Tomorrow's horoscope for Gemini man is accurate. Men's health horoscope

This astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the sign Gemini. If the overwhelming number of luminaries and planets in your horoscope are in the sign of Gemini, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Gemini horoscope for 2018: joy and luck

Almost throughout 2018, until November 9, Gemini’s Jupiter will be in the 6th house - the area of ​​​​work and health. Then it moves to the 7th house, which is responsible for personal life.


In 2018, work will be extremely easy for Gemini. They will not be burdened by what they do and will earn good money. Representatives of this sign will demonstrate remarkable organizational skills, but they themselves will be able to easily collaborate with other people if necessary. If they have to provide a favor to someone, they will do it with pleasure.

Relationships in the workplace will be excellent, this applies to the entire team as a whole, subordinates and superiors. If Geminis are offended by their boss, they will prefer to hide it, if... for some reason, they will not be satisfied with their subordinates, then they will also try not to demonstrate this. The job will be permanent, stable and well paid.

Under the influence of Jupiter in the 6th house, Gemini may begin to engage in some kind of charitable activity, generously giving the fruits of their labor for the benefit of those in need or the entire society as a whole. Since the 6th house is also the house of health, doctors born under the sign of Gemini can achieve particular success, including financial success. They will not have any problems with clientele in 2018.


In the field of health, representatives of this sign at the beginning of 2018, and subsequently, are not expected to have any special problems. Even if they feel unwell, it will not last long, Gemini will quickly recover. They will be able to count, if necessary, on the best treatment and touching care from others.

According to the Gemini horoscope of 2018, this will be a period when representatives of this sign will even enjoy their illness, and therefore, when they have some problems at work or in their personal lives, they will willingly pretend to be sick, counting on sympathy and understanding. And receiving them to the fullest. However, all illnesses during this period will be caused mainly by excessive work, the desire to achieve a quick result, or some kind of excess.

Geminis need to remember that everything is good in moderation and even positive results or impressions in too large quantities can be harmful.

If Jupiter is affected, liver problems, excess weight gain, or the development of tumor processes are likely.

Personal life

Starting from May 15, 2018, Jupiter in this sign moves into the 7th house, which is responsible for personal life, marriage and partnerships. From this day on, a happy and beneficial period begins here. If Gemini had any problems in their relationship with their partner, they will be resolved in the most successful way.

As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, Gemini can hope for a happy meeting with the love of their life, who, at the same time, will also be financially secure. There will be a high probability of a very profitable and happy marriage. If the energy of Jupiter is used incorrectly, Gemini will treat their partner with excessive optimism, without subjecting him to any criticism, which can lead to becoming dependent on the relationship.

In general, starting from the second half of May 2018, Gemini will be able to count on complete understanding with their soulmate; their relationship will be built on common goals and mutual feelings, so they will be strong and long-lasting. Gemini will selflessly serve their partner, receiving the same in return and full support in all endeavors.

In some cases, the Gemini partner may be older in age, in others - wiser and more experienced. Such a partner will be able to play a big role not only in the personal, but also in the professional sphere for Gemini. Or any other time when needed. Gemini will be able to engage in some kind of joint activity with their soulmate or go on an educational journey. All this will greatly contribute to your social growth and well-being.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: difficulties and trials

During 2018, Saturn will be in Gemini's 8th house - the house of birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and changes in egregor. This house can bring success and destruction in equal measure.

Extreme and fears

In 2018, Gemini will need to work through various extreme situations and their attitude towards them. Therefore, one should not be surprised that every now and then they will fall from one crisis to another and quite a lot of work will be required to resolve them.

It will be very important during this period to draw the right conclusions and correctly interpret the signs that fate sends you. The task is to learn, through careful analysis, to find a way out on your own, using only your own will and enthusiasm. Give up pride and selfishness.

With the correct use of Saturn's energy, in 2018 Gemini will be able to successfully and consistently overcome any problems that arise; if it is negative, there will be a danger of developing all kinds of phobias, sometimes very irrational.

Many Geminis in 2018 may have a great interest in the occult and various kinds of magical practices as a means of overcoming crisis situations. If they are able to master them, they may develop a certain vanity based on a skill that others cannot achieve. And this will not affect the development of Gemini for the best.

Other people's money

Under the influence of Saturn in the 8th house, Gemini will successfully manage other people's money, investing it in various funds, enterprises or in some other way. This could be money from business partners or marriage partners, relatives or friends. The Gemini horoscope for 2018 predicts that they will borrow from someone in order to develop their own business and very soon they will be able to pay it back, even with a profit.

Bankers, financial brokers, politicians, and lawyers can achieve particular success in their activities with this position of Saturn. The main task of Gemini during this period is to carefully and wisely manage what has been entrusted to them, not to strive to make a quick profit, but to slowly build the building one brick at a time.

If Saturn's energy is used incorrectly, financial disputes are likely to arise, including due to inheritance, or negligent attitude towards entrusted money and, as a result, subsequent litigation.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: surprises and surprises

In 2018, until May 15, Gemini will have Uranus in the 11th house - the house of like-minded people and well-wishers. Then he moves into the 12th house - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsecrets, restrictions, solitude and service to higher powers.

Close surroundings

This position of Uranus will bring Gemini many unusual new acquaintances. According to the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will help many of those around them, but will do it in some strange or unusual way.

Despite the fact that during this period Gemini will have many interesting ideas, not everyone around them will understand them due to the fact that they will seem somewhat arrogant. And all because in 2018 Gemini will be in dire need of the admiration of others, at the same time, due to internal tightness, it will be very difficult for them to establish closer relationships with their new acquaintances. The more unusual friends Gemini has, the better they will feel, because such communication will not only make their life varied, but will also provide the necessary food for the mind.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 warns that unusual notes may appear in sexual relationships. Perhaps Gemini will want to try something new for themselves in this area, and therefore they may have certain problems. Either there will be misunderstanding and rejection on the part of the permanent partner, or Gemini themselves will be disappointed with their failure or the experience gained. Sexual relationships with several partners are possible - Gemini will really want variety. However, they will not limit their partners in any way either.

If the energy of Uranus is used incorrectly, Gemini will try to use their friends and acquaintances for their own purposes, and as soon as they achieve what they want, they will immediately forget about them. Such selfishness will bring Gemini many problems in 2018, both in public and personal life.

As the horoscope for Gemini for 2018 promises, they will make new connections very easily and break them just as easily; passionate affection and tender friendship will be replaced by sudden and sharp alienation, even outright enmity. Scandals will probably arise on this basis, including those of an intimate nature.

The same can be said about working in a team. The horoscope for 2018 notes that Gemini will willingly take part in the work and just as willingly leave the group without warning. The desire for freedom is wonderful, but it will be important to try to reduce the destruction you cause to a minimum.


After Uranus moves into the 12th house, Gemini will try to completely destroy all the patterns and restrictions imposed on them. They will have a special interest in mystical events and any secrets. And the representatives of this sign themselves will not mind surrounding their lives with all sorts of secrets, preferring not to share their plans with anyone and act behind the scenes.

Some will have many secret love affairs, others will indulge in meditation and various spiritual practices in solitude, but in such a way that no one will know about it. Still others join some secret organization. Still others may develop some secret inclinations of a scandalous nature. A fifth will engage in unspoken charity.

In any case, all this can seriously complicate the life of Gemini and lead to the occurrence of neuroses and related diseases. And exposure will threaten them with major scandals.

It is possible that during this period Gemini will be attacked by some secret enemies. Rumors and gossip will be spread about them, the source of which will remain unknown. Under the influence of uranus in the 12th house, there will be a serious danger of ending up in a hospital for a long time or being subjected to imprisonment or house arrest.

Gemini horoscope for 2018: mysterious and spiritual

During 2018, Neptune will be in Gemini's 1st house and will stay there for a long time. The 10th house is the area of ​​personal success and career, all kinds of social achievements.


Gemini's career aspirations in 2018 will be aimed at benefiting as many people as possible, ideally all of humanity. But at the same time, they will want to do it in some unusual way. In addition, Gemini's opportunities during this period will not correspond to their desires. Therefore, if the energy of Neptune is used incorrectly, representatives of this sign will begin to doubt themselves.

Career development will be especially favorable for those Geminis who are engaged in some kind of secret activity, for example, are in the secret service. Much can be achieved thanks to your natural diplomatic abilities. As the horoscope predicts, in 2018, Gemini will perfectly understand the feelings and motives that drive other people. Psychologists, astrologers, psychics and clergy have good prospects.

In 2018, Gemini will need to refrain from any intrigues in their official positions. This will not contribute to moving up the ladder; on the contrary, it can cause an unpleasant scandal, which will significantly damage the representatives of this sign, creating a negative reputation for them.

To achieve success, you will need to set clear and precise goals. And this will not be easy, because in 2018 Gemini will be inclined to over-fantasize, build castles in the air and incorrectly assess the current situation. Chaos and confusion will lead to frustration and indecision, which in turn will often lead to poor decision making.

On the other hand, the situation will favor those Geminis in 2018 who are engaged in some kind of abstract activity that requires a good imagination, for example, science fiction writers, philosophers, inventors, composers, actors. Activities related to graphic design can be extremely successful.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: major changes

Throughout 2018, Pluto will be in the sign of Gemini in the 8th house - birth, death, extreme situations, conscious fears, other people's finances and changes in egregor.

This location of Pluto again sends us to the area of ​​collective finance, for the management of which in 2018 Gemini will have great abilities and the same opportunities.

If Pluto's energy is used incorrectly, Gemini will risk getting into a serious financial scandal, from which it will be possible to get out only at the cost of serious financial losses.

But this position of Pluto also gives significant abilities for practicing magic or spiritual practices. Therefore, in 2018, Gemini may feel a serious interest in this area. Some representatives of the sign will completely devote themselves to serving some kind of spiritual cult. Or they will suddenly discover that they have psychic abilities.

Gemini will be able to exert a strong occult influence on others. Some of them will take up prophecy, while others will use their abilities to apply them to research work, where they will be able to intuitively predict the outcome of any experiment with incredible accuracy. Thanks to such abilities, Geminis will not only be able to find the right way out of any extreme situation, of which they will have many, but will also help other people with deeds or advice.

The presence of Pluto in the 8th house often gives people powerful sexual energy. Therefore, in 2018, Gemini will be incredibly attractive to people of the opposite sex and will literally twist ropes out of them. Unfortunately, this can also bring a lot of trouble for Gemini in 2018. The opposite option is also possible - turning into absolute asexuality.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini: the vector of your destiny

During 2018, the ascending Northern Lunar Node will be located at the sign of Gemini in the 3rd house - the house of relatives, inner circle and information. The descending South Node of the Moon will be in the 9th house - the house of philosophy, travel and distant surroundings.

In 2018, their immediate environment - relatives, friends, neighbors and established traditions - is of particular importance for Gemini. You need to direct all your attention to them to improve your life and strengthen your authority. You should also collaborate more with those people who are close to you - their help and contribution to the common cause will be invaluable.

In 2018, Gemini may experience an instinctive fear of traveling abroad or aversion to everything foreign - this is completely normal, such contacts should be kept to a minimum. It’s better to give up a busy social life altogether and devote your time to relatives and home.

Your strength will lie in the secret knowledge that you have learned from your past incarnations, and your task is to put it into practice in real life. Gemini will need not to brush aside the views of others, not to try to teach them, but to listen to other people’s opinions and learn themselves.

Gemini May 21 - June 21

For most Geminis, financial and professional responsibility will be important themes in 2018. But if you are persistent in your work and do not shirk your responsibilities, you can achieve a lot, improve your social status and professional reputation. This is alsotime for new business and personal acquaintances, foreign contacts, solving the issue of education, conditions may arise for travel, connections with foreign partners, with foreign missions.

Until November 8, Jupiter will be in your sixth astropolis. During 2018, this transit brings revitalization to work relationships and professional tasks. For some Geminis, this year may bring a change of job, for some of you there will be new favorable opportunities in your current job: a raise or better working conditions. This is a good time for part-time work, part-time work, there will be opportunities to earn extra money. Relationships with co-workers may improve, and interaction with them will help you complete your tasks. Businessmen will be able to establish contact with employees, unite the team of subordinates and increase productivity at work. But regardless of your profession and position, you have to put things in order and make your work rhythm optimal. If you are planning to open new enterprises, then it is better to postpone this idea until the second ten days of December.But work to strengthen the current business and consolidate forces will now be important. It's better to maintain what you already have. This year favors Gemini creative people, artists, designers, as well as those who work with words - writers, poets, journalists.

January 31 and July 27, and February 15 and August 11 are on the axis 03-09 of the astropolis; contacts with the immediate environment, the sphere of short and long-distance connections, trips, contacts with relatives and friends living abroad, with foreign partners, preparation of important documents, work with information are on the agenda of the year. , topics of publications, training, higher education, writing and defending a dissertation. The knowledge you gain this year will be useful in the future. Your awareness and competence, as well as your ability to generate and develop ideas, will play an important role in your work. This is a good time for students. Geminis who want to go abroad to study can make their dreams come true this year. During periods of eclipses, new information, contacts with your immediate environment or with foreign countries, can cause changes in your attitude towards some personal connections, changes in your attitude towards the world.from May 12 to mid-October also emphasizes this theme.

Another topic of the year is financial relations and the management of funds, issues of responsible attitude towards money and material obligations. In December 2017, Saturn entered your astropolis of joint finances, loans, financial relationships, money from your partner or sponsor, joint investments and crisis circumstances, and will remain here until mid-December 2020.In 2018, caution is needed in matters of loans, investments, insurance, and taxation. Now you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before taking on any financial obligations, so that failure to fulfill them does not cause problems. If tax issues are not given due attention or if you deliberately avoided paying them, during this transit there will be a need to “pay bills” and have troubles with the tax authorities. Therefore, it is worth keeping your financial documents in order and acting within the established rules. This is the time when you need to learn to live within your means, not get involved in risky projects and adventures, and review your financial policy, making it adequate and reasonable. Circumstances or your desires may lead to significant expenses, but this can lead to a hole in the budget that will be difficult to “patch”. Therefore, be careful and prudent.

At the same time, 2018 may be favorable for reducing debt or repaying a previously taken loan, but not only due to income, but also due to the reduction of expenses that are not necessary. Thus, you can get rid of painful financial obligations by turning on savings mode, reviewing and optimizing your financial policy.

In January, the first half of March, in April, from May 25 to June 8 and in the second half of June, in mid-July and in the second half of August, at the end of September and beginning of October, financial relationships with partners in marriage or business may require your attention. income and profit. In business, there may be involvement in solving problems with corporate finance, the need to change business plans; partners may not provide the required level of support or cause financial difficulties. In this regard, the period from mid-June to August 20 will be more difficult. In personal relationships and business, try to maintain good relationships with your partners. If you want to control the situation, you need to defend your position in a balanced and calm manner, not throw words to the wind, and prepare additional arguments when discussing controversial issues. Try to resolve all disagreements by agreement, without bringing the matter to trial, since if you start a conflict or file a lawsuit on retro-Mars, from mid-June to August 27, you are likely to lose.Read more about what is possible and what is not recommended to do in read my article on this topic .

July 13 at 20°41" Cancer also falls into the second field - your sphere of finance, life support, personal resources. Against the backdrop of Saturn's transit through another financial astropolis, this is another warning about the need for caution in financial decisions. At this time, you should not risk money , take loans or lend. From the second ten days of June to August 27 and from the beginning of October to the second week of December, investments and any capital investments, new financial partnerships are not favorable, expectations from partnerships and investments will not justify themselves.

From November 8, Jupiter will move into the sector of partnerships, cooperation, external relations and marriage, and will remain there until December 2, 2019. This period promotes new acquaintances and an active social life. You may become involved in the affairs of cultural, religious, or political groups. At this time, you will gain the advantage of working in partnership. This is a favorable period for resolving legal disagreements, starting partnership projects, cooperation, teaching, and consulting work. This is a good time for marriage. In 2018, the positive effect of this transit occurs from the second ten days of December.

More details about some periods of the year.

January may bring new opportunities at work. This is a favorable time for receiving financial support; there may be income thanks to a partner in business or marriage. You may need to take care of the finances and property you own jointly with your spouse or business partner. In the second ten days of January, you need to be careful with your finances; it is better not to borrow or lend. In personal relationships at this time, there may be tension, misunderstandings, and emotional difficulties may be associated with accumulated discontent. It is better not to bring the situation to a crisis by sorting things out.

From January 18 to February 20, interesting ideas or information may appear that will be important and may affect your long-term plans. January 31st will be at 11°37" Leo in the 03rd astropolis, and on February 15 at 27°07" Aquarius willin the 09th astropolis. During this period mThe issue of admission to a course of study, preparation of important documents, and education abroad may be successfully resolved. For Geminis who want to start teaching face-to-face or remotely, or work in the form of webinars, this is a good period. This time can bring romantic and business acquaintances. This is a good period for foreign travel, solving educational issues, publications from which you want to get resonance, and a good time for presenting your ideas. Dating during this period is also important and will play a role in the future. At the same time, this is the timemay be the completion of some stage in education and the choice of a new direction. This period will show the pros and cons of previous ideas. The situations in the second half of January and February may be relevant over the next six months.

From the second ten days of February to mid-March is a good time for developing started projects, actively working on professional tasks, business trips, implementing plans, and changing jobs. The second half of February is a good time to start new projects and startups. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the following days: February 15-19 and February 23-26. At this time, conflicts with partners or superiors and increased activity of competitors are possible. Be careful in business, there is a possibility of serious miscalculations in your work. Take care of secrets, be careful in relationships, especially with new people, do not get drawn into intrigue. It is better not to schedule important negotiations on these days; you should not sign long-term agreements. There is a possibility of deception or confusion, dishonesty of partners.

From March 6 to April 19, the period when collaboration and collective projects will be most favorable. Interacting with others and participating in joint projects will now benefit your cause and help you achieve your goals. Relationships with friends at this time can play an important role and will be useful, friendships can develop into romantic ones. At this time there may be interesting trips, romantic and business acquaintances, new friendships. But for starting new romantic relationships and cooperation in business, for starting a new course of study, or changing jobs, the period before March 20 is more favorable.

At the same time, on March 09-14, Venus and your ruler Mercury will be square with Saturn. This is a bad time for travel, discussions, or starting a new relationship. Plans may encounter obstacles, communication and mutual understanding will be difficult. Be careful when working with important documents and be careful in your work. Since mistakes at this time will cause difficulties or problems in the first half of April.

From March 23 to April 15, your ruler is in the astropolis of plans, hopes, friends, participation in communities and groups, and joint projects. At this time, you should reconsider your plans. If before, when setting tasks and goals for yourself, you were guided only by personal interests, now you should listen to the opinions of friends or those people you trust in order to enlist their support and adjust your further steps taking into account common interests. This way you will sooner get what you are striving for. Don't try to dominate your circle of friends, but now you need to learn how to participate or work in a group without sacrificing your integrity. This is a good time to determine “who is who” and understand what relationships or participation in a group mean to you. This time can strengthen time-tested relationships. But the retro-Mercury square to Saturn, which will be throughout April, can cause complications in relationships with relatives, friends or project colleagues, and perhaps some relationships will end as a result. At this time, it is worth returning to deferred ideas and projects, finalizing them and starting implementation after April 16.

From April 17 to the second ten days of June is a good time for personal initiatives, new beginnings, foreign trips, acquaintances, new business contacts, and starting a new course of study, including abroad. From the end of May to June 5, the issue of project financing can be successfully resolved. This is a good period for purchases; cash receipts from previous investments, receiving a bonus or a salary increase are possible.

In the first half of May, try to resolve all disputes and conflicts by agreement. Be careful in your financial decisions. Mistakes and conflicts in the first half of May can have lasting consequences and will cause complications in the second half of August. Therefore, caution is needed. Do not use dubious means to achieve goals and do not allow yourself to be drawn into dubious transactions and relationships, take care of your account and wallet.

From May 16 to August 13 and from September 11 to November 15, Mars will be in trine to your sign. At this time, conditions may arise for travel, communication with foreign friends and partners, distant relatives, and cooperation with foreign missions may be established. Opportunities will appear in resolving issues of higher education, foreign contacts, publishing, teaching activities, and publications. This is a period of active communication, you will more often participate in negotiations or discussions, meet new people, and travel. This is a good time for intellectual activity, literary and journalistic professions. But not all of this period is equal and successful for new business relationships.

June 14-26, issues of paperwork and relationships with relatives may cause difficulties. Difficulties in foreign contacts and forced expenses are likely.

From June 26 to August 27 in your ninth and eighth astropolis. During this period, business endeavors can get bogged down in various kinds of obstacles, financial complications, and the unreliability of those on whom you rely. In new cases, things may take longer and be more difficult than initially expected. Difficulties in travel, delays in paperwork, foreign cooperation or in resolving issues of higher education are likely. This is an unfavorable period for new business ventures, new partnerships and new romances. I wrote more about what is possible and what is not recommended to do during this time in a separate material on the period.

In general, July does not bring difficult aspects; at the beginning of July, a long-standing financial issue may be resolved. For some Geminis, this is a time for salary increases, and working conditions may change for the better. There may be training costs.

July 13 at 20°41" Cancer Cancer falls on the second astropolis - your sphere of finance, life support, personal resources. You will have to resolve issues of material dependence on others or the dependence of others on your help. It is worth reconsidering your approaches to financial issues and developing a more rational financial a policy that will allow you to be more independent. But the theme of this eclipse is also your skills, talents, your ability to do something that you can convert into payment for your skills. At this time, you need to refrain from making large purchases, not taking them. loans and other financial obligations. Possible financial mistakes will be painful and their consequences will be long-lasting.

The period from July 26 to August 19 in the third astropolis falls on the period of eclipses and. This is the most inopportune time for new beginnings. On July 27 at 04°44" Aquarius will be in your 09th astropolis. This time will cause you to solve some old problem in order to complete it. This period may also be associated with the end of studies or some stage in education. At the end In July or early August, unexpected news may come, information that will change plans. Contacts in your immediate environment or with foreign countries may cause changes in your attitude towards some people. Complications in relationships with colleagues or relatives are likely, but also changes in your worldview. In business, the introduction of new regulations and rules can slow down the work process, you can expect a revision of the terms of transactions. Delays in foreign deliveries are likely, and misunderstandings in current transactions may need to be resolved. There may be issues related to paperwork, registration or re-registration of documents. time, you need to be careful when handling new information and working with documents to avoid mistakes. Bring everything related to paperwork into the system. You will be able to take the initiative if you keep your emotions under control. These days there will be a tendency to exceed the speed while driving a car, incidents are likely on the road, to avoid this, caution is needed.

August 11 at 18°41" Leo will be in your 03rd astropolis, initiating topics of travel, commerce, paperwork, visas and other important papers. This is a good time to resume studies. Business trips or short trips are possible. Relationships with neighbors or relatives may require your attention, you will need to resolve misunderstandings. Be restrained in your statements, do not enter into conflicts with colleagues, try to listen more and talk less, be attentive to the opinions of other people. vision, which can be very instructive. If you go on a trip, be careful, carefully coordinate the route and check the coordinates of those you are going to in order to avoid delays and inconsistencies. Pay attention to professional training, advanced training, but refrain from experiments and drastic changes. .

At the same time, in the second half of August the old problem may be resolved positively. New ideas or suggestions may appear. But the more promising ones will be those that come after August 19. If there is a need to make important decisions, it is better to do this after August 19, and even better - after August 27.

From August 29 to the end of September is a good period for solving real estate issues, moving, and starting creative projects. Working conditions may improve, and necessary contacts may be made. At the end of September, foreign contacts, trips, new initiatives, presentation of your ideas and projects are favorable. There may be interesting creative or business ideas that are worth considering.

From October 05 to November 16, Venus will be retrograde in your sixth and fifth astropolis. In October, Venus puts the emphasis on your daily needs. If something in your daily schedule prevents you from feeling comfortable, reconsider your workload and optimize tasks. Consider new approaches in your relationships with subordinates if the previous ones no longer satisfy you. Take care of your health, listen to your body. Now you can more accurately understand what you need in everyday life to maintain good physical and psychological shape. In the second decade, various kinds of financial projects may mature, which should be abandoned. Save money, do not spend money more than necessary on maintenance of life and current expenses. Until the second week of December, investments and any operations related to investing funds will not bring the expected return. On October 25-30, new opportunities may appear in your work; do not refuse new tasks and workloads; completing them will strengthen your position and provide useful experience. Now you can get important information that will be useful in the future.

In November it will be in the fifth astropolis, shifting the emphasis to the theme of creativity, entertainment, relationships with children and loved ones. In the first half of October, new romantic acquaintances are likely, but you should not get carried away with new romances, they will not last long. At this time, old connections and relationships are favorable. The old love may return and it will be more reliable than a new hobby. Return to postponed creative projects, finalize creative and business ideas, devote time to hobbies, strengthen relationships with loved ones and children.What is recommended to do in , and what you should refrain from, I wrote in more detail in an article on this topic .

From November 12, your ruler Mercury will be in a long square with Neptune. From November 17 to December 06 in the astropolis of partnership and daily duties. This period is unfavorable for making important decisions, including financial ones. Misconceptions and connections with unreliable people or scammers are possible, especially on November 12-20 and in the first week of December. New partnerships and acquaintances at this time will cause subsequent problems and disappointments. At this time, problems in relationships with partners, dishonesty, illusions regarding ideas, people and proposals are likely. A previous mistake or deception may be revealed. Be careful when performing your duties. Use only legal methods. At this time, unreliable information can lead to a break from reality and miscalculations, errors in work, which can cause conflicts and work problems. Take care of your secrets and resist the temptation to reveal other people's secrets. Don't make important decisions.
In the first week of December will be in your astropolis of health, daily duties and work environment. Working conditions may be subject to revision and schedules may change. You need to pay attention to your work routine, not get involved in intrigues, and take care of your health. All this will help you better understand the essence of what is happening and prevent mistaken steps.

From the second ten days of December the situation returns to normal. There will be a more favorable period until the end of December. New offers of cooperation, new prospects in business and personal relationships may appear. But the exception will be December 23-25 ​​- these days are unfavorable for making new acquaintances and signing important agreements– deception or illusions are likely. This is the time when mistakes or shortcomings of November may affect. Be smart and you can end the year with new perspectives.

Now some clarifications about deans.

Gemini, born 01.06-11.06 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Gemini)

For you, this year will be a time of preparation for a new important stage, which will begin in December 2018, and a time of getting rid of illusions. Your decan receives a square of Neptune from the 10th astropolis, the influence of which Gemini, born in early June, already became acquainted with last year. Now it will affect Geminis born on June 03-08 more. This aspect awakens idealism, your protective barriers become thinner, and you are able to discern nuances of psychological and spiritual states that may previously have been beyond your perception. This is a time of inspiration and romanticism. This in itself is not bad and can bring “wonderful moments” into your life. But the downside of this influence is that at times you can be demoralized, experience self-doubt and uncertainty in your ability to achieve your goal. This is a favorable time for poets, artists and musicians; for them it is a fruitful period for creating new creations. But at this time it is difficult to keep the goal, you may doubt what direction in your profession and life to go next. Probably something else - this time may encourage you to strive for unrealistic goals and dubious connections. Remember to check your plans against reality, as there will be a tendency to wishful thinking. If one of you finds yourself at a crossroads and without certain beacons, do not lose heart and do not rush into dubious projects and dubious relationships. There's no need to rush now. Devote more time to training, mastering new professional skills, and improving your qualifications.

An unexpected or long-awaited pregnancy is likely this year, which will force you to reconsider your long-term projects and recalibrate plans for the future. This is also a time of falling in love, but also of illusions, delusions, when the object of adoration may have little in common with how you imagine it. Therefore, in the period from the beginning of June 26 to August 27 and from October to the second week of December, it is better not to enter into a new relationship. Don’t rush things - yours will not leave you, but will be eliminated unnecessarily. At this time, the body may be weakened, so you need to take care of yourself, especially during periods of seasonal epidemics. And it is also important not to get carried away with alcohol and substances with a similar type of effect.

January 31 and August 11th falls on your dean. The most important time for the implementation of plans and plans will be the second half of January and the beginning of February. The first half of August is also a dynamic period, but it has specifics that need to be taken into account. Therefore, read the sections in the general part of the forecast, since the information there applies primarily to you.

In mid-February, in the first week of March, in the first week of June, in mid-September, and especially in mid-November, a lack of criticality will prevent you from seeing the real state of things. At this time, there is a risk of contacts with scammers and swindlers. But don’t allow facts to be distorted, even for diplomatic reasons. You should strive for clarity in relationships. If you act evasively to avoid confrontation, it will only complicate the situation later. Be careful in negotiations, as during these periods there may be attempts to deceive. Don't get caught up in intrigue. It is better not to enter into long-term deals. The November retro period of Mercury primarily affects your dean, so read the recommendations for this time in the general part of the forecast.

From the last ten days of December 2018, the opposition of Jupiter from the field of partnership will begin to operate, which will be an important aspect of 2019. A more dynamic and fruitful period will begin for you. Opportunities in business, cooperation and partnership will increase, and social life will become more active. Openness and flexibility will increase your chances of success. But when getting carried away with new ideas and projects, do not forget to make allowances for reality, as there will be a tendency to overestimate your strength.

Gemini, born 06/12-06/21 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Gemini)

In 2018, you will have the opportunity to realize bold plans, find new friends and new goals. February 15 relates primarily to your dean, so read the recommendations for the period of the second half of January and February in the main part of the forecast. February can bring unexpected opportunities, plans and desired changes, although you will have chances to do so for most of the year. Your decan has a stimulating sextile of Uranus, which will last until May 15 and from November 6 until the end of the year. This aspect increases creativity, creates circumstances that will allow you to find innovative solutions to emerging problems, and provides new opportunities in your work. This is a good time to use new technologies, innovations, to study astrology, for those of you who work with the latest technologies, in the IT field, and are involved in the implementation of scientific developments in production and business. This is a good time to participate in joint projects, to launch Internet projects, to study, travel abroad, work abroad and make important changes. New opportunities may appear thanks to friends, and the scope of your contacts and business connections will expand. Unexpected opportunities for promotion or job changes may arise.

If Gemini studies the forecasts from the horoscope for 2018, they will be able to feel harmonious during this period. The heavenly bodies have prepared many surprises for those who know how to take risks and enjoy life. After reading the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will understand what bonuses and difficulties the Earth Dog has prepared for them. The patroness of 2018 will help lonely signs find love, and those who are confused will find a decent way out of the situation. Financial victories await the most stubborn constellations. Not everyone will have luck on their side, however, if they start to lead in business, it will be for a long time.


At the beginning of the year, the horoscope advises men to show perseverance and perseverance in achieving their goals. If a Gemini man sets himself a task, then he should go to the end until he gets what he wants. At the end of February, married men will experience difficulties in their families. Those who belong to the following oriental animals: Ox, Snake, Horse and Rabbit should tackle current problems. The horoscope indicates that it would be a good idea for airy men to visit a family psychologist with their spouse. By giving preference to jogging and exercise in the fresh air, the zodiac sign will feel the desired harmony in late spring and early summer.

Single men do not need to forget about their parents. Throughout 2018, Gemini will be passionate about fun and relaxation, which may have a negative impact on communication with relatives. Rooster, Tiger and Pig need to think about finding their other half. This threesome will have good chances if they decide to build a couple with an old friend or a girl they know. Free recommendations from the horoscope indicate that the most successful period for any undertakings for the constellation will be September. If air men decide to start a business with a relative, then it is important for them to think 100 times before doing so. Heavenly bodies predict that if you do things alone, you can succeed much faster.

The Earth Dog will give men good intuition. If they feel that danger is lurking somewhere, then they should listen to their inner voice. Health problems await those who begin to abuse alcohol and nicotine. The following people should pay special attention to their well-being: Tiger, Rabbit and Ox. This trio may have health problems due to overwork at work.


Having studied the horoscope for 2018, Gemini will be able to manage their lives correctly. A Gemini woman must learn to save and manage her budget wisely. Financial difficulties may arise in mid-January, as well as in October. Free horoscope predictions indicate that married women may experience problems in their marriage. It is important to pay more attention to your spouse at the end of May and beginning of November (especially the Rooster, Snake and Horse). A rival may appear on the horizon, so you need to be more careful.

"Attention! In December, the Moon will endow airy women with unexpected determination. This mood will allow the fair sex to end hopeless relationships, as well as insincere friendships. The stars warn women that they do not need to be afraid of such changes, since everything that is not done is for the better! The following signs will have excellent prospects for realizing themselves in motherhood this year: Dog, Tiger, Ox and Goat. The horoscope advises women not to be afraid of any changes, since Gemini is completely ready for them.”

If in 2018 the fair sex feels guilty in front of friends or loved ones, then you should not be afraid to apologize. The fighting spirit of women (especially the Rooster and Snake) can lead to disastrous consequences. Yoga and dancing will help you become kinder and calmer. If women like martial arts, then they should not deny themselves this type of active leisure.


2018 will be a time of discovery for Gemini. Many will find new and quite attractive character traits in their partner. Other signs will be preparing to move to another level - living together or even getting married. Free horoscope forecasts will help women cope with their fears. At the beginning of spring, the fair sex does not need to doubt the decisions made. If girls have come to the conclusion to get together or break up with their loved ones, then this is only their conscious step. Women should consult more often, especially in autumn, with experienced family friends. Advice from the outside will help avoid many difficulties (especially for the Snake, Ox and Dog).

Having familiarized yourself with the love horoscope for 2018, Gemini men will be able to improve mutual understanding in their couple. The love horoscope predicts that many guys will be ready for a serious relationship and even the birth of a child. It is important for the Rooster, Tiger and Rabbit to decide to take a serious step. Married men will have to fight the temptations to sin in the arms of a beautiful acquaintance. Treason can take place in the following months: April, December and October. With the help of love advice, the stronger sex will avoid many troubles. To prevent the situation from reaching the point of adultery, you need to drink less (or give up alcohol altogether) in large groups.

A love horoscope will allow you to avoid most problems in your personal life absolutely free. If Gemini studies the love forecast carefully, they will understand in what situations it is necessary to behave more carefully. Singles, according to the love horoscope, have a good chance of falling in love in 2018. If single people stop being afraid and succumb to feelings, then a love tandem will be able to be built (in February, March, and October).


By carefully studying the financial horoscope, the constellations will be able to handle money correctly. Big expenses await those born under the Air element in September and late August. During this period, it is important to spend money on repairs, as well as travel. This year, an unexpected promotion up the career ladder awaits those who have been working towards it for a long time. The time has come for Goat, Tiger and Ox to prepare for honors. Minor financial difficulties await the Rooster, Snake and Rabbit. This trio needs to learn how to handle money correctly.

Free predictions from the stars advise representatives of the Air element to invest money in their development. Getting a second education, attending courses and seminars is something that is extremely important for the constellation! If Gemini feels that the time has come to learn foreign languages, then there is no need to spare money on new knowledge. Attending courses with experienced teachers will allow you to make a profitable investment. Having studied the horoscope for the upcoming 2018, Gemini will better understand what points they should pay attention to. The heavenly bodies say that the Earth Dog will offer good options for improving the financial situation; the main thing is to consider the possibilities.

Spending money on visiting a sanatorium is useful in the autumn for those who need rest. Morning jogging and nature walks on weekends will help you improve your health absolutely free. In the middle of the year, there is a high probability of receiving an unexpected gift or even an inheritance. The horoscope recommends that Gemini learn to save money for a deposit in 2018.

From Pavel Globa

Advice from Pavel Globa will help you arrange your personal happiness. The astrologer recommends paying attention to the following points:

  • Stop worrying about the future and enjoy today. This advice is especially necessary for the Tiger, Ox, Snake and Boar. This four will try to think through all the moments in advance, which will interfere with building love relationships and enjoying life;
  • Conflict less with others and start resolving issues peacefully. Those born under the sign: Rooster, Snake and Rabbit often like to quarrel. If this trio begins to behave calmer and more restrained, then those around them will be drawn to them. It is important to adhere to this recommendation in the workplace;
  • Spend more time on your personal life. Lonely constellations will only be lucky if they are determined to build a love tandem. For married Geminis, it is important not to run away from problems as a couple, but to confidently solve them;
  • Try not to borrow funds. Representatives of the Air element are very economical, which in 2018 will have a bad impact on their current situation.

If in the year of the Earth Dog those born during this period behave reasonably and forget about rash actions, then the stars will definitely give them new opportunities!

On February 15, 2018, Gemini can crow and stand on their heads, saying goodbye to the kind Red Rooster, but on the 16th, the air signs will hear a loud bark - the Yellow mistress of the year will climb onto her golden booth and notify the world of her arrival.

At the end of winter, it is advisable for airy children to get together with the Earth Dog and discuss plans for the future. The good dog will not leave you unattended - the mistress of 2018 will give Gemini several promising deals, and a lot of profitable and interesting offers.

In the spring, Gemini will bloom and smell – everyone will be enchanted by Mercury’s pets: both business partners and representatives of the opposite sex. The Yellow Dog knows how to keep secrets, so Gemini can trust her with all their secrets (and you have something to hide - the number of fans will be three-digit).

In the financial sphere, everything is cloudless - the kind Dog knows how to fairly distribute funds. In addition, the owner of 2018 has a booth full of chests with surprises - all the bills are numbered, and every piece of money dreams of meeting cute Geminis. However, there is a small problem - there are plenty of scammers among any zodiac sign, and in the year of the Dog they also dream of getting rich. The dog has heard a lot about the gullibility of Gemini, and will try to protect you from insidious and cunning competitors.

Since the Dog in 2018 is associated with the earth element, it will definitely help Gemini, who has a dacha. So the creatures of the air can sow radishes, grow pineapples, or think about a coffee plantation - the harvest will be the envy of everyone (it will go to relatives, friends and neighbors, and you will also get rich from sales).

The most interesting period for Gemini will be the summer of 2018. Mercury's pets will easily open their own business and become business tycoons (at worst, local oligarchs). It is better to plan your vacation for July or August - the Yellow Dog has sniffed out trips at ridiculous prices, and is about to deliver them to the Gemini in her snow-white teeth.

In the year of the Earth Dog, many Geminis will achieve not only financial well-being - your personal life is also at its best. Married pets of Mercury will finally improve relations with their marriage partners - you can dream about adding to the family and look for a spacious house. Free Geminis in the year of the Yellow Dog will be Cupid's favorites - the cheerful shooter will find his soul mate, organize a wedding, and encourage storks, just give a hint. It is better to plan ceremonies for the fall - the Dog will happily bark: yes, yes, yes, and will shower the newlyweds with yellow leaves to match the color of its fur.

In November, the life of frivolous Gemini will be like a fairy tale. The dog will be by your side until the end of his reign, and December 2018 is also full of miracles and magical changes. The main thing is not to wander in the enchanted forest and more often to listen to the affectionate yapping of the Yellow Mistress of the Year (the Dog will not advise anything bad and will bark only on business).

Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

The Year of the Dog will be full of love affairs - Gemini will even get tired of having affairs and going on dates every day.

The cheerful Dog will give Gemini meetings and acquaintances with interesting people. But there’s still no soul mate, and no – maybe it’s time to change the attitude towards the fans, and hear a marriage proposal behind the ornate compliments?! And there it’s not far from the registry office - the lady with the high curly hair will even cry at the sight of the charming airy creatures.

The fickle Gemini will become serious in the year of the Yellow Dog. The air signs themselves don’t believe in this, but you can’t argue with the stars - here you have a declaration of eternal love, family life, and even the birth of children. Have time to take a walk - the Mendelssohn march is about to be played for you. But if you are categorically against the registry office, then try living in a civil marriage - you will like it.

You are sweet and seductive - the poor fans don’t know what to think. Conquering Gemini is quite difficult, but the Dog will arrange everything in the best possible way, at least the pets of Mercury will not get away from long romances. True, some admirers will turn out to be annoying; here Gemini has two options: either change their appearance or leave for another country.

Business forecast for Gemini 2018

Money luck will be favorable, but it is better to strike the iron while it is, as they say, hot. Geminis need to show dexterity.

Gemini 1st decade (May 21-May 30) The more ideas your bright minds come to, the better - the Dog will support any endeavors. The most fantastic plans of the air guys can come true and lead to a great result, but here it is important to cast aside doubts and go ahead (even if the whole world is skeptical). And your competitors are already hiding in their holes - they are afraid to even think about you.

Gemini 2nd decade (May 31-June 10) The dog has prepared a lot of part-time jobs, and it is important for Gemini not to make a mistake with their choice. It is not advisable to take risks in 2018 - the money is already in your pocket. The crisis does not threaten you - the mistress of the year will teach you how to plan a budget. Some pets of Mercury will be able to spend big - a car for a couple of million honks outside the window, and a villa is being built on the ocean shore.

Gemini 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) Try not to lose control over cash flows – rivers of rubles and seas of dollars await Gemini. The dog will start barking invitingly at the beginning of the year - keep your ears on top, because even your competitors do not suffer from deafness. Many air guys will forget about loans and installment plans - you will deal with these matters in a couple of days.

Family horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Geminis are frivolous guys, but in the year of the Dog, Mercury's pets will come to their senses, and all efforts will be aimed at improving relationships with household members.

Gemini 1st decade (May 21-May 30) Even the Dog is jealous of you - the relationship with your family is ideal, the chosen one is ready to compose poems, and the children fulfill all the requirements. It turns out that for family happiness you need very little: patience and lack of criticism towards household members. Well, and of course, a friendly attitude - and Gemini has no problems with this, because you are famous cheerful people and optimists.

Gemini 2nd decade (May 31-June 10) Decent and honest, kind and fair - all these characteristics are ideal for Mercury pets. Is it any wonder that your family is delighted with you? The arrival of babies is also just around the corner - the Dog will even give away her favorite magic bedding, if only the airy children would quickly start equipping the children's room and purchasing strollers and soft toys.

Gemini 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) A dog will teach you to enjoy the little things. But remember - bringing happiness to loved ones is good, but it is advisable to act not to the detriment of yourself. Don’t let yourself be exploited, and your relationship with your family will be as good as possible. If the horoscope is read by free Gemini, then pleasant acquaintances await you, and family life is not far off.

Health horoscope for Gemini 2018

The mistress of the year will drive away any cold, and the blues in 2018 will not come close to the cheerful and cheerful pets of Mercury.

Gemini 1st decade (May 21-May 30) In the year of the Earthy Yellow Dog, no health problems are expected, but Gemini should adhere to the rule in everything: no excesses. Delicious food in moderation, drinking alcohol only on holidays, and there can be no talk about other bad habits - you should become an example for all zodiac signs. Yes, and try to avoid drafts!

Gemini 2nd decade (May 31-June 10) You are a hot and impetuous people - learn to control your emotions and do not get irritated over trifles. Take the example of the owner of the year - the dog is always calm, and growls only as a last resort. And the most important stellar advice is to communicate with positive people, and wave your hand at all the whiners (they are always whining, and is it worth paying attention to them).

Gemini 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) The dog moves a lot, and she advises Gemini to do the same. Buy an expensive sports suit, buy skis (roller skates, roller skates) and go ahead. First, break your own records, and then we’ll see. But you definitely won’t remember about coughing, sneezing, or aching joints (if anything, the hostess of 2018 will adjust a belt from her magic fur).

Star forecast for 2018 for little Gemini

Airy tomboys in the year of the Dog will be hot - the restless Gemini will rush around like the wind, and no one will be able to stop them.

Gemini children 1st decade (May 21-May 30) Your fussy children will outdo themselves. Even the puppies of the Yellow Dog will seem slow and phlegmatic compared to the airy little devils - it is useless to lock small Geminis in a room (they will find a way and break free). There is only one way out: sculpt beacons on the fidgets, or assign a personal nanny to each offspring.

Baby Gemini 2 decades (May 31-June 10) Every day there are a thousand questions, every minute there are hundreds of movements - this is Gemini, and nothing can be done. It is impossible to distract the airy children from their pranks - small breezes always achieve what they want. Geminis are not familiar with patience, and when they hear the word: Crib, they panic. A platoon of magicians will help - Gemini will calm down for five minutes.

Gemini babies 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) The inventors of Gemini in the year of the Dog outshine any storyteller - just have time to write down their amazing stories. But it is advisable to limit Gemini’s imagination, otherwise the little ones will come up with such scary stories about villains that even adults will feel uneasy. It’s better to call the directors of horror films - the children will become famous and become millionaires.

Horoscope 2018 Gemini by year of birth

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Rat

In the year of the Yellow Dog, you will become unusually economical and thrifty. Well, the hostess of 2018 appreciates these qualities, but does not prohibit chicness. Moreover, the financial situation is great - spend as much as you want. The charm of the Gemini-Rats will increase several times - the fans have gone crazy, and will not leave you until you choose which suitor to walk with to the wedding palace.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Ox

Smart Gemini-Bulls in the year of the Dog will surpass themselves. Dreams will come true even before you formulate them - be careful with your wishes. You have a lot of self-confidence - even your competitors are delighted with you. Your personal life will be pampered with variety, and you won’t have to use horns to disperse your rivals - any person you like will kneel and ask for your hand in marriage.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Tiger

In 2018, Gemini Tiger Cubs will be known as real hunters - both in business and in love you have no equal. But the Dog advises you to avoid adventures - luck is already on your side, and sudden movements are absolutely useless. But it won’t hurt you to shoot your eyes at your fans - you are professionals in this matter. But if you are not going to the registry office, then flirt wisely, in case you come across suitors who are overly impressionable.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Cat (Rabbit)

Gemini-Cats can be called anything, but not homebodies - in the year of the Dog you will be drawn to travel. You have a lot of money, but leaving your homes and going far away to find happiness is not advisable - you will only lose time. Arrange a surprise for your household - they will happily take a trip on a personal yacht, or learn how to fly a helicopter that you bought for the occasion.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Dragon

In the year of the Dog, Gemini Dragons may display magical talents. Just don’t glare at your ill-wishers, and don’t bewitch your competitors - direct your energy to the sphere of love relationships. They blinked - the fans formed piles, smiled - the suitors held out their wedding rings. The stars are even afraid to imagine what will happen if you speak - learn to control yourself.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Snake

You are wise and careful - it's time to reach the pinnacle of glory. In the year of the Dog, Gemini-Snake is able to deal with any problems, but it is not necessary to strangle competitors (it is enough to show the tip of the sting). But in family matters you will have to try on the suit of a diplomat - it is better to leave your temper outside the home. By the way, in 2018 you can think about heirs - keep an eye on the movements of storks.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Horse

Golden horseshoes, a cozy stable that looks like the palace of a rich sultan - what else can you dream of?! Well, of course, about love adventures - in the year of the Dog, Gemini-Horses are not expected to have any problems with this matter. You won’t have to hit your hoof – your rivals have suddenly become admirers of your beauty. The stars advise only one thing - watch your health and eat exclusively fresh grass.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Goat (Sheep)

In the year of the Earth Dog, your charm will be off the charts - you can also use this for selfish purposes. Charm, for example, your boss - for the sake of your smile, the boss will unload from his chair and personally brew coffee. And then promotion is just a stone's throw away. The joy of the household will know no bounds, just remember your promise to take your relatives to the resort (travel agency employees are already at the door with vouchers).

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Monkey

Beaches, palm trees and coconuts – how do you like this prospect for the Year of the Yellow Dog?! But if Gemini-Monkeys are too lazy to leave their homes, then everything will work out just fine at home. Your restless mind will push you to new and new achievements - today you are opening a workshop for the production of custom upholstered furniture, and tomorrow you are enrolling children in English courses. There is no need to be surprised that all your cabinets are filled with banknotes.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Rooster

In the year of the Dog, all doors will open for Gemini-Roosters. But if in business you are real warriors, then the same cannot be said about the sphere of love relationships - those around you consider you naive chickens. But this is for the best - fans will bring you tasty grains and protect you from troubles. Just be on your guard, otherwise you won’t notice how kind suitors will take you in their arms and take you straight to the registry office.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Dog

Gemini-Dogs are talented and ambitious - with these qualities you will not be lost. The Mistress of 2018 adores you and endlessly wags her tail in your honor. You'll be the center of attention all year, so update your wardrobe in case you find yourself at a reception with the president. After all, your patrons will be very influential. There is confusion on the love front, but romances are romances, and you will have to choose a partner for marriage.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Pig (Boar)

Defenseless and trusting, kind and fair - that's all about you, dear Gemini Pigs. But no one will dare to offend you - The dog has sharpened its teeth, and in case of danger it will roar so loudly that all its enemies will run away. In 2018, the most pleasant changes await you in the financial sector - do not envy the oligarchs, soon you will live next door to them, and millionaires will go crazy when they come to you for a cup of tea.

The horoscope for Gemini 2018 advises being vigilant in everything in the year of the Dog, and not relaxing, which they are used to doing in the year of the Rooster. The dog will not tolerate lazy people and those who rest on their laurels prematurely. Of course, Geminis can cope with many problems themselves, but the help of friends will not be superfluous. By the way, the Yellow Dog will also support Gemini in difficult situations.

Spring 2018 for Gemini will be a time of romance, blossoming and love. So many fans are expected that the Twins will even be confused - who exactly should they choose? In professional affairs, everything will also work out well. The main thing is to trust yourself, your intuition and, of course, your faithful Dog.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2017 predicts a stable financial situation. If you draw up a budget correctly, then the money will come in, and not flow through your fingers. will throw up a lot of tempting offers that will lead to replenishment of your wallet. But no one has canceled competitors, so Gemini needs to be more careful when dealing with dishonest individuals. "Trust, but verify!" - Geminis must learn this rule, like the multiplication table.

The dog belongs to the element of Earth, so he loves everything related to nature, fresh air and a garden. In the summer, Gemini will have to work hard at the dacha in order to reap a good harvest in the fall and preserve vegetables for the winter. Many will even develop new varieties of tomatoes and strawberries, and distribute some of the grown crops to friends and neighbors.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 (Dog) promises a busy summer period. Some will register as entrepreneurs, engage in commerce, and some will occupy high positions. If Gemini's plans include a vacation, then it is better to write an application for the middle or end of summer. The dog will secretly tell Gemini where you can buy tour packages to exotic countries with impressive discounts.

The dog has pleasant surprises in store for lonely Geminis. In 2018, they will meet “their” person, who will become for them not only a lover, but also a sensitive friend. Engagement and wedding celebrations are just around the corner! Family Geminis are expected to move, buy a home, and have a child. Numerous changes will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with your spouse. Autumn will be fruitful for Gemini for dates, romantic acquaintances and official proposals. The dog is not averse to performing at a wedding as a witness or toastmaster. Just keep in mind that those who treat this feeling with tenderness and gratitude will be lucky in love.

The 2018 Gemini horoscope does not recommend being too frivolous and careless. Especially in the financial and love spheres. Despite the fact that the Dog will support and forgive you in many ways, the positivity may decrease after failures. In December, you should weigh every word and decision so as not to get into trouble. In difficult moments, it is better to seek advice from older family members or long-time friends. Although, Gemini may only outwardly seem weak and weak-willed. In fact, in 2018 they are more confident and serious than ever.

The horoscope for 2018 for Gemini recommends not to lose composure and fortitude. Then any obstacles will be within your reach, both in material and personal matters. Geminis were born under the Air sign, so they can be overly gullible and inconsistent. In the Year of the Dog, they need to boldly face changes, improve their social status and take the initiative in their personal lives into their own hands. There are no problems with finances at the end of 2018, but only if they are spent wisely. Otherwise, you won’t have to count on wealth and major acquisitions.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2018

The love horoscope for Gemini for 2018 predicts many meetings, acquaintances and unforgettable dates. Of course, not all of them will result in something serious and concrete, but the romantic mood will not leave Gemini until the end of the year. The dog will do everything possible to ensure that love is real and mutual. But there is no need to return to former lovers. Otherwise, problems in your personal life will only increase.