Chronic prostatitis - symptoms and treatment. Is prostatitis treated in men?

A chronic inflammatory process in men in the prostate gland is called prostatitis and should be dealt with immediately. Can this be done at home and how effective will it be? Treatment of prostatitis at home is quite common among men.

The disease has a viral and bactericidal etiology. In some cases, its causative agent is fungal infections and congestive processes in the pelvic area. So is it possible to treat prostatitis and the prostate gland at home? Or does first aid mean going to the doctor?

Depending on the duration, men can be cured using different methods:

  • Drug treatment for glandular diseases;
  • Folk;
  • At home.

The ideal option is considered to be a complex effect, which involves the use of these methods to help eliminate the manifestations of deviations. Tablets will also help.
Factors contributing to the occurrence of the disease:

  1. Insufficient sexual activity;
  2. A sedentary lifestyle associated with the patient’s work style or laziness;
  3. Bad habits, including abuse of alcohol and tobacco products;
  4. Hormonal imbalances in the body;
  5. Excessive use of the sauna.

These factors favor the development of the disease; symptoms appear quickly and can be noticed. The first manifestation of the disease can be seen in 25-year-old men. Its main age group is 50-year-old men.

If there are symptoms and assistance is not provided in a timely manner, the disease quickly develops into a chronic variant, after which certain complications begin.

  1. Painful urination and inflammation;
  2. Feeling of discomfort in the groin and scrotum area;
  3. Involuntary leakage of urine when squatting (this can occur even with an empty bladder);
  4. Feeling of pain during bowel movements;
  5. High temperature;
  6. Poor erection, feeling of weakness.

If at least one of these signs appears, there is a decrease in sexual activity and desire, the symptoms will immediately indicate a deviation.

Is it possible to solve the problem at home?

It has long been no secret that people with an illness consult a doctor only when the illness fully makes itself felt, but its manifestations cannot be relieved; inflammation continues to grow. But it is not always possible to get rid of the disease completely, even by taking pills.

In some cases, the attending physician resorts to a combination of medication and home treatment. Moreover, today you can find a lot of methods to eliminate this disease if its symptoms have already appeared and the pills have not helped.

Something to remember!

When solving a problem, it is prohibited to independently eradicate the disease, especially if the disease is chronic.

Exposure must be agreed with a doctor. Only then will it be able to bring positive results and remove symptoms.

Summarizing what has been said, it should be said that solving the problem at home is not fiction at all, but reality.

Special drugs to solve the problem

It is not necessary to go to the clinic every day for procedures. Special medications that can be taken at home can help remove the disease.

The action of the drugs is based on different principles, according to which their classification occurs.

  • Vibration.

The use of vibration helps to minimize congestion in the pelvic and prostate areas, tones muscles, and relieves general irritation.

  • Using electrical influence.

Promotes tissue stimulation thanks to rectal and cutaneous electrodes.

  • Using magnetic influence.

Relieves the patient from swelling and pain.

  • Using laser exposure.

Involves the use of infrared radiation.

Prostate massage at home

If we talk about treating prostatitis at home, then massage can cure even the most chronic forms and remove symptoms.

The procedure is not the most pleasant, but effective influence The treatment process is amazing in its speed, and it can be done strictly according to the schedule.

For enough short time the patient forgets about discomfort and tunes in to positive emotions.

What is the secret to the effectiveness of massage? Let's take a closer look

Benefits of massage:

  1. Helps the patient eliminate not only chronic prostatitis, but also other side diseases;
  2. Helps stabilize blood circulation in the prostate gland;
  3. Tones the glands;
  4. Ensures proper secretion outflow;
  5. Increases the effectiveness of antibiotics and other medications.

When performing a massage, you should take into account that self-medication can harm the body, no matter what symptoms you have. Self-execution procedures are not recommended.

In this case, you cannot do without the help of a urologist or andrologist.

Today, prostate massage is the most popular therapeutic method.

Like all medical procedures, massage has its limitations.

  • Not effective in identifying acute illness with signs of neoplasms;
  • Not recommended for people with cysts and stone disease.

Has a beneficial effect on:

  • Simple forms;
  • A chronic symptom is pain in the pelvic area;
  • Reproductive system disorder;
  • Lack of reaction to the tablet effect;
  • Some studies;

The most popular drug to solve the problem is Vitafon.

Fighting illness with herbal medicine at home

When solving a problem at home, one should take into account the forms of the disease; acute and chronic variants are treated only in a hospital.

Home exposure is provided in the following situations:

  • At the initial stage;
  • At simple forms diseases;
  • In the case of using complex methods;
  • Upon recommendation of the attending physician.

Prostate treatment with pumpkin

Recipe: Grind 0.5 kg of pumpkin seeds through a meat grinder and add a glass of honey. Form the resulting mixture into something resembling balls and consume about 2 pieces per day before meals. The duration of the course is equal to the number of balls.

The healing properties of chestnuts that relieve inflammation

Recipe: Brew pre-peeled and chopped chestnuts with one and a half cups of boiling water. Let it brew for about a day in a dark place. Then strain and leave for 15 minutes. into a water bath.

The remaining 200 ml of healing tincture is considered healing. To eradicate the disease and prevent the prostate, you should take a third of the glass before meals.

Parsley for prostate disease in men

To prepare the decoction you will need parsley roots or seeds. Half a glass of chopped parsley roots is boiled in a liter of water, after which the decoction is ready for use.

When preparing a decoction of seeds, you will need 4 tbsp. per glass of boiled water. This decoction should be left in a saucepan for about an hour and then consumed.

This recipe not only helps prevent and solve the problem, but also improves potency.

Treatment with garlic

Currently considered the most effective means from . To prepare a garlic-based medicine, you should small quantity Pour boiling water over the cloves and place in a cool, dark place for 10 hours.

It is better to take the medicine in the morning and evening time before the meal.

  • Garlic milk broth for men.

It doesn’t look like a very pleasant thing, but the benefits from it are colossal. Brew a few garlic cloves with boiled milk and leave for the same amount of time. Use morning and evening before meals.

  • Garlic-alcohol tincture

Promotes rapid regeneration of prostate cells and helps strengthen it.

And if you add honey and lemon to this tincture, this miraculous medicine will have unique powers. Its use will painlessly and quietly help the patient get rid of prostatitis.

The most beneficial thing for the body is eating fresh garlic. The phytoncides contained in this product have restorative properties, protect and strengthen the immune system, and increase male potency.

The use of garlic can be carried out in parallel with the tablets. This will not have a negative effect on your treatment in any way.

But, as with all applications folk remedies for men, you need specialist advice.

Hydrogen peroxide in the fight against prostatitis

When using peroxide, you should know that prostatitis is very difficult to treat. For some patients, it took more than one year to get rid of this trouble. That is why, when treating with hydrogen peroxide, it is necessary to use complex treatment; it can be combined with other methods of influence. In this case, medication should be prescribed strictly by a doctor.

The use of peroxide involves the use of enemas.

Only the method of douching can restore the normal activity of the circulatory system in the pelvic area, which plays an important role in reproductive functions.

This drug is natural, which is why it has a miraculous effect. It should be consumed daily. To do this, it is enough to drink small portions after eating food. Over time, the amount of the drug must be increased.

This treatment produces a unique result almost instantly. Within a few weeks, pain in the genital area disappears, inflammation of a good nature stops, and damaged prostate tissue regenerates.

They are found in the wild version of the pear. With an integrated approach to treating the disease, you will have to stock up on dried pears and cook compote all year round. The resulting drink not only helps in healing the prostate, but also helps reduce blood sugar.

The ideal option for solving the problem in men is to drink black elderberry juice; it will remove the symptoms very quickly. When treated with this juice, an increase in body temperature is possible. But don't be upset. This means that the prostate treatment process has begun.

It is of no small importance when treating the prostate at home. With moderate and healthy eating the likelihood of prostatitis acquiring a chronic form is minimized.

Products that should be in a man’s diet every day:

  • Lean varieties of meat and fish;
  • Fruits and vegetables;
  • Greens (particularly parsley);
  • Nuts;
  • Fermented milk group of products.

When preparing food, you should give preference to steamed dishes.

List of foods for men that should be limited:

  • Fatty, salty, spicy and fried;
  • Fast foods (burgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, hot dogs, etc.);
  • Legumes (to prevent gas formation).

This diet not only helps reduce the risk of prostate disease, but also improves the immune system. From the above, we can conclude that the health of the prostate gland directly depends on your diet.

Physical education in the fight against illness

In addition to the use of herbal medicine, home treatment and prevention methods include the use of physical activity.

According to statistics, men who do even the lightest daily exercises physical exercise, the risk of disease is significantly reduced, and symptoms will not appear.

Exercises to prevent deviations

  1. Using light movements of your fingertips, massage the perineum. This action helps prevent congestion in the prostate gland.
  2. Take a half-sitting position and try to alternately raise your knees forward. This set of exercises not only prevents prostate cancer, but also improves the health of the body as a whole.

Warm baths to fight illness

The use of baths is allowed only in the absence of temperature. If found elevated temperature You should take antipyretic and painkillers, they will remove the negative symptoms. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids to alleviate the condition.

About the benefits of natural juices

It turns out that juices are the most active fighters against the disease, including the chronic version. This treatment is one of the most pleasant, because it is the most delicious, and the symptoms will quickly destroy everything.
When fighting the manifestations of a sore, at home, doctors encourage the use of the following types juice

  1. Carrot;
  2. Beetroot;
  3. Cucumber.

The juice from freshly squeezed asparagus is especially welcome. Although its volume is relatively small, its vitamin composition is much greater than that of other juices.

This article lists many methods and methods for treating prostatitis at home and describes the symptoms of the disease. But it should be remembered that all of them are effective only with an integrated approach to the disease, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process that affects. The disease occurs due to the entry of bacteria, viruses, fungal pathogens into the prostate, as well as in cases of stagnation of blood in the veins of the scrotum and pelvic organs, stagnation of ejaculate secretion. Depending on the complexity of the disease and the reasons that caused it, the disease is treated both with traditional means in a hospital and prostatitis is treated at home. Prostatitis can occur acutely or chronically.

Signs of prostatitis

The disease can appear between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Most often, the impetus is insufficient sexual activity. There is a high risk of prostatitis in men who smoke a lot, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and are frequent sauna visitors. The above factors cause lymph stagnation, hormonal changes and circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs. As a result, immunity decreases, which allows viruses and bacteria to easily penetrate the prostate.

Without treatment, prostatitis easily becomes chronic. The first warning signs of the disease:

  • discomfort in the groin, testicles and penis;
  • the release of droplets of urine when sitting down on a chair, while the bladder was just emptied.
  • These symptoms are easy to miss. Next, an acute form occurs, which is accompanied by:
  • pain in the perineum, above the pubis and in the groin;
  • painful urination;
  • pain during bowel movements;
  • temperature up to 39°C;
  • weak erection and poor health in general.

With chronic prostatitis, in parallel with the above symptoms, sexual activity and sexual sensations are significantly reduced.

How to treat prostatitis at home?

Acute and aggravated forms are treated only in a hospital setting. Diagnosis is carried out by collecting general analyzes blood and urine, blood for viruses and microorganisms, PCR diagnostics, and also conduct uroflowmetry. Depending on the identified cause, appropriate antibiotics, immunostimulants, physical and laser therapy are prescribed. Severe prostatitis requires surgical intervention.

Treatment of prostatitis at home is carried out only for uncomplicated forms or chronic relapse. Traditional methods can increase the body's resistance to infection and relieve pain. For the chronic form, medicine is made from pumpkin seeds. To do this, half a kilogram of raw materials is ground through a meat grinder, any honey is added in an amount of 200 grams and balls the size of . Eat 1-2 pieces every day before meals, chewing it for about 3 minutes. The duration of the course is until the balls run out. Usually there is no relapse within a year.

At drug treatment Traditional medicine recommends combining such treatment by drinking juices up to 600 ml daily. Asparagus juices together with cucumber, carrot and beet juices are suitable for this purpose. You can also use elderberry juice, 1 tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Before drinking this juice, you need to drink a glass of purified water.

Propolis also goes well with medications. Its anti-inflammatory effect can accelerate the relief of inflammation and pain. Candles are made for this purpose. 40 g of raw material is evaporated in 200 ml of medical alcohol. For every 0.1 g of extract obtained, add 2 g of cocoa butter to form a candle. Store in the refrigerator to allow the candles to harden. Before use, it can be transferred to freezer. They are used in the rectum in several courses for 1 month with a break of 4-6 weeks.

In the chronic form, it is necessary to properly adjust the patient’s diet. The following foods are limited or removed from the diet:

  • mushroom, steep meat and fish broths and sauces;
  • seasonings, spices, garlic and onions (especially raw), radishes, horseradish and radishes;
  • foods that contribute to the formation of gases in the intestines: legumes, white cabbage, whole milk.

Warm herbal baths can only be used when there is no temperature. At home, you can take antipyretic, painkillers, or acetaminophen on your own. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids. The diet uses foods that contain fiber large quantities, fruits and vegetables.

For constipation, kefir and relaxing fruits, such as prunes, are recommended. As a last resort, they use laxatives, but not systematically. You cannot self-medicate. It is necessary to monitor the healing process with periodic testing. Improper treatment over time causes sexual impotence.

Folk remedies for prostatitis

Most folk remedies are used daily 1-3 times in courses of 20-30 days. Treatment with homemade herbal remedies lasts longer due to their mild effects than medication, but is safer for the body, especially in the presence of concomitant diseases of the intestines and stomach. Treatment must be accompanied by gymnastics: leg raises, squats. Recommended intense walking 15-30 minutes daily.

Parsley for prostatitis

The seeds and roots of the plant are suitable. The crushed roots of the plant are boiled for 10 minutes at the rate of half a glass of raw material per 1 liter of water. The entire amount of decoction is drunk in equal portions instead of water. Seeds are brewed 4 teaspoons per glass of boiling water. Infuse for 40 minutes in a saucepan or 15 minutes in a thermos. Consume approximately 3-5 times a day, a tablespoon.

Pear for prostatitis

Pear compote is drunk in unlimited quantities, regardless of the season. Fresh and dried fruits of any variety are suitable, but it is better to take wild pears. Sugar is not used in compote. Compote will simultaneously reduce the amount of sugar in the blood if diabetes is present.

Honey candles

To treat the disease, candles are made and stored in the freezer. For the dough, take 1 teaspoon of honey, 1 egg and about 3 tablespoons of flour. The components are mixed until smooth, forming candles. Use in two courses, morning and evening, 1 piece each, for 1 month with an interval of 10 days.

Treatment of Kalanchoe disease

There are 2 equal ways to prepare Kalanchoe tincture. The first method: 1 cup of crushed leaves is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. The tincture is ready for use after 5 days. Drink 1 teaspoon daily until symptoms decrease, then use once a week.

Second method: 100 grams of crushed leaves are poured with 100 g of alcohol or a glass of vodka. Leave in the dark and shake periodically. After 20 days the tincture is ready. Drink a teaspoon three times a day until complete recovery.

Celandine for prostatitis

Celandine is used carefully for the treatment of prostatitis. The plant is poisonous, an overdose leads to severe poisoning. At the same time, the medicine from celandine will cleanse the body of polyps, neoplasms, cysts, and will become a preventive measure. Freshly squeezed juice is diluted with alcohol in equal parts. Drink daily, diluted in 50 ml of water. Begin treatment with 1 drop, increasing the concentration by 1 drop every day for 60 days. After 10 days the course is repeated.

Chestnut treatment

For the tincture, take only the peels of ripe chestnuts in the amount of 2 tablespoons per half liter of water. The raw materials are poured with boiling water into a thermos and left overnight, after which they are placed in a saucepan or bowl over water, evaporating the liquid until the quantity is halved. Drink 30 drops daily three times before meals until the infusion ends. Conduct 3 courses, taking a break between them with an interval of 10 days.

Pine baths

Treatment of prostatitis at home is supplemented with pine needle baths. Needles perfectly relieve inflammation, relax, and reduce pain. For this purpose, a ready-made pharmacy infusion or one prepared with your own hands is suitable. The water in the bath should not exceed 37°C. Take enough water for sitting; you can use a basin. Duration of administration is 15-20 minutes daily in the evening.

Chronic prostatitis is quite difficult to treat. Despite this, more and more men are wondering whether the disease can be cured? Most doctors are inclined to think that getting rid of chronic prostatitis forever is almost impossible. Long-term complex treatment is required, including physical therapy, diet and medication. Read about all these points in the article.

Drug treatment of chronic prostatitis

Men often ask the question, is chronic prostatitis treatable? The first thing you need to know is that you won’t be able to select the necessary medications on your own. The disease has several forms. For abacterial infections, antibiotics are not prescribed. An exception is test treatment, when the doctor selects an antibiotic to confirm the non-infectious cause of prostatitis. To cure the disease at home, you need to undergo an examination. Only after this can you select medications and prescriptions traditional medicine and medical procedures.

Principles of antibiotic use

Knowing the type of bacteria that caused the disease, you can choose an effective drug. See the table for the use of antibiotics against various pathogens.

The most effective treatment for chronic prostatitis is with fluoroquinolone antibiotics. But the doctor prescribes them only if prostate tuberculosis is not detected. Such medications should be used with caution. Scientists have found that side effects include neurotoxicity - a harmful effect on the brain and phototoxicity - a decrease in the ability of cells to be exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Prescribed antibiotics in this group:

  • tavanik;
  • ciprobuy;
  • digital;
  • zanocin

Tavanic for prostatitis is the most commonly prescribed drug. The active substance – levofloxacin – has a wide spectrum of action on various microorganisms. The antibiotic blocks the synthesis of their DNA and does not cause loss of sensitivity of bacteria to the active substance. Tavanik has a number of contraindications, so it is prescribed with caution for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypersensitivity to the component;
  • age up to 18 years.

According to the treatment regimen, Tavanik is prescribed in a dosage of 1 tablet once a day. The duration of treatment is no more than four weeks.

Tsiprolet for prostatitis is another drug from the fluoroquinolone group. The active substance is absorbed from the stomach quickly, reaching the maximum concentration in the body after an hour. The antibiotic component accumulates in organs, in particular in the prostate gland. The level of therapeutic concentration lasts about 12 hours, then it decreases. In case of exacerbation of chronic prostatitis, Tsiprolet is prescribed in the form of injections, and after a few days - in the form of tablets. This scheme allows you to quickly destroy pathogenic microorganisms, which helps to improve a man’s well-being.

Antibiotics of the tetracycline group lately rarely prescribed for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. The exception is Doxycyline, which has less negative effects on the body than other drugs in this group. Within 30 minutes after taking the capsules, the active substance enters the prostate gland and fights pathogens different types. The dosage is determined by the urologist and depends on the condition of the sick man’s body and the degree of progression of chronic prostatitis.

Among the antibiotics of the penicillin group, doctors can prescribe Amoxiclav or Augmentin. The active ingredient of these drugs is amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid. The medicine has a wide spectrum of action and is effective in the fight against various microorganisms.

Macrolides are the latest generation antibiotics. There is no reliable data indicating the advisability of use in the treatment of chronic prostatitis. Doctors prescribe antibiotics of this group extremely rarely, only if other drugs do not have a therapeutic effect. Among the positive aspects, urologists note a low degree of toxicity with wide range actions.

One of the antibiotics in this group is Azithromycin ( trade name Sumamed). The method of application and dosage is selected by the doctor. When introduced into the body, the active substance accumulates in the tissues of the prostate gland and remains there in high concentration for up to 12 hours. Do not use Azithromycin for chronic prostatitis on your own, without your doctor’s approval! Uncontrolled treatment leads to the following problems:

  1. Increasing the resistance of the pathogen to the active substance.
  2. Bacteria become immune to other drugs.
  3. Periods of exacerbations are becoming more frequent.

Read also: Drugs for the treatment of prostate adenoma and prostatitis

Remember that self-administration of antibiotics in the treatment of chronic prostatitis is dangerous to health.

Symptomatic treatments

How to cure prostatitis, besides using antibacterial agents? Along with the use of antibiotics, medications are prescribed that relieve or reduce unpleasant symptoms:

  • a-blockers;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • analgesics.

Alpha blockers are aimed at improving the process of urination. Indications for use: decreased intraurethral pressure, relaxed tone of the bladder and prostate muscles. When using drugs in this group, it is possible side effects. The most common is retrograde ejaculation. This is a pathological process in which the direction of sperm release during sexual intercourse changes, resulting in liquid entering the bladder. Therefore, it is not recommended to use α-blockers on your own.

For drugs in this group, their effects and uses, see the table.

Name Mechanism of action Dosage
Tamsulosin Selectively acts on adrenoreceptors of the bladder muscles, normalizing the outflow of urine. At the same time, the manifestation of signs of the inflammatory process is reduced. The drug does not act immediately; a positive effect is observed 2 weeks after starting administration. Up to 400 mg/1 time per day.
Terazolin Blocks smooth muscle receptors, improving urination. May reduce stress on the heart and venous tone. 10-20 mg/day.
Doxazosin Restores the outflow of urine, improves urodynamics, reduces the manifestations of hyperpalsia. 1-4 mg/day.
Alfuzosin Reduces pressure in the urethra, which ensures normalization of urination. 5 mg/day, twice a day

Alpha adrenergic blockers have a number of contraindications. Among them:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • individual intolerance;
  • arterial hypotension.

Dosages are given in the table for reference. The exact dose, treatment regimen and duration of administration are prescribed by the doctor, based on general condition body. Possible side effects are taken into account.

Muscle relaxants in the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men are prescribed to reduce pain symptoms. This happens by improving blood microcirculation in the prostate area and, as a result, reducing swelling of inflammatory origin. Most often, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  1. Baclofen - reduces the excitability of muscle fibers, weakens nerve impulses.
  2. Mydocalm - reduces tone skeletal muscles, and has a local anesthetic effect.
  3. Methocarbamol - blocks the transmission of pain nerve impulses to the brain.

Muscle relaxants, like other analgesics, are prescribed with caution. The drugs have many side effects, so using them independently is unacceptable.

Briefly about treatment with suppositories

There is no consensus among doctors about the advisability of using suppositories for chronic prostatitis. On the one hand, the introduction of medicinal substances into the body, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, significantly reduces side effects. On the other hand, the rectal wall has low absorption of the active substance. For acute prostatitis, suppositories really help. But in chronic cases, when the disease is in an advanced stage, the effectiveness of suppositories is low.

However, your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  1. Indomethacin is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
  2. Natalsid - relieves pain from hemorrhoids, but is also used to treat prostatitis.
  3. Voltaren is a popular anti-inflammatory drug.
  4. Vitaprost - suppositories with antibiotics to treat infections.
  5. Diclofenac.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to cure chronic prostatitis in men with suppositories alone. Most often, the disease goes into a stage of long-term remission, that is, it subsides and proceeds without obvious symptoms.

Physiotherapy for chronic prostatitis

To enhance drug treatment, the doctor prescribes physical therapy. This word refers to the treatment of diseases through the influence of physical factors on the body. Currently used various methods, the need for which is determined by the urologist.

Thermal treatments

It has been established that increasing body temperature in the prostate gland to 38-40 C helps in the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men. This has the following effect:

  • improvement of blood flow and microcirculation;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • removal of purulent secretion;
  • increasing the concentration of drugs in tissues.

At home, microenemas with chamomile or sage decoction and warm baths are advisable. In medical practice, an endourethral probe is used - a device that gives a gradual increase in temperature in the tissues of the prostate gland. At the same time, sick men note that the cramps and pains during urination disappear.

Electrical treatment

It has been established that electrical stimulation of the prostate gland can cure 81% of sick men from chronic prostatitis, for whom drug treatment was not effective. This fact was confirmed in the report of V.S. Ryabinsky back in 1983. Currently, the following methods are used to treat chronic prostatitis:

  1. Electrophoresis with antibiotics and vibration massage (author Gorpinchenko I.N.).
  2. Intraurethral electrophoresis with silver ions (A.F. Afonin).
  3. Inductometry of the perineum (a number of scientists led by L.G. Barabanov).

Microwave therapy also produces good results. 15 procedures per day are enough, alternating with prostate massage. Urologists note that this approach makes it possible to achieve improved well-being in 70% of men.

Laser therapy

During the study of the effects of laser radiation on the prostate, biological active points. A short application of a laser beam (10-15 s) on these areas, in combination with drug treatment, has a healing effect on the prostate gland. In this case, the treatment period is reduced, for example, by the 4th day, acute pain radiating to the rectal area disappears.

Other improvements in the body:

  1. Foci of inflammation are reduced.
  2. Blood microcirculation is stabilized.
  3. Immunity is strengthened.
  4. Antibacterial activity increases.

The duration of the procedures is determined by a medical specialist. As a rule, the session duration is 9-12 minutes.

Other physical therapy methods

The following methods are widely used in the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men:

  • prostate massage;
  • applications of healing mud on the perineum;
  • mud baths outside the acute stage.

Hydrotherapy also has indications for use. For this, various baths (radon, hydrogen sulfide, mineral) and intestinal lavage are prescribed in the absence of contraindications.

Despite the encouraging prospects, no doctor can say how long chronic prostatitis can be treated. The duration depends not only on the complexity of the disease, but also on how accurately you follow the instructions of a medical specialist.

Diet for chronic prostatitis

Any treatment, even a combination of medication and physiotherapy, will not have the desired effect if you do not pay attention to nutrition. In case of chronic prostatitis, it is necessary to completely abstain from alcohol and fatty meats.

Eating seafood helps not only treat prostate inflammation, but also prevent it. It is necessary to eat lean meats and fish, vegetables (with the exception of legumes and cabbage), greens (especially onions and garlic), and dairy products every day.

You should avoid smoked meats, canned food (including homemade products) and sausages. Besides negative influence on the prostate gland, these products increase the load on the kidneys. During drug treatment, drugs are excreted from the body mainly through urine, and therefore it is desirable to reduce the load on genitourinary system.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Don't get too cold, don't get cold.
  2. Go to the toilet on time, forced retention of urine harms the prostate.
  3. Lead an active lifestyle, jogging, cycling.
  4. Ensure regular sex life.

Video on the topic of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a common inflammatory disease of the genitourinary system in men. It causes a lot of inconvenience and significantly worsens the quality of life, so the question of how to get rid of chronic prostatitis is very relevant. A particular difficulty is that usually men do not always pay attention to the first symptoms. Due to the lack of adequate therapy, the disease can become chronic and getting rid of it will be much more difficult.

Today, in modern society, prostatitis is a serious threat to the health of men of reproductive age. Is it possible to completely cure chronic prostatitis or not? How to cure chronic prostatitis forever? Definitely answer these exciting questions difficult, it all depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. In some cases, getting rid of prostatitis should only be done through surgery. With mild forms of prostatitis, the probability of a complete cure is quite high, you just need to be patient and pay a little attention to your health.

Risk factors and causes of the disease

If previously prostatitis was diagnosed in men after 40 years of age, today the age of the disease has changed and it affects sexually active representatives of the stronger sex from 30 to 35 years of age and older. To find out whether chronic prostatitis can be treated and how to treat it, you first need to understand what causes it. There are enough factors for this:

  • Sexually transmitted infections. Promiscuous sexual contacts without barrier methods of contraception create high risk possible infection. Penetrating into the pelvic organs, pathogenic microorganisms provoke the development of inflammation, and this is still a fairly harmless scenario compared to syphilis, trichomoniasis and HIV.
  • Irregular sexual intercourse, prolonged abstinence. In the presence of these factors, prostatitis occurs due to congestion in the pelvis. Also affecting the genitourinary system are interrupted sexual intercourse, frequent arousal without release, as well as defective ejaculation.
  • Heredity. If one of your close relatives already has prostatitis in the family, then the likelihood that the disease will be inherited increases. This is a reason to pay special attention to your men's health.
  • Abuse of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks, smoking, diet and quality of nutrition are factors that directly affect the condition of the body and the reproductive system in particular.
  • Hypothermia. In the cold season, it is hypothermia of the lower extremities or the entire body that can cause the appearance of symptoms of prostatitis.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Due to low physical activity Blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disrupted, which causes congestion in the genital organs, constipation, and as a consequence of all of the above - inflammation of the prostate gland.

It should be noted that exacerbation of prostatitis occurs against the background of a general weakening of the body. This may appear in the background viral infection, intoxication of the body or any disorder that affects the body's resistance.

Main symptoms of the disease:

  • Weak urination
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and perineum
  • Temporary or prolonged absence of spontaneous morning erection
  • Sexual weakness - weak erection or its complete absence.
  • Brief pain in the penis after ejaculation.

How to get rid of chronic prostatitis if all of the above symptoms have been bothering you for a long time. There is only one answer - it is necessary to eliminate the causes of the problem and reconsider your attitude towards your lifestyle.

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Chronic prostatitis: can it be cured?

The treatment process for this disease is long and not always easy. While a pill or remedy for chronic prostatitis, which instantly relieves all symptoms, has not yet been invented, treatment of the disease should be carried out comprehensively. Effective treatment For prostatitis, you need to start with correct diagnosis and establishment of the cause of the disease. As already mentioned, the most common cause of occurrence is infections. Therefore, first of all, you should contact a urologist and get tested. Most often, the attending physician prescribes antibacterial therapy in combination with drugs that affect the function of the prostate gland. Prostate massage also has a beneficial effect. Usually, after a set of therapeutic procedures, the patient feels significant relief. Many people are concerned about whether prostatitis can be cured with the help of medications, and whether prostatitis can be cured only with the help of therapeutic procedures? Definitely no. Only an integrated approach to lifestyle and nutrition guarantees lasting results after a course of treatment and reduces the likelihood of relapse of the disease.


A healthy lifestyle is a very important part of a successful fight against prostatitis. Compliance simple rules even over a short period will allow you to feel significant improvements, and in the early stages they can be used to cure the first manifestations of the disease. Work and rest schedule. First of all, you should pay attention to proper sleep. 7 - 8 hours a day is the optimal time for the body to recover. Avoid hypothermia. Feet should always be warm. IN winter time Be sure to wear underpants and not sit on cold surfaces.

Nutrition. Special attention food should be given during an exacerbation. The diet should be balanced, with a sufficient amount of proteins and saturated fats - this will help the body quickly recuperate and strengthen the immune system. Eliminate spicy and sour foods from your diet. Fatty meats need to be replaced sea ​​fish, and as side dishes for these dishes you should choose raw or stewed vegetables.

Drinks It is better to avoid drinking alcohol; as a last resort, it is better to replace it with dry red wines. You should not take foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect. Drinking beer is extremely undesirable, as it will provoke frequent urination, which can aggravate the symptoms of prostatitis. You should drink strong tea and coffee as little as possible. The best option is medicinal infusions, which are used in courses. For chronic prostatitis, the following can be used: chamomile, rose hips, elecampane, St. John's wort and ginseng, nettle leaves and burdock root - these plants have a beneficial effect on the genitourinary system.

Sex life. Sexual contacts should be regular and always end with ejaculation. In the absence of a permanent verified sexual partner, the use of barrier methods of contraception is essential.

Physical activity is the best medicine. To maintain good physical fitness 2-3 regular workouts per week, supplemented by a complex, are enough morning exercises daily. The best option would be swimming in the pool, fitness or yoga.


To summarize, it is not difficult to answer the question: “Can it be cured?” This is possible, but quite difficult, because it requires the patient to be especially careful about his health. Men do not always agree to limit themselves in food and drinks, as well as in other usual joys of life. Therefore, not everyone is able to recover completely.
Only timely attention to a doctor, adequate treatment and constant monitoring of health can significantly improve the condition of prostatitis, and with the impeccable implementation of all instructions, it will help to make sure by your own example that prostatitis is curable.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.
The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

How to treat prostatitis in men? In medical practice, there are many different methods in the fight against pathology, but the most effective is drug therapy. It lays the foundation for effective treatment of the disease and is complemented by physiotherapeutic methods to achieve the maximum possible effect.

Based on the results of a preliminary examination, the specialist prescribes a complex effective drugs, reducing the level of pain, improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs, stabilizing sexual performance and the functioning of the immune system, localizing and eliminating the main causative agent of infection, reducing inflammatory reactions and preventing. They not only improve the patient’s well-being, but also contribute to his speedy recovery.

It is best to resort to taking drugs that affect not only the microflora of the prostate, but also help restore microcirculation in it, improve the outflow of secretions from the gland, increasing the intensity of metabolic processes in inflamed areas, general and local resistance. These include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs.

Effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These medications are taken active participation in the treatment of congestive and chronic prostatitis. They have a positive effect on microcirculation, help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, the outflow of secretions, reduce the inflammatory process, help normalize the quality of urination and sexual performance, increase potency, and normalize general health. physical condition sick.

Non-steroidal drugs can be used only as prescribed by the attending physician. Only he knows which tablets to treat prostatitis in each specific case. Self-medication will not bring positive results and will only worsen the situation.

Decongestants - when are they appropriate?

Treatment with decongestants is aimed at reducing the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate gland and venous stagnation in the pelvis. It is carried out in combination with physical therapy and requires maintaining an active lifestyle, regular sex life with a regular partner, stopping interrupted sexual intercourse and giving up bad habits.

The use of decongestant drugs is limited in case of venous dilation, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and hemorrhoidal veins. Only a urologist who is familiar with the patient’s medical history and has carefully studied the results of a comprehensive diagnosis can recommend them for use. Only he knows how to properly treat pathology. Other ignorant specialists are powerless.

Analgesic therapy

In addition to antibiotics and drugs that improve microcirculation in the prostate gland, drugs are also used for prostatitis that reduce the degree of pain, which determines the patient’s attitude to the pathology and influences the manifestation depressive state. These include oral analgesics.

Oral analgesics and their place in the treatment of pathology

Oral analgesics are medications taken orally. They have a temporary analgesic effect and change the tone of the gland. They are prescribed by urologists based on the degree of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease, taking into account allergic reactions and concomitant pathologies of the patient.

Instillation therapy

Instillation therapy is a set of techniques that allow the direct and direct delivery of drugs strictly for their intended purpose. Instillation involves the introduction of a special medicinal mixture, consisting of the same drugs as for oral administration, through a small opening of the urethra with a conventional syringe with a syringe or a soft hollow tube, allows the use of a variety of means, the choice of which largely depends on the nature, stage and type of pathology , as well as the compatibility of the administered drugs.

Suppository therapy

Suppositories have a pronounced psychotherapeutic, anti-inflammatory membrane-stimulating effect, regardless of their composition. They not only relieve inflammation, but also reduce pain several times, improve the process of urination, blood circulation and the outflow of secretions. What is more effective in treating the prostate: suppositories or tablets?

Suppositories act much faster, since the medicinal substance contained in them penetrates in a sufficiently high concentration to the destination than substances contained in conventional oral medications. They also do not have a destructive effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

Microclysters as an effective way to treat inflamed prostate tissue

Microclysters are one of the most effective ways treatment of inflammation of the gland.

They simultaneously have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, temperature and medicinal effects, promote a speedy recovery and reduce pain several times. To achieve the maximum possible effect, doctors recommend using them in combination with antibacterial therapy, as the final stage of more active procedures.

Conditions for maximum effectiveness of medications

In order for drug therapy to bring maximum effect for prostatitis, experts advise:

  • isolate and with extreme accuracy determine the microflora that caused the pathology, identify its sensitivity to antimicrobial agents;
  • choose the most effective drugs, causing a minimum of side effects;
  • determine effective doses, methods and frequency of administration of the drug, taking into account the characteristics of its effect;
  • treat in a timely manner and carry out a course of antimicrobial therapy of sufficient duration, ensuring the best possible result;
  • combine antibacterial drugs with each other and with other medicines and procedures that enhance the antimicrobial effect, improve microcirculation in the prostate gland, and reduce the incidence of complications;
  • carry out complex therapy taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s general health.

Regardless of which doctor: urologist, sex therapist, venereologist or andrologist, the patient must strictly follow these recommendations.

Results of treatment of prostatitis with drug therapy

Drug therapy is a treatment method with a complex strategy and tactics, which allows several times to increase the effectiveness of treatment. After its successful implementation, the patient’s well-being improves several times, painful sensations disappear for a certain period of time, and as a result, there is no depression or nervous tension.

In addition, drug therapy increases local and general resistance and guarantees long-term remission.

What is the fastest and best way to cure prostatitis?

Doctors recommend that if you have an infectious inflammation of the prostate, you should undergo a course of antibiotic therapy in addition to other therapeutic methods of treatment. If the pathology is caused by factors such as psycho-emotional overload, frequent hypothermia, constant mental stress, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, then you need to start by regulating your lifestyle.

It is mandatory to use physiotherapeutic methods and not ignore concomitant pathologies that may cause or provoke it. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or use traditional medicine without prior consultation with your doctor.

Treatment of prostatitis requires an integrated approach: drug therapy in combination with diet, active lifestyle, physiotherapeutic procedures, prostate massage, physical therapy, symptomatic treatment, treatment of concomitant diseases and psychotherapy will provide immediate results and will contribute to speedy recovery patient.