How to remember information faster? Memory training. Practical tips for quickly memorizing large texts

Probably, many students (current and former) are familiar with this situation: there is only one night before the exam, during which you need to learn everything that should have been mastered during the entire semester. Unfortunately, usually, the results of the “stormy activity” undertaken on the eve of hour “H” are far from the cherished “excellent” grade, but we will not read here notations about the need to remember about studying regularly, and not just during the session, it is better to suggest a few techniques, how to quickly learn a large amount of information, be it the text of a report or course materials. Moreover, the question of how to quickly learn a lot is relevant not only for students, but also for schoolchildren, as well as for those who have long left their native alma mater.

How to quickly learn the required text?

There are many ways to remember a large amount of information, here I would like to present one of the most effective ones, which will allow you to quickly learn the text, both by heart and for free retelling, as well as a couple of interesting auxiliary techniques that may be useful.

Method one – “Classic”

Suitable for memorizing a wide variety of text information. It consists of performing several sequential steps:

  1. First you need to tune in to the process of memorizing information. A short jog in the park is ideal for this. After all, it has long been known that they improve cerebral circulation, and, consequently, memory; in addition, according to recent research by scientists at the University of Michigan, contemplation of nature increases cognitive function by 20% of the norm. Just don’t need to run a marathon, 10-15 minutes will be enough.
  2. Create a conducive environment for memorization. The place where you will study the material should be quiet so that you can concentrate.
  3. When the preparatory conditions are met, we begin the process of memorizing information. To do this, read as carefully as possible the entire text that you need to learn; if there are incomprehensible words, quickly write them down and find what they mean (if the text is in foreign language– we translate it qualitatively, without missing words).
  4. When the meaning of what we read is finally understood, we draw up a so-called quotation plan. To do this, we divide the text into several logical parts - no more than 5-9, for some reason this is the number of fragments that, on average, a person’s short-term memory can retain. It is best to title each part with a quote from the text you need to learn. Let's write down these sentences. Let's read the resulting plan several times, out loud. You can rewrite it 2-3 times for reliability.
  5. We carefully read each fragment of the text and try to tell or retell it (if it is not necessary to reproduce it verbatim).
  6. When every logical part of the text begins to “bounce off the teeth,” we try to assemble the whole picture. If some words just don’t want to be remembered (usually this happens at the junction of two fragments), we write the words down separately on a piece of paper, which we look at until the text is more or less settled in our head.
  7. We take a break, during which we try not to think about the text we need to learn.
  8. After 20-30 minutes we repeat the text again and go to bed.

This is the basic way to memorize text.

Method two – “Antique”

More commonly known as the method of places, it was first described by Cicero, but is still widely used today. Helps you remember the sequence of words in a list (for example, paragraphs of a quotation plan) in the correct order. In order to apply this method, you need:

  1. Imagine a place or path that is definitely familiar to you - for example, your home, or the road from work (study) home.
  2. Select several objects or places, the path between which is obvious (for example, the front door, corridor, room, kitchen, etc.).
  3. Make sure you can mentally walk this path.
  4. Now we begin visualization, take words from the list, and, as it were, place them in selected places, for example, we present the list of words eyes - apple - stars like this: on front door, instead of the usual door peephole, there is an eye, in the middle of the corridor lies a huge apple, and in the room there are stars shining on the ceiling. Don’t be afraid if the images are completely absurd, the main thing is that they are bright, so they will be easier to remember.

Method three – “Victorian”

It was first described by Reverend Brayshaw, headmaster of a Yorkshire school in 1849. It consists of encoding numbers with consonant letters, and composing phrases from these letters. Necessary when you need to remember numerical information in a text (for example, dates for a history exam). In the original, Brayshaw's code looks like this:

Example of using the code:

1945 – BHKM

It was a Good Cool Day in May when the German Reichstag was taken.

By the time I finished reading the paragraph, half of it flew out of my head... Sound familiar? Almost all schoolchildren and students face this problem. The fact is that the human brain is not programmed for cramming, and it generally perceives most of what is written in the textbook as noise - useless information that should not be stored in memory. But if you know how these mechanisms work, you can learn to control this process and understand how to remember what you read the first time.

Science of Memory

Before any information gets to our hard drive, it goes through difficult path and undergoes multi-level processing. The first to study and describe these mechanisms was a German scientist. He identified 4 main processes of preservation, reproduction and forgetting.

What is the best way to remember what you read? In this matter, the first two stages are key. Therefore, they are worth considering in more detail.

Memorization- this is an involuntary imprinting of what affected the senses. At the same time, a certain trace of excitation caused by electrical impulses remains in the cerebral cortex for some time. Speaking in simple language, everything we see, hear and feel leaves physical traces in our brain.

This can happen in different ways. Also in early childhood The child’s process of involuntary memorization is activated. We all keep moments and facts that we never tried to remember: a walk in the park at age 5, a first date, scenes from a favorite movie... An interesting phenomenon is that we don’t remember everything equally well. Why is this happening?

Everything depends on the strength of electrical impulses, so we best remember only certain types of information:

  • something that is of vital importance (the pain when you put your hand to the fire);
  • unusual, bright events and images (a bright costume of an actor at a carnival);
  • information that is related to our interests and needs (a recipe for a delicious dish);
  • valuable knowledge necessary for our activities and achieving our goals (correct test answers).

90% of how well some information is recorded in memory depends on our perception. First of all, what is imprinted is what aroused strong emotions (both positive and negative) or interest.

Then there is intentional memorization, which is the process in which we consciously try to “write down” certain information, such as dates from a history textbook or an important telephone number.

Preservation is the process of processing, transforming and consolidating new information in certain parts of the brain.

First, all information falls into a certain “buffer”, RAM. Here the material is stored for a short time in its original form. But at the next stage, the information is processed, associated with what is already known, simplified and transferred to long-term memory. The most difficult thing is to prevent distortions, to prevent the brain from adding non-existent facts or “throwing them out” key points. Knowing all this, it is much easier to understand how to remember what you read the first time.

We set clear goals

Even if you read very carefully and thoughtfully, after turning the page, you are unlikely to be able to retell in detail what you just learned about.

Back in the 19th century, the Yugoslav psychologist P. Radossavljevic conducted an interesting experiment. The task that the subject faced was to memorize nonsense syllables. This usually required several repetitions. Then the goal changed - now you just had to read what was written. The subject did this as many as 46 (!) times, but when the experimenter asked him to repeat the series by heart, he could not do it. But as soon as I realized that they needed to be learned, it only took 6 times to run my eyes over the syllables in order to accurately retell them. What does this mean?

There are some tricks here too. The main goal needs to be broken down into more specialized tasks. Simply put, you choose what to focus on. In one case, it is enough to highlight the main facts, in another - their sequence, and in the third - to remember the text verbatim. Then, while reading, the brain will begin to create “hooks” that will help remember the necessary information.

We create a comfortable environment

And we continue to discuss how to remember the text you read the first time. First of all, you should look around in search of “irritants”. In a noisy classroom or public transport, attention wanders, and sometimes you don’t even realize what is written in the textbook.

In order to completely immerse yourself in the process, it is advisable to sit in a quiet room or find a secluded place somewhere in nature - where nothing will distract you.

It is advisable to exercise in the morning, when your head is still as clear as possible and new information is absorbed much faster.

Discussing with friends

Although many people do not like retellings in school lessons literature, this is one of the most effective ways how to better remember what you read. When you speak about something you recently read, the brain uses two channels of memorization and reproduction at once - visual and auditory (auditory).

Learning to read correctly

If you want to know how to learn to remember what you read the first time, you should first work on your reading technique. Don’t forget that visual memory plays a huge role in memorization: you mentally “photograph” the page, and if you can’t remember something, you just have to imagine it, and necessary information it will pop up in your head. But how to achieve this?

  1. Don’t immediately start reading every word, but try to take in the entire page with your eyes.
  2. Increase your reading speed. It has been proven that faster man studies the text, the more effectively the information is absorbed. Try to expand the area of ​​focus in order to “snatch” not one, but at least 2-3 words with your gaze. In addition, you can enroll in speed reading courses, where you will be taught
  3. When you notice that you were distracted and missed a fragment, under no circumstances return to it to re-read. Such “jumps” interfere with a holistic perception of the material. It is better to study the paragraph to the end, and then re-read it completely again.
  4. Unlearn the habit of mentally speaking sentences or moving your lips. Because of these childhood habits, the brain cannot focus on the text, but spends some of its resources on supporting your “inner speaker.”

In the first 3-4 hours it will be unusual and difficult. But as soon as you readjust, not only your reading speed will increase, but also the amount of information that you will remember the first time.

Writing notes

Another option for remembering what you read the first time. If you don’t just skim the text, but work through the material and at least briefly write down the main points, then using these notes you can easily recall the necessary information in your memory.

However, it is important to know what and how to take notes, because without a specific system you will simply get confused in a bunch of fragmentary facts. Here are a few techniques you can use:

  • Grouping. All material is divided into small fragments, which are then combined according to some characteristics (topic, time period, associations, etc.).
  • Plan. For each part of the text (paragraph, chapter or section of a paragraph), short notes are created that act as reference points and help restore full content. The format can be anything: key points, titles, examples or questions to the text.
  • Classification. Designed in the form of a diagram or table. Allows you to distribute various objects, phenomena or concepts into groups and classes based on common characteristics.
  • Schematization. Using text blocks, arrows and simple drawings connections between various objects, processes and events are demonstrated.
  • Associations. Each point of the plan or thesis is correlated with a familiar, understandable or simply memorable image, which helps to “resurrect” the rest in memory.

At the same time, try not to get carried away. Remember that this is not a full-fledged summary, but small pointers that will direct your thoughts in the right direction.

5 Best Active Memory Techniques

Now let’s move on to the “delicious” part and talk about how to remember what you read the first time, even without preparation. You may have already come across the concept of mnemonics - these are various techniques that allow you to learn large volume information in a short time.

1. Visualization

When reading, you should imagine as clearly as possible all the events and phenomena described in the text. The more “lively” and emotional the pictures are, the better.

2. Creative associations

Few people know, but inventing them is an art. There are 5 “golden” rules that must be followed in order to easily remember any information:

  • Don't think. Use the first image that comes to mind.
  • Associations must have a strong emotional component.
  • Imagine yourself as the main character (for example, if a lemon was on the table, try to “eat” it).
  • Add absurdity.
  • Make the resulting “picture” funny.

How it works? Let's say you're studying painting and want to remember what pointillism is. Briefly: this is one of the varieties of neo-impressionism, where the paintings consist of many bright dots of the correct shape (the founder is Georges-Pierre Seurat). What association can you come up with here? Imagine a ballerina who has smeared her pointe shoes with paint and, while dancing, leaves a picture of multi-colored dots on the stage. He moves on and accidentally touches a jar of yellow sulfur with his foot, which falls with a loud crash. Here are our associations: pointe shoes with bright spots are pointillism, and a container with sulfur is Georges-Pierre Seurat.

3. Repetition method by I. A. Korsakov

This technique is based on the fact that we forget a huge part of information almost instantly. However, if you repeat the material regularly, it will become firmly established in your memory. What do you need to remember?

  1. New information must be repeated within 20 seconds after it is perceived (if we are talking about a large fragment of text - up to a minute).
  2. During the first day, retell the material several times: after 15-20 minutes, then after 8-9 hours, and finally after 24 hours.
  3. To remember what you read for a long time, you need to repeat the text several more times during the week - on the 4th and 7th days.

The technique is very simple, but at the same time incredibly effective. Regular repetitions let the brain understand that this is not just information noise, but important data that is constantly used.

4. Cicero's method

A useful technique for those who want to know how to remember information read in books. The point is quite simple. You choose a certain “base” - for example, the furnishings of your apartment. Remember where your morning begins, what you do and in what order. After this, you need to “attach” some piece of text to each action - again, using associations. This way you will remember not only the essence, but also the sequence of presentation of information.

For example, while studying a paragraph on history, you can mentally “draw” scenes of battles on the bedside table or “send” Columbus to roam the expanses of the bathroom.

5. Pictogram method

Have a blank sheet of paper and a pen ready. Immediately while reading, you need to mentally note keywords and moments. Your task is to come up with a small pictogram for each person that will remind you of what was discussed. There is no need to make schematic or, on the contrary, too detailed pictures, otherwise you will not be able to concentrate on the text and remember it properly. When you reach the end of a paragraph or chapter, try, looking only at the icons, to retell the text you just read.

Would you like to know how to learn quickly? new language without spending money on expensive language courses or software for learning foreign languages? There are no secrets or tricks to this - you just need to set a goal, be prepared to do hard work and, most importantly, not be afraid to make mistakes. Read on and you will learn more secrets that will help you learn a new language quickly.


Immerse yourself in the language environment

    Meet a native speaker. The easiest way to learn a new language is to speak it. Very often, people spend all their time studying the grammar of a language and memorizing a lot of words, instead of putting all their learned minimum knowledge into practice. Start talking to a native speaker and it will give you more motivation to learn the language - much more than a book or computer screen.

    • You may be able to find a friend or colleague who knows the language you want to learn and who can tutor you and help you practice the language. If you don’t have such friends, then you can advertise on local forums or in newspapers that you are looking for a teacher to practice a foreign language.
    • If you can't find anyone who speaks the language, you can try meeting someone on Skype. Very often people from different countries would like to meet people from other countries and communicate. Another option is to create an account with Hellotalk.
  1. Learn a language every day. Very often, many people complain that they have been studying a language for “five years” and still cannot begin to speak it fluently. But when they talk about five years, they most likely spend only a couple of hours a week learning the language. Let's agree on one thing - if you want to learn a new language fast, that is, over several weeks or months, you will have to devote two hours to learning a new language in a day.

    • Learning a foreign language is based on repetition - just repeat something over and over again until it is imprinted in your memory. If you take too many breaks between classes, you are more likely to forget everything you learned and have to go back and forth to remember what you learned.
    • To truly learn a language short time, you have to study every day. There are no miracles in learning a language - to master a language, you need to learn it.
  2. Always have a dictionary handy. Take a dictionary with you everywhere - this will help you avoid confusion (if you don’t know a word) and will save a lot of time, so we recommend that you spare no expense and purchase a good and convenient dictionary!

    • You may find it more convenient to install the dictionary in mobile phone- so you can quickly see the right word.
    • If you have a dictionary with you, you can always look up the right word. This is especially necessary when communicating with a native speaker, when you do not want to interrupt the interlocutor because you do not know some word that he used. Plus, if you look up a new word and use it immediately, you'll remember it much better.
    • You can also look through the dictionary and select random words to memorize when you have a free minute - for example, when you are waiting in line, during your lunch break, or while stuck in a traffic jam. This way you can learn up to 20-30 additional new words a day!
  3. Watch movies, listen to music, read and write in the language you are learning. Dive into language environment assumes that everything habitual actions that you usually did in your native language, you will do in the target language, regardless of whether you read, write or listen to music, radio, etc.

    • It may be easiest to watch TV shows or movies in the language you're trying to learn. Try not to use subtitles, otherwise you will rely on them too much. To help you understand speech, try watching TV shows or movies that you already know, or something simple like cartoons or children's shows. Knowing the content will help you understand the meaning of different words and phrases.
    • It is also recommended to read and write in the target language. Pick up a newspaper or magazine and try to read at least one article a day. Try to check the meaning of words you don't know in a dictionary. Try writing simple sentences in the language you're learning - it doesn't matter what it is, you can compose a greeting card or make a shopping list.
    • Download podcasts or listen to radio stations in the language you're learning. This great way immerse yourself in the language environment, especially when you are on the road. This will not only allow you to listen to speech, but will also help you remember the correct pronunciation of common words and phrases.
    • Change the language settings on your mobile devices - this will allow you to learn a few new words in a new language.
    • Listen to music in the language you are learning. Try to learn the lyrics, and then check what the song is about. Knowing the lyrics of songs very quickly helps expand lexicon.
  4. Visit a country where the language you are learning is spoken. Of course, the best way to improve your language skills is to travel to a country where your target language is spoken. Just go there and spend some time there.

    • Try to communicate more with the local population - it doesn’t matter if you need to get directions or make a purchase in a store - just say hello and chat with people. Native speakers will welcome your desire to learn the language.
    • It doesn't matter how well you speak - just try to speak, and very soon you will notice an improvement not only in your speaking, but also in your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.

    Focus on what matters most

    1. Learn a few greetings before you learn the alphabet. This way, when you start learning the alphabet, you will already know a few basic words. For example, “Hello,” “Goodbye,” “How are you,” “I’m doing great,” “What’s your name,” “My name is...” and so on.

      If necessary, learn the alphabet. It will be much easier for you if you learn the alphabet and learn to read and pronounce words - this will also help you remember words more easily. In addition, it is much better to say words out loud by reading them in the target language, rather than looking at their transcription.

      Learn the words. Probably one of the most important aspects of learning a language is vocabulary. Even if you can't understand the entire sentence, the ability to "grasp" individual words helps to understand general meaning speech or text.

      • Focus on the 100 most common words. Identifying the 100 most common words in a language and learning them is a great start. Next, you can select 1000 new frequently used words. It is believed that knowing 1000 frequently used words in a language allows you to understand 70% of any text.
      • Pay attention to the words that are most relevant to you. For example, if you are learning a language for business purposes, learn business vocabulary, don't waste your time learning various types marine animals - which can be useful if you are going to scuba dive.
      • You also need to learn words that relate to you personally so that you can talk about yourself, your life and the people you know.
    2. Learn how to count in your target language. Learn to count to ten because numbers are usually very easy to remember. Every day, add ten more numbers to this set. Continue studying numbers every day until you feel that you can count fluently in a foreign language. If you want a real challenge, try learning all the numbers up to one hundred in one day!

      Don't worry too much about grammar. The main reason that most people still cannot speak the language they spent years learning in school is that school program focuses too much on the grammar of the language and spends too little time on speaking and writing skills. It's grammar that slows everything down - if you want to learn a new language quickly, the first thing you have to do is master colloquial. The specifics of the grammar will come later.

      • There's no doubt that grammar is important - you need to know how verb forms change and have an idea of ​​what it should be correct order words in a sentence.
      • The point is that you don't have to spend hours memorizing verb forms or thinking about specific cases when you should use a particular article or preposition. You will master all these nuances later - in the process of communication!
    3. Work on your pronunciation. Pronunciation is another aspect that you should focus on. There's no point in memorizing hundreds of words and phrases if you can't pronounce them correctly to be understood. Therefore, it is very important that when learning a new word, you immediately learn its correct pronunciation.

      • Pronunciation is difficult to learn from a book - this is where talking to native speakers or using interactive programs. You will need to say the word out loud to learn how to pronounce it correctly.
      • If you are practicing a language with a teacher or native speaker, ask him or her to feel free to correct you whenever you pronounce a word incorrectly. Otherwise, unfortunately, your training will be of little use. Remember that pronunciation can make the difference good language proficiency from free.
    4. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Many foreign language learners are afraid of making mistakes. This fear will not allow you to go far enough.

      • Perhaps the mistakes you make while speaking a foreign language can lead to awkward situations, but is it a big problem? Native speakers will always forgive you for mistakes because they will most likely appreciate your desire to learn their language - in fact, they will always be happy to help you.
      • Your goal initially should not be excellence, but progress. Making mistakes (and learning from them) is what allows you to continually improve.

    Use apps to learn foreign languages

    1. Try Anki. Anki is a very popular application for computers and smartphones that helps you memorize new words and phrases using flashcards. You will be able to upload your own cards with specific words if you need to learn specific terminology, for example, or download any sets of cards from those offered.

      Try Duolingo. Duolingo is a free language learning tool. There is an online version of the application, as well as versions for Android and iOS. Instead of focusing on memorization, it helps you learn to read and speak a new language by allowing you to see, listen to, and translate words and phrases. Users earn points by completing lessons, which makes learning a language with Duolingo a lot of fun.

    2. Try Livemocha. Livemocha is a web product that offers online lessons and tutorials, as well as the opportunity to chat with a native speaker. And although most of the content on Livemocha is completely free, you can always pay for Additional services, including individual programs training and more advanced language courses.

      • Try MindSnacks. Choose any lesson you like to learn the language through various games.
    • Determine for yourself a specific amount of material (TV shows, radio, online newspapers or communication with foreigners) or the amount of time that you will devote to the language every day and do not deviate from the plan.
    • Write down new words and their meanings on a piece of paper and always carry this piece of paper with you, sometimes looking at it - this way you can easily remember everything.
    • Immersion in the language environment – The best way learning a foreign language, but in most cases a person cannot just drop everything and go to another country. However, be sure to try to communicate with native speakers - for example, using special sites on the Internet.
    • Google Translate is a good tool that can help you with correct pronunciation. But the translation of words and sentences obtained using it is not always 100% accurate.
    • Start by learning ten words (nouns, adjectives or verbs). Do this every day for three months. This may seem difficult, but it is actually very easy. Learning ten new words every day will greatly expand your vocabulary. The more words you know, the easier it will be for you to form sentences and express yourself in a foreign language.
    • Once you have mastered the basics of the language, you can start watching movies in the language you're learning. Start with simple ones - those that you have already seen and that you like. Watch movies with subtitles. If this seems difficult, leave the subtitles or audio in your native language.
    • Use sticky note paper to improve your vocabulary. Post them everywhere - this will allow you to create direct associations between a word in a foreign language and its visualization.
    • Don't worry about making mistakes at first. You will not be able to speak a foreign language fluently on the first day of training, be patient.
    • The main thing is don't give up!
    • Start reading funny books in the language you are learning - it’s better if they are funny stories or jokes with pictures. For example, you can read anime, comics, magazines and anything else that interests you. This will motivate you to learn the language - especially if you don't understand what is written. It can also be helpful to start with children's books because they contain words that are easy to remember.
    • Some people prefer to listen to music. Find songs in the language you're learning. Listen to them several times, try to understand what the song is about. You can also find lyrics on the Internet and try to sing karaoke.

Throughout our lives, we perceive a lot of information, we learn poetry, learn new languages, understand formulas and theorems. And all thanks to what? Thanks to our memory! The brain is an organ that needs to be constantly trained and developed, then everything you perceive will be securely enshrined in memory.

So, there are several ways that will tell you how to better remember information, learn a large amount in a short time, and learn to retain the information received in memory.

Why use memorization techniques?

According to experts, cramming dates, facts and any other information will not bring anything good. This will not help anyone become smarter or learn the necessary data. These methods are ineffective and will hinder rather than help us. That's why scientists have developed more effective techniques, thanks to which you can “agree” with memory and get a good result.

You can teach your brain to absorb a large amount of data like a sponge, to always shine with your mind and be on top. At the same time, it won’t be stressful or seem complicated.

Well, let's look at a few techniques that will help you remember a large amount of information:

Multisensory perception

Each person reacts differently to stimuli, and it is thanks to them that we can learn to perceive different information. Thus, by irritating the sensors on the skin, we feel cold and heat, and by damaging the receptors of the tongue, we can feel taste. Accordingly, the more senses we use during perception, the better the material is remembered. For example, if you need to remember the names of exotic birds, then it is best not only to read their name, but also to look at the picture, and ideally, find singing on the Internet or watch a video. And if you manage to touch it, you are unlikely to ever forget it.

Presentation on the topic: "Laws of memory"

Connecting with art objects

Due to the fact that the subconscious is perfectly stimulated by a variety of objects and works of art, you can perfectly learn and remember what you need. This will happen when a fact or date is associated with a piece of music, or a sculpture, or any other masterpiece. The subconscious mind will open a special gateway in order to remember this information. This is very easy to learn.

Repeat before and after sleep

It’s not without reason that they say that if you put a book under your pillow, the information will “leak out” on its own. Here we do it a little differently, but still. If you learn something before going to bed, you can strengthen the memorization process, because when we sleep, our subconscious synthesizes information. Accordingly, while a person is sleeping, the brain is more willing to work on memorizing information and will be able to remember it faster.

These methods are very effective and work with the subconscious. But there are also methods that work directly with consciousness and memory, training them. Let's look at them below.

Ten tricks to “Remember everything quickly!”

  1. Write down your thoughts. One of the most pleasant methods, as it involves writing down negative events and thoughts on paper before directly studying the material. Our consciousness concentrates very strongly on the negative, so it automatically remembers it. If you start studying immediately after writing down small negative details, the material will be better remembered.
  2. Trust nature. It’s not for nothing that many students prefer to learn material in fresh air. Nature increases perception function by 20%. If you don’t have the opportunity to go out into nature, then give your brain a break and look at the pictures beautiful nature, and only then begin the exercises. This will help you learn a large amount of information at one time.
  3. Speak louder. If you need to learn foreign words, then pronounce them clearly and loudly. The volume of pronunciation increases the memorability of information by 10% when learning by heart.
  4. Add some expression. As we have already said, the more senses are involved, the better we remember. Add more emotions, gestures, facial expressions if you want to quickly learn to remember information, terms and foreign words. And learning will become more interesting!
  5. Use a voice recorder. Write down what you need to learn and turn it on in transport, before going to bed and at night. You will sleep, and your brain will remember. The amount of information can be unlimited.
  6. Keep moving. Move while absorbing and learning information by heart. Walk in circles around the room. Movement activates the work of our brain and you will be able to learn and remember everything better and faster.
  7. Change the picture. Let's say you need to prepare quickly for two reports (in one evening). Do this in different rooms. This way, the information will not be mixed up during reconstruction.
  8. Write down the first letters. In order to quickly and efficiently remember any information (for example, a song). Write it down on paper, and then write down only the first letters, trying to remember the word. Practice remembering by looking at the first letters, and then without this “cheat sheet”. Check it out, the song is much more memorable.
  9. Don't neglect sleep. The more sleep you get after studying the material, the better you will be able to remember it.
  10. Play sports. Before studying the material, study actively, then you will be able to even “War and Peace”.

We have considered effective methods to remember this or that information, which allows you to study a large amount of material, do it efficiently and quickly. Now all that's left is practice. Dare than more quantity training - the better the result! And remember, everything can be learned.


These techniques allow you to quickly learn the information received by heart and train your brain to improve its performance.

  1. Rhyme. This method involves a different interpretation of the data obtained.
  2. Create phrases from the first letters of the data received. For example, a letter arrived and the first lines read: Good day. Take the first three letters of “ext” and create a new one in any form - the day is very cheerful.
  3. Bunch. Based on the name, you can understand that we are talking about information combined with a bright illustration. For example, those items that you try to remember in English language, can be associated with actions. For example, fat cat – replace with – big size cat.
  4. Leads. The essence of the technique is to replace numbers with objects. Let's say 0-bagel, 1-stick, 2-goose, etc.
  5. Cicero's technique. It involves presenting items to be memorized in a familiar environment. For example, to remember words-objects in a foreign language, you need to place them in your bedroom. If you need to remember this or that word, the association comes with a familiar environment. This approach allows you to learn new words by heart using a minimum of effort.

We will not be surprised that some mnemonic techniques will be familiar to you. However this whole science which helps strengthen memory.

  1. Take in what you read. If there is difficulty in memorizing material, then this is often due to a lack of understanding of what has been read. For many people, in order to remember data, they need to understand it. Here it is necessary to use logic and associations that will remain in memory.
  2. Abstract. Don’t stop writing, and preferably in a abstract manner. Let's say there is an important meeting and you need to remember a large amount of information - write abstracts, i.e. highlight the main thing. This will allow you not to miss the nuances and have complete information.
  3. Structure. If you don’t like to write, then this technique will definitely suit you. Read the information, understand it, and sketch it out as a diagram. It's simple - there will always be beacons in front of you.
  4. Drawing. Perhaps the most common memorization method. How it will manifest itself for you personally is difficult to say, because... we are all individuals. The main thing is that the drawing matches the data received.
  5. Slide show. Such presentations are effective method in the field of business. To present the material competently, interestingly and effectively, it is enough to create an outline of the text using mind maps. There are many online programs for this.

Let us note that it is quite difficult to describe in one article all the methods that will allow you to better perceive and remember information. Therefore, we will give simple advice - theory and practice - this is the basis of excellent memory!

In literature, students are often asked to learn poems. And many schoolchildren do not like this whole process of “learning” - tedious and, at first glance, meaningless. But, if you use the text memorization techniques described below, you will learn the verse faster and stay in your memory longer. Therefore, if you don’t know how to quickly learn a verse, be sure to read this article.

Learn poetry in a calm, quiet environment, turning off the music, TV, etc. Don't get annoyed or freak out. You need to have a positive attitude and not scold the teacher for such a setup. Remember, actors have to remember even more text, even if it doesn’t rhyme 😀 .

Step-by-step scheme for learning a verse by heart

2. The second one is very important point- You need to understand the meaning of this verse. If you just mechanically memorize without understanding what it’s about we're talking about(this also applies to texts in a foreign language), it will be very difficult to remember all this gobbledygook. In this step, make sure there are no unfamiliar words in the verse. If there outdated words or unfamiliar ones, find out what they mean (ask your mom or find information on the Internet). Also clarify the meaning of unclear poetic lines.

Briefly tell us in your own words what this verse is about. Imagine what it is interesting story that a friend told you. It is advisable to emotionally feel the whole mood of the poem. After that, move on to the next step.

3. To quickly remember a verse, you need to use several types of memory. Each person has one type more developed: visual memory, auditory, figurative, muscle and others. But, if you connect them all, the text will be remembered quickly.

First, read the verse 2-3 times with expression, correctly placing stress and pauses.

Next, copy the verse (if it is not very long) onto a piece of paper, saying out loud what you are writing. This will involve visual, muscle, and auditory memory. After this action, you need to learn the piece from this sheet. Put your “letter” in a visible place, every time you are doing something else and notice it, read this “note”. Don't skip this task, even though you'll be too lazy to write anything at first. This way you will really remember it better and faster.

A verse is remembered very well when you listen to it performed well. My little children learned many poems very quickly while listening to audio fairy tales. Therefore, if you find an audio recording of the desired verse on the Internet, download it and listen to it free time. When there are at least a couple of days before the verse is due, you can only learn the verse by listening, without starting to cram. Well, if suddenly you didn’t find the required recording, then record this text yourself on a voice recorder, just tell it with expression.

You may have noticed that a song that is heard literally gets stuck in your brain. If a given verse is sung to your favorite melody or read out in recitative, it will be remembered faster. In this case, you can use the previous technique: sing the desired text into the recorder and listen to it. But when you memorize the words, learn to recite the verse so that you don’t have to sing at school.

More good welcome remember the text - visualize it. Everything that happens in the poem needs to be imagined as if it were a cartoon. You can even draw it schematically, like a comic strip. When you connect creativity, you remember it better. If you don’t know how to draw, then the verse can be depicted in the form of a diagram. This is done like this: the first letter of the line is written, then a simple symbol or sign is drawn, which will be a hint.

The verse can also be depicted in the form of a mnemonic table, where one or two lines will be drawn schematically. When the text has already been read, listened to, written, understood, then you can remember it from your drawings.

Example of a mnemonic table

4. To quickly learn a verse, break it into semantic parts. These can be stanzas, pairs of lines, or longer passages. Learn the first two lines first, then the next two. Do it all over again. Then learn two more lines. Repeat the entire verse from the beginning. And so on. Learn a new couple of lines, repeat the entire verse. When you learn the last lines, the entire verse will already be stored in your memory.

5. If the verse is not very long, learn it before bed. I always did this at school and I remembered everything very quickly. It is believed that during sleep the brain processes information. In order for the verse to be registered in the subcortex, memorize it before going to bed, then do nothing else, go straight to bed. When you wake up in the morning, repeat the verse. Even if some passages were forgotten in the evening, this verse will be remembered very easily in the morning.

It is better to start learning a long piece two days before it is due.

By memorizing the text consciously, you replenish your vocabulary and train your memory. Good memory will a good helper all life. So train her different ways daily.

6. If you like to study in game form, you can use special sites, for example this one: Here you need to go through 6 stages on the way to complete memorization of the text.

7. There is another technique for quickly memorizing verses. It consists of reading the verse out loud 6 times. The first time you read at a normal pace, with pauses. The second time you read a little faster. Each time you need to speed up the pace of reading. Sixth, last time, the verse reads like a tongue twister. Very long poems should be read in this way not in their entirety, but in meaningful passages. When a long poem is read in chunks in this way, you need to read it in its entirety 6 times at a fast pace.

Give yourself a little rest. It’s better to take a walk outside rather than sit at the computer, as the brain needs to rest. Before going to bed, read the verse out loud several times and recite it from memory. If necessary, look in a book or on a sheet of paper where you yourself copied it by hand. Repeat again in the morning. Everything should be remembered.

Video on how to quickly learn poetry from literature

Watch the video for basic text memorization techniques.

I hope these techniques will help you quickly learn a poem and read it in class for grade 5! Write in the comments how you learn poetry and share the article with your friends on social networks.