Different styles of speech. Speech styles in Russian

Primitive man began to be distinguished from animals by the ability to think, speak and create images. Using symbols and sound signals, people created languages ​​and writing. The ability to materialize thoughts through language and signs is called speech - oral and written. Speech and language are what help people communicate with each other, unite or separate them.

Language concept

Language as a part of speech originated during the tribal system. The transmission of information through symbols and sounds became part of the culture of a particular tribe. When tribes united, their languages ​​mixed, complemented each other, and the community of people united by a single language was called a nationality.

Receiving further development and spread, the language became a part of the nation. Today there are peoples who have their own language and speech; the speech culture of their country differs from the language of neighboring peoples. There are also countries that have different nations, but a single language. For example, in England and the USA English is national language, like Spanish in Mexico, Spain, Argentina and Chile.

Thus, language is a set of sound signals and written symbols inherent in a certain community of people and understandable to them. In every nationality, in addition to the main language, there are its varieties - dialects. They developed due to the mixing of peoples and the interaction of their languages ​​with each other.

Another concept inherent in language is dialect. For example, the Russian language and speech culture: the North Russian dialect is distinguished by a clear “Okanye” compared to the South Russian dialect “Akanye”.

There is also the concept of language families, which include languages ​​that have common roots, for example, the Romano-Germanic group, Turkic-Mongolian and others.

Speech concept

Speech is a way of voicing thoughts through spoken language or writing. With the help of speech, people communicate and transmit information in the languages ​​they speak. The concept of “speech” in psychology refers to psycholinguistics - a person’s ability to create mental images and convey them using language.

Speech and language are always inseparable from each other. At the same time, language can exist and develop without the direct participation of a certain person, since it belongs to the entire nation, even to those who died long ago. Speech is impossible without knowledge of languages, but at the same time it characterizes the thinking of each individual person.

By the manner in which a person expresses his thoughts, by the type of his language and speech, the culture of speech, one can create him psychological portrait, level of education, belonging to a certain segment of society. By how competently, consistently, colorfully or logically people express their thoughts, one can judge the type of their thinking.

The speech and language that a person uses has certain uses:

  • the influence option helps to influence the actions, worldview and actions of other people;
  • the message variant is used to transmit data between people or communities;
  • a variant of expressing feelings and emotional perception of the surrounding reality;
  • The designation option allows you to define objects and phenomena.

People can use several types of speech at once in a form convenient for them.

Forms of speech

Scientists divide human speech into two forms.

1. External speech, which includes writing, sound signals and materialization of thoughts. In turn, external speech is divided into oral and written. Oral is produced by the voice using language sounds and is perceived aurally by other people. It has 2 forms:

2. Inner speech is the speaking of thoughts inside the consciousness of an individual. It refers to a person's thought process. As soon as he voices his thoughts, speech moves into the external category.

External speech is divided according to the types of information presented.

Written speech is a system of graphic design of words using signs and symbols. When using written language, the rules for writing and constructing words and sentences adopted in a given language are used.

Types of speech

Types of speech in Russian depend on what exactly the speaker wants to convey to the audience, regardless of whether he uses written or oral speech.

  • The narrative type is used to convey a sequence of actions, events or phenomena. Texts that tell about something have a certain plot, a presentation of the main sequential culminating events and a denouement. A narrative always has a development of the plot, its dynamic movement from beginning to end, while the main ones are the independent parts of speech of the Russian language: a verb and words indicating the time and place of the event (yesterday, in the morning, here, etc.).

Narration is used in both spoken and written language.

  • Description is a way of conveying by signs and sounds the basic properties of objects, phenomena, events and actions. This type of speech has a beginning, a main part and an ending. The beginning is the presentation of the object, the main part includes a description of its characteristics and properties, and the end is the conclusion arising from the listed qualities. The description uses verbs in the same tense, adjectives and participles.

Descriptions are used both in texts of any style and in oral speech.

  • Reasoning is the ability to uncover cause-and-effect relationships in events and actions. It has the structure of a thesis, argument and conclusion. In this type of speech, the unity of time does not matter; with its help you can prove, explain and reason in various topics both written and oral.

Types of speech in Russian are rarely used in pure form, most often they are mixed for better presentation of information.

Scientific style of speech

The speech and language that people use to convey information have their own styles, which depend on its content. Each style has own characteristics, manner of presentation, vocabulary and a special set of language tools for correct delivery information.

Speech styles in Russian depend on the scope of its application.

The scientific style is used to convey precise scientific information and is used in both oral and written speech. Its distinctive feature is the laconic presentation of information, the strict selection of linguistic techniques and terms, and the thoughtfulness of the selected statements. In this style, emotional images are rarely used for description, and the construction of sentences is characterized by brevity, clarity, consistency, which is achieved by such parts of speech as nouns, gerunds, participles and verbal nouns.

A variation of this style is the popular science style, which has the basic features, but the terms and complex language symbol sets are replaced with vocabulary that is understandable to a large audience that does not have deep knowledge in scientific disciplines.

This style tends to explain complex scientific facts using ordinary vocabulary. A popular science style is used in developmental literature accessible to the general reader or specialists who wish to go beyond highly specialized knowledge.

Business style of speech

The category “speech styles in the Russian language” includes the so-called business (official business) style, the scope of which is documentation. Its scope of application is written speech. The main types of texts in business style are official documents, business papers, statements, protocols, laws, decrees and much more.

This style is characterized by conciseness of presentation, conciseness, specificity, and a sequence of words in a certain order.

In official business style, abbreviations, speech cliches, and special terminology are often used. Texts in this style are impersonal, and the parts of speech most often used are verbs in imperative mood, verbal nouns.

This style also has ready-made standard forms, for example, statements, acts or protocols.

Journalistic style

Journalistic texts, like speech styles in the Russian language, are most often used for propaganda purposes. These include publications in newspapers, magazines, radio and television news, leaflets and speeches to the public.

The main purpose of the journalistic style is agitation, a call to action, and an influence on the minds and actions of other people. Texts written in this style are distinguished by the accuracy of facts and their logical presentation, but at the same time they are emotionally charged and allow the use of the author’s attitude to the information presented.

This style is rich in means of conveying the main idea, since it uses speech patterns characteristic of other styles. This can be an accurate presentation of figures and facts with evidence, as in a scientific style. They can also be accompanied by an artistic-emotional or evaluative style.

The construction of a sentence in a journalistic style can vary from a “dry” scientific presentation to a pictorial description, which contains both phraseological units and foreign terms. The most commonly used sentences are incentive and exclamation sentences.

Artistic style

The Russian language and the culture of people’s speech are replete with linguistic means that are characteristic of the artistic style. This is the language of literature, the main purpose of which is to convey information through emotional description.

IN artistic speech metaphors, comparisons, sublime words and phrases are used in abundance. The main goal of this style is to touch the emotions of the reader or listener. IN everyday life people use artistic style to convey information that touches their feelings and makes an impression - for example, describing the content of a film, book or event.

The artistic style is characterized by the presentation of information as based on real events, and on the fiction of its author. The comparative phrases he uses can have an abstract form. For example, a lead bullet and lead clouds create completely different images in the reader’s imagination. Often in this style there is an abundance of phrases characteristic of the conversational style.

Conversational style

This style exists only in the sphere of informal communication or correspondence. He is characterized by everyday, family, and friendly topics of communication. Perhaps this is the most extensive type of style in the Russian language, since it contains themes characteristic of other styles, but with its characteristic vernacular and simplicity of presentation.

Conversational style is characterized by the use of not only speech patterns, but also facial expressions and gestures. They are an integral part of it.

Depending on the emotional coloring, both jargon and profanity can be used in the vocabulary of the conversational style. By the way a person expresses his thoughts in a conversation, one can judge the level of his culture, upbringing and education.

Parts of speech of the Russian language

Every language goes through a path that includes speech development. The Russian language is no exception. To convey information, parts of speech are used, which are divided into independent and auxiliary. Interjections fall into a separate category.

In one of the sections of the textbook “Russian Language” - “Parts of Speech” - the table very clearly explains everything with examples.

This topic is covered in more detail in the textbooks “Russian Language” by Nikitin, “Russian Speech” for grades 5-9.

Functional speech styles are divided into two groups: content and formal language parameters. An artistic language can be traced in a story or poem, a colloquial language on the street, a journalistic language in a newspaper, and so on. Thus, the category under consideration seems to be general, where substyles, genre styles and their substyles are distinguished.

Functional speech styles are a type of literary language in which some task is realized. Hence the name. Most scientists prefer to divide them into five types:

  • colloquial;
  • journalistic;
  • official business;
  • scientific;
  • art.

Each style reflects linguistic flexibility with expression and diversity of thought. Through language:

  • the law is written;
  • a concept is given;
  • a table is compiled;
  • is stated scientific fact;
  • a poem is composed and so on.

Thus, semantic functions of an aesthetic, business and scientific nature are performed. Phrases are selected from the language and individual words; designs that better suit their exterior style.

There are semantic contexts. Conversational style is characterized by discussion of everyday or everyday topics. Journalism touches on topics of politics and public opinion, and the system of official business speech is used in diplomatic activities and lawmaking.


Functional speech styles are described by highlighting the following properties:

  • Each reflects some aspect of life with its own scope and range of topics covered.
  • Characterized by certain conditions. For example, official or unofficial.
  • Has a corresponding single task, installation.

The first property is determined by typical words and expressions.

Scientific language is full of specific terms, colloquial - with corresponding phrases, artistic - with words that form images, and journalistic - with social and political phrases.

They have common basic words and phrases, suitable for different types. They are usually called interstyle vocabulary. It preserves linguistic unity and combines functional styles.

The common part is called and grammatical means. But, all styles have their own special system and shape. The scientific style is characterized by a direct verbal order, the official-business style prevails with reflexive and vaguely personal constructions, and the journalistic style is rich in rhetorical figures.

Distinctive Features

Styles vary in degree:

  • emotional coloring;
  • imagery.

Such properties are not typical for official business and scientific styles. However, there are certain features in the language of diplomats or writings on scientific topics. Other styles use these properties much more often. Artistic speech consists more of images and emotions. They are also used in journalism, but in a different way. Colloquial speech is also inclined towards this, with a greater degree of emotionality.
Each of the styles at the same time:

  • individual;
  • has standardization stamps.

For example, greetings and farewells have a corresponding form, albeit in several variations. The rules of speech can be traced in all styles. Thanks to these rules, it becomes easier to use the language.

Scientific and business are individual to a small extent. But artistic speech is the richest in this regard. A standardized table and an abundance of cliches that are endowed with the official business style are inappropriate here.

It is followed by journalism, where a system of personal self-expression coexists with standard phrases. The conversational level takes a separate place. Research has shown that much of what is said in English household level, automated. Thus, this speech is characterized by a high degree of regulation, due to which communication becomes relaxed.

Functional stylistics is characterized by one more feature - the norm. The following standards exist:

  • linguistic;
  • stylish.

The first ones are the same for everyone. But the second ones are different. Officeism comes naturally to formal business style, but their use in other types is considered inappropriate. Style characteristics are used in genres. They are preserved, have different speech structure.

Let's consider the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language separately.

Artistic style

It is called a reflection of the literary language. Russian writers and poets come up with forms and images for it, which they then use ordinary people. Artistic functional stylistics is a system of using the capabilities and achievements of language.
The difference is manifested in aesthetic function. Artistic speech fosters a sense of beauty. This is present in other styles, but in this case, expressiveness plays the main, determining role.
Vocabulary freely includes scientific term, And business phrase, if the story requires it. The main thing is that the words in artistic style describe concepts by translating them into images. Vivid visual and expressive language means are created. Let's list them:

  • epithet;
  • metaphor (comparison in a hidden form);
  • allegory (idea or concept in a concrete image);
  • personification (when human properties transferred to inanimate objects);
  • antithesis (opposition);
  • gradation (words are arranged with increasing meaning);
  • paraphrase.

Journalistic style

Journalism is sometimes called a chronicle or chronicle modern life. It reflects the pressing issues of today. It is close to the artistic language, but at the same time different from it. This style is fact-oriented. And artistic speech is imaginary.
The topics and vocabulary in the journalistic style are varied. Journalism invades life and contributes to the formation of public opinion. This style performs two important semantic functions:

  • reporting;
  • influencing.

Genres stand out among them:

  • Reportage. The reader is given general concept about the event that happened.
  • Essay. The reproduced story contains the author's thoughts.
  • Feuilleton. Reflects reality in a satirical light, ironically analyzes facts, actions, participants.

Scientific style

It is widely used. This style has a serious impact on the language. With progress, new terms are introduced into mass use, previously found only on the pages of specialized publications. Thanks to this, new genres are formed.

Scientific language protects itself from amateurish methods. He is intelligent and therefore logical. This is expressed in thinking through, presentation of information and sequence of transfer of material. Science is objective in nature, so the author has a minor role. The main thing is the material itself, research and their actual data.

Requirements also determine the use of language. Scientific vocabulary is characterized by:

  • Common usage. Use of words used in scientific texts.
  • General science. The immediate area that describes objects and events.
  • Terminology. The closing, internal layer, which embodies the main differences that scientific language carries.

Formal business style

Functional stylistics is implemented in writing. Orally it is used when speaking at meetings, receptions, and so on.

The official business style is used in ceremonial and business relationships. The importance of the content of speech characterizes the language with precision and limited subject matter.
It distinguishes between two sections, each of which has substyles.

In the official document section the following languages ​​are highlighted:

  • Diplomacy. Has its own terminology and is rich international definitions.
  • Laws. The language of state power communicates with the population.

In the everyday business section, there are:

  • Official correspondence. Sometimes it contains the concept of telegraphic style, where the syntactic system is rationally constructed.
  • Business papers. They are compiled according to a given shape, without the use of complex structures.

Conversational style

This language meets several conditions:

  • the relationship is informal;
  • spontaneity, interlocutors communicate with each other directly;
  • speech is improvised (forms naturally, with interruptions, repeated questions, pauses, etc., due to lack of preparation).

The style is realized orally in a dialogue form. The main semantic quality is verbal blurriness, instability of meaning and uncertainty of boundaries. In conversation the following are used:

  • neutral words, equally used in book and oral speech;
  • condensates, when phrases are replaced by one word (utility room - utility room);
  • doublets - replacement of official names with colloquial ones ( freezer- freezer);
  • pointers indicating different objects;
  • “Sponges” is something vague, includes different meanings, but is revealed in context.

The functional styles of the Russian literary language largely influence it by themes, genres, phraseology and vocabulary. Each of their types is an entire language of a particular area, and together they form a single literary one. This variety of species enriches and expands the boundaries of language.

Hello! The same information can be presented in different ways. For example, the style of regular letters and messages to friends may differ significantly from business documentation.

What are they and how do they differ? Writing styles can be divided into 5 main categories. Today we will look at them in more detail together with clear examples. For ease of navigation through the article, I have prepared a brief summary for you.

The 5 listed options can be used in ordinary communication and written presentation of information. Now I’ve thought about it and realized that I often use them unconsciously, just out of habit.

In principle, from the names listed above you can guess the main distinctive features. However, names alone are not always enough to understand how to determine the style of text and speech. Therefore, let’s look at each of them in more detail and look at very specific examples.

Conversational style

It’s not for nothing that I put it first on the list. It is the most common type of speech for informal communication.

Characteristic differences in conversational style:

  • emotionality;
  • use of slang;
  • relatively common use in friendly dialogues.

You can often meet him in correspondence on forums and in social networks, ordinary telephone conversations.

Hello! I have cool news for you! Can you imagine today I went to the lake we were talking about yesterday. Sucks! I left an hour later and stopped at the next one. There's absolutely shine there! The water is clean, warm, and there are not many people. By the way, do you want to go fishing there sometime?

Formal business style

He's quite strict. It occurs frequently in everyday life. It can be observed in writing various documentation, communicating in business circles on work issues and in other situations.

Characteristic differences of official business style:

  • unambiguity of thought;
  • dry presentation;
  • consistency;
  • lack of slang and obvious expression of emotions.

Its main purpose is to convey specific information clearly to people. Often used for writing texts and business communication.

According to the practical observations of the author of the blog site, in the period from 2014 to 2016, remote work via the Internet can bring the author additional income in the amount of 18,000 rubles per month. These calculations are relevant for copywriters with a positive professional reputation and the skills to write high-quality texts. Probability of reaching this level income for beginners increases significantly after completing vocational training.

Journalistic style

During its writing or pronunciation it occurs common feature with a conversational style of speech in composing texts - emotionality. Despite the sometimes apparent similarity between them, there are serious differences.

Distinctive Features journalistic style:

  • understandable to a large number of listeners and readers, and not just to specialists in narrow fields of knowledge;
  • may contain figurative expressions, emotional shades;
  • One of the main goals is the transmission of understandable information, the formation of a certain attitude towards the object or situation in question.

This type of speaking and writing is perfect for mass media.

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In each language, depending on the situation, words of a certain style of speech are used. Functional speech styles and their characteristics are divided into areas of application. There are 5 of them in total: artistic, colloquial, journalistic, scientific, official.

In short, the characteristics of styles differ from each other in their terminology, the way information is presented, and acceptable words (verbal means of expression) for use for communication purposes.

Speech styles are classified according to their purpose and place of use; they are also called “genres of language.” Functional speech styles are divided into 5 types according to the conditions and purposes of communication:

  1. journalistic;
  2. scientific;
  3. official business;
  4. art;
  5. colloquial.

To understand the topic, we need to take a closer look at speech styles.

Scientific style

The scope of application of this genre of language is scientific activity. Used to convey information to students. General characteristics scientific style looks like this:

  • Used in natural, exact and human sciences.
  • Used for writing and printing articles, textbooks, abstracts and other research or narrative works.
  • All statements are made from one person, usually from the researcher.
  • There is a small set of language tools for use.

IN scientific works a certain terminology is used, as a rule, it is taken from outdated and unambiguous languages, such as Latin, Greek, etc. In them, all words have the same meaning and do not allow for inaccurate perception of information.

The scientific functional style of speech always has precise names and is further enriched with graphs, drawings, formulas and established symbols (chemical, geometric, algebraic, etc.).

Distinctive syntactic features:

  • All sentences have an unambiguous, emphatically logical meaning. There is no imagery, but the information richness of the sentences prevails.
  • Frequent use complex sentences, connected by unions (as a result of this, therefore);
  • Interrogative sentences are used to draw attention to information (why does lambdaism occur?).
  • The text is dominated by impersonal sentences.

Lexical features:

  • Scientific terminology (energy, apogee, rotacism, etc.) is often found in the text.
  • Words of abstract meaning are used: energy, projection, point. They cannot be visually represented in the real world, but they are actively used in terminology.
  • The use of nouns ending in -tel denoting the source of an action, instrument or auxiliary tool (engine).
  • The nouns with -nik, -ie, -ost are used to mean a sign of something (inertia, particularity, construction).
  • Use of mini-, macro-, graphic, etc. prefixes (macrometer, millimeter, polygraph).
  • Application of adjective with -ist. Refers to using something in small quantities in a mixture (watery, clayey, etc.).
  • introductory and clarifying structures;
  • short passive participles;
  • short adjectives.

When carrying out any scientific research a person sets a goal for himself - to gain new knowledge and tell about it to society or other associates. The most reliable way to preserve acquired knowledge is to record it in the form of a report or other printed material. In the future, such works can be provided as a reliable source of information.

Journalistic style

The scope of use of this genre is informational and influential texts. They can be found in news articles, posters, advertisements, etc. The purpose of such material is to attract public interest in something (product, promotion, incident, etc.).

Thanks to journalistic texts, public opinion and various influences are exerted on the person, instilling the correctness of the actions of the accused, etc.

Lexical features of the journalistic style are the use of:

  • a small number of words of a negative nature (disgusting, disgusting, etc.);
  • socio-political terminology and vocabulary (society, privatization, freedom of action, etc.);
  • speech stamps that give the text official style(at the current stage, in the period from ... to). They give the event a certain time frame.
  • motivating words and phrases “for the good of the future”, “die, but do not betray your Motherland”, etc.

Morphological features include the use of:

  • complex words and abbreviations (UN, JSC, CIS, highly effective);
  • suffixes and prefixes -ultra, -schina, -ichat. They betray the word with emotional expressiveness (to put on airs, to be fierce, to be ultra-powerful);
  • personal pronouns 1st and 2nd person (I, you, we, you);
  • singular in the plural meaning (cherry - resinous tree).

Syntactic characteristics, sentences used in the text:

  • exclamation marks, homogeneous;
  • with rhetorical questions, introductory words;
  • with the reverse order of parts of speech;
  • one-piece;
  • clear and emotionally enhanced.

The text has a monologue presentation with information that is clear and understandable to all readers. After all, the main task is to inform a person important information and attract him to active participation in anything (the life of the country, purchasing goods, helping a project, etc.).

In order to interest the reader, the journalistic text has a good emotional coloring in order to play on the reader’s feelings. The most obvious example is information about a child’s illness with a request to send money for treatment.

There are four substyles journalistic genre, divided by more specific purpose use of information:

  1. propaganda;
  2. political-ideological;
  3. newspaper and journalistic;
  4. mass political.

The propaganda style was actively used during the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945). It had a patriotic character and motivational text. For enhanced emotional impact, it was additionally equipped with a photograph or drawing.

Formal business style

It is important to know the definition of this language genre and apply it correctly. It is most often used when drawing up business papers, contracts, and official documents.

Used during the trial of the defendant, when communicating between entrepreneurs or statesmen etc. Most important for administrative, public and legal figures.

The lexical characteristic of the official business genre is to use:

  • speech stamps (after a period of time, based on an agreement, etc.);
  • archaisms (outdated words);
  • professional terminology (alibi, legal capacity, solvency, theft, etc.).

The material is narrative in nature, and all information is confirmed by verified or official sources (criminal code, constitution, etc.).

Morphological characteristics, frequent use:

  • compound unions;
  • verbal nouns in -eni (confirmation, assurance, application);
  • numerals;
  • compound words with two roots;
  • phrases in the infinitive (await the verdict, consider the situation).

There is also a predominance of nouns over pronouns in the texts.

Syntactic features, sentences have:

  • direct word order;
  • complex syntactic structure;
  • frequent participial phrases;
  • many homogeneous members;
  • phrases in the genitive case;
  • many passive structures (fees are charged, money is paid).

Such features of the genre are determined by the purpose of the business style. The main condition in it is to accurately convey the meaning without ambiguity. Language and speech have no emotional or figurative coloring. All information for readers and listeners is presented in a dry and concise form without unnecessary information.

Artistic style

Applicable in fiction. The main task of the text is to create accurate visual and emotional images in the reader when reading the material.

Divided into substyles:

  1. prosaic;
  2. dramatic;
  3. poetic.

All of them are characterized by the following morphological characteristics:

  • expressiveness;
  • the use of many tropes (metaphor, epithet, etc.);
  • use of figurative phrases.

Syntactic features include the use of:

  • deviations in sentence structuring;
  • many figurative stylistic figures;
  • all kinds of syntactic means expressiveness;
  • verbal speech studies (each movement is described in stages, creating tension in the situation).

Used for description, reasoning and storytelling. They can appear simultaneously in one text, changing through a paragraph. It is considered the most free to write, since it does not have a strict structure of the text, like official business, scientific or journalistic styles speech.

Conversational style

Is the most common. It is used more in oral speech for communication between two or more people. This style of speech uses all linguistic structures (phonetic, lexical, phraseological, morphological, etc.).

Morphological means:

  • predominance of the verb over the noun;
  • frequent use of pronouns, interjections, particles and conjunctions;
  • use of the prepositional case;
  • application of genitive number plural nouns (potatoes, tangerines).

Lexical means:

  1. the use of suffixes -ishk, -ach, -yag, etc. they give words a colloquial-everyday sound (bearded man, little town, poor fellow);
  2. the use of verbs with - to beg (to beg);
  3. -pre is added to adjectives (most unpleasant, most kind).

Syntactic means are characterized by the use of:

  • interrogative and exclamatory sentences;
  • incomplete sentences;
  • pauses in speech;
  • frequent use of introductory words and phrases that do not make sense;
  • repetition of the same words and letters (ahh, yes, yes, yes).

The text takes the form of a dialogue, when one person asks and the other answers. Also in conversational style In speech, stress may be used incorrectly, which is unacceptable in other functional styles of speech.

It is important to know the Russian language well and correctly use its genres and functions to most accurately convey information to the reader and listener. The features of each functional style make it possible to most accurately convey the intended meaning of the author.

MODERN RUSSIAN language is the national language of the Russian people, a form of Russian national culture. It represents a historically established linguistic community and unites the entire set of linguistic means of the Russian people, including all Russian dialects and dialects, as well as various jargons. The highest form of the national Russian language is the Russian literary language, which has a number of features that distinguish it from other forms of language existence: refinement, normalization, breadth of social functioning, universal binding for all members of the team, diversity of speech styles used in various fields communication

Russian language belongs to the eastern group of Slavic languages ​​belonging to the Indo-European family of languages. It is the eighth language in the world in terms of number of native speakers and the fifth language in the world in terms of total number of speakers. Russian is the national language of the Russian people, the main language of international communication in central Eurasia, Eastern Europe, in the countries of the former Soviet Union, one of the working languages ​​of the UN. It is the most widespread Slavic language and the most widespread language in Europe - geographically and in terms of the number of native speakers. It ranks fourth among the most translated languages, and also seventh among the languages ​​into which the most books are translated. In 2013, the Russian language came in second place among the most popular languages ​​on the Internet.

Russian language is state And official language in the following states: Russia, Belarus(along with Belarusian), partially recognized South Ossetia(along with Ossetian) and unrecognized Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic(along with Moldovan And Ukrainian).

Russian language is considered official language government institutions (but lower than state in status) in the following states: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, partially recognized Abkhazia. In some administrative units Moldova, Romania And Norway Russian is recognized as one of the regional or local official languages.

2. Functional styles of the Russian language. Their types. Functional speech styles

The functional style of speech is a specific language system that is responsible for the goals and conditions of communication in a certain area and combines a set of stylistic linguistic means. In their essence, functional styles are heterogeneous; they differ from each other in a clearly defined genre variety, terminology and literary presentation.

Types of functional speech styles

Depending on the spheres of public life in which language is used today, the following functional styles are distinguished: official business, scientific, journalistic, colloquial and artistic.

Formal business style

The official business style of speech is used to convey information in an official setting (legislative, administrative and legal activities, office work). Using this style, regulations, protocols, certificates, receipts, etc. are created.

The official business style has a number of features that distinguish it from other styles of speech: imperativeness, accuracy (it is not permissible to use two interpretations), lack of emotional overtones, strict textual composition. This style widely uses speech cliches, nomenclature names, abbreviations and verbal nouns.

Scientific style

The main function of this style is the transmission and dissemination of scientific information, as well as evidence of its truth. The main properties of the scientific style are the use of general scientific terms, abstract vocabulary, and a description of any discoveries or precedents. In scientific style, short material nouns predominate.

Most often scientific style found in articles, research papers, school essays, monographs and educational literature.

Journalistic style

This functional style of speech is used to influence, most often ideologically, on general public through the media and public speaking. The journalistic style is most often found in such genres as essays, articles, reports, interviews. The scientific style differs from other speech stylistics by its inherent increased emotionality and the use of socio-political vocabulary.

Conversational style

This style acts as a tool for the direct transmission and exchange of information concerning everyday issues and does not require an official setting. It uses predominantly simple vocabulary, which is emotional, expressive and logical. The most common genre is dialogue. Non-verbal factors are of great importance in conversational style: gestures and facial expressions. It also allows repetitions, incomplete sentences and introductory words.

Artistic style

An artistic style is used in the creation of fiction. With its help, the author influences the reader and controls his feelings. The artistic style has an inherent richness of vocabulary, imagery and emotionality. It is also possible to mix all other styles. The artistic style performs an aesthetic function; this is its main difference from the colloquial and journalistic styles.

3. Features of the artistic style

The artistic style of speech, as a functional style, is used in fiction, which performs a figurative-cognitive and ideological-aesthetic function. In order to understand the features of the artistic way of knowing reality, which determines the specifics of artistic speech, it is necessary to compare it with the scientific way of knowing, which determines characteristic features scientific speech.

Fiction is characterized by a concrete, figurative representation of life, in contrast to the abstract, objective, logical-conceptual reflection of reality in scientific speech. A work of art is characterized by perception through the senses and the re-creation of reality; the author strives to convey, first of all, his personal experience, your understanding or comprehension of a particular phenomenon. But in a literary text we see not only the world of the writer, but also the writer in this world: his preferences, condemnations, admiration, rejection, and the like. This is associated with emotionality and expressiveness, metaphor, and meaningful diversity of the artistic style of speech.

The basis of the artistic style of speech is the literary Russian language. The word in this functional style performs a nominative-figurative function. The number of words that form the basis of this style primarily includes figurative means of the Russian literary language, as well as words that realize their meaning in the context. These are words with a wide range of usage. Highly specialized words are used to an insignificant extent, only to create artistic authenticity when describing certain aspects of life.

In the artistic style of speech, the verbal ambiguity of the word is widely used, which opens up additional meanings and shades of meaning, as well as synonymy at all linguistic levels, thanks to which it becomes possible to emphasize the finest shades values. This is explained by the fact that the author strives to use all the riches of the language, to create his own unique language and style, to create a bright, expressive, figurative text. The author uses not only the vocabulary of the codified literary language, but also a variety of visual means from colloquial speech and vernacular.

The emotionality and expressiveness of the image comes to the fore in a literary text. Many words, which in scientific speech act as clearly defined abstract concepts, in newspaper and journalistic speech - as socially generalized concepts, in artistic speech carry concrete sensory ideas. Thus, the styles functionally complement each other. For example, adjective lead in scientific speech it realizes its direct meaning (lead ore, lead bullet), and in artistic speech it forms an expressive metaphor (lead clouds, lead night, lead waves). Therefore, in artistic speech an important role is played by phrases that create a kind of figurative representation.

Artistic speech, especially poetic speech, is characterized by inversion, i.e. changing the usual order of words in a sentence in order to enhance the semantic significance of a word, or to give the entire phrase a special stylistic coloring. An example of inversion is the famous line from A. Akhmatova’s poem “I still see Pavlovsk as hilly...” The author’s word order options are varied and subordinated to the general concept. But all these deviations in the text serve the law of artistic necessity.