Interval running or fartfleck: what are the features? Interval running for weight loss.

There are many ways to lose weight. One of them is interval running, the essence of which is different speeds movement. For example, at first a person runs slowly, then with acceleration. So, alternating running speed over time or distance.

The meaning lies in biochemical processes that occur during interval running. When running slowly, a person burns calories directly during the entire cardio activity.

During interval running, there is an active production of adrenaline, which burns carbohydrates and perfectly releases fatty acids into the blood.

During running cardio exercise two hormones are released: adrenaline and cortisol . The first portion released into the blood and quickly loses its function of consuming energy from fat. Cortisol, in turn, balances energy costs from all possible sources, forcing the body to say goodbye to fats, carbohydrates and muscle mass.

During interval running, there is an active production of adrenaline, which burns carbohydrates and perfectly releases fatty acids into the blood. During the period of slow running, the body rests and prepares for the next adrenaline rush.

Thus, when running faster, the hormone uses carbohydrates and releases fats into the blood, which will be “burned” by the body within 5–6 hours after training.

Interval running reduces weight, strengthens the muscles of the buttocks and legs, develops endurance, and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.

You should know that this sport is not suitable for every person. It is forbidden to engage in interval running for those who have any injuries to the joints or spine, heart disease or vascular system, varicose veins veins, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.

Before training, you need to warm up your muscles with a warm-up. After running you need to do a cool down.

Before you start compiling an interval running training table for weight loss, you need to consider the basic rules:

1. Classes must contain several cycles(5-15). Duration of each up to two hours and at least 6 minutes.

2. You need to run once every 2-3 days so that there is time for the body to recover after intense exercise.

3. You need to choose the time for interval running depending on your desires and capabilities. It's better to do it at the same time.

Morning jogging promotes discipline and reduces the chances of overeating during lunch and dinner. Evening strongly excites the nervous system, which can make it difficult to fall asleep and increases the risk of overeating the next day.

Choosing a time to study need to be guided by the weather. In summer, it is recommended to exercise in the early hours, otherwise the scorching sun can cause overheating and sunstroke.

4. Classes must be conducted no earlier than 2 hours after eating.

5. It’s better to run in a forested area to provide your lungs with clean air.

6. Before training it is necessary to warm up the muscles with the help of a warm-up. After running you need to do a cool down.

7. To increase stamina and concentration, experts advise listen to good energetic music while running.

8. During the lesson you need to monitor your breathing. Inhalation is through the nose, exhalation is through the mouth. Breathing should not be interrupted.

During the exercise, you need to monitor your breathing. Inhalation is through the nose, exhalation is through the mouth. Breathing should not be interrupted.

Before doing interval running for weight loss according to the training table, you should familiarize yourself with it correct technique. There are a number of recommendations that must be followed when engaging in this sport to avoid leg injuries and muscle strains:

  • The back should be flat and straight, the body should try to hold one vertical;
  • You need to look clearly forward, straight ahead;
  • You don't need to raise your legs too high;
  • Range of body movements should be close to zero. There is no point in swaying and waving your arms;
  • They should be freely bent at right angles, the hands are slightly clenched into a fist.
  • Shoulders relaxed and down.
  • When running you should eliminate big steps. This is a serious load on the spine. You need to try to ensure that when you touch the ground, your foot is exactly under your knee.
  • While running should move smoothly, avoid jumping and sudden lunges. This reduces endurance and accelerates energy loss.

Interval running for weight loss (workout table)

To monitor the load on the body, you can use a heart rate monitor; to monitor the time, a stopwatch is useful.

You can train outdoors or indoors, using treadmill . It is better to give preference to the first option. Rough terrain that increases stress and clean air can become significant advantages in the pursuit of a slim figure.

The lesson should include the following steps:

  1. Warm-up– fast walking, then running at a calm pace, 2 minutes per exercise;
  2. Intervals– alternating between intense and calm running;
  3. Hitch– calm running, then restoring breathing while walking slowly. 2 minutes are allocated for each exercise.

When compiling a training table, you should save 1:3 ratio between fast and slow tempo . For example, if an intense run lasted 10 minutes, then a quiet run should take half an hour. If training is measured by distances, then the same ratio should be maintained here. For example, 100 meters to 300 meters.

When compiling a training table, you should maintain a 1:3 ratio between fast and slow pace.

It is important to remember that interval running can be effective for weight loss if strictly and regularly follow all components of the training table. For beginners, two or three repetitions of the interval are enough, then the load should be gradually increased, otherwise addiction will occur and the effect of training will decrease over time.

To control the stress on the body you can use heart rate monitor useful for keeping track of time stopwatch.

When doing interval running to lose weight, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition. Best consumed before training products with low glycemic index so that carbohydrates have time to be absorbed and make it possible to burn fats during training.

Interval running for weight loss for the especially lazy

If you are lazy, you can do interval running on a treadmill.

If you want to lose weight, but do not want to create a training program and follow it unquestioningly, there are several more gentle options for using interval running.

  • "Lazy athletes" are offered alternate between calm and fast pace as desired. You can run as hard as your body allows and spend an arbitrary amount of time on recovery.
  • Perform interval running on a treadmill.
  • Carry it out on site, maintaining all intervals.


You should be aware that such training may not lead to the expected result.

Should not be consumed before or during running large quantity water.

Interval running Can be used to lose weight in the abdominal area. Following the basic rules in the fight against the problem area will help to achieve the desired effect:

1. The total duration of a week's training should be 3 hours, time of one lesson - at least 40 minutes .

2. While running, the body must experience a lack of calories. That's why you need to eat two hours before and one hour after training.

Hunger is also not welcome. You can eat a small piece of fruit or drink coffee some time before class. Avoid drinking large amounts of water before or during running.

3. When moving you need suck in your stomach, tensing your abdominal muscles.

In 16 hours of running you can get rid of 1 kg of fat tissue. Thus, by spending 40 minutes a day on exercise, you can lose a kilogram of body fat in almost a month.

Lose weight and get healthier!

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Running has long been considered a cure for many diseases - including obesity. You may not suffer from it and still fight the hated kilograms. Most often, your weapon probably turns out to be another diet, because there is no time for the gym. So what's the result? Irritability, stretch marks, exhaustion, and after a few days everything lost comes back with such difficulty.

Compared to fasting, running is much healthier and more effective. It has a beneficial effect on the body and maintains the results obtained.

How does weight loss happen?

If you run regularly and correctly, you can lose 2-3 kg every week, or even more. These workouts force the body to work in a completely different way.

  • Calorie consumption

Running is the most effective way to short time burn maximum quantity calories. You can find out how much you lost in 1 workout using different techniques. Firstly, using a heart rate monitor. Modern devices will show you not only your pulse and the distance traveled in km, but will also calculate your energy loss. Secondly, calorie consumption can be calculated using the formula K = B x R. K is the number of calories burned, B is weight, P is the distance covered. For example, a person weighing 80 kg who runs 5 km will lose 80 x 5 = 400 kcal. Third, you can simply use research data. The table below is based on the average man weighing 80 kg and woman weighing 60 kg.

  • Beautiful figure

This is very important factor for girls who strive for formation perfect figure. A diet can only give you saggy folds of skin and a lot of stretch marks. Running will make your body fit, sculpted and beautiful. Fat is gradually replaced by muscle mass. The buttocks and thighs become elastic, cellulite is eliminated. With the help of intense and regular training, you can quickly lose belly fat. They are simply ideal for slimming legs that become strong and at the same time slender.

  • Metabolism and circulation

Running makes many processes in the body proceed faster. Blood delivers sufficient oxygen to cells. Metabolism is normalized. All this has a positive effect on digestion and the nervous system, the malfunction of which often causes excess weight. If everything is in order with them, there will be no problems with the kilograms.

So you can rest assured: running really helps you lose weight even in the most problematic parts of your body. The question is that this will not happen as quickly as many would like. But if you help yourself, the deadlines can be accelerated.

According to statistics. Music increases running efficiency by 15%.

Correct technique

Starting from your first workouts, immediately practice proper running, which will protect you from dislocations, sprains and other injuries. Its implementation technique consists of the following recommendations.

  1. Keep your back straight, there should be no bending of the body. The body does not sway.
  2. The head is raised. The gaze is directed forward - there is no need to look at your feet.
  3. Relax your hands, do not clench tightly into fists. Bend your elbows slightly (up to 90°). Make rhythmic movements with them, but do not swing them.
  4. Do not raise your legs too high, do not make sudden lunges or jumps with them.
  5. Step completely on the entire surface of the foot, which at the moment it touches the ground should be strictly under the knee.
  6. Do not strain your shoulders, lower them.
  7. Do not take long steps, so as not to further strain your spine.
  8. Constantly control your breathing: it should be exclusively through your nose.

By following these rules, you will very soon get used to the technique and feel how effective it is. And your condition will improve, and you will begin to lose weight quite quickly.

Interesting fact. In a person of average weight category, fat reserves have so much energy that it would be enough for 3 days of running non-stop at a speed of 24 km/h.

Benefits and harms

As you already understand, by regularly and competently training, you can not only lose weight by running, but also improve your health.


  • Supports constant weight, maintaining the achieved result for a long time;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • strengthens joints;
  • develops lungs;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • enriches the body with oxygen;
  • removes visceral fat, which is very difficult to deal with, allowing you to lose weight in the stomach;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • improves mood, gives a boost of vigor and energy for the whole day;
  • is the prevention of a huge number of diseases associated with the heart, lungs, and musculoskeletal system;
  • does not require special physical training, the presence of a personal trainer and gym classes.


  • There is a risk of injury if the technique is not followed correctly: if you focus on the toe, you will get hurt calf muscles, if on the heel - the spine;
  • Too intense exercise can disrupt the heart rhythm and exhaust the body;
  • at first, you need willpower to go jogging every day;
  • at a certain point, everyone gets the impression that they can no longer run - many find it difficult to overcome this critical point;
  • The results are not immediately visible.

So losing weight by running is effective, but very painstaking work. Before you start training, you need to weigh the pros and cons in order to correctly calculate your strength and not break down halfway to success.

With the world - one by one. The oldest person to run a marathon was Fauja Singh, an Indian. At that time he was 100 years old. But the most amazing thing is that he started running only at the age of 89.


Since running has a powerful effect on all organs and systems of the body, this can be fraught with complications if you have health problems. Therefore, the best thing you can do before starting to lose weight through this sport is to get permission from your doctor. After all, it has its own contraindications:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • varicose veins;
  • weight more than 90 kg;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • pathological disorders of the musculoskeletal system, vertebral deformities;
  • flat feet;
  • feeling unwell;
  • cold;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery;
  • severe or progressive myopia;
  • pressure surges;
  • joint and cardiovascular diseases;
  • ulcer.

You must understand that running is not only effective, but also dangerous way lose weight if you do not follow contraindications and the correct technique.

Interesting fact. In a variety of races, athletes in red clothes often win.


Running can be different, so beginners are always faced with the question of which one will help you lose weight? to a greater extent than the rest. Well, everyone is good in their own way.

  • Interval

Requires excellent physical fitness. First there is a warm-up, then a few minutes of quiet walking. Jogging involves intervals of approximately 2 minutes, alternating between fast and slow paces. The workout ends with a calm run, gradually turning into. As a cool down, you can use breathing exercises.

Due to the sudden change in pace and intensity of running, many processes in the body accelerate. Accordingly, fat burning occurs faster, since you urgently need to replenish the energy spent during maximum load.

  • Treadmill

If for some reason it is not possible to exercise outside, you can burn calories on. This is a very convenient simulator that allows you to control your own condition and adjust running parameters - speed, incline, program. As a result, you not only get rapid decline weight, but also strengthening muscles, improving the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increasing endurance. Here, experts call 40 minutes the optimal time for classes.

Read how to properly run on a treadmill to lose weight.

  • jogging

It's good because it doesn't require special training and ideal for weight loss. Allows you to reach speeds of up to 8 km/h. Represents a short-term lifting of the foot from the floor. When one leg hangs in the air, the other is on the ground. It is very reminiscent of fast walking, but the moment of flight is still present - and this is the main difference between them. The technique is as simple and painless as possible, therefore it is recommended for almost everyone.

  • On the spot

An alternative to the treadmill and the street can be running in place, which can also to some extent contribute to weight loss. True, the load is significantly reduced, which means that much less calories will be consumed. But it is precisely this kind of gentle effect that makes this sport acceptable to many. It has a minimum of contraindications, it is not dangerous and makes it possible to practice calmly at home. Landing on your toes absorbs shock to the spine and joints.

  • On the stairs

One of the most effective for losing weight is running up the stairs in the entrance, unless, of course, you do not disturb its residents. Naturally, you need to choose high-rise buildings. Here, the training time is reduced to 20 minutes, since the load on the joints and the body as a whole increases significantly. You can alternate it with walking, weigh it down with dumbbells - you can diversify it in accordance with your physical fitness.

Did you know that... Previously, the marathon distance was exactly 40 km long and was increased to 42 km 195 m only at the beginning of the 20th century! We did it at the London Olympics to royal family could watch the competition directly from Windsor Castle.


If you need running to lose weight quickly, you'll need a workout program tailored to your physical fitness. It can be for a week or a month.

Approximate schedule:

  1. Frequency: classes can be done every day or every other day - depending on how quickly your body recovers.
  2. Duration: for beginners at first 20-30 minutes, gradually increase to 1 hour.
  3. Weight loss course: ad infinitum. Once you are used to jogging, you will feel out of place without it.

Sample program for beginners for a week:

Weight loss course for 2 months:

About motivation. While eating half a bar of chocolate, imagine how it is deposited on your sides in the form extra pounds. And in order to burn all those calories that you received with it, you will have to run without stopping for about 25 minutes.

To get the most out of your runs, don't ignore expert advice.

  1. You should not eat heavily 2 hours before running and an hour after it.
  2. Before jogging, a cup of black coffee, which has fat-burning properties, a banana, is allowed.
  3. To avoid harming your muscles, do a short warm-up.
  4. Change your running intensity regularly - speed up and slow down, swing your arms, raise your knees high, overcome obstacles. Practice different types, use rough terrain, look for higher ground.
  5. A dirt road is preferable to an asphalt one.
  6. If you want to create more relief body, gradually artificially increase your body weight using a backpack or leg weights.
  7. Helps you lose weight quickly morning run when it's still cool outside. The body will have to spend additional energy on heating. Although the evening one is not inferior to it, since it uses up the calories received during the day.
  8. If you have to run in the evening, you should have at least 2 hours left before bed.
  9. You can increase the number of calories burned by increasing sweating by wrapping problem areas special film or wearing .
  10. You cannot stop abruptly so as not to slow down your heart function.
  11. Choose your clothes carefully. It should be made of light, breathable, natural materials. The shoes are not too tight and absorb well. A special sports bra for girls will help avoid chafing.
  12. After running, you need to catch your breath and take a shower or.

Questions and answers

How much should you run to lose weight?

By time. During 20 minutes of running, only calories are burned. After this time, fat deposits begin to break down directly. To achieve maximum effect, you need to practice for at least an hour. If this is difficult, simply alternate between running and walking.

Mileage. And here it depends on your endurance. The time you are given is 1 hour. And it depends only on you how many kilometers you can run and walk during the allotted interval. But remember: try to increase the distance every week to force the body to mobilize all its strength.

When is it better to run: morning or evening?

Running in the morning allows you to lose weight faster. At this time of day, even in summer it is still cool. Energy costs for heating are increasing. It has a positive effect on nervous system: invigorates, gives vigor and good mood for the whole day. And most importantly, it is he who actively stimulates cardiovascular activity.

Daytime running is best for athletes, as it perfectly strengthens muscles.

If you run in the evenings, the calories received during the day are intensively consumed.

Where to start?

With motivation. Set a goal, record it on paper. You must see the end result and strive for it with all your might. Then make a program. In the first days, practice the correct technique and alternate running with walking to avoid fatigue and despondency. You can use the following scheme, which is ideal for beginners:

  • Day 1: warm-up for stretching (5 min) - walking (5 min) - running (20 min) - walking (5 min) - cool-down for stretching (5 min);
  • 2nd: repeat;
  • 3rd: rest;
  • 4th: running time increases to half an hour, and the rest remains the same;
  • 5th: repeat;
  • 6th: rest;
  • 7th: warm-up for stretching (5 minutes) - walking (5 minutes) - running (20 minutes) - walking (5 minutes) - running (20 minutes) - walking (5 minutes) - cool-down for stretching (5 minutes).

What to eat after running?

To restore the body after such a serious load, you need to reinforce it with at least something. True, you shouldn’t do this right away. When you return home, first take a shower, change clothes, and only then go to the kitchen. There should be at least half an hour between training and eating. Recommended products and dishes:

  • sandwich/sandwich made from whole grain bread, peanut butter, bananas;
  • boiled chicken breast without skin;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • on milk;
  • boiled eggs;
  • hard cheeses;
  • yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk;

How to run correctly to lose weight?

First you need to study the technique in theory. It’s a good idea to watch a training video of how the professionals do it. Then try it in practice until you can do everything perfectly. Only after this can you think about increasing the pace and duration of training. Create a weight loss program and strictly follow it.

Is it possible to run in bad weather?

Many people are afraid of severe frosts and rain, so they are looking for at least some alternative on such days. Indeed, you can stay at home, run on a treadmill or on the spot. But they still won’t give such an effect. Therefore, if the temperature is above -20 °C and your winter sportswear is warm enough and of high quality, feel free to go outside. And the rain shouldn't stop you at all. Again, like a morning jog, it will force the body to spend extra calories on heating. And the jacket and sneakers can be dried.

What is better for losing weight...

...running or walking?

Both help burn calories. However, running puts a lot of stress on the body, so when good health and the absence of contraindications, it is better to choose it.

...running or cycling?

First of all, the lower part of the body is worked out, while when running, almost all muscle groups are involved in the work. If you want to lose weight not only in your hips and buttocks, choose running.

...running or jumping rope?

In terms of the number of calories burned, they are approximately the same. But again, the muscles of the abs, abdomen, and sides are minimally involved in jumping. The main load falls on the arms and legs. Running is more versatile.

...running or swimming?

Perhaps this is the only sport to which running is inferior in terms of effective way losing weight. The pool is an excellent workout for almost all the muscles of the body, plus intense training burns the maximum number of calories. However, not everyone can swim, you need to buy a subscription, and when correcting your figure, the main increase muscle mass it will be on the hips and arms, which does not always look feminine.

The training program of professional athletes always includes interval running and often more than one day a week. Is this method suitable for running enthusiasts, and what qualities can be developed by including the so-called fartfleck in the program? Therefore, before adding interval training to the program, it is necessary to understand the features and essence of this method.

What is interval running?

If we exclude the specifics of the types and training programs, then interval running consists of alternating fast and slow paces at different parts of the distance. For example, the total distance will be 1000 meters. Throughout the distance there will be segments that are characterized by an increase in pace, and then a decrease, then up again.

Especially to cover this topic, I went for a run and gave myself a fartfleck at a distance of 6000 meters. Now let’s look at what I did correctly, and where it is permissible to do differently without harming the effectiveness of the lesson.

As you can see, the pace was low for the first kilometer. It’s trivial because there was a process of warming up or warming up. Somewhere I was setting up my headphones, choosing a playlist. In general, it was developed not only functionally, but also created conditions. At the first kilometer, there was a feeling that I would not run out of strength, but it was necessary to control the pace, especially at the beginning of the run.

The second kilometer turned out to be much faster than the first. After a result of 5.23 minutes, he accelerated to 4.59, gaining 24 seconds. The third kilometer is 13 seconds faster than the second. On the fourth kilometer I allowed myself to rest for a short section of the distance, losing 6 seconds to the previous 1000 meters. The most high speed at 5 kilometers (4.31 minutes). The last kilometer is +10 seconds to the previous one.

Training statistics showed that the pace changed quite a lot, which indicates the interval of the load. In general, different distances can be used - from 1000 meters to 10,000 or more. It all depends on the tasks and opportunities.

With the help of the above example, it becomes clear what is special about interval running and how the training should take place. If you have any questions, ask in the comments. Perhaps you are not alone - and then we will fix it.

Types of interval running

The choice of type of running is determined by the task assigned to the training. Each type allows you to train individual body systems, improving results at distances from sprint to marathon.

Interval sprints allow you to develop special endurance for running classic sprint distances of 100, 200 and 400 meters. It is carried out without changing to walking. For example, acceleration of 100 meters, then a slow run for 1-2 minutes (or limited by distance), after which the acceleration is repeated.

The tempo run used as an example involves running a 1000 meter segment and improving your performance. It is not necessary that each kilometer be faster than the previous one. It is important that the total improvement and deterioration of the result is in the direction of the first. Based on the example used, it turns out that in total the result improved by 58 seconds and worsened by 16 seconds. This is a good result of tempo running, the difference in which it is permissible to reduce it to 10 seconds.

Change in intensity along the distance

Repeated running consists of covering a distance of 1-5 or 10 kilometers at maximum speed, with the goal of showing a good result. The goal of the training is to consume large amounts of oxygen in order to create a high oxygen debt. This type of running is used to train anaerobic endurance. Effective for middle and long distance runners.

The benefits of interval running

Every run should be beneficial and it is pleasant to note the fact that running can develop the body and organism in almost all directions. In the case of interval running, the benefit lies in several indicators at once.

  • Increased calorie burning. Constant shift pace allows you to bring the body to panic, and it begins to expend more energy than necessary. As a result, during the same jogging time, half as many calories are burned.
  • A good way to learn how to support high tempo maximum for a long time. Maintaining the pace is trained in two ways: segments and intervals. Both options are quite heavy, but equally effective.
  • Simultaneously with tempo training, the development of speed and speed-strength endurance occurs.
  • The calf, thigh and gluteal muscles. Beautiful legs and figure are being built.
  • While the muscles are growing, subcutaneous fat on the contrary, it becomes smaller, which gives relief to the muscles of the abs and legs.
  • Metabolism accelerates, allowing cells to renew themselves faster.

An additional benefit is the removal of toxins through sweat and harmful substances from the lungs. You can get this benefit from every run.

Ragged run

Ragged running - alternating a moderate pace with a sharp increase in speed. After acceleration there is a transition to the tempo level before acceleration. The use of jerky running allows you to develop cardiovascular and respiratory system and also train endurance. Subsequently, it allows you to bring your heart rate back to normal in a short period of time and recover much faster.

A famous athlete who used the tactics of jerky running, Gordon Pirie, is the holder of 5 world records. He won competitions by wearing down his opponents in the first meters of the distance. Setting a high pace from the start, he forced his competitors to go in pursuit. After 200-400 meters of the distance, he switched to a moderate pace and after a short time accelerated again. This style of running continued throughout the entire distance and the competitors eventually gave up, letting Gordon Pirie take the lead.

Using jerky running at medium distances is difficult and not everyone can do it. In addition, the constant use of such tactics leads to wear and tear of the heart muscle. This kind of running belongs to the category complex species for training and use. In Peary's case, he trained jerk running every training session.

For amateurs and those who want to try jerky running, I recommend using the following tactics: average pace of 500 meters, acceleration of 30-50 meters, repetition. Try to run 2000 meters using the proposed tactics and evaluate the degree of difficulty.

Interval training program

Considering the fact that there are three types of interval running: sprint, tempo and repeated, I propose a program for training interval sprints. This option is suitable in terms of variability and ease of use. You can change the workout according to your personal preferences and master jerky running gradually.

Warm-up (low pace) 3-5 minutes
Acceleration 60 seconds (acceleration 70% of maximum pace)
Average pace 2 minutes
Acceleration 60 seconds (75% of maximum pace)
Average pace 2 minutes
Acceleration 45 seconds (80% of maximum pace)
Average pace 1-2 minutes
Acceleration 45 seconds (90% of maximum pace)
Average pace 1-2 minutes
Acceleration 30 seconds (maximum pace)
Cool down (slow running) 5 minutes

If the workout is difficult or, on the contrary, too easy, you can change the conditions, choose a convenient pace and acceleration time. When you feel like you can do a tempo workout, start. Strive to improve your results regularly and remember that after a downturn comes an upturn.

Interval running allows you to develop endurance, strengthen the cardiovascular system, but it also makes it possible to lose weight much faster. During exercise, fat deposits are actively burned. Even if you train once a week, you can soon get a ripped and slender body.

Read in this article

The essence of interval running, its features

This is one of best methods for weight loss. The essence of interval running is alternating the intensity of the load. A person alternates running one section at a fast pace and another at a slow pace. You need to accelerate to the maximum limit of your strength and capabilities. Such training is carried out by both professional athletes and ordinary amateurs.

This running option is much more effective than measured running, both for sports in general and for fitness benefits. The advantages are:

  • This is the easiest way to learn to run fast. Performance will improve over distance from sprint to marathon. Length and speed are calculated depending on the distance of the race.
  • During exercise, more calories are burned, and they continue to be consumed even after it ends.
  • Metabolism accelerates.
  • During exercise, fat is consumed, but muscles are built up, especially if you run sprint distances from 50 to 400 m.

For physical activity The body requires energy fuel, which is formed from glycogen. This is sugar found in cells. It tends to replenish quickly. In fact, a person gets it from food. When training at the same pace, lasting a short time, the body only uses it, without ever starting to consume fat.

To get to lipids, you will have to study very long and hard. You need to run every day and for at least an hour. Only after a long time will the body run out of glycogen, and it will have to consume fats from own reserves. At first, the energy supplied with food is spent.

Fat cells are formed from triglycerides. For lipid oxidation it is necessary to destroy these compounds. At varying degrees load and its pace, certain hormones are produced that are responsible for their destruction.

Slow training at a constant intensity produces cortisol, and fast training produces adrenaline. The difference is that at a low pace and long duration the body burns more calories, but this stops as soon as the activity ends.

The result of losing weight with regular running

At quick workout as energy fuel Carbohydrates are used, fats are only partially used. Thanks to the hormone adrenaline, triglyceride compounds are destroyed and fats are released into the blood, and carbohydrates begin to be rapidly consumed. When training stops, the body begins to replenish lost energy through free lipids.

Thus, replacing each other slowly and fast pace help the body recover and prepare for a new surge of adrenaline. Moreover, even after completing the workout, the body continues to consume energy in the form of fats for 5 - 6 hours. Therefore, half an hour of interval running consumes the same number of calories as an hour or more, but at a slow pace. This method of losing weight is good for those who hate prolonged exercise.

Types of Interval Running

Typically, training is divided into three types:

  • Repeated, that is, running over a long distance from 1 to 4 km at maximum speed until complete fatigue. Then the pace decreases and breathing is restored.

Afterwards the race is repeated. The number of approaches should be determined according to your feelings. As the body adapts, you need to increase either the distance or the speed. During such training, the maximum amount of oxygen is consumed and consumed.

  • Interval sprint. In this case, fast and slow running alternate in small areas. During intense workload, you need to give it your all. And then, at low speeds, switch to jogging, during which breathing and strength are restored for the high-speed “section”. This type of training helps fast weight loss and increasing endurance.
  • With increasing tempo. This type of workout is the most difficult and effective for burning fat. It is necessary to run a certain distance at an ever-increasing speed and pace. Such a grueling activity perfectly trains muscles and promotes rapid burning of fat deposits.

There are three methods to calculate the stages of interval running:

  • Distance. This is convenient if you run around a regular stadium (400 m) or a school stadium (230 - 350 m). It turns out that rest and acceleration can take up to 1 lap.
  • Time. That is, each stage lasts from 1 minute.
  • Fartlek. In this case, when you want, a person speeds up, when he’s tired, he slows down. This method is suitable for areas where there are a lot of descents and ascents.


Running at an accelerated pace puts a serious strain on the heart and blood vessels, joints, and muscles. Therefore, unprepared people who have just decided to take up sports are not recommended to proceed to such training. You are allowed to start interval running after at least six months of regular exercise. It can also be considered readiness if a person walks one kilometer in 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

You cannot start running if you are over 7 kg overweight. It is better to reduce it to this level. As a rule, it is the last 5 kg that are the most difficult to lose. Contraindications include diseases of the heart and blood vessels, problems with joints and musculoskeletal system, high blood pressure, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and flat feet.

Preparation for training

Beginner runners should pay attention to the rules and recommendations before interval training:

  • You must first undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor.
  • You need to transition to interval running gradually. First you need to accustom your body to constant stress.
  • Before jogging, you should definitely warm up.
  • Select a program only individually, based on your preferences and feelings.
  • You can go for a run only a couple of hours after eating. To achieve positive results, you need to follow the rules balanced nutrition and sleep patterns.
  • At first, training should last a minimum of time. You need to run 2 - 3 times a week.
  • It is important to closely monitor your pulse. It should not rise more than 85% of the maximum permissible norm.


You can understand what the ideal load is after a special test. The pulse should be measured after a 10-minute jog at a slow pace. Then you should increase it for 5 minutes. Then run one more at maximum speed. Based on the following results, you can understand your capabilities:

  1. During the first part, 80 - 95 beats per minute are given 3 points, up to 110 beats - 2 points, if more, then 1 point.
  2. At the second stage, for 120 blows - 3 points, for 140 blows - 2 points, and if higher, then only 1 point.
  3. At the third stage, for 160 strokes - 3 points, for 180 - 2 points, and more - 1 point.

Thus, if a person scores more than 6, it means he has good exercise tolerance. A score from 4 to 6 is normal, but below 4 indicates poor preparation.

For information on the principles and rules of interval running, watch this video:

Program for Beginners

When a person feels ready to start interval running, you can use the scheme for beginners. The sections are indicated in the table in minutes and meters. In total, you need to run 4 km, of which 1.2 km at a fast pace. In between, rest can be replaced with brisk walking, the main thing is to keep swinging your arms.

Stage Acceleration Rest Feelings
1 Warm up for 10 minutes or 800 m Run at a very slow pace, while you need to stretch your legs and shake them. The pulse rises to 100 - 110 beats/min.
2 200 m or 1 minute Heart rate is 130 - 150 beats/min. You can also count “and-one-and-two-and-three” while jogging, but at the end it’s already difficult, severe shortness of breath appears.
3 400 m or 3 minutes The pulse drops to 110-120 beats/min. A person can speak calmly or count to 10.
4 200 m or 1 minute Same as in point 3.
5 400 m or 3 minutes Feels like the third stage.
6 400 m or 2 minutes
7 400 m or 3 minutes As in stage 3. You can walk quickly, but don't stop.
8 200 m or 1 minute Feelings like point 2
9 400 m or 3 minutes State from point 3
10 200 m or 1 minute Everything is the same as in point 2.
11 400 m or 3 minutes Same as in step 3.
12 Cool down for 5 - 10 minutes The pulse should drop to 100 - 110 beats/min. You can either walk very quickly or run slowly. Breathing is restored.

Advanced training scheme and table

Experienced runners can be considered those who practice more than a year. The total distance is 5.8 km, of which 2.8 km is at an intense pace. Now the criteria will be not only sensations and pulse, but also speed. The program scheme is similar to that offered to beginners.

Stage Acceleration Rest Feelings
1 Warm up for 10 minutes or 1000 m Run at a very slow pace, while you need to stretch your legs and shake them. The pulse rises to 100 - 120 beats/min. The speed will be 7 - 8 km/h.
2 400 m or 2 minutes Heart rate is 140 - 160 beats/min. You can also count “and-one-and-two-and-three” while jogging, but at the end it’s already difficult, severe shortness of breath appears. Speed ​​– 10 – 12 km/h.
3 400 m or 3 minutes The pulse drops to 110 - 130 beats/min. Speed ​​– 9 – 10 km/h.
4 400 m or 2 minutes Same as in point 2, but it is important to calculate the forces correctly.
5 400 m or 3 minutes Pulse - 100-120 beats/min. A person can talk calmly or count to 10.
6 800 m or 4 minutes The same as in point 2. But it is important to calculate the strength.
7 400 m or 3 minutes As in stage 3. The person can talk calmly or count to 10. You can walk quickly, but not stop.
8 600 m or 3 minutes Feelings like point 2
9 400 m or 3 minutes State from point 3
10 400 m or 2 minutes Everything is the same as in point 2.
11 400 m or 3 minutes Same as in step 3.
12 Cool down for 10 - 15 minutes The pulse should drop to 100 - 130 beats/min. Breathing is restored. Speed ​​8 km/h.

It is important to carefully monitor your well-being during training so as not to harm your health and avoid cardiovascular system disorders, joint and muscle injuries. Also, we must not forget about proper nutrition and good sleep.

Interval running is a good helper in the fight for slim figure. Exercises will help develop endurance and create relief. However, due to the heavy loads, it is important to prepare properly and consult a doctor.

Useful video

Watch this video about interval running for weight loss:

Interval running is the most important stage training of athletes. This type of running helps develop endurance and the ability to make sharp running jerks. However, such running can also be used for another purpose. Most qualified specialists recommend doing just such training in order to get rid of extra pounds.

And all because interval running for weight loss is great way get your body in order without building up a bunch of muscle tissue. How to lose weight using this type of running? What does a sample workout plan look like? This is exactly what we will talk about today. Let's go.

Today, there are a lot of different interval running workouts, which can be divided into three types.

Repeated run

This type of interval running involves covering long and medium distances of several kilometers. The essence of repeated running is this: the entire distance is conventionally divided into small segments, as a rule, the length of one segment should be at least one and no more than three kilometers, which are run at an average pace. This is done so that the lungs can exhale the air they receive as much as possible.

After this, the person stops and rests until his pulse returns to normal. Again, each trainer has his own normal level heart rate, for some - 120 beats per minute - this is a state of intense tension, while for others - this is a completely normal figure for the application of training.

And after the human body has recovered, it is necessary to begin covering the next distance again. This training program allows you to develop aerobic capacity.

Interval sprint

As a rule, training of this type is intended for athletes. The essence of interval sprinting is as follows: take a certain running section and divide it into several small segments of 150-200 meters.

The running program begins with a fast sprint and as soon as a person runs one segment, he immediately switches to a moderate pace, that is, jogging. Such “moderate” sections are necessary so that the body has time to recover from high-speed work and prepare for the subsequent high-speed segment.

Running at tempo

This running program is the most challenging of all interval running variations. The entire running section is divided into several segments, and each subsequent one is run at a speed that exceeds the speed of the previous one.

This type of training is extremely exhausting for the body, but contributes to the excellent preparation of the athlete, improving his speed and endurance. Such interval running is not suitable for weight loss, since due to such a force load it occurs rapid growth muscle tissue.

Why does interval running help you lose weight?

Fight with extra pounds requires a systematic approach. It has been clinically proven that fat deposits begin to break down only after 45 minutes of running, and sometimes it takes an hour and a half to “start” this process. It all depends on the characteristics of the trainee’s body.

Accelerated breakdown of glycogen and fat deposits is only possible if the body is subjected to extreme stress. It is running interval training that provides this.

Alternating running, no matter whether you are doing it on a treadmill or running along a forest path, becomes an artificial shock for the body, thereby provoking an acceleration of metabolism and metabolic processes, which leads to the loss of fat deposits.

How to prepare the body for such training?

Before carrying out such training, it is necessary to prepare your body and organism for loads of this kind. Many qualified experts recommend starting your training with long-distance running, gradually increasing the intensity of your training. This is a great way for beginners to prepare their body for interval running. You can exercise either on the track of a stadium or gym, or on a treadmill in a training machine.

And only when you feel that you are running long distances without putting in much effort, you can safely start interval running.

And at first it is extremely undesirable to run “accelerated” sections at maximum speed. It is necessary to let the body get used to this type of training a little and only after a week (depending on the body, it may take several days) you can increase the speed of completing the “fast” segments. For beginners, it is extremely important to adhere to this prescription, as this will allow you to avoid sprains and all kinds of injuries.

For those people who use interval running to burn fat, it is extremely important to change the duration of running segments that are run at maximum speed, this will avoid getting used to constant loads, which reduces the rate of weight loss.

It is also very important for beginners to remember the purpose of “moderate” segments. They are needed for proper rest of the body, as well as for the effectiveness of the subsequent “fast” section. Therefore, do not try to shorten the time or run at a slow pace.

What does an interval running program look like?

Of course, running training is much more useful when done on fresh air than in the gym. And if you choose a park or forest for these purposes, then in addition to rapid weight loss, you will also gain good health. Exercising on a treadmill is perfect for beginners, since the smooth and flat surface will not create additional stress.

The training complex includes:

  • warm-up– fast walking for two minutes and calm running, also for two minutes;
  • interval running– a couple of minutes of accelerated running and two minutes of calm running (for beginners, three intervals will be enough);
  • hitch– two minutes of quiet running and two minutes of walking with breathing exercises.

Each of these stages is extremely important, so it is not recommended to neglect one of them, especially for beginners.

Interval running is not just alternating walking and running, it is alternating the load on the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to run the “fast” segments at maximum speed.

The table below will help you quickly navigate when choosing a training program.

Training day For beginners For experienced athletes
Day #1
Day #2 Running intervals on a treadmill
Day #3 Rest Rest
Day #4 Slope run – lasts a third of an hour Slope run – duration half an hour
Day #5 Additional training, swimming, cycling, strength training are suitable - duration - no more than half an hour Strength training and running at an average pace for half an hour
Day #6 Running with intervals - duration of a quarter of an hour Long distance running lasting one hour
Day #7 Rest Rest

When working out on a treadmill, you can program segments and speed for them, which greatly simplifies the workout.

A few important points

The effectiveness of this run will be low if the trainee’s menu contains a huge amount of simple carbohydrates.

In order for interval running for weight loss to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the daily calorie intake should not exceed 1800 units;
  • try to eat more vegetables, lean meats and cereals;
  • throughout the day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of plain water;
  • classes must be regular, at least three per week.


Interval training is prohibited if you have the following diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system;
  • ARVI, acute respiratory infections and influenza;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

Be healthy and slim!