Running in the morning to lose weight. Running in the morning: effective and free weight loss

Running is simple and effective way spend calories. With its help, it is easy to create a calorie deficit, which is the main condition for losing weight.

But there is one problem - beginners do not know where and how to start running correctly. If you are ready, but still have doubts, read the coach’s advice.

Who can run and who can't?

Everything is simple here. Excessive fat mass (BMI above 35) puts a ban on running, since body weight will negatively affect knee joints and the meniscus in particular, which will lead to discomfort and, over time, injury.

In this case, instead of running, you need to walk. This is less efficient in terms of burning calories, and therefore you will have to devote more time to training. We wrote about it in detail earlier.

Everyone else is allowed to run. However, knee injuries, pain or discomfort should not be ignored, and it is better to consult a competent physical therapist.

How to prepare for your first run

Depending on the time of year, you need appropriate sportswear. Now global sports brands produce special compression suits, T-shirts, tank tops and pants.

Polyester, nylon or a microfiber blend allows the skin to breathe and helps maintain a stable body temperature. When running in them you will not be cold or hot.

Such clothing is not a prerequisite, but buying a good sports uniform will give you a new boost of motivation. Looking good and feeling comfortable when running is extremely important.

Shoes are a key part of running preparation. Your health, namely your ankle joint, depends on good running shoes. We do not recommend looking towards global brands such as Nike, Reebok or Puma. The prices are clearly inflated, and trust has long been undermined with the release of unsuccessful series of running sneakers.

Any professional runner who is not bound by a contract will advise you to choose for running: Asics, Mizuno, Brooks, Saucony, New Balance. The first brand is popular due to its affordable price and good quality.

Separately, we note the importance of pronation of the foot. Manufacturers conventionally produce several types of sneakers, which come down to three types of pronation:

Overpronation (flat feet)
- hypopronation (high arched foot)
- neutral (norm)

Don't forget to consider your specific needs when choosing running shoes. Choose your running shoes according to this criterion, and you will be comfortable.

The right place to run

It is ideal to start running on a stadium with a soft running surface, the shock absorption of which does not injure your knees and ankles. However, land with asphalt will also work for you. If you are well prepared and buy the right shoes, they will neutralize all the negative effects of hard surfaces.

Treadmill in the form of a simulator is undesirable due to poor biomechanics. Using a simulator, you are not actually running - the supporting leg ceases to perform its usual role, and the flight phase changes in speed and duration. From a biomechanical point of view, running on machines means jumping in place. Run outside whenever possible. It's more useful, cheaper and more interesting.

Running speed and duration of run

Start running at a pace that allows you to go for the longest runs without getting tired. Set your goal either in kilometers or in duration. Beginners can try running for 1.5-2 km, or for 15-20 minutes. It's better to start with two runs a week, adding 1-2 more training sessions over time.

The distance is measured using special running applications for Android or iOS. One of the best can be considered RunTastic PRO. But you will also be satisfied with its analogues. Applications count time, speed, pace, load and calories burned.

Running intensity

Running fast or slow is not as important as is commonly believed. Your goal is to accustom yourself to regular jogging, and the running format, speed and duration are secondary nuances. Focus on the most important factors.

Running for weight loss will be effective only under one condition - systematic repetition. The intensity of exercise does not affect the speed of weight loss. Think about any strength exercise, be it squats or lunges, you can perform them either quickly or slowly, but the effectiveness will not change. The main thing is to do them systematically.

Therefore, do not pay attention to all sorts of headlines of articles promising super-fat-burning running using an innovative method. All these are conventions. The intensity and other characteristics of running should not distract a beginner. It is more important for him to accustom himself to discipline, as well as to get used to regular training.

How to breathe properly when running

Try to breathe naturally. So that breathing does not cause discomfort. Running coaches recommend that beginners use their nose to inhale and their mouth to exhale. In this case, you need to take a calm, full inhalation/exhalation. However, everyone is different, and for some, small jerky breaths make the movement easier. However, remember, the more often you inhale/exhale, the more pressure on the spleen and liver, which can cause stabbing pain in the side.

Why should you run in the morning?

There is widespread information on the Internet that you need to run in the morning, because during the night, due to the fact that you did not eat, the muscles did not receive fuel (glycogen), as a result of which in the morning they immediately begin to break down fat, instead of blood sugar and other resources. That is, in the morning fat burning will be more pronounced.

However, meticulous scientists have already tested glycogen levels after rest and long sleep. As it turned out, even 15 hours after eating, the liver still has about half of the accumulated glycogen, which is more than enough for a 30 km run. This means that the body will still waste glycogen. A day of fasting also does not reduce its level to critical values. So if you ate at 6:00 pm and went for a run at 6:00 am and think you don't have glycogen (muscle fuel), then you're wrong.

Running in the morning or at night does not matter for the speed of fat loss. However, there is a psychological nuance. Running in the morning creates discipline and sets a good tone for your day thanks to the release of endorphins at the end of the run. This is a physiological response to relieve the stress of running. In addition, running at night is dangerous due to poor lighting, and it is psychologically difficult to get yourself ready for a run after a hard day at work.

Eating and drinking after your run

I do not recommend eating 2 hours before running. Immediately after, give yourself 30 minutes before eating. As for drinking, regular filtered water is fine. Drink in small sips while running. There are no significant restrictions after the run. There is no need to force yourself to drink. Focus on your feelings; if you are thirsty, drink.
You can use liquid L-carnitine and caffeine tablets (from a pharmacy or store sports nutrition) for stimulation, increasing endurance and tone in general.

Are we getting started?

There are many rules and recommendations, but for many, their abundance may cause the desire to disappear completely. As a rule of thumb, the best thing you can do is just start running. It doesn’t matter what clothes, what shoes, at what pace and duration. Don't wait until next Monday. Just go for a run tomorrow. Set your alarm early and run a couple of kilometers before starting your work day.

The pleasure of running will create interest, and you will gradually be able to prepare for proper running, as we described above.

When you went outside in the morning, you probably noticed people in sportswear running leisurely through stadiums, parks, and alleys.

They all know how significant the benefits of a morning jog are.

Would you like to run too? This the right decision. And all the benefits that running in the morning will give you will be like an incentive.

The first is to force yourself to run every morning. This is a dubious option.

Second, want to run. To do this, you need to understand why you want to start running in the morning?

Maybe for good health, tone, weight loss, or just for health?

Only strong motivation will allow you to get out of bed in the morning, and not turn off the alarm clock.

And no Mondays. Have you decided to start running? Run tomorrow. By Monday you'll be hungry, I assure you.

What are the benefits of morning running?

There is quite a lot of controversy regarding the impact of morning jogging on the human body.

But let others argue, sitting at home on their sofas with a sagging beer belly.

There are a lot of armchair experts and theorists now.

Yes, and we didn’t come to argue, but to deal with health.

So, what are the benefits of a morning run?

How long should you run in the morning?

Let's start with time. This question worries most people who prepare for running in the morning.

How to choose the right duration? Are there any specific recommendations regarding the time frame of classes?

Those who are just starting to run and do not have any athletic training need to be extremely careful when determining the time of their morning jog.

You need to start with a minimum duration of 20 minutes.

After several, when greater potential is felt, the duration of the run can be increased to 30-40 minutes.

After a few more weeks, you can run for an hour. The main thing is that jogging is a pleasant and stimulating procedure, and not a grueling activity.

Breakfast after a morning run

During physical activity, the body mobilizes and spends its resources, which must subsequently be replenished with a nutritious breakfast rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

If you do not do this, you will experience a loss of strength, decreased physical and mental activity, chronic fatigue, and drowsiness.

What's for breakfast? There are several ideal options:

Using this principle, everyone can choose the most suitable and tasty breakfast, with the help of which they can replenish their reserves of vitamins and nutrients.

Why can't you run in the evening?

Think for yourself. Firstly, you will be tired after work. Secondly, there are crowds of people and cars on the streets.

And I think you have completely different plans for the evening. Advantages morning run much higher.

You need to wake up an hour earlier, and we can say that you are charged with positivity for the rest of the day.

But if you prefer running in the evenings, at work you will constantly be tormented by thoughts about whether you will have time to run today or not.

However, this is a matter of habit and everyone does as he likes.

Running in the morning for weight loss

I already said above that without balanced nutrition You can run as much as you like, there’s still no point.

It is better to run on an empty stomach.

If you eat before training, running will become difficult and uncomfortable. I don't recommend it.

On average, 1 hour of running consumes 400-600 calories, sometimes more.

Depends on the weight and fitness of the person.

You can run for 30 minutes, or an hour, or two, but it still may not bring the desired results.

Research has revealed that interval running It's better for burning fat than jogging.

How to run?

We run at intervals, I advise you to start with 4 sets of 30 seconds.

Those. We run at maximum pace for 30 seconds, normal running for 30 seconds, then repeat again. So we perform 4 approaches.

You can do more, do more. I got up to 10 sets in 15 weeks.

How many times a day should I do it?

Once is enough, you can do it every day. If it is very difficult, start with 15 seconds of intense running, 45 seconds of regular running.

After a couple of weeks it will become much easier and you will be able to increase the load.

How much fat can you lose?

No one will give you an exact answer to this question.

Depends on nutrition, % body fat, training, experience, program, etc. Lots of nuances.

But I can give an example from a study on fat burning: they took two groups of people.

One ran for 30 minutes - classic cardio, the other - interval running.

After 8 weeks, it was found that the first group lost only 2% of fat, and the second 6 times more.

The conclusions are obvious. Try it!

Contraindications for running

Despite the fact that running cannot cause harm to health, there are some contraindications that should not be overlooked.

  • Heart problems. If there are disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, I recommend consulting with a doctor and determining whether exercise is allowed for you at all and how intense it should be.
  • Joints hurt. If your knees hurt or feel discomfort, running is highly not recommended. You will only make your situation worse.
  • Pregnancy. In principle, everything is logical here, but in the summer I saw a couple of pregnant women jogging.
  • Don't run with a hangover. Yes, this happens too.
  • Bad dream. If you have problems sleeping or you just don't, I think you probably won't have enough strength to run in the morning. There is a high risk of injury.

Pros and cons of running in the morning

Actually, I talked about all the advantages of running in the morning above. What are the disadvantages? Yes, none. What could be the downsides here?

You run for fun, lose weight, get a boost of energy and spirit, and great mood and new acquaintances.

But no, there is one minus, I forgot about it.

You have to get up one hour earlier before work, but isn't that worth the pleasures I described above?

In my opinion, it's worth it! Go for it!

Every day everything more people strive to lead correct image life: take care of their health, play sports. Running in the morning is the most popular among both experienced and beginner athletes. Some are attracted by the simplicity of the activity, because it is not necessary to visit the gym or purchase expensive equipment, while others are attracted by the high efficiency of just a half-hour morning jog.

How to force and motivate yourself to run?

Jogging early in the morning has benefits for the whole body, but not everyone can bring themselves to exercise at such a time. Therefore, it will be useful to know a few tricks that will help you do your morning jogging. good habit:

  • Motivation for running early in the morning. First you need to determine for yourself why you need to get up in the morning and run. An aspiring athlete should exercise regularly, which will not only improve her health, but also keep her figure in good shape.
  • Nice and comfortable clothes for running. It has been proven that just comfortable clothes are not enough, they must also be beautiful. Experimentally, it was possible to establish that if a woman does not like the way she dresses, playing sports will not bring pleasure and soon she will simply leave them. It’s worth buying a nice suit, comfortable shoes and a hat, because autumn is not a reason to give up your favorite activities.
  • Find a group to make early morning running fun. Some people like to run alone in the morning, while others can’t stand a minute without company. If morning jogging seems boring, you should call your friends and find yourself a partner.
  • Gradual increase in load. Before each workout, you definitely need a warm-up, during which your muscles warm up well. If you haven’t exercised at all before, at first you can just walk, gradually speeding up. Try to dose the load and gradually increase it, so running in the morning will be useful and enjoyable.
  • The “7 day” rule to help you get used to morning running. Not everyone can start morning jogging and continue doing it. In this case, it is worth making a bet with someone that you can run in the morning for one week. The fact is that during this period a habit will develop.

What are the benefits of morning running?

A treadmill allows you to exercise at home, but running in the fresh air in the morning brings tangible benefits to the whole body:

  • Running early in the morning helps normalize blood pressure if you have constant physical activity there is a gradual decrease in heart rate, which plays an important role for older people;
  • The cardiovascular system is strengthened, the development of vascular blockage and heart attack is prevented, the metabolism of the heart muscle is activated, and all this thanks to running early in the morning;
  • Conducted effective training breathing, a feeling of lightness and energy appears throughout the body, which cannot be achieved by running at home;
  • Running early in the morning perfectly corrects your figure; the process of losing weight is not accompanied by sagging skin, because fat deposits disappear gradually. Subject to regular training, the achieved result will last much longer than if you follow strict diets;
  • Morning running improves brain function and clarity of consciousness appears. As a result of constant exercise in the morning, the circulatory system is perfectly strengthened and the respiratory organs are effectively trained. Enters the body more oxygen, which reaches the brain much faster, which significantly improves its functioning;
  • Running early in the morning helps to perfectly work out all muscle groups. Only swimming gives a similar result.

Morning running for beginners: where to start?

For running to bring health benefits, you need to not only exercise in the morning, all workouts must be done correctly. The first lesson should not start with long distances, because the next day severe muscle pain will appear and the desire to go jogging again will completely disappear. Before jogging, do a short warm-up to warm up all muscle groups, so you can avoid injury.

During the warm-up, perform simple exercises, aimed at stretching - turning the head, bending the body, squats perfectly prepare the body for the upcoming loads. Just 7 minutes is enough to warm up - do a couple of lunges, stretch your toes with your palms. The duration of the morning jog at first is no more than 30-45 minutes. This is an exercise to gain vigor, which should not completely deprive you of strength, exhaust you and leave you feeling completely exhausted. Run casually, easily, relaxed.

How to run in the morning?

To ensure that running early in the morning brings only health benefits, follow these recommendations:

  • Comfortable shoes for running. To make morning running enjoyable and, over time, a favorite pastime, choose the right sports shoes - with flat soft soles, comfortable inside, preferably with shock absorbers on the heels;
  • Clothes for running in the morning. Do not wear tight or tight leggings or synthetic T-shirts for jogging. All things, including underwear, should be made from natural materials. Girls are recommended to purchase a special sports bra that perfectly supports the breasts;
  • Breakfast before training. It is advisable to run on an empty stomach; if food gets into your empty stomach, it will be difficult to force yourself to go for a run. When playing sports to lose weight, you are allowed to drink a glass of water;
  • Place for jogging. Do not run near factories or along highways. The ideal option is a park area or a forest path;
  • Intensity of classes. Gradually, with each workout, increase the load. You can start with brisk walking or jogging, depending on your initial physical training;
  • Duration and regularity of early morning running. Regarding the distance traveled, focus on time, not kilometers. Start with a 15-minute jog 3 times a week, gradually increase not only the duration, but also the regularity of exercise;
  • Breathing and posture. During training, do not swing your arms; they should move freely in time with your running. Do not lean forward or throw your head back. Breathe deeply (both through your mouth and nose);
  • After completing the workout, you should not suddenly stop and sit down immediately. The speed decreases gradually, after jogging, walk quickly for a short time, and do a couple of exercises to restore your breathing.

Rules for running in winter

The only disadvantage of winter running early in the morning is low temperature, but such training is very beneficial for health. Before starting classes, take care of your equipment. For running, it is worth purchasing special sneakers; experienced athletes use winter trekking boots, the soles of which practically do not bend, so running in them is not very comfortable.

Special attention is given to thermal underwear, especially if the lesson is held at sub-zero temperatures. Before you start running, you need to warm up, which should be done not on the street, but at home - a couple of stretching lunges, squats. Jog lightly to the training area to avoid injury and hypothermia. First, choose easy distances, run only on paths cleared of snow, where there are no icy areas.

When running in the early morning, breathe through your nose. The workout should last at least 20 minutes, and do muscle stretching exercises at home. Only experienced athletes warm up and cool down in the cold. You need to train at least 4 times a week. It is not recommended to run constantly to avoid overtraining. Winter jogging will help keep your figure in good shape and improve your health.

Features of running for weight loss

While running in the early morning, the body warms up perfectly, blood flow increases, sweating increases, and toxins and accumulated salts are removed from the body much better and faster. While jogging, your metabolism accelerates, and in just one workout you can lose 400-800 Kcal (depending on the person’s initial weight and running speed).

Running early in the morning has great weight loss benefits if followed. proper nutrition. It is advisable to carry out training on an empty stomach, this improves intestinal motility, and the level of cholesterol in the blood (bad) decreases more intensively. An ideal option for those who want to lose weight is interval running for 20-30 minutes a day.

Sport helps maintain good health physical fitness, prevents the appearance of fat deposits, but to do this, choose the right running technique. Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following video lesson, which presents basic running techniques:

The harm of morning running

Despite the benefits of playing sports, simple jogging can cause harm, so you should know about the contraindications of running:

  • if you don’t sleep well at night, running early in the morning will only aggravate the problem, causing serious harm to the nervous system, because lack of sleep is a big stress for the whole body;
  • the presence of joint problems, liver disease, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease are good reasons not to run early in the morning.

If you have any doubts about whether to run in the morning or not, it is recommended to consult with a specialist before starting training. In some cases, it is necessary to undergo a full examination to ensure that morning jogging is not prohibited. Such activities will be beneficial if after them you feel a surge of strength, vigor, and the training itself will be enjoyable.

The benefits of morning jogging, running technique and rules, programs for losing weight and maintaining tone.

Contents of the article:

Lack of movement causes a living organism to fade away, its potential capabilities and resistance to external stimuli, such as diseases and stressful situations. Currently, many people, due to their professional activities They move much less than their body requires. The consequence of this is the emergence chronic diseases, development from excess weight. Jogging is an excellent solution to this problem. What are the benefits of running in the morning, what are its basic principles - the main questions discussed in this article.

What are the benefits of running in the morning?

Sports running brings great benefits to a person for various body systems. Jogging is rightfully considered the most important protective mechanism that prolongs life.

The benefits of running for the body

Let's consider the benefits of running for various body systems:
  • For respiratory system . During running training, the lungs are forced to work harder, they open up more, are more saturated with oxygen, and their volume increases. Fresh air, which comes with rapid breathing, hardens them.
  • For the cardiovascular system. During exercise, your heart rate increases. Entering circulatory system oxygen intensively enriches even small vessels, stimulating metabolism in them. All this allows you to avoid vascular sclerosis and even heart attack. With regular training, the pulse becomes stable and does not react so sharply to changes in load or stress. Even at rest general level The pulse rate decreases, which leads to normalization of blood pressure.
  • Hematopoietic system. The benefits of running are also reflected in the increased production of hemoglobin, leukocytes and red blood cells in the blood. This means increased immunity, i.e. the body's resistance to external irritants and microorganisms.
  • For digestion. Increased blood supply improves the functioning of everyone internal organs, including the liver, kidneys, and all glands. Thanks to this, the stomach and digestive system generally restore their functions. Movement stimulates the intestines, preventing constipation. Jogging leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, which will undoubtedly be appreciated by people suffering from diabetes.
  • For muscle tissue joints. Physical activity on the muscles allows you to strengthen them, improve blood circulation in them, which in turn activates nutrition of the joints. Improved blood supply helps reduce the symptoms of various degenerative diseases, such as osteochondrosis. Increasing lung volume also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spine with scoliosis.

The benefits of running for losing weight and burning calories

Almost any sport involves the fight against excess weight, because... When exercising, calories are burned. Running is no exception.
The load that falls on the muscles while running helps fight excess weight. To replenish lost energy, the body burns fat deposits.

Consumption is important large quantity water and following a diet that will help consolidate the effect of training and prevent excess calories from entering the body.

Obese people should take jogging more seriously and cautiously. Excess weight, even when walking, puts a lot of stress on the joints of the legs. Therefore, to protect your joints, consult your doctor and running coach. Combine diet, running and other sports activities.

The benefits of running for mental disorders

The benefits of running for the nervous system are associated with the processes occurring in the human body during this sport.
While jogging, the body produces the hormone of joy - endorphin. It helps improve mood, reduce nervous tension, and develop creative abilities.

Running loads harden nervous system. The level of adrenaline in the blood decreases, and along with it anxiety and irritability go away. Runners hardly suffer from insomnia. Thus, running - great way combat stress. It helps normalize blood circulation in the brain, which is why it helps improve memory, concentration, attention, and reasoning.

Morning jogging helps to train willpower and establish the correct daily routine. And along with an increase in the overall performance of the body, a person becomes able to fulfill his daily duties in a timely manner, getting rid of imperfections that often spoil his mood.

Running in the morning: pros and cons

The benefits of running are obvious if there are no contraindications. At any time of the day, running exercises help improve the body's condition. However, running in the morning has some advantages over evening exercise.

Pros of morning running:

  1. Morning air is cleaner and fresher, the body receives more oxygen and fewer harmful gases.
  2. There are fewer people in the morning, which allows you to relax more emotionally and get the most out of your run.
  3. Physical exercise awakens the body and gives it vigor.
  4. Metabolism accelerates, all body systems begin to function intensively, and performance increases throughout the day.
  5. Morning jogging is more conducive to weight loss, because... In the evening, metabolic processes in the body slow down, and the fight against excess weight is practically reduced to nothing.
Disadvantages of running in the morning:
  1. Many people have a hard time waking up early. The body is still in a sleepy state, and physical activity will not bring pleasure and benefit
  2. Increased stress on the heart muscle can lead to the manifestation of cardiovascular diseases.

Features of preparing for morning jogging

In order for running in the morning to bring maximum benefit, the joints do not get tired, but general condition body has improved, prepare properly for it by choosing clothes, developing a route and diet in accordance with the tips listed below.

Running clothes in the morning

Running shoes should have elastic and flexible soles. Its design should fix the foot in a natural position. The main material of the shoe should be perforated to allow the feet to breathe.

Manufacturers of sports equipment have developed models for various sports. Running shoes are marked “running”.
The best clothing option is a comfortable sports suit that does not restrict movement and does not pinch individual parts of the body. The fabric of the suit should promote air circulation so as not to create a greenhouse effect.

If jogging is carried out in the cold season, then clothing should keep warm so as not to lead to hypothermia, which can even provoke the appearance of serious inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

Morning jogging route

The choice of terrain for a morning run plays a big role. Think about your route in advance. It is better to choose those places where cleaner air, great distance from highways and production capacity. In the best possible way A park area, forest or field is suitable.

The fact is that during running, the work of all body systems is activated and, first of all, the work of the respiratory system, which, along with oxygen, absorbs harmful substances contained in the air, for example, exhaust gases, which adversely affect the condition of the body.

The road surface should be as smooth as possible to avoid the risk of falling. Running on pebbles or any other lumpy surface can lead to foot pain. Not the best option There are also concrete and asphalt roads. And the coating on stadium tracks and other sports grounds does not allow slipping, which is certainly a good characteristic.

Diet when jogging in the morning

Any physical training, including jogging in the morning, should not be carried out on a full stomach, because. this can negatively affect digestion.

However, you should not run on an empty stomach. Take your last meal a couple of hours before starting exercise. The best option before a morning run may be a glass of kefir or a couple of mugs clean water half an hour before the start of the workout. Tea and coffee in combination with exercise overloads the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Take the quantity and quality of fluid consumed very seriously. Water for humans is one of the main elements in nutrition, because... With its help, many processes in the body are regulated. Lack of water in the body is fraught with the development of many diseases, especially in digestive tract, on whose work nutrition and cleansing of the body as a whole depends. Therefore, training can be harmful.

To replenish your fluids during exercise, take a plastic or aluminum container with you. clean water. Take a few sips in short intervals.

After finishing your run, delay eating for at least 1 hour. This helps to increase the effect in losing weight and acquiring beautiful shapes.

In order to increase muscle mass, after your morning run, eat meat and dairy products, as well as eggs and legumes. Otherwise, take a plant-based diet rich in complex carbohydrates, which digest slowly but provide more energy.

Avoid eating late at night, especially the day before a run. In accordance with the biorhythms of the human body, in the evening and at night the process of digesting food is significantly slowed down. The next morning it will be more difficult for the body to activate its functions.

Regulating heart rate during morning jogging

During your morning runs, it is useful to take your pulse to determine what effect this exercise has on the body. It is known that the recorded maximum rhythm of the human heartbeat is 220 beats per minute. This value is used to calculate the maximum heart rate for people of a certain age. For example, for 30-year-old men and women, the maximum rhythm is -190 beats per minute (220-30=190).

The number of heartbeats is usually divided into zones:

  • 50-60% of the maximum rhythm is the warm-up zone;
  • 60-70% is the health zone, such a heartbeat promotes maximum fat burning;
  • 70-80% - aerobic, associated with increased oxygen consumption;
  • 80-90% is anaerobic, used in strength training, for example, in bodybuilding.
To determine the heart rate range of individual zones, simply multiply each zone's percentage value by your maximum heart rate.

Calculate in advance the heart rate values ​​​​for the zone of interest, so that during jogging you can regulate your heart rate by slowing down or speeding up the pace.

Morning running technique

Many professional athletes have developed and described individual methods of running in the morning. However, most of them contain standard generally accepted techniques and rules that are designed to hone skills in order to obtain maximum benefit for the body. Let's look at the rules of running in the morning in more detail.

Warm up before your morning run

After waking up, the body needs to be prepared for the upcoming physical activity. Do a light warm-up to warm up your muscles and joints. Morning warm-up before jogging takes 15-20 minutes. After drinking a glass of water, start exercising to warm up your muscles. Spend 2-3 minutes on each exercise.

A few sample exercises:

  1. Place your straightened legs shoulder-width apart. Bend each leg one at a time. Then straighten up, move your feet together and lean forward as much as possible. You can hug your legs with your arms to stay in this position for a few seconds.
  2. In the starting position, straighten your arms up. Do bends by first turning to the left. Return to the starting position and bend to the right side.
  3. In the starting position, place your hands on your waist and move your hips along the following trajectory: forward, right, back, left. Then in the opposite direction.
  4. Place one leg forward and squat as deep as possible. In this case, the second leg and torso should be straightened. Do the same exercise by squatting on the other leg.
  5. Hang passively on the horizontal bar without swinging or pulling yourself up.

How to run in the morning correctly

Learn to train correctly, honing your running technique to the point of automaticity. This may take not weeks, but months or even years. Consider everything: breathing, heart rate, foot position in relation to the road, posture during training.

Let's take a closer look at the rules for running in the morning:

  • The duration of one run is from 20 to 40 minutes. The optimal option is 30 minutes. You need to train about 2 hours a week, i.e. 3-4 runs.
  • Beginners to this sport should start with 10-15 minutes no more than 3 times a week so that the body has time to regain strength.
  • At the beginning of your run, maintain a moderate pace so as not to overwork your body. Gradually you can speed up a little.
  • At the maximum pace, it should be possible to conduct a conversation in sentences, and not in abrupt phrases. At the same time, breathing should not be interrupted.
  • Breathe through your nose while running. Breathing should be uniform and rhythmic.
  • Bend your elbows at a right angle. Work them actively in the forward direction, do not cross them as you move.
  • Keep your back straight, don't hunch. Slightly tighten your abs and straighten and relax your shoulders. Keep your gaze forward.
  • Take each step quietly, move easily in short steps. Avoid loud, heavy stomping. Don't spring on your feet.
  • At the end of your run, do some muscle stretching exercises and take a contrast shower to strengthen your blood vessels and invigorate yourself.

Performing a set of techniques and skills during morning jogging certainly contributes to the correct distribution of loads and achieving the maximum desired effect from physical exercise this kind.

Morning running programs

Let's look at several morning jogging programs for beginners. Each program should include a preparatory warm-up and stretching exercises.

Running in the morning for weight loss

Weight loss is achieved by burning fat through physical activity. Running in the morning - great option physical activity for weight loss.

The main points of the program are:

  1. Direct jogging lasts 15-25 minutes in the first and second months and up to 40 minutes in subsequent months.
  2. 2-3 training sessions are provided weekly, followed by an increase to 5 sessions.
  3. In the first two months, the distance is 1.5 km, then increases to 2 km.
  4. While running, alternate between speed running and recovery jogging. First 2 minutes, then 3, maximum - up to 5 minutes.

To lose excess weight, morning jogging alone is not enough. Be sure to pay attention to your diet. With the help of a nutritionist or on your own, choose the optimal diet so as not to cause harm to the body.

Morning jogging to maintain tone

To keep your body in good shape, use the following program:
  • The duration of the run is 25-35 minutes.
  • Alternate a low pace of 7 to 9 km/h with a fast walk. Keep your breathing calm.
  • Distance - from 2 to 3 km.
  • Frequency - 8-12 lessons per month.

Running in the morning to restore the body

If for any reason the training was stopped for long time, use the short-term program to restore the body’s athletic tone:
  1. Duration - no less than 10 and no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Approximate running speed is 7-9 km/h.
  3. At the beginning of the lesson the pace should be relatively slow, later the pace increases.
  4. The distance is 1-1.5 km
  5. The number of classes in the first two weeks is 2. Then increase to 5 classes.

If you experience respiratory, muscle, vascular or joint discomfort, gradually reduce the speed and intensity of your workout. Analyze your actions to understand what was done wrong and led to poor health.

How to run in the morning - watch the video:

The above practical advice will help any person decide how to run correctly in the morning in order to lose weight, get healthier, restore physical strength or keep themselves in good shape.

Low mobility, excess weight due to an unbalanced diet, a disgusting mood in the early morning, lethargy and apathy during the day - this is familiar to many. But there is a universal remedy for getting rid of such ailment - a morning jog.

Running has become popular recently, and every year millions of people choose this light sport as a affordable way keep yourself fit and feel great. What is the benefit of waking up early, putting on your sneakers and going outside? Why do this and how to start running in the morning correctly? First things first.

Benefits of an early run

The difference between morning running and evening running is that it gives you a boost of energy for the whole day. A runner who is a “morning person” does not wonder where to find time after work to take care of his own health, because he has already taken care of this. In addition to the two obvious advantages, the advantages of jogging in the morning are:

    an increase in the oxygen capacity of the blood - an athlete’s heart pumps 10-20% more blood during each cycle than the organ of an untrained person; increased blood flow increases oxygen metabolism, due to which more oxygen reaches the organs;

    training the heart muscle - if it is periodically subjected to stress, it becomes stronger, stronger and more resilient;

    normalization of mental activity - it has been noticed that while jogging, while the city is sleeping, solutions come to problems that previously seemed difficult; this is due to the flow of oxygen in the blood to the brain;

    strengthening immunity by increasing the concentration of red blood cells and hemoglobin;

    regeneration of liver and kidney tissues;

    the feeling of “runner’s euphoria” - a state of mild high that occurs after a surge of endorphin (“the hormone of happiness”) in the blood;

    morning jogging prevents degenerative changes in muscles and joints, which is especially important for people over 40 years old;

    activation of all body systems - running “starts” the human engine (organism).

While running, endocannabinoids, substances found in marijuana, are synthesized in the human brain. Therefore, the feeling of happiness that comes after a run is found almost everywhere, and amateur runners rightfully call running a drug.

Morning running is better than evening running because the concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere is lower than at the end of the working day. Do you want to run? Do this at 5-7 am.

Where to start early jogging?

When the New Year or Monday comes, people want to change their lives by starting to run in the morning. In order for the idea to be a success, and for the result of physical exercise to be pleasure and not disgust, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

    do not immediately chase volumes of 50-100-150 km weekly - if previously a person was far from sports, then a run of 5 km and an increased heart rate. It is better to start with 1-2 km, and do not hesitate to take a step if you have difficulty breathing or discomfort;

    The first runs are very easy - fast pace strictly prohibited during the initial training weeks;

    do not be embarrassed by the looks of passers-by, even if they smile or laugh - you are doing everything right;

    choose good shoes taking into account your physiology - sports store consultants will help here. You will find shoes for overweight people with thicker soles, for those with flat or arched feet (support/stabilization shoes), for asphalt or off-road runners, etc.;

    control your pulse by feeling - if your heart beats too fast, it is better to slow down; In the heat, you shouldn’t chase records either. To control heart rate, they are purchased, but they cost big money(5-10 thousand rubles); At the initial stage of training, do without expensive equipment if finances are a problem.

The maximum permissible heart rate is easily calculated - the current age of the runner is subtracted from the number 220. It is advisable not to bring your heart rate to such a value even during the fastest workouts, limiting yourself to the range of 85-90% of your heart rate (max).

The main advice: do not try to find out everything before your first run - your pronation, correct technique, heart rate areas; just run and enjoy the process.

Preparation of a training schedule

Daily jogging is immediately excluded for beginners. It is advisable to dedicate morning workout 2 days in a row, making the third a day off. For a beginner, even 3 morning runs with a total volume of 7-10 km are enough. For example:

Increasing the load is welcome (moreover, almost all beginners come to this), but the mileage of the current week exceeds the volume of the previous week by only 10-15%! Increased volumes will lead to injury.

If the athlete feels good running in the morning 3 times weekly, the load increases to 4-5 workouts. For example:

  • Monday is a day off;
  • Tuesday - 5 km;
  • Wednesday - 5 km;
  • Thursday - 7 km;
  • Friday - rest;
  • Saturday - 3 km;
  • Sunday - 8 km.

After your longest run of the week, be sure to follow it with a rest/recovery day. The latter means less intense physical activity starting with a walk.

A gradual increase in running mileage leads to achieving your goals and, possibly, new challenges for yourself (for example, overcoming the marathon distance).

Disadvantages of morning running

The most difficult test is getting yourself out of bed. People who do not lead an active lifestyle and suddenly decide to run find it difficult to use willpower. The only solution to the problem is to go to bed earlier. Over time, when the body feels the positive changes from running, getting up early will be easy.

The newly awakened heart pumps blood more slowly than during the day or evening. To activate it, it is recommended to drink a glass of water at room temperature.

If the goal of a novice runner is to lose excess weight, difficulties will not stop him. Read more about how to exercise properly to lose weight and what to eat before training.

Features of jogging for weight loss

There are two workouts that can help you lose excess fat:

The second type of training is suitable for experienced morning runners with more than six months of experience. Interval training - alternating running at maximum speed with recovery segments of shorter length. For example, a 4x800/400 workout means that the athlete runs 4 times 800 m at maximum strength (heart rate 85-90% of maximum), between series doing recovery runs or walking 400 m. The training is not easy, but the effect will not keep you waiting.

Even 6 hours after interval training, the body continues to burn fat!

A noteworthy fact is that long or high-speed runs in the morning help men and women get rid of fat equally. By the way, during a quick but short workout, the feeling of euphoria becomes more noticeable.

In the morning they run either on an empty stomach or after eating a light meal like a banana or a glass of kefir within 30-40 minutes. If your goal is to lose weight, limit yourself to a glass of water before training. It is important to maintain balance, because both an empty and an overly full stomach can cause pain in the side. Therefore, it is important to control the pace and listen to the body.

If you have problems with motivation, watch the video: