How to get into the Airborne Forces and Special Forces: who will not be accepted into the elite troops (1 photo). Airborne special forces: history, structure, main differences Is it better than airborne forces or gru special forces

Thanks to cinema and television, most Russians know about the existence of units special purpose, which are subordinate to the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU special forces). However, these special units They are far from the only ones in the Russian armed forces, it’s just that their “colleagues” are less known and not so “publicized.” At the same time, in their professionalism and combat experience they are hardly inferior to the famous GRU special forces. First of all we're talking about about special forces units of the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation or special forces of the Airborne Forces.

Special units of the Airborne Forces appeared quite a long time ago, during the Great Patriotic War. In February 1994, on the basis of two separate special-purpose battalions, an airborne special forces regiment was formed. Closer to our time, this unit took active participation in both campaigns in the North Caucasus, and was later deployed in the war with Georgia in 2008. Its permanent location is Kubinka, near Moscow. At the end of 2014, the airborne regiment was deployed into a brigade.

Despite the fact that the tasks performed by the GRU special forces and the Airborne Special Forces are largely similar, there are still differences between these units. However, before talking about the airborne special forces, a few words should be said about the history of special forces in general.

History of special forces

Parts to carry out special operations were created in the USSR almost immediately after the Bolsheviks came to power. The units were engaged in reconnaissance and subversive work in hostile territory. Pro-Soviet organizations were created in neighboring countries partisan detachments, whose work was supervised by military intelligence from Moscow. In 1921, a special department was created in the Red Army, which was engaged in collecting intelligence information for the leadership of the Red Army.

Having survived several reorganizations, the intelligence department of the Red Army in 1940 was finally transferred to the subordination of General Staff. The GRU special forces were created in 1950.

Special units of the Airborne Forces appeared in the 30s, immediately after the appearance of this type of troops in the USSR. First part of the Airborne Forces was formed in 1930 near Voronezh. Almost immediately, an obvious need arose to create our own airborne reconnaissance unit.

The fact is that Air landing troops designed to perform specific functions - operations behind enemy lines, destruction of particularly important enemy targets, disruption of enemy communications, seizure of bridgeheads and other operations of a predominantly offensive nature.

To conduct a successful landing operation, preliminary reconnaissance of the landing site is necessary. Otherwise, the operation is in danger of failure - this happened many times during the Great Patriotic War, when poorly prepared landing operations cost the lives of thousands of paratroopers.

In 1994, on the basis of two separate special battalions appointments of the Airborne Forces, 901st and 218th, the 45th separate airborne special forces regiment was formed. A few words should be said about the units that made up the regiment.

The 218th battalion was formed in 1992, and before joining the airborne special forces regiment, it managed to take part in several peacekeeping missions: in Abkhazia, Ossetia and Transnistria.

The history of the 901st battalion is much longer and richer. It was formed in 1979 in the Transcaucasian Military District as a separate air assault battalion, then was transferred to Europe, to the site of the intended theater of operations. At the end of the 80s, the Baltic states became the location of the unit. In 1992, the 901st battalion was renamed a separate parachute battalion and transferred to the subordination of the Airborne Forces headquarters.

In 1993, during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, the 901st battalion was located on the territory of Abkhazia, after which it was transferred to the Moscow region. In 1994, the unit became a separate special forces battalion and became part of the 45th Special Forces Regiment.

The regiment's military personnel took part in both Chechen campaigns, in the operation to force Georgia to peace in 2008. In 2005, the 45th Special Forces Regiment received the honorary title “Guards,” and the unit was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky. In 2009 he was awarded the St. George Banner.

In 2014, based on the 45th separate regiment An airborne special forces brigade was formed.

More than 40 servicemen from the unit were killed in various conflicts. Many soldiers and officers of the regiment were awarded orders and medals.

Why do you need airborne special forces?

The functions of the Airborne Special Forces are very similar to those performed by their colleagues from the units of the Main Intelligence Directorate. However, there are still differences. And they are associated with specific tasks that the Airborne Forces must solve.

Of course, airborne special forces can conduct sabotage and reconnaissance operations behind enemy lines, but first of all, they must prepare the possibility of landing for the main airborne units. The concept of “prepare” in this case is interpreted very broadly. First of all, we are talking about reconnaissance of the landing area: management is obliged to have maximum information about where the paratroopers will land and what awaits them there.

In addition, scouts, if necessary, prepare a landing site. This could be the capture of an enemy airfield or a small bridgehead. If necessary, sabotage is carried out in the area, infrastructure is destroyed, communications are disrupted, chaos and panic are created. Airborne special forces can also conduct operations to capture and briefly hold important objects behind enemy lines. Most often, such work is carried out during offensive operations.

One more difference should be noted between the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces. Units of the Main Intelligence Directorate can operate anywhere on the planet (it’s not for nothing that they have a globe on their emblem). Airborne special forces usually operate closer, within the flight range of airborne transport aircraft, usually no further than two thousand kilometers.

Airborne special forces are rightfully considered the elite Russian army. Therefore, the requirements for training and equipment of fighters are very strict. Not everyone is able to pass the selection process and become a fighter in this unit. An airborne special forces fighter must be resistant to stress, endurance, and have excellent command of all types of weapons. The special forces have to operate deep behind enemy lines, without any support from the mainland, carrying tens of kilograms of weapons, ammunition and equipment.

The unit's fighters are equipped with the best types of weapons, ammunition, and equipment of Russian and foreign production. They don't spare money for special forces. It should be noted that any special forces (Russian or American) is a very expensive “pleasure”. Sniper rifle"Vintorez", Kalashnikov assault rifles of the 100th series, large caliber rifles domestic production is far from full list small arms, which is used by scouts.

Nowadays they talk a lot in newspapers, on TV, on the Internet about the GRU Spetsnaz and the Airborne Special Forces. Since these two communities of military professionals are very similar, we will try to figure out how they differ for an inexperienced person who is far from all this.

Let's start with a historical excursion. Who came first? GRU special forces definitely in 1950. Since a lot of tactical preparations and other features were borrowed from the partisan actions of the Great Patriotic War, it is still fair to designate its unofficial appearance as the second half of the thirties of the last century. The first sabotage groups of the Red Army successfully operated in the war in Spain. And if you look at an even earlier historical period, when the need to conduct sabotage operations forced many countries of the world (including Russian Empire) keep completely autonomous “infiltration” units in their armies, then the origins of the appearance of GRU special forces go back to the “mist of centuries.”

Airborne special forces appeared in 1930, along with the Airborne Forces. With the very first landing near Voronezh, when there was an obvious need to start our own reconnaissance. Paratroopers cannot simply land in the “paws of the enemy,” someone must shorten these “paws,” break off the “horns,” and file down the “hooves.”

Main tasks. GRU special forces - conducting reconnaissance and sabotage (and some other, sometimes delicate) operations behind enemy lines at a distance of 1000 km. and further (as long as the radio communication range is sufficient) to solve the problems of the General Staff. Previously, communication was on short waves. Now on short and ultra-short satellite channels. The communication range is not limited by anything, but still, in some corners of the planet there are “dead zones”; there is no mobile, radio or satellite communication at all. Those. It’s not for nothing that a stylized image of the globe is often found on GRU symbols.

Airborne Special Forces - essentially the “eyes and ears” of the Airborne Forces, are part of the Airborne Forces themselves. Reconnaissance and sabotage units operating behind enemy lines to prepare for the arrival and preparation of the landing (if there is such a need) of the main forces ("cavalry"). Capturing airfields, sites, small bridgeheads, solving related problems with the capture or destruction of communications, related infrastructure, and other things. They act strictly on orders from the headquarters of the Airborne Forces. The range is not as significant as that of the GRU, but it is also impressive. The main airborne aircraft IL-76 is capable of covering 4000 km. Those. round trip - about 2000 km. (we do not consider refueling, although the range in this case increases significantly). Therefore, airborne special forces operate behind enemy lines at a distance of up to 2000 km.

Let's continue the research. The issue with the uniform is interesting. At first glance everything is the same. Berts, camouflages, vests, blue berets. But this is only at first glance. Take, for example, the beret. This piece of clothing is of medieval origin. Pay attention to ancient paintings by artists. All beret owners wear them asymmetrically. Either right or left. It is unofficially customary for GRU special forces and airborne special forces to wear a beret curved to the right. If you suddenly see a special forces soldier in an airborne uniform and with a beret curved to the left, then he is just an ordinary paratrooper. The tradition began from the time of the first parades with the participation of the Airborne Forces, when it was necessary to open the face as much as possible to the podium, and this can only be done by bending the beret to the left side of the head. But there is no reason to reveal intelligence.

Let's move on to the signs. During the Great Patriotic War, the Airborne Forces made many landings and airborne operations. Many awarded heroes. Including the Airborne Forces units themselves were awarded the title of Guards (almost all). During that war, the GRU special forces were already at the stage of formation as an independent branch of the military, but were outside the regulatory framework (and in general everything was secret). Therefore, if you see a paratrooper, but without the “Guard” badge, then with almost 100% certainty it is GRU special forces. Only a few GRU units bear the rank of Guards. For example, the 3rd Separate Guards Warsaw-Berlin Red Banner Order of Suvorov III Art. GRU Special Operations Brigade.

About food. Those. about food. GRU special forces, if they are in the format (i.e. under the guise) of a unit of airborne troops, receive uniforms, clothing allowances, monetary allowances, and all due hardships and hardships, both in sickness and in health, and food, strictly in in accordance with Airborne Forces standards.
Airborne special forces - everything is clear here. These are the airborne troops themselves.

But with the GRU the issue is more tricky, and this detail always creates confusion. A friend wrote to me after the Pechora training of GRU special forces in the eighties. "Everyone, ** ***, arrived at the place, in the company. We are sitting for the first day, ****, we are pairing blue shoulder straps, we were given fuel oil, everything is black, **** today is mourning (((((((. Berets , the vests were also taken away. Am I now in the signal troops or something, *****?" So, we arrived in Germany, in the Western Group of Forces, and changed clothes. We immediately became signalmen. And changed our shoes (laced boots were replaced with regular ones). boots). But Germany is small, our sworn “friends” are not fools either. There is a strange signal company, all the signalmen, and these are stirring up something all day long, either a 20-kilometer march or a ZOMP. in full swing, then digging trenches (similar to a comfortable lie down in a forest belt behind the highway), then hand-to-hand combat, then shooting all day, then something happens at night, and how varied and suspicious it all was, secretly driving in tented bodies. to a distant airfield. “And for you, dear, there is a field post. Forward! The trumpet is calling! Soldiers! On the march!” In short, there is no time for communications here (in the usual sense of signalmen).

In this way, GRU special forces can masquerade (at times successfully) as absolutely any branch of the military (as the Motherland orders, and to what quiet/rotten distance it sends).
Unmasking signs will be numerous badges with sports ranks, parachutist badges, the same vests (stubborn boys will still put them on under any pretext, but you can’t keep an eye on everyone, and it’s good that airborne vests are terribly popular in all branches of the military), tattoos based on the uniform No. 2 (naked torso) again with an airborne theme with an abundance of skulls, parachutes, bats and all kinds of living creatures, slightly weathered muzzles (from frequent running around in the fresh air), always an increased appetite and the ability to eat exotically, or completely artlessly.

An interesting question about another stealth. This touch will give away a special forces soldier who is used to getting to the place of “work” not on comfortable transport with invigorating music, but on his own two feet with all parts of his body worn into calluses. The style of running along gullies with a huge load on your shoulders forces your arms to straighten at the elbows. A longer arm lever means less effort in transporting trunks. Therefore, when one day we first arrived at a unit with a huge concentration of personnel, at the very first morning jog were shocked by the huge number of fighters (soldiers and officers) who fled with their hands down, like robots. They thought it was some kind of joke. But it turned out not. Over time, my personal feelings about this appeared. Although everything here is strictly individual. Even if you pick your nose with your finger and flap your wings, do what you have to do.

And the most important thing is not this. Clothes are clothes, but what is absolutely identical in both the GRU special forces and the Airborne Special Forces is the eyes. This look is completely relaxed, friendly, with a dose of healthy indifference. But he looks straight at you. Or through you. You never know what to expect from such a subject (only a megaton of trouble, if anything happens). Complete mobilization and readiness, complete unpredictability of actions, logic that instantly turns into “inadequate.” And in ordinary life they are quite positive and inconspicuous people. No narcissism. Only a tough and calm focus on the result, no matter how desperately hopeless it turns out to be. In short, for military intelligence this is a kind of philosophical salt of existence since time immemorial (a lifestyle, that is).

Let's talk about swimming. Airborne special forces must be able to overcome water obstacles. Will there be many obstacles along the way? All sorts of rivers, lakes, streams, swamps. The same goes for GRU special forces. But if we are talking about seas and oceans, then for the Airborne Forces the topic ends here, the diocese begins there Marine Corps. And if they have already begun to distinguish someone, then more precisely, a very specific area of ​​​​activity of the reconnaissance units of the Marine Corps. But the GRU special forces have their own units of brave combat swimmers. Let's reveal a small military secret. The presence of such units in the GRU does not mean that every special forces soldier in the GRU has undergone diving training. Combat swimmers of the GRU special forces are a really closed topic. There are few of them, but they are the best of the best. Fact.

What can we say about physical training? There are no differences here at all. Both the GRU special forces and the Airborne Special Forces still undergo some kind of selection. And the requirements are not just high, but the highest. Nevertheless, in our country there are two of every creature (and there are many who want it). Therefore, it is not surprising that all sorts of random people. Either they read books, watch videos from the Internet with show-offs, or watch enough films. They often have an abundance of sports diplomas, awards, ranks and other things. Then, with such a boiled mess in their heads, they arrive at the place of duty. From the very first forced march (named after the Big Spetsnaz) enlightenment sets in. Complete and inevitable. Oh, ***, where did I end up? Yes, you got it... For such excesses there is always a reserve of personnel recruited in advance, just for the subsequent and inevitable screening.

Why go far for examples? Finally, for the first time in the Russian army, six-week survival courses for contract soldiers were introduced, which end with an examination 50-kilometer field trip, with shooting, overnight stays, saboteurs, crawling, digging and others unexpected joys. For the first time (!). Twenty-five thousand contract soldiers in three military districts were finally able to experience for themselves what the average special forces reconnaissance soldier has always lived with. Moreover, for them it is for “a week before the second”, and in special forces for every day and for the entire period of service. Even before the start (!) of the field exit, every tenth soldier of the personnel of our armed forces turned out to be a calich, a slipper. Or even refused to participate in the safari show for personal reasons. Some parts of the body suddenly press-press.

Therefore, why talk for so long? Survival courses in the conventional army, i.e. something so unusual and stressful is equated to the average way of life of unremarkable ordinary service in the GRU special forces, and in the airborne special forces. There doesn't seem to be anything new here. But special forces also have extreme pastimes. For example, horse racing has been traditionally held for many years. In ordinary language - competitions between reconnaissance and sabotage groups of different brigades, different military districts, and even different countries. The strongest fight the strongest. There is someone to follow by example. There are no longer any standards or limits of endurance. At the full limit of the human body's capabilities (and far beyond these limits). It is precisely in the GRU special forces that these events are very common.

Let us sum up our story. In this article, we did not pursue the goal of dumping stacks of documents from staff briefcases on the reader, nor were we hunting for some “fried” events and rumors. There must be at least some secrets left in the army. However, it is already clear that in form and content the GRU special forces and the Airborne special forces are very, very similar. We were talking about the real Big Special Forces, which is ready to carry out the assigned tasks. And they do. (And any group of military special forces can be in “autonomous navigation” from several days to several months, occasionally making contact at a certain time.)

Recently, exercises took place in the USA (Fort Carson, Colorado). For the first time. Representatives of special forces took part in them Russian Airborne Forces. They showed themselves and looked at their “friends”. Whether there were representatives of the GRU there, history, the military and the press are silent. Let's leave everything as it is. And it doesn't matter. One interesting point.
Despite all the differences in equipment, weapons and approaches to training, joint exercises with the Green Berets demonstrated an absolutely amazing similarity between representatives of special forces (the so-called special operations forces based on parachute units) in different countries. But don’t go to a fortune teller; you even had to go overseas to get this long-unclassified information.

As is fashionable now, let’s give the floor to bloggers. Just a few quotes from the blog of a man who visited the 45th Airborne Special Forces Regiment during an open press tour. And this is a completely unbiased view. Here's what everyone found out:
“Before the press tour, I was afraid that I would have to communicate mainly with oak special forces soldiers who beat off the last of their brains by breaking bricks on their heads. This is where the collapse of the stereotype happened...”
“Immediately another parallel stamp dissipated - the special forces are not at all two-meter big men with bullish necks and pound fists. I think I won’t be lying too much if I say that our group of bloggers, on average, looked more powerful than the airborne special forces group...”
“...during the entire time I was in the unit, out of the hundreds of military men there, I did not see a single big guy. That is, absolutely not a single one...”
“...I didn’t suspect that the obstacle course could be more than a kilometer long and its complete completion could take an hour and a half...”
"...Although at times it really seems like they are cyborgs. I don’t understand how they carry such heaps of equipment for a long time. Not everything has been laid out here yet, there is no water, food and ammunition. The most basic cargo is missing!.. ".

In general, such drool does not need comments. They come, as they say, from the heart.

(From the editors of let’s add about the obstacle course. In 1975-1999, at the height of the Cold War between the USSR and the USA and later, there was an obstacle course in the Pechora special forces training of the GRU. The officially common name throughout the GRU Special Forces is “trail reconnaissance officer." The length was about 15 kilometers, the terrain was well used, there were ups and downs, there were impassable areas, forests, water barriers, some in Estonia (before the collapse of the Union), some in the Pskov region, a lot of engineering structures for classes. Two training battalions (9 companies, in others up to 4 platoons, this is about 700 people + a school of warrant officers of 50-70 people) could disappear there in small units (platoons and squads) for days at any time of the year and in any weather, day and night. The units not only did not intersect, but they might not have made visual contact at all. The cadets ran together “to their heart’s content”, now they are dreaming about it, a fact based on real events.)

Today in Russia there are only two, as we found out, exactly the same (with the exception of some cosmetic details) special forces. These are GRU special forces and airborne special forces. To carry out tasks without fear, without reproach, and anywhere on the planet (by order of the Motherland). No more, from those legally authorized by all kinds international conventions, there are no divisions. Forced marches - from 30 kilometers with calculation and more, push-ups - from 1000 times or more, jumping, shooting, tactical and special training, development of stress resistance, abnormal endurance (on the verge of pathology), narrow-profile training in many technical disciplines, running , running, and running again.
Complete unpredictability by opponents of the actions of reconnaissance groups (and each fighter individually, in accordance with the current situation). The skills to instantly assess a situation and also make decisions instantly. Well, act (guess how quickly)...

By the way, is the dear reader aware that the special forces of the Airborne Forces and the special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense took on the burden of military intelligence during the entire war in Afghanistan? There the now famous abbreviation “SpN” was born.

In conclusion, let's add. Any law enforcement agencies and departments, from the FSB to small private security companies, are ready to accept the “graduates” of the harsh school of the Airborne Special Forces and the GRU Special Forces with open arms. This does not mean at all that the Big Spetsnaz is ready to accept employees of any law enforcement agencies, even with an impeccable track record and the most high level preparation. Welcome to the club of real men! (If you are accepted...).

This material was prepared based on the RU Airborne Forces forum, various open sources, the opinions of professional experts, the blog (credit to the blogger from military intelligence officers), reflections (based on personal experience) of the author of the article. If you have read this far, thank you for your interest.

GRU special forces and airborne special forces: comparative analysis

Special forces units are units designed to penetrate and carry out power operations deep behind enemy lines.
The purpose of their use is to capture and destroy strategically important objects and representatives of enemy states on its (or temporarily captured by it) territory.

Spetsnaz GRU

This is sabotage-type special forces (sabotage - literally acting in an ambiguous manner and accepting their final decisions regarding anything or anyone at the very last moment) and the antipode of the airborne special forces.
Its most successful use may be in the context of the Russian army carrying out defensive and positional actions.

Airborne special forces

This is special forces landing type(landing - literally acting like a light beam: quickly and easily breaking through any detected cracks and immediately jumping back in cases of their overlap) and the antipode of the GRU special forces.
Its most successful use may be in conditions of the Russian army conducting active offensive operations.

GRU special forces units with greatest success can be used in the most critical situations for their army - to create turning points during unsuccessful wars (that is, when opponents, having become proud of the victories initially achieved, begin to prematurely show a rather frivolous and disdainful attitude towards his army).
Saboteurs, taking on the tasks assigned to them, usually cross the front line in their separate groups, located at certain intervals, and begin to move parallel to each other towards the objects indicated to them behind enemy lines. At the same time, they bypass any populated areas so as not to catch the eye of anyone. In cases where some of them are discovered and come under fire from ambushes and deployed formations of enemy barrage units, other sabotage groups bypass the places where such skirmishes occur and rush on. In turn, the discovered groups of saboteurs begin to conduct intensive shooting in order to thus point others to the locations of ambushes and barrage lines and at the same time to divert as many enemy forces as possible and thereby increase the chances for the remaining groups to unhindered penetration deep into the enemy rear .
Sending individual of their fighters to attempt to break through the enemy's defensive formations, the main compositions of sabotage groups immediately rush after them in cases where they feel for any weak points, or rush to the right or left if the next attempts at such gropings turn out to be unsuccessful. In situations where the enemy begins to pursue them, the saboteurs scatter into small groups and individually in order to confuse him and force him to either disperse his forces or continue the pursuit of someone else. In turn, those saboteurs who are unable to quickly break away from their pursuers rush forward sharply in such a way that only the most trained opponents can keep up with them. In those situations when the advanced pursuers break away from their main groups, the saboteurs completely unexpectedly turn to face them. Using explosive ammunition and other special means that are capable of causing enormous lacerations and turn their guts out, saboteur warriors thus incapacitate the most determined of their opponents and frighten them with the disfigured appearance of everyone else so that in the rush of pursuit they do not break away from their main groups. And since the speed of movement of the main groups of pursuers always turns out to be less than that of their best representatives, well-trained and hardy saboteurs in many cases quickly manage to get away from them. In situations where individual saboteurs receive serious injuries, their comrades finish them off so that they cease to be a burden for them and cannot give anything away to the enemy if they fall into his hands. After one or another saboteurs and their small groups manage to escape pursuit, they concentrate in predetermined places at a predetermined control time and continue their advance with larger forces, and all those who did not have time go further on their own in order to catch up with those who have gone ahead in the process of further travel.
In situations where sabotage groups manage to detect ambushes and other defensive formations of the enemy deployed on their way, without being detected by him, they begin to split into parts and follow along such barriers in order to look for weak points in them through which it would be possible to slip through unnoticed or easily break through in an unexpected and swift dash.
After gathering all the surviving sabotage groups in the places where the planned actions were carried out, their commanders contact the agents available to the GRU in various places and with its help, and often with its direct assistance, determine the specific direction of all their further steps. Fundamentally refusing the opportunity to achieve their goals using the easiest possible routes, saboteurs give preference to infiltrating targets designated to them from those sides from which they are least expected. Making their way through existing underground communications and through existing natural and engineering barriers, they strive to find themselves inside objects and concentrate near the enemy’s key structures and firing points in order to attack them at once, upon a prearranged signal, deprive him of all advantages and take control of the situation. Having captured everything planned at such objects and prepared their explosions, the saboteurs, having done their job, are quickly divided into separate groups and depart so that, having escaped the pursuit, they can recover on the way back.
But as soon as sabotage practice brings the first successes, the enemy begins to wise up very quickly. Paying attention to random messages and organizing networks of observers in his rear, he begins to collect information about armed groups of unknown people seen anywhere. By marking on maps the places from which such signals come and arranging them in chronological order, at enemy headquarters they very quickly understand the essence of what is happening. By making some comparisons, the enemy in these situations quite easily understands for himself in which direction, at what speed, with what number of groups and approximate composition the sabotage special forces are moving and at what time they should be expected in certain places on the emerging advance routes. By marking on maps all strategic objects that are located along the routes of such advances and taking into account knowledge of the current situation both on the front line and on the other side, enemy headquarters determine lists of probable targets for the destruction of which GRU special forces forces are sent. By concentrating his barrage units gathered from other places in advance around such objects, he in many cases manages to nullify the efforts of groups of saboteurs sent there.
In turn, in situations where sabotage special forces begin to suffer significant losses and fail to fulfill the tasks assigned to them, the GRU begins to carry out more serious operational developments. The essence of such developments is as follows. A number of sabotage groups are sent from the front line deep into the enemy rear, which are given false orders to destroy any enemy objects and which are doomed to almost complete destruction. Moving as steadily as possible along the routes indicated by them, such sabotage groups distract significant enemy forces and take them with them in some direction. Some time after the first ones are sent, other GRU special forces groups are sent in, which turn out to be aimed at completely different enemy targets. Such a deployment is usually carried out deep behind enemy lines in such a way that sabotage groups move towards their targets not from the front line, but towards it, so that if they are discovered, they can be mistaken for anyone, but not for saboteurs . In order to reduce the risk of being detected, such sabotage groups lay their routes through the most deserted and wild places, move almost exclusively at night, do not light a fire, and kill all strangers who accidentally encounter them. And so that saboteurs can carry the maximum of useful equipment and the minimum of what they will not need to use in action, they are taught ways to survive and get food for themselves in any conditions, and also - combat use various types weapons, ammunition and improvised means from the arsenals of all armies of the world (thus turning them into universal soldiers). Using the above tactical techniques, GRU special forces units are called upon to solve the tasks assigned to them in any circumstances and at any cost, and in the overwhelming majority of cases they justify the hopes placed on them.

(Airborne Forces)
Airborne special forces units can be used with the greatest success to create a situation of chaos and discord in the rear of the retreating enemy forces, as well as solve the problem of actively assisting in the capture and retention of important strategic objects until the main attacking units of their army arrive. Such objects during military operations most often turn out to be strategically important bridges, airfields, transport hubs and other structures. Due to the fact that the capture and rather long-term retention of such large and important objects turn out to be beyond the capabilities of the relatively small groups of airborne special forces, its purpose is different - to create a favorable environment for this to be carried out by the forces of the airborne assault units, which are in the structure of the Russian Army nothing more than special forces.
For the purpose of practical support of the implemented offensive operations separate groups of airborne special forces are deployed to predetermined areas in enemy rear areas, with each of them indicating the approximate zones of their combat deployment. Once there, special forces paratroopers begin to carry out incessant attacks on one or other places where enemy forces are concentrated. The essence of such attacks is as follows. Carrying out unexpected raids and causing the maximum possible destructive effects and damage in the process, special forces paratroopers rush in their attack impulses only as long as they notice panic in their enemy. As soon as the resistance of the enemy who has come to his senses begins to acquire organized features and acquire weapons power, the airborne special forces, not wanting to allow unnecessary victims on their part, immediately turn around and rush into reverse side in order to immediately disappear from view and come in to strike from some other direction. In cases where they are being chased, such special forces gather into dense heaps and begin to retreat, hiding in the folds of the surrounding terrain and constantly changing the direction of their movements. In situations where airborne special forces groups are unable to quickly break away from their pursuers, they begin to plant tripwire mines behind them on the move. After some of the pursuers are blown up, the rest of them, for reasons of ensuring their own safety, find themselves forced to slow down their run and, instead of directing their gaze forward, begin to look primarily at their feet. This is precisely what special forces paratroopers take advantage of and quickly dissolve into the surrounding distances so that after some sufficient time short time carry out new attacks on other locations where enemy forces are based.
For the simple reason that the tactics of the actions carried out by the airborne special forces, on the one hand, are based on ensuring swiftness and high maneuverability, and on the other hand, on the need to have sufficient and universal firepower, its groups are created with the consideration that they are not too large and not quite small - i.e. had optimally selected numbers, and the special forces composing them had well-aimed weapons and military specializations that were combined in a certain way. Due to the fact that there are no additional or reserve people in the dispatched airborne special forces groups, it is customary for them to take care to ensure the safety of each soldier. Based on these considerations, radio operators of such groups, in cases of persistent pursuit by enemy forces, receive instructions to send alarm signals to other groups of special forces who may accidentally be nearby. Those groups of special forces who pick up such signals or hear the sounds of battle, according to the instructions they have, immediately rush in the indicated directions. Accustomed to quickly navigating their surroundings, they immediately grasp the essence of what is happening and strive to take up positions on any elevations in such a way as to let groups of pursued colleagues pass by them and unexpectedly hit their pursuers in the flank with all available firepower. While the dwindling enemy forces find themselves forced to stop in their advances and take up defensive positions, groups of pursued special forces paratroopers, having gone around the circle, return to this place in such a way as to jointly with their saviors subject the defending enemy forces to crossfire and ensure he suffered numerous losses.
The enemy, being busy in an unsuccessful fight with deftly escaping airborne special forces groups, very soon comes to the conclusion that they are planning something against him. But no matter how much his staff analysts bend over the maps in such cases, clear pictures of the development of events never arise in their heads. Airborne special forces groups, thrown behind enemy lines, with their deliberately unsystematic actions give their enemy the impression that they have no meaning. In order to protect themselves from major setbacks, enemy headquarters in such situations have no choice but to evenly distribute the available military forces among all more or less important objects and thereby disperse them at significant distances from each other. On the other hand, the harassed enemy military formations, having realized the futility of attempts to pursue the special forces harassing them, very soon begin to choose the tactic of sitting in their places of deployment. In order to finally discourage the enemy from taking any initiative, airborne special forces groups begin to intensify their activities in relation to those enemy bases from which any forces are being sent to provide reinforcements to their neighbors in order to encourage them to not leaving their bases under any circumstances.
Focusing on ensuring at least some security measures at the facilities entrusted to them, enemy rear forces in the emerging conditions find themselves forced to leave many transport routes without proper supervision. The main (airborne assault) forces of the Airborne Forces, taking advantage of the atmosphere of disorder and confusion that inevitably arises in such conditions, at certain moments set out on rapid marches in the directions of their intended targets. Based on the current radio messages of their special forces groups, they easily select and promptly change the routes of their advances in such a way as to encounter as few obstacles as possible and reach the objects indicated to them in the shortest possible time.
Acting in their usual demonstrative manner, the airborne assault Airborne units approach the intended targets in marching columns simultaneously from several directions. While enemy observers are trying to figure out who has appeared on the horizon - their own or someone else's - they immediately fire small-caliber guns and rockets at various places in the enemy fortifications in order to give the impression of the multiplicity of their forces and, without allowing him to come to his senses, quickly rush inside . In situations where response resistance for some reason individual directions turns out to be strong enough, the airborne assault units leave their small groups directed against them and quickly transfer the bulk of their forces to deliver additional attacks from those sides from which such advances can be carried out with the greatest ease. Having easily broken through the enemy’s defenses from any one side, the airborne assault forces create a threatening situation for the defenders in a more successful manner and, pinning them on both sides, encourage them to retreat and hasty withdrawals from positions and protected objects.
In cases where additional enemy forces approach already captured targets, the paratroopers begin to act in their usual counterattack manner. The essence of these actions is that they disperse mobile groups of their special forces around captured objects, which, when threatening situations arise, begin to stab the attacking enemy in the back and, together with the main forces, conduct oncoming battles against him, behaving in this way until the main forces of their advancing armies approach. .

Acting autonomously from anyone and quite consciously accepting certain losses, the GRU special forces thus turn out to be aimed at solving assigned tasks in an independent and separate manner. But at the same time, the risk of significant losses in the process of advancing behind enemy lines and the failure of individual groups to keep up with established advance schedules makes it necessary to initially send sabotage forces several times larger in quantity than those required for the direct implementation of the planned actions.
(Airborne Forces)
Acting in close cooperation with each other and other units of their troops and striving to prevent any losses, the airborne special forces are thus aimed at solving any tasks assigned to them through joint and coordinated efforts. But at the same time, the focus on ensuring a low degree of risk makes it possible to send the minimum permissible numbers of its combat groups to provide operational solutions to current offensive tasks and achieve the goals with minimal losses.

Many people have no idea what this military unit actually is. Essentially, these are the eyes and ears of the Airborne Forces, reconnaissance and sabotage units that operate behind enemy lines, preparing the arrival and preparation of landings if necessary, and are engaged in the capture of airfields, small bridgeheads, and sites. Their functions also include solving many related tasks, including the seizure or destruction of communications, other infrastructure facilities, and much more.

This is the special forces of the Airborne Forces, which operates, speaking artistically and more in clear language, like a ray of light, just as quickly and easily, breaking through any, even the slightest, crack.

The most successful use of airborne special forces is considered to be in conditions when the army of our country is conducting active offensive operations.

Airborne special forces carry out their tasks without fear and without reproach, in any corner of the planet. Tactical and special training of special forces is the development in fighters of absolute stress resistance, unstandardized, bordering on pathology, endurance, narrow-profile training in many disciplines, including technical ones, and running, running, and running many more times, performing in training forced marches over a distance of 30 kilometers or more.

So what is the activity of this almost mythical unit, the name of which evokes delight, hidden fear and wariness in the soul.

Special forces of the Airborne Forces can be used everywhere: behind enemy lines to create discord and chaos, when solving problems of assisting in the capture and retention of strategic objects until the moment when the main units of the army arrive, when capturing strategically important bridges, airfields, transport hubs, etc. And since the capture and retention of such important objects for a sufficiently long time is an impossible task for the few special forces groups of paratroopers, their main purpose is to create a favorable environment for further actions of the already numerous air assault forces. airborne troops.

To carry out operations, separate groups of special forces are dropped into pre-determined areas behind enemy lines, with a clear indication for each of them of a deployment zone, once in which the reconnaissance paratroopers attack places where enemy forces are concentrated. The meaning of such attacks is obvious: by carrying out raids that are unexpected for the enemy, causing maximum destruction and damage, airborne special forces groups, as a result of their attack operations, ultimately cause panic among the enemy.

This happens until the enemy, who has come to his senses, begins to come to his senses. Then the airborne special forces, in order to prevent unnecessary casualties on their part, turn in the opposite direction to hide or continue their work in another place.

We have seen much of what has been said in artistic and documentaries, read in books. But everything shown and written is true, albeit sometimes in an embellished form, but this is the work of the Airborne Special Forces.

Just like in the movies, special forces soldiers gather in dense groups and begin to retreat, taking cover and changing direction. And when they fail to quickly break away, they set mines and tripwires behind them right on the move in order to slow down the enemy’s pursuit and be able to “dissolve” in the area.

Due to the fact that the tactics of these airborne special forces are based on high maneuverability and swiftness combined with universal firepower, the airborne groups are created by their leadership with the expectation that they have optimal numbers and are well targeted.

In these groups there are no additional or spare people; it is customary to ensure the life and safety of each warrior.

A little . From the first moment our troops were introduced into Afghanistan, airborne special forces constantly participated in various operations, so when the 45th airborne special forces regiment was formed in the summer of 1994, there was already enough experience for the soldiers to be as versatile as possible and truly prepared for war. In addition, numerous foreign developments and technologies have already been introduced, which have had a positive impact on the quality of the created special forces of the Russian Airborne Forces.

The 45th regiment is, perhaps, one of the legendary modern history Russian Armed Forces. He is known quite well in Chechnya. They say that even unverified information about the approach of the Airborne Special Forces forced the dushmans to withdraw from their positions and leave. The leaders of the militants during the first Chechen war promised fabulous sums for the capture of at least one soldier of the 45th regiment. Honor and praise to our fighters: the promises remained in words, since not one of them got to the militants, either alive or dead. But this regiment is considered the youngest part of the army of our country, but what a one!

The 45th Regiment is a unique combat unit in Russia, which has everything to accomplish its tasks: the necessary weapons, equipment, and devices. In addition, it is armed with unmanned aircraft.

The regiment also includes a psychological detachment, whose task is to demoralize or disorientate the enemy troops, destroying their faith in the meaning of resistance. This unit has the skills and abilities to win over neutral civilians to its side, which is especially important in the information age, sometimes this is done with the help of an existing compact television station that broadcasts the necessary programs within a radius of many kilometers.

And that's not all. The capabilities of our country's airborne special forces are truly enormous.

These units fought during the Transnistrian conflict, participated in operations during the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, mainly ensuring the safety of refugees and remaining civilians.

According to many, the airborne special forces are the first in the world, bypassing even the British special forces and the Green Berets.

But these are just facts, and in life not everyone can achieve the status of a universal soldier from the Airborne Special Forces. It is foolish to think that this is an easy task. In order to become a real special forces soldier, an applicant first passes numerous tests in psychology, then in physical training, and only then, having determined his abilities and readiness, the commission sends him to a specific military specialty as part of the special forces.

And the learning process begins. After this rigorous type of selection, the learning process begins. To say that it is very difficult to serve in special forces, especially in the Airborne Forces, is the same as simply remaining silent.

Constant training, which alternates with forced marches, night shooting, facade mountaineering, and then tactical training, training of sappers, again forced marches, night shooting.... And so on all the time in a circle.

It is clear that not all future fighters of the formidable special forces will withstand such a pace and load, which is why after about six months the elimination begins: some’ health cannot withstand the stress, some cannot withstand it themselves, some are expelled by their commanders , and in the end, those who remain are the real ones who are fluent in both weapons and skills. They are the real special forces soldiers who have neither a face nor an estate for us. They never cease to be in the right places at the right time, be it hostage-taking, combat operations in hot spots, or outside them, in the center of conflicts in Bosnia, Dagestan , Chechnya, Kosovo and many other places.

For all the years that the Airborne Special Forces have existed, its fighters have not stopped fighting, finding warehouses with enemy weapons, drug warehouses, saving many lives of civilians, preventing many troubles. That is why these units are considered the real elite of the Russian army, and the 45th regiment is the regiment of the future.

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The flag in the car with a suction cup "GRU and Airborne Special Forces" will become a great gift both for paratroopers and scouts. After all, their functions, goals and methods are so closely intertwined.

Flag for the car with a suction cup "GRU and Airborne Special Forces"

The special forces units of the GRU and the Airborne Forces have long been firmly entrenched in the public consciousness as a single whole; the boundary separating different, in general, departments is often extremely blurred. For special forces, both airborne troops and military intelligence are equally close. The second of August for special forces is the same “red day of the calendar” as the sixth of November; paratroopers and reconnaissance officers are united by the flag of the Airborne Forces, blue berets and vests, a truly special spirit in these branches of the military.

What do GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces have in common?

If we strictly consider the organization of the Special Forces troops in accordance with the existing charter, the scheme of functioning of the armed forces, the existing combat routine approved by the Ministry of Defense, then the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces are considered to be formations of different formats. Moreover, there is only one special forces unit in the airborne troops - this is the legendary 45th Guards Reconnaissance Regiment, here, as you can see, without belonging to military intelligence it didn't work out either. Cuban paratroopers very often carry out joint operations with GRU Special Forces troops, the last major combat operation of GRU and Airborne Special Forces was South Ossetia 2008, then 45 ORP worked in the conflict zone together with detachments 22, 10 and 16 OBRSpN.

Individual special forces brigades are subordinate to the leadership of the GRU and the military district to which they are assigned; organizationally they have no relation to the airborne troops, which is why the connection between the GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces does not become weaker. Back in the middle of the last century, when special forces were just beginning to be created in the country, some identification of the GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces appeared. Firstly, soldiers were drafted into the newly created formations of Special Forces troops conscript service, marked “fit for service in the Airborne Forces.” Secondly, new units were formed primarily on the basis of airborne regiments and individual battalions; airborne officers also took an active part. Finally, the dress uniform of the GRU and Airborne Forces special forces is initially almost identical.

Why do GRU special forces wear airborne uniforms?

For the Special Forces troops, whose very existence at that time was a military secret, no special uniform was developed, and there were no insignia. Veterans say that during training exercises, servicemen of other types of troops even mistook mobile groups without identification marks for saboteurs, and GRU special forces soldiers were chosen as the ceremonial clothing Airborne uniform- they were most often mistaken for paratroopers.

Further, the kinship grew stronger and stronger - the training and combat missions of paratroopers and special forces are in many ways similar, in general, both of them are essentially saboteurs. Of course, the tasks of the GRU Special Forces troops directly behind enemy lines are completely different from those of the assault groups of the airborne troops. One way or another, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces consist of formations of constant combat readiness, but the training of fighters is always higher than the standard in the troops. Well, of course, one cannot help but mention the mandatory airborne paratroopers - the sky makes the special forces of the GRU and the airborne forces more similar than all of the above, the jumping program in the ObrSpN and airborne formations is approximately the same, they often jump together.

Combat interaction between GRU special forces and the Airborne Forces

The joint use of GRU and Airborne special forces in real combat conditions is a practice that has brought more than one victory to the command of the Russian armed forces. It all started with the introduction of formations of Special Forces troops into Afghanistan, when a few special forces detachments of the GRU and Airborne Forces managed to carry out operations that seemed impossible. The story continued in Chechnya, GRU and Airborne special forces troops resolved issues in which motorized rifle formations were powerless. It’s scary to imagine how many people our generals would have killed in Grozny in 1995 if special forces had not taken part in the assault.

So, if you do not take into account the subtleties of subordination, the special forces of the GRU and the Airborne Forces are in many ways related organizations to each other, primarily in spirit.