or moles;
  • Don't leave your baby in the sun for more than ten minutes if they burn quickly;
  • Do not go sunbathing on the beach between 11 am and 4-5 pm. During the day, the sun is too active, which will lead to burning and even burns. Safe and suitable for tanning is the morning period between 7 and 11 o'clock;
  • Do not allow your child to stay in the water for a long time. Otherwise, he will become hypothermic, burn, and receive severe burns. After all, the sun's rays are reflected from the surface of the water, as a result of which the damage of ultraviolet radiation increases;
  • Dry your baby thoroughly with a towel after bathing. Try to keep him in the shade most of the time on the beach;
  • Take to the beach drinking water and closely monitor your child during rest! Avoid sugary and carbonated drinks. They only increase thirst;
  • You should not sunbathe if your baby has chickenpox. After an illness, you should not be in the sun for at least a month; if the disease is severe, for about a year. Be sure to consult your pediatrician;
  • Be sure to use children's UV protection before and after tanning. This is milk, lotion, cream or oil.

As for holidays at sea, pediatricians do not recommend visiting the sea until the age of two or three years. However, if babies tolerate ultraviolet radiation well, you can go earlier, but only for a long period, which is at least two to three weeks. Then the child will undergo acclimatization, feel comfortable and get the maximum benefit from the rest.

By the way, after three years of age, experts definitely recommend that children visit the sea. Such a vacation will have a healing effect, strengthen the immune system and help get rid of chronic diseases. The southern coast of Russia and Crimea will become comfortable and safe for children. And it’s better to plan trips to Egypt, Turkey or Tunisia before early autumn. Read how to properly and competently organize your first trip with a baby.

How to prepare your child for sunbathing

The baby needs to be prepared for sunbathing, so the first sunbathing should not last longer than ten minutes. Gradually increase the time, but the period of stay in each case should not exceed two hours a day. Be sure to take drinking water and a hat to the beach!

Be sure to use baby products before and after sunbathing, even if the baby will always be under an umbrella or in the shade. These must be safe, certified products with a natural hypoallergenic composition. Components such as panthenol, chamomile, calendula and vitamin E are good for children.

Choose a product according to the child's age. Check the composition, date of manufacture and integrity of the packaging. Low-quality drugs will not provide adequate protection. In addition, they can harm the health and well-being of the baby, cause allergies and other negative reactions!

For walks in the sun, choose products with an SPF of 15-20, for the beach - with a factor of over 25, but not more than 50. For the beach, take permanent and waterproof formulations. Before applying cream or milk, be sure to read the instructions. The effect of many products begins only after 10-30 minutes, so the composition must be applied in advance.

See how long the protection lasts and determine if reapplication will be necessary. The back, face and neck, shoulders and ears should be anointed most thoroughly. Distribute the product evenly over the remaining areas of the body to prevent the skin from getting too tanned or burned.

Burns appear several hours after leaving the sun. If you suspect your skin is burned, stay home. Sand, salt water and chlorine irritate the skin, and also increase pain and the risk of infection. If you can’t bring yourself to leave the beach, at least apply sunscreen with an activity of 30 SPF or more to your skin. And not only on the damaged areas, but also on all other open surfaces of the body: the fact that there is already a tan there will not save you. Sit in the shade and put on some clothes or a towel and a hat.

2. Take a cool shower

It will relieve the feeling that you are all on fire. You can apply shower gel with soy or oat extract. Hot water It dries out your skin and hurts you.

3. Apply ice to burnt areas

You can't live in a cold shower for the next three days. Leave the ice in place for five minutes, apply as needed several times a day.

4. Apply to the damaged area

The right cream will help your skin heal faster. Very a good option- aloe vera, its extract not only heals, but also cools the skin. If we talk about pharmacy options, hydrocortisone ointment is suitable. If there is nothing nearby, choose the most natural option available: oats and soy are great, but perfumed fragrances will only make things worse.

5. Treat your skin with care

Avoid masks, rash treatments, anti-aging treatments, and products containing lidocaine and benzocaine for the time being: despite their pain-relieving effect, they can cause rashes and even blisters on damaged skin. You can use face cream, but it is advisable for sensitive skin. And no cosmetics!

6. Drink more water

The very exposure to the sun contributes to the appearance of thirst, plus water evaporates from the damaged surface. But it is important to drink water, not alcohol.

7. Take ibuprofen

Even if you are in almost no pain, it is considered useful to take an ibuprofen tablet in the first couple of hours after the burn and another 4-6 hours later. It will reduce discomfort and force the body's cells to quickly restore the damaged area.

8. Wear loose clothes

Tight T-shirts and elastic bands on shorts will only worsen the condition of the burnt areas. Choose clothes that barely touch the skin, such as strapless underwear, if your shoulders are burned. Synthetics like nylon and polyester will keep your skin slightly cooler.

9. Don't touch blisters

If you are badly burned, apply it to the damaged areas and bandage it. At night, it is advisable to remove all bandages to allow the skin to breathe.