How you can develop your body's endurance at home. Programs for training endurance at home

Time to think about general physical fitness, and especially endurance. A set of exercises aimed at working all muscle groups.

Nowadays, not everyone can devote several hours a day to physical exercise in the gym or pool, and I’m no exception.

And then I remembered one simple set of exercises. The exercises are simple, but are aimed at working all muscle groups and training endurance. It won't take away from you large quantity precious time. Just five to ten minutes to warm up and eight minutes for the set of exercises itself.

What exactly are we talking about and what do we need for this? Just five exercises: pull-ups (on the bar), push-ups, abdominal swings (horizontal bench), leg kicks, jumping with alternating legs.

1. Pull-ups. Nothing new, the body is stretched out, legs together, pull-ups on two hands, at the highest point the chin is above the bar. Inhale while moving down, exhale when moving up.

2. Push-ups. Everything is the same as they taught in school. Feet together, keep your back straight (no bending). Down - inhale, up - exhale.

3. Abdominal pumping. From a lying position on your back, bend at the waist, raise your body and reach your chin to your knees. Hands clasped behind your head, elbows spread to the sides. Inhale when extending, exhale, respectively, when lifting the body. If there is no one to hold your legs, you can fasten yourself to a bench with some kind of belt.

4. Leg throw. Both palms are on the ground, the body is in a full squat state. The legs are thrown back, with the back arched, then we return to the starting position. Exhale while throwing your legs back.

5. Jumping with alternating legs. Hands clasped behind the head, elbows apart, body perpendicular to the ground, back straight. One leg, bent at the knee, is in front, the other is straightened and extended back. We alternate legs. Inhale when jumping, exhale when landing.

And now about the number of repetitions and tempo. Exactly eight minutes are given for the entire complex, which must be evenly distributed between all exercises and rest.

So (we don’t change the sequence):

Pull-ups - 20 times.

Push-ups - 60 times.

Abdominal pumping - 40 times.

Leg kicks - 40 times.

Jumping with changing legs - 45 times in 1 minute.

If you do not fit in (which is quite natural) in the allotted number of repetitions of each exercise, do not be discouraged. It is important to meet the allotted time, not forgetting at least a thirty-second rest between exercises, and perform the entire complex as efficiently as possible. high tempo.

This set of exercises is used as a warm-up in the training of special forces soldiers, so it is aimed not at pumping muscles a la Schwarzenegger, but at endurance.

Also, the development of endurance, and therefore the rhythm of breathing, contributes to jumping rope and running.

Good luck in your work!

Endurance is called a person’s ability to withstand high loads for a certain period of time, which depends on the degree of training of the body. This “skill” is necessary not only for professional athletes or law enforcement officers, but also for everyday life. Good physical shape helps in many everyday situations, for example, at work, during a long shopping trip, or moving. This is the reason for the high interest modern man to the issue of developing good endurance.

A hardy and trained person is distinguished from total mass good posture, fit silhouette, lack of extra pounds. His movements are fast, precise, confident. The changes affect not only appearance, but also have a beneficial effect on the body. Concentration of erythrocytes - red blood cells responsible for oxygen saturation internal organs, increases, the condition of the respiratory muscles significantly improves, and the heart muscle strengthens. External and internal changes that occur to a person become the main motivating factors to become resilient.

Helps to cope with the task perfectly. Ancient people, as anthropologists have shown, were better runners. They could not only run fast, but also cover enormous distances. Compared to them, even Olympic champions would look awkward. Of course, many associate this feature of the ancients with the fact that they were forced to “fight” for their existence and get food. Such a judgment is just another excuse for the lazy.

Developing endurance in running means learning to run fast and for a long time, improving your performance in many sports, including swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing.

There are many techniques to help develop endurance. The main thing is to find for yourself the right motivation. If it is not there, then a person will achieve nothing but a waste of time and suffering from such activities. After all, first of all, you will need to change your usual and comfortable lifestyle to an active one.

For a motivated person who wants to become more beautiful and healthy, this is much easier to do. When such a desire is absent, it is simply impossible to achieve anything. To do next step On the way to improving your physical fitness, you should familiarize yourself with important information.

Existing varieties of endurance

The concept of “endurance” has a fairly broad interpretation, but in sports it has a clear classification. It is customary to distinguish two main types of endurance:


Represents the movement and work of muscle tissue. Its development becomes possible through long-term performance of various exercises.


It is carried out without the process of enriching the body with oxygen. All work occurs solely through the use internal resources. High-intensity training with fairly short recovery periods is suitable for developing anaerobic endurance.

This is the division in to a greater extent valuable for athletes. For everyday life, it is enough to know that endurance is divided into general and special. The latter is characteristic of a certain professional activities, and its components depend on what kind of work needs to be done. Some people need it solely for the purpose of being in a certain position for the longest possible time, while others need it to get used to working with oxygen deficiency.

How to increase endurance when running?

This question is not something exceptional and is of interest even to those who do not intend to take part in competitions or take prizes. Thanks to running, a person gets the opportunity to keep his entire body in good shape and always be in a good mood.

To succeed, beginners should:

  • adhere to an acceptable - comfortable degree of load;
  • exercise systematically, do not miss training;
  • regularly, but gradually increase the pace with distance.

If you follow these principles, the result will not keep you waiting long.

Ragged rhythm according to the Craig Beasley system

It consists of changing the rhythm of running. You need to run for half a minute maximum speed, and then switch to a calm walk for 5 seconds. According to the system created by the famous Canadian marathon runner Craig Beasley, you need to do 8 repetitions at a time. To strengthen your body and feel improvements in endurance after just a month, you should exercise three times a week. Increase the load through exercise more repetitions are necessary gradually.

Interval running according to the Bart Jasso method

The system from the manager of the Runner’s World Race organization assumes a slightly different approach. The distance run is divided into segments of 800 meters, and the time to cover it is divided into their number. The race, consisting of several intervals, is organized once every seven days. The idea is to run them in the allotted time, and then add 800m intervals each subsequent week until the entire distance is completed.

Endurance for everyday tasks

To be strong and resilient in everyday life, improving overall physical performance, all attention is concentrated on the most frequently involved functional capabilities.

You can take long walks on foot, run, skate, roller skate, ski, or bike. The simplest, most effective, accessible exercise for everyone is buckles with a skipping rope. Alternative and much more interesting option solitary activities will be organized team game, for example, in football. Similar sports games incredibly useful, bring a lot of emotions.

To develop muscle endurance, you need to perform basic exercises, increasing the number of approaches over time. Active activity will have a positive effect on physical condition, mood, well-being. This does not apply to professional sports, the achievements and rules of which differ from amateur ones.

Home endurance workouts

Among all the exercises available for self-execution, running is considered the most democratic and simplest. Popularization healthy image life has led to the fact that running has become not only useful, but also fashionable.

Runners are looked at with a certain amount of envy, but only in the warm season. When frost sets in and snow falls, such physical activity evokes sympathy among many. However, overcoming snowdrifts and jogging in sub-zero temperatures provide the maximum load for the most effective endurance training.

Those who are not attracted by the prospect of running in cold weather can exercise on an exercise bike or treadmill. The main thing is not to stop training.

It is not necessary to purchase sports equipment. Keep yourself in good health physical fitness throughout the year they allow jumping, push-ups, and pull-ups. The latter can be done on a horizontal bar installed in the doorway.

The most important

Having decided to become resilient, you need to start training immediately, without taking long breaks, being content with the results achieved. Any stop will simply undo everything that has been achieved.

Several weeks without the normal exercise of the muscles will cause serious damage to functionality. Exercises that were as easy as possible just a month ago will be difficult to perform or will not be possible at all. Therefore, you cannot stop.

You can have excellent muscles, but have poor endurance - the lack of ability to withstand long-term stress. Regular endurance exercises can eliminate this deficiency.

Types of muscle fibers

Muscle fibers come in two types:

  • white fibers contract quickly, but soon tire and require significant recovery time;
  • red fibers contract slowly, they are less strong than white fibers, but are able to contract long time if they get enough oxygen.

It is believed that the number of fibers of each variety is determined genetically.

If in muscle tissue White fibers predominate short time Bodybuilding can build large muscles. When the red variety predominates, the muscles increase in volume slightly.

When training with weights, the accepted point of view is that with a low number of repetitions, white fibers grow better. To develop the red fibers responsible for endurance, exercises must be repeated many times.

Why is it good to develop endurance?

When choosing endurance exercises, you should take into account the specific type of this ability.

  • The aerobic variety implies the ability to perform work of moderate intensity without the onset of significant fatigue. After stopping the load, recovery occurs quickly. Under the influence of oxygen, they are converted into energy, then fat begins to break down.
  • The high-speed variety means the ability to withstand speed loads approaching maximum values.
  • Strength endurance training through specific exercises develops the muscle's ability to produce significant force over an extended period of time.

Endurance exercises are beneficial because:

  • increase the number of capillaries delivering blood to the muscles;
  • train the heart, it begins to pump large volumes of blood and deliver the necessary oxygen to the muscles;
  • increase the size of mitochondria, the energy factories inside muscle cells;
  • stimulate lung function, causing more oxygen in the blood;
  • reduce the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, which causes pain after exercise;
  • stimulate the development of red muscle fibers.

The benefits of aerobic exercise

This type of sports activity requires the supply of sufficient oxygen. Therefore, the training intensity cannot be significant.

Aerobic endurance exercise should provide:

  • load constancy;
  • duration of exposure;
  • sufficient intensity.

To increase athletic performance, it is necessary to control the value of the heart rate (HR), not allowing the values ​​to go beyond the recommended range of 60%..80% of the maximum heart rate for your age.

Your maximum heart rate is determined by the formula: 200 minus your age.

How to develop endurance with aerobic exercise

Endurance is trained by walking, running, cycling, skiing, aerobics, as well as cycling, rowing, and running machines. Any sports movements that tax the cardiovascular system and force you to breathe intensively are suitable.

The simplest aerobic exercise is long-distance running, when your heart rate is 50%...80% of the maximum value for your age.

It is optimal to run every other day, since during the day the body has time to regain strength. In any case, the break should not exceed two days.

As your fitness level increases, to increase the load and develop endurance during jogging, it is worth periodically increasing the pace so that your heart rate is up to 90% of the maximum. Then comes the slow running phase, similar in duration to accelerated running.

For breathing and heart training, it is not important which muscles consume energy. Therefore, endurance is developed by any athletic gymnastics exercises without weights. The main criterion is their implementation with minimal pauses or no pauses at all.

At home, running in place, alternating with hopping on your toes, is useful. Develop endurance by jumping over, squats on both or one leg (“pistol”), training the abdominal muscles, various swings of the arms or legs, performed at a pace and with maximum amplitude.

It is worth combining the exercises into a complex and performing it cyclically from 3 to 8 times. Rest between cycles should not exceed a minute, otherwise the benefits of the workout are reduced. Then the next cycle of endurance development begins. Each sports movement is performed up to 15 times. During your home workout, it is important to monitor your heart rate.

Despite its apparent simplicity, sports movements performed at a high tempo give the heart and respiratory system the necessary stress.

How to properly increase your endurance

While the level physical development leaves much to be desired, you should exercise no longer than 20 minutes a day. Once you get the hang of it, you can practice for up to 40 minutes. As you develop endurance, you will be able to train continuously for 60 minutes.

In no case should you combine endurance exercises and strength development in one lesson. This combination will cause fatigue and will not benefit the body.

Ideally, aerobic exercise and strength training should take place in different days. The minimum interval is from 8 to 12 hours: if aerobic training is performed in the morning, then strength training in the evening, or vice versa.

Modified: 08/11/2018

The concept of strength endurance has nothing to do with muscle pumping. What is taken into account is not how much load a person takes on, but how well and for how long the body is able to withstand this load.

You can often observe a situation where two athletes who have been training together for quite a long time, are in the same weight category, and already on the third approach demonstrate different endurance. One copes with the weight relatively easily, the other struggles with all his might. The difference here is the ability of the muscles to produce force. And this ability can and should be trained.

There are special exercises and methods for training endurance. We will talk about them in more detail.

Types of Stamina

There is a division of it into two types:


Muscular endurance.

From the name it is clear that the first type includes how the human heart, blood vessels, and lungs behave under intense long-term stress. You can develop this type of endurance by doing cardio training, namely running, swimming, walking, cycling, etc.

The muscles, in turn, are trained by squats, pull-ups, twisting and other similar exercises.

What does strength endurance depend on?

1. When a person trains intensely, his body produces a substance called creatine. It gradually accumulates in the muscles, and it is its quantity that determines whether you can handle the next approach. If naturally If creatine phosphate is not produced enough, you can start taking a special supplement.

  1. How coordinated your muscles work during training is very important. The lower this consistency, the more energy you expend. Experienced athletes have no problems with this; everything is developed over years of training.
  2. How more people trains, the stronger the ability to innervate muscles becomes. In other words, the muscles have the ability to contract longer. This means you can also train longer.

It can be concluded that endurance cannot be developed in a few weeks or months. This is quite labor-intensive work that will require a lot of effort and regular training.

Why do you need endurance anyway?

It is an undeniable fact that being physically fit is very good for your health. Let's figure out why.

Firstly, under increased stress, the human body begins to work differently. Oxygen enters the blood better, carbohydrates are converted into energy, and excess fats leaving. This means that the body receives more useful and nutritious substances.

Secondly, heart function noticeably improves. In addition, the lungs work better.

This is why developing strength endurance is a very important task for any athlete, whether professional or amateur. Of course, with experience in training everything will come on its own, but this takes time. If you want to develop endurance faster, there are a number of special exercises. Most often they are used by those who find themselves in kettlebell lifting or Russian bench press.

Training according to all the necessary rules

To ensure that classes are not wasted, it is necessary to follow a number of certain rules(especially for beginners in this business).

  1. During the training process, you must rest. Between sets or between exercises, it doesn’t matter. It would be great if the breaks were not completely passive, for example, heavy exercises would be replaced by easier ones. This will make it easier for the body to cope with stress, and at the same time, the workout will become more productive.
  2. You need to train endurance every day, starting from about fifteen to twenty minutes. Gradually the time increases. It is important to emphasize: gradually! Maximum time should not exceed sixty minutes.
  3. Don't confuse strength training with endurance training. This is a completely different set of exercises that should be separated. It is optimal if a day passes between them.
  4. And, perhaps, one of the most important conditions. Training should bring joy and pleasure; you should not perform the exercises with all your might and bring yourself to a state of fainting.

Best Endurance Exercises

Everyone can do this, thanks to which strength endurance will begin to develop. The exercises are simple, well-known and accessible to everyone. Let's look at each one separately.


This exercise is probably the most common. Many people simply underestimate it or do it wrong. Here's what you need to keep an eye on:

  1. The body must have time to recover. Running every day is not recommended. Most best option- in a day. However, you shouldn’t take a break for more than two days either.
  2. There should be enough breathing, so watch this carefully.
  3. If you are a beginner and have not run before, it is better to start with walking. This, by the way, is also a very useful activity, thanks to which strength endurance is excellently developed. Race walking is even included in the list of disciplines Olympic Games. The main thing is to comply fast pace. Then you can go to light jogging for literally five minutes a day, gradually increasing the time.
  4. Cardio training should have varying intensity. At first we run slowly, accelerate and slow down again.

Jumping rope

A lot of positive effects can be noticed simply by doing exercises with a skipping rope. The muscles of the abs, buttocks, shoulders, thighs, and hands work intensively. Fat is quickly burned, figure, coordination and the condition of the heart and blood vessels improve.

A few simple rules:

When you jump, you need to push off the floor with your entire foot;

To achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to jump for at least 15 minutes;

Jumping on one leg will help improve your results; legs should be alternated periodically.

Classic squats and dumbbell squats

Ordinary squats can be varied, for example, by performing them with a “pistol” (that is, when one leg is extended). The effect will be approximately the same as from running. To strengthen it, you can pick up dumbbells. The load will be greater, which means the muscles will be worked even better. The plie squat is especially effective.

Sports games/swimming/biking

All these are excellent activities for training the overall endurance of the body. The only main thing is to create a specific training schedule (at least 2-3 times a week), and if we are talking about swimming and cycling, you need to swim and ride long distances. But, of course, they need to be increased gradually.

Push-ups and exercises on the horizontal bar

It is important to do push-ups correctly. You can get ahead of everyone in numbers, but there will be no sense, because quality is more important. Make sure you breathe correctly: when you go up, exhale, when you go down, inhale. The back is always just straight. The number of approaches must be gradually increased from one to five.

As for the horizontal bar, in this case four approaches are optimal. They involve as many pull-ups as you can do. The body is straight, legs are extended. As we rise, we inhale.

Abdominal exercises

When pumping the abs, it is important that when you lie on the floor, your legs do not leave it (perhaps it is better for someone to hold them), and the lifting of the body itself ends with twisting. Please note that the muscles should be tense not only when lifting, but also when lowering the body.

Basic training program

As noted, strength endurance has nothing to do with strength training. In the second case, the athlete’s main goal is to develop their muscles and give them the desired shape.

A beginner will not be able to develop such a training program on his own. This should be done by the trainer, taking into account all the characteristics of the human body. In general, any program is based on the fact that the athlete lifts the maximum possible weight for himself, taking long breaks between approaches. Such classes are held several times a week and usually consist of three approaches to each exercise. - these are squats, bench press, pull-ups, exercises with a barbell.

How to choose the right load?

A strength training program for beginners aims to strengthen the foundations of the entire body or build these foundations.

As in any activity, you can’t overdo it with power loads. You should exercise every other day. It is wrong to pay attention to any one area (for example, gluteal muscles), everything needs to be worked out. The lesson should be based on basic exercises, you should not include more than 5 types in one workout. The trainer always makes sure that the beginner performs the tasks correctly, so that exactly those muscle groups that the exercise involves are loaded. Warm-up required!

Usually, beginners choose a set of the following exercises:


Crunches (abs);

Traction vertical block to the chest;

Seated/bench press.

Of course this is the most simple program strength training. It's perfect for beginners. The load is moderate, but with the right approach, the result will not take long to arrive.

Strength training at home

Not every person can afford to go to gyms. But this is not a reason to be upset, because effective training can also be done outside the hall. Most often, abdominal exercises, push-ups, lunges with weights, squats with dumbbells, and exercises with weights are done at home. At home, training will become even more productive if you have a simulator. Here are some examples of exercises:

1. For women, the plank is a great exercise. You need to sit on the floor, resting on your elbows and toes. The body must be straight (this is the most important condition). All muscles receive a serious load. The exercise should be performed in three approaches, trying to stay in this position for as long as possible.

2. For men, exercises with weights at home will be an excellent strength training. They should be done every other day. You can do swings, squats, bench presses, and jerks. A 24 kg or 16 kg kettlebell is suitable for training. Beginners are recommended to exercise with light weights; later, when the muscles get used to the load, 24 kg and 32 kg weights will also come in handy.

Whatever interests you, strength endurance training or a strength training program, do not forget that in any case the body will need a lot of energy, which it will most likely have to draw from food. This is why proper nutrition is so important. You need to eat foods rich in proteins and carbohydrates. It is imperative that food be included nutrients, vitamins. Of course, you have to give up bad habits. Moreover, all athletes who train seriously and professionally have their own nutrition programs and their own strict regime. Therefore, do not forget that a properly selected diet is the first step towards the goal.

How often do you walk or climb to high floors without using an elevator? Can you run several kilometers without rest breaks? The answer will depend on the level at which your endurance is developed. When giving preference to training on simulators in the gym, do not forget about banal workouts at home, morning jogging or visiting the pool on weekends. After all, it’s just the same general physical training helps our body work with additional weight and increase our strength in the gym. Today we will create a set of exercises to develop endurance and analyze each of them step by step.

Characteristics of endurance and its types

To correctly select exercises suitable for developing endurance, it is very important to find out the main nuances associated with it.

Endurance is the body's ability to cope with proposed physical activity for a long time with a minimal decrease in intensity.

There are two types of endurance - general and special.

Physical endurance general type implies the ability to perform for a long time physical work moderate intensity with most of the functioning muscular system. General endurance is also called aerobic endurance, since its level determines the amount of oxygen that the body is able to use per unit of time.

Such endurance is formed and developed depending on the duration and amount of training, and also serves as the initial stage for the development of endurance of a more complex type - special.

Special type implies endurance in relation to a certain type physical activity. This endurance, in turn, comes in the following subtypes: speed, strength, and speed-strength. It is worth noting that such a division is conditional, since there is no specific exercise that develops only strength endurance, for example. To one degree or another, each exercise allows you to train special endurance of any kind.

The level of speed endurance indicates how long your body is able to maintain the rhythm of performing a particular exercise without muscle fatigue and disruption of technique. For example, if you run, then to develop this type of endurance you need to increase the speed and the length of the distance itself.

Strength endurance tells about your body how long you can perform an exercise at close to your maximum effort. For example, in gym During the bench press, it is strength endurance that helps you complete as many repetitions as possible in one approach.

Speed-strength endurance is manifested in football, hockey and other sports where it is necessary to coordinate your speed and strength skills. Here everything happens in totality - the body must be able to quickly cope with high-intensity loads for a long time. An essential factor here is the alternation of activity: sudden efforts are replaced by periods of uniform load. To improve this skill, running with sudden changes in direction, jumping followed by running, and interval training are perfect.

Speaking about endurance, one cannot help but touch upon such concepts as statics and dynamics. So, statics are used in situations where it is necessary to hold the weight for a certain amount of time without making any additional movements. Static load is used primarily in yoga and partly Pilates; classical fitness favors dynamics, although fixation in the plank is an effective and popular exercise among most fitness enthusiasts. If we are talking about dynamic load, it means that there is a need to repeat the same action repeatedly with a stable correct technique execution. This type includes most of the well-known exercises - from lunges to dumbbell swings.

Physical endurance exercises at home

The choice among exercises for developing endurance is large, but each of the proposed exercises is basic, which can be performed at any time and anywhere if you have free time.

Let's look at the best of them.


Running allows you to keep your entire body in good shape and also improves your overall health.

  • It is very important to maintain an acceptable speed for you while running - this will allow you not to exhaust your body with physical activity, and constantly maintaining it at the same level will make it possible to run more and get the maximum effect.
  • It is important to be systematic when running. If you run in the morning, don’t miss a single day. Otherwise, the body will begin to “forget” the amount of load that you gave it earlier, and after trying to get back into the process, it may show a lower result.
  • In addition to daily jogging, the process of increasing the load is no less important: each time try to run more than before, increase the pace and after increasing it, try not to reduce it.
  • “Ragged” running is also popular in the process of developing endurance, but this method should be used no more than 3 times a week, and change the speed about 8 times in one session. It is necessary to run at maximum speed for 30 seconds, and then switch to slow walking for no more than 5 seconds.

Jump rope

Jumping rope works effectively as a means to relieve muscle tension. It also does an excellent job of increasing the level of endurance of the human body.

Before you start analyzing the technique of jumping rope, you need to figure out which jump rope is right for you in accordance with your height and watch a video with tips on how to perform the exercise.

Table: Correspondence of the length of the jump rope to a person’s height.

Also, without measuring your height, you can simply fold the rope in half and bring the resulting length of equipment to you - the rope should not be higher than your shoulder. If the rope is too long and there is no other rope, you can wrap part of the rope around your wrists and feel free to start jumping.

  • It is very important to ensure that the entire foot leaves the surface when jumping.
  • Beginners should jump for at least 15 minutes per approach. It is advisable to do at least 3 approaches per day.
  • To eliminate monotony while jumping rope, you can jump over it with each leg in turn, cross them while jumping, and so on.

Jumping rope strengthens the cardiovascular system and helps fight overweight provided that this exercise is included in the complex of daily training.

Video: Analysis of jumping rope technique

Pistol squats

A fairly complex version of squats, for mastering which a beginner may need a number of leading exercises, such as squats on one leg against a wall or with a partner.


  1. Starting position - stand straight, the distance between your feet is equal to the width of your shoulders, your head is straight. We raise right leg, transfer the body weight to the left. Finding balance. You can stretch your arms forward or spread them to the sides - their position depends on how comfortable it is for you.
  2. Gradually we begin to squat on the left leg, while stretching the right leg forward. During a squat, the pelvis should move back, but under no circumstances should it tuck forward - the level of development of your flexibility plays a huge role here. hip joint. Of course, we make sure that the back remains straight throughout the entire approach. The squat is carried out until the biceps of the thigh are pressed against calf muscle. During the final squat, the leg extended forward should be parallel to the horizontal surface, the knee of the bent leg may slightly extend beyond the line of the toe.
  3. We return to the starting position by pushing off with the heel of the left foot. During the ascent, we also lower our right leg.

This exercise should be repeated as many times per set as you can. But there should be several approaches themselves, at least 2–3. If you manage to do 20 or more repetitions in one approach, this means that you should look for a more complicated exercise in terms of physical activity on the muscles or perform pistol squats with additional weight.

To develop endurance during pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you must do maximum quantity repetitions and practice daily. The most effective program includes at least 5 sets with the highest number of repetitions.

Before you start doing pull-ups, you should choose a horizontal bar that is suitable for your height - while hanging, you should not touch the support with your feet.

  1. We grab the horizontal bar with a direct grip, palms at a distance wider than your shoulders, do a hang, cross your legs - this will be the starting position.
  2. As you exhale, begin to pull your torso towards the bar until your chest touches it.
  3. We stay in this position for a few seconds.
  4. As you inhale, slowly lower your torso down. The legs are still crossed.
  5. We commit greatest number repetitions.

What are the advantages of pull-ups over other endurance exercises? Firstly, the muscles of the back and upper shoulder girdle develop, secondly, grip strength is strengthened, thirdly, subject to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition there is a chance of loss excess weight, since when doing pull-ups on a bar, energy consumption increases significantly, and fourthly, it is assumed that there is a variability in grip, which allows you to shift the degree of load on certain muscle groups.

During push-ups, they actively develop pectoral muscles, triceps and deltoids. The core stabilizing muscles work as “helpers”.

  1. Starting position - we take a lying position, the position of the palms is slightly wider than shoulder width, the body is tense, the abdominal muscles are tense, the legs are on the toes, slightly apart from each other.
  2. While inhaling, we proceed directly to push-ups, lowering the body by bending the arms at the elbows until a few centimeters remain between the chest and the horizontal surface.
  3. As you exhale, we return to the starting position.
  4. We perform the required number of repetitions until the completion of the approach.

When performing push-ups as one of the exercises in a set of general endurance training, like pull-ups on a bar, you need to perform the greatest number of repetitions and approaches.

Jumping in place with high knees

Such jumps are considered more effective than running in terms of calorie burning.

  1. Starting position - stand straight, the distance between the feet is equal to the width of the shoulders, the arms are along the body.
  2. We make a jump, during which we raise our knees high and try to touch our knees with our palms, or simply stretch our arms forward.
  3. We return to the starting position.
  4. We do as many repetitions as possible until the set is completed.

This exercise, like the previous two, does not have a certain number of repetitions and approaches - we jump as much as we can, but the break between jumps should be minimal.

The plank is a well-known exercise that perfectly tightens the abdominal muscles. It is worth noting that the plank does not pump up the muscles, but only strengthens and shapes them, and accordingly, it has every right to be on the list of endurance exercises.

Starting position- lying down with support on your toes and elbows, stretch your body, strain your abdominal muscles, “twist” your tailbone and strain your buttocks. It is necessary to maintain a straight, tense body throughout the exercise. Otherwise, the bar will not have the desired effect. Try to hold yourself in this position for at least 30 seconds. The maximum is again not limited - it all depends on the physical fitness of your body.


Burpee is a compound exercise because it includes simple exercises that together represent a small complex aimed at strengthening several muscle groups at once - quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, calves, pectoralis major muscles, triceps, deltoids and abs. This complex is formed by the following exercises: push-ups, squats, jumping.

In his classic form a set of exercises called burpees looks like this:

  1. Bend forward so that your palms touch the floor.
  2. Next comes a reclining position and push-ups.
  3. This is followed by a return to the original slope using a jump.
  4. Then there is a jump again, but this time upward - jumping.
  5. After this, the cycle begins again, with an inclination.

Try to work at a high tempo for as many reps as possible.

Burpees are a great way to train your breathing and cardiovascular system and speeds up the metabolic process in the body. Is an excellent daily exercise morning exercises at home.

Video: Detailed analysis of burpee technique and the most common mistakes

Exercises to develop endurance. What's the benefit?

One of the most obvious and important benefits of training aimed at developing endurance is the improvement general condition health. Also important are such advantages as weight loss, strengthening cardiovascular and respiratory system. The proposed exercises are basic, but it is important to remember that bringing the technique of their implementation to the ideal indicates your technical and physical success in the most difficult workouts - you can easily increase your strength and speed indicators.

But do not forget that most of the proposed exercises have contraindications for implementation. If you have any injuries in places that are, one way or another, involved in a certain exercise, then you need to refuse to perform it. Also, you should not continue the exercise if you experience pain - or you need to check the correctness of your technique, or simply interrupt the approach due to the fact that the exercise being performed is not suitable for you for some reason.

Strength and endurance training program at home or in the gym

When creating an endurance training program, it is necessary to think through it so that there are exercises that enable the athlete to develop in the following parameters:

  • flexibility (for the most painless movement of joints);
  • muscular endurance (to increase the time it takes to complete an approach while minimizing body fatigue);
  • muscle strength (for the physical development of bones and muscles);
  • Cardio fitness (to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases);
  • quality of physique (to improve metabolic processes in the body).

The program is designed for 7 days, with the condition that classes will be held every other day. There will be a total of 4 classes per week.

Table: Endurance training program

To achieve maximum level To develop your own endurance, you need regular training to help your body strengthen in all respects at the same time. As a result, all this will lead to an improvement in the general condition of the body and increased performance in strength training.