Convey statements by replacing direct speech with indirect speech. Indirect speech in English: rules, examples and exceptions in various tense forms

1. When replacing direct speech with indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns, as well as personal forms of verbs, are conveyed on behalf of the author, the narrator, and not on behalf of the person whose speech is transmitted.

2. If direct speech is expressed declarative sentence, then when replacing the indirect one, it is transmitted by explanatory subordinate clause with the union What.

3. If direct speech denotes an impulse, command, request and the predicate in it is expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by a subordinate clause explanatory proposal with the union to.

Direct speech in which the predicate is expressed imperative mood, can be transferred and a simple sentence with an addition in an indefinite form.

4. If direct speech is interrogative sentence, then when replacing an indirect one, it is transmitted by an indirect question (with the particle whether or without it through allied words which, which, what etc.). At indirect question question mark not installed.

5. Indirect speech less expressive, less emotional than direct. Addresses, interjections, and particles present in direct speech are omitted when replacing it with indirect speech. Their meanings can sometimes only be conveyed by other words, more or less close to them in meaning. In this case, an approximate retelling of direct speech is obtained.

488. Write down, replacing direct speech with indirect speech. Special attention Pay attention to the use of pronouns.

1) “I’m sincerely glad,” he [Nikolai Petrovich] began, “and grateful for the good intention to visit us.” 2) “Live, live, guys, help!” - Nikolai Petrovich exclaimed. 3) “And this ahead, it seems, is our forest?” - asked Arkady. 4) “Where is your new friend?” - he asked [Pavel Petrovich] Arkady. 5) “My grandfather plowed the land,” Bazarov answered with arrogant pride. 6) “Would you like some more tea?” - said Fenechka. 7) “Yes, yes, I know you, Bazarov,” she [Kukshina] repeated. - Would you like a cigar? 8) “My name is Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov,” said Arkady, “and I don’t do anything.” 9) “Let’s go for a walk tomorrow morning,” Anna Sergeevna said to Bazarov, “I want to learn from you the Latin names of field plants and their properties.” 10) “Down the curtain and sit down,” said Odintsova, “I would like to chat with you before you leave.” 11) Arkady, with the same smile, said to Bazarov: “Evgeny, take me with you, I want to go to you.” 12) “I’m sincerely glad to meet you,” said Vasily Ivanovich, “but you won’t blame me: I do everything here in simplicity, on a military footing. Arina Vlasyevna, calm down, do me a favor: what kind of cowardice is this?” (I. Turgenev)

489. Read it. Indicate what mistakes were made when transmitting direct speech to indirect speech. Copy, correcting the sentences.

1) Bazarov answered Pavel Petrovich that building is not our business, first we need to clear the place. 2) Chichikov wanted to find out from Korobochka where they went. 3) Bazarov tells Arkady that your father is a retired man, his song is finished. 4) Savelich asked Grinev if he recognized the chieftain. 5) When Raskolnikov met Sonya, he did not immediately tell her that it was I who killed the old pawnbroker.

490. Compose and write six sentences with direct speech (they should contain personal or possessive pronouns if possible), then transfer direct speech to indirect speech.

491. Copy using punctuation marks and explaining (orally) their use. What methods of conveying someone else's speech are found in the text?

Chichikov at Korobochka

A minute later, the landlady, an elderly woman, came in wearing some kind of sleeping cap hastily put on with a flannel around her neck, one of those mothers of small landowners who cry over crop failures and losses, holding their head somewhat (on) the side and meanwhile gaining (on) a little money in bags placed in dresser drawers

Chichikov apologized that he had disturbed him with his unexpected arrival. The hostess said nothing. What time did God bring you? Sumyat.. and such a blizzard from the road, you should have eaten something, but it’s time to cook at night.. you can’t cook

Chichikov thanked the hostess, saying that he n.. needed n.. why should she n.. worry about n.. about anything other than the bed he n.. needed n.. demands and was only curious to know what places he went to and How far is the way from here to the landowner S..Bakevich, to which the old woman said that she had never heard of such a name and that there was no such landowner at all.

At least you know Manilov said Chichikov And who is Manilov Landlord..k mother No n.. heard..vala there is no such landowner.. What kind of landowner are there Bobrov Svinin Kanapatiev Harpakin Trepakin Pleshakov Rich people or not No father of the rich too no Who twenty souls who have thirty and there are not a hundred of them like that

Chichikov noticed that he had driven into quite the wilderness (According to N. Gogol)

492. Read it. Determine the genre of the text. Submit its contents from a 3rd party perspective. Keep in your presentation the words expressing the author’s assessments.

Once, during the first conversation, Akhmatova turned to me and asked with cheerful curiosity: “Did you think Akhmatova was like that?” I answered quite sincerely: “Yes, that’s it.” But maybe I would be even more truthful if I said: “No, I didn’t expect this.” Yes, I knew that I would meet on the first and probably last time in the life of the great poet. But they wrote from England that Akhmatova was no longer the same, broken, sick... There she was seen on a pedestal, arrogant, unapproachable. And not only did he appear before me great poet, but also wonderful, extraordinary, great man. Great in its simplicity. (N. Struve)


DIRECT SPEECH is an accurately reproduced speech of someone else, which is transmitted on behalf of the one who speaks.
A sentence with direct speech consists of two parts:

words of the author (A, a) , indicating the one who made the speech (author's introduction):The sages teach... ;
direct speech (P, p) - accurately reproduced someone else's speech:"Happiness is within you."

Remember what you know about punctuation marks in direct speech from what you learned in your native language lessons.

Punctuation in direct speech

In writing, sentences with direct speech are formalized by a system of signs: direct speech is highlighted and separated.

To indicate that someone else's speech is conveyed accurately, direct speechis highlighted with quotation marks and, depending on intonation, with a sign at the end of the sentence: interrogative or exclamatory, a comma inside a sentence or a period at the end of a sentence.

1) “P (?!),” - a. Direct speech, standingbefore the words of the author, a dash is separated ( so-and-so said it ): “Can I call you when I’m not having too much fun?” - he asked, casually squinting(D. Rubina) ;

2) A: "P". Direct speech, standingafter the words of the author, separated by a colon ( what exactly did he say ...): The sages teach: “Happiness is within you” (M. Weller );

3) "P, - a, - p." The author's words, standingwithin one sentence of direct speech, separated on both sides by commas and dashes : “Thank you, Pavlusha,” I said, “thanks again”(V. Tokareva);

4) “P (?!), - ah. - P." If the author's wordsstand between two sentences of direct speech, then after the first sentence , depending on intonation,a comma, a question or exclamation mark and a dash are used; after the author's words there is a dot and a dash : “Just don’t make noise,” said the father. “Otherwise the younger ones will start such a rebellion.”(Ch. Aitmatov).

Someone else's speech can be reproduced accurately, directly conveying content and intonation. In this case, it is written in the form of direct speech. Someone else's speech can also be transmitted indirectly, stating only the meaning of someone else's speech. Indirect speech (indirect language) is written in the form of a complex sentence: In broad daylight, Diogenes walked with a lantern in his hands and explained: “ looking for person." - In broad daylight, Diogenes walked with a lantern in his hands and explained what is he looking for person .
Someone else's speech, transmitted in the form of a subordinate part of a complex sentence, is called INDIRECT SPEECH.

A sentence with indirect speech is complex sentence, Where main part contain the words of the author, and the subordinate clause - someone else's speech.

Replacing direct speech with indirect speech

If indirect speech conveys a message, a narrative, then the sentence conveying someone else’s speech is joined by conjunctions or allied wordsWhat , as if : Sasha said: “I’m not going anywhere.” - Sasha said that he won’t go anywhere .
A: "P". = , ( What ...).

If indirect speech conveys a request, an order, then the sentence conveying someone else’s speech is joined by the conjunctionto : “Don’t go anywhere!” - said the mother. - The mother told her son not to go anywhere .
A: "P". = , ( to ...).

If indirect speech conveys a question, then the sentence conveying someone else’s speech is joined by conjunctionsWhat , Who , Which , Where , When , Where , where , whether (no question mark):The boy asked: “Where is the sea?” - The boy asked where the sea is .
A: “P?” = , ( Where ...).

Punctuation in sentences with indirect speech

Sentences that convey someone else's speech indirectly usually come after the author's words and are separated from him by a busy sentence.

When replacing direct speech with indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns are replaced: they are used from the point of view of the one who conveys someone else's speech.

Addresses, interjections, introductory words not used in indirect speech

1. Explanatory letter

Expressively read sentences with direct speech, observing the intonation with which the sentences are pronounced depending on the position of the author’s words in relation to direct speech. Write down the sentences. Make sentence diagrams with direct speech.

1. Epikhodov came out, his voice was heard outside the door: “I will complain about you.”(A. Chekhov) . 2. I looked at her and thought: “How many more fairy tales and memories remain in her memory?”(Maxim Gorky) . 3. Father shouted: “Careful!” 4. “It’s still a strange thing, our memory,” he thought(M. Yudenich) . 5. “Hello!” - answered the class(Ch. Aitmatov) . 6. “Did anything happen?” - he asked(Ch. Aitmatov) . 7. “His eyes were,” I will write, “like the sky.” 8. “Give it back,” he said, “otherwise it will be bad.”(Ch. Aitmatov). 9. “Tell me, what’s the matter, he started pestering younger brother“Honestly, I won’t tell anyone.”(Ch. Aitmatov) . 10. “Be quiet,” Mishka hissed at me. “You’ll scare away all the fish!”(V. Medvedev). 11. “Stop! - he shouted. “Don’t you see that your horse is lame?”(Ch. Aitmatov). 12. “A miracle can reveal itself in everything,” he says. “In a smile, in fun, in every right word spoken at the right time.”(M. Weller).

2. Restoring offers

Copy the sentences using punctuation marks and inserting the words of the author in brackets in place of the gaps. Place quotation marks around direct speech and separate it from the words of the author with appropriate marks. Mark interjections (viguki) and addresses (zvertannya) with signs. Create proposal outlines.

1. ... Hey hunter, come to us (The guys started screaming)(Ch. Aitmatov). 2. Are you a son... (asked the mother)(A. Kuznetsova). 3. A big hello to all of you guys... (she said)(Ch. Aitmatov) .4. Hey guys... what are we doing? (said Igor)(A. Rybakov). 5. Come on, buddy, quickly... otherwise the dog might not follow us (the forester asked)(S. Ivanov). 6. Get off, son, we’ve arrived... . The journey is over (says the father). 7. Yes, the conversation is important.... Sit down, guys (confirmed by the head teacher)(Ch. Aitmatov) . 8. Guys, it’s me.... It’s me who says (he said, raising his head)(Ch. Aitmatov). 9. Oh, catchy.... No, you won’t get bored with him (said the driver)(O. Gonchar). 10. No stop…. The main thing is not to panic (Seraphim told herself)(V. Krapivin).

3. Constructing sentences

I. Read the statements given in the exercise expressively. What theme are they united by?

II. Formulate these statements in the form of direct speech. To introduce direct speech, use different verbs:spoke, wrote, warned, believed, was convinced, noticed, came to a conclusion etc.

1. Translators are the post horses of enlightenment(A. Pushkin). 2. A translator in prose is a slave, a translator in verse is a rival(V. Zhukovsky). H. Translation is a self-portrait of the translator(K. Chukovsky) . 4. Translation is always a comment(Leo Beck) . 5. There are many ways to translate a book; the best way is to entrust this task to a translator(D. Pashkov) . 6. Few things in the world can compare with the boredom that literal translation causes in us.(Mark Twain) . 7. Only having mastered our native language as perfectly as possible will we be able to perfectly master a foreign language, but not before(F. Dostoevsky) .

Dictionary :

Post horses - horses used at postal stations in Russia in the 19th century. for transporting mail.

Self-portrait - a portrait made with one’s own hand, i.e. by the author himself.

4. Analysis educational material

I. Write sentences with direct and indirect speech in pairs. Describe the type of sentence containing direct speech according to the purpose of the statement. Underline the conjunctions that join these sentences in indirect speech.

II. Underline pronouns and verbs in sentences containing direct and indirect speech, indicate their person and number. Check whether addresses and introductory words are used in indirect speech.

Sample . Maxim said: “I want to consult with you (narrative). - Maxim said, What he wants to consult with me .

Direct speech Indirect speech
The father said: “I liked the project.” The father said that he liked the project.
“Undoubtedly, no one is to blame here,” said my mother. Mom said that no one is to blame here.

I shouted: “Run faster, Mishka!” I shouted to Mishka to run faster.
The woman asked Mishka: “Where do you live, boy?” The woman asked Mishka where he lived.

Mom asked: “What happened, son?” Mom asked her son what happened.

5. Punctuation work

I. Read the sentences with indirect speech. Indicate the author's words and indirect speech. Write down the sentences. Place punctuation marks. Underline the conjunctions (conjunctive words) that join indirect speech.

1. The girl thought that she needed to move somewhere (L. Petrushevskaya). 2. I noticed to a friend that we were distracted from the topic of conversation. 3. The girl suddenly replied that she couldn’t remember where she got this book from. 4. Mom told us to prepare everything for the meeting of guests. 5. The coach told us to run two more laps. 6. Father ordered us to get ready. 7. We often ask ourselves what is most important to us in life. 8. The boys asked when the competition would start.

II. Replace sentences with indirect speech with sentences with direct speech, write them down.

6. Homework

Option 1 . Add the words of the author to the direct speech. Place punctuation marks and justify your choice.

1. ... “This is something new.” 2. “Get away from the computer!” ... . 3. “You’ll go tomorrow” ... . 4. “Yes... this is a success.” 5. “I thought... you forgot.” 6. “Make sure... don’t fall.” 7. “She's coming! ...Tell everyone!” 8. “Here... . Choose what you want."

1. When replacing direct speech with indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns, as well as personal forms of verbs, are conveyed on behalf of the author, narrator, and not on behalf of the person whose speech is being conveyed.

2. If direct speech is expressed by a declarative sentence, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by an explanatory subordinate clause with a conjunction What.

3. If direct speech denotes an impulse, an order, a request and the predicate in it is expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, then when replacing the indirect speech it is conveyed by a subordinate explanatory clause with a conjunction to.

Direct speech, in which the predicate is expressed in the imperative mood, can also be conveyed in a simple sentence with an addition in an indefinite form.

4. If direct speech is an interrogative sentence, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by an indirect question (with the particle whether or without it through allied words which, which, what etc.). When asking an indirect question, there is no question mark.

5. Indirect speech is less expressive and less emotional than direct speech. Addresses, interjections, and particles present in direct speech are omitted when replacing it with indirect speech. Their meanings can sometimes only be conveyed by other words, more or less close to them in meaning. In this case, an approximate retelling of direct speech is obtained.

1. When replacing direct speech with indirect speech, personal and possessive pronouns, as well as personal forms of verbs, are conveyed on behalf of the author, narrator, and not on behalf of the person whose speech is being conveyed.

Direct speech Indirect speech

1) “I haven’t taken it for a long time Chichikov said, that he

checkers into your hands!» - govo- I haven’t picked it up for a long time
ril Chichikov.
(G.) ki checkers.

2) “What’s your name?” - The landowner asked How
asked the landowner.
(G.) his name.

2. If direct speech is expressed by a declarative sentence, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by an explanatory subordinate clause with the conjunction What.

Direct speech Indirect speech

Paul, leaving home, said to his mother, Paul, leaving home, said to his mother: "On Saturday

That on Saturday he will have guests, I will have guests from the city.”

From the city.

3. If direct speech denotes an impulse, an order, a request and the predicate in it is expressed by a verb in the imperative mood, then when replacing the indirect speech it is conveyed by a subordinate explanatory clause with a conjunction to.

Direct speech

“Let him [the man] go”- I whispered in Biryuk’s ear...(T.)

Indirect speech

I whispered to Biryuk to let the guy go

Direct speech, in which the predicate is expressed in the imperative mood, can also be conveyed in a simple sentence with an addition in an indefinite form.

Direct speech

“Shine the light to the master», - Biryuk said to the girl.

Indirect speech

Biryuk told the girl shine the light on the master.

4. If direct speech is an interrogative sentence, then when replacing indirect speech it is conveyed by an indirect question (with the particle whether or without it through allied words which, which, what etc.). When asking an indirect question, there is no question mark.

Direct speech

1) “Have you heard from your son?” - I finally asked her.(T.)

Indirect speech

I finally asked her has she heard from her son?

Direct speech Indirect speech

2) "Which one will be yours? Sobakevich finally asked
last price?
- suddenly, which same will be his
Sobakevich finally has strength.
(G.) last price.

5. Indirect speech is less expressive and less emotional than direct speech. Addresses, interjections, and particles present in direct speech are omitted when replacing it with indirect speech. Their meanings can sometimes only be conveyed by other words, more or less close to them in meaning. In this case, an approximate retelling of direct speech is obtained.

Direct speech Indirect speech

He [the stranger] leaned towards The stranger leaned towards

and asked her: "Dog, poor dog, kindly

where are you from? I youasked where is she from?

Injury? Oh poor, poor... did he hurt her, he tried to convince

Well, don’t be angry, don’t be angry, I asked

fuck... It’s my fault.” (Ch.) excuse him.

Exercise 47

Write down, replacing direct speech with indirect speech. Pay special attention to the use of pronouns.

1) “I’m sincerely glad,” he [Nikolai Petrovich] began, “and grateful for the good intention to visit us.” 2) “Live, live, guys, help!” - Nikolai Petrovich exclaimed. 3) “And this ahead, it seems, is our forest?” - asked Arkady. 4) “Where is your new friend?” - he asked [Pavel Petrovich] Arkady. 5) “My grandfather plowed the land,” Bazarov answered with arrogant pride. 6) “Would you like some more tea?” - said Fenechka. 7) “Yes, yes, I know you, Bazarov,” she [Kukshina] repeated. - Would you like a cigar? 8) “My name is Arkady Nikolaevich Kirsanov,” said Arkady, “and I don’t do anything.” 9) “Let’s go for a walk tomorrow morning,” Anna Sergeevna said to Bazarov, “I want to learn from you the Latin names of field plants and their properties.” 10) “Down the curtain and sit down,” said Odintsova, “I would like to chat with you before you leave.” 11) Arkady, with the same smile, said to Bazarov: “Evgeny, take me with you, I want to go to you.” 12) “I’m sincerely glad to meet you,” said Vasily Ivanovich, “but you won’t blame me: I do everything here in simplicity, on a military footing. Arina Vlasyevna, calm down, do me a favor: what kind of cowardice is this?” (I. Turgenev)

Exercise 48

Read it. Indicate what mistakes were made when transmitting direct speech to indirect speech. Copy, correcting the sentences.

1) Bazarov answered Pavel Petrovich that building is not our business, first we need to clear the place. 2) Chichikov wanted to find out from Korobochka where they went. 3) Bazarov tells Arkady that your father is a retired man, his song is finished. 4) Savelich asked Grinev if he recognized the chieftain. 5) When Raskolnikov met Sonya, he did not immediately tell her that it was I who killed the old pawnbroker.

490. Compose and write down six sentences with direct speech (they should contain personal or possessive pronouns if possible), then transfer direct speech to indirect speech.