A catalog of games aimed at successful socialization. Socializing games for children

Annotation: This system games and exercises, aimed at the social development of the personality of a preschool child, in particular at the development and correction social development personalities of older preschoolers.

A system of games aimed at the social development of the child’s personality

Target: development and correction of social development of the personality of preschool children.
Currently, the social development of the personality of a preschool child is becoming increasingly important. In preschool childhood, this is, first of all, mastering the norms social life. The social development of a child is the most important prerequisite for the development of the spiritual and practical sphere of future activity of an adult, his moral character and creative potential.
Leading teachers Vygotsky L.S., Zaporozhets A.V., Spivakovskaya A.B., Elkonin D.B., Lisina M.I., Yakobson S.G. believe that play plays a huge role in the upbringing and social development of children . In the game, the moral foundations of the preschooler’s personality are actively formed, norms of social behavior are formed, which are subsequently transferred by children beyond the game. Play is a unique way of learning social experience, characteristic of preschool age.
Play therapy- a method of psychotherapeutic influence on children and adults using games. The game has a stabilizing effect on personality development.
The level of emotional anxiety of older preschoolers can be corrected by introducing various collective outdoor games and games of a developmental nature into their life. Outdoor games have a positive effect on the development of feelings and emotions; the joy of movement is enhanced by the presence of fun situations and a competitive attitude.
It is recommended to work with an anxious child in three directions: increasing self-esteem, teaching the child the ability to control himself in the most worrying situations, relieving muscle tension, and also uniting the children's team.

Games to overcome anxiety and increase self-esteem in preschoolers.

1. Game " Balloon»
Goal: relieve tension, calm children.
All players stand or sit in a circle. The presenter gives instructions: “Imagine that now you and I will inflate balloons. Inhale the air, bring an imaginary balloon to your lips and, puffing out your cheeks, slowly inflate it through parted lips. Follow with your eyes how your ball becomes bigger and bigger, how the patterns on it increase and grow. Introduced? I also imagined your huge balls. Blow carefully so that the balloon does not burst. Now show them to each other.”
The exercise can be repeated 3 times.
2. Game "Portrait"
Goal: to teach the child to recognize emotions and relieve psychomuscular tension.
The child sits opposite the adult. An adult in the role of an artist. “Now I will draw your portrait. But for this I need your help. I will name the parts of the face, and you will tell me how to draw them. For example, what size should I draw a face? More or less than yours? The child answers. What kind of eyes will there be - big or small, or will we leave the ones we have?” At the same time, the adult outlines the outline of the eyes in the drawing. “What color will they be?” The child calls. Then the nose, cheeks, ears, and hair are drawn in the same order. Eyebrows and lips expressing different emotions: joy, sadness, anger. Next, the child is asked to decide what mood this portrait will have. If a child identifies himself with a portrait, then he will reflect his own mood. If he does not reflect his true mood, it means that it has either moved from negative to positive, or the child is dissatisfied with himself and wants to change.
3. Exercise “Fight”
Goal: relax the muscles of the lower face and hands.
“You and a friend have had a fight. A fight is about to break out. Take a deep breath, clench your jaw tightly. Fix your fingers in fists, press your fingers into your palms until it hurts. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Think: maybe you shouldn’t fight? Exhale and relax. Hurray! The troubles are over! This exercise is useful to carry out not only with anxious, but also with aggressive children.
4. Game "Pump and ball"
Goal: relax maximum amount body muscles.
“Guys, break into pairs. One of you is a large inflatable ball, the other one inflates this ball with a pump. The ball stands with the whole body limp, on half-bent legs, arms and neck relaxed. The body is tilted slightly forward, the head is lowered (the ball is not filled with air). The friend begins to inflate the ball, accompanying the movement of his hands (they pump the air) with the sound “s”. With each supply of air, the ball inflates more and more. Hearing the first sound “s”, he inhales a portion of air, simultaneously straightening his legs at the knees; after the second “s”, his torso straightened; after the third, the ball’s head rose; after the fourth, his cheeks puffed out and even his arms moved away from his sides. The ball is inflated. The pump stopped pumping. A friend pulls the pump hose out of the ball... Air comes out of the ball with force with the sound “sh”. The body went limp again and returned to its original position.” Then the players change roles.
5. Game “Bunnies and Elephants”
Goal: to enable children to feel strong and courageous, to help increase self-esteem.
“Guys, I want to offer you a game called “Bunnies and Elephants.” At first, you and I will be little bunnies. Tell me, when a hare feels danger, what does it do? That's right, he's shaking. Show him how he shakes. He purses his ears, shrinks all over, tries to become small and unnoticeable, his tail and paws are shaking,” etc. Children show.
"Show me what bunnies do if they hear a person's steps?" Children scatter around the group, class, hide, etc. “What do bunnies do if they see a wolf?..” The teacher plays with the children for several minutes.
“And now you and I will be elephants, big, strong, brave. Show how calmly, measuredly, majestically and fearlessly elephants walk. And what do elephants do when they see a person? Are they afraid of him? No. They are friends with him and, when They see him and calmly continue on their way. Show me what elephants do when they see a tiger...” Children pretend to be a fearless elephant for a few minutes.
After the exercise, the guys sit in a circle and discuss who they liked to be and why.
6. Game " Magic chair»
Goal: to help increase the child’s self-esteem and improve relationships between children.
This game can be played with a group of children for a long time. First, an adult must find out the “history” of each child’s name - its origin, what it means. In addition, you need to make a crown and a “Magic Chair” - it must be high. The adult has a short introductory conversation about the origin of names, and then says that he will talk about the names of all the children in the group (the group should not be more than 6 people), and it is better to name the names of anxious children in the middle of the game. The one whose name is told becomes the king. Throughout the entire story about his name, he sits on a throne wearing a crown. At the end of the game, you can invite the children to come up with different variants his name (gentle, affectionate). You can also take turns saying something good about the king.
7. Game “Blind Dance”
Goal: developing trust in each other, relieving excess muscle tension.
“Get into pairs. One of you gets a blindfold, he will be "blind". The other will remain “sighted” and will be able to drive the “blind”. Now hold hands and dance with each other to light music (1-2 minutes). Now switch roles. Help your partner tie the headband."
As preparatory stage You can sit the children in pairs and ask them to hold hands. The one who sees moves his hands to the music, and the blindfolded child tries to repeat these movements without letting go of his hands for 1-2 minutes. Then the children change roles. If an anxious child refuses to close his eyes, reassure him and do not insist. Let him dance with his eyes open.

As the child gets rid of anxiety states You can start playing the game not while sitting, but moving around the room.
8. Game "Trains"
Purpose of the game: development of communication skills, uniting children, increasing self-confidence and arbitrariness.
A group of children is divided into threes, in each three the children stand one after another, holding their hands on the waist of the person in front. The first of them plays the role of a “train” (his eyes are closed and his arms are extended forward), the second is a “passenger”, the third is a “driver”. The driver’s task is to control the locomotive and avoid collisions. The “passenger” is the transmission link of the “driver’s” commands to the “locomotive”. One of the group of children plays the role of a “dispatcher”; he sets the rhythm of the movement of the trains by clapping, speeding up or slowing down their movement.
At the command of the leader, the trains begin to move, then after a while they stop on command, and the children and the trio change roles (the first becomes the third, etc.). It is important that all children experience three roles. It is advisable after the game to discuss with the children which role they liked best and why.
9. Game “Theater of Masks”
Goal: relax the facial muscles, relieve muscle tension and fatigue.
“Guys! We will visit the “Theater of Masks”. You will all be artists, and I will be a photographer. I will ask you to depict the facial expressions of various heroes. For example: show what the evil Baba Yaga looks like.” Children, with the help of facial expressions and simple gestures, or only with the help of facial expressions, depict Baba Yaga. “Good! Great! Now stop, I’m taking a picture. Well done! Some people even found it funny. You can laugh, but only after the frame is shot.
Now depict the Crow (from the fable “The Crow and the Fox”) at the moment when she squeezes the cheese in her beak." Children clench their jaws tightly, simultaneously stretching their lips, depicting a beak. "Attention! Freeze! I'm filming! Thank you! Well done!
Now show how scared the grandmother from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” was when she realized that she was not talking to her granddaughter, but to Gray Wolf". Children can open their eyes wide, raise their eyebrows, open their mouths slightly. "Freeze! Thank you!
And how slyly did Lisa smile when she wanted to please the bun? Freeze! I'm filming! Well done! Well done!"
Further, the teacher or educator, at his own discretion, can praise particularly anxious children, for example, like this: “Everyone worked well, Vitya’s mask was especially scary, when I looked at Sasha, I was scared myself, and Mashenka looked very much like a cunning fox. That’s all.” tried your best, well done!"
"The actor's working day is over. You and I are tired. Let's rest. Let's sit silently, relax and rest. Thank you all!"
10. Game “Change of Rhythms”
Goal: to help anxious children join the general rhythm of work and relieve excessive muscle tension.
If the teacher wants to attract the attention of the children, he begins to clap his hands and count loudly, in time with the clapping: one, two, three, four... The children join in too, all clapping their hands together and counting in unison: one, two, three, four... Gradually the teacher, and after him the children, clap less and less, counting more and more quietly.
11. Game "Barbell"
Goal: to relax the muscles of the arms and back, to enable the child to feel successful.
"Let's take a lighter barbell and lift it above your head. Take a breath, raise the barbell, fix this position so that the judges count you a victory. It's hard to stand like that, throw the barbell, exhale. Relax. Hurray! You are all champions. You can bow to the audience. That's all for you clap, bow again like champions." The exercise can be performed several times.
12. Game “Image of Animals”
Goal: relax the facial muscles, relieve muscle tension.
Depicted sly Fox, cowardly hare, terrible tiger, strong bear and, conversely, a cowardly bear and a brave hare.

Games aimed at group cohesion.

1. Game "Mirror"
The driver is selected: this is a person, all the others are mirrors. A person looks in mirrors, and they reflect him. The mirrors repeat all his movements, the actions of a man who, of course, grimaces from the heart. Here it is important to ensure that the mirrors reflect correctly: if a person raises his right hand, the mirrors should raise his left, etc. In this game, it is convenient to reward the most passive members of the group.
2. Game “Give a card”
An adult and children draw cards with pictograms indicating different positive traits. It is necessary to discuss with the children what each pictogram means.
For example, a card with a picture of a smiling person can symbolize fun. Each child is given 5-8 cards. At the leader’s signal, the children attach all the cards to their friends’ backs (using tape). The child receives this or that card if his comrades believe that he has this quality. At a signal from an adult, children stop playing and usually take the “prey” off their backs with great impatience. At first, of course, it happens that not all players have a lot of cards, but when the game is repeated and after discussion, the situation changes. During the discussion, you can ask the children if receiving cards is pleasant. Then you can find out what is more pleasant - giving Nice words others or receive them yourself. Most often, children say that they like both giving and receiving. Then the presenter can draw their attention to those who did not receive cards at all or received very few of them. Usually these children admit that they were happy to give cards, but they would also like to receive such gifts. As a rule, when the game is repeated, there are no “outcast” children left.
3. Game "Sculpture"
This game teaches children to control the muscles of the face, arms, legs and relieve muscle tension.
Children are divided into pairs. One of them is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture. On instructions from an adult (or child leader), the sculptor sculpts a sculpture from “clay”: a child who is not afraid of anything; a child who is happy with everything; a child who has completed a difficult task, etc.
Themes for sculptures can be suggested by an adult, or by the children themselves.
The players usually change roles. A group sculpture option is possible.
After the game, it is advisable to discuss with the children how they felt in the role of a sculptor, sculpture, which figure was pleasant to depict, which was not.
4. Game "Lavata"
The players stand in a circle, hold hands and begin to move in a circle, loudly singing: “We dance, we dance, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, our cheerful dance is Lavata.” Then everyone stops and the leader says: “My elbows are good, but my neighbor’s are better” - everyone takes their neighbors by the elbows and starts moving again, singing. The presenter can name the body parts he wants (waist, shoulders, heels, legs, etc.), the main thing is to relieve tactile tension in children.
5. Toe-heel game(mini-training for approaching and relieving tactile tension)
Everyone stands in a circle very tightly, so that the toe rests on the heel of the person in front. When they stand up properly, everyone begins to slowly squat in this position - it turns out that everyone sits on the knees of the previous one. If you successfully sit down, you need to try to hold on for a while.
6. Game "Triangle, square"
Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. Then everyone closes their eyes. The presenter asks: “Guys! In complete silence, without words, build me a triangle... square... rhombus, etc.”
7. Game "Beep"
The entire group, with the exception of the driver, sits in a circle on chairs or armchairs. The driver, blindfolded, walks inside the circle, periodically sitting on the laps of those sitting. His task is to guess who he sat with. You are not allowed to feel with your hands; you must sit with your back to the person sitting, as if you were sitting on a chair. The person sitting must say “Beep,” preferably “in a voice other than his own,” so as not to be recognized. If the driver guessed whose lap he is sitting on, then this child begins to drive, and the one who guessed sits in his place.
8. Game "Bug"
The driver stands with his back to the group, putting his hand out from under his armpit with an open palm. The children and the psychologist stand in a line behind him. Right hand everyone is compressed and raised to chest level, thumb this hand is raised up. Someone from the line touches the open palm of the driver and quickly takes the starting position, and the driver must turn to the group and guess who touched him. The driver leads until he guesses correctly. Then the one you guessed starts driving. The game reveals group relationships well.
9. Game "Confused"
The driver is selected. He leaves the room. The rest of the children join hands and form a circle. Without unclenching their hands, they begin to get confused - as best they can. When a tangle has formed, the driver enters the room and untangles it, also without unclenching the hands of those who are entangled. The game promotes group unity.
10. Game "Birthday"
Goal: unity of the group and creation of favorable emotional comfort in the group.
Progress of the game: a birthday person is selected. Guests (children) are invited to come up with a congratulation and prepare a gift. You need to give a gift using gestures and facial expressions. One of the participants gives an imaginary “gift-image” to the birthday person, and everyone else must guess what was given to him.
11. Game "Blind Man's Bluff"
The game is aimed at group cohesion and initiation of tactile contacts; it is good for disinhibiting motorically inhibited children.
The whole group stands in a circle, one person counts to choose the driver. The driver blindfolds himself, and someone from the group spins him in place to make orientation difficult. You can spin around with various funny sayings or comic dialogues. For example; “What are you standing on?” - “On the bridge.” - “What are you eating?” - “Sausage.” - “What are you drinking?” - “Kvass.” - “Look for mice, not us.” After this, everyone runs away, and the “blind man’s buff” must walk around the room and catch the children. Children run around the room, tease the blind man's buff, touch her to distract her, etc., and she must catch one of the children and guess who it is by touch.
12. Game “Desert Island”
The game begins with sociometry - who will go with whom to the desert island. Then, when mutual and forced couples have formed, everyone goes to a desert island. Then the psychologists find themselves as natives on this island and attack pairs of children thrown out by the waves, causing aggression on themselves; they manage to unite the group well and relieve disappointment from sociometry.
Thus, the proposed games are aimed at the full social development of preschool children. The first group of games is aimed at overcoming anxiety and increasing self-esteem in preschoolers. The second group of games is designed to unite and unite children's group.
The use of this system of games in correctional and developmental classes will effective means social development of the personality of preschoolers, which in the future will serve as protection for the child from social and interpersonal confrontations.

1. Correctional and developmental activities for children of senior preschool age. [Text] / E.A. Alyabyeva. - M.: “Academy”, 2003.
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3. Rogov, E.I. Desk book practical psychologist. In 2 books. [Text] / E.I. Rogov-Kn. 1. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Humanite. ed. 4. Safin, V.F. Mental deviations in the development of children and methods of their psychocorrection. [Text] / V.F. Safin. – Ufa: Kitap, 1994. – 80 p.
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5. Fopel, K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises. In 4 volumes. [Text] / K. Fopel, trans. with German; T. 2.- M: Genesis, 1998. - 160 pp.: ill.
6. Workshop on children's correction: games, exercises, techniques. [Text] / O.N. Istratova. – Rostov N/D.: Phoenix, 2007. – 350 p.
7. The practice of psychotherapy: a collection of fairy tales, games and therapeutic programs. [Text] / N.A. Sakovich - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2007. - 227 p.
8. Bolotina, L.R. Preschool pedagogy. [Text] / L.R. Bolotina, S.P. Baranov, T.S. Komarova. – 2nd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Academic project; Culture, 2005.- 240 p.
9. Mukhina, V.S. Child psychology. [Text] /Ed. L.A. Wenger. –– M.: Education, 1985.- 272 pp., ill.

Socialization is a process that accompanies a person throughout his life and begins almost from birth. A person, as a social unit, learns the norms and patterns of behavior accepted in the society in which he lives, learns interaction, the ability to build relationships, first in the family, in a narrow circle of close relatives, then in a group of peers, then in larger societies. In our group, the development of initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system of social relations occurs through the solution of the following tasks:

    development play activity children;

    familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones);

    the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community.

Game is the leading type of activity, the most effective form socialization of the child. The game lays the foundations of a future personality.

For this purpose, the group room has play areas, there are theatrical, didactic, and board games. Our group has various corners for conducting independent role-playing games. This is a construction, motor and motor corner, a corner for girls.

By playing together, children begin to build their relationships, learn to communicate, not always smoothly and peacefully, but this is the path of learning, there is no other way.

It is better for adults not to interfere in the process of children's communication unless absolutely necessary - only in the event of a conflict that develops into violence

Unpleasant situations happen in any team and it is important to teach your child how to get out of them correctly, not to be offended, but also not to be an aggressor. They tease and provoke those who overreact to this, are painfully vulnerable, and this gives pleasure to the offender. If a child understands this and is confident enough in himself, most likely he will not become an object of ridicule or a target for those who like to provoke aggression.

If a conflict arises, you should not immediately intervene as soon as you find out about it. Give your child the opportunity to gain this experience, make some decisions, draw conclusions, and the opportunity to independently resolve a difficult situation.

In to school age the child discovers the world of human relationships, different types of activities and social functions of people. He feels a strong desire to be involved in this adult life, to actively participate in it, which, of course, is not available to him. In addition, he strives no less strongly for independence. From this contradiction, a game is born - an independent activity of children simulating the life of adults.

Childhood without play and outside of play is not normal. Depriving a child of play practice is depriving him of his main source of development: impulses of creativity, signs and signs of social practice, wealth and microclimate of collective relationships, activation of the process of learning the world.

For the successful upbringing and development of a preschool child, it is necessary to create conditions that would ensure comprehensive child activities.

Task harmonious development children of preschool age presupposes not only a certain level of development of a wide range of knowledge and skills, methods of mastering various contents, but also a necessarily sufficiently high level of development of their emotional sphere and moral position, which has not only a narrow pedagogical, but also social significance

Regular joint games will enrich preschoolers with new impressions, will contribute to the formation of social competence skills, and will give them new social experience, which is so important for the development of their personality.

For preschool children, it is necessary to create a special play space in which the child could not only enter into relationships with peers and close adults, but also actively absorb knowledge, norms, and rules of society, in other words, develop as a socially competent person.

Preschool age is the period of a child’s familiarization with the knowledge of the world around him, the period of his initial socialization. The high sensitivity of preschool children and easy learning, thanks to the plasticity of the nervous system, create favorable opportunities for successful moral education and social development of the individual.

To promote a child's social development, adults need to encourage all forms of play. Take a closer look at how children play: most often they playfully reproduce the life of adults - they play shop, doctor, kindergarten or school, “mother and daughter”...

When creating an imaginary situation in a game, the child learns to participate in social life and “try on” the role of an adult. In the game, options for resolving conflicts are practiced, dissatisfaction or approval is expressed, children support each other - that is, a unique model of the adult world is built, in which children learn to interact adequately

For the social development of preschoolers, not only play is of great importance. Classes, conversations, exercises, getting to know music, reading books, observing, discussing various situations, encouraging mutual assistance and cooperation of children, their moral actions - all this becomes the building blocks that make up a person’s personality. A child perceives beauty very deeply - which means he needs to be introduced to the best human creations, shown reproductions of paintings, or visit an exhibition, museum, or gallery with him. You should prepare for such a trip, because the child will definitely ask many questions that the adult will have to answer.

Social development is no less necessary for the individual than the development of intellectual, creative, and physical abilities. Modern world It is designed in such a way that one of the conditions for success is the ability to work fruitfully in a team, to find ways to interact and understand each other with the people with whom you work. And, of course, your child’s mental comfort and emotional satisfaction will directly depend on how his relationships with other people will develop, what role he will play in the team in which he will be, and who he feels like. And our task is to correctly and skillfully help him acquire social skills.

To prevent children from becoming wild Mowglis, they must be intensively socialized, all in to a greater extent introducing themselves into culture and corresponding to it in their actions and understanding of the actions of others. Previously, a person could quite easily acquire the knowledge of the whole world and become an encyclopedist, but today he can no longer accommodate all the conventions, symbols, and meanings accumulated by culture. Parents are simply not experts in parenting and often do more harm in this. The greatest influence is exerted by communication among friends in preschool and school institutions and those activities in which they are passionately engaged, and what they are not interested in simply flies by unnoticed, ignored by their attention. Evolution did not provide for such a rapid and intense development, but it has long been using the context of playful recognition of new things, which, as a stage of individual development, begins immediately after the period of trusting learning - the period of authoritarian acceptance of the first skills and values. A game is a special type of behavioral context, when even the most complex and dangerous skills are acquired with increased interest in positive attitude passion, but relatively safe for health and life. Unlike the pains of mentor training, developing skills in a non-screaming game mode negative experiences difficulties, but, on the contrary, pleasant and exciting. And while parents are painfully trying to master the computer little by little, their children in the game instantly and envy quickly grasp much more and deeper than their parents manage.

But this is not enough to fully cover many aspects modern culture because local manifestations of culture in communication with peers and adults carry only a very small part of what is necessary. That is why various computer games, unless they focus on the purely playful aspect of the excitement of competition and the satisfaction of positive experiences. Today there are resources offering a large selection various kinds and the type of educational games that introduce children to new elements of social interaction and mutual understanding. On the resource http://caniplay.ru/ they are grouped by topic social activity and individual development.

So, it’s worth starting to play fiksiki (http://caniplay.ru/game/fiksiki) and the child is immersed in the world of a master repairing devices. Complex of games May Little pony games (http://caniplay.ru/game/poni) forms ideas about friendship and cooperation in many practically popular manifestations. Peppa Pig games (http://caniplay.ru/game/svinka-peppa) are a friendly guide to the realities of life, various situations and adventures.

The game must comply with a certain age period so that by this time the child has acquired all the necessary elements of her understanding and then she will bring greatest benefit. This is also the criterion and completion of the relevance of the game this level complexity: having learned its elements, the child must move to the next level of knowledge, and not get lost in routine.

At primary school age, the most significant and deprived elements of self-awareness are the awareness of the name, the claim to recognition and the awareness of rights and responsibilities.

Games-exercises aimed at harmonizing name awareness

1. “Tender name”

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: “Remember how affectionately they call you at home. We will throw the ball to each other. And the one to whom the ball lands will call one or more of his affectionate names. It is important to remember who threw the ball to you. When everyone names theirs pet names, the ball will go to reverse side. You need to try not to mix it up and throw the ball to the one who threw it to you the first time, and besides, say his affectionate name.”

2. "Adult name"

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: “Close your eyes. Try to see yourself as an adult. How will you sit? What will you wear? Sit now as if you were already an adult. How will you talk? How will other people contact you? Probably by name and patronymic.

Open your eyes. Let's play. I will take turns calling you by your first and patronymic names. The one I name will get up from his seat and walk around the room, like adults walk. Then he (she) will give a hand to each of the children and introduce himself by name and patronymic, for example: “I am Maria Igorevna,” “I am Mikhail Nikolaevich.”

A comment. When all the children have played the role of adults, you can invite them to discuss whether or not they liked being in the role of adults and why. Determine which of the children was best able to cope with the role of an adult.

Games-exercises aimed at harmonizing claims for recognition

1. “Bragging Competition”

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: “Today we will hold an unusual competition with you - a competition of braggarts. The one who boasts the best wins. What are we going to brag about? Neighbor on the right. Look closely at your neighbor. Think about what he is like, what he can do, what he is good at. For example, like this: “Lena is very, very smart, beautiful, runs fast, laughs cheerfully.”

A comment. After the circle has been completed, the children determine the winner - the best “braggart”. You can discuss who liked what more: talking about a neighbor or listening to people talk about him?

2. "Brave Boy"

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: “I have cards in my hands, on each of which it is written: “Brave boy (girl)”, “ Strong boy(girl)", "Cheerful boy (girl)", " A handsome boy(girl)". I will give you each a card so that no one will see what is written on it. And you try to portray the boy or girl you got without words. To do this, you can get up from your seat, walk around the room, approach each other, do something with each other, you can’t just make sounds.”

A comment. If children cannot guess what a particular child is showing, then you can help him depict what is written on the card.

3. “I’m proud...”

Children sit in a circle.

They close their eyes, and the presenter asks them to imagine a sheet of paper with beautiful in capital letters it is written: “I am proud that I...” After everything has been carefully “considered” beautiful letters, the presenter invites them to mentally complete this sentence, and then tell the group what they managed to complete.

Games-exercises aimed at harmonizing children's awareness of rights and responsibilities

An important feature of this structural link in the self-awareness of younger schoolchildren is the significant predominance of perceived responsibilities over rights. In addition, perceived responsibilities, as a rule, are one-sidedly focused on ensuring the success of activities in the camp. Based on this, the main goals of the exercises given here were defined as expanding the list of rights perceived by children and forming in them ideas about the relativity of the responsibilities they perceive.

1. "Dreamers"

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: “Many of you have probably read N. Nosov’s story “Dreamers.” Let us also play dreamers. Everyone will try to come up with and tell some of the most incredible incident which happened to him. And then we will determine who was the best at imagining things.”

2. “I have the right”

Children sit in a circle.

Instructions: “You know well that every person has not only responsibilities, but also rights. Think about what rights (and responsibilities) a child has at camp. And then take a piece of paper and write down all the rights that you can remember. When everyone is finished, someone will read out what they wrote. The rest will cross off from their lists those rights that the speaker has already named. The one with the most uncrossed words on the list will win.”

Currently there is serious problem: children's interest in various types games. Their place is taken by television, computer games and other technical inventions. According to psychologists, there is only one way out of this critical situation: adults should establish warm, sincere relationships with children and show interest in their problems. This opportunity is provided by a game that promotes personal development child.

Play is a way for a child to discover himself, his capabilities, and abilities. Teaching children to play means teaching them to live. We must always remember that play is the leading activity in childhood.

Soviet teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky emphasized that “a game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world The child receives a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around him. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.”

The key role of the kindergarten is to create conditions for the formation of a harmonious, spiritually rich, intellectually developed personality. It all depends on what the child gets within the walls preschool, from adults who will teach the child to love and accept the world, understand the importance of work. Introducing children to games is precisely the “key” that reveals in children creative potential, gives them the opportunity to adapt to the social environment.

Leading place in pedagogical process Kindergarten is occupied by socially oriented games. These games are a powerful means of socialization, “growing up” of the younger generation.

Today, more than ever, society's responsibility for educating the younger generation is widely recognized. Play is closely related to the development of personality, and it is during the period of particularly intensive development in childhood that it acquires special significance.

Play is the first activity that plays a particularly significant role in the development of personality, in the formation of its properties and enrichment of internal content.

In the early, preschool years of a child’s life, play is the type of activity in which his personality is formed.

A game is a type of activity in situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in which self-control of behavior is developed and improved.

In the game, children master social roles, self-realization, and gain social experience. It captivates and includes the child in relationships that are new to him, acts as the main means of socializing the child’s thinking and is of great importance for the formation of the main categories of worldview. This makes the game a universal means of social and personal development and education of preschool children.

In addition, the game as a means of understanding the social world is at the same time a means of modeling it. Thus, both the child and the adult construct themselves and learn to be better. Conventionally, such games are called "adult games for children" or socially oriented.

Socially oriented games have a number of features:

  • collective nature of activity (inclusion of both direct performers and spectators in the game), which helps to strengthen the role social interactions in the development of children's intelligence
  • relevance of the content (the game should be sharp, offensive in nature), which allows you to create a motivational basis for the general intellectual, general cultural and socio-moral development of a preschool child
  • pedagogical approach to the distribution of roles (for example, using the technique "status therapy" when a child with problems in intellectual development paired with a gifted child, who helps him solve the problem faster than usual and thanks to this help the entire children's team)
  • uniqueness (such a game is not a performance, although roles are distributed in it, therefore it is impossible to rehearse a socially oriented game; by its nature it is "disposable" , therefore depends on the creativity and improvisation of the participants, is aimed at the formation of an individual cognitive style (learning style) solutions to problematic social situations for each participant)

The focus is on the formation of a collective subject in unity with the active position of each child and, importantly, the unity of the content of the intellectual and socio-moral development of preschool children.

In the process of conducting socially oriented games, a special type of relationship develops between adults and children, which is determined by the very nature of the game as an independent, voluntary and creative activity.

Socially oriented exercise games are divided into five groups (V. M. Bukatov, A. P. Ershova, E. E. Shuleshko):

  1. For a working spirit - they awaken children’s interest in each other and at the same time increase the muscular mobilization of the participants; they are introduced during some joint activities to resolve disputes, negative aspects, hostility;
  2. For a socio-game introduction to the matter, they are loaded with material that is usually perceived as educational (e.g. associations, account, etc.);
  3. For warm-up and relaxation - they help the teacher in uncontrollable situations, when switching from one type of activity to another;
  4. For creative self-affirmation – they provide a powerful incentive for the development of the individuality of each child;
  5. Freestyle games (on a walk)– their implementation requires sufficient space and freedom of movement.

This classification is quite arbitrary, but it allows you to change the attitude of educators to play as a type of social activity of the child.

List of games:

  • let's get together or divide into teams;
  • Magic wand;
  • box;
  • tourists and shop;
  • caterpillar;
  • walking with a compass;
  • that's what mom is like;
  • Shop polite words, etc.

Thanks to the use of such socially-oriented games, the relationship between children and teachers reaches a different level - trust, taking into account the desires and capabilities of children - in relation to adults, showing positive cooperation and goodwill - in relation to peers. Their use in the pedagogical process qualitatively increases the effectiveness of interaction between educators and children.

List of references

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  3. Voitenko T.P. Game as a method of learning and personal development. Toolkit for teachers. -Kaluga: publishing house "Adele" , 1997.
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