Strong boy Bruce Khlebnikov. False records

Bruce Lee is a famous martial artist, Hong Kong and American film actor, film director, producer and screenwriter. He can rightfully be called a legendary man, who, thanks to his skills, gained huge number followers all over the world.

Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940 in San Francisco. His parents were Lee Hoi Chuen and Grace Lee. The head of the family is a Chinese opera actor who earned good money. According to Chinese calendar, the boy was born in the Year of the Dragon and in the Hour of the Dragon, which is why he received the name Li Xiaolong, which translates as Little Dragon. According to Chinese beliefs, children should have several names in order to protect them from evil spirits. Bruce's mother subsequently gave her son the name Li Zhenfan, which means "come back."

Bruce Lee with his parents

The couple, who live in Hong Kong, went to America for a theatrical tour. And when it became clear that the pregnant Grace could no longer continue the trip due to the imminent birth, she remained in San Francisco. Immediately after the birth, one of the nurses suggested naming the boy the American name Bruce: by the way, no one remembered this name before Bruce Lee moved to America.

The child grew up in Hong Kong. Incredibly, as a child, Bruce was a rather “frail” child and, despite the fact that he was interested in martial arts, he was not seriously interested in them. The guy was not particularly successful at school either.

At the age of 12, the boy was sent to college comprehensive development"La Salle". At the age of 13, Bruce began attending dance lessons, and four years later he won the cha-cha championship in Hong Kong.

When Bruce Lee turned 19 years old, he decided to move to the United States, thereby confirming his American citizenship by birthright. He first went to San Francisco and then to Seattle, where he got a job as a waiter in one of the local restaurants. During these years, he graduated from the Technical School and also went to study at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Washington.


As a teenager, Bruce Lee decided to master kung fu - he needed these skills to stand up for himself in street fights. The parents approved of their son’s choice and sent him to master Ip Man to study the art of Wing Chun. Thanks to dancing, the guy had excellent coordination of movements, which helped him in as soon as possible master the basics of Taijixuan technique. From that time on, Bruce Lee never stopped training. The style Bruce studied involved fighting without weapons, although later he mastered them too - the athlete handled the nunchaku best.

Lee later mastered judo, jiu-jitsu and boxing. In addition, he contributed to martial arts, having developed a new style Kung Fu called Jeet Kune Do. By the way, he taught this style at his own martial arts school, which he opened in 1961 while living in the States. The lessons weren't cheap ($275 per hour), but Bruce Lee's school had one fundamental difference from similar educational institutions - it taught everyone, regardless of nationality, while other masters undertook to teach only Asians.

As a teacher, Bruce himself never stopped improving his kung fu skills, bringing every move to perfection. He even created his own nutrition system; later his training methods were published, which gained popularity all over the world.


Interestingly, the first time Bruce Lee starred in a film was when he was only 3 months old - it was the film “Golden Gate Girl”. Thanks to the fact that his father was connected with the world of art, the boy began to often act in films. Already in 1946, he made his debut in the film “Born of Man.” Then Bruce managed to star in two dozen films before he turned 15 years old. These roles did not bring much income or fame to the young man, although the experience he gained was enormous.

Bruce Lee (right) in The Green Hornet

During his years in the USA, Bruce Lee began acting in American television series and films, demonstrating martial arts. From 1966 to 1967 The series “The Green Hornet” was released with the actor’s participation, and a year later Lee appeared in an episode of the film “Marlowe”. He did not get the main roles, and he decided to leave America and return to Hong Kong, where the Golden Harvest film studio was then opened.

Bruce managed to negotiate with the studio director about the opportunity to star in leading role, while he himself had to stage all the fight scenes. Thus, in 1971, the film “Big Boss” was released, which changed the concept of martial arts in the world of cinema. On the wave of success, the films “Fist of Fury” and “Return of the Dragon” were made - these films made Bruce Lee a super popular actor.

In 1972, Bruce Lee worked on the film Enter the Dragon, which premiered six days after his death. This picture became the last completed film with his participation.

Another film in which the idol of millions managed to star, “Game of Death”: Bruce starred in only 28 minutes of the film. It was released in 1978; filming had to be completed without the participation of the actor, having involved a similar person in the filming.

Personal life

In 1964, Bruce Lee married Linda Emery. With my future wife he met during his own lectures - a 17-year-old student was attending kung fu classes. The couple had two children in their marriage. In 1965, Linda gave Bruce a son, who was named Brandon, and four years later the couple had a daughter, Shannon.

Unfortunately, the fate of Bruce Lee's son was tragic. followed in his father's footsteps and became an actor and martial artist. In 1993, he died right on film set– the pistol from which they shot at the actor in the frame, by chance, turned out to be loaded with a live cartridge.


At the age of 33, Bruce Lee died unexpectedly. Death occurred on July 20, 1973; this event came as a shock to all of Hong Kong, as well as fans of the star around the world.

According to the official version, death was caused by cerebral edema. The cause of the swelling was allegedly a headache pill taken by the actor. Bruce's body was transported and buried in Seattle.

Fans did not want to believe in such an absurd death of their idol, which led to the birth of a lot of rumors about how exactly Lee died. One of these versions spoke in favor of the murder of the actor by another master who did not want him to teach martial arts to Europeans and Americans. However, such rumors were not confirmed.


  • "Orphan"
  • "Love"
  • "It's my father's fault"
  • "Faithful wife"
  • "Game of Death"
  • "The path of Dragon"
  • "Fist of fury"
  • "Storm"
  • "Big boss"
  • "Tower of Death"

Peter the Great had a very close associate - the Scot Jacob Bruce, one of the most educated people in Russia, a mysterious and unique personality in all respects. He is a direct descendant of the most ancient royal family(two of his ancestors were kings of Scotland) and a Russian count, politician, diplomat and military man, engineer, topographer, naturalist, mathematician, creator of Russian artillery, astronomer, astrologer... Participating in all of Peter’s campaigns and carrying out his most varied assignments, he found time for self-education, in particular, having mastered seven languages ​​perfectly.

Obsessed with the passion of a collector, Bruce collected something all his life - paintings, ancient coins, rare minerals, herbariums. He did not lag behind Peter in terms of the home cabinet of curiosities. His “cabinet of curious things” was the only one of its kind in Russia and after the death of the owner it joined the cabinet of curiosities of the Academy of Sciences.

And he not only collected, but also crafted and designed himself. The Hermitage houses a mirror made by Bruce, through which he “communicated with the world of the dead.” Polished metal mirrors of that time had a lifespan of no more than 2 years. And Bruce’s mirror retains its properties to this day. The telescope, made by him personally, was 18 meters long. According to his will, it was transferred to the Hermitage. Now all that remains of it is a one-foot-long stub. The count's other creations, much more intriguing and mysterious, will be discussed a little later.

The breadth of Bruce's knowledge and interests is evidenced by the rich scientific and technical library he collected, numbering one and a half thousand volumes. Ancient manuscripts of ancient scientists, translations and originals, 233 books on physical and mathematical sciences, 116 on medicine, 71 on geography and geology, more than 90 volumes on military disciplines, as well as poetry and astronomy, works on history, genealogy and heraldry, philosophy and linguistics, biology and artistic crafts, home economics, gardening, cooking, pyrotechnics and... arcane science.

Jacob Bruce's library was one of the best and most valuable in Russia. He bequeathed his collection to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In December 1735, after the death of its owner, the library traveled on 30 carts from Glinka’s estate near Moscow to St. Petersburg. In today's money it is valued at approximately £3 million.

Jacob Bruce - outstanding figure

Yakov Vilimovich Bruce was born in 1670. His father William Bruce arrived in Muscovy at the invitation of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1647. TO adolescence Yakov had already mastered three languages ​​and was interested in mathematics, physics and military affairs. At the age of 14, he, along with his older brother Roman, enlisted in the amusing Petrovsky regiment (transformed into the Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments), which determined his enchanting military and diplomatic career: lieutenant - colonel - major general from artillery - chief of all Russian artillery - general Governor of both capitals - and General-Fieldmaster at 30 years old.

The young Tsar of All Rus' (Peter was 2 years younger than Jacob), who also sought to absorb as much knowledge as possible and trusted foreigners more than his own dark people, could not help but notice the outstanding abilities of the Scot. They immediately became close and became friends. And Peter did not let Jacob go until his death - neither in military campaigns, nor at diplomatic meetings... nor in the secret search for truth.

Semi-childish games in the Amusing Regiment a few years later grew into serious military battles. Bruce takes part in military campaigns and battles, later reforms the Russian army and heads the artillery, leads the largest military operations, including famous battle near Poltava in 1709. Peter called the victory a triumph of Russian artillery and awarded Bruce the highest state award- Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

The peace treaty with Sweden, which put an end to the Northern War in 1721, was entrusted to be signed by J. Bruce and A. Osterman, after which Peter, who highly valued his friend and associate and generously rewarded him for his faithful service and sharp mind, granted Jacob the title of count and 500 peasant households in Karelian district.

Yakov started a family at the age of 25, marrying Margarita von Manteuffel (Marfa Andreevna), the daughter of General Tsoge von Manteuffel, a native of the Baltic states. Tsar Peter himself was the best man at the wedding. Later, Margarita-Martha was one of the five ladies of state of Empress Catherine. She died several years ago before your spouse, leaving him no offspring.

In 1697, Peter I included Bruce in the “Great Embassy”, during which a new anti-Swedish alliance was formed consisting of Russia, Saxony and Denmark. By order of the sovereign, Bruce left for England - “for mathematical science in the English state,” as well as to study artillery. He stayed in London more than a year, finding and recruiting scientists and teachers to work in Russia, purchased books and instruments, simultaneously mastering the wisdom of astronomy and astrology. In London, Peter and Jacob met Isaac Newton.

In Moscow, at the intersection of the Garden Ring, Sretenka and 1st Meshchanskaya, Sukhareva stood or was built at the behest of Peter in 1695 and served as a barracks for the soldiers of Colonel Sukharev. The height of the tower rivaled the Kremlin in popularity. It existed until 1934, considered an outstanding monument of Russian architecture.

In this pompous building, Peter decided to open the first secular church in Rus'. educational institution mathematical and navigational sciences (Navigation School), and appointed his enlightened associate to lead it. Here Bruce had his own office-laboratory, and in the upper part of the tower he built an observatory - the first in Moscow, in which he taught future sailors to observe the stars and planets.

He himself compiled and published the map starry sky and wrote a scientific treatise on the law universal gravity- “Theory of planetary motion.”

Fluency European languages allowed him to do the translations himself. Thus, he translated Christian Huygens’s book “Cosmoteoros”, which expounded the Copernican system and Newton’s theory of gravity, calling it “The Book of the World”. This work became a textbook for Russian schools and institutes for a long time.

Bruce also created an astrological and geological-ethnographic map of Moscow, marking bad and favorable places on it. The radial-ring structure of Moscow, divided into 12 sectors, according to the signs of the Zodiac, was proposed by him to Peter during the large-scale reconstruction of the capital and formed the basis for the subsequent layout. He drew up maps of Russian lands, from Moscow to Asia Minor, during the campaign against Azov in 1696.

In 1706, edited by Bruce, the first civil calendar in Rus' with astrological forecasts was published.

It enjoyed enormous popularity and was reprinted and expanded many times until the mid-19th century. People called these calendars nothing more than “Bruce” or “Bruce”. But researchers of the legacy of Peter the Great's magician claim that Bruce had only an indirect relationship with him, acting as an editor-censor...

Occult science under Peter the Great

All of the above depicts a serious, thorough and businesslike person and is least suitable for the second part of the story, in which Jacob Bruce will appear in a completely different capacity, thanks to which such nicknames (or definitions) as sorcerer, warlock, black magician have stuck to him forever , Russian Nostradamus. The emperor himself, in his free time from feasts and modernization of Russia, was not averse to having fun with spiritualism and magic. And the glorious scientist-warrior kept him company. Only for Yakov it was not entertainment, but life itself.

Peter I

It was, literally, in his blood that he was drawn to occult science. His ancestor, Edward Bruce, King of Ireland (brother of Robert the First Bruce, king-liberator of Celtic Scotland), at the beginning of the 14th century was the most influential Master of the Templar Order, the Scottish Master of St. Andrew. It was rumored that Jacob Bruce secretly belonged to the Freemasons, who are supposedly the heirs of the Templars. Although the Templar Order was abolished and dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312, Freemasonry as a movement arose in the 18th century.

Muscovites who lived near the Sukharev Tower began to notice that at night a light was mysteriously flickering in its upper part. And then rumors spread throughout the city that a certain secret “Neptune Society” was meeting in the Sukharev Tower, of which close friend Tsar Franz Lefort, Jacob Bruce, Alexander Menshikov, several other nobles and Peter the Great himself. These were, it is believed, meetings of the Masonic lodge. And after Lefort’s death, the Neptune Society was allegedly headed by Bruce.

There is a version that during his stay in London, Bruce introduced the sovereign to Freemasonry.

One way or another, it is not known for certain, but in the collection of articles and materials “Freemasonry in its past and present,” edited by the prominent historian S. Melgunov (and N. Sidorov), published in 1914, it is written: “Among the Russian Freemasons there was legend that the first Masonic lodge in Russia was established by Peter the Great immediately upon his return from his first trip abroad: Christopher Wren himself, the famous founder of New England Freemasonry (and no less famous architect and mathematician - ed.), supposedly initiated him into the sacraments of the Order... This legend, devoid of any documentary basis, finds only indirect confirmation in the high respect that the name of Peter enjoyed among the Russian brothers of the 18th century.”

Jacob Bruce
Glinka's estate

In 1725 Bruce had to last time to serve his sovereign friend - as the chief manager at his funeral (“Supreme Chief Marshal of the Sad Commission”). After the death of the Russian autocrat, a struggle for power began.

Historians testify that the mighty Peter the Great died of pneumonia, but they do not exclude the possibility that he was poisoned. Catherine I reigned for only two years (1725-1727) and died at the age of 43. She was replaced by Peter's grandson, 11-year-old Peter II, who died at the age of 14 (1727-1730). Then there was Anna Ioanovna, who held the throne for 10 years (1730-1740). Immediately after the death of Peter the Great, all of Bruce’s associates were mysteriously ordered to live long.

The first successor, the widow-empress Catherine I, still favored Bruce and even awarded him the Order of Alexander Nevsky. But the Russian Nostradamus, apparently, decided not to tempt fate and in 1726, a year after the death of Peter, he retired with the rank of field marshal general, and a year later he bought from Prince Dolgorukov the Glinka estate and several villages, 42 versts east of Moscow , where he retires until the end of his days.

The estate was located on a peninsula, between the Klyazma rivers and its tributary Vorya, surrounded by forests and swamps. And underneath there were supposedly dungeons and passages several kilometers long...

This version is supported by traces of ancient settlements and burial mounds discovered in the surrounding area. Already in our days, psychics and dowsers tried to study the estate of the sorcerer count. And they all agreed that passages in the bowels of the estate really exist, and in them there is a large number of objects of unknown purpose - metal, wood, glass. And also - that the estate stands on the “energy node” of the planet.

Bruce built his new estate himself, turning it into a “scientific and mystical institute of one person,” where everything was subordinated to his research, observations and experiments. On the roof of the main house-palace, he built himself an observatory, similar to the one he had in the Sukharev Tower. And in the dungeons he set up laboratories, studying physics, chemistry, optics, and most importantly, witchcraft and alchemy.

Several entrances to the underground labyrinths, located directly under the house, were walled up half a century ago, and were never studied after Bruce's death. Moscow documentarians and authors of the TV show “Seekers” spoke about this. A couple of years ago, they made an attempt to unravel the secrets of Jacob Bruce by visiting all his places, including the Glinka estate (which now houses the Monino sanatorium), and made a film called “The Sorcerer of Peter the Great.”

Glinka Estate

Bruce was dubbed the sorcerer not only by popular rumor, but also by history itself. True, it was based on the collection of rumors and legends that circulated about him. These tales would be quite suitable for a Hollywood horror film. But there is no smoke without fire. Only now, three centuries later, we certainly cannot separate the wheat from the chaff. What remains is a dispassionate retelling of the mysterious deeds of a high-ranking magician. Here are some of them.

He assembled a “mechanical bird” with a human head (“Bruce’s dragon”) from iron plates and, by decree of the sovereign, had the right to fly it only over Moscow at night - so as not to frighten people. Which is exactly what the general-feldtzeichmeister did, starting from the window of the Sukharev Tower, to the surprise of those who were awake...

There is a version that the first Russian airplanes of the early twentieth century were designed according to his drawings.

The collector of legends Pavel Bogatyrev retold in the 19th century - in the essays “Moscow Antiquity”, the testimonies of Bruce’s contemporaries about his mechanical maid, wondrously beautiful and indistinguishable from a living girl. She supposedly “knew how to talk and walk, but had no soul.” The iron doll served the count in the Sukharev Tower. After resigning, he took her to his estate near Moscow.

The serfs, when they saw the doll, at first ran away in panic, but then they got used to it and among themselves began to call her “Yashkina’s woman.” “Baba” could do all the housework, serve guests coffee and even talk. Whether this is true or fiction is unknown. But among Bruce’s papers, drawings of a mechanical robot were found. (The image of a maid doll is also present in the film “The Sorcerer of Peter the Great.”)

And Bruce could, to the surprise of his guests, “with a wave of his magic wand” turn his garden pond into a skating rink in the middle of a hot summer. Believing in this, our contemporaries began in all seriousness to study the strangely rectangular pond in Glinki, trying to find a clue at its bottom. Bruce is also credited with mastery of hypnosis - the ability to cause visual hallucinations in others. (Isn’t this how his guests “beheld” a summer pond covered with ice?)

“But what else did this Bruce know: he knew all these secret herbs, and wonderful stones, he made different compositions from them, he even produced living water...” - the peasants whom he treated as a healer said about him.

About living water They mentioned it for a reason. The mysterious magician finally found the secret of the elixir of eternal youth, having tried it first on others, and then on himself. The method was not only risky, but also barbaric - the experiments required old people or “freshly deceased” dead people. To rejuvenate someone who was still alive, he had to first be killed and then revived.

The goal of Bruce's experiments, as you might guess, is his own immortality. But it was precisely on this point that the alchemist magician stumbled... We have already agreed that I am only retelling legends and rumors. And in this part they become completely creepy and implausible.

Bryusov calendar. Reprint 1875
Bruce - after death

Jacob Bruce died strangely, incomprehensibly and unexpectedly in 1735. And he died during his final experience in Glinki. The count ordered his Turkish servant to cut his body into four pieces with a sword, bury it in the garden and water the remains with the elixir of eternal youth for three days and three nights. And on the fourth day, dig it out. The body must grow together, resurrect and rejuvenate. But the servant messed up something, hurried or did not finish it, because the royal messengers arrived at the wrong time - the wounds had already begun to heal, but there was no revival, and the sorcerer of Peter the Great died before he was 66 years old. He was buried in the German settlement.

And of course, this story could not help but acquire some “afterlife romance.” After Bruce's death, every night Muscovites saw a light at the top of the Sukharev Tower, in the observatory. This is the spirit of the sorcerer guarding his “Black Book,” the superstitious whispered. 200 years later, when the tower was demolished, the spirit moved to the old estate in Glinki. Around the same years, his crypt was found and the remains were handed over to the anthropologist and sculptor Mikhail Gerasimov to reconstruct the appearance of Peter the Great’s associate. But the remains mysteriously disappeared. Only what he was wearing survived.

And now about the Black Book, which excited the imagination of several generations, including powerful of the world this. According to persistent legend, Bruce had some kind of special magic book. No one really knows which one it is. According to one version, it was very ancient book, which belonged to King Solomon himself. “She revealed all the secrets to him,” wrote Pavel Bogatyrev, “and through this book he could find out what was in any place in the earth, he could tell who had what hidden where... This book cannot be obtained: it is not given to anyone and is in a mysterious room where no one dares to enter.” Not wanting it to fall into the wrong hands after his death, the sorcerer allegedly walled it up in the wall of the Sukharev Tower.

In the collection “100 Great Mysteries of History” you can read that Catherine I believed in the existence of the book, and after the death of the sorcerer, she tried to find it by ordering a search of the observatory and its entire scientific archive, which was transferred to the Academy of Sciences. But I never found anything.

So that no one else could use the priceless book, the empress placed a guard at the tower, which supposedly no one dared to remove until October revolution. And even the Bolsheviks did not immediately abolish it. Only in 1924 was the post at the Sukharev Tower dissolved, and a public services museum was opened at the Bruce Observatory.

Stalin also knew about the existence of the mysterious book, and showed particular interest in the legacy of the sorcerer Peter the Great. The fact that the leader of the country of Soviets took the astrological map of Moscow proposed by Bruce as the basis for the layout of the Moscow metro, with 12 stations on Circle line- in accordance with the zodiac signs, I already mentioned “The Seagulls” in the last issue.

In 1934, Stalin ordered the demolition of the Sukharev Tower. But under no circumstances should it be blown up, as was done with all the buildings and temples that interfered with the leader, but dismantled brick by brick, under strict control, and all finds delivered to him personally.

The above-mentioned “seekers” took as a basis in their film another version about the “Black Book,” that is, about a notebook that personally belonged to the count.

“Bruce had a laboratory in which the scientist sorcerer conducted mysterious experiments,” presenter Valery Ivanov-Tagansky explains his version. - He wrote down valuable discoveries and observations, acquired secret knowledge in the “Black Notebook”. These manuscripts were hunted during his lifetime. One can only guess what secrets the alchemist's book kept. The discovery of these recordings could be a real sensation.

Alas, there is no sensation, since the book “is not given to anyone”...

Nobody knows what is true and what is colorful fiction from the field of science fiction - Jacob Bruce took his secrets with him.

In a post about a boy who, at the behest of his parents, became a bodybuilder, a question was asked from Arigus:
I remember we also had Bruce Khlebnikov!!! Where did it go, what happened to it?

Let's remember our hero, who is rightfully considered one of the most strong people planet today.

Biography of the athlete

The future record holder was born on October 21, 1989.
He was born on the Tula-Moscow train. His mother Nelly moved from Armenia. to his unusual name he owes it to the Chinese athlete Bruce Lee. His closest relatives are no less famous. Ivan Khlebnikov - hero of the Great Patriotic War, became famous for saving almost fifty people during a fire at an oil plant in Baku. A monument was erected in his honor in the capital of Azerbaijan. The biography of Bruce Khlebnikov is quite interesting. The boy loved karate and wushu since childhood. One of his favorite heroes was his famous namesake, Bruce Lee.

The future champion is already in early childhood showed abilities in oriental martial arts. Noticing her son’s abilities, his mother brought him for consultation with Alexei Artyukhov, who headed the Wushu Federation. At that time, Bruce was four years old. After just a year of wushu training, he received a yellow belt.

Sports career Bruce developed very rapidly. His incredible achievements in sports made a lasting impression. Gradually his fame crossed the borders of Moscow.

The boy’s sports career was also going uphill. At the age of nine, Bruce already had a red belt in Wushu.

Bruce's first records

The first record that made Bruce famous was achieved by accident. Although the boy showed absolutely incredible perseverance and hard work. Tatyana Pikalova, who is famous as a power actress, invited Nelly to watch the performance. All that was required of Bruce was to sit behind the wheel of the Volga. But everything went completely differently. Instead of sitting calmly in the driver's seat, the child quite seriously asked permission to move the car. At that time he was only six years old. The adults just laughed when they heard such a request. Then Bruce put the strong man in the Volga full man, and harnessed himself. And the car moved. For some reason the room became quiet. And the boy really liked this game. Gradually he began to move buses, planes, and boats.

He managed to move a military fighter that weighs twelve tons.

And besides this, he managed to tear several thick books in half. In total, more than thirty records are recorded in the Book of Records.

The movement of the fighter jet is part of the other impressive moments in this video.

Instead of belts, he very often uses his own hair or teeth. Success in the sports field aroused envy not only among classmates, but also among adults. Fearing the consequences of some kind of fight, Mom transferred Bruce to homeschooling. A video with the participation of Bruce Khlebnikov can be viewed on social networks or on the Internet. So, at age 10, Bruce's records were even more impressive. At this age, he managed to hold a man who weighed 160 kg between two chairs. Within a year he could maintain a weight of 240 kg. And at the age of 12 he could move the Albatross L-39 plane; this machine weighed 4 tons. He used his hair as belts. A rope was tied to them, on which he dragged the plane almost one and a half meters.

Gradually, Bruce Khlebnikov’s records became known, and he was included in the Guinness Book. This happened after the young strongman moved the fighter. In 2002, he was included in the Book again. This time he tied it to his hair and moved the steamship Zarnitsa, which weighed 22 tons. There were also passengers on board the ship. Together with them, he dragged the ship 10 meters against the current.

Sports achivments do not replace Bruce's knowledge. Bruce entered the Academy national security and law and order. Another equally famous karateka, Jackie Chan, also appreciated Bruce’s abilities. They met in 2000 at the premiere of the film Shanghai Noon. Jackie Chan was no less surprised by the young strongman's abilities than Van Damme. Today he is friends with both actors and often visits them.

In 2011, Bruce took part in the TV show “Dancing with the Stars,” where his partner was Victoria Krutaya, known for her curvaceous figure—even Artem Mikhalkov refused to dance with her.
One day, a serious scandal broke out on the set - Khlebnikov began to irritate Lera Kudryavtseva and her little dog, and he called the TV presenter a bad mother who could only take care of the dog, to which Lera reacted no less emotionally. The conflict was resolved by Ksenia Sobchak, threatening Bruce that he might leave the project.

Athlete today

To date, Bruce Khlebnikov holds more than 30 records, many of which are listed in the Guinness Book of Records. They are all very complex. It's no secret that in order to achieve such a result you need to show superhuman willpower. In addition, you need to set a goal for yourself and steadily achieve it. Bruce has it all. According to his mother, he is very hardworking.

Bruce often travels to colonies where juvenile criminals are raised. They witness many records. So on one of the trips, he moved the Gazelle. According to the strongman, this is an excellent example of what to strive for. This is understandable; if you direct all your energy in the right direction, you can achieve incredible heights.

If you read biographies famous people, then you can clearly understand that at the cost of enormous work, they achieve their results. Bruce is no exception. He began working on himself in early childhood. Of course, this could not have happened without my mother’s attention and help. But it was hard work that helped the athlete get into the Wushu Federation, where children were accepted only from the age of 12. Bruce was only four.

You can be incredible talented person, but if you don’t add work to this, then success is extremely difficult to achieve.

Name: Jacob Brius

Age: 65 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow

A place of death: Moscow region

Activity: Russian statesman

Family status: was married

Jacob Bruce - biography

Pushkin called the descendant of the Scottish kings, who faithfully served the Tsar of Russia, the “Russian Faust” - and there were good reasons for that...

James (Jacob) Daniel Bruce was born in 1670 in Moscow. He was a direct descendant of Robert the Bruce, King of Scotland in the 14th century. Jacob's grandfather fled from Cromwell's terror to Muscovy and made a good military career; father, also an officer, died in the war with the Turks. Yakov was mentored by teachers from Kukuy - the German settlement. At the age of 17 he entered military service.

Jacob Bruce - soldier and scientist

During the attempt palace coup Princess Sophia Bruce led a funny regiment to defend Pyotr Alekseevich - then he entered his inner circle. There were also common outrages with the young king in Kukui, but Yakov also participated in all his campaigns. During Northern War fell into disgrace for being late with his squad to their destination. But it seems that the tsar completely trusted him: he soon gave command of all the artillery. The “work” of Bruce’s guns became a significant contribution to all of Peter’s victories.

Yakov ended up on the Grand Embassy to Europe by chance. During one of the wild drinking sessions, he quarreled with Fyodor Romodanovsky, who was left to rule the country. He came to Peter in Holland and complained that Prince Caesar had tortured him with a hot iron. Romodanovsky swore: Bruce had imagined all this in a drunken delirium. Peter did not investigate - he simply left the complainant with himself. Yakov Vilimovich, of course, was often drunk, like everyone around Peter. At the same time, he was distinguished by amazing zeal. He constantly studied in Europe: either in London with a private teacher, or in Oxford.

The persistent young man gained truly encyclopedic knowledge, which he used not only for practical, but also for academic purposes. Already in our time, Bruce’s 1698 manuscript “The Theory of Planetary Motion” was discovered in England - the first Russian scientific work according to the law of universal gravitation. In addition, he made translations into Russian of major scientific works, compiled dictionaries, wrote the first geometry textbook in Russia. He published the famous “Bruce calendar” of astrological predictions. Oversaw all Russian industry and mining.

In Europe, Bruce brought the king together with great scientists: Gottfried Leibniz and Isaac Newton, architect Christopher Wren, poet Alexander Pope, astronomer John Flamsteed. It is important that all these people are Freemasons. Most likely, Bruce was one - or rather, a Templar, like his ancestor, King Robert.

The fact that Yakov Vilimovich was fulfilling a certain mission in Russia, and not just “catching happiness and rank,” is evidenced by his caution. Thus, for successful negotiations on peace with Sweden, Peter granted him the title of count, 500 peasant households and the Glinka estate. Bruce accepted all this, but rejected the rank of actual privy councilor - second in the Table of Ranks. I was afraid that such an honor would outrage a foreigner and a non-religious Russian society. Apparently he didn't want to be seen...

Freemasonry researcher Leonid Matsikh argued: back in England, Newton and Wren gave Bruce the authority to found a lodge in Russia. Perhaps for the tsar he was an intelligent interlocutor, to some extent even a spiritual mentor (unlike, say, Menshikov, Peter’s partner in all sorts of rampages). After all, Yakov is 2 years older than Peter, and at that time this meant a lot. But it’s hard to say how Bruce actually felt about all sorts of esotericism. He is more of a skeptical scientist than an enthusiastic mystic.

Russian Freemasons trace their history back to the Neptune Society, which met in Moscow, in the tower built by Pyotr Sukharev. But, firstly, it was not Bruce who led these meetings, but Franz Lefort. And secondly, it is unlikely that the tsar, with his concepts of autocracy, would submit to some “master of the chair.” Apparently, these games of occultism and secret societies were for him a kind of entertainment, like “an all-joking cathedral.”

Ring of King Solomon

Bruce turned the Sukharev Tower into the first Russian observatory, where he spent his nights making astronomical and astrological observations. It is possible that he conducted alchemical experiments. The most ominous rumors circulated around Moscow. For example, that the ring of King Solomon was kept in the tower, commanding evil spirits. But main theme there was Bruce's "Black Book", which gave absolute knowledge of all the secrets of the earth. They said that it was hidden in the most secret room of the tower and was guarded by 12 spirits. They say that Peter demanded that it be given to him, threatening him with death, but Bruce flatly refused, since the tome was written by Satan himself, and if the king opened it, the wrath of God would fall on the country.

After creepy book supposedly walled up in the wall of the tower, and the spirit of Bruce guarded it even after his death. There was also a very real guard at the tower, which was removed only in 1924. And 10 years later it was demolished - despite the protests of prominent art critics. They say that Stalin himself insisted on this and that the tower was not broken, but carefully dismantled, carefully inspecting each fragment. We found a lot of interesting things, but not the Black Book. And they also say: in the crowd watching the demolition, they saw a strange old man in archaic clothes...

Another legend is connected with the mansion of Count Musin-Pushkin. On its façade there is a white board shaped like a coffin lid. She used to have a sundial with astrological calendar, which Bruce made for the owner of the house. But the count's heirs painted them over, and the warlock cursed the clock - now it predicts misfortune. Before something bad happens, bloody spots appear on the “lid of the coffin” - the last time this happened was before Chechen war. And sometimes visible white cross, supposedly indicating secret room, where the philosopher's stone is hidden. A hidden room in the house was indeed found, but completely empty.

They also say that the sorcerer immured his wife under the clock for some offense. This is complete nonsense: Bruce was happily married to the Estonian German Margaret (Martha) Tsöge von Manteuffel for 33 years, and after her death he lived as a widower.

Retired magician

When the Tsar died, Bruce went into the shadows, wisely not entering into the fight that the “chicks of Petrov’s nest” began among themselves. He lived in Glinki under the protection of a platoon of soldiers. But even here his personality accumulated the most incredible rumors. Even 100 years later, peasants told how the “royal arikhmet-chik” froze the pond in the middle of summer so that his guests could go ice skating. Or that he had a mechanical doll that served him and even flirted with guys. Amazingly, the drawings of the “mechanical man” actually ended up among Bruce’s papers.

The count, according to legend, ordered his servant to cut himself into pieces and water them with “living water.” And every time he came to life. But one day the servant forgot to water, and the magician remained dead. Others argued that he did not die at all, but flew away to God knows where on a “mechanical bird.” The ghost of Bruce regularly appeared in the estate, as soon as the new owners tried to redo something. In the end, they all moved out of there...

Now the Bruce Museum is open in the estate. Its visitors are eeriely impressed by the 57 strange stone masks on the pediment. The count himself, who died in April 1735, was buried in Kukui, in the Church of St. Michael. At Soviet power it was destroyed, and Bruce's remains were sent to the laboratory of Mikhail Gerasimov. However, they mysteriously disappeared from there. Only the clothes of Yakov Vilimovich have been preserved in the collections of the Historical Museum. And the ring from the skeleton’s hand, according to rumors, was taken by Stalin.

To this day, they talk about meetings with the ghost of Bruce - either at the site of the Sukharev Tower, or at his ruined grave, or in “Glinka”.

Peter gave his favorite the upper tier of the Sukharev Tower, where Bruce equipped an observatory. He was seriously interested in astronomy, took a telescope and astronomical aids with him everywhere, even taught the tsar himself to navigate the sky and predict solar eclipses. Bruce made observations at night and at the same time wrote down his calculations, drew maps...
But popular rumor said that at night the Scot did dark things in the Sukharev Tower: for example, he released “iron birds with human heads” from its windows, and sometimes he himself flew over Moscow, turning into a raven...
Another rumor concerned the figure of a double-headed eagle on the spire of the tower. They said that the bird was able to foresee the future. And this seemed to be confirmed. So, before the war with Napoleon, a confused hawk was seen between the legs of an eagle. Many considered this an omen of Russian victory over the French.
The tower basement was also made available to Bruce. The count set up a laboratory in it, where, again, according to rumors, he conducted alchemical experiments. They also claimed that the Scotsman kept in that basement the “Black Book,” the author of which was allegedly Satan himself. And whoever takes possession of this book will be able to open any locks and any treasures will be revealed to him... According to legend, feeling his imminent death, the count walled up the book in the wall of the tower.
In 1934, Stalin ordered the demolition of the Sukharev Tower because it allegedly interfered with traffic. For some reason, instead of blowing it up, they began to dismantle it brick by brick. There were rumors that they tried to find Bryusov’s “Black Book,” but the search was unsuccessful.
But the most amazing thing was the legend about living and dead water. As if Bruce possessed the secret of water that could heal wounds and revive the dead. And that's how he died. Bruce decided to conduct an experiment, called a Turkish servant and ordered him to cut his body into four parts with a sword. After this, the servant, on the orders of the master, buried the remains in the garden and for three days and three nights watered the place from the bottle that Bruce gave him before his death. On the fourth day he was ordered to dig a hole. But everything went wrong. On the third day, for some reason they began to look for Bruce on the orders of the king. In the end, the Turk “split” and told what had happened. Peter ordered the excavation of the pit with the remains. The sorcerer’s body turned out to be intact, and he himself was alive, only sleeping. Nevertheless, the emperor considered this a “dirty thing” and ordered the count to be cut into pieces again and buried.
On the facade of house No. 2 on Spartakovskaya Street, formerly known as the “House on Razgulay”, you can see the remains of a sundial with numbers, astrological symbols and other signs. And it seemed like this was the case. Count Musin-Pushkin ordered the warlock Bruce a magic watch capable of predicting the future and pointing to treasures. However, even before the order was completed, Musin-Pushkin gave his soul to God. Bruce took the product to the heirs, but they refused to pay for it. Then Bruce left the watch to them, but at the same time said the following phrase: “Let this watch be cursed, and let it only show bad things!”
It is said that before the revolution, the First and Second World Wars, the stone clock board took on a blood-red color. And from time to time a white cross appeared on its surface. And its top indicated where to look for treasures. But everyone who found them soon died a terrible death...
In the 20s of the last century, members of the “Old Moscow” society found out that the sundial was placed on the facade of the building by Abbot Syuryug, the teacher of the Musin-Pushkin children, a highly educated man, the author of works on history, mythology and literature. But they seemed to have nothing to do with Jacob Bruce.