Isra army. Structure of the engineering troops of the German Army (2015)

RECOVERY COMPANY is designed to conduct tactical reconnaissance in combat. Consists of two reconnaissance platoons. One of the platoons is armed with four armored vehicles, and the other platoon is equipped with armored vehicles based on infantry fighting vehicles.

In an offensive, a company can send one or two reconnaissance patrols and set up one or two observation posts, or act in in full force as a reconnaissance detachment.

ENGINEERING COMPANY is intended for:

· conducting engineering reconnaissance of the enemy and the area;

· installation of engineering barriers;

· inflicting losses on the enemy by mine-explosive and other means;

· making passages in barriers and destruction;

· devices for crossing obstacles;

· demining areas and objects;

· equipment of traffic routes and crossings;

· mechanized removal of trenches, trenches, communication passages;

· implementation of engineering measures for camouflage;

· equipment and maintenance of water supply points.

The company's regular composition includes:

Engineer platoon;

Engineering and technical platoon;

Transport department.

Engineer platoon consists of four engineering and sapper departments. The branches are armed with:

IMR - engineering clearing vehicle - for preparing traffic routes and clearing debris and destruction.

GMZ - tracked minelayer - for mechanized installation of anti-tank mines (laying one 208 PTM ammunition load into the ground in 11-14 minutes, on the surface - in 6 minutes).

Engineering and technical platoon contains:

· road machinery department with tracklayer BAT-M. The speed of laying column tracks is 4-8 km/h, excavation work to move soil is up to 150 cubic meters/hour (trenches);

· earthmoving machinery department with the regimental digging machine PZM. Productivity – 120-150 linear meters/hour (trenches), when removing shelters – up to 10 cubic meters/hour;

· water supply department with car filtered station MAFS. For extraction and purification of up to 8 cubic meters of water per hour.

· heavy mechanized bridge department.

The department includes:

TMM is a heavy mechanized bridge for constructing a 60-ton bridge 40 meters long over an obstacle up to three meters deep. The bridge can be installed in one hour.

MTU is a bridge laying machine for installing a bridge with a lifting capacity of 50 tons over an obstacle 18 meters wide. Installs in 5 minutes.

Transport department is armed with:

Wheeled mine trawls – 12 pcs. (with means of transportation).

Roller and knife track mine trawl KTM 5 (weight - 7.5 tons);

Knife track mine trawl KTM-6 (weight – 1 t);



Conducting radiation, chemical and nonspecific bacteriological (biological) reconnaissance;

Carrying out dosimetric and chemical monitoring;

Conducting special processing of units;

Equipping degassing kits and instruments in departments.

Consists of a RHR department and two special processing departments. In service there are:

Radiation and chemical reconnaissance vehicle (BRDM-2рх);

Automatic filling stations for 12 or 14 hoses (ARS-12, ARS-14);

Two degassing kits in the special treatment departments of the DKV.

Platoon capabilities:

For special processing - 1.5-2 battalions;

For route reconnaissance - three taxiways at a distance of up to 20-30 km;

For reconnaissance of areas - reconnaissance of an area of ​​up to 100 sq. km.

According to the scale and nature of the tasks performed By affiliation
Strategic District (front) rear
Army rear
Corps rear
Divisional rear
Military Regimental rear
Rear of battalions (rear of divisions)

Fig.1. Structure of the rear of the Armed Forces

GAZ-66 -3 pcs. for personal belongings PAK-200 - 3 pcs. - field vehicles

ZIL-131 - 1 pc. for kitchens and kitchens and 1-P-1.5 -1 pcs. -trailer

food Total: 8 people (3 drivers)

URAL-375 - 3 pcs. for ammunition

ATMZ-5 -3 pcs. for fuel

Total: 10 people (all drivers)

BREM-2 - 1 pc. - armored MTO-AT - 1 pc. - technical machine

automotive service repair and recovery vehicle

Total: 6 people (2 drivers) Total: 5 people (1 driver)

Fig. 2 Organization of a support platoon for a motorized rifle battalion

Oh oh

Rice. 3 Option for the location of a support platoon on the ground.

113. In positional defense The engineer-sapper company maintains the barriers installed during the preparation of the defense, including those transferred to it by the company of engineering barriers (other engineering units). When maintaining obstacles, a company usually operates as a platoon.

An engineer company (platoon, squad) builds up obstacles during a defensive battle by installing minefields, primarily anti-tank ones, installing one or two nodes of obstacles, installing groups of anti-tank, anti-personnel, anti-vehicle and object mines and destroying road structures at nodes barriers and on the roads between them.

114. A company (platoon) of engineering barriers, equipped with minelayers, during the course of defense operates in the POS in cooperation with the anti-tank reserve (ATR) or independently.

When assigning a mission to a company, the following are indicated: the combat strength of the POZ, the tasks to be prepared for, one or two directions of action, the main and reserve mining lines in each direction, the advance routes to the mining lines, the main and reserve concentration areas, the assembly area after the installation of obstacles , readiness dates, place and time of deployment of the command and observation post.

Barriers are set up at planned or newly designated mining lines that block the direction of the enemy’s attack (breakthrough).

After receiving the task to prepare for actions in the POS, the company moves to the designated concentration area and prepares to carry out the tasks. The company commander, together with the platoon commanders and together with the commander of the PTR (combined arms formation, unit, subdivision), conducts reconnaissance of mining lines, advance routes to them, objects to be destroyed (mined), passages left in the obstacles for the passage of departing units, the location of the charging point in the assembly area after the installation of barriers and the route of advance to the assembly area.

Upon receipt of a signal (command), the POS moves to the specified mining line together with the PTRez or independently. For reconnaissance of the enemy, advance routes and mining lines, an engineering reconnaissance patrol can be sent from the company. The company commander constantly maintains contact with the commander of the PTR (combined arms unit or subdivision) and clarifies with them the mining line, the route to it, the order and signals of interaction at the mining line.

Upon reaching the mining line, the POZ commander clarifies with the commander of the PTRez or combined arms military unit (unit) the location of the minefields, objects for destruction and mining, the readiness time of barriers, the locations of passages, their designation and signals for closing, covering the POZ actions with fire from the PTRez or combined arms military units(divisions). After this, the company commander clarifies the tasks of the platoons, the order of deployment and the route of advancement to the charging point after the installation of barriers. At the mining line, minefields are installed by forces engineering platoons barriers and are preparing for destruction (mining) sections of roads, road structures and other objects by a platoon of controlled mining. The company commander directs the actions of the platoons, being at the head barrier. If it is necessary to temporarily maintain objects prepared for destruction and abandoned passages in barriers, crews are allocated from the mobile barrier detachment.

The POZ commander reports on the construction of barriers to the PTRez commander, the commander of his formation and the head of the engineering service. The activation of the prepared destruction is carried out by dedicated crews at the command of the commander of the PTRez (combined arms military unit), with whom the mobile obstacle detachment interacts. After the destruction is carried out and the passages are closed, the crews go to the charging point (assembly area) on their own. After loading the minelayers, the full company is located in the assembly area in readiness to perform the following tasks.

115. The engineering section of the obstacles, equipped with a minelayer, operates in the POS as part of a platoon. At the mining line, the squad sets a number of mines. The squad leader directs the actions of his subordinates, controls the correct movement of the minelayer, the size of the mining step and the quality of mine placement. After installing the mine ammunition, the platoon squad goes to the charging point, and after loading the minelayer, at the command of the platoon commander, to the collection point.

116. A company (platoon) of engineering barriers, equipped with engineering means of remote mining (destruction), sets minefields on identified directions of action of enemy troops in front of it, or directly on it battle formations. When mining, demolition shells can be used in conjunction with remotely deployed mines to create craters and render road and bridge structures on road routes inoperative.

117. The engineering positional company carries out tasks of fortifying positions, defensive lines in the depths of the defense, operating in full force, where it prepares standard defense areas for battalions and standard positional areas for missile and anti-aircraft missile divisions.

118. An engineering company (platoon) of control point equipment operates independently in full strength or as a platoon. In order to timely complete tasks related to fortification equipment in the areas where control points are deployed, the company, as a rule, is reinforced with personnel from control point maintenance units or from motorized rifle units.

Upon an established signal or upon receipt of a combat order, the company moves to a new mission area and begins engineering equipment for the control point deployment area in accordance with the instructions of the reconnaissance group officer.

The company (platoon) erects structures for the protection and work of the operational personnel in the combat command group, pits for shelters for command and staff vehicles before the operational personnel arrive in the area.

If there is time, the improvement of fortification equipment in the area where the control point is deployed is carried out by digging out pits by a company (platoon) for shelter for communications vehicles and hardware vehicles, for transport equipment at the communications center and in the support group.

119. The road engineering company maintains the routes for advancing formations (units) to the lines of counterstrikes (counterattacks), and also prepares the routes for advancement to the unplanned line of counterstrikes (counterattacks).

To advance a motorized rifle (tank) battalion to the counterattack line (firing line), paths are prepared from the starting line to the line of deployment into platoon columns, then the directions of movement to the line of transition to the attack are designated.

120. When preparing the routes for the second echelon to launch a counterattack, the road engineering platoon operates as part of the road engineering department and the mechanized bridge department. The paths are prepared for one-way traffic. To overcome obstacles and damage on the tracks, bypasses are prepared, and if this is not possible, crossings are equipped using mechanized bridges, installing decking (gates) through weak areas of the terrain, or filling them in using track-laying machines.

121. During defense, a field water supply company (platoon, department) maintains and, if necessary, equips water extraction and purification points in new areas.

When a defense is broken through and the enemy penetrates, as well as when conducting maneuver defense, field water supply units move from the main areas of equipment for water production and purification points (areas) to reserve ones.

The commander of a company (platoon, squad) can receive an order to move by radio or in writing from the officer of the department of the chief of engineering troops (NIV) of the formation, the head of the engineering service (NIS) of the formation.

In the reserve area, the commander of the field water supply unit organizes the implementation of the task of equipping and maintaining water production and purification points (areas), as in the main areas.

122. During the defense, power supply units for troops operate as part of control point equipment units or independently. Contains power supply points and cable networks, paying special attention power supply to responsible consumers.

123. When conducting maneuver defense units of engineering troops carry out tasks to ensure the timely and covert deployment of units and their maneuver with the consistent conduct of defensive combat from line to line, firmly holding the final line, and inflicting losses on the enemy with engineering ammunition.

124. An engineering company (platoon, squad) lays minefields in front of maneuver defense lines, strong points, in the spaces between them and on the flanks, mines and prepares sections of roads and road structures for destruction. The first and final lines are most tightly covered with engineering barriers. In order to create a fire pocket, minefields are installed in front of cut-off positions (lines) and in front of fire ambush positions.

On the escape routes, controlled minefields or obstacles are installed in the second stage of readiness, passages are left, which are closed after the withdrawal of friendly troops.

125. An engineer company (platoon) of obstacles operates in POS. When units are maneuvering to the next line, the POZ, together with the PTRez or independently, covers their withdrawal from the rear or flanks with barriers.

A feature of the PZ's actions is the increased consumption of engineering ammunition due to the increase in the number of mining lines. This requires clear organization of the supply of engineering ammunition to replenish the ammunition loads of minelayers.

126. An engineering positional company (platoon) at positions (in defense areas) of units digs trenches and communication passages, pits for trenches for tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers) and other fire weapons, for dugouts and shelters, and erects structures at control points and medical posts.

Defensive positions are most fully equipped at the final line of defense, where battalion defense areas are connected by trenches and communication passages, and reserve and decoy defense areas are equipped.

Depending on the situation, the availability of forces, means and time, the fortification equipment of successively occupied lines (positions) is improved, the structures of industrial structures installed in the areas where control points are deployed at the previous line are removed from the ground, if necessary, repaired and installed in the new area where the point is deployed management.

Company strongholds prepared for all-round defense, as well as fire ambush positions, are set up at cut-off positions. Ambushes and positions for roaming units are set up for air defense units.

127. The road engineering company (platoon) prepares and maintains frontal routes throughout the entire depth of defense from the first brigade road route to the road route at the final position. In the brigade's area of ​​responsibility, frontal routes are prepared for the withdrawal and maneuver of first and second echelon battalions, command posts and brigade subordinate units. In addition, to ensure the maneuver of the first echelon from line to line, routes to the final line of defense are prepared on the flanks of the brigade’s area of ​​responsibility.

For the maneuver of brigade control points, artillery, air defense military units, and logistics units, a brigade frontal path and brigade road routes are prepared - one behind the first defensive position, the second at the final defensive position.

128. A pontoon, ferry landing company (platoon), a company (platoon) of amphibious transporters equips and maintains crossings over water obstacles on the escape and maneuver routes. With the completion of the crossing, the crossing means are removed, and in the event of a threat of capture by the enemy, they are destroyed, the bridges existing on the water barrier are destroyed, and the fords are mined.

Starship "Fouette". Second novella. Chapter 2. Engineer company.

The commander of the engineer company, Captain Gilbert Grant, did not hesitate for long. In the end, he was not obliged to risk his personnel and therefore sent all the dreaded tanks assigned to his company, all a dozen, to the plateau where they were to build a defense. Without infantry support, just accompanied by reconnaissance drones. Well, yes, it’s risky, tanks without cover are an easy target. Just in case, his people transferred their heavy weapons from traveling to standby mode. However, in the event of a sudden attack, this is unlikely to help, and is more suitable for complacency. According to intelligence data, there is no one and nothing on the plateau, but who believes? aerial reconnaissance one hundred percent? If the enemy is not a fool and camouflages himself well, reconnaissance can go wrong, this has happened more than once. Oh, if only they had one orbital reconnaissance aircraft! But one can only dream about this; three days ago, the warring parties suddenly demolished from orbit everything that even slightly resembled the enemy’s spy satellites.

The squat, pancake-shaped vehicles crawled onto the line where Gilbert's company would form a defensive line and stopped. Grant carefully studied the picture on the combat control terminal. The synthesized image, built from information coming from dreaded tanks and drones, spinning with a quiet rustle over the future position, was overgrown with details. Having studied the image with different sides, he ordered the company to move towards the tanks and start building a defense, then contacted the commander and reported that his company had occupied the plateau.

That’s what you’re saying... Be more careful, Bert,” the slightly concerned voice of the boss, Erwin Fishbaum, sounded in the headset.

Erwin, is everything going according to plan? - Gilbert asked, catching a note of tension in the boss’s voice.

It's okay, Bert! There’s just a lot of work, so I’m sorry, I don’t have time for you now,” Erwin answered and hung up.

Grant thought about it. The boss is kind of twitchy today. Maybe there really is a lot of work? This campaign involves significantly more forces than usual, it is true. But what does this mean: “take a closer look”? This is not the first time he has worked under the boss, and he has never, frankly speaking, called for vigilance. Maybe the enemy’s intelligence began to work too well and the boss began to suspect that we had a “mole”?

Dela, remembering the reconnaissance of the brigade, Grant suddenly realized that they still had no information about who was fighting with them on this planet. That's how it is! Usually, analysts give a complete breakdown of who they are, where they came from, where they appeared, in what cases, strong and weaknesses the enemy, right down to the personal characteristics of the commanders, should be read and not re-read. But this time - nothing, as if the enemy had come into the world on last week after lunch.

Reconnaissance vehicles pulled up and spread camouflage antennas, and sapper cyber-tanks began to drive towers with plasma turrets into the rocky ground. Gusts of wind played with dusty fountains, which installation manipulators gnawed out of the rocky ground. The wind blew the dust to the surface, where it continued to flow for a long time and lick the boulders, scattered in large numbers across the plateau.

Grant, once again meticulously examining the area, sent soldiers to mine the flanks. If a well-prepared enemy lands on them, the mines may not be of any use at all, but that depends on your luck. But when repelling a spontaneous attack on the move, it will be very helpful, especially if the enemy sends them heavy equipment not head-on, but from the flanks. Gilbert settled in without haste, thoroughly. This is understandable. If the company withstands the first onslaught, then the people will be safe, and the authorities will believe that there is a reliable stronghold here. This means that the company will be kept here, maybe even reinforcements will be sent. No, this, of course, is unlikely... But they won’t withdraw from their positions in order to shut them up, unless Cosmos brings a breakthrough somewhere. This means there is a much greater chance of survival. Sabotage, raids behind enemy lines, everything that was Grant’s direct duties, had not yet been carried out on this planet. This means that the tension is extreme, we barely have time to fight back, to think through even a simple operation, there is no strength or possibility for more than two moves ahead.

Gilbert rotated the picture of the plateau on the terminal, carefully examining each new marker. There are no trifles here. After thinking a little, he sent three soldiers three hundred meters back to mount a couple of remote observation kits there, directing them to his rear. It’s unlikely that anyone will snoop around from there, but now Grant preferred to be cautious, even if it was excessive. Step by step, the defense came to life, and finally the terminal showed that the combat control cluster had taken control of all units of equipment and had established two-way data exchange with them.

Serge,” Gilbert turned to the deputy, “check the energy of the towers so that they are fully charged.” And distribute to the fighters all the ammunition, all the spare energy cells, everything that is available.

The deputy, Serge Korsakov, raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Why is this still necessary? We’ll be tortured to take it back later! - he grumbled in response.

Give away, don’t be greedy, now we’re working for a generous owner! - Gilbert said cheerfully.

The dust cloud on the horizon was growing, it was visible even to the naked eye. From there, from beyond the horizon, came a strained, booming sound, as if someone had released the tightly stretched string of a giant double bass. The sound was repeated, then again and again, until the peals merged into a continuous cannonade.

“Here we go,” Grant thought. - Artillery preparation from closed positions. They’ll probably hit you from about eight kilometers away.” The plateau reared up. If it weren’t for the rocky ground and the strong protection of the dreaded tanks, the company could have said goodbye after the first salvo. From the horizon, across the entire valley, dusty plumes stretched towards them. These were cyber tanks rushing forward, accompanied by motorized infantry. The distance to the forward positions was rapidly decreasing. Finally the plasma turrets came to life. Bluish plasma spits rushed towards the attackers in a dense cloud. The position was clouded with white clouds of exhaust. A series of bangs, almost inaudible in the roar, echoed over the plateau: one of the fighters was firing from anti-tank gun. Following the plasma, nimble missiles rushed towards the enemy. The tank line broke, some of the vehicles turned to the sides, towards the flanks. Infantry vehicles maneuvered in search of cover behind tank armor. From their light protective field it seemed that the outlines of armored vehicles were floating in a trembling haze. If we add to this that the “chameleons” continuously changed the coloring of the cars, making them part of the landscape, it seemed as if waves were moving through the valley. The tanks, skirting lonely boulders, came close to the minefields. Grant grinned and even closed his eyes in pleasure. Now!

The first line of land mines allowed enemy vehicles to penetrate deeper minefield, without even working on the rearguard. This was to make retreating more fun, but the second and third lines lifted the tanks into the air. The earth began to boil under the heavy vehicles, and fiery fountains erupted from under the armored monsters. Gilbert caught his eye on the figure of Korsakov, who was glued to the terminal, quickly distributing commands to the fighters. Grant glanced at the picture from the rear observers, empty and quiet. It seems that the first attack organized on a quick fix, they fought back. Now that gaps have formed in the enemy’s armored ranks, the main thing is not to lose the initiative and transfer fire to the motorized infantry. The enemy artillery started working again, and then Grant calmed down, if, of course, one can be calm, in the heat. It looks like the enemy is retreating, covering themselves with fire. Gilbert ran his eyes over the terminal. According to preliminary data, the company lost three soldiers killed, and a little less than a dozen were wounded. And this is only the first attack! Serious losses, no matter how you look at it. And the boss probably already knows. Information channels Although they do not transmit data in real time, after the enemy retreated, the final report probably went to the command cluster. Maybe it's not so bad after all? You see, they will help suppress the enemy’s artillery?

Bert, can you hear me? - Erwin Fishbaum’s voice came through Grant’s headset.

Easy to remember! Of course, the old warrior will not miss the opportunity to once again touch his pride. Now it will be baked.

I hear you, boss, what will be the orders? - Grant said in a fallen voice.

Why not be in the mood? Are you expecting me to push you? Can't wait! - Erwin said cheerfully, - And how did it happen to you?

I've lost people, I know. “I’m sorry,” said Grant, picking at the ground under his feet with the toe of his boot.

Listen, Grant, stop being stupid! - the boss suddenly said. - In general, Gilbert Grant, thanks from me personally. Bonuses for you and your fighters.

The chief, having not heard an answer from Grant, who was speechless from the unexpected turn of affairs, continued.

Grant, can you hear me?

Gilbert was dumbfounded as he digested his boss’s words. Experience told him that now he should get a beating! For losses during the first contact with the enemy. The adversary will now gather his strength, get his bearings and launch a second assault. Surely enemy reconnaissance spotted plasma turrets and firing points of the fighters in the defense. Now is the time for them to attack before the company has time to regroup.

“I hear,” Grant said quietly.

Tell me better, how did you figure out how to mine the flanks? - Erwin said interestedly.

Yes... in case they attack immediately, without reconnaissance and preparation. “They got into trouble, otherwise mining wouldn’t be much use,” Gilbert replied.

In general, you understand, you knocked out almost half of the enemy’s armored vehicles from the vanguard. After which they rolled back. They feared persecution. By the way, not in vain. Your neighbor, Nick Risovich, did not miss his goal,” Fishbaum said cheerfully.

After a pause, the boss continued:

Get ready, Grant, in a maximum of twenty minutes we will counterattack. Risovich thoroughly pinched the enemy’s artillery, so it’s possible to attack!

“Yes, boss,” Gilbert replied. - Should we completely withdraw from our positions, or leave cover?

Forward! - Fishbaum growled excitedly, - leave three or four people on the plateau to close down the defense, the rest, except for the reconnaissance platoon, will be transferred to the subordination of Risovich. And for you and the scouts there will be something more interesting.

“Yes, boss,” Grant responded in a wooden voice. He still couldn't come to his senses. However, this “more interesting” made him wary. Well, of course, it was in vain that the boss was generous with praise and bonuses! Got a real job? Interesting!

Commander training did not allow Grant to remain in prostration for a long time. He quickly gave orders to his deputies and platoon commanders. Of course, the fighters had no particular desire to withdraw from the position, much less to attack, but the news of the bonus brought revival and things went smoothly. Having sent a transport with the wounded and dead to the rear, Grant contacted Risovich. Having received a more or less clear idea of ​​what happened to the enemy after the retreat, Gilbert outlined on the map landmarks for his company to move forward. Then, without hesitation, he called the reconnaissance platoon aside.

“Guys, they don’t take us on the offensive,” the captain said, “we are at the disposal of the chief, it looks like there is a real deal.”

He pulled the combat helmet off his head, unfastened the communication headset, and laid the helmet on the stones to sit on it. Having made myself as comfortable as possible, I tried to relax. He turned his face to the sun, which was already setting, and, closing his eyes, ran his palm over the top of his short-cropped head. Apart from the muffled sounds of the editing robots, it was quiet. The wind whistled faintly, occasionally carrying bits of acrid smoke from the left flank, where the remains of vehicles caught in the minefield were burning out in shapeless black piles.

The equipment left, the people left, the plateau gradually became empty. The scouts, on the other hand, old habit They were positioned in such a way that only an experienced eye could spot them among the stones. Grant, who was waiting to contact his boss, had no choice but to hide; after all, commander, let them see. However, the company commander didn’t have time to bask in the sun for long; the headset started singing a challenge.

Here’s the thing, Grant,” Erwin jabbered, “according to our valiant intelligence, about six hours ago a certain group arrived on the planet. And on the side of their boat there is an emblem: a circle with a red lizard in the middle. Do you know who this is?

Hmm, I know, Children of the Purple? What did they need here? - Grant said puzzledly in response.

Once he had to deal with adherents of this religious sect. Descendants of settlers on the planet New Nevada, who went crazy in worshiping local creatures that most closely resembled large terrestrial lizards, like the monitor lizard. However, despite the reputation of being quietly insane, it was known that the members of this sect mastered the art of some kind of unusual hypnosis. It was also rumored that some military corporation seemed to be trying to use sectarians, although it was completely unclear for what purposes.

I knew it, you still don’t read our analysts’ reports? - Fishbaum said irritably. - Someday, you will take me out and I will still demote you to platoon leader! Landing! I'll put you in the penalty box! Grant, if you don’t start working with your head, you have yourself to blame!

“Sorry, boss,” Gilbert became nervous, “but you yourself know that there’s not a gram of sense in these reports, there’s a ton of unnecessary dregs.”

It's not your job to look for meaning! You must read and remember! IN general outline, Certainly. No one is asking you to remember the analytics word for word.

After a pause, Erwin continued.

How can you set a task if you have no clue about the topic? - Fishbaum said irritably and fell silent, for some time only his irritated snoring could be heard. - Okay, you can read the details later. The bottom line is this: these Purples can make new memories for people. Perhaps the most important thing: no technology, no lie detector or hypnosis can distinguish real memories from those created by the Purple Ones, okay?

It’s clear, but what should they do here? - Gilbert said puzzled.

Now this is interesting. Imagine, Grant, this planet has a legal governor, but not himself, there is a whole state, some with families. When the conflict began and there was a smell of cooking, they hid somewhere. And these are witnesses, Grant! And since what is happening here has long gone beyond the scope of legality, sooner or later the time for a showdown will come, and then they will be listened to first of all.

Grant was silent, trying to understand what the Children of Purple had to do with it, and what his team would ultimately have to do? Arrange a foray into the enemy’s camp and kidnap the sectarians who arrived here? Yeah, bring the armor and landing force to the enemy headquarters! Rave.

Now about the matter. Your task is to find the governor and his entire gang before the Purple Ones. Next, act according to the situation,” Fishbaum fell silent.

How is this, based on the situation? - the company commander squeezed out with difficulty.

You can deliver civilians to us, you can kill these... red sons of bitches, it doesn’t matter to the command. If the Purples find witnesses before you and have time to, uh, work with them... In general, then we don’t need witnesses. Am I making it clear? - said the chief.

I don’t understand, are you ordering me to kill civilians?! - Grant asked dumbfounded.

No, I order you to complete a task: to prevent enemy sabotage. - Fishbaum croaked in response. - How you will complete the task does not interest me. If you want everything to be orderly and noble, have time!

Can't hear? - Erwin barked after a pause.

There is a boss,” Grant answered automatically.

“And what should I do now,” Grant thought tensely, “the boss apparently has no time for jokes. It’s one thing to fight mercenaries like himself, and completely different to shoot at civilians, some of whom may be children! Yes, at least in these stupid Purple ones. How?"

Chapter 3. After the jump. Board "Fouette"

Iron people, you are sappers,
And how many mines did you extract?
From roads, passes and hills,
Did you pick it up from the ground with your hands?

How many times did the bullets whistle?
Above the head at the temple.
And my feet sometimes got cold.
Sometimes my hand trembled.

But no, it’s a momentary weakness
We don't take her into account.
You measured the ground with probes.
Everyone here is familiar with death.

Thank you, sappers, guys,
After all, you saved so many guys!
You removed mines from the ground -
I bow to you to the ground!

Igor Sokalo

Engineer platoon personnel
RMMG-2 (MMG-5) "Kaisar"
from December 1986 to June 1992

Engineer platoon"Kaysar" did not appear in MMG immediately. Until January 1987, i.e. 8 years of endless combat operations of the motorized maneuver group in Afghanistan, there was no platoon. Nevertheless, there were mines on the roads. “Somehow we managed it without specialists,” an ignorant person will think. In reality, it's not that simple. To solve the complex task of checking roads, mountain slopes, narrow passages, etc. in relation to mining, engineering and sapper squads of the 1st, 2nd or 3rd border outposts of the motorized maneuver group were used. In service in such a department, basically, there were mine detection dogs and probes. Number of members of the department: 3 people (mine-detecting dog service instructor, senior counselor and counselor). As a rule, dogs worked on the road instructor or senior counselor. The remaining dogs performed a guard role at the base camp in Kaisar.

On combat missions, the crew of the first armored personnel carrier of the leading outpost necessarily included an instructor with a dog from the outpost that was assigned to the GPP. A reserve dog with an instructor followed in the middle of the column or closer to the tail on one of the infantry fighting vehicles.

Through the efforts of chief N. Maksimov at the end of December 1986 at the expense of the staff MMG An engineer platoon was created. Mine-detecting dog units at outposts were reduced and transferred to the ISAPV. Other units were also slightly damaged. January 7, 1987 at ISAPV the first acting platoon commander, Yuri Sobko, appeared, arriving as part of large group warrant officers in Kaisar. From that moment on, the ISAPV and the combat support platoon lived separately from the rest of the MMG units, rebuilding part of the canteen building where there were warehouses. The warehouses, in turn, were removed from the main territory of MMG in 1986 and early 1987.

At the beginning of February 1987, the BAT-2m, based on the T-72 tank, was added to the platoon to strengthen the BRM. Such unprecedented equipment was intended primarily not for combat operations, but for introducing drilling engineers into the base camp. The command was tasked with providing all foreign garrisons with water from artesian wells, so as to never depend on water that could be blocked or poisoned by dushmans.

Soon, for the platoon, MMG received a new one, with overhaul BTR-70. He was assigned tail number 875. However, he was not destined to fight. At the very first exit behind the transport convoy in April 1987, while passing the Birkin Gorge border marker 45 on the way back, the armored personnel carrier was blown up by the third wheel on the left.

With the advent of an independent unit, the composition of the GPP changed. Now the senior outpost was one of the officers of the 2nd or 3rd outpost, and the senior armored personnel carrier of the sappers was an officer or warrant officer of the ISAPV. The GPZ was now built like this: the sappers’ armored personnel carriers were in front, followed by the senior GPZ’s armored personnel carriers. Next came the rest of the column, consisting of transport vehicles and military equipment.

The second half of 1987 and until the second half of 1991 history ISAPV our MMG is hidden under a layer of memory. I hope that the platoon veterans will shed some light on these white pages. But from the second half of 1991 until the disbandment of MMG, there was virtually no history of the platoon, because there was no such unit in the mangroup. But there were specialists, there was sapper Lieutenant Kushchikov (arrived at MMG in August 1991), who completed a normal engineering school. Service dogs, along with instructors and counselors, were again assigned to the outposts, and training was also carried out constantly, every single day, to search for TNT blocks. During the period of service and combat operations, the MMG dogs were used to check mine-hazardous sections of roads during the entry of border guards or combat groups to the state border line to check border signs and demonstration actions. Of those who were in the mangroup in 1992, the shaggy, shaggy Airedale terrier Janus also worked. Was this necessary? Was! The spirits continued to lay mines in section 68 of the Takhta-Bazar border detachment even after the end of hostilities for several years following the withdrawal of troops.

Payroll personnel The engineering and sapper communications platoon of the MMG "Kaisar" is not complete. The list reflects approximately 50% of the personnel who served in the platoon during Afghan war. There are inaccuracies in the surnames, there are almost no dates of stay in the motorcycle maneuver group soldier and sergeants, there is no information about awards, positions, places of residence of officers, warrant officers, soldiers, sergeants. There is no exact data on the personnel of the conscription in the fall of 1987, spring of 1988, as well as data on the platoon commanders after the withdrawal.
I ask you to pick up your demobilization albums, letters and remember everyone, dear veterans. Make changes and additions to the list of IASAP personnel through messages on the forum MMG "Kaisar" in a topic specially opened for this:

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Platoon commanders

Military rank Last name, first name, patronymic Arrival date Departure date State awards Note
Art. lieutenant Starodubov Vladimir Ivanovich MMG engineer - platoon commander
lieutenant Rudenko Konstantin Nikolaevich 09.09.1988 - Engineer.
lieutenant Kuschikov Nury 08.1991 - 06.1992 Engineer. Until and including the disbandment of MMG. Turkmenistan.

Platoon warrant officers

Military rank Last name, first name, patronymic Arrival date Departure date State awards Note
Art. ensign Sobko Yuri Vladimirovich 07.01.1987 - - 20.01.1989 Senior technician. Explosion in April 1987
ensign Mantul Yuri Vasilievich 24.01.1989 - - 07.1991 Senior technician. Murmansk

List of soldiers and sergeants of the engineer platoon by conscription

Conscription autumn 1985 - 1987

Military rank Last name, first name, patronymic Arrival date Departure date State awards Note
sergeant Makarevich Anatoly 03.1986 - - winter 1988 Art. leader of the mine-detecting dog service. Gomel region, transferred from outpost 1 in January 1987.
sergeant Morozov Alexander 28.03.1986 - - winter 1988 Instructor of the Mine Detection Dog Service. Transferred from outpost 3 in January 1987.
sergeant Palchevsky Igor 03.1986 - - 05.1987 Dog Service Instructor. In January 1987 he was transferred to ISAPV from outpost 2, in April - May 1987 he was transferred to POGO.

Conscription spring 1986 - 1988

Military rank Last name, first name, patronymic Arrival date Departure date State awards Note
sergeant Gerets Alexander Mikhailovich Section commander - station chief
sergeant Grechkosiy Viktor Nikolaevich 12.1986 - - 05.1988 Squad leader - vehicle commander
corporal Zaichenko Vladimir G. Senior mechanic-driver
sergeant Kochubey Arkady Viktorovich 12.1986 - - 05.1988 Commander of the engineering department
sergeant Grave Arkady Stanislavovich 12.1986 - - 05.1988 Commander of the engineering intelligence department
ml. sergeant Shestakov Yuri Vladimirovich Art. sapper-reconnaissance
ml. sergeant Khurmatulin Adik Rashitovich Gunner sapper-operator

Conscription autumn 1986 - 1988

Military rank Last name, first name, patronymic Arrival date Departure date State awards Note
private Belanovsky Viktor Stanislavovich Driver mechanic
private Gusev Vyacheslav Petrovich 03.1987 - - 15.02.1989 Art. sapper - gunner
corporal Druzhinin Sergey Alexandrovich 03.1987 - - 15.02.1989 Driver mechanic
corporal Ermakov Nikolay Anatolievich 03.1987 - - 15.02.1989 APC driver.
private Zhalalov Fazlitdin Tadzhimagomedovich Sapper-laboratory assistant
private Inagamov Abdulkhamid Turalovich Driver mechanic
private Melnikov Vladimir Vasilievich 03.1987 - - 15.02.1989 Art. laboratory assistant - senior chemist
corporal Osharin Vladimir Arkadevich 03.1987 - - 15.02.1989 Sapper. Currently serving in the Pinsk POGO of Belarus, major.
ml. sergeant Popov V.N. Sapper-electrician
private Safin Rafael Rafovich Driver
private Tsukanov 16.03.1987 - - 15.02.1989

ENGINEERING COMPANY (ISR)- division b. provision. It was intended to carry out engineer tasks and support the regiment's combat. Direct start of the company was the chief engineer of the regiment's service, who in turn was subordinate to the regimental comrade. Structure of the WBS. l/s 59 people Of these, 4 officers, 3 ensigns, 12 s-tovs and 40 rows. It consisted of a command company and 3 platoons: engineer-sapper (ISV), engineer-technical. (ITV) and automobile (AV). Company management: 6 people. - 2 officers, 2 warrant officers, 2nd row. Company comrade - 1 (kn). Deputy com. companies by watering, units - 1 (senior litt.). Company sergeant major - 1st (senior lieutenant). Company technician - 1 (senior sergeant-major). Driver of armored personnel carrier - 1 (row). Radiotelephone operator - 1 (row). Technical control of the company: BTR-60PB - 1. Armament of the control company: 4 PM pistols, 2 AKM assault rifles, 1 KPVT machine gun (on the armored personnel carrier), 1 PKT machine gun (on the armored personnel carrier). Communications facilities of the company headquarters: r/s R-113 - 1 (on armored personnel carrier), r/s R-107 - 1. WIS: 19 people in total. Of these, 1 office, 3 s, 15 rows. Platoon commander - 1 (senior l-t, l-t). Weapon: PM pistol - 1. 1st engineer-sapper. department: department com - deputy. platoon commander - 1 (senior soldier), driver - 1 (row), sappers - 4 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 6, RPG-7 grenade launcher - 1. Vehicle: Ural-4320 vehicle - 1, trailed min. minelayer PMZ-4 - 1st, motor saw "Druzhba" - 1.2nd engineer-sapper. department: com department department - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), driver - 1 (row), sappers - 4 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 6. Vehicles: Ural-4320 vehicle - 1, trailer, min. minelayer PMZ-4 - 1, motor saw "Druzhba" - 1.3rd engineer-sapper. department: com-r - 1 (m-s, s-t), driver - 1 (row), sappers - 4 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 6. Vehicles: Ural-4320 vehicle - 1, trailer, min. minelayer PMZ-4 - 1, power saw "Druzhba" - 1. ITV: 19 people. Of these, 1 office, 7 s-tov, 11 row-x. Platoon commander - 1 (senior l-t, l-t), field water supply laboratory assistant - 1 (senior s-t). Weapons: PM pistol - 1, AKM assault rifle -1.1st department of road vehicles: department comrade - comrade MTU-1 (junior s-t, s-t), mechanic-driver MTU - 1 (row. ), Art. Mechanical driver BAT-M - 1 (row), Mechanical driver BAT-M - 1 (row). Weapons: PM pistols - 2, AKM assault rifles - 2, RPG-7 grenade launcher - 1, AKMS assault rifle - 1, DShK-M machine gun - 1 (onboard MTU). Equipment: tank bridge laying machine MTU - 1, track laying machine BAT-M - 1. Communications: r/s R-113 - 1 (onboard MTU). 2nd department of roads. cars: MTU com-r - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), mechanic-driver MTU - 1 (row). Weapons: 2 PM pistols, 1 AKMS assault rifle (onboard MTU), 1 DShK-M machine gun (onboard MTU). Equipment: tank, bridge layer MTU - 1. Communications equipment: r/s R-113 - 1 (onboard MTU). 3rd department of roads. cars: MTU com-r - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), mechanic-driver MTU - 1 (row). Weapons: 2 PM pistols, 1 AKMS assault rifle (onboard MTU), 1 DShK-M machine gun (onboard MTU). Equipment: tank, bridge layer MTU - 1. Communications equipment: r/s R-113 - 1 (onboard MTU). Department of earth-moving machines: com-r department - st. Mechanical driver PZM - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), mechanical driver PZM - 1 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 2. Equipment: regimental earth-moving vehicle PZM - 1. Field water supply department: department com-r - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), driver-motorist - 1 (row. ), mechanic - 1 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 3. Technique: filter station MAFS (VFS-2.5) - 1. TMM department: department com - st. Mechanical driver - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), art. driver mechanic - 1 (row), driver mechanics - 2 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 4. Vehicles: heavy mechanized bridge TMM-1 (4 vehicles). AB: 15 people. Of these, 1 is right, 2 are from, 12 are rows. Platoon commander - 1 (senior lieutenant), Weapon - PM pistol - 1. 1st automobile department: department commander - deputy. platoon commander - Art. driver - 1 (st. s-t), drivers - 8 (row-e). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 9, RPG-7 grenade launcher - 1. Equipment: ZIL-131 vehicles with self-loaders - 9, 2PN-2 trailers - 9, KMT-6 trawls - 7, tank bulldozers, mounted BTUs - 9. 2 -e car, department: comr - senior driver - 1 (junior s-t, s-t), crane driver - 1 (row), drivers - 3 (row). Weapons: AKM assault rifles - 5. Equipment: 8T-210 truck crane - 1, Ural-4320 vehicles - 4, 2PN-4 trailers - 3, KMT-5M trawls - 3. Service engineering equipment of the company: entrenching tools: small infantry, shovels - 21; large sappers, shovels - 35; drank two-handed - 10; carpenter's axes - 20; pickaxe - 5; Lomov - 5. Will illuminate, wed: lanterns accumulate. AMF-8 - 1; battery-powered flashlights KSF - 4. Mining and demining equipment: IMP mine detectors (RVM, RVM-2) - 9; demining kits KR-I - 3; miner cords - 9; minefield recording device - 1; will perform, control device, minefield KRAB-IM - 1. Camouflage equipment: camouflage kits type MKT - 22; camouflage overalls - 24. Swimming equipment: life jackets - 16; floats MPC suits - 2. Equipment for carrying out blasting operations: blasting machine KPM-1 - 1; set 77-1; ohmmeters M-57 (linear bridge LM-68) - 2; miner-demolition bags - 9. Water extraction and purification equipment: RDV-1500 tank - 1. Observation and reconnaissance equipment: sapper rangefinder DSP-30-1; night work device PNR - 1; periscope PIR - 1; binoculars - 3. Transportable: anti-tank. min - 600 pcs.; anti-personnel min - 8000 pcs.; TNT in checkers - 500 kg.