We pump the gluteus minimus muscle. How to pump up the gluteus medius muscles? Exercises for girls, training features

This set of exercises for pumping the gluteus medius muscle can be performed at home. All movements are quite simple, safe, but effective.

This muscle is often forgotten. More precisely, it needs to be trained and pumped up. Especially girls who do butt exercises mainly to improve their shape.

Gluteus Medius is located under the large muscle. And it doesn’t seem to have that much effect on the shape of the butt.

This is a misleading impression. The muscle has a big influence on how the back of a person's body looks below the back. But more importantly, the gluteus medius is responsible for many pelvic and back functions. That is, its condition directly affects the health of the musculoskeletal system and the entire body as a whole.

If you have ever experienced back pain when lifting heavy weights or after exerting similar efforts, then you can rest assured that your Gluteus Medius is underdeveloped and needs training.

A well-pumped middle muscle takes on most of the effort when lifting weights and many other complex body movements. But if it is poorly developed, then all efforts fall on the back, on the spine. Which has an extremely negative effect on his condition.

This muscle also provides outward rotation of the hip and is responsible for stable walking. With its injuries and pathologies, a person’s gait becomes unnatural – like a cat’s.

How and what movements to do?

  1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold light dumbbells in your hands. Look straight ahead.
  2. Now bend your knees slightly. And stick your buttocks back. Bend at the waist. Keep your head straight. Hands down.
  3. Without changing your position, pull your arms with dumbbells to your chest several times. Try to raise and lower the weight so that the main effort falls on the muscles of the butt and abdomen, and not on the back. Do not arch your back under any circumstances. Continue to keep it bent at all times.

This gluteus medius pumping exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy back. Since it simulates the process of lifting weights from the floor. That is, precisely the physical activity that many people perform incorrectly, causing harm to the spine.

  1. Get on all fours with your knees directly under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.
  2. Place a dumbbell in the crook of the knee of one leg.
  3. Now lift that leg up a little, being careful not to drop the dumbbell and fall. Maintain balance by using the strength of the glute on the side of your body free from the dumbbell. And try to hold the projectile itself with those butt muscles that are on the same half of the body.
  4. Maintain your balance for a few seconds. Then switch legs with dumbbells. Repeat 2-3 times for the left and right legs.

Tip: to make it easier to balance, lift your leg as you exhale. And imagine a glass of water on your back. Do your best not to spill it.

Forward lunges with dumbbells

This sciatic workout is a well-known and effective exercise. And not only for pumping the gluteus medius muscle, but also for developing the joints of the lower extremities and improving balance.

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Move one leg forward. Pull the second one back a little.
  3. Bend both legs at the knees so that the front shin is vertical and the back shin is almost parallel to the floor. Keep your arms down and your back straight.
  4. Maintain the pose for several seconds. Then return to the starting position and switch your legs.
  5. Do the exercise 5-10 times on each leg for each of 2-3 sets.

Tip: To make it easier to find balance when lunging forward, find something straight and stable in front of you and look at it.

Bridge with leg lift

  1. Lie on your back with your arms extended along your torso and your legs bent at the knees.
  2. Lift your lower back off the mat.
  3. Then lift off the floor and hips.
  4. Rise up until you feel like you are suspended in the air, with only the soles of your feet and shoulders touching the floor.
  5. Now straighten one leg, trying to maintain balance with only one foot.
  6. Hold the pose for several moments, gradually increasing the time to 10 seconds.
  7. Return to the starting position. And repeat the exercise, changing legs.
  8. Do 4 sets of 3-6 reps with each leg.

Loaded squats

This is an ideal strength exercise for developing many muscles of the lower body at once, including the Gluteus Medius.

Beautiful and firm buttocks always attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex. This is the first thing that draws attention to the person walking in front of you. Visitors to gyms always try to include exercises for the gluteal muscles in their training program. We will talk about which of them will be most effective in the gym or at home in this article.

Anatomy of the gluteal muscles

Each buttock contains 12 muscles and 20 ligaments. All of them form the relief of the “fifth point”. The main and largest muscles are the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. Thanks to their coordinated work, a person is able to walk and maintain balance.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the functions of each of them in detail.

Did you know? Gluteus maximus muscle- the largest in the human body. It reaches a thickness of 2–3 cm and originates from the ilium.

This muscle covers almost the entire buttocks and is located in the superficial layer. It is she who is responsible for protruding the “fifth point”.

Thanks to it, the movements of the hip joints, the abduction of the legs back, and the vertical position of the body are carried out.

It is actively used by athletes of team sports - football, hockey, basketball, volleyball. This muscle is diamond-shaped and consists of coarse fibers.

This muscle is located in the upper part of the buttocks, under the large muscle. Its shape resembles a triangle.

The function of this muscle is to abduct the thigh inward, outward, and to the sides. If a person stands on one leg, then the middle muscle tilts the body towards the supporting limb.

Like the previous one, it resembles a triangle in shape. Its functions are the same as those of the middle one - carrying out movements of the hips, bringing the body to the supporting limb during a stand on one leg.

When walking, contraction of the small muscle occurs, which prevents the pelvis from tilting towards the limb being carried.

Reasons to train your buttocks

Why pump up your buttocks - this question most likely does not arise in women, but it may arise in men. However, representatives of both sexes need to include these exercises in their workouts. These classes will help:

  • maintain the health of the spine and avoid back pain - well-developed buttocks remove some of the load from the lower back;
  • acquire beautiful posture;
  • improve gait;
  • make your figure athletic and fit;
  • burn excess fat;
  • strengthen muscle tone;
  • reduce the risk of developing arthrosis;
  • improve the condition of tendons and joints;
  • improve overall health;
  • other physical exercises will be easier because the gluteal muscles are involved in many workouts.

In addition, elastic buttocks allow you to wear tight clothes, feel free to show off in a swimsuit or swimming trunks, attract the attention of members of the opposite sex, love your body and increase self-esteem.

Features of training

The loads and nature of training for men and women will be slightly different. Representatives of the stronger sex need to create a set of exercises to increase muscle mass and shape the relief, which is possible with high-intensity training that helps strengthen muscles. For the fair half, you need to select movements that help tighten the buttocks, tone them and give them a beautiful shape.

For men

  1. Heavy weights should be used.
  2. The recommended number of repetitions of basic exercises is 6–8.
  3. The recommended number of repetitions of isolated exercises is 12–15.
  4. You need to start working on your buttocks with squats, and then gradually move on to movements with weights.

For women

  1. The program must be designed so that it contains 1 basic exercise and 2 isolated ones.
  2. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the movements are designed specifically for women.
  3. To begin with, you can do not classic movements, but with relief. Then gradually increase the load and move on to the classic version.
  4. It is necessary to select a light weight.
  5. For each exercise in one approach you need to perform 15–20 repetitions.
  6. Work on the buttocks should be allocated 2-3 days a week.

Rules for performing exercises

To achieve the desired effect and not harm your body, you must adhere to some important rules:

  1. Start training only after warming up.
  2. Movements without weights or with light weights should be done with a large number of repetitions. When using heavy weights, reduce the number of repetitions and approaches.
  3. Pay attention to the technique of execution - you must tense your muscles and feel their work.
  4. During training, it is necessary to monitor your breathing, control the synchronization of inhalations, exhalations and movements in the correct order.
  5. Perform most exercises slowly, squeezing your gluteal muscles.

Exercises for training

Where exactly you will train your buttocks - in the gym or at home, does not really matter. The desired result can be achieved in both the first and second cases if you choose the exercises wisely and do them correctly. Below you will find a description of several exercises for home and for the fitness club, designed to work different muscles.

Gluteus maximus

While at home, both men and women can perform pelvic lifts:

  1. Take a lying position on your back with your lower limbs bent and your feet resting. Extend your arms to the sides or place them along your body.
  2. Lift your pelvis up, tensing your gluteal muscles so that your body extends into a straight line, and return to your original position.
  3. Over time, complicate the movement by doing it with one leg raised.
  4. For men, a complication can be made by placing a barbell plate on the stomach.

Squats, with or without weights, are a versatile exercise. You can do them both at home and in the gym, following this technique:

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and place them along your body.
  2. Place your feet at shoulder level.
  3. Look forward.
  4. As you inhale, squat down so that both your feet and knees are pointing at the same point.
  5. As you exhale, rise up, tensing your gluteal muscles.

Another great exercise would be lunges:

  1. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise.
  2. Step forward with one leg, bending your knee 90°.
  3. After pushing off, return to the original position.

Almost no workout, both for beginners and professionals, is complete without a deadlift with a barbell, which uses many muscles, including the gluteus maximus. Do this exercise like this:

  1. Stand with a straight back and feet narrower than shoulder level. The bar of the bar should be placed in the center of the foot.
  2. Bend towards the bar without rounding your back and abducting your buttocks at an angle of 45°.
  3. Do a squat - your knees should be positioned between your hands.
  4. Take the bar with your palms facing towards the body.
  5. Smoothly straighten your lower limbs, then your back, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  6. Hold the pose for a couple of seconds.
  7. Lower the barbell back to the original position.

Important! The deadlift is a difficult exercise that must first be done under the supervision of a trainer. Errors in execution can cause excessive stress on the spine, leading to lower back pain and the development of joint problems.

Gluteus medius

At home, any woman can easily cope with the “Fire Hydrant” exercise:

  1. Get down on all fours with full palms, knees and toes.
  2. Raise each leg to the side in a bent position so that the shin is in a position parallel to the floor.

The “Bird-Dog” exercise is also effective.

  1. Take a position on all fours, as in the previous exercise.
  2. Simultaneously straighten the leg with abduction back and the opposite arm.

Men can swing their legs back:

  1. Get on all fours with full emphasis on your hands, knees and toes.
  2. As you inhale, move your straight leg back.
  3. Hold your leg for a few seconds at the top point.
  4. As you exhale, return the limb to its original position.

In the gym, it is recommended to perform abduction of the lower limbs back and to the sides on a block, side lunges with dumbbells.

The correct way to move your leg back is as follows:

  1. Face the crossover.
  2. Attach the lower block of the machine to the left foot.
  3. With your hands, clasp the support points on the simulator.
  4. Perform slight bending of the left leg.
  5. Slowly abduct your left foot to the maximum. At the top point, pause for a couple of seconds.
  6. Perform the required number of repetitions.
  7. Do the exercise with your right leg.

Retraction to the side on the crossover should be done as follows:

  1. Stand with your right side to the crossover.
  2. Place the right lower limb on a hill.
  3. Left - attach to the lower block.
  4. Place your hands on the handles of the exercise machine.
  5. Slowly lift your left leg to the maximum, holding the top leg for a couple of seconds.
  6. Repeat with your right foot.

Side lunge technique:

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands.
  2. Take a standing position with your lower limbs at shoulder level.
  3. Step to the left at a distance 2 times greater than what was between your legs in the original position.
  4. Slowly bend your knees and move your pelvis back. The lowering should occur until the thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Align your legs and back.
  6. Repeat with a lunge to the right.
  7. Men can also do this exercise with a barbell.

Important! All exercises for the buttocks should be done with a straight back, straightened shoulders, and convex chest.

Gluteus minimus

The gluteus minimus muscle is activated by moving the legs back. You can do them like this:

  1. Get on all fours with emphasis on your forearms, knees and toes.
  2. Slowly move the foot of one leg back and up until failure.
  3. Return the limb to the floor.
  4. Repeat with the other leg.

Straight leg raises in a side position train small muscles well:

  1. Lie on your side with your legs straight and your lower arm straight.
  2. Place your upper arm behind your head, bent at the elbow.
  3. Raise both legs and body.
  4. Return to original position.

In the gym you can perform plie squats with dumbbells. They work all the gluteal muscles. The technique looks like this:

  1. Stand with your legs spread wide.
  2. Take one dumbbell in both hands in a vertical position and hold it between your legs.
  3. Begin a smooth descent downward, bending your knees 90°.
  4. Lift your body up.

Another exercise for the gym is leg raises on a bench:

  1. Lie face down on a bench, keeping your legs suspended and parallel to the floor.
  2. Hold your lower limbs for several seconds.
  3. Slowly lower your feet to the floor.

Workout program for gluteal muscles

Here are some examples of training programs

For women:

Exercise name Working muscles Exercise type Number of approaches/repetitions
low difficulty medium difficulty high difficulty
Lunges with dumbbells to the sides medium, small basic 3 / 15 - 3 / 15
Raising the pelvis big isolated 3 / 20 - -
Abduction of the lower limb back in the crossover big isolated 3 / 20 4 / 20 3 / 20
Romanian deadlift with dumbbells big basic - 3 / 15 3 / 15
Abduction of the lower limb to the side in a crossover medium, small isolated - 4 / 20 3 / 20

For men:


Proper nutrition during training

It is important to understand that you will not be able to achieve a beautiful buttock shape with exercises alone. In parallel with training, adjustments should be made to the daily diet. We are not talking about diets - you need to eat tasty, but healthy. To build gluteal muscles, protein is required, so you need to include foods containing it in your menu. For better absorption of proteins, the menu should contain fiber in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits. It is important that the diet includes dishes that contain “slow” carbohydrates - cereals, porridge.
But you’ll have to say goodbye to the “sweets.” Bakery products, sweet pastries, chocolate, sweets, desserts are taboo for people who dream of firm buttocks. It is also worth minimizing the consumption of juices, tea, coffee, and eliminating soda. You need to drink more fluid - simple purified water - at least 2 liters per day. This will allow you to burn fat faster and smooth out the skin.

  1. If you don’t have weights at home such as dumbbells, plates and barbells, you can make them yourself - for example, use plastic bottles of water, bags of salt, etc.
  2. You should definitely include squats with your back straight and your pelvis retracted into your home workouts.
  3. When exercising in the gym, perform movements under the supervision of an experienced instructor.
  4. The instructor should also be entrusted with drawing up a training program.
  5. Periodically introduce new exercises into the program.
  6. You need to start working on your buttocks by building muscle mass. This process will allow them to be rounded, improve volume and reduce fat levels.
  7. You need to start creating relief after the muscles have been built. This is the most difficult and time-consuming part of working on the buttocks. After you achieve the ideal relief, you can make your workouts easier, just to maintain your shape.
  8. You need to work one muscle group 2-3 times a week.
  9. At least 24 hours should pass between buttock workouts, ideally 2–3 days.

Did you know? American Mikel Rufinelli has the largest hips in the world. Their volume is 246 cm.

So, training for the “fifth point” is important for both sexes, since well-pumped gluteal muscles affect posture, the condition of the spine, tendons and joints. Ideal buttocks can be created with the help of systematic exercises, a balanced diet and additional stress on the muscles.

Video: 20 best exercises for the buttocks

Today we will look at a very interesting question: how to make your butt big, round and firm, or, as they often say, “shelf”.

In fact, girls often want to remove the hollows on the sides of the hips (buttocks) so that the butt becomes round and “erect”.

Kostya Shirokaya fully understands and shares such desires, which means she presents you with a new lifesaver article for everyone who wants to make Madame Sizha appetizing without mistakes!

Let's find out how to make your butt round and beautiful, how and with what exercises to pump up the gluteus medius muscle, and also how to lift and work sagging buttocks upward!

The article was written using materials from the wonderful fitness trainer Alisa Levchegova - link to her useful page with quality information on Instagram fitness_alisa


So, let's first determine the reasons for the formation of such depressions:

  1. Depressions are visually visible due to fat in the riding breeches and sides. Those. if you reduce this fat, the depressions will practically disappear:
  2. Depressions on the buttocks indicate undeveloped gluteus medius muscle, which forms a beautiful transition from the waist to the hips and makes your butt a “chair”:

  3. Muscle anatomy

    This is what the developed gluteus maximus, minimus and medius muscles look like under tension with a low percentage of fat. When relaxed, these will be just beautiful rounded hips, look at what a pumped up gluteus medius muscle looks like in the photo:

    Not pumped / if it were pumped

So, have you determined the reason? Great, it becomes clear what to do next with this!

How to raise your butt with a shelf and remove the depressions on the sides of the buttocks?

Let's discuss in question form how to make a round butt out of a square one and how to lift the buttocks with the help of exercises:

Well, let's finally talk about training!

Exercises for the gluteus medius and minimus muscles for its growth

So, let's find out what exercises lift the buttocks. To do this, you need to find out what movements the muscles are involved in.

Gluteus medius muscles (main functions):

  • Stabilizes the body when running and walking.
  • Moves the hip to the side.
  • When fixing the hip, it keeps the pelvis and torso vertical.
  • The anterior bundles rotate the thigh inward.
  • The posterior bundles rotate the thigh outward.

Be sure to watch the explanatory video on how to pump up the gluteus medius muscle effectively and without pain!

In the hall

Knowing the functions of a muscle, we can identify the exercises in which it is involved.


So, here are 3 workouts that focus on the gluteus medius muscle to get your butt up in the gym:


    diagonal lunges (curtsies are also called) - WE DO NOT RECOMMEND, the load on the knee joint is too unnatural;

    The main thing is that during exercises, try not to relax the muscle, feel it! This is a classic that will help you grow muscles.

    Each exercise can be “played out” in different ways by feeling to a greater or lesser extent this or that part of the muscle being worked. The main thing is to feel the muscles:

Brazilian butts look very attractive to men, so every woman at least once in her life has wondered: how to pump up the gluteus maximus muscle and make it as elastic as a ball? The answer is simple: a toned and round butt is achieved through hard work in the gym and giving up sweets. The phrase “Brazilian butt” appeared in the early 2000s thanks to the incomparable Jennifer Lopez. And following Monica Bellucci, Lara Stone and other models with appetizing shapes. The situation was spurred by medical research, naming excessive thinness as one of the causes of infertility in women.

A little anatomy

Strong and elastic buttocks are the key to a strong and therefore healthy back, a stable pelvis, and, as a result, no problems with the knees and leg muscles. And, of course, this is health in terms of the genitourinary system. Functions of the gluteus maximus muscle:

  • hip extension at the hip joint;
  • external hip rotation;
  • abduction and adduction of the hips to the side;
  • stable body position when walking, running and jumping.

Subtleties of influence

There are two methods of “pumping” the gluteus maximus muscle: drying (giving a toned shape without increasing in volume) and increasing the size of the buttocks. For the first option, it is better to do a large number of repetitions and sets with little or no weight, but for the second, on the contrary, it is necessary to use large weights (barbell, dumbbells) in combination with microsets: the last approaches should be as heavy as possible. It is recommended to use the help of a trainer or training partner.

A set of exercises for muscle growth

We do 2-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions for each exercise. Exhale - move up.

  • Basic barbell squats (you can use dumbbells with a weight of 10 kg) are the leading exercise that will turn your gluteus maximus muscles into a “juicy peach”. We place our feet at a comfortable width, but not narrower than our shoulders; our feet stand parallel to each other. We place the bar of a barbell (weight from 30 kg) on ​​our shoulders and, stretching our pelvis back, we slowly squat so that our hips fall in line with the floor, making sure that our knees do not go too forward. We straighten our legs with an exhalation, also slowly, with a straight back, without sagging head down. It is important to ensure that when squatting, the back line remains flat, without rounding, and the pelvis moves back as much as possible.
  • Plie squats - some call this type of squats “sumo”, the technique is very similar: feet stand wide, toes apart. You need to take a barbell plate, a large dumbbell or a kettlebell in your lowered hands, do not bend your elbows and do not try to lift the weight up - just hold it with your hands, creating a burden. These squats are performed below the level of the knees, but make sure that they do not fall inward. The hips should open to the sides, as in a ballet plié. We also pay attention to a straight back and a retracted pelvis (mandatory conditions for all types of squats). This exercise has a great effect not only on the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius muscles, but also on the inner thighs.

  • Romanian cravings. Very good for adding “height” to the buttocks. Feet are hip-width apart, with a barbell in your hands (you can take a bodybar or dumbbells). Perfectly straight legs and back. We bend over until discomfort appears in the back of the thighs or the back begins to round. Movements are slow and measured.

A set of exercises for “drying”

To give the gluteus maximus muscles a toned and tight state, you need to do more sets and repetitions: 3-4 sets with 15-20 repetitions.

Bridge for the buttocks. Lying on your back, bend your legs, place your feet parallel to each other, pelvis-width apart, while it is important not to push yourself off the floor with your hands - use only your legs and shoulder line. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, pulling the pubic bone to the navel, fix for 3-4 seconds and slowly lower to the floor. Also, as you rise up, try to squeeze your buttocks. For those who are trained, there are versions with one leg raised up, using long-term fixation at the top point (from one minute) and straight leg swings in the top position.

It is important to do all exercises for the gluteus maximus muscle consciously, carefully monitoring your breathing and the number of times. Concentrate on the work of the body and scrupulously adhere to the execution technique.

Proper nutrition

By controlling your diet and avoiding consuming large amounts of carbohydrates, you will make your body more defined and lean. To increase muscle mass, it is important to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of protein in your food. It is found in fish and meat, eggs and tofu, as well as legumes. Additionally, you can take protein shakes, which you can drink immediately after training.

Does heredity play a role?

The genetic heritage of a country in general and family in particular plays a certain role in the formation of the body, but is still not a decisive factor. Therefore, the phrases “I have the wrong genes” or “everyone in my family is flat” are just an excuse for your laziness and unwillingness to work hard in the gym.

Follow these five rules to get strong, toned buttocks. Your constantly aching back, toned thighs and thin skinny jeans will thank you! In this article you will learn how to pump up your buttocks.

Strong, round buttocks are the basis of a beautiful body. Unfortunately, most of us don't have butts like that at all, and that's because we spend most of our day sitting. Well, if we don’t talk about the aesthetics of a beautiful buttock, but talk about health, then weak buttocks can lead to subsequent problems and unpleasant, painful physical sensations. Moreover, weak gluteal muscles will make it difficult to perform exercises such as straight-legged rows and squats. Therefore, go ahead to train your gluteal muscles and get a beautiful figure!

To restore the shape and firmness of your buttocks, you need to make this goal a priority. Otherwise, you will still have chic, toned thighs and flabby, flat buttocks.

Save your butt from a permanent state of depression with these five tips. They will help you become stronger and more active. And, of course, they will give you gorgeous, attractive contours.

But first, let’s understand the anatomical structure of the buttocks in order to understand what muscles the buttocks consist of and how they work. Therefore, we will understand how to load them as much as possible and involve the maximum number of muscle fibers of the buttocks in order to strengthen the butt.

Anatomy of the buttocks

Now we will look at the structure and functions of the buttocks. Pay special attention to the functions performed by the butt muscles. These exercises will be most effective in training the gluteal muscles.

The buttocks are made up of three muscles called the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and minimus. They help the quadriceps to extend and rotate the thigh outward, and together with the muscles of the back of the thighs, they extend the torso from a tilted position. In addition, they tilt the body to the side. Lack of mass in the gluteal muscles automatically means their weakness, and with it low results in all leg exercises, from squats to jumps, etc. If you sag on your shoulders and can’t get up, this suggests that you should equally increase the strength of your quadriceps and buttocks.

Gluteus maximus muscle- the largest of the three gluteal muscles, has a diamond-shaped, flattened shape. Extends and turns the thigh slightly outward, straightens and fixes the torso. It begins in the posterior parts of the outer surface of the ilium, along the lateral surface of the sacrum and coccyx, and attaches to the gluteal tuberosity of the femur and the fascia lata of the thigh. Between the gluteal tuberosity and the muscle is the trochanteric bursa of the gluteus maximus muscle.

Gluteus medius muscle located under the gluteus maximus. Participates in hip abduction; when the hip is in a fixed position, it abducts the pelvis to the side. Straightens the torso bent forward, when standing, tilts the torso in its direction. The anterior muscle bundles rotate the thigh inwards, the posterior ones - outwards. It starts from the outer surface of the wing, the iliac crest and the fascia lata of the femur, and attaches to the greater trochanter of the femur. In the area of ​​attachment there is a trochanteric bursa of the gluteus medius muscle.

Gluteus minimus, the deepest of the three, is also involved in hip abduction and trunk straightening. It starts from the outer surface of the ilium wing between the anterior and inferior gluteal lines, and attaches to the anterior edge of the greater trochanter of the femur.

Add variety to your glute training

If you're only training with one glute exercise once a week, it's time to start making some changes to your routine. The buttocks adapt to regularity and frequency - the more you train them, the faster they grow in size and strength. If you regularly use only one exercise to pump up the fifth point, add another one to increase muscle mass in the buttocks.

Try this: lifting the buttocks from a lying position, exercises with additional weights for the hips, side extensions, hip and back extensions.

A set of exercises for the buttocks at home

Make your hip stretches more challenging

Hip extensions are important for pelvic stability and daily active movement. Walking, running, standing upright and sitting with correct posture all start with healthy buttocks.

In today's world, dominated by electronics and computers, people spend most of their time with their hips flexed (sitting). At the same time, the psoas muscle and hip extensors, and most importantly, the gluteus maximus muscle, are seriously weakened.

To alleviate these symptoms and put yourself on the right path to a luscious butt, it's wise to activate your hip extensors regularly. Hip extension occurs when the hips and pelvis move backward. The most common hip extension exercises are squats and deadlifts. These two exercises should definitely be included in your workout schedule if you really want a beautiful, toned butt.

Try this: Use deadlifts and squats as your core exercises, and add a couple more to make each one more challenging. The result is such exercises as Romanian deadlift, Romanian single-leg deadlift, prone glute raise, glute bridge, side and back extensions, hyperextensions, jump from knees to hands and from hands to knees.

Move your hips out to the sides a little more

Your hips can move in different ways, but not every movement will create the necessary stretch in your hips. The muscles in your hips can move when you flex your leg, medial and lateral rotation, and adduct and abduct your leg. And if you make circular movements with your hips, you will understand what this is all about. Along with stretching the hips, there is another important point in the process of acquiring beautiful buttocks - abducting the hips to the sides.

The gluteal muscle is the main participant in the process of abducting the hips away from the midline of the body. Its outer tissues help rotate the hip inward, and its inner tissues help rotate the hips outward. A strong glute muscle will control any unwanted movements of your butt. For example, if your left thigh shakes when you stand on your right leg, then your gluteal muscle is likely weak. If your gluteal muscle is not developed at all, it can lead to conditions such as iliotibial tract syndrome and patellofemoral syndrome. Neither of these are particularly enjoyable.

Try this: To strengthen the gluteal muscle, add two sets of ten repetitions of the hip extensor exercise (hip abduction) in a standing position and the same number in a sitting position to your weekly training activity.

Exercises to enlarge the buttocks and their elasticity

Monitor gluteal muscle activity

If you sit on your buttocks all day, they will become weaker and weaker every day. This weakness can progress if, when performing exercises, other muscles have to strain to lift this or that projectile - as a result, the gluteal muscle will relax more and more. Get rid of weak buttocks by performing a series of monotonous but effective exercises for at least 10 minutes a day. Training your glutes will significantly increase the productivity of your workout.

Try this: Perform 10 repetitions of each exercise once a day.

Single leg glute bridge

Exercise "Fire Hydrant" for the gluteus medius muscle

Bird Dog Exercise

Alternately extending the opposite arm and leg into a standing position on outstretched hands and knees.

Squeezing the buttocks while standing

Watch for constant tension in your buttocks

Mechanical tension is ideal for muscle growth. Mechanical tension occurs when muscles are passively stretched and contracted. Passive tension, for example, occurs in the hamstrings at the lowest position in the Romanian deadlift exercise. And active tension is roughly what your biceps feel when you lift a dumbbell with one hand. Both types of tension play a key role in muscle growth and both are equally important in the development of the gluteal muscles.

When performing exercises through a full range of motion, your muscles are subjected to both active and passive tension. For example, in the sitting position during squats, your gluteal muscles stretch (this is passive tension), but in the top position of the exercise, your gluteal muscles contract (this is active tension).

Try to maintain a constant level of tension throughout the full range of motion. This will help you achieve optimal results. To do this, take control of the number of repetitions and maintain a stable rhythm while performing the exercise. And most importantly, don’t expect everything to work out if you do the exercise mindlessly just to finish.

Try this: To increase mechanical tension, use a specific tempo when performing exercises. The tempo is expressed in three or four rhythmic repetitions using the 2 - 2 - 2 system. The first number is the number of seconds it takes to perform the downward movement, the second number is the pause, and the third is the number of seconds to complete the upward movement (when rising from the bottom position). ).

You can modify and simplify the tempo of the exercise to 2 - 2, or 3 - 3. You can eliminate the pause in the middle, or even increase or decrease it, or, for example, add time to perform the downward movement. Just remember that adding tempo to an exercise does not always allow you to perform it through the full range of motion.