What do you need to get hired to work in the police? Is it possible to get a job in the police without completing military service?


Contact the personnel department of the district police department, they will be able to tell you about vacancies.

If you have a higher legal education, the search for vacancies will be greatly simplified. With this education, you can serve as an interrogator, investigator, and sometimes even as an investigator. You can also get a job at the Ministry of Internal Affairs if you have a pedagogical education - in the affairs department.

If the answer is positive in the HR department, it is mandatory to undergo a medical commission, which will offer to solve several psychological problems, total quantity There are up to 600 questions. If you can’t pass one the first time, then try to cure the disease and pass it again. The most important thing is that there are no significant contraindications or serious diseases.

While you are undergoing a medical examination, personnel department employees check your biography, and this does not depend on the intended position. Not only the individual is studied, but also all relatives. If a criminal record is revealed for at least one loved one, you will no longer be able to serve.

Ministry of Internal Affairs or Ministry of Internal Affairs(official abbreviated name) is a law enforcement agency state power, created to ensure the safety of individuals and society, fight crime, and protect civil rights and freedoms.


For the position of investigator, work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs presupposes full legal capacity, age no more than 35 and no less than 18 years, higher education received in educational institution, having state accreditation and a license, Russian citizenship and no criminal record.

Then undergo a military medical commission and psychophysiological diagnostics, which will determine your suitability for work in the investigation.

When all the tests have been passed and the verification activities are completed, sign the service contract and take the oath of an internal affairs officer. From this moment, your work in the investigation begins, which will require the daily application of all available strength and knowledge and constant professionalism in order to serve the Law with honor.


  • how is work in consequence

Today there is an acute shortage of personnel in the authorities. In this regard, the procedure for admitting citizens into the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who wish to enlist both as ordinary police officers and with the rank of officer has changed somewhat.

General requirements for ordinary police officers

A citizen who wishes to join the police must: have Russian citizenship, have no active or closed criminal record, be of working age, have excellent health and lead a positive, moral lifestyle.

If just a few years ago, for males, military service was a mandatory requirement, but now, whether you paid your debt to your homeland or not does not matter at all. Having a complete secondary education is necessary.

There are special requirements for persons wishing to join the officer corps.

Special requirements for officers

For service in officer rank higher education is required. It can be obtained while already working in the rank of private. All police officers are given the opportunity to undergo training on a budgetary basis in one of the many branches of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at correspondence department. Well, if you want to move up career ladder, there is a possibility of getting a second higher education, but only on a commercial basis, although at fairly reasonable prices. As before, military personnel are accepted for service in the rank they had when serving in the army, since army rank it is impossible to cancel.

Changes due to the new reform

The latest reform has expanded the boundaries of education that allows you to get a job in the armed forces. Now any citizen who has a specialized diploma from a civilian university can become an officer police officer Russian Federation.

To work as an investigator, as always, it is necessary to have a higher legal education, but to work as a juvenile affairs inspector, two diplomas were previously required - legal and pedagogical, but now only a diploma from a pedagogical university is required. Also, when applying for a job, you may be required to have some experience. Therefore, it is advisable, when studying at a university, to do an internship in the police department in which you want to work and show yourself with best side. After employment, you will have a 6-month internship and a post school, so they can turn a blind eye to the lack of experience, subject to successful completion of the internship.

So, there are at least 3 ways to effectively get a job. To understand which one is right for you, you need to understand all the advantages and disadvantages. But one thing needs to be remembered important rule for all methods. Have desire and patience, and then everything will work out.

Method 1. Job Center

The most common and popular way is to get a job using an employment center. The state is trying to support young people in finding work, knowing the difficulties of finding employment for young people. To register with this institution, you need to go to the district office and bring necessary documents or copies thereof. Their list includes: passport, SNILS, TIN, plastic card details and others, if necessary. After this, when it appears suitable job, they call you and you show up with an inspector at the place of work for the device.

Advantages search through the employment center in that you are officially enrolled in a job, started work book, if it was not there, enter the work experience, provide good conditions labor, complying with the law, and also pay a certain amount of money for each day worked. But there is also flaws . The work provided will most likely be low-paid, because you will not work much.

Method 2. Independent search

You can find a job yourself, but for this you need to make some efforts: be active and sociable. For teenagers, such work will most likely be distributing leaflets, posting them, or working with “papers.” Go to fairly large stores and companies and ask if they have a job suitable for you. Don’t be discouraged if you were rejected at the first place, most likely they just have staff, go to the next one and luck will definitely smile on you.

Advantages The advantage of such work is that the salary will be more decent than from the employment center; if you don’t like it, you can easily leave it, or agree on a work schedule. And now about shortcomings . Most people hire for such work unofficially, which means that you won’t have any experience, and also be careful, it’s best to make a deal with the employer fixed-term contract so as not to be deceived and get all your earned and promised money.

Method 3. Job search sites

This method is very simple and affordable. Go to the website (the most popular now are HeadHunter, SuperJob), fill out your resume and wait for a call from an interested employer. Or send your resume to your favorite place of work and wait for a response from the company.

Pros is that you can choose a job that you like, look at reviews about it, immediately find out about wages and about available vacancies. Only downside The problem is that you will have to travel for interviews, and sometimes wait a long time for a call or response. You can also simply search for a job on the sites, i.e. you find the number of the job you are interested in, call it and find out about vacancies that suit you, and then go for an interview.

Basic constitutional requirements

Anyone can get a job in the police, regardless of race, gender, religion, nationality or social status, a fully capable citizen of the Russian Federation. In this case, the candidate must be an adult and not older than 35 years. He must be well physically and emotionally prepared. For such work, you must have a good knowledge of the Russian language and permanently reside in the Russian Federation. An initial level of knowledge is also required - completed secondary education. How to get a job in the police if you do not meet any of these requirements? No way, because the candidate will not be able to fulfill his duties, namely:

Due to certain religious views, he will not be able to harm a living person, even if he is a particularly dangerous armed criminal;

He will not be able to detain suspects if he is physically weak.

In addition, a person under 18 years of age cannot be held fully responsible for violations and misconduct. If he does not permanently reside on the territory of Russia, his ideological values ​​will not always encourage him to serve for the good of the country.

Specific features of selection into the ranks of police officers. Service in Russian police

These restrictions minimize the risk of using your position for personal gain and allow you to select a candidate with a lack of bad habits. For example, how can a person with a previous conviction get a job in the police? No way. If a citizen of the Russian Federation has ever been involved in criminal liability, was a suspect or accused in such a case, he will never be able to become a police officer. It is worth noting here that we're talking about specifically about criminal liability, administrative fines and arrests do not carry a high danger and cannot negatively characterize a candidate for the position of police officer. A specific feature of service in the ranks of the police is the requirement for the absence of any addiction: drug addiction, toxicology or neuropsychiatric. By definition, such people will not be able to work impartially in this system. Service in our police is fraught with a number of prohibitions and restrictions. economic nature. Like any other state or municipal employee, a police officer cannot engage in commercial activities or be directly subordinate to close relatives. Separately, restrictions for medical reasons should be considered. The list of diseases for which they are not allowed to serve in the police has been established by the Government of the Russian Federation: tuberculosis various forms; chronic hepatitis; mycoses of any internal organs; malignant or benign tumors; cancer stage 3-4; psychological disorders; endocrine or nervous system, circulatory system or gastrointestinal tract; severe thrombophlebitis. This is an incomplete list of diseases that will prevent a person from performing their job duties. To submit your candidacy for any position to the police, you must submit a certificate in the prescribed form with a conclusion from medical specialists about the absence of the above diseases.

Tests and interviews

If the main documents have been collected, and the candidate meets all the stated requirements in a large list of restrictions and prohibitions, one more question remains. How to get a job in the police and go through all sorts of psychological tests? It should be noted that all tasks to establish the psychological, emotional or intellectual level of development of a police candidate are divided into 2 groups: written tests and oral interviews. Written tests help to recognize a person’s true intentions and to choose the right position in accordance with professional skills and level of intelligence. Oral communication will help you see a person’s reaction to stressful situations and will show the degree of readiness to make situational decisions. At the stage of psychological testing, 30% of those wishing to become police officers are eliminated. Work in the Russian police requires full dedication and unquestioning fulfillment job responsibilities. For comparison, let's answer the question of how to get a job in Germany: it is much easier there - you just need to write an application and collect a standard package of documents. This suggests that anyone can become a police officer in this country, but in Russia, police officers must be born.

Protecting the lives and property of fellow citizens, ensuring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, and faithfully serving their Motherland is the dream of many young men and women. True, the latter often have to work harder and harder to make this dream come true. Serve in the army or internal organs It’s more difficult for girls and women than for men. There is nothing to be done about this, it just happened historically. But, if difficulties do not frighten you and you are ready to prove in practice that a woman copes with the duties of a police officer in no way worse than a man, – welcome to the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Who is recruited to serve in the police?
Based on Federal Law No. 342, which was adopted in 2011, persons who meet the following requirements are accepted for service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
  • having citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the citizen does not have a residence permit in another state;
  • age: from 18 to 35 years. If a citizen has previously served in the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then a special age limit applies - up to 50 years;
  • fit for service due to health reasons;
  • have undergone psychophysiological diagnostics, as well as testing for drug and alcohol addiction;
  • without a criminal record, open criminal cases and administrative liability for committing offenses within a year from the date of entry into service.
Gender, religion and nationality do not matter. The criminal record of relatives is also not an obstacle. Unless, of course, the relative is a repeat offender, a local crime boss, etc.

Education Requirements
To work as an ordinary police officer, a diploma stating that you have completed high school. If you plan to hold officer positions, work as an interrogator or investigator, then you must have a higher legal education. In order to become a juvenile affairs inspector, you need to obtain a higher pedagogical education, etc.

How to become an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
If you meet the requirements above, then you need to do the following:

  1. Contact the personnel department of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and find out about the availability of vacancies. The department staff will select a suitable position for you based on information about your education and work experience.
  2. If there is a vacancy of interest, you will be asked to undergo a medical examination and testing, and also fill out an autobiographical questionnaire. Be extremely honest and careful. Please remember that all information received from you by the HR department will be verified.
  3. Wait for the department's decision. If you are suitable for the selected position, you will be notified. First, you will be enlisted as a trainee, then, if your work is not satisfactory, an order will be drawn up for your official appointment.
If you were refused by the HR department, and you believe that this was done unfairly, there are violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, then you can always contact the head of the department for work with personnel of the UVMD in your area. You can make an appointment with him from the secretary of the regional branch of the Ministry.

How to get a job in the police and be responsible for maintaining order in the country.
This position means that not only district police officers, investigators, and operatives should be required, but also specialists in such activities as accountants. Consequently, this opportunity is not only for lawyers, but also for citizens of other professions.

To the police

To be a police officer, you must go to the personnel department. Then provide the complete package special papers and pass the appropriate tests and a medical commission.

There are special requirements for a police position:

  1. Age restrictions up to 35 years. According to the law, it is only possible to get a job up to this age.
  2. Good biography. A mandatory condition is the absence of a criminal record of the candidate and his family members.
  3. Military service for men is the main condition. This doesn't apply to women.
  4. Health. You have to go through the military medical commission (military medical commission). It includes an examination of the person’s psychological and physical well-being.
  5. The conditions for a citizen’s education must correspond to the level of the position for which he wants to get a job. Take with medium and vocational education. But for a senior position you must have a university degree, preferably with a legal specialty.
  6. People who have their own business or who cannot keep state secrets should not get a job.

To the girl

How can a girl get a job in the police? The girl should:

  1. You can go to the nearest branch and find out what vacancies and positions in the police there are for girls; if they are not there, go to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and submit your resume there.
  2. Choose in which branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs the woman wants to work. In most cases, preference is given to working with documents, document flow, accounting activities and public relations. And for this you will not need to complete a specialized institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. IN in the necessary order you need to know the area of ​​this specialty.
  3. What kind of education does a girl need to work in the police? If a girl wants to work law enforcement agencies, then for this you need to receive training at an academy or university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These educational institutions are located in all major cities in Russia. Studying takes place in various specialties, mainly in jurisprudence, forensics and criminology.
  4. There are the same standards for hiring as everyone else. Restrictions are from 18 to 35 years of age and, of course, good health.
  5. It is imperative to pass physical and psychological standards to find out whether the girl is ready for such a difficult position. To do this, you will need to undergo a military medical examination at your place of residence.
  6. There is a difference in qualifying for a position between a man and a woman. Girls are placed in a less energy-intensive profession.
  7. When applying, not only the level of knowledge and work experience is taken into account, but also the information in the application form. Papers need to be filled out in detail, and then the information is processed in detail.

List of required papers

To get hired for a job in the police, you must have the appropriate package of documents:

  • application for a specialty;
  • test questionnaire;
  • candidate biography;
  • regulatory documents regulating the field of education;
  • military ID;
  • information on income and property;
  • certificate of assignment of TIN;
  • if there is one, a work record book.

All other papers depend on the service the person wants to go to.

In addition to the papers, you must undergo a medical examination to accurately prove your readiness for the position. It includes examination by doctors and passing the necessary tests.

It is tested not only on physical standards, but also on psychological state person. When all the conditions are met, you need to go to practice.

After an excellent pass, the employee can receive this work and be certified according to all the rules of the special rank.


How much time can you spend

To be accepted for a position in the police, you must first schedule an interview with the main representative of the department. If there are vacancies, the candidate’s application is reviewed and the appropriate forms are issued, which he must fill out. Then you need to undergo a medical examination and check your psychological state. Then they are sent to a military medical commission.

Once everything is ready, the HR department will review the person’s biography in detail and if no serious illnesses are identified, the candidate can be accepted for the position. The final results become known from 3 months to six months. You need to have a strong character, be patient and decisive in your choice, and show sufficient diligence to accurately get into this area.

How to find a place for a former police officer

Only 40% of workers have a legal education. The remaining percentage of people do not work in their specialty, but do not know how to get a job. Some citizens can find work where physical strength is needed, for example, in security organizations, as a loader and a laborer. If a former policeman knows how to lead, then you can open your own private enterprise.

Former officers who are well versed in the field of economics, have contacts in the authorities, can work in various banks - in security services, in checking employees and clients. Former workers are needed in oil structures. The fact is that in these areas great value each individual employee has. Every bank employee has access to very important, secret data.

You can go and get a job in other areas, such as the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Bailiff Service, the Federal Penitentiary Service. You can especially try to work in the legal field.

Another way for a former employee to find employment is through tourism. Police officers have many connections in passport offices, so they can easily issue a passport faster than usual, which is greatly appreciated by the employer.

How to get a job in the police

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Some time ago, the familiar militia turned into the police. Along with the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the number of people wishing to get a job in the police has also increased. What is needed for this? How to start working in the police? The land of advice will help you figure it out.

Is it prestigious to work in the police?

Unfortunately, until recently, the prestige of such a profession as a police officer was very, very low. Now the police (or rather the police) are facing serious changes, aimed, among other things, at increasing confidence in police officers on the part of citizens, as well as at increasing the prestige of working in the authorities. But becoming a police officer in Russia is still not as difficult as in many other countries.

So, if you want to join law enforcement, then, of course, you will first need to decide in which field you would like to work. The requirements for future police officers can vary greatly.

What requirements must police candidates meet?

To serve as an ordinary police officer, the candidate must be in excellent health, have a complete secondary education, and must not have a criminal record (even expunged).

To be employed in the police for positions of middle and senior command staff, candidates must also have an appropriate secondary specialized or higher education.

Note! According to information from the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, for those wishing to get a job in the police, military service is not mandatory. However, this becomes an additional advantage for the candidate and will increase the chances of successful employment.

You can get a job in the police regardless of gender, nationality or religious beliefs. But the age of citizens who want to join the police is limited. Only candidates aged 18 to 35 years will be considered.

A mandatory condition for hiring a police officer is passing special psychophysiological tests, tests for alcohol and drug addiction.

Also, to get a job in the police, you must have certain business, personal and moral qualities that will help you perform your job duties.

How is recruitment to the police carried out?

So, how to get a job in the police? You must contact the Human Resources Department of the local police department or other law enforcement agency for which you wish to work directly. If there are vacancies available, you can get a job in one of them.

Note! Nowadays, you can find out about the availability of vacancies via the Internet - police vacancies, along with others, are posted on special job search sites.

If there are no contraindications for health or other factors preventing your service in the police, then you can be hired to work in the police with subsequent passing probationary period which can last, as a rule, from 3 months to six months.

Becoming a police officer is quite difficult these days. Therefore, if working in the police is really your calling, then you need to have firm confidence in your decision, show persistence and perseverance, and then you will be able to do anything! We sincerely hope that our article helped you answer the question of how to get a job in the police!