Famous people with the name Emil. The meaning of the name Emil

Emil Zola is the author of works that are still popular today. He is a classic of foreign literature of the 19th century century. Born in the most beautiful and loving city of France, Paris, as they would now say, under the sign of Aries (April 2, 1840). The writer had a purposeful and passionate nature, which was clearly emphasized in his works. Unlike his contemporaries, he clearly expressed his own opinion on the pages of his books, for which, according to some versions, he paid as a result.

Who is he

Many fans of creativity may also be interested in the biography. Emile Zola was left without a father very early. His dad is a native of Italy, an engineer by profession, who built a water supply system in the city of Aix-en-Provence. It was there that the Zola family lived. But hard work and great responsibility did not allow the father to see his son as an adult. He died early, leaving the boy orphaned at the age of seven.

Against this background, the child experienced a personal drama. Left with his mother, he began to disdain all men. The family experienced financial difficulties; the widow, hoping for help from friends, left for Paris.

The beginning of a creative journey

In the capital, Zola graduates from the lyceum and, by a lucky chance, gets a job in a publishing house, where he begins to earn good money. What does the young man do? He writes reviews, tries his hand at writing

Zola Emil is an extremely sensitive nature, emotional experiences and a miserable existence immediately after the death of his father did not kill the romantic in him. He had poor eyesight and speech impediments, but despite all this he sang beautifully. At the age of eighteen, he first falls in love with a twelve-year-old girl. The relationship between the two young people was the most tender and innocent. But in the rest of his life, he was not so chaste.

At the age of 25, the future writer meets, falls in love and marries Alexandrina Meley. They had no children, which made the spouses complete strangers, since both passionately desired to have a full-fledged family.

Literary activity and family life

Emil Zola puts all his dissatisfaction with his family life into creativity. His novels are literally literary traditions, so openly and openly did the writer demonstrate forbidden topics to the public. Only the author himself remained aloof, not sympathizing with what he was writing about.

He lived with his wife for eighteen years, but was not truly happy. Only his acquaintance with Zhanna Rozro, a twenty-year-old tall, dark-eyed girl, made it possible to slightly change his worldview. Zola Emile falls in love and buys a separate house for her. And during this period of his life, he was able to experience the happy feeling of fatherhood, because Zhanna gave birth to two children. For two years the lovers managed to hide their relationship, but in the end he tells his wife the whole truth. Of course, this could not help but upset Alexandrina, but she soon realizes that there is no need to get divorced and make trouble, she accepts the children, and after Zhanna’s death she takes care of them closely and agrees to give her father’s surname.


The list of books by the author is long. He began creating literary masterpieces very early. A collection of his stories, Tales of Ninon, was written when he was twenty-four years old. Each novel by Émile Zola was popular with readers. The characters, although fictitious, were copied by the author from life. Therefore, the characters are easily recognizable.

There are works that are considered his best creations. This is the novel “The Trap”. In it, the author revealed the reasons for the miserable existence of his heroes. Their laziness and reluctance to find work is the result that readers can observe: extreme poverty, alcoholism, spiritual impoverishment.

Below are the most famous works by:

  • The epic "Ruggon-Makkara";
  • "Career of the Rougons";
  • "Money";
  • "Prey";
  • "Belly of Paris";
  • "The Act of Abbot Mouret";
  • "Germinal";
  • "Nana";
  • "Beast Man"

Death of the author

Zola Emile is active political life. And the death of the writer due to the fact of his involvement in politics has not entirely clearly expressed reasons. According to the official version, the author died due to the carelessness of poisoning himself carbon monoxide in your own apartment. But there are also unofficial suggestions that the writer was killed. Moreover, his political enemies had a hand in the crime.

Many modern educated people of our time are devoured by his novels. If you read some reviews of his most famous works, you will notice that readers note the genuine truthfulness of the described state of the mendicant class in Paris. That is why he is considered a realist writer who depicts the true picture of the life of ordinary Parisian workers, poor people. Starting to read Emile Zola, one involuntarily has to pay attention to the autobiographical nature of his prose.

To say how good the author is, how understandable his creations are, you need to study the period when he lived and worked Zola Emile. The biography, list of books, reviews and all other information about him are very contradictory and are no less fascinating reading than his novels.

Short form of the name Emil. Emil, Mil, Ema, Elya, Emilchen, Em, Milu, Amelius, Amel, Mille.
Synonyms for the name Emil. Emilius, Emil, Emilien, Emiliano, Emilio, Emiliana, Emilian, Emilian, Emelyan.
Origin of the name Emil. The name Emil is Catholic.

The name Emil (Emilius) comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which comes from Latin word"aemulus", meaning "rival", "unyielding", "zealous, passionate". The name is also sometimes translated as “zealous.” In Persian, the name Emil means "enemy".

The name Emil corresponds to paired female names - Emilia and Emily. In Russian, the name Emil corresponds to the name Emelyan (Emilian), and female name- Emilia.

Other forms of the name are common in Europe - Emil (England), Emilien (France), Emiliano, Emilio (Spain, Italy), Emiliano (Portugal), Emilian (Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic), Emilian (Bulgaria). The name Emil itself was widely used in Europe, including Russia.

For the name Emil, the Catholic name day will be indicated. Orthodox name days- see name Emelyan.

Neither parents nor teachers usually have problems with little Emil. True, he is somewhat slow, and he takes his studies carelessly, although not without ability. But the boy is calm, flexible, and careful. It is detected early musical abilities, and if parents give them the right direction, their son can turn out to be a professional musician.

Born in winter, Emily has a very, very difficult character. They are impulsive, one might even say explosive. Although they try to restrain themselves in front of strangers, in moments of such “explosions” it is better to stay away from them, especially considering that many Emilys are endowed with remarkable physical strength. They are especially unrestrained with their wives, with whom they are capable of quarreling over trifles and reaching a state of passion. At the same time, winter men are talented, have an analytical mindset, and show great ability to exact sciences. They are obligatory and true to their word and have a hard time when they are deceived. If this happens, they forever lose trust in the person.

Summer Emily – charming people. They are emotional, but their emotionality is of a slightly different kind than that of winter ones. Summer Emil is a bright person. He is very sociable, surrounded by friends, he needs an audience. His sensuality awakens early, however, he is more faithful to his wife than it might seem. Such men make good family men, although their wives should never let their guard down!

Loves freedom and independence, rarely listens to outside advice. Autumn Emilys are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. They love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany everything they do. life path. Emil's native element is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with him. It is worth remembering that they avoid responsibility at all costs.

Emil's birthday

Famous people named Emil

  • Emile Zola ((1840 - 1902) French writer)
  • Emil Keogh ((1894 - 1965) real name - Emil Girshfeld; Soviet illusionist)
  • Emilio Salgari ((1862 - 1911) Italian writer, author of adventure novels)
  • Emil from Lönneberga (literally Emil in Lönneberg; a literary character invented by the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Emil Svensson is a “little tomboy and stubborn”, a cheerful, curious and resourceful five-year-old village boy who loves to play pranks. Because of this, he constantly ends up in various comic alterations.)
  • Emilius Lenz ((1804 - 1865) Russian physicist of German origin)
  • Emil Gilels ((1916 - 1985) Soviet pianist)
  • Emil Krotky ((1892 - 1963) real name - Emmanuel German; Russian Soviet satirist, poet)
  • Emil Fischer ((1852 - 1919) German chemist, Nobel Prize Laureate)
  • Emil von Sauer ((1862 - 1942) German pianist and composer)
  • Emile Verhaerne ((1855 - 1916) Belgian symbolist poet)
  • Emilio Cavalieri ((1550 - 1602) Italian composer)
  • Emilio Sanchez ((born 1965) Spanish tennis player)
  • Emilio Vilarrubi, Emilie Vilarrubi ((1886 - 1980) Catalan classical guitarist and composer)
  • Emilio Garrastazo Medici ((1905 - 1985) President of Brazil (1969 - 1974))
  • Emil Constantinescu ((born 1939) President of Romania (1996 - 2000))
  • Emil Skoda ((1839 - 1900) Czech engineer, founder of the Škoda engineering company (now Škoda Holding))
  • Emil Hass Christensen ((1903 - 1982) Danish film actor)
  • Emil Hegle Svendsen (Norwegian biathlete)
  • Emil Gudmundur Jonsson ((1902 - 1986) Prime Minister of Iceland (1958 - 1959))
  • Emile Bernard ((1868 - 1941) French neo-impressionist artist, one of the theorists of symbolism in art)
  • Emil (Emmanuel) Braginsky ((1921 - 1998) Soviet and Russian screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1977))
  • Emil Gabrielyan ((1931 - 2010) Armenian medical figure)
  • Emil Sutovsky (Israeli chess player, grandmaster (1996), European Champion (2001), also plays the sports version of “What? Where? When?”)
  • Emil Holub ((1847 - 1902) Czech doctor, explorer of South Africa)
  • Emil Pretorius ((1883 - 1973) German graphic artist, set designer, art critic, bibliophile, statesman)
  • Emile Ogier ((1820 - 1889) French playwright)
  • Emil Michel Cioran ((1911 – 1995) during French pronunciation- Sioran); Romanian and French thinker and essayist)
  • Emil Yanvarev ((1931 - 2005) Russian poet, member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, honorary citizen of Nikolaev, laureate of the N. Ushakov Prize)
  • Emil Paur ((1855 - 1932) Austrian conductor)
  • Emil Lederer ((1882 - 1939) Austrian and German economist)
  • Emil Lange ((1841 - 1926) German architect, son and student of L. Lange)
  • Emilian Adamyuk ((1839 – 1906) outstanding Russian ophthalmologist)
  • Emilian (Emilian) Dobrescu ((born 1933) Romanian economist and chess composer, full member of the Romanian Academy, author of many books and articles on economics)
  • Emilian (Emil) Karas (former Soviet and Moldavian football player)

Neither home nor teachers usually have problems with little Emik. True, he is slow, even inhibited, and he takes his studies carelessly, although not without ability. But the boy is calm, flexible, and careful. He shows musical talent early on, and if parents give him the right direction, their son can turn out to be a professional musician.

"Winter" men have a very difficult character. They are impulsive, one might even say explosive. Although they try to restrain themselves in front of strangers, in moments of such “explosions” it is better to stay away from them, especially considering that many Emilys are endowed with remarkable physical strength. They are especially unrestrained with their wives, with whom they are capable of quarreling over trifles and reaching a state of passion. At the same time, “winter” Emilys are talented, have an analytical mindset, and show great ability in the exact sciences. They are obligatory and true to their word and have a hard time when they are deceived. If this happens, they forever lose trust in the person.

"Summer" are charming people. They are emotional, but their emotionality is of a slightly different kind than that of the “winter” ones. "Summer" Emil- bright man. He is very sociable, surrounded by friends, and he needs an audience like air. His sensuality awakens early, nevertheless he is faithful to his girlfriend. Such men make good family men, although their wives should never let their guard down.

Meaning of the name Emil

Origin of the name Emil. Name Emil Catholic.

Name synonyms Emil. Emilius, Emil, Emilien, Emiliano, Emilio, Emiliana, Emilian, Emilian, Emelyan.

Short form of the name Emil. Emil, Mil, Ema, Elya, Emilchen, Em, Milu, Amelius, Amel, Mille.

Name Emil(Aemilius) comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which comes from the Latin word "aemulus", meaning "rival", "unyielding", "zealous, passionate". The name is also sometimes translated as “zealous.” Name in Persian Emil means "enemy".

Name Emil correspond to paired female names - Emilia and Emily. In Russian the name Emil The name Emelyan (Emilian) corresponds, and the female name is Emilia.

Other forms of the name are common in Europe - Emil (England), Emilien (France), Emiliano, Emilio (Spain, Italy), Emiliano (Portugal), Emilian (Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic), Emilian (Bulgaria). The name itself Emil widely used in Europe, including Russia.

For name Emil Catholic name days will be indicated. Orthodox name days - see the name Emelyan.

Neither family nor teachers usually have problems with little Emil. True, he is somewhat slow, and he takes his studies carelessly, although not without ability. But the boy is calm, flexible, and careful. He shows musical talent early on, and if his parents give him the right direction, their son can turn out to be a professional musician.

Emily, born in winter, has a very, very difficult character. They are impulsive, one might even say explosive. Although they try to restrain themselves in front of strangers, in moments of such “explosions” it is better to stay away from them, especially considering that many Emilys are endowed with remarkable physical strength. They are especially unrestrained with their wives, with whom they are capable of quarreling over trifles and reaching a state of passion. At the same time, winter men are talented, have an analytical mindset, and show great ability in the exact sciences. They are obligatory and true to their word and have a hard time when they are deceived. If this happens, they forever lose trust in the person.

Summer Emilys are charming people. They are emotional, but their emotionality is of a slightly different kind than that of winter ones. Summer Emil- bright man. He is very sociable, surrounded by friends, he needs an audience. His sensuality awakens early, however, he is more faithful to his wife than it might seem. Such men make good family men, although their wives should never let their guard down!

Loves freedom and independence, rarely listens to outside advice. Autumn Emilys are used to relying on their own experience. They tend to try rather than think. They love adventure and travel; sitting still is not in their nature! They are gamblers and adventurers, a thirst for risk and excitement accompany their entire life journey. Emil's native element is bargaining; in any commercial matters, few can compare with him. It is worth remembering that they avoid responsibility at all costs.

Emil's birthday

Famous people named Emil

  • Emil Zola ((1840 - 1902) French writer)
  • Emil Keogh ((1894 - 1965) real name - Emil Girshfeld; Soviet illusionist)
  • Emilio Salgari ((1862 - 1911) Italian writer, author of adventure novels)
  • Emil from Lönneberga (literally Emil in Lönneberg; literary character created by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren. Emil Svensson is a “little tomboy and stubborn”, a cheerful, curious and resourceful five-year-old village boy who loves to play pranks. Because of this, he constantly gets into various comical troubles.)
  • Emilius Lenz ((1804 - 1865) Russian physicist of German origin)
  • Emil Gilels ((1916 - 1985) Soviet pianist)
  • Emil Meek ((1892 - 1963) real name - Emmanuel German; Russian Soviet satirist, poet)
  • Emil Fischer ((1852 - 1919) German chemist, Nobel Prize laureate)
  • Emil von Sauer ((1862 - 1942) German pianist and composer)
  • Emil Verhaeren ((1855 - 1916) Belgian symbolist poet)
  • Emilio Cavalieri ((1550 - 1602) Italian composer)
  • Emilio Sanchez ((b. 1965) Spanish tennis player)
  • Emilio Vilarrubi, Emilie Vilarrubi ((1886 - 1980) Catalan classical guitarist and composer)
  • Emilio Garrastazo Medici ((1905 - 1985) President of Brazil (1969 - 1974))
  • Emil Constantinescu ((b. 1939) President of Romania (1996 - 2000))
  • Emil Skoda ((1839 - 1900) Czech engineer, founder of the engineering company Š koda (now Š koda Holding))
  • Emil Hass Christensen ((1903 - 1982) Danish film actor)
  • Emil Hegle Svendsen (Norwegian biathlete)
  • Emil Gudmundur Jonsson ((1902 - 1986) Prime Minister of Iceland (1958 - 1959))
  • Emil Bernard ((1868 - 1941) French neo-impressionist artist, one of the theorists of symbolism in art)
  • Emil(Emmanuel) Braginsky ((1921 - 1998) Soviet and Russian screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1976). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1977))
  • Emil Gabrielyan ((1931 - 2010) Armenian medical figure)
  • Emil Sutovsky (Israeli chess player, grandmaster (1996), European Champion (2001), also plays the sports version of “What? Where? When?”)
  • Emil Holub ((1847 - 1902) Czech doctor, explorer of South Africa)
  • Emil Pretorius ((1883 - 1973) German graphic artist, set designer, art critic, bibliophile, statesman)
  • Emil Ogier ((1820 - 1889) French playwright)
  • Emil Michel Cioran ((1911 – 1995) in French pronunciation - Sioran); Romanian and French thinker and essayist)
  • Emil Yanvarev ((1931 - 2005) Russian poet, member of the Union of Writers of Ukraine, honorary citizen of Nikolaev, laureate of the N. Ushakov Prize)
  • Emil Paur ((1855 - 1932) Austrian conductor)
  • Emil Lederer ((1882 - 1939) Austrian and German economist)
  • Emil Lange ((1841 - 1926) German architect, son and student of L. Lange)
  • Emilian Adamyuk ((1839 – 1906) outstanding Russian ophthalmologist)
  • Emilian (Emilian) Dobrescu ((born 1933) Romanian economist and chess composer, full member of the Romanian Academy, author of many books and articles on economics)
  • Emilian (Emil) Karas (former Soviet and Moldavian football player)