Vitamin A in food table. What foods contain vitamin A and where is it most?

Vitamins are valuable substances for the human body. That is why it is important for people to consume them not only in the form of drugs, but also in the form of food. Which foods contain a lot of vitamins A and B will be discussed in the article. Moreover, it is important to use them as normal, avoiding shortages and overdoses.

The simplest method of obtaining the necessary vitamins is considered to be proper nutrition. With them, the necessary components enter the body. To balance your diet, you need to consider which foods contain the most vitamins. Each substance has its own value for the body, so they are needed for every person. You just need to take the norm into account.

Benefits of Vitamin A

Retinol is required for the prevention and treatment of diseases of vision, bones, skeleton, mammary glands, respiratory system, cirrhosis, hypertension, atherosclerosis. Products with this vitamin help normalize metabolic processes in the skin and improve resistance to colds and infections. Therefore, if you have to deal with eye strain in everyday life, you should know which foods contain a lot of vitamin A. In this case, you will need animal and plant products.

If retinol is supplied with food in the required quantity, it improves the permeability of cell membranes and the synthesis of adrenal hormones. The component improves sexual function and thyroid function. Food with vitamin A reduces the effect of carcinogens, restores immunity, and suppresses malignant tumors.

Where is vitamin A present?

What foods are high in vitamin A? Retinol is not found in plants, but it is found in animal products:

  • cream;
  • butter;
  • yolks;
  • kidneys;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fish liver.

What other foods are high in vitamin A? To treat night blindness, dishes made from half-raw liver (beef and pork) are used. Retinol is present in fish oil. Which foods contain a lot of vitamin A or carotenoids? This component is found in red and orange vegetables and fruits. Carotenodes are converted into retinol in the body. Spinach, parsley, lettuce, tomatoes, red peppers, zucchini, green peas, cabbage, and sea buckthorn are rich in beta-carotene. The component is found in rose hips, pumpkin, and peaches.

Daily norm

To establish the dose of a substance, the unit IU has been created by international agreements. Every day, the human body receives 5000 IU of vitamin A through food, which is equal to 1.5 mcg. When compiling a diet, you need to know that the level of retinol is 1/3.

The remaining 2/3 of the daily requirement should be supplied to the body with plant foods that contain carotene. The biological activity of such food is 2-3 times lower, which compensates for the consumption of carotenes in 2-3 times more quantities. There are experts who believe that for prevention and treatment it is possible to exceed the maximum level by 3-4 times, but long-term overdose should be excluded.

Excess and deficiency of vitamin A

Excess retinol is indicated by headache, body itching, nausea, swelling, and nervous irritability. There is no overdose with the use of regular products. If there are signs of excess, then you need to avoid products with vitamin A, but you need vitamin B.

According to studies, it was revealed that due to prolonged overdose of retinol and fish oil, malignant formations appear. Retinol tends to accumulate between cell membranes, which contributes to disruption of their function. An overdose of synthetic drugs is dangerous during pregnancy.

With a lack of vitamin A, visual impairment occurs, immunity decreases, dry skin, rashes, and acne appear. This is evidenced by brittle hair, rough skin, and high fatigue. Due to the lack of foods with vitamin A, cellulite appears, the functioning of the nervous system and digestion are disrupted.

Vitamin B1

This component is necessary for the body just like other vitamins. Its presence will allow the body to function normally. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) helps convert food into energy. Its presence is required for healthy skin, hair, muscles, and brain.

The daily norm is 1.2 mcg for men and 1.1 mcg for women. But indicators may vary depending on age and lifestyle. Due to the lack of a component, nausea, constipation, insomnia, tearfulness, and deterioration in performance may occur.

Nowadays, component shortages are rare. Most of all it is present in food. What foods contain a lot of B vitamins? It is found in plant foods: soybeans, peas, spinach, beans, and products based on wholemeal flour. Less thiamine is present in potatoes, cabbage, and carrots. Among animal products, this valuable component is found in liver, brains, kidneys, pork and beef. Such products should be included in every person's diet.

Riboflavin. AT 2

It is also called riboflavin. The component is involved in metabolism and is necessary for the normal functioning of the visual system, skin and mucous membranes. It is needed in the synthesis of hemoglobin. A lack of vitamin contributes to decreased appetite, headaches, and burning skin. This also causes pain in the eyes.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to include food rich in the menu. For men, 1.2 mcg of the component per day will be enough, and for women - 1.1 mcg. Most riboflavin is present in the liver, kidneys, and yeast. Smaller amounts are present in eggs and almonds. The substance is also found in mushrooms, cottage cheese, and cabbage.

A nicotinic acid. AT 3

Thanks to vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid, energy is released from all food components. The substance synthesizes proteins, fats, and is involved in the production of various hormones. When there is a deficiency, pellagra appears. Symptoms include aggression, dermatitis, confusion, paralysis and diarrhea. Lack of the substance causes disruption of the intestinal microflora.

To replenish the vitamin, 20 mcg of the component per day will be enough for men and women. It is found in meat, whole grains, mushrooms, potatoes, nuts, egg yolks, and green vegetables. Yeast is rich in it.

AT 5

The component is called pantothenic acid. With its help, wounds heal, it synthesizes antibodies and metabolizes proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. With a deficiency, burning of the legs and other neurological symptoms appear.

The norm for men and women is 5 mcg. The need for this component is satisfied by non-specialized nutrition, since it is found in many animal and plant products. The substance is also produced by the body. It is found in peas, hazelnuts, garlic, milk, and fish roe.

Pyrodoxin. AT 6

The component is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. With a lack of pyrodoxine, depression, dermatitis, and loss of appetite are observed. The norm for men is 1.7 mcg, and for women - 1.5 mcg.

What foods are high in vitamin B6? Most of this component is found in hazelnuts, walnuts, potatoes, and sweet potatoes. Vegetables, fruits, and berries are rich in it.

Biotin. AT 7

Biotin releases energy from caloric components. If there is a lack of substance, there will be dermatitis, hair loss, increased blood sugar, insomnia, and muscle pain.

The daily norm for a healthy person is 30-100 mcg. The component is present in small quantities in legumes, cauliflower, nuts, yeast, liver, and kidneys. A small amount of the substance is found in tomatoes, spinach, and mushrooms.

Folic acid. AT 9

Needed for cell division. Due to its deficiency, anemia, apathy, digestive difficulties, memory impairment, and graying are observed.

Needed during pregnancy. The daily norm is 200 mcg. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, legumes, honey, and flour products.

AT 12

Cyanocobalamin is necessary for the creation of red blood cells, maintaining growth and functioning of the nervous system. Lack of a component causes digestive disorders, liver enlargement, and nervous disorders. The daily norm is 3 mcg. The substance comes with food. Therefore, it is important to remember which foods contain a lot of vitamin B 12? This will allow you to saturate your body with the necessary substances.

What foods are high in vitamin B12? Most of this substance was found in beef liver. It is also found in chicken hearts and pork liver. What other foods contain a lot of vitamin B12? It is found in seafood and dairy products.

There are many other vitamins that are important for human health. These include C, PP, D. Each of these substances is necessary for the full development of a person. You should not allow a lack of nutrients to avoid hypovitaminosis. Therefore, nutrition should be balanced, which involves the supply of all necessary substances. Then the body is not at risk of various ailments.

Retinol, obtained in its pure form, is easily absorbed. Therefore, it is highly recommended to include foods rich in this nutrient in your daily diet. Tables will help you stick to a healthy diet. With their help, you will find out which foods contain sufficient vitamin A.

You will also be pleased with the exact daily requirements by age and category, high-quality preparations that maintain balance, and a convenient classification of the presence of retinol by food group.

TOP 20 products with high retinol content

Vitamin A is a vital element of plant origin for the health of the body. It, like all useful substances, improves immunity. And this is far from his only prerogative. Almost everyone has heard about the benefits of retinol for vision. However, little is known about the beneficial effects of carotenoids on:

  • bones;
  • Hair Growth;
  • healthy complexion;
  • skin condition
  • teeth;
  • cellular renewal.

Therefore, all beauties should take note of the properties of such a nutrient. In addition, a sufficient amount of micrograms of vitamin A helps slow down aging and prevent cancer.

On a note! Retinol is well absorbed with fats and minerals.

Children's daily allowance “A” depends on the age category:

  1. Up to 12 months - 400 mcg.
  2. One to three years - 450 mcg.
  3. From 4 to 6 - 500 mcg.
  4. 7-10 years - 700 mcg.

The daily norm for men of all ages is 1000 mcg. For women over 11 years old - 800 mcg. It is recommended to add 200 mcg for pregnant women, and 400 mcg for lactating women.

In imported supplements, Vitamin A is often indicated not in grams or mcg, but in conventional international units IU (in English - IU). 0.6 micrograms of retinol is equivalent to 1 IU.

It is advisable to receive one third of the dose in its natural form. The rest is multivitamin complexes. Table 1 will help you find out which foods contain a lot of vitamin A.

Table 1. Which foods contain a lot of vitamin A.

NameAvailability (per 100 g), µg
1 Fish oil made from cod liver25000
2 Beef liver8367
3 Cod liver4400
4 Carrot2000
5 Red fruited bunches of rowan1500
6 Acne1200
7 Parsley leaves950
8 Yolk925
9 Fresh celery, spinach and dill750
10 Melted butter667
11 Dried apricots583
12 Black caviar550
13 Quail eggs483
14 Red caviar, butter450
15 Rosehip (in any form)434
16 Broccoli386
17 Freshly squeezed carrot juice350
18 Fresh cilantro337
19 Green onion, leek330
20 Cheese (varieties 50%)303-277

Swiss cheese and Camembert are the products richest in retinol in the fermented milk category.

Good to know! Long frying, boiling, etc. evaporates all beneficial properties, including nutrients.

All products rich in vital vitamin A are quite affordable - often found on shelves at reasonable prices. This makes it easier to replenish the body with nutrients. According to the list in Table 1, you can see where vitamin A is found in mcg the most. Fish oil is made from different components. Before purchasing, read the ingredients, we need cod liver.

Where to get nutrients in winter, watch the video:

Retinol content: dairy food group

This category is not characterized by a high proportion of carotenoids. However, certain dairy products that contain essential vitamin A will help maintain balance (see Table 2). The classification is ordered from the largest number of micrograms to the smallest.

Table 2. Which dairy products contain a lot of vitamin A.

Regular milk contains only 22 mcg of element “A”. Even though these are products containing a small proportion of retinol, they are considered very beneficial. The same amount is in kefir 2.5%, 3.2% and sweet yogurt 3.2%.

On a note! The fattier the fermented milk product, the more retinol it contains.

Vitamin A in eggs and egg products

The group contains the fewest items (see Table 3), but almost all components contain a good proportion of nutrients in mcg.

Table 3. Products in the egg category containing vitamin A.

The most vitamin component on this list is the yolk. It contains many nutrients. And 100 g of yolk (925 mcg) will cover the daily requirement of retinol for a man at any age (over 10 years) by 93%.

Retinol content: meat, fish

Perhaps the richest group of nutrients. Well, these components of animal origin should be on every menu (see Table 4) if you care about your health.

Table 4. Which meat and fish foods contain vitamin A in large quantities.

Other common fish species, such as pike perch, mackerel, cod, and pollock, contain only 10 mcg of retinol.

Interesting! Polar bear liver is rich in vitamin A. So much so that it is dangerous to health. Therefore it is not included in the table. Even a small standard 100g serving contains 400,000 mcg. Just imagine how much this figure exceeds the norm. This dose is deadly. So don't take risks. Plus, you know where to safely get vitamin A thanks to Table 4.

How much retinol is in fruits, dried fruits and berries

Fans of this food group especially want to know which vegetables, dried fruits and fruits contain vitamin A. We can safely highlight the TOP 10 items (see Table 5).

Table 5. Amount of retinol in fruits, dried fruits and berries.

Important! Do not overuse products that exceed the daily requirement (approximately 1000 mcg) of retinol.

The vitamin A products listed in Table 5 also contain many other beneficial substances. Therefore, use them as often as possible.

Vitamin A in vegetables and greens

Everyone has long known that carrots are the leader among vegetables in terms of the amount of retinol in their composition. Just 50 g of fruit will cover the average daily requirement (1000 mcg).

However, other components also show good performance (see Table 6).

Table 6. Retinol content in vegetables and herbs.

To ensure that such a healthy vegetable as carrots is better absorbed, eat it along with foods that contain a sufficient amount of fat.

  1. Such sources include:
  2. Vegetable oils. It is recommended to consume healthy, rich Omega amino acids.
  3. Fermented milk product with high fat content. Cottage cheese 18% contains 110 mcg.

Fish fat.

These are common components in which noble amino acids and retinol are found simultaneously. To understand, just remember that vitamin A dissolves in fats, not in water. Therefore, it is better to take the orange fruit stewed or fried along with oils. Do you like vegetables in their natural form? Then eat, for example, sour cream before or after carrots.

Good to know! Taking supplements regularly will help vitamin A be absorbed more easily.

How much vitamin A is in dishes

Table 7 will help you correctly formulate a diet that includes retinol. After all, food is the source of nutrients in their natural form.

NameTable 7. Amount of retinol in finished products.
Content per 100 grams, mcg478
Cheesecakes with carrots300
Egg omelet300
Salad with green onions (feather)280
Chicken egg with mayonnaise265
Stuffed cabbage rolls with vegetables238
Layer cake230
Fried eggs212
Pumpkin porridge182
Shortcrust pastry biscuit with cream175
Puff tube with cream (cake)132
Cauliflower salad110
Almond cake92
Cabbage salad (white cabbage)73

Cabbage soup

Having studied the quantitative content of retinol in mcg, you can easily create other recipes.

  1. Save this delicious Vitamin A Burst casserole (4 servings):
  2. Combine grated carrots 300 g (6000 mcg) with 200 g of cottage cheese 18% (110 mcg) and a glass of semolina.
  3. Break 3 eggs (380 mcg) into the mixture, add sugar to taste, a pinch of salt and 1 tsp. soda
  4. Bake for no more than half an hour at 180 degrees.

Pour 30% sour cream (255 mcg) over the finished dish.

Is there retinol in oils?

Almost all vegetable oils lack vitamin A, with the exception of a couple of types (see Table 8). Retinol is present in animal fats.

Many people have heard that flaxseed oil contains vitamins such as A and E. The presence of tocopherol in the ester is observed, but in fact there is no retinol. The element is also absent in other common extracts - therefore, their quantitative determination in oils of plant origin is impossible.

But the product helps vitamin A to be better absorbed. In hot-cooked foods, use olive and sunflower extract. Use other oils raw.

Important! Dry skin? Are your hair and nails growing poorly? These are sure symptoms of carotenoid deficiency.

The benefits of vitamin A in its pure form for the body

Having correctly examined the data in the tables, we can draw a conclusion. The most retinol-rich products include:

  • fish oil;
  • carrot;
  • animal liver.

The stewed beef liver with carrots alone is worth it - don’t overuse nutrient “A”. Compliance with the measure will only lead to positive results. Neglecting this element promises headaches, depression, vomiting and loss of appetite.

Why is it so important to get nutrients in natural form? This is due to a number of advantages:

  1. The nutrients in foods are absorbed faster by the body.
  2. Food not only provides benefits, but also provides energy.
  3. Delicious meals help maintain a balance with pleasure.
  4. High-quality products contain exclusively organic ingredients. No chemicals or synthetics.
  5. The ability to prepare super-healthy preparations yourself.
  1. Determining the amount of nutrients per serving.
  2. Maintaining a balance of nutrients.

Is it not possible to eat foods rich in substance “A” every day? Buy drugs that replenish the norm.

Important! An overdose of nutrients leads to sad consequences for the digestive system.

Quality Supplements to Maintain Balance

Prefer a more convenient way to get retinol and other vital nutrients? Choose the right drug. No one has canceled proper nutrition. However, it is very difficult to replenish the body with enough nutrients every day. No problem, dietary supplements are just what you need.

Each package contains instructions with which you can avoid deficiency or excess of vitamins. And convenient release forms allow you to take the drug with you and always keep your health under control.

Here you can replenish your supplies with imported vitamins A at reasonable prices. All products have a certificate and many positive reviews from real customers. And these are not all the advantages of iHerb.

  1. A huge range of drugs from Europe and the USA.
  2. iHerb cooperates with many countries, so it can set prices 30-50% lower than in other stores. You won't find such a price-quality ratio anymore.
  3. 24/7 support service.
  4. Fast ordering.
  5. Worldwide delivery. There is a possibility of free delivery throughout Russia and the CIS.

Including beef liver, carrots, eggs and greens in your diet will prevent vitamin A deficiency in the body. Additionally, it is recommended to take dietary supplements, multivitamin complexes, etc. Only food and medications must be of high quality and natural, without violating storage rules or expiration dates.

Do you find the article useful? Tell your friends! We welcome opinions, knowledge and simply interesting facts about nutrients in the comments. 🙂

Retinol is one of the most important elements for maintaining health and prolonging youth. With a deficiency of this substance in the body, the condition of hair, skin, teeth and nails worsens, and many vital processes slow down. Therefore, it is important to know which foods contain vitamin A in order to avoid vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin A is very important for the human body

Benefits of vitamin A for the body

Retinol is involved in protein synthesis, improves metabolism, helps strengthen the body's protective functions, reduces susceptibility to viruses, and accelerates the regeneration process. Vitamin A can accumulate in liver cells and is then released as needed if it is supplied in insufficient quantities from food.

Functions of retinol:

  • improves vision, color perception, prevents the development of night blindness;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels, restores vascular elasticity, reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis;
  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle and endocrine system;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds, helps with burns;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • helps increase muscle mass, so this vitamin is necessary for athletes;
  • slows down the aging process, prevents the occurrence of malignant neoplasms.

Vitamin A slows down the aging process

Retinol is found not only in food, it is often added to cosmetics - this substance prevents the appearance of wrinkles, improves complexion, helps fight acne, pimples, eczema, makes nails strong and hair shiny. Vitamin A is useful for children - it promotes the formation of a strong skeleton and teeth, strengthens the immune system, and reduces the likelihood of developing ophthalmic pathologies.

People who are HIV positive need to regularly consume foods rich in vitamin A.

Daily intake for adults and children

The daily intake of retinol depends on the gender and age of the person, the dosage is measured in IU, 1 mg of the vitamin is equal to 3.3 thousand IU. To get the required dose of retinol, it is enough to include natural dairy products with a high fat content in your diet three times a week, and eat 150–200 g of seasonal vegetables or fruits, fresh or spotted, daily.

Retinol daily dosage table

The daily norm is not the optimal, but the minimum amount of retinol for the average person without serious pathologies.

Where is vitamin A found most?

The uniqueness of vitamin A is its ability to enter the body with plant and animal foods. Retinoids are found in large quantities in cod liver and fatty fish. Fruits and vegetables contain carotenoids, which are converted to retinol when consumed.

Vitamin A content in animal products

It is forbidden to take retinol and alcoholic drinks at the same time; vitamin A is also incompatible with laxatives of mineral origin.

It is better to consume vitamin A and E at the same time to avoid oxidative reactions. Zinc promotes the rapid conversion of beta-carotene into retinol.

What does beta carotene contain?

The maximum content of plant vitamin A is in carrots and spinach - 100 contains 4.5–9.3 mg of useful substance.

Foods high in carotene

During heat treatment, the loss of vitamin A is no more than 10%.

Vitamin A excess and deficiency

Vitamin deficiency and excess retinol are equally dangerous; both pathological conditions provoke the development of serious diseases.

Why is vitamin A deficiency dangerous?

With a constant lack of retinol in the body, the skin and vision suffer first of all, the regeneration process slows down, which leads to early aging.

List of signs of vitamin deficiency:

  • dandruff, deep wrinkles;
  • deterioration of visual acuity with the onset of dusk, the disease progresses rapidly;
  • acne, dry epidermis;
  • bleeding gums, increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • insomnia, chronic fatigue, apathy;
  • severe lacrimation in the sun, frost, eyelids become red, crusts appear in the corners of the eyes.

In men, vitamin deficiency leads to impotence and urinary incontinence. In women, sexual desire disappears, mastopathy, endocervicitis, and cervical erosion develop. In children with a constant lack of retinol, immunity decreases, growth slows down, the skin becomes pale, and the child ceases to distinguish between yellow and blue shades.

Against the background of vitamin A deficiency, anemia, immunodeficiency states, corneal opacities, seborrheic dermatitis, gastritis, colitis develop, and cysts appear in the liver.

Chronic lack of retinol can cause melanoma, lung or pancreatic cancer.

How does retinol hypervitaminosis manifest?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble organic compound that can accumulate in the living human body. With excessive use of retinol, an overdose occurs, which manifests itself in the form of various deterioration in well-being. But synthetic forms of the vitamin are dangerous; natural products are harmless, with the exception of carrot juice, which should be consumed in moderation.

Signs of excess retinol:

  • severe peeling of the skin, intense hair loss, drying out of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, jams and cracks in the corners of the lips, separation and fragility of the nail plates;
  • chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, increased sweating during night rest;
  • migraine, dizziness, fever, facial flushing, irritability, confusion;
  • disruption of the digestive system - diarrhea, vomiting, pain in the liver and epigastrium, pancreatitis, exacerbation of cholelithiasis;
  • joint pain, discomfort in the spinal column, osteoporosis, seizures;
  • decreased vision, inflammatory processes in the cornea.

Excess Vitamin A May Cause Joint Pain

In women with hypervitaminosis, disruptions in the menstrual cycle may begin, up to the complete cessation of menstruation. For children, an excess of retinol can cause retardation in physical development, enlarged liver, and increased excitability.

An excess of vitamin A is especially dangerous for smokers, diabetics, pregnant women, people who take tetracycline antibiotics and anticoagulants, people with cirrhosis, hepatitis, and severe liver pathologies.

In infants, hypervitaminosis develops when high doses of retinol are consumed for several weeks. In this case, swelling of the fontanel is noted, the child constantly cries.

Vitamin A is very important for the body; with its deficiency, health, appearance, vision deteriorate, and a person begins to age quickly. The useful element is found in food of plant and animal origin, so a properly composed diet will help avoid vitamin deficiency.

Retinol (vitaminA ) supports the body's protective functions, prolongs the youth and beauty of the skin. Its deficiency leads to many health problems. This can be avoided by accurate knowledge of the daily intake of retinol and which products contain it in the largest quantities.

The role of vitamin A is to maintain proper metabolism and normal immune system function. This component in the form of retinol is found in the skin, hair, teeth, bones, muscles, and regulates the process of regeneration and tissue growth.

It has a unique ability to limit the negative effects of free radicals on the body. Thanks to this property, this most important organic compound for humans resists the growth of cancer (malignant) cells and significantly slows down the aging process. Retinol increases the effectiveness of other antioxidants, in particular vitamins E.

Value for skin health

Skin tissues and mucous membranes need vitamin A not only as an element that supports their functionality, but also as a substance that helps restore the epidermis and mucous membranes after receiving various types of damage. This is due to the fact that this compound improves the production of collagen, which is a building material for connective tissues in the human body.

Anti-aging and cosmetic products intended for the treatment of skin problems, as a rule, contain retinoids - a synthetic analogue of vitamin A. These are not only creams and lotions, but also pharmaceutical preparations for stretch marks and rashes.

Daily requirement for vitamin A

Determined by age and gender. A child needs about 300-400, a teenager - 600, an adult woman - 700, a man - 900 mcg. Pregnant and breastfeeding women need much more retinol.

Vitamin A accumulates in body tissues and its excessive intake with food can lead to poisoning. The safe upper limit of the daily value for children is 900 mcg, for adults - 3000 mcg. It is allowed to consume no more than 9000 mcg at a time. A higher dosage is fraught with poisoning.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

The diet of a typical city dweller consists of cutlets, sausages and other semi-finished meat products, white rice, pasta, bread, buckwheat and other grains. Such a diet does not allow you to obtain vitamin A in the required amount, which leads to its deficiency. Eating low-fat foods makes the situation even worse.

A constant lack of retinol negatively affects the body's protective functions. Reduced immunity leads to the fact that a person more often suffers from colds, infectious diseases, and loses visual acuity. The latter is especially important in the dark. The nail plate and hair become fragile, and the skin becomes excessively dry. The lack of this important organic compound is indicated by the appearance of dandruff.

Vitamin A content in foods

Vitamin A comes in several variations. They have different chemical structures and are absorbed in the body in different percentages. The following foods contain true provitamin A: eggs, butter, whole milk, full-fat cottage cheese, cheese, fish liver, caviar.

Fruits and vegetables contain beta-carotene. During the digestion process, it turns into vitamin A, which is absorbed much worse than retinol of animal origin. One microgram of beta-carotene found in carrots or pumpkins can be 1/12 or even 1/24 micrograms of retinol, which is found in the liver of marine fish.

To prevent a deficiency or overdose of retinol, you need to know its content in various product groups.

Table of vitamin A content in foods

ProductVitamin A content per 100 gDaily Value Coverage
Cod liver oil30,000 mcg3333%
Liver (turkey)8000 mcg895%
Liver (beef, pork, fish)6500 mcg720%
Liver (chicken)3300 mcg370%
Sweet red pepper2100 mcg230%
Yam - sweet potato1000 mcg110%
Carrot830 mcg93%
Broccoli800 mcg90%
Butter680 mcg75%
Green salad550 mcg63%
Spinach470 mcg52%
Pumpkin430 mcg43%
Cheese (Cheddar)265 mcg30%
Melon170 mcg20%
Eggs (chicken)140 mcg16%
Apricot100 mcg16%
Tomatoes40 mcg5%
Polka dots38 mcg4%
Milk (regular)30 mcg3%
Green pepper18 mcg2%

The most accessible and richest vitaminAthe product is carrots. Beta-carotene present in this vegetable gives it its characteristic reddish tint. To fully meet the daily requirement for retinol, both an adult and a child need to eat two medium carrots daily.

Vitamin A overdose

Retinol intoxication from consuming plant-based products is unlikely. The amount of vitamin A in the table above is given in pure form, that is, the data does not need to be divided by “12” or “24”, since the resulting percentage absorption will be slightly lower.

The real danger is the combination of dietary nutrition with vitamin-rich foods and retinol capsules. To further aggravate the situation, the symptoms of hypervitaminosis with retinol, without consulting a specialist, can be mistaken for vitamin deficiency (lack of vitamin A).


VitaminA- an essential element for maintaining the health of various body tissues at the cellular level and the immune system. Most of it is found in animal liver, carrots, sweet potatoes and sweet red peppers, and many green plants.

Good day, dear visitors of the project “Good IS!” ", section " "!

In today's article I will tell you about such a useful and necessary vitamin for humans as Vitamin A, as well as its significance in our daily lives. So…

Vitamin A , aka "Retinol" - a fat-soluble antioxidant necessary for good vision, bones, healthy skin, hair, and the functioning of the immune system.

Vitamin A received its name due to the fact that it was the first of the vitamin group to be discovered, in 1913 by two independent groups of scientists (McCollut - Davis and Osborne).

Vitamin A participates in redox processes, regulation of protein synthesis, promotes normal metabolism, the function of cellular and subcellular membranes, plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as fat deposits. Necessary for the growth of new cells, slows down the aging process. Vitamin A is pale yellow in color and is produced from the red plant pigment beta-carotene.

Retinol does not dissolve in water, because... It is fat-soluble, so it requires fats as well as minerals to be absorbed by the digestive tract. Vitamin A stores remain in the body long enough that you don't need to replenish your reserves every day.

There are two forms of this vitamin:

— ready-made vitamin A (retinol);
- provitamin A (carotene), which is converted into vitamin A in the human body, so it can be considered a plant form of vitamin A.

Vitamin A is involved in redox processes, regulation of protein synthesis, promotes normal metabolism, the function of cellular and subcellular membranes, plays an important role in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as fat deposits; necessary for the growth of new cells, slows down the aging process.

Vitamin A supports night vision by producing a pigment called rhodopsin, which can detect minimal light, which is very important for night vision. It also helps to moisturize the eyes, especially the corners, protecting them from drying out and subsequent injury to the cornea.

Vitamin A is essential for the normal functioning of the immune system and is an integral part of the process of fighting infection. The use of retinol increases the barrier function of mucous membranes, increases the phagocytic activity of leukocytes and other factors of non-specific immunity. Vitamin A protects against infections of the respiratory tract, digestive tract, and urinary tract. The presence of vitamin A in the blood is one of the main factors responsible for the fact that children in more developed countries tolerate infectious diseases such as much more easily, while in countries with a low standard of living the mortality rate from these “harmless” viral infections is much higher. Providing vitamin A prolongs the life of even AIDS patients.

Retinol is necessary for the maintenance and restoration of epithelial tissues that make up the skin and mucous membranes. It is not for nothing that almost all modern cosmetics contain retinoids - their synthetic analogues. Indeed, vitamin A is used in the treatment of almost all skin diseases (acne, etc.). In case of skin damage (wounds, sunburn), vitamin A accelerates the healing process and also stimulates collagen synthesis, improves the quality of newly formed tissue and reduces the risk of infections.

Due to its close connection with mucous membranes and epithelial cells, vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs, and is also a worthwhile addition in the treatment of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers,).

Retinol is necessary for normal embryonic development, nutrition of the fetus and reducing the risk of pregnancy complications such as low birth weight of the newborn.

Vitamin A takes part in the synthesis of steroid hormones (including progesterone), spermatogenesis, and is an antagonist of thyroxine, the thyroid hormone.

Both vitamin A and β-carotene (beta-carotene), being powerful antioxidants, are means of prevention and treatment, in particular, preventing the reappearance of tumors after surgery.

Both vitamin A and β-carotene protect brain cell membranes from the destructive effects of free radicals, while β-carotene neutralizes the most dangerous types of free radicals: polyunsaturated acid radicals and oxygen radicals.

The antioxidant effect of β-carotene plays an important role in the prevention of heart and artery diseases, it has a protective effect in patients, and also increases the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL) in the blood.

Lutein and zeaxentin are the main carotenoids that protect our eyes: they help prevent and also reduce the risk of macular degeneration (the most important organ of vision), which is the cause of blindness in every third case.

Another carotenoid - lycopene (found mainly in tomatoes) protects against oxidation and accumulation of low-density cholesterol on the walls of arteries. In addition, it is the most powerful carotenoid in terms of protection against cancer, especially breast, endometrial and prostate cancer.

- for adults 800-1000 mcg;
- for pregnant women 1000-1200 mcg;
- for nursing mothers 1200-1400 mcg;
- for children, depending on age and gender, 400-1000 mcg.

For diseases associated with retinol deficiency, the dosage can be increased to the upper permissible consumption threshold - 3000 mcg.

It should be noted that hard work, illness or disease require a sharp increase in vitamin A in the diet - however, the same can be said about many vitamins and. Climatic conditions also matter: in temperate or even cold climates there is no need to increase vitamin A standards, but in hot, sunny climates it is needed much more, so those who like to holiday in warm countries should pay closer attention to their diet.

It is known that vitamin A accumulates in the liver, but its reserves there are sharply reduced after a procedure such as an x-ray examination.

Symptoms of Vitamin A Deficiency

- dry skin, appearance of wrinkles;
- increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
- decreased immunity;
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- weakened erection;
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— exhaustion;
- respiratory infections;
- blurred vision;
- poor night vision (night blindness);
- dry conjunctiva of the eye;
- growth disorders in children.

Symptoms of vitamin A overdose

- bleeding gums;
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- dry skin;
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— Spontaneous abortions and fetal malformations are possible in pregnant women.

Vegetable: Green and yellow vegetables (carrots, pumpkin, bell peppers, spinach, broccoli, green onions, parsley), legumes (soybeans, peas), peaches, apricots, apples, grapes, watermelon, melon, sea buckthorn, cherries; herbs (alfalfa, borage leaves, burdock root, cayenne pepper, fennel, hops, horsetail, kelp, lemongrass, mullein, oats, parsley, raspberry leaves, clover, bearberry, violet leaves, sorrel).

Animals: Fish oil, liver (especially beef), caviar, milk, butter, margarine, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, egg yolk.

Synthesis in the body: Formed as a result of the oxidative breakdown of β-carotene.

The best sources of vitamin A are fish oil and liver, followed by butter, egg yolk, cream and whole milk. Cereal products and skim milk, even with vitamin supplements, are unsatisfactory sources, as is beef, which contains negligible amounts of vitamin A.