What is the best and most effective for self-defense. Effective means of self-defense


The best means for self-defense formed a solid top five in popularity. We decided to study them and make them brief overview about the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. We hope that this article will be useful and help you make your choice.

Many buyers of our site ask: which the best means for self-defense without a license? In this article we will talk about the five most popular and effective means of self-defense and protection that can be found on the open market.

Do not forget, although the products listed below are sold without a license, they can only be used by adults! These are means of protection and self-defense, not toys. To use some of them you need to have certain skills.

The best self-defense tools without a license

1. First of all, we included the most common means of protection aerosol devices. They have long been used by people of different sexes and ages and have proven themselves well in the market among self-defense items.

The long duration of action of the caustic agent provides a great advantage. It only takes a few seconds to neutralize the enemy and deprive him of the desire to approach you for a long time. Often this is enough to run away or call for help. There have been cases when criminals were caught by patrol officers based on signs of the action of a gas spray. If the attacker takes advantage of the darkness so that you do not recognize his face, traces from the action of the gas spray will help you not be mistaken when identifying the criminal, if not much time has passed since the attack.

Also, aerosol devices are a powerful defense against inappropriate animals. More and more stray dogs are roaming the streets. They become especially aggressive in cold weather. A gas spray will help you fight back if you are attacked by not just one, but several animals at the same time. In this case, aerosol spraying will be effective.

Gas cartridges are divided by volume, type of spray and active substance. There are aerosol, jet, aerosol-jet, foam and gel. Most gas sprays can be freely purchased and used without a license in close contact with the offender. It only takes a few seconds to learn how to use it. The main thing is not to forget about the effect of surprise and try to get straight into the attacker’s face from a distance of up to 1.5 meters.

2. Stun gun- This is another very effective means of self-defense, which is sold without a license to persons who have reached the age of majority.

The action is based on the discharge of electricity supplied by the battery. The current strength is regulated and adjusted individually (preferably up to 15 thousand K Volts). This means of protection is especially effective in close contact with ill-wishers. The advantage is the possibility of influencing different parts of the body and with of different durations exposure (2-5 seconds) to obtain the desired result.

Another big advantage of this type of self-defense means is the ability to disguise yourself as various household items: a flashlight, a telephone, a pack of cigarettes, deodorant, lipstick, and so on. Which is very convenient for girls and young people. Such camouflage helps to fight back suddenly, before the enemy realizes what is happening.

For the stronger sex, models of stun guns in the form of a baton or a weighty lantern have become convenient. This is an irreplaceable thing in a car that should always be at hand. In this case, the stun gun will serve several purposes simultaneously.

Such additional features, like the built-in flashlight, fuse, make this protective item practical in everyday life and safe for its owner.

3. Weak air guns- another type of weapon that is intended for protection and self-defense. An air pistol can be purchased without a license. The charge lasts up to 50 shots. But first of all, you need to know that you cannot walk down the street with an air pistol. Purpose of this weapon- self-defense in your own home. If robbers break into your house/apartment, you have the right to use an air pistol. But we advise using it only in extreme cases. At close distances the outcome can be fatal. Usually the type of weapon itself is enough to make attackers abandon their plans. Also, do not forget about the shooting skills that you will need if you decide to buy such a self-defense item.

4. IMPACT device- popularly known as a “gas pistol”. Full transcript This device is a Dosed Aerosol Spray Device. This explains to us the principle of operation of this weapon. It is used exclusively for self-defense and protection. To use it you will need to learn how to use it. If you have shooting skills, this will not be a problem. If we talk about the advantages, the main one is the firing range of 5 meters, regardless of the wind. Gas canisters have a range of 1.5 m to 2.5 m. Also, the sight of a pistol subconsciously gives you a psychological advantage over the enemy.

5. Knife domestic. Oddly enough, a household knife can be an excellent item for protecting your home. When bullies see that in front of them is not a frightened victim, but a sober person ready to fight back, their aggression fades away. It's a good idea to learn how to hold a knife properly and take some self-defense lessons. We can advise the following. Do not hold the knife at arm's length. If the criminal is not afraid and a fight has already broken out, try to cut the enemy with quick short movements rather than stabbing. If you have the opportunity to run or call for help, do not delay this moment. Your task is to scare, make the bully hesitate or retreat. If you are not confident in your abilities, then it is better to choose another, more suitable method of self-defense for you.

Today there are quite a lot of means for self-defense. Choose what appeals to you the most and will give you a feeling of protection and self-confidence.

A feeling of security, peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones - these feelings are understandable and valuable for any person, but in our changing world, unfortunately, they are not available to everyone. Robberies and crimes against persons are not uncommon. Self-defense means will help in difficult times and give you more confidence in your own safety.

There are defensive weapons that do not require a license the following types:

  1. Stun guns. For example, a large telescopic stun gun, a stun gun with a flashlight, a stun gun in a car key fob, an invisible stun gun and a powerful Taser operating on patented technologies that shoots electric charge by several meters.
  2. Pepper sprays and gels, including a classic pepper spray, a small one on a keychain, a special pepper gel for indoor use, and a special gel convenient for joggers.
  3. Personal alarms. For example, an individual alarm for a child, for women and girls, and a device for motorists.
  4. Ultrasonic repellers for stray dogs and a special spray that repels animals.

All these devices have only a defensive function and even if they end up in the hands of attackers, they will not be able to cause irreparable harm, such as when wounded by a cold weapon. The protective products presented in the article will allow the defender to gain time, escape from the attackers and call the police.

Description of the conditions for using self-defense devices, allowing you to make the most optimal choice

Today, the market offers a large number of self-defense products with different purposes, with their own positive and negative characteristics. The review selected devices suitable for women, drivers, children and athletes jogging.

  • For people who have to walk along dark, deserted alleys, it would be best to use a can of pepper spray or a stun gun. The use of a personal alarm in these conditions will not be advisable; it is unlikely that anyone will hear it and come to the rescue.
  • Athletes running in parks will benefit from a pepper spray with a convenient attachment to the hand, in a state of combat readiness.
  • For people who have concerns about riding in elevators with strangers, indoor pepper gel is ideal. The use of a classic spray will have an effect on burglars in the elevator, and no one will hear the alarm.
  • To be able to repel various troubles associated with an attack on his health or property, the driver of the car should keep a stun gun or a can of pepper spray in the car, and wear a special deterrent alarm on the key fob.
  • A child is unlikely to cope with a pepper spray or a shocker, so it is preferable for him to use an individual alarm.
  • A girl may be afraid to spray a bully with pepper spray in the face, but she most likely has enough strength to press the personal alarm button.
  • To scare away dogs, cyclists will need an ultrasonic emitter that generates sound waves that cause panic in animals, from which they try to quickly escape.
  • If there are doubts that a person can use a shocker at close range, you can use a pistol - a Taser shocker; it shoots electrodes several meters forward and stuns the attacker with a discharge.
  • For absent-minded people, a pepper spray device that can be hung on a keychain along with your keys is suitable.
  • Confident and physically developed people with quick reactions, they can easily use a stun gun for self-defense.

Rating of the best security devices

Today, in order to ensure their safety, citizens prefer stun guns. When struck by an electric shock, a person experiences physical discomfort and psychological shock, while the device makes very threatening sounds. The cost of these devices is relatively low.

The most popular type among stun guns is a device that combines the stun gun itself and a flashlight. This type of protective device will be irreplaceable for those people who return home late through unlit streets. The most expensive sample of Taser shockers, professional model used by the police. It allows you to stun an attacker from a distance of several meters.

Five of the best stun guns

Characteristic that defines damaging properties shockers, this is the voltage between the electrodes. Manufacturers sometimes quote astounding values ​​of up to 25,000,000 V (25 MV) - this is the open circuit voltage (that is, the voltage without load or current flow). This parameter has no significance for efficiency characteristics. The higher the value of this voltage, the greater the distance between the electrodes, and the louder the shocker cracks when it is activated. This sound can also be used as a weapon and scare attackers with it.

The operating voltage of civilian shockers is from 20,000 to 90,000 V (20-90 kV), it is enough to pierce a layer of clothing and pass a current pulse through human skin.

The country's legislation strictly regulates the voltage characteristics of household shockers.

VIPERTEK VTS-98 – popular model with a flashlight

This device is considered the most popular model among buyers. Although the flashlight is an additional option, it successfully copes with its function.

This is practically the most powerful shocker on the market. An open circuit voltage of 23 MV provides an impressive crackle and will make even the bravest hooligan retreat. The design of the product involves the presence of two sharp electrodes that pierce clothing, and shock from the discharge between them.

Also, the developers of the device provided the option of disarming the defender by grabbing the shocker by the attacker by the part of the device that is located behind the electrodes, and made this part conductive of electric current. So the unlucky robber will immediately receive a powerful shock.


  • the most powerful;
  • convenient design;
  • in demand.


  • Expensive.

This product costs about $17.

VIPERTEK VTS-T03 – shocker hidden in a flashlight

The shocker, decorated under a flashlight, is not conspicuous, but provides serious protection.

In the design of the product, the electrodes of the device are not noticeable; for an attacker, a shock from a current pulse will definitely come as a surprise. This model's power characteristics are almost as good as its larger brother. A powerful flashlight in any situation will allow you to correctly assess the situation and allow you to choose the direction for retreat.


  • decorated, which is very convenient;
  • powerful.


  • not found.

The cost of the model is about 12 dollars

Streetwise Sting Ring 18 – shocker disguised as a ring

Of course this is not secret weapon James Bond with its terrifying power to knock out multiple enemies at once, but this small device can scare away any opponent.

Externally, the device resembles brass knuckles, it is convenient to carry it in your pocket, where it takes up very little space, and if necessary, you can easily take it out. The open circuit voltage is 18 MV, so it will produce almost as much noise as large models. The discreet appearance of the product, its unusual shape and an electric shock upon contact, shocking any attacker.


  • comfortable to wear;
  • small and discreet.


  • high cost.

The cost of the product is about 23 dollars.

Streetwise Security Products – stun gun for carrying on a key fob

The appearance resembles a flash drive, the open circuit voltage is 20 MV. The attacker who grabs the keys will be greatly shocked by the electric shock from the key fob. The device is not suitable for full-fledged defense, but by using the factor of surprise, the defender can gain time and run away or call for help.


  • small size;
  • repellent.


  • not for full defense.

The device costs about $17.

VIPERTEK VTS-B01 – telescopic baton with shocker and siren

A full-fledged, terrifying-looking defensive weapon will allow you to cope with even several attackers. The idle voltage of the shocker is 30 MV, so there will be an excellent crackling sound, a strong sliding baton and a powerful sound siren will put even several hooligans to flight.

This formidable defensive weapon has overall dimensions, and you can no longer carry it in your pocket; you can store it in the trunk of a car. When traveling, different situations arise, the presence of such an arbiter as a telescopic shocker will add to its owner self-confidence and peace of mind for the safety of loved ones. In this model, the siren is designed to intimidate animals, but its loud howl will also scare away a bully.

The built-in shocker has serious power, you have to be careful when using it, it literally knocks a person to the ground. Although it may not be possible to use it, when unfolded the baton is powerful weapon and its appearance can scare away many hooligans, pickpockets and other intruders.


  • high power;
  • will allow you to cope even with several attackers.


  • overall dimensions.

The cost of the product is about 26 dollars.

Taser Pulse with Laser - a shocker that delivers a current pulse at a distance

A Taser is a stun gun that shoots electrodes at a distance of 7 m and delivers a pulse of current. The operating voltage of the device is 50 kV, which is enough to pierce a layer of clothing and send current through the attacker’s skin. The open circuit voltage is not given for this device, since its electrodes are ejected. The design of the device includes two batteries; they are charged from the electrical network.


  • striking range - 7 m, which is quite a lot for defense;
  • powerful;
  • two batteries.


  • very expensive, not everyone will allow you to buy it.

The cost of the product is the highest among this class of devices, about $395.

The best individual alarms

For a child or girl to fight huge hooligans on the street is almost always a losing proposition. The way out of an unpleasant situation is to call the police or simply respectable citizens for help. The personal alarm on the key fob will scare away the villains with its loud roar and give a signal to others for help. The design of the alarm allows it to be quickly found among things in your pocket and easily activated. The devices are designed in different styles, from designer to simple and discreet. This product can be used anywhere without any permission in case of a threat.

ROBOCOPP SOS Personal Alarm - the most famous personal alarm

This stylish little thing with a bright design looks like a keychain. To turn on the signal, you need to pull out the fastening ear, and the device will turn on the siren; to turn off the device, the latch must be put in place. The device is waterproof; manufacturers claim that it will work even under water.


  • stylish, popular among many, alarm system;
  • waterproof.


  • not found.

The cost of the device is about 15 dollars.

Vigilant – individual alarm system for car drivers

The gadget is made in the style of a car alarm. When you press the button there is a roar of 130 dB, this is one of the loudest devices. The product is reliable, it is difficult to break it or muffle its sound. The following colors are available:

  • red;
  • black;
  • green;
  • yellow.

The key fob contains a fake trigger. If the key fob is thrown on the ground, an audible siren will sound.

An inconspicuous device that does not attract attention, looks like an ordinary trinket that can be attached to a child's or lady's bag. To turn on the gadget, it must be torn off from the mounting ring, and the security siren will start. The alarm sound is standard and therefore understandable to others - it is a call for help.


  • the loudest device;
  • the device is invisible, similar to a toy.


  • not found.

The cost of the gadget is about 16 dollars

Bear Gentleman - personal alarm for a child

The device is hidden in an ordinary children's soft toy, which practically does not attract attention. The sound strength of the alarm is about 130 dB. Among 6 color schemes, the child will choose a toy to his liking. To make a danger sound appear, you do not need to tear the toy from its mount, just pull the siren loop.


  • average cost;
  • loud sound;
  • convenient to use.


  • not found.

The cost of the product is about 13 dollars.

Popular pepper sprays and gels

The product, which is quite harmless to health, has a strong stopping effect. Today this is the most popular protective agent. To stop the attacker, the agent is sprayed in the area of ​​the face, getting on the mucous membrane of the eyes and mouth, causing a very strong burning sensation and painful shock. The enemy is temporarily blinded and unable to think rationally.

In enclosed spaces, pepper gels should be used; they are more viscous and can be used over a longer range.

SABER 3-IN-1 - the most famous pepper spray canister

When comparing pepper spray canisters to stun guns, they strengths appear more lethal than those of shockers.


  • if gas gets into the eyes of an attacking person, the stopping effect will last long enough;
  • gas is sprayed over a distance of up to 5 m;
  • the can contains 35 portions of gas;
  • effective not only on people, but also on animals;
  • Saber products are used by police officers all over the world, which indicates their high efficiency.


  • not found.

This pepper spray is the best safety equipment among all the pepper sprays.

The cost of a can is about 6 dollars.

SABER Red Kuros - pepper spray-keychain for absentminded people

The spray bottle hidden in the keychain will always be at hand. Even the most absent-minded person is unlikely to forget his house keys. When using a device, you need to develop the skill of putting it into combat mode.


  • not expensive;
  • convenient to use.


  • not found.

The device costs about $5.

SABER Red Pepper Gel - pepper gel for indoor use

During an attack in an elevator, spraying the spray risks exposing the person defending himself to pepper spray. Manufacturers have developed pepper gel for use indoors; it has a more viscous and thick consistency. The gel sticks to the skin and does not scatter to the sides. The attacking person, trying to remove the gel, reflexively smears it all over his face and further aggravates the situation for himself. Gel cans have an increased range of impact, they hit 10 m, and therefore they can be safely used on the street. They have only 18 charges, unlike their spray counterparts.


  • increased impact range;
  • can be used outdoors.


  • low charge;
  • dangerous for the defender himself.

Gel pepper spray costs about $13.

SABER RED Pepper Gel – pepper gel for people involved in running sports

Runners often jog in parks in evening time when it was already practically deserted. At this time, unwanted encounters may occur and to ensure safety it is better to have a protective agent in the form of pepper gel with you. The can is conveniently attached to the hand with Velcro and is always at hand. Single click thumb launches a stream of gel at the offender. The gel is not dangerous for the defending person; it is sprayed only in the direction of the target.

The cost of the protective gel is approximately $9.

Spray and special device for protection against dogs

In the spring, during the rut, dogs gather in packs and are aggressive. It is unwise to run away from angry animals; it triggers the hunting instinct. To protect against aggressive dogs, manufacturers offer an anti-animal spray that works at close range and an ultrasonic emitter that repels them at a long distance.

HALT Dog Repellant Spray – spray for dogs

The use of the spray will not cause any harm to the animal; the components of the gas include capsaicin, which is found in capsicum. The spray must be sprayed at a sufficient distance from the animal's mouth to avoid an attack. The spray will scare away an aggressive animal and force it to retreat.

The cost of the product is about 7 dollars, the range of use is up to 6 m.


  • effective impact.


The cost of the product is about 9 dollars.

Hoont Electronic – ultrasonic emitter

When jogging or cycling, no one is safe from encountering wild or homeless aggressive animals. A humane device that repels dogs up to 30 meters away will keep anyone safe.

This device can be used when training pets. If your four-legged friend has chewed slippers or furniture, you can punish him without assault by subjecting him to the unpleasant effects of ultrasound, thereby showing that this should not be done.


  • effective impact at long distances.


  • high cost for such a means of protection.

The cost of the device is 19 dollars.

For effective self-defense It is better to have several means of protection. A loud alarm siren will attract the attention of the police and scare away hooligans. The stun gun will take the attacking person out of his normal state and block him for a while. A canister of pepper gas, getting into the eyes, will blind the bully and cause for a long time burning of mucous membranes.

Knowing several self-defense techniques will increase your chances of giving a worthy rebuff to attacking hooligans. Means of self-defense should be used only in cases where there is a threat to the life and health of a person or his loved ones.

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The issue of effective self-defense has always been relevant for Russia. good physical fitness and skills will not always help you defend yourself in critical situations. As an addition, you can consider means that increase the effectiveness of countering criminal elements.

Is it always necessary to register official documents and what weapons are allowed in Russia for self-defense without obtaining a license?

Studying regulations

The basic requirements for means of self-defense are set out in Law No. 150-FZ, Article 3. It describes weapons that are used by civilians for personal protection, sports, hunting and educational equipment. To own most of the list you will need a license.

The following types of weapons will require official permission:

  • Hunting rifles: smooth-bore and rifled type. Differs from combat mode in the absence of a mode automatic shooting and magazine capacity.
  • Sports. Designed for bench or practical shooting.
  • Weapons for self-defense. The most popular are models with limited damage properties. Muzzle energy should not exceed 91 J. Elastic bullets () or special cartridges with buckshot (for hunting models) are also used.

Obtaining a license for these types of self-defense equipment is difficult and can take a long time. Therefore, other options are being considered as an alternative.

Legal weapon for self-defense without a license

The main property of official means of self-defense is the limitation of their destructive effect. Weapons of this type are intended for psychological impact on the attacker and causing minimal harm to his health. But if used skillfully, it will help avoid dangerous situation even before it begins.

Gas canister

An effective and relatively affordable means of protection. It is a small can with a spray function. special means. Manufacturers may include chlorobenzalmalonodinitrile (CS) or oleoresin capsicum (OC) in its composition. The action of the first is aimed at irritating the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. OC upon contact with skin provokes itching, can cause slight suffocation, and causes coughing. The latter is most effective for self-defense.

Important according to the type of spray:

  • Aerosol. When the mixture is released, small drops are formed, the direction of which is highly dependent on the wind. Advantages - large area defeats. Recommended for use against groups of people, packs of dogs, etc. Range – 1-1.5 m.
  • Jet-aerosol. Has a shorter range, but produces droplets when sprayed larger size. Characterized by a weak respiratory effect. Effectiveness – up to 2 m.
  • Jet. When pressed, a narrowly directed jet is obtained. Recommended for use indoors. Range – up to 3 m.

The cost of a gas canister varies from 350 to 700 rubles. The most popular models are “Pepper 11-A”, “Sword”, “Foam Dragon”.

Stun gun

Defeat of the attacker electric shock using a special device will not harm him irreparable harm, but disorients for some time, the work of the central nervous system will be unstable. To achieve this effect, you need to choose the right stun gun for self-defense.

Based on the type of action, they are divided into contact and remote. In the first case, the device comes into contact with the attacker with the active part, in the second, the electrodes are located on a detachable cartridge, which is fired back.

According to current regulations, stun guns are divided into three groups according to voltage and power parameters.

  1. 70-90 kV and 2-3 W.
  2. 50-70 kV and 1-2 W.
  3. 20-50 kV and 0.3-1 W.

Effectively use models belonging to the first group. It must be taken into account that when large quantities clothing, the discharge may not penetrate the attacker's skin. Also, when using a stun gun, safety rules must be followed.

The average price for popular models varies from 1,600 to 12,000 rubles. For self-defense, they most often purchase “ViperTek”, “Top-Gun”, “Taser”.

Household knife

The use of a household knife as a means of self-defense is extremely undesirable. Handling this type of weapon requires professional skill and practice. There is no need to think that it is a means of preventive defense - the sight of a knife will not always scare away attackers. At the same time, they can be seriously injured, even fatally.

A knife does not belong to the category of edged weapons if it meets the following basic characteristics:

  • the absence of a tip or its placement above the butt line by 5 (10) cm for a blade length of up to 180 mm (from 180 mm);
  • if the blade is shorter than 90 mm;
  • with a handle less than 70 mm;
  • lack of sharpened blade.

This is just a number of signs, an extended list of which is given in GOST 51215-98.

Air pistols

This self-defense weapon has everything external signs firearms, but has worse characteristics. Air pistols are divided into sports (without a license) and hunting. For protection, it is recommended to use the first models.

The best option is pistol-type pneumatics. A license is not required if the initial bullet speed is no more than 150 m/s, the shot power is up to 7.5 J, the caliber is up to 4.5 mm. The weapon is quite massive, since the design includes a mechanism to increase the pressure in the barrel during a shot.

Classification of air pistols:

  • According to the operating principle - piston, balloon or compression. For self-defense, it is recommended to use balloon models.
  • Rate of fire – automatic or single.
  • Possibility of using bullets various shapes: flat, hemispherical, conical, expansive.

Popular manufacturers: “Baikal”, “ASG”, “Hatsan”, “Borner”. The cost of an air pistol for self-defense varies from 3,700 to 53,000 rubles. As an alternative, you can consider starting pistols. But they will not cause any harm to the attacker and will only have a psychological effect.

Americans have a proverb: “Before, people were divided into big and small - the former offended the latter. But Mr. Colt came and evened the odds.”

Weapons for self-defense are considered civilian. It is a means of helping to equalize the forces between the attacker and the defender. It includes technical means that allow the owner to legally use them to protect his life and health.

Civilian weapon for self-defense

Civilian weapons, used for self-defense, is one with which a person moves freely throughout the territory of the state of which he is a subject.

Self-defense weapons may require a license. If it is necessary, then the citizen is obliged to take it with him to confirm the right to bear and store weapons. Civilian weapons exclude burst fire and cannot have a drum capacity exceeding 10 rounds.

Smooth-bore short-barreled weapon

Smoothbore weapons for self-defense are considered the most powerful. It is divided into several types:

  • single-barreled, single-shot;
  • double-barreled;
  • pump-action;
  • semi-automatic.

Semi-automatic and pump-action shotguns are great for self-defense. You can determine which weapon is better for self-defense by comparing its characteristics.

Types of smoothbore weapons

IZH-43 K (trigger double-barreled shotgun) is one of the simplest types. It's quite effective. It can even be stored in a charged state, which is important for the defender. This shotgun is easy to handle and is more reliable than semi-automatic or pump-action shotguns. This model belongs to internal triggers, where the external triggers are springs for cocking, but are not real triggers.

The small-sized, twenty-gauge multi-shot shotgun TOZ-106 has a bolt action. The model is compact, with a chrome-plated short barrel and a folding butt. Has box-shaped quick-detachable magazines. It is relatively inexpensive, but no different good quality. During use, problems may arise due to a tight bolt, and when reloading, the cartridges may become misaligned and jammed. Sometimes the magazine falls out when fired. But all factory defects can be easily corrected at home.

The 12-gauge TOZ-94 is also inexpensive and inherits the good design of its prototype. It has multi-purpose use and is also used for self-defense. There are several modifications of it. shotgun with good fight, but the mechanisms do not always work reliably.

The TOZ-187 12-gauge semi-automatic shotgun is a semi-automatic weapon that has little resemblance to its prototype. There are also disadvantages: the mechanisms do not always work reliably, which is why there is sometimes a slight delay when firing. Therefore, although a gun is allowed for self-defense, it is still not very suitable.

The 12-gauge TOZ-194 pump-action shotgun is more reliable than the TOZ-187 and TOZ-194. It is more convenient and has a good design. And pump-action KM and IZH-81 are considered the most reliable. They are multi-purpose and great for self-defense. Based on the IZH-81, another good model has been developed - the MP-133, which ensures safety when handling it.

The Saiga-12 series of shotguns is semi-automatic. They are highly reliable and are available in many modifications: with a folding stock; an aiming bar that can be adjusted; replaceable muzzle attachments; trunks of various lengths.

A pump-action shotgun is very often used as a weapon for self-defense. It is multi-purpose, with many modifications that differ in barrel length, additional accessories etc. Considered expensive, but very reliable.

Rifled weapons

Rifled weapons for self-defense were not previously common. But in lately Deputies introduced the issue of allowing its use by citizens for these purposes. Experts note that the complexity of handling it and other aspects do not affect its recognition as suitable for self-defense.

Air guns

Air pistols do not have much power, but are nevertheless used for self-defense. At the same time, they also have an advantage, since gas pistols can be purchased without a license, but provided that the citizen has reached the age of majority. However, there is a small obstacle to keep in mind. It is not prohibited to use air guns, but there is a ban on carrying them. In gas-cylinder weapons they are used which are attached to a fitting. Basically, the cylinder is located under the barrel or in the handle.

While commercially available, air guns were originally intended for recreational and sport shooting at short distances. and pistols have a caliber of 4.5 mm, and generally have a muzzle energy of up to 7.5 J. But more powerful weapons are not sold without registration. Moreover, each country has its own restrictions on the parameters of this type of weapon. The bullets weigh very little - about 0.5 g.

Pneumatic weapons for self-defense are several times inferior to traumatic pistols in the most important parameters: the mass of the bullet and its energy. A ball that is released from air guns, swipe cannot provide, but nevertheless is quite capable of piercing human skin. However, this is only provided that there is no thick clothing at the impact site. A pneumatic ball may cause a little pain, but it can only stop a sober person. But the one who is in a state alcohol intoxication- hardly.

If the defender shoots in the head, then the gas pistol will not pierce the skull, but if you miss and hit the eye, for example, thereby causing serious injury to the attacker, then you can end up in prison for exceeding the necessary defense.

Pneumatic weapons are sometimes unreliable, since the gas is in a can, which tends to gradually lose its “charge”. And in cold weather the pressure also decreases. Air guns can be compressed. In this case, pressure is pumped into the pneumatic chamber by breaking the barrel during loading and moving the lever.

Permitted weapons

What is a permitted weapon for self-defense? This is, first of all, permitted by law for free storage and carrying. And various improvised things with which you can repel an attack.

Weapons permitted for self-defense are divided into four main types:

  • trunkless firearms with gas, traumatic and light-sound cartridges, corresponding to the standards of the Russian Federation;
  • which includes: revolvers, pistols, cartridges for them, mechanical sprayers, various aerosol devices that contain tear and irritant substances permitted in the Russian Federation;
  • firearms smoothbore weapon for self-defense, which includes models with traumatic cartridges that comply with the standards of the Russian Federation;
  • electroshock devices, various spark gaps with output parameters that comply with the standards and regulations of the Russian Federation.

Sub Weapon

Firearms for self-defense require a license. However, you can use other options. Gas cartridges are the most common weapon for self-defense, due to their small dimensions, low price And strong effect. They contain irritating substances that, if they enter the respiratory tract or eyes, cause lacrimation, severe coughing and severe pain. But to be effective, it is necessary to hit the attacker’s face with the spray from the can. And to repel an attack, the attacker must be no further than two meters from the defender.

Stun guns are stun weapons. It is mainly intended for contact combat. And when defending, the stun gun must be fixed on the attacker’s body for a couple of seconds, which is often impossible.

How to choose the right weapon

Which weapon should you choose for self-defense? Traditionally the best option considered pump-action. You can, of course, use any gun, but still the best option is short-barreled ones, as close as possible to pistols. Weapons for these purposes must be compact, lightweight, reliable and easy to handle. The gun's stock can be replaced with a pistol grip, which will make it even more compact. But this may introduce some restrictions on the accuracy of the sight.

It is preferable to select pistols and revolvers in such a way that they can fit into a small handbag (for example, a woman’s) without standing out or attracting attention. Therefore, those models that do not operate on their own, but have fuses, are very important.

A single-shot weapon is not suitable for self-defense, since the first shot, according to the law, is fired into the air to warn the attacker. Pump-action weapons are the best choice, since they are compact, undemanding in terms of cartridge power, and can be reloaded.

Gas cartridges, stun guns, etc. should also be small, compact, and capable of quick response in a critical situation.

Weapon cartridges

It is best to select cartridges that will help avoid ricochet, since the first shot, by law, must always be a warning shot (in the air). Self-defense weapons loaded with small shot will be effective at close range; the further away, the more accuracy is lost. Cartridges for any weapon should not have great penetrating power.

Flaubert's revolver

One of the best options when choosing a weapon for defensive purposes is it. It has a classic shape, looks intimidating and can scare off an attacker. Has different sizes and fits comfortably in woman's hand. It is mainly made from non-magnetic alloys, and this determines high quality products.

It is believed that among revolvers this best weapon for self-defense. It has good bullet weight and great power. The sound of a shot is no different from a combat shot. Such revolvers can be purchased without registration and permission. They are easy to use.

Weapons that do not require a license

Weapons for self-defense without a license are gas spray cans, electroshock devices, low-power air pistols and mechanical sprayers. The category of gas spray weapons also includes gas pistols. But they cannot be used in confined spaces.

Stun guns vary in power; for self-defense, it is better to use models with low voltage. Pneumatic weapons also do not require a license, but nevertheless, in appearance they are as close as possible to a combat weapon, they give a psychological effect, and the attacker will not be able to immediately determine whether it is real.

Obtaining a license

Still, most weapons will require a license. For self-defense they get a separate one. The difference is that hunting requires a personal permit.

To obtain a license, you must undergo an examination at a psychoneurological, narcological dispensary, clinic, take photographs and contact the licensing department at the Internal Affairs Directorate. Next - buy a weapon and get a permit for it. Sometimes you may need to purchase a safe for storage. A weapons license is issued within a month after submitting the application.

Gas revolvers and pistols, barrelless firearms can only be purchased by persons who have reached the age of majority, with mandatory registration of weapons within 2 weeks at the police department at the place of residence. The license allows no more than 5 registered weapons. It is also a permit to carry and store.


Today, choosing self-defense products is quite easy. There are several types of legal devices used in self-defense against illegal activities. You can purchase highly effective self-defense means without a license in specialized stores. It is enough to present your passport and be 18 years old at the time of purchase.

When protecting yourself and your loved ones, you can use objects that are not initially considered means of protection: a kitchen/household knife, an ax. There is a wide class of air guns. Effective when used, but not specifically intended for self-defense. You shouldn't get carried away with such things. There is a high probability of irreparable consequences. It is more convenient and safer for yourself to use specially created means of self-defense.

The list of self-defense items includes devices that differ in layout, principle of operation and nature negative influence on the enemy.

Gas cans

They are considered the most accessible means of self-defense. Cheapness, size and ease of use make them extremely popular. The cans are being filled chemical compounds providing strong impact on a person, causing burning, tears, coughing. They differ in the type of spray (aerosol, jet, gel, foam). The place of use (indoor/outdoor) depends on this characteristic.

An important factor is weather conditions(in strong winds and rain it is not recommended to use for self-defense). The maximum range of action is 3 meters. You need to spray at a distance of more than 1 meter, otherwise there is a risk of inhaling the nasty stuff along with the attacker. After 2-5 seconds the hooligan will feel the gas working on him. The duration of the negative effect is calculated to be 5-7 minutes.

These self-defense means have a low level of injury risk. They do not require special skills to use, are convenient to wear/storage, and are effective against dog attacks. But it is better not to use it in rain, wind or indoors.

Signal weapon

Signal revolvers and pistols, as means of self-defense, can only cause psychological harm. To scare the attacker is the main task of the “signal”. Another effect of a shot is attracting attention. In most cases, this should be enough to repel an attack.

Without a certificate of conformity, the sale of pistols of this class and ammunition for them is impossible. Weapons with a caliber of no more than 6 mm are available for free sale; a license is required.

Owners of starting pistols need to remember that they have a weapon in their hands, even if it is not capable of causing physical injury. It is their civic duty to follow the rules for using and storing these means of self-defense.

Learning to use flare pistols is not difficult. The main thing is to apply them competently, according to the situation (from a psychological and legal point of view).

Blow to blow

The abbreviation fits perfectly into the function of the device for self-defense. Aerosol spraying of small doses of gas using powder charge low power. Appearing recently, UDAR has undergone several modernizations (the caliber of ammunition has changed, the device has been adapted for firing with both hands).

The UDAR uses cartridges with gunpowder, but it is not fully a pistol. All mechanisms are placed in a wide body-handle (aka magazine for 5 charges). The IMPACT shot is guaranteed to reach an enemy standing 3 meters away. BAMER - a variation of the IMPACT can do the same thing already at 5 meters.

The obvious advantages of the UDAR self-defense tool include:

  • Different types of cartridges (by size and content of destructive substance);
  • Small size and ergonomics;
  • Wide operating temperature range;
  • Safety margin for 500 shots;
  • Presence of a fuse.

For active self-defense, it turned out to be a pretty good thing (a cross between a pistol and a spray can) and you don’t need to get a license.

Shock and pain

A stun gun is a means of self-defense, carried in a pocket/bag, purchased without a license and capable of stopping attackers even with sound. Electric shockers can completely immobilize an attacker (human/animal) by causing convulsive muscle contractions. These self-defense weapons are divided by type of use:

  • The blow is delivered upon contact with the target (any maximally exposed areas of the body are affected);
  • The shocker hits at a distance (shoots with contacts).

Its positive and negative aspects Both types have it. Self-defense with a full-contact stun gun requires some skill. You need to be able to take advantage of the right moment to reach your opponent. When practicing the method at a distance, you need to have shooting skills and reserve time for reloading.

It is undesirable to use the product on minors and pregnant women (there must be obvious signs), the period of contact of the body with the shocker should not exceed 3-5 seconds, and do not direct the attack to the face and groin.

Shockers are difficult to store. They are afraid of moisture, dust, sudden changes temperature regime. Children of the owner of a stun gun should not know where their parents’ self-defense means is located. Plug in only to charge batteries.

In skillful hands, a stun gun will become a powerful means of self-defense, a serious argument against encroachment on its owner. A person wielding a stun gun should take it very seriously.

Raise the alarm

Passive means of self-defense include the so-called pocket sirens. These are special small-sized devices that produce loud sound signals. They will not be able to harm the attacker in any way, but they can stop unlawful actions or distract offenders. Their main advantage is their absolute age accessibility. It is enough to simply pull a special pin out of the device, and it will immediately begin to make a very loud sound.