How to become a memorable person. How to develop interest in yourself and achieve internal hormones

How to become interesting person, or Where to find the key to... yourself

February 13, 2018 - No comments

You have a dream, a cherished desire. You wish for it both when the chimes strike and when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake. You paint vivid pictures in your imagination. Here you are - an interesting person, others see in you interesting interlocutor, there are many friends around, people like you, including the opposite sex. You are a welcome guest in any company and an irreplaceable person in the team. We’ll talk about how to make your dream come true in any company and in any situation in this article.

Distorting mirror, or in life everything is the other way around

Morning mercilessly dispels dreams. In life, everything turns out differently. The fact is obvious - those around you are bored and uninteresting. Often they don’t even notice you, as if you’re not here... What is the reason why this happens?

Or maybe, in order to be an interesting person, the life of the party, you need to be able to speak well? But your jokes are not funny, your stories are uninteresting, and even more often you are simply constrained by the fear of being funny, ridiculous - it makes you invisible, a gray mouse.

But there is another reason - a more significant one. People are so different. It's difficult to understand who is interested in what. We don’t really know ourselves either. And even more so, it is unknown what is in others’ heads, how to please them. How to keep the attention and interest of others?

How to become an interesting person to others?

An endless number of various trainings, advice from “wise” psychologists - but no miracle happened. You're still looking for an answer. How to become an individual? To begin with, it would be nice for you to get to know yourself better.

Understand yourself, your true desires rather than just follow general instructions and advice that is not suitable for everyone - the knowledge of human psychology obtained at the training “System-vector psychology” by Yuri Burlan will help you.

Each person has his own innate desires, talents, which are necessarily provided with the properties for their implementation.

This person likes to play sports or dance or gymnastics. He can easily combine several hobbies. This can be done and enjoyed by people with the skin vector. They are naturally fast and dexterous and can do several things at once. The best organizers and logicians are them too. The owner of the anal vector, on the contrary, is slow, diligent, thorough, and a homebody. These are those about whom they say: “golden” hands. Phenomenal memory and analytical thinking make them erudites and professionals. The visual vector is emotional, sensual people. They are fascinated by art, design, photography - everything that allows them to enjoy the beauty of the world around them. Every person strives to find something in life that will make him happy. Why this doesn’t always work out, you can read in the article: How to pursue your happiness?

But that’s not even the main thing. The main thing is that by realizing your true desires, you realize the potential inherent in nature, and this brings pleasure and joy. Your internal state automatically changes, the biochemistry of the brain comes into balance. The smell transmitted to others at the level of pheromones changes. You now look in a completely new light to others. Your internal balanced state will attract people like a magnet. People will be interested in you as an interlocutor.

Who do we consider an interesting person?

The concept that an interesting person is an erudite, a walking encyclopedia or, to put it modern language, “Google on legs” is wrong. A person is interesting not only when he knows a lot, but when he is on the same wavelength with you, speaks the same language, is sincerely interested in your problems, knows how to listen and understand, knows how to ask a question at the right time or remain silent, laugh with you or sympathize and cry.

Thanks to the training System-vector psychology“You will master all the secrets of the structure of the psyche of the people around you. In a new team, a large company or in a cramped compartment, each person will become your open book- take it and read it.

I think you've had to travel on a train. Now the train has started, and you are watching those around you.

One of them quickly put his things under the seat and took off his hat and coat. That's it, he's ready to travel. This is a person with a skin vector. He is short, taciturn, and reluctant to talk about himself. How can he be an interesting person? Tell him about yourself. He will be happy to listen to where and why you are going. And he will definitely ask for your phone number if he considers you the “right” person. After all, his social circle is based solely on the concepts of “benefit-benefit”.

The second fellow traveler cannot get comfortable for a long time, he puffs and sighs heavily. He finally sat down and joined the conversation. This is the owner of the anal vector. To become for him interesting personality, you don’t even need to say anything. Just listen carefully to his long, detailed story with many digressions and clarifications. Well, you can also help with advice on how best to position yourself - with your head towards the door or towards the window.

There was a girl on the top shelf. All this time she quietly looks out the window, either smiling slightly at something or brushing away a tear. She clearly has a visual vector. How to distract her from sad thoughts How to become an interesting person for her? Give her a compliment, tell her something sincere, about love.

The conductor came in and asked to see the tickets. Without a word, someone from the top shelf handed me a ticket. Who is this? Neither you nor those around you even noticed the boy lying on the second shelf. There is a backpack under my head and headphones in my ears. His gaze is detached, his thoughts are far from those around him and the entire material world. But now you know, even for him - to talk with him about philosophy, the frailty of existence, perhaps about literature or poetry, to show sincere interest in his brilliant thoughts and ideas. And it’s better in a quiet voice - a person with a sound vector will appreciate it.

Happy life of an interesting person

This article opened the door for you. She showed that you can successfully communicate with others - acquaintances and strangers - by accurately understanding their values ​​and interests.

You don't have to know a million people to be an interesting person. funny jokes or commit trip around the world. It is important to accurately understand yourself and the people around you - this opens up enormous opportunities for rich life. How we interact with other people determines how happy we will be.

Here's what people say about theirs

What is your daily routine? Let's tell it for you: you woke up, had breakfast, went to work, worked, had lunch, worked again, came home, had dinner, watched TV, played, went to bed. Sometimes sex, drinking or a hike in the mountains sneaks into this dull daily routine, but the essence does not change - this is a life consisting of a joyless series of repetitions. People who live such a life can hardly be called interesting.

The question arises: “Okay, BroDude, what should I do then?” You can answer this question yourself if you start to think about what makes interesting people interesting. As a rule, these are skills, knowledge, abilities, experience. An ordinary person immediately ceases to be an ordinary person if you suddenly find out that he knows how to forge katanas. Exotic hobbies seriously increase interest in your personality.

You should find a hobby, learn a unique skill (if it is useful, then that will be even better), have an amazing experience (for example, go to Syria, and then learn to talk about your impressions). However, you don't have to go to extremes to impress someone. It is enough to simply do something interesting outside of work and satisfying physiological needs. For example, you can host a podcast, and if you can produce good material, it will be a great topic for discussion.

It is also important to record the impressions you receive throughout your life. You don't have to fly to the ends of the world to later tell interesting story - good story may be found in the next entrance.

Be curious

Any interesting person in this world is a researcher. Not always literally, but figuratively for sure. Interesting people do not wait until information comes into their hands; they rarely use other people’s experience; instead, they engage in searches, interrogations, study, and extraction of unique content. Curiosity should drive you forward, and then people will be drawn to you.

The more you explore the world, the wider and more open world you live. You seem to be moving away from the narrowness of primitive thinking that limited you in your youth. Sometimes new information may terrify you, but it is necessary if you want to understand this world, and also recognize the right of others to live in it. The knowledge you discover along the way will provide a great foundation for conversations. It will be interesting to communicate with you.

If you want specific advice, here it is:

Read. Read any literature, not just popular science. Read for pleasure, to enrich your personality, to understand the world. Try to read not only what you love, but also what you don’t understand - this will give you the opportunity to look at the world with different eyes, which is important for making new acquaintances.

Use what you read in practice and in communicating with people. This is important because the knowledge that you gleaned from books (even fiction) should go into action.

Go and seminars. Not only for professional development, but also just for the sake of curiosity. Is there a lecture on the Crusaders in some lecture hall this weekend? Go there, listen to the professor, enrich yourself with knowledge. We are sure that you will benefit - not only in the form of knowledge, but also in the form of new acquaintances.

Talk to strangers. Don’t be afraid of this, but it’s better to do it in places designated for this: bars, cafes, lecture halls, parties, rocking chairs, etc. However, no one will judge you if you meet someone just on the street.

Get out of your comfort zone

Interesting people always do what others don't, which is why there are always fewer of them. That makes all the difference. They easily leave their comfort zone, quickly change their usual way of life, and get involved in interesting idea to the detriment of calm - they are easy-going. Try to do the same. This, in turn, will greatly color your life, and it will no longer be gray and lifeless.

You can even take images from popular culture that are the most interesting. Luke Skywalker, Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, Harry Potter, King Arthur (yes, we saw that movie). What unites all these people? That they were able to challenge the unknown and ultimately emerge victorious.

The more often you leave your comfort zone, the better you adapt to difficulties, extremes, and difficult times.

And living in constant comfort and safety is boring, isn’t it? Even minor difficulties give us the opportunity to meet strangers, overcome our fear of communication, and also experience life.

Create your story

If you follow the advice we described above, then you will easily get a by-product of such a life - one that can be told. Such stories distinguish interesting people from boring ones, and this becomes clear at the very moment when you talk with a wise old man who has seen in his life both the love of women and the whistling of bullets. It’s great when life was bright, but for it to be so, you need to make an effort - impressions will not come on their own, you need to achieve them.

However, it is not enough to just get into trouble. We must also come out of them with our heads held high, because no one wants to tell the story of cowardice and meanness - everyone wants to be heroes. Be such a hero, and then people will see in you not just another person, of which there are many, but a person with whom they can and should maintain a connection.

So I thought about the question - “how to make your life more interesting and thereby become interesting for yourself and others?” I think every person faces this question in life. After all, you probably had the feeling that you wanted to change something, change the environment or change your place of work, or that you didn’t have much time to talk to others, because nothing unusual is happening in your life, but everything goes on as usual and every day is like Groundhog Day, I don’t even want to talk about it.

That's why I suggest you try 10 ways to become interesting to yourself and others:

1)Explore the world

Be interested in everything that is interesting (ideas, places, people). Expand your boundaries. After all, if you don’t go beyond the ordinary, you will never become interesting, but will remain a boring person.

2) Share with others.

Share your ideas and findings on this matter, thereby you can find like-minded people or simply become an interesting interlocutor, because not everyone lives like this interesting life, just like you.

3) Be active.

Your life should be filled with action. Dance, draw, travel, create, the main thing is not to sit still. You will not know the feeling of boredom.

4) Embrace your uniqueness.

All the people in this world different people with your unusual ideas. After all, they are the ones who are interesting because they bring novelty to life.

5) Avoid indifference.

After all, if you care about those around you, then you are not indifferent to them.

6) Don't be overconfident .

Your arrogance can get in the way of something new. Your ego can overshadow any of your ideas. You need to be inquisitive to gain experience.

7) Try it.

New ideas may not come to life if you do not try to bring them to life, being afraid of something new and unknown.

8)Don't do what everyone else is doing.

After all, if many people are interested in this, then your place will be at the end. Try to do something that no one else is doing. Then you will become a pioneer, thereby taking the helm.

9)Don't react to criticism.

After all, doing something of your own requires courage, because many will dissuade you from it and say that it is not fashionable, not popular, or that no one needs it. The main thing is to move along the intended path.

10) Listen to your intuition.

After all, there are a lot interesting discoveries they did it thanks to their sixth sense, and they couldn’t always explain where such an idea came from.

Constantly explore new places, learn new ideas and opinions. Bored people often stop being interested in new things.

Share what you learn

Be generous in everything. Not everyone strives for new knowledge like you. So let them at least learn something new and interesting from you.

Do something. Anything!

Dance. Speak. Build. Play. Help. Create. It doesn’t matter what you do, the main thing is to do something all the time. Sitting around endlessly complaining about life is not considered “something”; it is not something worth doing.

Embrace your quirks

Each of us has our own quirks, individual characteristics and your “cockroaches in your head.” Don't hide them, because they are what make you an interesting and unique person.

Don't be indifferent

If you don't give a damn about everything, then you won't be indifferent to others.

Minimize arrogance

An inflated ego hinders the advancement of ideas. If your arrogance is more obvious than your experience, then be prepared to be avoided.

Allow yourself to shoot

Play with a new idea. Do something weird. Leave your “comfort zone”; this is the only way you can grow and achieve significant success.

Don't follow the crowd

If everyone is already doing it, then you're already late to the party. Start your own business, and others will follow you. Besides, it is much more interesting to steer yourself than to be driven.

Be bolder!

Courage is required in order to have an opinion that contradicts the opinions of others, or to take an unexpected path. If you don't have the courage for this, then you will still be wandering around the office water cooler, discussing the guy who had it.

10. Ignore the bores

It’s safe to be bored, and you will be reminded of this more than once. The bores could have, would have done, should have done... But they didn’t! And now they are indignant because you succeed!

Changing your appearance is easy way stand out from the crowd. Have you always wanted to dye your hair red or get an eyebrow pierced? Go for it. An original tattoo can be an unusual way to stand out - think about its design and symbolism yourself. Just approach the issue responsibly and choose good professionals to change your appearance so as not to look ridiculous and tasteless.

Clothing can also be a good help - develop your own style and complement it with many suitable accessories. Extraordinary personalities often wear clothes in ethnic style - they have an unusual cut and bright prints.

Choose the changes that you like. Then you will be comfortable in your new look.

Find an unusual hobby

No one will be surprised if you engage in knitting, collecting or design. However, there are many in the world unusual hobbies. Try yourself in the role of a master fireman playing with fire, an extreme skydiver or an acrobat-base jumper. By the way, even among seemingly ordinary hobbies you can find a twist. For example, you can study unusual foreign languages- or ancient Greek. And besides the usual boxing, karate and, there are such types of martial arts as dambe, silat and ledrith.

Get creative

A creative person is always extraordinary. Think about it: maybe as a child you loved to draw or write poetry. It's never too late to discover your hidden talents. Sign up for special courses or become a self-taught master with your own style. But remember - even abstract artists studied the basics of painting, so a little theory won't hurt. The most difficult thing is to develop your own individual style; for this you need to create a lot and not be afraid to experiment.
Many legendary creators were not recognized throughout their lives, so do not pay attention to the attacks of ill-wishers.

Do good

Unfortunately, in modern world everyone is so concerned with themselves that participation in the destinies of others automatically makes you extraordinary. Sign up for a volunteer organization or search team in your area, do charity work, donate part of your salary to a fund, organize an animal shelter. By doing good and helping people, you not only make the world a warmer place, but also become a truly extraordinary person.

Many people dream of having one or another unusual ability. It is believed that almost every person has them to one degree or another, it’s just that in most people they are very weakly expressed. Extraordinary abilities can be developed, but to do this, you must first identify their presence.

There are a number of unusual abilities, among the most famous are clairvoyance, foresight, wordless suggestion, telekinesis, the ability to bioenergy therapy, and the ability to influence the likelihood of events. A series of tests can be conducted to detect such abilities.

Definition of unusual abilities

Zener cards are traditionally used to determine clairvoyance ability. The subject is asked to guess what is drawn on cards taken from a pile in random order: a circle, a square, a cross, a star, or wavy lines. It is necessary to perform at least 50 attempts, after which the results are processed using a special algorithm. The resulting figure allows us to determine that clairvoyance abilities are completely absent, weakly expressed, well manifested, or unique. On the Internet you can also find special programs that work according to the described principle.

Foresight ability can be determined by tossing regular coin. Quite long series are required, approximately 100 tosses. If the number of guessed tosses is consistently above 50%, then you can be congratulated for having the ability to foresight.

The easiest way to test the ability for wordless suggestion is by trying to get people around you to perform some harmless actions. For example, look back, scratch your head or ear. Such actions do not pose a threat to a person, and therefore are not stopped by his subconscious. Important point: Perform no more than 3-5 attempts, after that take a break for at least a day. The order itself should be very light, without aggressive mental pressure.

The ability to telekinesis is tested using a paper pinwheel suspended by a thread inside an inverted jar. If from a distance of 2-3 meters you manage to make the turntable spin in the desired direction, you have the ability to telekinesis. Just wait until the spinner comes to a complete stop.

For treatment, first of all, very good sensitivity is needed. You can evaluate it this way: pass your relaxed palm over a live wire - for example, an ordinary room extension cord. If from a distance of 2-3 centimeters you perceive a clear sensation of the presence of an electromagnetic field, you almost certainly have the makings of non-contact treatment. Next, you can read the relevant literature and test your strength in practice.

The ability to influence events is tested this way: while somewhere in the park, mentally intend the implementation of some simple event. For example, it could be a pigeon that landed on the path in front of you, or just a bird that flew past you. It could also be a car horn, a car door slamming, etc. etc. The desired event should appear after your expression of will within 5-10 seconds, no more.

The Dangers of Developing Unusual Abilities

Many psychics and magicians warn that developing extraordinary abilities can be very dangerous. This is a one way road - unusual abilities difficult to develop, but even more difficult to get rid of. Particularly dangerous are practices associated with the development of clairvoyance and premonitions - sensitivity increases sharply, a person opens up to forces that he simply did not notice before. The result can be very sad, even death or a mental hospital.

That is why think three times about whether you need unusual abilities - while they are in a dormant state, you are reliably protected from many dangers.