Beer while breastfeeding - when should some old habits be banned? Can a nursing mother drink non-alcoholic beer?

Is it permissible for a young mother to drink beer while breastfeeding? Heated debates continue to surround this issue. It would seem that the answer is obvious - beer is alcohol and its consumption is harmful. But it's not that simple. The fact is that this drink supposedly contains many useful components. So where is the truth?

Some modern nursing mothers do not see anything reprehensible in drinking alcohol or cigarettes. Many “experienced advisers” even recommend that a nursing mother drink a glass or two of beer - both the baby will relax and the mother will enjoy it. In addition, some people naively believe that a small dose of alcohol will not harm the baby in any way. However, it has been scientifically proven that everything that a nursing mother drinks and eats goes directly into the baby’s body. The conductor is, of course, mother's milk.

One way or another it will reach the baby’s body if the necessary safety measures are not taken.

Beer contains ethyl alcohol. If feeding occurs immediately after drinking alcohol, the baby will definitely receive a hefty dose of ethanol. This toxin enters breast milk within 30 minutes after drinking the drink, and if the beer was drunk during a meal, then within an hour. Naturally, this harmful component enters the newborn’s body.

So before you drink alcoholic drinks During breastfeeding, you need to carefully weigh this decision and understand all the possible risks.

Is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding?

It is, of course, not advisable for a nursing mother to drink beer. But sometimes there is a strong desire to enjoy a delicious foamy drink. Are beer and breastfeeding compatible?

By the way, the famous doctor Komarovsky also spoke about beer during breastfeeding. His opinion is this: the significant advantage of an intoxicating drink is its natural ingredients, the disadvantage is its alcohol content. Therefore, it is better to prefer non-alcoholic analogues. If you crave alcohol unbearably, then a nursing mother should definitely take into account the volume of drinks (it should be minimal) and the frequency of drinking (beer gatherings cannot be made regular). He also does not recommend canned drinks - they contain preservatives.

Thus, drinking a little beer once every one or two weeks is acceptable. Of course, parallel intake of other alcoholic beverages during this period is excluded. If exceed permissible norm, the baby runs the risk of receiving too much alcohol. Feeding a baby by a mother who is in the stage of alcohol intoxication, can even cause intoxication of the child’s body.

Do not forget that frequent consumption of alcohol during lactation can provoke the following problems in a newborn:

  • Underweight;
  • The occurrence of hypoglycemia;
  • Lethargy, apathy;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Gastrointestinal problems: gas formation, colic, inflammatory processes;
  • Delayed motor development;
  • Depressed breathing syndrome;
  • Liver pathologies;
  • Decreased blood pressure, increased heart rate.

So, beer parties are not the best way to spend time for a nursing mother. Therefore, it is better to treat yourself to something healthier. Mineral water, compote or even a portion of ice cream. Sweets during breastfeeding - of course not better food, but if you choose between sweet and alcoholic, then the first option is much better.

Myths and truth about beer during breastfeeding

There are many conflicting statements surrounding the foamy drink. To understand whether a nursing mother can drink beer, it is necessary to dispel or, conversely, confirm the most common myths.

Contains vitamins

Many people consider beer a product rich in vitamins, and therefore believe that a nursing mother can drink beer.

Indeed, the classic “live” drink contains vitamins B and C; in addition, it contains brewer’s yeast, rich in many useful elements: iron, chromium, zinc, selenium, etc. Potassium and magnesium are found in malt. Hops provide the body with lupulin and glumulone - substances that prevent bone destruction. However, modern food technologies are making their own adjustments: there are fewer and fewer “live” components in drinks and more and more “chemicals” - for example, preservatives.

Despite such a rosy picture, one should not assume that beer during breastfeeding can replace taking vitamins or dietary supplements. Nevertheless, this drink is considered alcoholic and, in addition to useful elements, contains many toxins. Which neutralize and negate all the advantages. In addition, it does not contain the necessary components that could not be found in other products that are more suitable for mother and baby.

Increases milk supply

Some mothers seriously believe that beer for lactation is the most best product. But does it really increase milk flow to the breast? Unfortunately, everything is not so simple. After drinking an intoxicating drink, a nursing mother's breasts actually increase in size. But this does not happen from a rush of milk, but from the entry of fluid and salts into the tissue of the mammary glands. The latter linger in the glands and cause their swelling. The amount of milk does not change. Therefore, beer to increase lactation is nothing more than a myth.

Promotes sound sleep

Well-meaning “advisers” often recommend that nursing mothers drink a little beer to ensure their baby sleeps more soundly. However, you should not be deceived about this. Alcoholic drinks cause lethargy and drowsiness. However, such sleep is most often superficial, shallow and disturbing. In addition, one should not discount the harmful effects of alcohol on the baby’s nervous system. If the mother regularly drinks alcohol, the baby may soon become excitable and have problems sleeping.

Safety rules: how long does it take for alcohol to leave milk?

Breastfeeding and beer are, of course, not the most compatible things. And yet, if a young mother desperately lacks this particular drink, she should not deny herself this pleasure through tears. The main thing is to stick certain rules drinking foamy drink:

  • Absolutely any alcoholic beverages, including beer (even non-alcoholic) are unacceptable to drink in the first three months of a child’s life.
  • You should not buy canned beer - it contains more preservatives than bottled.
  • Feed your baby before drinking.
  • You can't drink on an empty stomach! This will increase the time it takes for the body to remove toxins and cause more harm to the baby.
  • If there is an irresistible desire to drink beer, the mother should express herself first. Then she will be able to feed the baby from a bottle without fear that what she drinks will harm the baby.
  • If a mother notices that the beer she drinks has a negative effect on the well-being and condition of the baby, she should stop drinking this drink.
  • It is unacceptable to mix beer with other types of alcohol.
  • The stronger, the worse. Three degrees is safer than nine.

And, of course, the mother should know how long after she can breastfeed her baby.

The table shows the norms for one glass of beer (300 ml). Naturally, if mom drank more, the time it takes for the alcohol to leave the body will increase. It is also worth considering the mother’s body weight. In women with a heavier build, alcohol disappears from the body faster; for small and thin mothers, the time may differ more.

Fresh, foamy, such an alluring beer is a huge temptation for both pregnant and lactating women. Often during these temporary periods you want this particular drink. Many mothers justify themselves by drinking non-alcoholic beer - they say it is completely harmless. However, it is necessary to understand once and for all that alcoholic, low-alcohol or so-called non-alcoholic drinks are harmful to the body of mother and baby. But there is a chance to reduce their negative impact on the baby. To do this, it is enough to follow simple rules before and during use. And, of course, do not forget about the frequency and volume of drunken drinks.

We will talk about bad habits and... Everything seemed clear here, but still issues related to feeding newborns always cause a lot of controversy and doubt among young mothers. This is especially true. How to eat while breastfeeding?

Can I afford drinks such as coffee, wine, soda or beer while breastfeeding? Can a mother smoke a cigarette at least occasionally? Leading a fast-paced and varied life before the birth of a child, and not wanting to give up some habits, parents very often ask similar questions during a consultation with a pediatrician. And, it would seem, what will happen if the mother takes a few sips of cold beer on a hot day or red wine on a holiday?

Pros and cons of drinking beer while breastfeeding

There is no categorical ban on beer consumption, and every specialist will tell you this. However, claims that beer made from natural ingredients will increase lactation and triple the amount of breast milk are fiction. This is not scientifically backed up, and therefore not proven.

The only advantages of drinking beer are its high content of vitamin B. But in contrast to this, a significant disadvantage of drinking it is alcohol. If a nursing mother really wants to drink a few sips of beer, there is nothing wrong with that. Be sure to pay attention to the fact that the drink is made from natural ingredients, does not contain preservatives or dyes, and is based on artesian or filtered water.

For beer lovers, non-alcoholic beer is an excellent alternative when breastfeeding. Drinking a little bottled non-alcoholic beer will not harm either yourself or your baby. The only thing you need to understand is that non-alcoholic beer is just an analogue of the real thing, so many of the ingredients in it are replaced with allergens and preservatives.

Myths and truth about alcohol

So can a nursing mother drink beer or not? With the first sip of beer, considering that the drink is non-alcoholic, ethanol enters your bloodstream and therefore into your breast milk. When a baby latches on to the breast, he receives a dose of alcohol that the child’s body cannot handle yet. It is simply not possible for a child to overcome the heavy metals, methanol and phenol found in alcohol, which he inherited, and as a result, the damage caused to the small organism.

Alcohol and breastfeeding are generally not compatible things. Even taking medical supplies alcohol-based, you must clearly understand what this can mean for your baby. In cases where treatment is unavoidable, consult your doctor and ask to find an alternative.

Many mothers mistakenly believe that a small amount of alcohol - beer or red wine - will not only not harm the baby, but will also improve the quality of milk and calm an overly excited baby. Indeed, one or two sips to kill your teeth if you really want beer or champagne will not be disastrous. But frequent, let alone regular, alcohol consumption is unacceptable.

In the body of a nursing woman, alcohol is absorbed several times faster, due to natural metabolic changes after childbirth and during feeding. At the same time, alcohol is removed from the blood much more slowly. Studies have shown that after drinking alcohol, it appears in breast milk within half an hour, but is excreted after 10-12 hours.

A common belief is that red wine during breastfeeding can significantly improve the functioning of the blood and cardiovascular system child are also speculation.

If you drink only 100 ml of weak red wine, it is eliminated from the body in 2.5-3 hours, but if the dose is doubled, the elimination process will also increase and will take 5-6 hours.

Alcohol in mother's milk also negatively affects the baby's digestive system. Beer is a fermented product, and its consumption can cause stomach cramps in a child under 3 months of age. Wine and spirits containing ethyl alcohol quickly inflame the mucous membrane of the intestines, stomach and esophagus, destroying it over time. The nutrients of breast milk mixed with alcohol are not absorbed by the baby at all.

Breastfeeding and smoking

Nicotine and toxic elements released during smoking are absorbed into the mother’s blood and milk much faster. Smoking is extremely bad habit, which certainly negatively affects both the process of milk production and its quality. The reason is that smoking significantly reduces the level of prolactin, the hormone responsible for lactation. Nicotine also significantly weakens the body's defense reactions.

When in the same room with a baby, it is strictly forbidden to smoke not only for the mother who is feeding the baby, but also for all family members. Tobacco smoke causes vascular spasms in newborns, has a depressing effect on the mucous membranes, and provokes the appearance of allergic diseases.

A child who eats milk containing even tiny amounts of nicotine becomes agitated and irritable, sleeps poorly, loses appetite and significantly loses weight. The reason is the same - the toxic breakdown products contained in cigarettes. The digestive tract is constantly exposed to nicotine attacks, and, consequently, the baby is plagued by colic, nausea, and diarrhea.

Think about the fact that 80% of children who are weakened and often ill in infancy were deprived of normal development due to the mother’s reluctance to think about health and give up beer or cigarettes. Pay attention to the numbers - surveys have shown that children who fall behind mental development from their peers, in 70% of cases they consumed breast milk from a smoking mother. Being sick with viral and infectious diseases More often than other children, such children take a very long and difficult time to recover.

The consumption of alcohol and nicotine should be prohibited for mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. Make every effort to ensure that your child receives only useful microelements and vitamins, strengthened the immune system and always pleased you with excellent health!

Doctor Komarovsky: children and smoking

The negative attitude towards alcohol consumption during lactation is well founded. Alcohol is a poisonous and toxic substance for the entire body. In an adult, it leads to disruption of the metabolic system, and for a newborn baby it will have even more disastrous consequences. It should be said that there are other points of view on the “alcohol” issue.

Facts and Research

This question is important and exciting to many minds, but more or less significant research has not been carried out on it. All doctors’ recommendations are based on well-known facts indicating negative impact alcohol for the baby.

Whether or not to drink alcohol is the choice of every mother. At the same time, consider the effect of alcohol on the child’s body.

A different point of view regarding the ban on drinking any amount of alcohol for nursing mothers was expressed by Jack Newman, who is a member of the Professional Advisory Council International organizations according to GV. A detailed examination of the reactions in the body of a nursing mother after drinking alcoholic beverages will help to understand which point of view will be correct:

  • Drink consumption. Beer, champagne or dry wine initially enters the stomach through digestive tract, it stays there for about 20 minutes. From the stomach the drink enters the intestines.
  • Suction. The process is carried out in small intestine, alcohol is released into the blood. The drink is digested in 10 minutes.
  • Most high level concentrations in the blood. If a woman drank alcohol with food, then the most “clogged” blood will be after 60-90 minutes, and if separately from food - after 30-60 minutes. Keep in mind that in this case, champagne sharply accelerates the onset of maximum concentration to 10 minutes. Mother's milk receives a dose of ethanol at this time.
  • Removal from the body. The rate of withdrawal will vary depending on the dose taken and the woman’s weight. The body needs more time to neutralize the effects of drinking strong alcohol. The decrease in blood concentration coincides with the removal of alcohol from breast milk.

Within 30-60 minutes after drinking alcohol, you will no longer be able to breastfeed your baby.

Answers to frequently asked questions

The above makes it possible to answer exciting questions regarding alcohol and lactation:

  • Is there a danger of alcohol getting into mother's milk? Yes, because the process of assimilation and absorption of alcoholic beverages is similar to what the body uses when taking medicines. Alcohol reaches the mammary glands in 10% of what the nursing mother drank.
  • When is the most dangerous period for feeding after drinking alcohol? After drinking beer or wine, it is most dangerous for a woman to feed her baby after 30-60 minutes, but in the case of champagne - after 10 minutes.
  • When does the alcohol completely leave the milk, and how long will it take to feed? The speed of this process is different for everyone. A woman weighing 55 kg will need to wait about 2-3 hours, provided she drinks one glass of red or white wine. Stronger drinks (cognac, sambuca) will require a longer elimination period - up to 13 hours.

Having indicated that alcohol is eliminated from the body in everyone with different intensity, which depends on the volume of alcoholic beverages and on the weight and height of the woman, one can imagine average speed excretion. Let's look at this in a table where alcohol is measured in “drinks”. One “drink” is:

  • 340 g beer (5%);
  • 142 g wine (11%);
  • 42.5 g strong drink (40%).
The rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the blood of a nursing mother depends on her weight and the strength of the alcoholic drink.

Women sometimes express milk so that new, clean milk arrives to replace it, but this is a mistake. In fact, ethanol will come again and again from the “infected” blood. As soon as alcohol is completely removed from the blood, mother's milk will immediately clear as well.

The effect of alcohol on a child

Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages during the lactation period has a number of negative consequences:

  • External signs. When all possible limits are exceeded, the baby's sluggish behavior becomes noticeable. His sleep is disturbed: he falls asleep quickly and deeply, but sleeps very little. The child becomes nervous. A woman may feel a lack of milk. This conclusion was reached by American experts from the Committee on Pediatric Drugs.
  • Malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels. Ethanol causes the heart to beat at the wrong rhythm. This leads to possible weakness in the baby, as well as breathing problems.
  • Digestive disorders. Beer during breastfeeding negatively affects the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. Children's immature digestive systems are at risk. Colic may develop.

Alcohol is especially harmful to newborns under 3 months of age. All organs are not yet fully mature, in particular the liver. She is not yet able to process alcohol even in small doses.

Ethanol is processed 3 times slower in a baby’s body than in an adult. How much beer can you drink during this period? Not a bit!

Myths about the benefits of beer during breastfeeding

The topic of alcohol is so exciting for nursing mothers that it has given rise to many myths. Some of them claim that alcohol and breastfeeding are completely incompatible, while others, in contrast, point to healing effect for mother and child:

  • Beer during breastfeeding stimulates milk production. The woman notices the baby's more frequent desire to suckle at the breast. The number of applications increases - this is the basis for constructing such a hypothesis. Pediatricians from the USA D. Menella and G. Bishomp experimentally found out the following. In women who took alcoholic beer instead of non-alcoholic beer, the number of feedings increased, but overall the daily volume of milk consumed decreased by 20-27%. Thus, there was a claim that alcohol during breastfeeding slows down milk production.
  • After drinking alcohol, your baby sleeps better. Studies have shown that alcoholic drinks change a child's sleep, but not better side. They lead to disruptions nervous system, because of what children's sleep becomes abnormal. The initial effect of ethanol is expressed in a state close to intoxication, which leads to rapid falling asleep. Such a dream does not last long, which means it does not go through all the necessary phases. An important resting phase for recuperation is missed. Babies who have received a dose of alcohol sleep much less than children whose mothers did not drink beer or any other alcohol-containing drink.

After drinking an alcoholic drink, it is recommended to stop breastfeeding for a while.

Making the holiday safe

Can a nursing mother have wine and beer? Is there a safe way for a baby to take them? Let's look at the nuances of use. Thomas Hale, MD, who is a professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas technical university, states that nursing mothers can drink alcoholic beverages in moderation. Having fully “recovered” after taking these, the mother can begin breastfeeding. This statement is taken from the book “ Medicines and breast milk."

Dr. Komarovsky agrees with Thomas Hale and advises, when drinking beer or wine, to take into account following features reception:

  • The more and more often a woman drinks alcohol-containing drinks, the stronger her destructive force. Never overdo it with beer or wine. It is permissible to sip one glass at a party or celebration, but you should not overdo it. Daily use drinking alcohol is a sign of developing alcoholism.
  • Say a firm “no” to alcohol before your baby is three months old. The smallest doses can cause extremely harmful consequences.
  • Keep in mind your weight, because overweight and thin women differently the process is underway removal of ethanol from the body. For the former, it will go much faster.
  • Never drink on an empty stomach. The intensity and volume of ethanol absorbed will be significantly lower when drinking alcohol with food.
  • Don't overdo it. Critically large volumes of alcohol can cause intoxication in a child’s body. A woman in a state of severe intoxication has poor self-control, which means there is a danger of running over the baby while sleeping together.

The best way To protect your child - completely stop drinking alcohol

Rules for drinking alcohol

There are a number of rules that will help you safely combine a pleasant evening and good health for your child:

  1. The child should be fed immediately before the celebration if you have a desire to drink alcohol. Subsequent feeding should be done only in a completely sober mind.
  2. Remember about the child and do not drink too much. Only moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages is possible during lactation. A glass of beer will not cause serious harm to either you or your baby.
  3. Express milk in reserve. If there is a danger of drinking too much, take care to prepare the required amount of breast milk for one or two feedings. Expressed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. Do not feed your baby with overfilled breasts. Feeling excessive fullness of the mammary glands, express some and pour it out.
  5. Drink soft drinks. Beer or wine with 0% ethanol can be drunk during lactation. Of course, you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the product. Just one bottle of beer with artificial colors and preservatives can cause the development of allergic reactions in a child of the first year of life.

Each woman decides independently about the compatibility of alcohol and lactation. Only the mother has the right to control the baby’s health and decide whether it is possible to drink beer while breastfeeding. There is no need to be overly afraid of alcohol, doctors also talk about this.

Non-alcoholic beer can help a woman relax at a party while breastfeeding, which is essentially safe alternative alcohol.

Many people love beer, and the reasons can be very different: the opportunity to relax, good taste, low price... Characteristically, the intoxicating drink is popular with both men and women. Therefore, if a woman enjoyed beer before pregnancy, then even after birth she will still want it. Everyone knows how harmful alcoholic drinks are for breastfeeding women, and any doctor will confirm this. But what about non-alcoholic beer?Is it possible for a nursing mother to drink non-alcoholic beer?How does it affect the baby's health? Let's try to figure it out.

During this period of time, a nursing mother is strictly prohibited from drinking non-alcoholic beer, as well as any other drink with gases. This is explained by the fact that the baby’s digestive system is not yet sufficiently developed; the intestinal sections do not yet have the required coherence. In this regard, even a few sips of a carbonated drink can cause sleepless night or even hospital visits.

Pay attention! If you carefully study the label of non-alcoholic beer, you will find out that it actually contains degrees. Moreover, there will be exactly the same amount of alcohol in breast milk as in the mother’s blood.

Many mothers say that children like the taste of milk with alcohol (even in small quantities) more. This is true, but many years of practice show that if there is alcohol in milk, the child eats approximately 23% less than usual, despite the fact that the feeding itself is very active and the baby has a good appetite.

The percentage of alcohol can vary between 0.1-2%, depending on the specific type of “zero” drink, which is not so little. Do not forget that in the newborn body there are no enzymes capable of breaking down alcohol, so even the smallest dose of the latter often leads to allergies, disorders digestive system, and sometimes (less often) to epilepsy and even death.

From two to six months

Often at this age, colic gradually disappears and does not bother the baby so much, but still this is not a reason to drink non-alcoholic beer. The fact is that during this period the mother gradually leaves the postpartum diet, which lasts two months. The diet is slowly replenished with foods that she (the mother) is accustomed to, but they are still unfamiliar to the child and one of them can cause an allergic reaction. And to exclude this, you should carefully choose the products introduced into the diet.

Pay attention! It is necessary to add only one product every day, and there can be no talk of any beer, even without degrees.

Six to nine months

As for this period, doctors do not give a clear answer as to whether the mother can drink non-alcoholic beer. However, you need to remember that it is at this time that the first complementary foods are introduced, and the baby may react negatively to some of the products. And in order to avoid psychological stress It is also advisable for a child to stop drinking beer.

From nine months

Domestic (and not only) doctors assure that a nursing mother can drink beer, but only high-quality one. It should contain only malt, water and hops, and it is quite difficult to find it on the shelves. Another thing is a good imported product, which does not contain carbon dioxide, maltose molasses, or other unnecessary impurities.

There is also an opinion that beer ingredients have a positive effect on lactation, although there is no strong evidence of this yet. Many doctors allow women to drink “zero” beer during this period, because there is practically no alcohol in it (if 20 grams of wine per day is possible, then this drink with its 1% is even more so). Moreover, drinking high-quality (foreign) beer has its advantages when breastfeeding after nine months:

  • it tastes practically no different from the “real” one, which cannot but please true lovers of the intoxicating drink;
  • barley, which is contained in beer, promotes the production of the hormone prolactin;
  • hops have a calming effect on both mother and child;
  • minerals and vitamins can become an additional source of beneficial microelements.

But, we repeat, this only applies to infants older than nine months. And if you drink low-quality cheap beer, the production of which, as is known, uses preservatives and other harmful additives, then there will be no benefit from this; rather, on the contrary, it will negatively affect the health of both mother and child.

Opinions differ

Doctors do not have a clear opinion on this matter, and no studies, as noted above, have been conducted. So, some believe that non-alcoholic beer has a positive effect on lactation. In Japan, they even released a special variety intended for nursing mothers. But, on the other hand, practice shows that not every newborn is able to withstand the “blows” of alcohol and other impurities.

Of course, the drink is not included in the list of foods prohibited when breastfeeding, but when wondering whether to drink non-alcoholic beer for lactation, it’s better to ask something else: do you want your baby to be healthy? Indeed, for better milk production, it is quite possible to drink tea, juices, plain water. In addition, today they even sell special tea for more intense lactation.

So to drink or not to drink?

If you really want beer, then you need to take all safety measures to protect your baby. At first, you need to take only a few sips of beer (the same as when tasting any other new product), after releasing the gases. If the child develops colic or simply becomes restless, then it is better to postpone the experiment for several weeks. If there is no reaction, then you need to express milk for several subsequent feedings and only after that drink beer (no more than 0.5 l). After this, it is better not to feed the baby for at least 12 hours, but to use expressed milk.

But remember that alcohol, even in such minute quantities, can harm the baby’s body. Therefore, indulging her desires, the mother must remember that by doing so she is endangering the health of her loved one!

The time from the start of drinking alcohol to the removal of ethyl alcohol from a woman’s breast milk, depending on body weight.

In the table *1 serving= 340 g of beer (alcohol content 5%). A woman weighing 52.2 kg will need 5 hours 1 minute so that there is not a trace left in her milk from drinking two servings of beer.

Mother's body weight, kg / Servings1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
40.8 2:50 5:40 8:30 11:20 14:10 17:00 19:51 22:41
43.1 2:46 5:32 8:19 11:05 13:52 16:38 19:25 22:11
45.4 2:42 5:25 8:08 10:51 13:34 16:17 19:00 21:43
47.6 2:39 5:19 7:58 10:38 13:18 15:57 18:37 21:16 23:56
52.2 2:33 5:06 7:39 10:12 12:46 15:19 17:52 20:25 22:59
56.7 2:27 4:54 7:22 9:49 12:16 14:44 17:11 19:38 22:06
61.2 2:21 4:43 7:05 9:27 11.49 14:11 16:33 18:55 21:17 23.39

Doctors unanimously say that alcohol and breastfeeding not compatible. Even small doses of alcohol inhibit the normal development of the baby and contribute to the occurrence of diseases and abnormalities.

IN lately There was an opinion that beer, due to the presence of some useful elements, stimulates an increase in lactation. However, experts deny this information. Research shows that beer has no effect on milk supply. And all the benefits of the drink fade into the background due to harmful and dangerous substances.

Let's figure out whether you can drink beer while breastfeeding.

Beer improves lactation: myth or not?

Some researchers say that you can drink beer while breastfeeding, but only if you strictly follow the rules of consumption. This opinion was formed due to the fact that the composition of the foamy drink includes brewer's yeast. This component has beneficial properties.

  • B1 improves metabolism, restores strength, relieves depression;
  • B2 stabilizes the condition of the skin, improves its structure and appearance;
  • D2 strengthens teeth and promotes hair growth.

If you feel an urgent need to drink beer, then you are missing exactly these vitamins.

To replenish supplies, It is not necessary to drink alcohol. These beneficial elements can also be obtained from other foods. Increase your dose of bran, whole grain bread, vegetables and dairy products.

If you still decide to drink alcohol, then choose non-alcoholic beer. The presence of hops and barley in a beer drink will improve mom’s mood and hormone production. And carbohydrates and minerals will become a source of nutrients. At the same time, the amount of alcohol in such a drink is minimal.

On the Internet you can often find a story that beer increased the amount of milk. Indeed, when drinking this alcoholic drink, it may seem that there is more milk. However, this is self-deception. Beer does not help improve lactation.

It has been proven that foamy drink accumulates in tissues, as a result they swell and stretch. This is why you begin to feel a rush of milk. At the same time, feeding is difficult. Alcohol delays breast milk, and the baby is forced to suckle harder.

And to increase lactation, it is better to drink more fluids. These are natural juices drinking water, tea and dairy products.

Remember that large number drinking alcohol will cause irreparable harm baby!

Harmful effects on the child

  • Delay in the baby's motor development. Non-alcoholic alcohol is no exception. Despite the name, the drink still contains a small dose of alcohol;
  • Sleep disturbance, lethargy and weakness;
  • Underweight baby
  • Risk of hypoglycemia;
  • The drink retains fluid in the body and disrupts the flow of breast milk;
  • Increased heart rate and decreased blood pressure;
  • The occurrence of colic, gas formation, inflammation of the esophagus, stomach or intestines;
  • Frequent consumption causes rapid addiction in the baby, which subsequently leads to addiction.

Rules for drinking beer during lactation

Occasional drinking of alcohol will not affect breastfeeding and will not harm the baby. Therefore, if you really want beer, you can drink a little. However, during lactation you should strictly follow the rules of use:

  • Non-alcoholic beer contains 0.5 – 1.5% alcohol. For comparison, kefir contains about 0.6%, and kvass contains about 1.2%. In this case, you can drink no more than 500 ml of the drink;
  • Low-strength beer with an alcohol content of up to 6% can be drunk occasionally and not more than 250 ml;
  • Before use, check whether the child has allergic reaction for hops, barley, carbon dioxide;
  • You should not drink any alcoholic beverages, including non-alcoholic beer, for at least three months after giving birth;
  • Avoid canned beer as it contains a lot of preservatives;
  • Feed your child before drinking alcohol. After drinking, wait until the alcohol has completely dissipated. The weathering time depends on the mass of the mother and the type of drink. A woman weighing 55 kg, drinking 250 ml of beer with low alcohol content (up to 6%) will need an average of two hours;
  • If, even after a sip of beer, severe intoxication occurs, then alcoholic drinks should be immediately avoided. This indicates a lack of enzymes for the absorption of alcohol in the body;
  • If after drinking beer you notice a deterioration in the child’s well-being, then it is also not recommended to drink in the future;
  • Don't drink on an empty stomach! This will increase the time it takes for alcohol to leave the body.

Drinking alcohol enters the digestive tract, where it remains for 20 minutes. It then moves to the intestine, where absorption occurs. The alcohol is released into the blood and processed within 10 minutes. The maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood is an hour, then gradually disappears.

The baby will receive the largest dose of alcohol when feeding 30-60 minutes after drinking beer. Therefore, it is important to wait until alcohol is completely eliminated from the body. As mentioned earlier, for a mother weighing 55 kg it will take at least two hours.

The longer the time interval between drinking alcohol and feeding, the better. If you are afraid of negative consequences, you can express milk before drinking alcohol.

Thus, occasionally You can drink non-alcoholic or weak beer in small doses. A single use will not cause serious damage. If a nursing mother periodically needs beer, then replace the drink with live kvass or kefir.