Environmental environmental factors. Environmental factors

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Results of scientific research work in natural science

Completed by: 1st year student, gr. 102

Bazhov Nikita Sergeevich

Scientific supervisor:

Efremov Alexander Yurievich,

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Federal state budget educational institution higher education


Faculty continuing education for training specialists for the judicial system

Department of General Educational Disciplines

Voronezh – 2015




List of used literature.


Research topic:

"The impact of environmental factors on the human body."

Research objectives:

Determination of the most acute environmental problems Russian Federation and analysis of the effectiveness of existing laws in the field of environmental law.

Russia's environmental problems are vast and multifaceted.

Object of study:


Subject of research:

The impact of environmental factors on the human body.

Research methods:

Search, accumulation, analysis and systematization of necessary information.

The impact of environmental factors on the human body. Introduction

The problem of unauthorized solid waste dumps is relevant both for rural areas...

Research objectives:

1. Compiling a thesaurus scientific terms included in the name of the topic, object and subject of research.

2. Identification of the most pressing environmental problems based on state statistics and theoretical research.

3. Determining the most effective ways to solve environmental problems.

The impact of environmental factors on the human body. Introduction

... and for large cities.


Heliocentric system of the world

It is known that human health and condition environment are closely interconnected. Interaction, harmony of factors surrounding nature and factors that make up human health, ensure the normal functioning of the body and the preservation of human health. Violation of the functioning of any of these components entails a failure in the “person - environment” system.

Index of environmental efficiency of some regions of Russia.

Environmental problems arose simultaneously with the advent of man and developed in proportion to the pace of civilization. For many years man provoked their development and the preconditions for the ecological apocalypse are already clearly visible. In our country, due to the low pace of development of environmental legislation, ecological situation even more critical.

An environmental problem is a change in the natural environment as a result of anthropogenic impact or natural disasters, leading to disruption of the structure and functioning of nature.

Ecology is the science of the relationships of living organisms and the communities they form among themselves and with the environment.

The solution to the first task of the study involved compiling a Thesaurus of scientific terms included in the title of the topic and purpose.

Its solution showed that in the topic under study: “The impact of environmental factors on the human body” it is necessary scientific concepts are:



Human body; Right;


Environmental problem;


Treatment plants waste water. Voronezh


The key term of the Thesaurus is the concept of environmental problem (the definition is given above). From a cognitive point of view of specificity future profession, the meaning of the term “Law” is also important - a description of stable connections in nature between repeating processes under certain conditions in the surrounding world. In the natural science understanding, the term “Theory”: a doctrine, a system of ideas or principles, is also an important concept.

NLMK is the largest “exporter” of environmental problems in the Lipetsk region.

The solution to the second problem of the study showed that environmental problems are one of the main, difficult to eliminate and most current problems modernity. In our country, environmental problems are the most pronounced, numerous and pressing. Despite the fact that in lately The Russian government pays great attention problems of environmental pollution, their severity and relevance is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing. This greatly complicates their solution, but the search for the most effective ways to eliminate problems of environmental pollution can bring society and science to a new qualitative level, since the search for a solution to the problem stimulates the development of natural science (ecology), society, and law enforcement practice.

Consequences of an accident at a processing and storage plant nuclear fuel"Lighthouse" - environmental disaster, which entailed no less catastrophic consequences


And ordinary citizens, including those in power, especially do not feel remorse, in one case - organizing unauthorized landfills, in another - signing documents establishing new testing ground Solid waste or even a repository for any hazardous substances.

One of characteristic features environmental problems is that they not only give rise to a number of others, no less important issues, but are also generated by them ( shining example impact on the economy is that due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, our country loses about 4-6% of GDP annually - this was the conclusion made by the minister natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy).


It is worth noting that the difficulty of solving environmental problems lies in the fact that they have many of their own unique features, which consist in the peculiarities of the economy, society, culture, worldview, national composition and other spheres of life of Russians. For example, one of the features that complicates the solution of environmental problems is, oddly enough, the vast territory of our homeland. Strictly speaking, the problem here is not in the size of our country, but in the worldview of Russians.

The solution to the third problem showed that an unfavorable environmental situation affects physical and mental performance, and a person’s resistance to diseases. In adolescents living in conditions of severe environmental pollution, the process of puberty and body growth are delayed, and they get sick more often colds, study worse. Every person should be involved in solving environmental problems. Regulatory regulations also play a huge role. legal acts, protecting the health of citizens, including children and adolescents.


The only honest and incorruptible defender of the environmental well-being of Russia.


The study was aimed at identifying the most critical environmental problems for human health and analyzing the consequences of exposure to adverse environmental factors on the human body. The relevance of the problem determined the choice of research topic in the subject area of ​​natural science and socio-psychological aspects of the influence of ecology on human health. The research was carried out as part of a creative assignment when studying the discipline “Natural Science”, as an integral component of the general educational training of a lawyer in the specialty: “Law and Organization” social security"and involved solving the following problems: compiling a thesaurus of scientific terms included in the name of the topic, object and subject of research; identification of the most pressing environmental problems based on statistics and theoretical studies; identifying the characteristic features of their solution.

Solid waste processing plant (Khlevnoe village, Khlevensky district, Lipetsk region).

Problems were solved using natural scientific methods of searching, accumulating and systematizing the necessary information.

Scientific analysis practical research on this topic allowed us to identify distinctive features environmental problems and the degree of their impact on the human body.

Question 4. Conclusion

President of Russia V.V. Putin not only accepts active participation in the creation and provides support in promoting environmental regulations, but also finds time to provide all possible physical assistance in preserving the ecology of our Motherland. This fact confirms that Russia’s environmental problems are urgent and require utmost attention and urgent solutions.

The relevance of the problem was considered in the subject plane of natural science aspects of the impact of unfavorable environmental environmental factors on the human body.

The research was carried out as part of a creative assignment when studying the discipline “Nature-Knowledge”, as an integral component of the general educational training of a lawyer in the specialty: “Law and organization of social security”.

Question 4. Conclusion

Norilsk is the most polluted city in Russia and one of the most polluted cities in the world.

Literature used

1. Akhmedova T.I., Mosyagina O.V. Natural science: Textbook. – M.: RAP, 2012. – 463 p. 2. Researched in Russia [ Electronic resource]: multi-subject. scientific magazine / Moscow Phys.-Techn. int. - Electron. magazine – Dolgoprudny: MIPT, 1998. –. – Log access mode: http://zhurnal.mipt.rssi.ru. - Cap. from the screen. – State No. registration 0329900013 (date of access: 03/01/2015). 3. The largest collection of online dictionaries [Electronic resource] / Philosophical Dictionary. Theory. - Access mode: http://www.onlinedics.ru/slovar/bes/r/rossija.html, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus. (date of access: 01/31/2015). 4. The largest collection of online dictionaries [Electronic resource] / Philosophical Dictionary. Theory. - Access mode: http://www.onlinedics.ru/slovar/bes/i/1-issledovanie.html, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus. (date of access: 01/31/2015). 5. The largest collection of online dictionaries [Electronic resource] / Philosophical Dictionary. Theory. - Access mode: http://www.onlinedics.ru/slovar/bes/d/dejatelnost.html, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus. (date of access: 01/31/2015). 6. The largest collection of online dictionaries [Electronic resource] / Philosophical Dictionary. Theory. - Access mode: http://www.onlinedics.ru/slovar/bes/e/ekologija.html, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus. (date of access: 01/31/2015). 7. Laptukhin M.S. School explanatory dictionary Russian language: A manual for students / M.S. Laptukhin; Ed. F.P. Owl. – M.: Education, 1981. – 463 p. 8. Linkenko S.N. Ecological state of the natural environment and human health. - Krasnodar, 2007. - 126 p. 9. Monitoring, control and management of environmental quality. Environmental control [Electronic resource]: training manual/ A.I. Potapov [and others]. - Electron. text data. – St. Petersburg: Russian State Hydrometeorological University, 2004. – 290 p. – Access mode: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/12504. – EBS “IPRbooks”, by password. 10. Morozova L.A. Theory of state and law [Text]: textbook. for university students / L.A. Morozova. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Eksmo, 2008. - 15 p.

Literature used

11. Social studies: textbook. A manual for law school applicants / ed. A.V. Opaleva. – 5th ed., revised. and additional – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2013. – 359 p. 12. Russian State Library [Electronic resource] / Information Center. RSL technologies; ed. Vlasenko T.V.; Webmaster Kozlova N.V. - Electron. Dan. – M.: Ros. state b-ka, 1997. – Access mode: http://www.rsl.ru, free. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English (date of access: 03/01/2015). 13. Rumyantsev N.V. Environmental law Russia: textbook / Rumyantsev N.V., Kazantsev S.Ya., Myshko F.G. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2010. – 431 p. 14. Sarkisov O.R. Environmental safety and environmental and legal problems in the field of environmental pollution: textbook / Sarkisov O.R., Lyubarsky E.L., Kazantsev S.Ya. – M.: UNITY-DANA, 2012. – 231 p. 15. Sergeev K. A., Slinin Ya. A. Nature and mind: an ancient paradigm. – L.: Leningrad State University, 1991. 238 p. 16. Sizova M.G. Social ecology and human ecology in the light of modern environmental problems // Almanac modern science and education. 2009. No. 5. 239 p. 17. Dictionaries and encyclopedias on “Akademik” [Electronic resource] / Philosophical Encyclopedia. Definition. – Access mode: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_philosophy/873/definition, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus. (date of access: 01/31/2015). 18. Dictionaries and encyclopedias on “Akademika” [Electronic resource] / Philosophical Encyclopedia. Definition. – Access mode: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/psihologic/1415/definition, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. rus. (date of access: 01/31/2015). 19. Environmental Performance Index (EPI) [Electronic resource] / Results at-a-Glance. Global overview – Access mode: http://epi.yale.edu/epi, free mode. - Cap. from the screen. - Yaz. Russian, English (date of access: 03/26/2015).

Ecology subject

  • Ecology – the science of the relationships of organisms with each other and with the surrounding environment (Greek oikos - dwelling; logos - science). The term was introduced in 1866 by the German zoologist E. Haeckel.
  • Currently, ecology is a branched system of sciences:

autecology studies relationships in communities;

population ecology studies the relationships between individuals of the same species in populations, the influence of the environment on populations, relationships between populations;

global ecology studies the biosphere and issues of its protection.

  • A different approach in the ecology department : ecology of microorganisms, ecology of fungi, plant ecology, animal ecology, human ecology, space ecology .

Ecological tasks

Study the relationships between organisms;

Explore the relationships between organisms and the environment;

Study the effect of the environment on the structure, life activity and behavior of organisms;

To trace the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of species and the change of communities;

Develop a system of measures for nature protection.

The importance of ecology

Helps determine man's place in nature;

Gives knowledge environmental patterns, which makes it possible to predict the consequences economic activity human rights, correct and rational use of natural resources;

Environmental knowledge is necessary for the development of agriculture, medicine, and for the development of environmental protection measures.

Ecological methods

  • observation
  • comparison
  • experiment
  • mathematical modeling
  • forecasting

Principles of environmental classification

  • Classification helps to identify possible ways of adaptation to the environment.
  • Ecological classification can be based on various criteria: feeding methods, habitat, movement, attitude to temperature, humidity, pressure, light, etc.

Classification of organisms by nature of nutrition

1.Autotrophs: 2. Heterotrophs:

A). Phototrophs a) saprophytes

B). Chemotrophs b) holozoans:

- saprophages

- phytophages

- zoophagi

- necrophages

  • Autotrophs- organisms that synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones.
  • Phototrophs- autotrophic organisms that synthesize organic matter use the energy of sunlight.
  • Chemotrophs– autotrophic organisms that use chemical energy to synthesize organic substances; connections.
  • Heterotrophs- organisms that feed on ready-made organic substances.
  • Saprophytes- heterotrophs that use solutions of simple organic compounds.
  • Holozoans– heterotrophs, which have a complex of enzymes and can eat complex organic compounds, decomposing them into simple ones:
  • Saprophages feed on dead plant debris;
  • Phytophagous consumers of living plants;
  • Zoophagi eat live animals;
  • Necrophages eat dead animals.

History of ecology

The following had a great influence on the development of ecology:

Aristotle (384-322 BC) - ancient Greek scientist, described animals and their behavior, the association of organisms with their habitats.

C. Linnaeus (1707-1778) - Swedish naturalist, emphasized the importance of climate in the life of organisms, studied the relationships between organisms.

J.B. Lamarck (1744-1829) - French naturalist, author of the first evolutionary doctrine, believed that the influence of external circumstances is one of the most important reasons evolution.

K.Roulier (1814-1858) - Russian scientist, believed that the structure and development of organisms depends on the environment, emphasized the need to study evolution.

Charles Darwin (1809-1882) - English naturalist, founder of the doctrine of evolution.

E. Haeckel (1834-1919) German biologist, in 1866 he introduced the term ecology.

C. Elton (1900) - English scientist - founder of population ecology.

A. Tansley (1871-1955) English scientist, in 1935 introduced the concept of ecosystem.

V.N.Sukachev (1880-1967) Russian scientist, in 1942 introduced the concept of biogeocenoses.

K.A.Timiryazev (1843-1920) - Russian scientist, devoted his life to the study of photosynthesis.

V.V.Dokuchaev (1846-1903) - Russian soil scientist.

V.I.Vernadsky (1863-1945) Russian scientist, founder of the doctrine of the biosphere as a global ecosystem.


  • Habitat – this is everything that surrounds an individual (population, community) and affects it.
  • Environmental factors:

abiotic – factors inanimate nature; biotic – factors of living nature; anthropogenic - related to human activities.

  • The following main habitats can be distinguished: aquatic, ground-air, soil, living organisms.

Aquatic environment

  • IN aquatic environment great value have factors such as salt regime, water density, flow speed, oxygen saturation, soil properties. The inhabitants of bodies of water are called hydrobionts, among them there are:

Neuston – organisms living near the surface film of water;

plankton (phytoplankton and zooplankton) - suspended, “floating” in the body’s water;

nekton - well-swimming inhabitants of the water column ;

benthos - bottom organisms.

Soil environment

  • The inhabitants of the soil are called edaphobionts, or geobionts, for them structure is of great importance, chemical composition and soil moisture.

Ground-air environment

Living organism

Adaptations to the environment

  • Adaptations can be morphological, physiological and behavioral.

Morphological adaptations

  • Morphological adaptations manifest themselves in changes in the shape and structure of organisms.
  • For example, the development of thick and long fur in mammals when they are raised under low temperatures ; mimicry- imitation of one species by another in color and shape.
  • Often general features structures are endowed by organisms with different evolutionary origins.
  • Convergence- convergence of characteristics (similarity in structure), which arose under the influence of relatively identical conditions of existence in different organisms. For example, the shape of the body and limbs of a shark and a dolphin.

Physiological adaptations

  • Physiological adaptations manifest themselves in changes in the vital processes of the body, for example, the ability for thermoregulation in endothermic (warm-blooded) animals that are able to obtain heat through biochemical reactions

Behavioral adaptations

  • Behavioral adaptations often associated with physiological ones, such as suspended animation, migration.

  • Many adaptations have been developed in organisms under the influence of seasonal and daily rhythms, for example, leaf fall, nocturnal and diurnal lifestyle.
  • Reaction of organisms to duration daylight hours, which has developed due to seasonal changes, is called photoperiodism .
  • Under the influence of environmental rhythms, organisms have developed a kind of “biological clock” that provides orientation in time and preparation for expected changes.
  • For example, flowers bloom at a time when optimal humidity, light and other conditions for pollination are usually observed: poppy - from 5 to 14-15 hours; dandelion - from 5-6 to 14-15 hours; calendula - from 9 to 16-18 hours; rose hips - from 4-5 to 19-20 hours.

Temperature. Any organism can live only within a certain temperature range. Somewhere within this interval temperature conditions most favorable for the existence of a given organism. As the temperature approaches the boundaries of the interval, the speed of life processes slows down and, finally, they stop altogether - the organism dies.

For most of its history wildlife was represented exclusively by aquatic forms of organisms. Having conquered land, they nevertheless did not lose their dependence on water. Water is integral part a significant majority of living beings: it is necessary for their normal functioning. A normally developing organism constantly loses water and therefore cannot live in completely dry air. Sooner or later, such losses can lead to the death of the body. Water

Plants extract water using their roots. Lichens can capture water vapor from the air. Plants have a number of adaptations that ensure minimal water loss. All land animals need periodic supply of water to compensate for the loss of water. Many animals drink water; others, for example, amphibians, absorb it through the integument of the body. Most desert animals never drink.

The so-called secondary climatic factors are important, such as wind, atmospheric pressure, altitude above sea level. Wind has an indirect effect: by increasing evaporation, it increases dryness. This action is important in cold places, high mountains or polar regions.

General laws the effects of environmental factors on the organism The law of optimum (Latin optimum - “best”) reflects the reaction of species to changes in the strength of action of any factor. There are certain limits to the action of each factor, within which the viability of organisms increases. This is the optimum zone. With deviations from this zone in the direction of decreasing or increasing the strength of the factor’s influence, the viability of organisms decreases. This is a zone of oppression, or pessimum (Latin pessimus - “very bad”). If the effect of the factor goes beyond certain, minimum or maximum limits possible for the species, the organisms die. The destructive value of a factor is called a critical point.

The law of optimum has a large practical significance. There are no entirely positive or negative factors, it all depends on their dosage. All forms of environmental influence on organisms have a purely quantitative expression. To manage the life activity of a species, one should first of all prevent various environmental factors from exceeding their critical values ​​and try to maintain the optimum zone. This is very important for crop production, livestock farming, forestry and, in general, all areas of the relationship between man and living nature. The same rule applies to the person himself, especially in the field of medicine.

The use of the law of optimum is complicated by the fact that for each type the optimal dosages of factors are different. What is good for one species may be pessimistic or beyond critical limits for another. For example, at a temperature of 20°C, a tropical monkey shivers from the cold, and a northern inhabitant - polar bear- languishes from the heat. Winter moth butterflies are still fluttering in November (at a temperature of 6°C), when most other insects fall into torpor. Rice is grown in fields flooded with water, and wheat gets wet and dies in such conditions.

The law of ecological individuality of species reflects the diversity of relationships between organisms and the environment. It indicates that in nature there are no two species with complete coincidence of optima and critical points in relation to a set of environmental factors. If species coincide in resistance to one factor, they will certainly diverge in resistance to another. Ignorance of the law of ecological individuality of species, for example in agricultural production, can lead to the death of organisms. When using mineral fertilizers and pesticides, these substances are often added in excess quantities, regardless of the individual needs of the plants.

Law of the limiting factor The law of the limiting factor is closely related to the law of optimum and follows from it. There are no entirely negative or positive factors in the environment: everything depends on the strength of their action. Living beings are simultaneously affected by many factors, and most of them are changeable. But in each specific period of time we can highlight the most main factor, on which life most depends. It turns out to be the environmental factor that most strongly deviates from the optimum, i.e. limits the life activity of organisms during this period. Any factor influencing organisms can become either optimal or limiting, depending on the strength of its impact.

The law of factor indispensability indicates that one factor cannot be completely replaced by another. But often, with the complex influence of factors, one can see a substitution effect. For example, light cannot be replaced by excess heat or carbon dioxide, but by acting on temperature changes, photosynthesis in plants can be enhanced. However, this is not the replacement of one factor by another, but the manifestation of a similar biological effect caused by changes in the quantitative indicators of the combined action of factors. This phenomenon is widely used in agriculture. For example, in greenhouses to obtain products, they create an increased content of carbon dioxide and moisture in the air, heating and thus partly compensate for the lack of light in autumn and winter.

In the action of environmental factors on the planet there is a periodicity associated with the time of day, seasons of the year, sea ​​tides and phases of the moon. This periodicity is due to cosmic reasons - the movement of the Earth around its axis, around the Sun and interaction with the Moon. Life on Earth is adapted to this constantly existing rhythm, which is manifested in changes in the state and behavior of organisms.

The length of daylight hours is the only accurate signal of the approach of winter or spring, i.e. changes in the whole complex of factors external environment. Weather conditions are deceiving. Therefore, plants, for example, reacting to the length of the day, do not bloom their leaves during winter thaws and do not switch to leaf fall during short-term summer frosts. Plants also bloom at a certain day length. Plant flowering is one of the manifestations of photoperiodism. Plant growers often encounter this. Therefore, among plants it is important to distinguish between short-day and long-day species or varieties. Long-day plants are distributed mainly in temperate and subpolar latitudes, while short-day plants are found in areas closer to the equator.

Questions 1. What are environmental factors? 2. What groups are environmental factors divided into? 3. What are environmental conditions called? 4. What is the essence of the law of optimum? What significance does it have? 5. Why is it necessary to take into account the law of ecological individuality of species? 6. What factor is called limiting? 7. What is the essence of the law of joint action of factors? 8. What is the substitution effect? 9. What is photoperiodism?

1 slide

environmental factors. Environmental factors. General patterns effects on organisms.

2 slide

PLAN Environment and conditions of existence of organisms. Classification of environmental factors. Influence of abiotic factors on organisms. Ecological plasticity of organisms. Combined action of factors. Limiting factor.

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The habitat of an organism is a set of abiotic and biotic living conditions; it is a part of nature that surrounds living organisms and influences them directly or indirect impact.

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The environment of each organism is composed of many elements: inorganic and organic nature and elements introduced by humans. At the same time, some elements are partially or completely indifferent to the body. necessary for the body. have a negative impact.

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Living conditions are a set of environmental elements necessary for an organism, with which it is in inextricable unity and without which it cannot exist.

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Environmental factors These are elements of the environment necessary for the body or negatively affecting it. In nature, these factors do not act in isolation from each other, but in the form of a complex complex.

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A complex of environmental factors, without which an organism cannot exist, represents the conditions for the existence of a given organism. Different organisms perceive and react differently to the same factors.

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All adaptations of organisms to existence in different conditions developed historically. As a result, specific for each geographical area groups of plants and animals.

Slide 9

Classification of environmental factors. Abiotic - a complex of conditions of the inorganic environment (climatic chemical, physical, edaphogenic, orographic). Biotic – a set of influences of the life activity of some organisms on others (phytogenic, zoogenic, anthropogenic).

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Influence of abiotic factors on organisms. A biotic factors can have direct and indirect effects. The effect of environmental factors depends not only on their nature, but also on the dose perceived by the body. All organisms have developed adaptations during the process of evolution.

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Environmental factors can act either directly or indirectly. Each environmental factor is characterized by certain quantitative indicators: strength and range of action.

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Optimum is the intensity of the environmental factor that is most favorable for the life of the organism. Pessimum is the intensity of the environmental factor at which the vital activity of the organism is maximally depressed.

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The tolerance limit is the entire range of exposure to an environmental factor (from minimum to maximum exposure), during which the growth and development of the organism is possible.

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Ecological plasticity (valency) The property of species to adapt to a particular range of environmental factors. The wider the range of fluctuations of the environmental factor, within which this type can exist, the greater its ecological plasticity.

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Eurybiont species (widely adapted) are able to withstand significant environmental changes. Stenobiont species (narrowly adapted) are able to exist with small deviations of the factor from the optimal value.

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Ranges of adaptability of organisms to environmental conditions

Any human impact on living things
organisms, the entire environment - this
anthropogenic factors. They can be divided into
three groups.


factors that have a direct impact
on the environment as a result of sudden
short-term activities.
For example: automotive gasket or railway through
taiga, seasonal commercial hunting in a certain area, etc.


Indirect impact through economic
activities of a long-term nature and
low intensity.
For example: environmental pollution by gaseous and
liquid emissions from a plant built near a laid
railway without the necessary treatment facilities,
leading to gradual drying out of trees and slow
heavy metal poisoning of animals inhabiting
the surrounding taiga.


The complex impact of the above factors, leading to
slow but significant changes in the environment (growth
population, increase in the number of domestic animals and animals,
accompanying human settlements - crows, rats, mice, etc.,
transformation of land, the appearance of impurities in water, etc.). IN
As a result, only plants and animals remain in the changed landscape,
managed to adapt to the new state of life.
For example: coniferous trees are replaced in the taiga by small-leaved
breeds The place of large ungulates and predators is taken by taiga
rodents and small mustelids that hunt them, etc.

Human impact on the environment

Emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere;
Discharges of pollutants into surface and underground
water bodies;
Contamination of subsoil, soils;
Disposal of industrial and consumer waste

Anthropogenic factors

Physical: use of nuclear energy, travel on trains and
airplanes, the influence of noise and vibration
Chemical: use of pesticides, contamination of shells
Lands with industrial and transport waste
Biological: food products, organisms for which humans
may be a habitat or food source
Social: related to relationships between people and life in society

Ingestion of pollutants into the human body

How to improve the health of the environment?

According to researchers, even the preservation of biological
diversity is not enough to ensure a healthy environment. She can
be unfavorable for a person's life under his previous
biodiversity, but strong radiation, chemical and other
types of pollution. There is an obvious connection between the health of nature and humans
and the degree of influence of anthropogenic factors. To reduce them
negative impact requires the formation of a new attitude towards
environment, responsibility for a prosperous existence
wildlife and biodiversity conservation.

The main organizational and technological methods of combating air pollution are as follows:

Reducing the number of power plants (thermal power plants) due to
construction of more powerful ones equipped with the latest systems
purification and disposal of gas and dust emissions;
Cleaning coal before it reaches thermal power plants;
Replacing coal and fuel oil at thermal power plants with environmentally friendly fuel - gas;
Engine regulation internal combustion in cars,
installing special catalysts on them for
neutralization carbon monoxide, replacing harmful ethyl gasoline,
air pollutant lead, which is less environmentally harmful.
Particular importance in cleansing atmospheric air has
landscaping of cities and villages, in industrial zones.