Prostatitis in men symptoms treatment with folk remedies. Prostatitis in men: treatment with folk remedies

According to medical statistics, today more than a third of men over thirty years of age suffer from a disease such as prostatitis. It is an inflammation of the prostate gland of an acute or chronic nature, caused mainly by various infections entering through the urethra or bloodstream.

However, there is no single or standard treatment regimen or treatment for this disease. Prostatitis has numerous individual treatment options depending on the symptoms. Therefore, only a specialist – a urologist – can select a course.

But all doctors are unanimous in the opinion that it is possible to additionally treat the disease at home using traditional recipes; this will not only alleviate the discomfort, but will also make a significant contribution to the main scheme.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

, as a rule, occurs secretly, without noticeable symptoms and without causing any discomfort in men. This state of affairs often leads to the fact that a person turns to a urologist for help, already being sick in a chronic or acute form, which is much more difficult to treat. Therefore, prevention also plays an important role.

Do not forget about periodically visiting a specialist for a simple examination, and especially if the following factors occurred:

  • detection of sexually transmitted infections of various origins;
  • sedentary and/or sedentary daily lifestyle;
  • low (weakened) level of immunity;
  • insufficient or undynamic blood circulation in the pelvic area;
  • single or periodic hypothermia;
  • physical developmental disability;
  • weakened psychological background under the influence of stressful situations;
  • susceptibility to allergies;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • too active sex life or, on the contrary, prolonged rebirth in sex;
  • the practice of interrupted or artificially prolonged sexual intercourse.

The main signs accompanying the occurrence of prostatitis in men can be divided into three groups:

  • manifestations in the genitourinary organs;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • increased nervousness, agitation of the nervous system.

A person with prostatitis often experiences discomfort in the groin area, pain in the perineum, testicles and penis, and in the lower abdomen. Painful sensations may occur during bowel movements and urination. In this case, the impression of a full bladder may occur even after a recent visit to the toilet.

Very often, sitting down on a chair may be accompanied by the release of a small amount of urine. All this can be accompanied elevated temperature body, which takes on a permanent character. Disorders in sexual life are also inevitable: premature ejaculation or pain during it, weak erection, partial or complete absence orgasm and more.

All this influences the fact that a person begins to get nervous at the slightest reason, he becomes nervous and even aggressive, constantly focusing only on the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, a timely visit by men to a urologist will allow them to avoid many unpleasant situations, as well as prevent the occurrence of further various complications, which can only be treated in a hospital setting.

Traditional medicine as an element of therapy

Treatment in no way excludes professional drug therapy. In this case, it must be comprehensive, which is confirmed by many urologists. Remedies for “grandfathers” (a disease in men) should not replace traditional treatment selected and prescribed by a doctor. This method should only additionally help in eliminating some of the causes and symptoms, as well as reduce the degree of discomfort and negative sensations accompanying the disease.

However, until now, for some categories of men, folk recipes after they have discovered the first signs are more acceptable than visiting a doctor and, thereby, admitting that they have this disease. Undoubtedly, decoctions, infusions and herbs will give a good effect, but it is worth repeating that they should act as a supplement to the main therapy, but in no case should they replace it as the main remedy, never only in this way.

Below are some of the most common methods traditional medicine, with which you can. They all contain different ingredients and in various ways their preparation and use. However, all methods have one thing in common general rule. The course should last from twenty days to a month and in no case should it be interrupted without justified reasons. You can choose any one remedy, or you can combine and use several at the same time. Before you go to the pharmacy to buy the necessary herbs, you should first make an appointment with a urologist to get the necessary advice on how to treat the disease at home.


According to many men, the use of pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis is quite effective at home. The thing is that the seeds of this root vegetable have truly valuable properties, which was noted by ancient healers and healers. The main one of these healing elements is zinc; it is this microelement that should be present in the diet of every man of any age.

The seeds can be used in their natural form. But you need to eat at least thirty of them every day. You can try another option to treat the disease. To do this, peel the seeds (about 0.5 kg), grind them in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Add honey of any kind to the resulting mixture, about 200-250 g. Mix everything thoroughly and roll the resulting mixture into small balls, approximately the size of a walnut. It is better to keep the medicine-delicacy in the refrigerator, and eat one or two pieces every day before meals. In this case, the balls must be chewed thoroughly and washed down with a small amount water. This treatment should be carried out up to twice a year. If performed properly, a significant reduction in the inflammatory process is guaranteed, and when combined with the main therapy, it will lead to the elimination of a disease such as prostatitis at home.


Also very popular and in demand folk way can cure even acute forms. You need to take a handful of nut shells, pour boiling water over it and let it steam. After an hour, the infusion can be strained if desired and drunk as tea throughout the day.

Ripe chestnuts will also help treat prostatitis at home. To do this, you need to peel them. Grind the latter and steam with boiling water. Leave it like this for 12 hours. After the allotted time, strain the resulting liquid and boil it in a water bath. Then pour the solution into a dark glass bottle, this necessary condition storage so that the drink does not lose its medicinal properties. Take the decoction 30 drops three times a day, always before meals. The course can be extended up to two months. To completely get rid of prostatitis, you must undergo at least three courses of treatment.


Not only the leaves, but also the bark have beneficial properties of this tree, so they can be used alternately as a means to treat the prostate yourself. Brew one tablespoon of either bark or leaves with a glass of boiling water. If leaves are brewed, then it will be enough to steam them for half an hour, but if you ate the bark, it will be enough to steam them for an hour. Strain the infusion and take a quarter glass up to four times a day. It is advisable to use only fresh leaves or branches for brewing each time, but if this is not possible, then repeated steaming is allowed.

Aspen bark

Used as the main ingredient for preparing alcohol tincture. The recipe is quite simple, but there is one necessary condition. The bark should be cut from the tree in the second half of April, before the buds bloom on it. The thickness of the cut layer must be at least three centimeters. The cut bark (100-150 g) should be dried in the oven and crushed. Pour the mixture into half liter jar. Pour vodka (200 g). This amount is enough to cover the surface of the mixture. The closed jar must be placed in a dark, preferably cool place for two weeks. The tincture is used in the form of drops (20-25), which must be diluted with water (1/4 cup) three times a day. The volume of medicinal liquid obtained in this way is enough for two months of use.

Natural juices

They will not only help in treating the disease, but will also simply in a good way to keep the body in good shape, significantly increase immunity, and also fill the daily diet with a complex of all kinds of vitamins, microelements and others useful substances. But it's mainly about vegetable juices. Carrots, cucumbers and beets are great. Asparagus occupies a special place. This plant is especially effective in juice treatment. But regardless of the chosen taste, this method involves drinking liquids in a daily volume of at least half a liter.

Many herbalists recommend juice from black elderberries. You need to drink one tablespoon daily in the morning for ten days. To prevent the prepared juice from turning sour quickly, you can add a little vinegar to it. With this method of juice therapy, the temperature may increase. Don't be alarmed, this is a normal side effect.

The essence of the treatment is that juices reduce the absorption of uric acid by the muscles, which in turn inevitably enters them, as this is facilitated by overload of the excretory organs with proteins of animal origin. That is why a revision of a man’s diet in favor of healthy products is of great importance.

Infusions of roots and herbs

Below are recipes for infusions and decoctions of various herbs, which are also very effective. But when choosing one or another remedy, care must be taken to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions for any ingredient. This herbal collection includes: mint, birch and blackberry leaves, buckthorn bark, valerian root and yarrow herb. All ingredients are taken in the amount of one tablespoon, crushed and mixed. The infusion should be prepared in a thermos. For one liter you need to take a tablespoon of the herbal mixture and pour boiling water over it, leave to steam overnight. Drink small portions throughout the day.

You will need mint, buckthorn bark, nettle leaves, valerian root, calamus rhizomes and half a liter of water. As in the previous recipe, chop and mix all the components of the herbs. Take a tablespoon of herbal mixture and pour the specified amount of boiling water. Leave for at least one and a half hours, drink half a glass twice a day.

Mix buckthorn bark (3 tbsp) with trifoliate, sweet clover herb and caraway fruits, taken one tablespoon each. Pour the mixture in the amount of two spoons with boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for at least an hour. Take half a glass of infusion once a day. Ingredients: plantain, calendula flowers, kidney tea herb, motherwort pentaloba, chamomile flowers. Take a tablespoon of each ingredient, add one liter of hot water, leave for about three hours. Drink one glass four times a day.

Take a tablespoon of rose hips, horsetail, yarrow, string, plantain and orthosiphon herb, as well as two tablespoons of calendula flowers and 500 ml of water. Mix everything, grind, and leave 2-3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in the specified amount of boiling water for 1.5 hours. Then strain and take a quarter glass up to four times a day.

Treatment of a disease such as prostatitis in men, especially its chronic or acute form, should be comprehensive. A specialist doctor usually prescribes antibacterial, immunocorrective therapy, physiotherapy and massage to eliminate causes and symptoms. However, not last place Treatment also includes traditional recipes that have proven their effectiveness over many centuries.

Prostatitis (lat.prostatitis) is inflammation of the prostate gland, accompanied by pain and swelling of the prostate. The prostate is present only in men and performs the function of a muscle that blocks the flow of urine, and also performs an important function in the production of sperm secretion. That’s why it’s so important to monitor your men’s health and not wait for the disease to develop. Let's consider folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis in men.

Today, statistics say that men from 20 to 50 years old develop prostatitis (approximately 50% of the total population of Russia) and this is 15 times more than before 2000.

Signs of prostatitis in men

Causes of prostatitis in men

  1. Various types of sexually transmitted infections: from E. coli to Candida fungus.
  2. Poor blood circulation in the pelvic organs, with a sedentary lifestyle (drivers, office workers, secretaries, dispatchers)
  3. Long-term sexual abstinence (hormonal imbalance) and hypothermia.
  4. Lack of vitamins in the body.

If prostatitis is not treated, psychological discomfort will lead to stress and, in addition, you can get swelling

prostate and chronic cystitis, and even worse - infertility.

To identify a treatment method for prostatitis, it is necessary to determine the form in which the disease occurs and determine the source of the disease. A surgeon can best help with this. You yourself will not be able to determine that you have sexually acquired prostatitis due to chlamydia or staphylococcus. Sometimes the disease of prostatitis occurs without symptoms and appears suddenly. For chlamydia, treatment of prostatitis folk remedies impossible; the effect will be obtained, but small. How to cure prostatitis with folk remedies?

Prevention with folk remedies

For the treatment of prostatitis there are physical exercise, allowing you to stimulate the physical activity of the prostate. These exercises are simple and easy, but very effective.

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, you need to massage the prostate gland. This is done by moving the knees in a semi-squat, first one, then the other in different sides one by one. Five minutes will be enough to acquire tone.

Men! Walk more, take walks. Get off the bus a couple of stops early and walk home, or you can even walk from work to home and back. This will not only help prevent prostatitis, but will also help you recover from the disease faster.

Warm clothing for the season is of great importance. Freezing has an extremely negative effect on the “male” organs, and regular freezing inevitably leads to diseases.

Sexual life is also not the least important in the list of prevention methods. Regular sexual intercourse, taken to its logical conclusion, is a pleasant way to prevent a number of “male” diseases.

Treatment with folk remedies

Treatment method for men No. 1

The oldest remedy for treating prostatitis is pumpkin seeds. This product is extremely affordable, you can take it in any grocery store or on the market. However, pumpkin seeds cannot be fried, because... the vitamins will be released from them during the frying process, and there will be no preventive effect. For better effect

You need to add honey to the seeds. Honey is a remedy containing large number potassium, which increases a person’s energy tone and improves well-being, as well as calms the nerves. All the vitamins contained in honey will help normalize the vitamin balance, increase the level of hemoglobin in the body, and it will recover faster.

Take 500 grams of pumpkin seeds, peel them, grind them in a meat grinder until you get a paste, add 200 grams of honey and mix. Make balls from the resulting mass, which should be rinsed in the freezer and consumed defrosted, one ball at a time, 1.5-2 hours before meals. The balls must be chewed for a long time, for 5 minutes, and swallowed little by little. This folk remedy will help get rid of prostatitis in about a year.

Treatment method for men No. 2

People increasingly began to turn to folk recipes and this is no wonder, because traditional medicine is the key to health and strength of body and spirit, which is why it is currently so popular and relevant. The second reason why people turn to traditional medicine is the lack side effects and toxic effects, because All products used to treat the patient are natural. And what could be better in treating prostatitis than medicine from nature itself?

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies is designed to destroy bacteria that carry the disease throughout the body.

Chamomile is one of the most common traditional medicines. It contains flavonoids, carotenoids and tanning oils that affect the functioning of body enzymes, neutralizing free radicals, reducing their oxides.

Men should take chamomile in the form of a decoction of half a glass over 30 minutes. Before eating. To do this, buy chamomile at the pharmacy (it is convenient to buy chamomile in granular bags, which prevent chamomile from getting into the water). Take one bag or tablespoon of crushed chamomile and pour boiling water over it, leave it to infuse for 15 minutes. Squeeze out the chamomile after the water bath and the infusion is ready for use.

Before going to bed, the infusion should be taken as an enema and injected into the rectum and lie down with the tincture inside for at least half an hour. Chamomile will easily penetrate the walls of the prostate and other affected areas and begin the recovery process. You can also use alcoholic infusions of chamomile.

Treatment method for men No. 3

There is another unusual folk remedy for treating prostatitis in men - this is a method of treatment using aspen bark, collected before the leaves and buds bloom. You need to take 100 bark

gr. Bark and grind with a blender or coffee grinder, then put in a half-liter jar and fill with 200 grams of vodka or diluted medical alcohol. Leave the resulting contents to infuse for a month.

The infusion is taken before meals, half an hour before meals, 20 drops three times a day, washed down with half a glass of water. The infusion lasts for 3 months. You will notice a sharp improvement in your condition after six months of taking this folk remedy.

Treatment method for men No. 4

A juice diet using carrot, asparagus, beet, and cucumber juice will help prevent prostatitis. To drink this herbal remedy, you need six glasses of these different juices, one of each. Also drink black elderberry juice, it contains choline, rutin, caffeic acid and much more. other substances that help destroy bacteria from the prostate.

To prepare, you need to mash a tablespoon of berries, squeezing the juice into a ladle. Then fill them with 200 ml. boiling water and place on low heat for 15 minutes. Drink juice before
50 grams of food four times a day, once before bedtime.

Treatment method for men No. 5

Chestnut shells help against prostatitis. It must be crushed together with needles (400g) and brewed warm water(500 ml.), leave for half an hour and drink a glass three times a day before meals. Often in folk medicine propolis is used, which is used for chronic prostatitis. This is definitely the most powerful anti-inflammatory folk remedy. If you decide to use complex therapy, then propolis is what you need. 300 ml. pure alcohol 60 g. propolis. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous mass (essence) is obtained, then mix with cocoa butter and roll into a candle. Place the suppository in the rectum overnight. Treatment period for prostatitis is one month.

Treatment method for men No. 6

In folk remedies there is very healthy seasoning- parsley. It contains phosphorus, selenium, all B vitamins, as well as ascorbic acid, beneficial for the body. It has long been known that parsley is rich in the restorative function of the prostate gland; it has been used by both peasants and nobles since the 12th century. An even greater effect against prostatitis is achieved when used together with the herb “Ivan Chai” (fireweed).

You need to take 150 grams. parsley and 50 grams of fireweed, brew them in 400 ml. water, and leave to infuse in a water bath, drink 3 times a day before meals.

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis in men are discussed above, and then a video is offered on this issue.

Read more about how to treat prostatitis with folk remedies

Treatment of prostatitis with folk remedies brings no less effect than traditional drugs, especially since you can prepare decoctions or suppositories at home from inexpensive raw materials. Prostatitis can be treated at home using a variety of traditional methods (photo below).

Traditional methods in the treatment of prostatitis

Treatment with herbs or bee products significantly speeds up the healing process, relieves pain due to inflammation of the prostate, and helps prolong the period of remission. However, if you choose this treatment route, it is still worth visiting a doctor.

Firstly, he will make the correct diagnosis, determine the safety of traditional methods, explain how you can cure prostatitis at home, and also prescribe antibacterial drugs, which, unfortunately, are necessary in almost all cases of inflammation of the gland. For example.

Let's take a closer look at how prostatitis can be treated.

Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

This fruit has been known for a long time; it is extremely useful due to its high content of vitamins and minerals.

The seeds contain vitamins E, D, K, A, B, C, a large number of minerals (selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, calcium and phosphorus), as well as amino acids (arginine, glutamic and linolenic acid). It is recommended that patients with prostatitis use vegetable fat, including pumpkin oil, to replace animal fats in the diet, as they provoke the disease and its exacerbation.

It is known that to achieve remission from inflammation of the prostate gland, you first need to strengthen your immune status. The oils contained in pumpkin seeds will also help with this.

An effective component of pumpkin oil is the microelement zinc, which is “famous” for its positive influence on sexual function, the production of male and female sex hormones, as well as an anti-cancer effect on the prostate.

How to eat pumpkin seeds?

Treatment of prostatitis in men at home is very easy to carry out by following the following recipes:

  • To prepare the first remedy, you will need dry seeds (you can dry them in the oven), ground in a coffee grinder. You should get the same powder, very fine in consistency. To do this, you can sift the first batch through a sieve and grind the coarse residue again. For a prime, dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water at room temperature and drink 2 tablespoons of seed powder with the drink. This should be done 30 minutes before meals;
  • The second recipe also consists of crushed seeds weighing 500 g. They are mixed with a glass of honey. The mixture is stored in a cold place, take one teaspoon per day.

Properties of parsley

Parsley is extremely rich in minerals and vitamins. it is known for its effect on reproductive function due to its high content of vitamin E. 100 grams of this herb contains almost daily norm vitamin consumption.

For men, parsley is beneficial because it contains one component - apigenin. It is able to inhibit the production of excess estrogens, female hormones that change the psychological and physical condition men.

A small portion of this green seasoning will help maintain men's health, enhance sexual performance and libido. These effects are achieved by improving blood flow through the pelvic organs. Treatment of prostatitis with the folk method using parsley is mainly carried out through its roots. The substances contained in them will relieve inflammation and swelling, and ensure normal exchange of oxygen and nutrients in the tissues. Doctors use these properties as excellent aid against the background of treatment with traditional drugs.

  • The easiest way to maintain or improve your health is to drink three tablespoons of this plant daily;
  • For another preparation, you will need plant seeds, crushed and boiled in a glass of water. Take 4 tablespoons of seeds. The result is a decoction that you need to drink up to 6 times a day, a tablespoon;
  • Boil peeled and chopped parsley roots in the amount of half a glass in a liter of water. Then cover tightly and let sit. Consume throughout the day, replacing the decoction with water or tea.

Properties of chestnut

Basic healing effect chestnut lies in its ability to influence the condition of blood vessels. It strengthens the walls of veins and is able to eliminate small blood clots in them. Chestnut-based preparations reduce the intensity of inflammation in tissues.

Treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma with the help of folk remedies based on chestnut is carried out with a tincture of its peel. This remedy increases potency quite well.

In order for the treatment to give the desired result, you need to collect only young fruits, and only those with a prickly skin.

  • Grind the brown peel (in the amount of 2 tablespoons), put it in a thermos and pour 500 ml. boiling water Leave overnight, and in the morning strain into a container that closes tightly. Drink 30 drops three times a day. The course lasts until the decoction ends. After a month, it is recommended to repeat the treatment;
  • Instead of tea drinks, patients are encouraged to drink an infusion of chestnut peels. Leave for 15 minutes.

Treatment of prostatitis with red root

This is a perennial plant that has a very long root. known for its non-hormonal effect on male sexual activity. Its components gently and gently stimulate sexual activity. Prostatitis is accompanied by urination disorder, traditional methods using red root will help relieve men from frequent trips to the toilet.

The red root relieves pain, normalizes blood counts, and also activates protective forces the body in the fight against infection.

How to cook it? Some recipes:

  • A simple way is to make tea. 25 gr. The dried root is placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water. Drink no earlier than an hour later, adding honey and milk to the tea. An excellent remedy for boosting immunity when fighting the infectious onset of prostatitis;
  • Red root infusion is excellent for topical treatment. Namely microclysters. It is effective for adenoma, decreased potency, and prostatitis.

How to cure prostatitis using folk remedies based on red root? This plant has long been used to restore men's health. It is indicated for chronic pelvic pain syndrome, prostatitis, and urinary disorders. The substances of this plant act on the smooth muscles of the prostate, relaxing it. Therefore, prostatic juice flows out more easily along with pathogenic bacteria. Preparations based on red root fit perfectly into the standard treatment regimen for prostate inflammation.

Propolis and traditional methods

has proven itself to be one of the effective methods. Bee glue, propolis, has a powerful stimulating effect on the immune system. In addition, it inhibits the growth of microbes, relieves pain, inflammation, and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

Prostatitis in men, which is accompanied by pronounced signs of inflammation, responds well to treatment with folk remedies based on propolis.

Potency is influenced by microelements of this biostimulator: chromium, zinc, copper, magnesium, cobalt, nickel, tin, vanadium, titanium.

Powerful antibacterial properties make it possible to treat prostatitis and prostate adenoma using propolis folk methods.

Cat Behemoth

I looked at the Likoprofit pharmacy here, bought it, and am studying the composition. I have chronic prostatitis, there was an exacerbation two months ago, I somehow survived it, now I decided to play it safe. The composition of Lycoprofit, in principle, pleased me: I see that there is lycopene - as I understand it, you don’t even have to wait for an exacerbation, start taking it - lycopene tends to accumulate in the tissues of the prostate, reducing the activity of inflammatory processes in it; zinc and selenium, known for their positive effects on the prostate, and other components. In general, you have to try

For some reason, it is customary to remain silent about this disease. Many men, having felt the first symptoms, mostly either ignore them or simply tolerate them. And only a few go to the doctor. In this article we decided to discuss prostatitis in men, treatment folk remedies, set of exercises.

Chamomile - a plant for seven ailments

Chamomile is used to treat many diseases associated with inflammation. It also helps with problems with the reproductive organs. It is an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic all rolled into one. Chamomile helps even with exacerbation diseases - the decoction should be drunk daily, 1/2 cup, 3 to 5 times a day. In the evening, a micro enema is given. How to prepare the infusion correctly?

Honey with crushed nuts

Let's not delve into the richest chemical compound walnut , - now only two of its components are important to us: Zn and vitamin E, which reduce the activity of prostatitis and at the same time increase potency. Honey, being an excellent antiseptic and a source of biologically important microelements for the human body, also acts as a natural preservative, helping to store peeled nuts for a long time and enhancing their properties.

One of the most common diseases after 40 years of age is prostatitis in men; treatment of folk remedies is usually aimed at eliminating symptoms and increasing potency. Honey in tandem with nuts has a complex effect. Preparation of medicine takes only a few minutes. The nuts are peeled, crushed (cut with a knife) and filled with honey. It is important to adhere to proportions here. Half a glass of chopped nuts (finely chopped, but not crushed into dust) is poured with a glass of fresh honey. Please note that the nuts will tend to the surface, so the medicine will have to be mixed before each dose.

It is better to take the composition in the morning, a full tablespoon. It's good if you can combine it with breakfast. For example, the mixture can be added to a serving homemade cottage cheese, topped with fresh sour cream. This dish can hardly be called intricate, but it has a very beneficial effect on the treatment of prostatitis and potency.

Medicinal Kalanchoe - the key to health

Ever green and long domesticated the plant can really help with prostatitis. Healers call it the tree of life. This is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent. But you can start using it only 5 days after the last watering.

The juice that is used to prepare the remedy against prostatitis must only be fresh. How to use?

  1. The simplest use of the plant involves chewing freshly picked leaves: They are eaten one at a time (if the leaves are large, then half is enough), three times a day, for three weeks. The course can be repeated, but after a break of several days.
  2. The other option is more effective. It's about O preparing the tincture. The torn leaves of the plant are crushed and poured into a liter jar, filling 1/2 of the volume. The container is filled with vodka up to the neck and removed away from sun rays(in the basement, in the refrigerator). The mixture should be infused for at least a week, preferably two. At the same time, it must be shaken thoroughly at least once a day. Drink 30 grams of the finished product. before breakfast (a quarter of an hour before) and before going to bed (30 minutes before).

Medicine from celandine

This succulent plant, which produces a viscous yellow sap, can be used along with the root. Stems should be cut off when not it's raining and there is no dew. You need to collect twigs with special care and only with gloves - the “milk” secreted by the plant is toxic. It not only stains your hands, but also destroys cells.

Properly made celandine medicine delays or completely stops the growth of tumors and prevents metastases from developing. Exactly this unique ability and is used in the treatment of this disease.

What does it look like treatment regimen? First, add 1 drop of plant juice to a glass of water, the next day - 2 drops, then 3, etc., until the dosage reaches 40 drops. The latest indicators are maintained for another 2 weeks. Then the dosage is reduced in the same way as it was increased, i.e. 1 drop daily, followed by a two-week break and another repeat of the course.

Warning: overdose is extremely dangerous and can cause paralysis! The treatment regimen cannot be changed! The plant is contraindicated asthmatics and people with epileptic seizures. It is not used for low blood pressure, neurological diseases, or angina.

Wormwood against prostatitis

It is important to understand what is associated with prostatitis in men; treatment; folk remedies should be aimed at destroying the pyogenic infection. Sagebrush- the very remedy that fights the vast majority of inflammation that occurs in the genitals. To carry out full course you need 100-120 grams of dried plant. You can prepare it yourself, or simply purchase it at the nearest pharmacies. Dry wormwood is ground by hand, then sifted through a large sieve/colander. What is not sifted is useful for douching the canal, and the small “crumbs” are for internal use.

Now Let's look at the weekly treatment plan.

  1. From the first to the third day you need to eat a small pinch of wormwood (you can wash it down) every couple of hours. There is no break even at night.
  2. From days 4 to 8, wormwood is drunk during the day, 6 times, at equal time intervals.
  3. In parallel with the use of wormwood, douching and rinsing are carried out internally. Full s.l. mashed dry grass is poured with boiling water (200-250 ml) and left. When the infusion becomes warm, it is filtered and divided. You will need about 75 ml for a micro enema (see the description of the process in the first section), the rest for rinsing the canal. The medication regimen is not related to the nutritional schedule.

In the evening of every day you need to do wormwood micro enemas. To prepare them, take 1 tsp. with a heap of dry wormwood, pour a liter of boiling water, cool the infusion to 40 degrees, filter. Part of the volume (75 ml) is injected into the anus at night. There is no need to be afraid of the urge to defecate, there will be none.

Washing make the remaining infusion by sharp injection (at this moment you need to press the edges of the canal to the syringe). If the procedure is performed correctly, the decoction will reach the bladder. In three days even old pus will begin to come out.

Attention: during treatment it is necessary to exclude all protein food(eggs, fish dishes, meat, dairy products, as well as any kind of sweets). During this time, you should not smoke or drink even minimal doses of alcohol. Ignoring the warning will result in a significant reduction in the potency of wormwood.

  1. When urinating, try to hold the stream for a few seconds., - this way you will strain the group of muscles responsible for the condition of the prostate gland.
  2. Contraction of the anus. This exercise can be done anywhere - at work, on the road, at home. Try to do at least 30 contractions, remaining tense for 10-15 seconds. The exercise is simple, but the first days it can cause discomfort. When discomfort stop, increase the number of such contractions to 100. Do at least 5 approaches per day.
  3. Contrast washing of the perineal area. It improves blood flow. The total procedure time is 4-5 minutes. Direct the shower to the perineal area, turning on first hot water(for 25-30 seconds), then cool (for 10-15 seconds). Under hot water means a temperature that you can easily withstand (no need to burn yourself), and cold means summer ( ice water will make the situation worse).

An indispensable condition for success in the treatment of prostatitis is the establishment of an optimal rhythm of sexual life, the elimination of such disorders as interrupted or artificially prolonged sexual intercourse. For some forms of prostatitis, it is enough to organize sex life and inflammation of the prostate is eliminated without drug treatment.

From this article you will learn what effective methods of treating prostatitis exist and what folk recipes for prostatitis can be prepared at home.

Traditional recipes for prostatitis

Traditional medicine advises drinking tea from linden flowers, hawthorn, thyme, mint, red and white rose petals, caraway seeds, black currant leaves, fireweed, and yellow sweet clover for symptoms of prostatitis. One of the main medicinal herbs in the treatment of prostatitis - wintergreen. People call it forty-year-old grass. Many traditional healers recommended to use for this ailment effective herb creeping tenacious, better known as gourd. It should be taken into account that the prevention of prostatitis symptoms lies in the timely and complete cure of inflammatory diseases of the urethra and bladder. During traditional treatment for prostatitis, it is necessary to monitor regular bowel movements.

The main plants that have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect and are used for effective methods of treating prostatitis: lingonberry, bearberry, trifolium, St. John's wort, string, plantain, violet, chamomile, thyme, licorice, horsetail, jasmine, bergenia, parsley, wheatgrass, birch , calamus, etc. Blueweed and adonis are also healing for men. Cyanosis is successfully used for acute and chronic prostatitis. Adonis can be used for symptoms chronic prostatitis, but should not be used for symptoms of acute prostatitis. Adonis is best used in fresh, that is, brew directly from the garden, and if dried, store for no more than a year. With the weakening of male capabilities, the roots and tubers of orchis and Lyubka (wild plant orchids) also help well. Many people will find the use of valerian strange. However, if it is infused with vodka or brewed with fresh water, that is, from the garden, it stimulates the male sex glands very well and aggravates sensations.

Sexual activity and orgasm are closely related to pelvic blood flow and hormones. Plants will help with this too. There are dozens of them - wild and cultivated. The most proven and popular among the people are oregano, wormwood, meadow cornflower, common tansy, balsam tansy, yarrow, parsley, knotweed (knotweed), cinquefoil, chamomile, lemon balm, spicy rue, lovage, adonis, red and white clover , sunflower, hops, tarragon (tarragon).

Most of these plants are distinguished by their content of estrogens - female sex hormones. All these plants are used to treat men from prostatitis, usually 2-3 types in the most different combinations, sometimes they are added as an auxiliary, birch buds, valerian root, thyme herb, etc.

Effective methods of treating prostatitis

Traditional recipes for the treatment of prostatitis from Russian healers

Traditional recipes for prostatitis from Natalia Frolova

  • For symptoms of prostatitis, as well as for other diseases (colitis, hemorrhoids, sphincteritis, anal fissures), microenemas are very effective.
  • Pour 10 g of chamomile into 100 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Use 60-80 ml of infusion per microenema to treat prostatitis;
  • Pour 10 g of sage leaves into 100 ml of boiling water. Leave in a water bath for 30 minutes, cool for 15 minutes, strain. Use 60-80 ml of infusion per microenema;
  • 5 g of yarrow herb per 100 ml of boiling water. Preparation and use are similar to the previous recipe.

Traditional medicine recipes for prostatitis from Andrey Ilyin

It is useful for patients with symptoms of chronic prostatitis to take 1 teaspoon of honey 12 times a day, as well as a honey infusion from Rhodiola rosea root as a tonic. In addition, patients are given 4050 ml of microenemas of a 30 percent aqueous solution of honey (temperature 3637 degrees Celsius) at night.

Also, a good therapeutic effect was achieved in the treatment of prostatitis of 10-20 percent alcohol tincture propolis (orally 30-40 drops in water or milk 30 minutes before meals for 11.5 months) or 1 propolis suppository per day for 20-30 days.

Treatment of prostatitis according to Vanga’s folk recipes

  • An effective method for treating prostatitis: grind the burnt head of a linden tree into powder. Make a drink of this powder in the form of coffee for seven days in a row and drink it in the morning for treatment.
  • Take 50 g of wintergreen leaves and stems per 0.5 liter of vodka. Leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, filter, store in a dark bottle. Take 30-40 drops 3 times a day. Use the product for symptoms of prostatitis.
  • For effective method To treat prostatitis, you need to eat parsley. It is useful for inflammation of the prostate gland and symptoms of prostatitis.
  • Dried apricots nourish physical strength in men.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of prostatitis

Traditional treatment of prostatitis using kombucha

Recipe for treating prostatitis: pour the mushroom drink into a liter jar and leave to brew in a dark place at room temperature within 4 days. Take 100 ml tincture 4 times 1 hour before meals. Every 2 days, pour out a new portion of the drink so that it infuses while you drink the previous portion. The course of traditional treatment for prostatitis is 3 months.

Indian sea rice for the treatment of prostatitis

Drink sea rice tincture for 3 months. In the first week, take 150 ml in the morning and evening, in the 2nd week, increase the dose to 200 ml 2 times a day, in the 3rd week - take 250 ml 2 times a day, and in the fourth - 250 ml 3 times a day. Every month, start again according to the presented scheme.

Traditional treatment of prostatitis with cordyceps

Recipe for treating prostatitis: prepare a decoction of cordyceps, taking 1 part mushroom to 5 parts water, over low heat for 1 hour. Take 50 ml before meals in the morning and evening. The course of treatment for prostatitis symptoms is 2 months. All of these methods can be used to prevent prostatitis by reducing the presented dosage by 2 times.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of prostatitis with chaga mushrooms

Chaga decoction with hazel leaves for symptoms of prostatitis

Recipe for the treatment of prostatitis: 1 tbsp is required. spoon of hazel leaves, 1 teaspoon of chopped dried chaga, 400 ml of water. Preparation. Pour the plant material with water and cook for 5 minutes at low boil, cool, strain. Application. Take folk remedy 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes for 2 weeks. The course of treatment for prostatitis is carried out once every 6 months. This remedy is also effective for prostate adenoma.

Chaga decoction with burdock root for the treatment of prostatitis

Required: 50 ml of chaga infusion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of burdock root, 400 ml of water. Preparation. Pour the crushed plant material with water and cook for 3 minutes, leave for 3-4 hours, strain, mix with chaga infusion. Application. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 3 weeks. This remedy is also effective for prostate adenoma.

Folk remedy for prostatitis - Tibetan milk mushroom

A disease such as prostatitis requires long-term treatment (3-6 months), during which it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet, which should limit salty, fatty, spicy and fried foods, such as meat, fish, cheese, eggs; The emphasis should be on vegetable and cereal dishes. In this case, every day you need to start with 100 ml of kefir and a warm 15-minute bath of a mixture of water and whey, taken in equal proportions. The day should end in the same way. An important point: sexual activity is welcome.