Exercising in bed: the first step to a great workout. Tibetan morning exercises in bed prolongs life.

Another Tibetan complex, a powerful, effective practice -Tibetan gymnastics for health and longevity. Exercise restores the immune system well, which will give you a huge chance of longevity.

How did I learn this gymnastics? My father-in-law, he is 82 years old, has been doing this gymnastics every day for 20 years. Thanks to this gymnastics, he feels energetic and cheerful. Every other day he runs to the garden, which is more than 10 kilometers there and back. Bring with you a bag of potatoes or a bucket of carrots. And he even says that it was only thanks to this gymnastics that he remained in this state of health. Which he now, in general, doesn’t complain about.

Tibetan gymnastics is performed while lying in bed. It will take 20-30 minutes. Thanks to it, the immune system is strengthened and lost body functions are restored. Return: energy, vigor and strength. A joyful attitude appears.

We do NOT do it mechanically, but with concentration and every movement consciously.

The name of each Tibetan exercise is preceded by a time. Based on it, you can watch the implementation in the video lesson.

Exercise 1

2.35 Ear massage

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. Palms pressed to ears. The thumb massages the back of the ears. Index finger on the auricle. The remaining fingers are the temple area. Movement up and down (counting as one).

Quantity 42 times.

Impact: Normalized blood pressure. Helps in the treatment of sclerosis. Vessels are rejuvenated. Gums and teeth are strengthened, thus improving blood supply in this part of the head.

Exercise 2

3.42 Massage of the ear tragus

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. The index fingers fit into the tragus of the ears. Vibrating movements with pressing. Quantity 22 or 42 times.

Then insert the ends index fingers into the ear hole and make vibration movements (as if water has got into the ears and we want it to come out). Quantity 22 or 42 times.

Impact: Prevents and helps avoid deafness

Exercise 3

4.36 Eye massage

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. We press the backs of our thumbs to our eyes and make a slight rotational movement inward towards our nose. Quantity 42 times.

Impact: Prevents early glaucoma and cataracts.

Exercise 4

5.17 Thyroid massage

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. The right hand is placed on the thyroid gland. As if embracing her. Left hand on top. We do light tapping and at the same time lower ourselves from top to bottom. It’s like we’re sliding down smoothly. 12 times.

Now we change the position of the hands. The left one is below, and the right one is above. We do light tapping and at the same time lower ourselves from top to bottom. It’s like we’re sliding down smoothly. 12 times.

Impact. Recovering hormonal background with a lack of sex life.

Exercise 5

6.09 Head tilts

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. Place your palms on your forehead and apply light pressure. We tilt our heads left and right (this is one time) 22 or 42 times. At the same time, we continue to press on the forehead. We perform it smoothly and carefully so that there is no pain. Possible cracking in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae.

Exercise 6

7.07 Breathing exercise"Chakras" or cleansing breath

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. We inhale and inflate our belly. Exhale intermittently through the lips using a tube. Exhale, as if in portions. Take a deep breath and exhale twice as long as the inhalation. 22 or 42 times

Impact: Improves the functioning of the abdominal respiratory muscle. Helps in the treatment of asthma and bronchitis.

Exercise 7

8.13. Foot sole massage

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. Massage the indentation of the left foot with the indentation of the right foot 42 times. And then we change, massage the indentation of the left foot with the indentation of the right foot 42 times.

Impact: Improves libido in women and potency in men.

Exercise 8

8.58 Bicycle

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. We perform with our arms and legs rotational movements type of bicycle. First from myself 42 times. And then towards yourself - 42 times. Next, we lie down and relax.

Impact: Corrects defects in the arms, legs, waist, eliminates annelids and helps in preventing paralysis.

Exercise 9

10.10 Twisting

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. We bend our knees. We press our hands palms together in front of our chests (namaste). Inhale. As you exhale, twist the spine. We turn our knees to the left, and our head and arms to the right. While inhaling, we return to the starting position. Inhale. As you exhale, twist the spine. We turn our knees to the right, and our head and arms to the left. This time. Repeat 22 times.

Impact: Maintains flexibility of the spine, arms and legs.

Exercise 10

11.00. These are exercises for men

That's why we women skip it.

Exercise 11

11.05 Shaking legs and arms

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. We raise right leg at right angles. Hold for 12 seconds. They shook it finely and finely 42 times. And slowly, very slowly we return it to its place. Now raised left leg at right angles. Hold for 12 seconds. They shook it finely and finely 42 times. And slowly, very slowly we return it to its place.

After this, we simultaneously raise both legs and both arms. Hold for 12 seconds. They shook it finely and finely 42 times. And slowly, very slowly we lower it into place. And we relax.

Impact: Helps with circulatory disorders, thrombophlebitis and all related diseases.

Exercise 12

13.38 Abdominal massage

Execution. Lying on your back, eyes closed. We place our hands with palms on the lower abdomen. We make a slow rotational movement clockwise from bottom to top to the chest and down 42 times. When your hands are down, use the edges of your palms to pull your stomach up. When at the top, use the edges of your palms to press your stomach down.

We make a slow rotational movement counterclockwise from bottom to top to the chest and down 42 times.

Effects: Useful for constipation and illnesses internal organs.

Exercise 13

14.43 Head massage

Execution. We move to a sitting position. Using your fingertips, massage your scalp. Movements from the ears to the top of the head at a time. And from the forehead and to the back of the head there are two. Pressing hard. And thus 22 or 42 times.

Effect: Helps relieve headaches. Prevents hair loss. Stimulates the blood vessels of the head.

Exercise 14

16.11 Nape massage

Execution. Sitting position. We press the palms of our hands to our ears. Fingers to the back of the head. Lightly tap the back of the head 42 times.

Impact: Normalizes blood pressure. Helps relieve headaches.

Exercise 15


Execution. We clasp our hands at the back of the head. The head remains in place. Movement of the arms: alternately starting with the left hand, bring the elbow forward. Back. Right elbow forward, etc. Repeat 22 or 42 times.

Impact: Helps in the treatment of chondrosis and osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Exercise 16

17.26 Tilts left and right

Execution. We move to a standing position. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides. We bend to the sides: to the left and to the right - once. 12 or 22 times.

Exercise 17

18.32 Turns left and right

Execution. Standing position. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides. We make axial rotational movements to the sides: to the left and to the right - once. 12 or 22 times.

Exercise 18

19.18 Forward bends

Execution. Standing position. Feet shoulder width apart. Bend forward. Bend over and touch the floor with your hands 12 or 22 times.

Exercises 19

20.10 Squat and rise

Execution. Exercise with a chair. Squatting and lifting. We grab the back of the chair and squat. Leaning on the back of the chair, we bend our back forward, raise our head higher and stand in the starting position. We repeat three times. We continue all week 3 times. After a week we add 2 times.

1 week – 3 times

Week 2 – 5 times

Week 3 – 7 times. …. And so on up to 21 times

Impact: The most powerful exercise in the treatment of osteochondrosis.

Exercise 20

21.19 Massage of life points.

Execution. Apply light pressure for 5 minutes (may be painful). We move to a sitting position. The point is located 3 fingers below the kneecap on the side of the right and left leg.

Watch the whole complex on video

We did a set of exercises that are already more than thousands of years old. I wish you health, youth, vigor. Now you can move on to your morning routine. Stay healthy.

©Rashi Shamdan

Knowing all the benefits of sports, sometimes people cannot find a place for it in life. This is due to time constraints, lack of care and discipline, or simply laziness.

Benefits of morning exercises

Morning exercises in bed become the first step towards a revolution in life:

  • helps to cheer up and improve your mood in the morning;
  • tones muscles, improves figure contours;
  • becomes the first step in the fight against laziness.

The main advantage that you can get from exercise without getting out of bed is to accustom your body to training. Yes, this is a simple self-deception that allows you to move from fitness in a lying position to gym or a rug on the floor near the sofa.

Thus, the muscles learn to move, and the brain gets used to feeling the muscles during movement. After a light workout, serotonin is produced, and exercise is associated with something pleasant.

The exercises become very easy over time, and you want to see what else your body can do.

Exercising while lying in bed: an example for inspiration

Sanford Bennett felt old and decrepit, even though he was only 50 years old. That is why he came up with a program published in a book called “ Workouts in bed».

He suggested training without getting up - he found a convenient solution for lazy people. For example, to develop the muscles of the shoulders and arms, you need to lie on your left side, grab right hand between the elbow and shoulder with your left hand, pull it back, creating resistance.

Hold the tension for 5-20 seconds, then relax. To begin with, five repetitions for each hand is enough. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 25 per day.

The book is a book, but it shows that there is no excuse for laziness. If you have time to relax in bed in the morning, exercise can calmly occupy it. Five, ten, fifteen minutes decide everything this time, you just have to choose the right set of exercises. In front of them, be sure to stretch your legs and arms so that the spine is straightened and the muscles are slightly tense.

Morning Wake Up Workout

Simple exercises in bed for lazy people who find it difficult to get up in the morning:

  • Hip rotations. Lie straight, spread your arms to the sides. Bend your knees so that a right angle is formed. Slowly lower both legs to the right until they touch the bed, hold for five counts, and return to the original position. Repeat five times in each direction. This exercise trains the abdominal muscles and stretches the back muscles well;
  • Pulling your knees towards your chest. Exercise strengthens the muscles that run along the spine and relieves lower back pain. Bend one leg at the knee, slowly pull it to your chest, fixing it with both hands. Repeat the same with the other leg. You can perform the exercise with both legs at the same time;
  • Cobra. To perform the exercise you need to roll over onto your stomach. Bend your elbows and place your palms at shoulder level. Gradually straighten your arms, raising top part body until tension appears in the lower back. Hold for 5-10 seconds, repeat ten times.

Workout to strengthen the muscles of the whole body

Yes, and this is possible in bed! It all depends on the number of repetitions.

The more there are, the more tired the muscles become, and during recovery they will begin to strengthen:

  • Palm touching toe. Lie straight. Legs are extended, arms are thrown behind the head. Raise your left leg while reaching your right hand towards it. Repeat for each side 10 times, alternating. This exercise strengthens the abs and warms up the leg muscles;
  • Pelvic lifts. Bend your knees, stand slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise your pelvis, trying to make your body bend so that only your shoulder blades remain on the bed. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds;
  • Roll over onto your left side, support your head with your hand. Slowly raise and lower your right leg. To complicate the task, you can combine a couple of energetic movements and one smooth one. Repeat 10-20 times and turn over to the other side;
  • Lying on your right side, rest your left hand on the bed. Extending your arm at the elbow, lift your upper body above the bed. This exercise eliminates sagging in the back of the arms. Repeat 10-15 times for each side;
  • Birch. The famous gymnastic exercise develops the whole body, strengthens the back and abs. You can hold the birch tree for several seconds, trying to lower one leg at a time behind your head. A more complicated version - both legs at once. Repeat 5-10 times.

It is worth adding two yoga asanas in bed for exercise, which eliminates stooping and improves the functioning of internal organs:

  • Half-bridge or kandharasana - lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees and move them towards your buttocks. Grasp your ankles with your hands and place your feet firmly on the bed. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift your pelvis off the bed and try to bend your back. The stomach arches, the chest moves towards the chin, the shoulders become a support;
  • Bridge or chakrasana - take a stance with your feet, as when performing a half-bridge. Place your hands at the level of your temples, with your fingers facing your shoulders. Slowly lift your body up, rolling your head from the back of your head to the top of your head to support the weight of your torso. Straighten your arms and legs, gradually raise your body and bend your back as much as possible.

We make a waist in bed: exercises for the abs

To shape your waist, you will need more movements, so these five exercises should be done after one of the complexes listed above:

  • Bike. Twirl your legs to warm up for 30 seconds;
  • Raise your upper body, leaning on your elbows. We bend our legs at the knees, resting our feet on the bed. At the same time, we pull our knees to our chest and raise our upper body. 10-15 times at any pace;
  • Hip raises from a side position. Lie on your side, put your legs together, rest your elbows and knees on the bed. Lift your hips off the bed. To complicate the exercise, you need to shift the emphasis from your knees to your feet. Do 5-10 times for each side;
  • Boxing while lying in bed or exercises with cardio elements. Lying on your back, bend your knees slightly. Raise your shoulders and lift your shoulder blades off the bed, while pretending to hit the air with your hand, alternate hands. Do 10-30 times;
  • Plank. Roll over onto your stomach. Raise your body in a straight line above the bed, resting on your feet and elbows. Hold for 30 seconds.

By overcoming the barrier of laziness right in bed, you can radically change your life. After a five-minute warm-up, the day will begin vigorously and on the right foot; getting up will not be so chilly, even on the coldest and gloomiest morning. Cheerful mood, health and slimness to your body!

Tibetan gymnastics in bed - without getting up and without opening your eyes! This is such gymnastics! But the effect is already in a week!

In a week you will feel the changes - you will become healthier, more cheerful, more active!

1. When you wake up, stretch with pleasure. Turn from side to side. Relax.
First, rub your hands together until they become hot.

- if the palms are dry and hot, then everything is fine with energy in the body
- if the palms are warm, then the biofield is reduced
- if the palms do not warm up at all and become moist, then there is a problem in the body at the energy level

Do gymnastics - failures and problems of the body will become a thing of the past!

2. Press your palms to your ears. Thumbs behind ears.
Run your palms over your ears so that your thumbs massage the behind-the-ear part of your head; A index fingers and palm massaged the entire auricle.

Repeat 30 times.

* The ears should “burn.”

Effect: exercise

  • - prevents the formation of wrinkles on the face
    – improves vision and hearing
    - strengthens teeth
    - improves memory
    - relieves noise in the head and ears
    - improves blood circulation in the temporal part of the head
    - relieves headaches

3. Place your index fingers on the tragus area (the tubercle in front of the auricle).
Press and release.

Repeat 20 times.

Effect: exercise

  • - improves blood circulation
    - relieves headaches, chronic cough and dizziness

3. Place the palm of your right hand on your forehead. On right palm put the left one.
Move your palms along the frontal part to the right and left. The little fingers should move above the eyebrows.

Repeat 20 times.

Effect: exercise

  • - treats headaches
    - eliminates dizziness
    - improves vision
    - relieves nasal congestion

4. Bend your thumbs. Use the back of your hand to massage your eyeballs in a circular motion.

Repeat 15 times.

Effect: exercise

  • - prevents eye disease
    - improves vision
    - calms down nervous system
    - treats vegetative-vascular dystonia
    - cures headaches
    - eliminates dizziness

5. Bend the palms of your hands slightly. Massage the thyroid gland - the front side of the neck - making movements from bottom to top, alternately with one hand and then with the other.

* Hands should hug your neck during the massage.

Repeat 20 times.

Effect: exercise
- regulates metabolic processes in the body
- stimulates the functioning of internal organs


Place your right palm on your bare stomach. Place your left hand on your right.
Massage the abdomen from top to bottom clockwise in a circular motion with even pressure.

Repeat 30 times.

Effect: exercise

  • – improves blood circulation
    - stimulates intestinal motility
    - strengthens abdominal muscles
    - improves the functioning of internal organs
    – helps get rid of colitis, gastritis, cholecystitis and constipation

7. Lying on your back, pull your stomach as far as possible towards your spine.

* Help with your hands, placing them on your stomach.

Repeat 20 times.

Effect: exercise

  • - eliminates stagnation of bile and blood
    - improves lymph movement
    - promotes fat loss
    – helps cure liver and gastrointestinal diseases

Important! It is recommended to perform this exercise while standing during the day - 2 or 3 times.

8. Lying on your back, actively bend your leg at the knee, pulling your leg towards your chest - help with your hands. At the same time, you should try to hit your buttocks with your heel.
Extend your leg sharply, as if hitting a ball.

Repeat with each leg 15 times.

Effect: exercise

9. Sit on the bed, lower your feet to the floor.
Place your left foot on top of your right. Massage the arch and hollow of your right foot with it.

Repeat 20 times.

* Then change feet.

Effect: exercise

  • - relieves gout and joint disease
    - regulates heart function
    - improves the condition of joint inflammation: rheumatism and polyarthritis

10. Do the exercise while sitting.

Clasp your hands. Place on the back of your head.
Actively massage the back of your head with movements up and down and left and right.

Repeat 10 times.

Effect: exercise

  • – improves blood circulation in the head and large blood vessels
    – improves the movement of cerebrospinal fluid
    — Renders positive influence on the neck and chest

11. Perform while sitting.

Press your ears tightly with your palms.
Drum your fingers on the back of your head.

Effect: exercise

  • - stimulates the functioning of the cerebral cortex
    - Helps get rid of tinnitus
    - treats headaches
    - relieves cerebral vascular sclerosis
    - protects against deafness

* After gymnastics, drink a glass of water.

Put thumb hands behind the ear, clench your hand into a fist.

Using firm hand movements, pull the skin from the chin to the ears.

Repeat 30 times.

* You will see the result immediately!

- simple but effective gymnastics. It takes little time, it is accessible to everyone, it is not complicated, but its effect is amazing.

Tibetan gymnastics

  • - improves hormonal levels,
    — normalizes the functioning of systems: endocrine (endocrine glands), cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive;
    - helps restore vision and hearing;
    - fills with vital energy,
    - makes the body flexible and the posture slim;
    - rejuvenates the body, prolongs life

You can do it anywhere, mainly while lying down. * It is most comfortable in bed or on the floor on a rug.
It is best to do it after waking up, but you can do it at other times!
Recovery of the body depends on the presence of diseases and their severity.

Step-by-step video lesson about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. I want to give my feedback right away: hormonal gymnastics is useful for health improvement and longevity. All exercises are described and shown in detail. This gymnastics came to me from my teacher. But according to stories, this secret technique was shared Tibetan monks. In gratitude for your help. It is advisable to do them early in the morning. Then the results will be the best.

In general, there are a lot of reviews on health-improving gymnastics. You can read them below the article.

The complex is simple and takes only 5-9 minutes. You will quickly feel the results. If you have long-standing health problems, then do the complex for several months. The optimal number of repetitions is 30 times. But if you're in bad physical fitness start with a smaller amount. Do the Tibetan Hormonal Health program every day as soon as you wake up. For best results, do exercises before 6 am.

How to do gymnastics

IMPORTANT: Do it while lying down. Eyes closed. Each exercise is performed 30 times. Breathing is voluntary.

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I would like to talk about one amazing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, which I learned about from the film, which you can watch at the end of the article. This gymnastics was practiced by monks in one of the Tibetan monasteries. It only takes five minutes a day. allows you to maintain all the endocrine glands that produce hormones in a young state, at the age of approximately 25-30 years.

I started doing this gymnastics. And I really liked her. Of course, it's been a while since I've been doing it. But after this gymnastics I feel cheerful, energetic, and receive a positive charge. And by the way, my tinnitus, which has been bothering me lately, has gone away!

According to legend, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics came to our country about 30 years ago. How did she get to us? IN Soviet times Our specialists built a power station in the mountains of Tibet. While installing power lines, our installers saw a small monastery in the mountains. They felt sorry for these monks that they lived without light, and they threw one branch to them. When the monks saw what a miracle had come to them, they said: “We have no money. But we will give you a long active life. We will give you something that you will only be able to appreciate in 20 years.” And they showed this gymnastics. Later, our specialists spoke about these exercises in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. They were over 80 and feeling great.

This gymnastics is very easy. We do it right in bed. It is advisable to wake up before six in the morning.

Exercise 1. Rub your hands.

Lying on the bed, rub your hands for a few seconds until they become hot. At the same time, you will diagnose your biofield at the moment. If your palms are dry and hot, then everything is fine with energy in the body. If the palms are warm, then the biofield is reduced. If the palms do not warm up and become wet, then this indicates serious problems in the body. In any case, do this gymnastics, as it will allow you to get rid of all failures and diseases.

Exercise 2. Palming.

We place hot palms on the eyeballs. We begin to apply pressure on the eyes at the following pace: one second - one movement. In this way, do 30 movements in 30 seconds. Then leave your palms on your eyes and hold for at least thirty seconds, and if you poor eyesight, then about two minutes is better. At this time, the eyeball and all the receptors around it are nourished. Your vision will gradually improve. In addition to vision, natural hair color will be restored.

Exercise 3. Pumping up the ears.

This exercise is shown in the picture above. We press our hands on our ears, with our fingers on the back of the head, we press our palms to our ears and make 30 movements at a pace of 1 movement per second. Symptoms of any chronic health conditions you have may begin to appear over time, especially if they are related to your ears. Do not stop the exercises, just do them “softer” if you feel pain. After a while it goes away chronic inflammation ear. Your hearing will also improve. Almost everything can go away within six months. chronic diseases. Treatment for serious illnesses may require more long time: a year or two.

Exercise 4. Facelift.

Next exercise: we place our thumb behind the ear, clench our hands into fists and begin a facelift from the chin to the ears, pressing firmly on the face. We also do 30 times. After this exercise, you may feel a rush of blood to your face and even sweat a little. The oval of the face is tightened, lymphatic drainage improves.

Exercise 5. Forehead massage.

Next we put right palm on the forehead, left on top and begin rubbing movements from temple to temple. You don’t have to touch your forehead with your hands, but do it at a distance of a few centimeters from your face. But if you want to smooth out wrinkles on your forehead, then you need to touch the skin. We also do 30 movements in 30 seconds. This exercise heals all the sinuses and also activates the pituitary gland.

Exercise 6. Massage of the crown.

This exercise targets the parietal region. We “fly” with our hands above our heads. We put a cushion under the neck or roll up a pillow, and weave our hands into a ring. The right hand is below, the left hand is on top. We begin to make a movement a few centimeters from the head from the forehead to the back of the head. We do it 30 times. Then we “hover” over the crown of the head and make movements from one ear to the other. Also 30 times. This exercise is very good for those who have high or low blood pressure. The pressure will return to normal. This exercise improves the mobility of the shoulder joints and also pumps up the arm muscles. Shoulder pain goes away, and if you couldn’t lift your arms up before, then after a while you will be able to do it easily.

Exercise 7. Thyroid massage.

Next exercise: place your right hand on the thyroid gland, left hand put on top. We begin to move our left hand from the thyroid gland to the navel at a distance of several centimeters from the body. We do this for 30 movements. At the end, we place our left hand on the right and linger in this state for a few seconds.

Exercise 8. Abdominal massage.

Then we slowly slide our hands onto the stomach, the next exercise: we make circular movements with our hands on the stomach. The hands are also folded: the right one is below, the maiden one is on top. We do it 30 times. This relieves chronic constipation and normalizes intestinal activity.

Exercise 9. Shaking.

Next exercise: sit down and start massaging your feet. You can do them at the same time, you can take turns, first one foot, then the other. If your feet are dry, then lubricate them with some oil, such as olive oil. When found on the feet pain points, give them special attention. Particularly focus on the center of the foot (see picture). Finally, rub your legs from bottom to top. Do it for 30 seconds or longer.

That's the whole complex!

So again: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics allows you to harmonize the work of all endocrine glands. And our hormones control the activities of the entire body. It's like a good conductor in an orchestra!

You can restore your health with the help of this exercise over a period of six months to several years, depending on the severity of your illnesses, provided that you do this exercise constantly. At the same time, you will always feel energetic and add at least 25 years to your life.

After a while, you will simply not be able to do without this simple gymnastics. It is best to do exercises before six in the morning, but if you can’t do it, then do it during the day.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Be healthy and write about your results in the comments!

All the best to you!

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics