Giant freshwater shrimp. Overview of all types of freshwater aquarium shrimp Not real shrimp

This amazing creature has many names, the most famous of which are macrobrachium Rosenberg, giant river shrimp and long-armed shrimp. Experts say that her meat is very tasty. And we tend to believe them. It’s not for nothing that many farms have been built in southeast Asia, in other countries and even in the south of Russia, where these arthropods are bred for sale. In addition, Macrobrachium rosenbergii can become quite interesting object and for display in an aquarium. They have quite unusual appearance and habits. Read our article about how to properly keep giant freshwater shrimp in your home pond.

The areas of its distribution in nature are India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Northern Australia, the Philippines and New Guinea. Adult shrimp can be found there most often in fresh, quiet, heavily overgrown reservoirs, the bottom of which is lined with sand and stones, and littered with snags. The temperature in them, depending on the season, ranges from 24 to 32 °C. When it's time to spawn, they migrate to lower rivers or estuaries, where the water is saltier.

What does a Rosenberg shrimp look like?

The sizes of these creatures are quite large, females are approximately 28 cm, and males are 32 cm. The weight of the latter can reach 250 g, and they also have large, long, coal-colored claws. Sometimes the right and left are different sizes.

Equipment: filter, dim lighting. The current should not be strong. Daylight hours are 12 hours.

Priming. You can put dark-colored river sand with a fraction of 2-4 mm on the bottom. The surface should not be flat. Terraces and depressions are welcome.

Shelters and decor. The giant Vietnamese shrimp grows very quickly and therefore sheds often. During this period, she is extremely defenseless and can easily be eaten by her relatives. To protect it, you need to arrange a sufficient number of shelters. These can be snags, thickets, stone piles, grottoes, ceramic pipes.

Flora. It is better not to use live aquarium plants. They will be eaten. You can try planting “tasteless” cryptocoryne or ophiopogon, while feeding the shrimp with pre-scalded lettuce, dandelion, burdock, and nettle. If this does not help, then there is only one way out - to decorate the aquarium with artificial plants. It is better to place them in dense groups.

Our pets adapt quite quickly and can adapt to life under other conditions. However, if these recommendations are followed, the living conditions will be as close as possible to natural ones, and the shrimp will live longer (4-5 years).

What to feed giant freshwater shrimp

Suitable for both animal and plant food. From live food, you can give tubifex, bloodworms, coretra, cyclops and large daphnia. From time to time it is advisable to treat amphibian larvae, mollusks, and live fish. Seafood (squid, mussels, haddock, pollock, cod fillet and others) will also be used. Of course, everything must be pre-chopped. From the vegetation it will be useful to feed scalded nettles, spinach and burdock. Sometimes you can give artificial fish food like Tetra and the like.

Feed is supplied as needed when the previous one is completely destroyed. If you leave it to sit for a long time, the water may deteriorate.

Is it possible to obtain offspring in captivity?

Overall this is not a difficult task. But! Water for breeding should be brackish.

Sexual maturity occurs at 4-5 months of age. Manufacturers must be in good physical condition, active, without damage or disease.

Preparation period. Females are placed in a container with a temperature of 22 °C. They are kept there for three weeks. Next, the temperature is increased to 28-29 °C for three days. All shrimp are given food in abundance. It is better to use live food, as well as artificial food, which contains at least 30% protein (for sturgeon and salmon).

For reproduction, a male and three to four females are placed in one container. After mating and spawning, the females take care of the eggs: ventilate them and remove dead ones.

Larval stage– the most difficult in the development of shrimp. It is characterized by a very high mortality rate. It is extremely important to control all water parameters:

  • temperature 27-29 °C;
  • salinity 12% (ppm);
  • oxygen 5 g/l;
  • acidity 8-8.2 pH;
  • nitrites 0.1 g/l;
  • other nitrogen compounds 0.001 g/l;
  • illumination 4000 lux;
  • daylight hours 12 hours.

Larval development consists of 12 stages. Each lasts approximately three days and ends with a molt.

Feeding begins on the second day, preferably fresh nauplii of arrhythmia. From the fifth day you can add the yolk of a boiled egg and minced fish.

Next comes the transformation into postlarvae. Also with rapid growth and frequent molts, the number of which decreases as they grow. Postlarvae are transplanted into a container with reduced salinity (6 o/oo). They begin to lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The diet can be supplemented boiled vegetables and cereals.

Juveniles can be kept in community aquariums with fish and other small shrimp. But when their size reaches 5 cm, it is better to plant them, as they will become dangerous to others. It is also better to immediately separate parents from young people to avoid cannibalism.

This is interesting

The giant oriental Rosenberg shrimp is considered one of the most delicious, which is why in many countries and even in Russia they are bred for gastronomic purposes. In Thailand, this matter is completely on stream. Treating yourself to such a shrimp is not a cheap pleasure: one piece costs about 15-20 euros. They are transported live (in special cars or boxes with wet moss) or frozen.

In conclusion, we note that keeping, and even more so breeding, giant freshwater shrimp is not an entirely simple matter, but it is very interesting. That’s why if you have some experience in aquarium keeping, and most importantly, a desire, then go for it. You will definitely succeed!

We eat this sea ​​creature, and what do we know about him? Today we will tell you how he lives shrimp V sea ​​depths, where it lives, what species exist and much more.

Description of shrimp

Shrimp is a mollusk belonging to the decapod crayfish, with a body length of only 10-12 cm (a maximum of some individuals reach 30 cm) with a body weight of 20 grams. Life cycle of a shrimp varies from 1.5 to 6 years.

Did you know that the mollusk is a unique creature? These creatures are able to shed their shell, replacing it with a new one. But the most interesting thing is that the sea creature’s heart and genitals are located in the head area, where the digestive and urinary organs are also located! Like all crustaceans and fish, the shrimp is breathing with the help of gills, which are located next to the walking legs and are protected by a shell. By the way, no matter how surprising it may be, shrimp blood is in normal condition blue color! And only from a lack of oxygen does it become discolored. These creatures live in almost any body of water in the world, except for the Arctic and Antarctica, focusing on areas of the equator.

Types of shrimp

Scientists identify more than 2,000 species, which they divided into subspecies:

1. Freshwater

2. Cold water

3. Warm water

4. Brackish water


Shrimp habitat

Did you know what exactly shrimp play an important role in the ecosystem of seas and oceans? These small creatures clean the bottom of reservoirs from various tubifex worms, fish and aquatic insects. Looking for food sea ​​creature leads a fairly active lifestyle, constantly moving around bodies of water. Little cleaners cleanse the body of dead brothers and small algae, sometimes attacking big fish, but only on sleeping or sick people.

Of course, everyone species of shrimp lives in different places. Warm water, for example, live only in southern oceans and seas, and there are about a hundred species of them. Cold water found in the Baltic and North Seas, in the Barents Sea, near the coasts of Canada and Greenland. By the way, this is one of the most common types of shrimp. You probably already realized that brackish water mollusks are inhabitants of salty seas and oceans. Freshwater They also live in Russia, Australia, the countries of South and South East Asia. Chilean inhabit the South American coasts, the Black, Baltic and Mediterranean Seas, and our beloved king prawns in the Atlantic Ocean.

What do shrimp eat?

Basis of shellfish nutritionorganic matter and endangered aquatic plants. Among plants, preference is given to succulent varieties, such as ceratopteris. These creatures resemble scavengers who will not disdain to feast on dead shellfish and even young fish. In shrimp There are organs of touch and smell that perfectly help in finding food - these are kind of antennas on the head. Residents closer to the equator even dig up the soil in search, running around the perimeter until they stumble upon food. As soon as mollusk found what he was looking for, he instantly and greedily pounces on food. And only blind individuals of the Black Sea eat silt with their mandibles (jaws), and cold-water ones with pure plankton.

At home, we can add to the diet animal dandelion and clover leaves, cucumbers, boiled carrots, zucchini, Walnut, chestnut, cherry.

Shrimp breeding

As soon as the female is ready to lay eggs, she secretes a yellow-green mass with a specific smell, to which the males flock like bees to honey. Once the couple has chosen each other, they begin mate, which lasts no more than a minute. One female can lay 20-30 eggs, which develop from 10 to 30 days, depending on environment. During the moment of formation, the shrimp in the caviar changes from 9 to 12 times! First, the legs are formed, and only then the head with all the organs located there. About 10% of the young animals die from predators, but in the aquarium you will be able to save 30%. And all because they are not able to obtain food, eating only the available food.



It is not known exactly how many species of shrimp exist, because, firstly, many varieties live in the seas, oceans and fresh water bodies, and it cannot be said that all of them have already been discovered. And, secondly, work on crossing and selection is constantly underway aquarium shrimp, as a result of which new species appear.

Shrimps belong to the phylum Arthropods, class Crustaceans, that is, they are the closest relatives of crayfish. In some species of shrimp this is reflected in their appearance. How exactly?

Aquarium shrimp: types and contents

Shrimp serve several functions in an aquarium. The first is cleaning the bottom of the aquarium from organic residues. For the most part, shrimp are peaceful creatures, so if you see a shrimp eating, for example, a dead fish, you don’t need to blame it - the shrimp simply cleans the aquarium of decaying remains, which contributes to its cleanliness and balance.

The second function is aesthetic. Many species have beautiful colors, so the aquarium with them acquires a “zest”.

What types of shrimp are there for an aquarium? Let's look at the most interesting of them.

Freshwater individuals

It should be noted that these types of shrimp are not suitable for eating. Therefore, shrimp can be bred in an aquarium only for beauty and sanitary purposes. There is a wide variety freshwater species aquarium shrimps that naturally live in rivers, lakes, and estuaries.


Popular and unpretentious. They live on average 1-2 years. There are several types of neocardine shrimp. It is recommended to keep them separately, since all neocardines can interbreed with each other, which will lead to color degeneration in the offspring.

All the others originated from neocardina vulgaris, as a result of random mutations and selection work. The usual neocardina is transparent and, due to its extreme unpretentiousness and low cost, is ideal for those who have never kept shrimp before.

Cherry shrimp

Otherwise known as “red cherry”, “cherry shrimp”, “red fire” or simply “cherry”. It appeared in Russia in 2004.

The most suitable conditions for neocardinfish are a water temperature of 22-25 degrees Celsius and thickets of plants at the bottom, such as Java moss. You should avoid the proximity of cherries and predators, as well as other crustaceans - crabs, crayfish.

Cherry shrimp are, as the name suggests, red in color. Thanks to the work of breeders? There are many variations of its saturation and shades. By the way, it can change depending on the conditions in the aquarium - food, lighting, neighbors, water temperature, soil color (the color intensifies on a dark bottom) and so on. From stress, caused, for example, by a threat from predator fish, shrimp become discolored.

Cherries are easy to distinguish by gender - males are smaller and fussier, their coloring is weaker. In contrast, females are slower and calmer and are brighter in color.

Yellow shrimp

The yellow shrimp was bred in Japan from the wild Neocardine species in the mid-2000s. By the way, the cherry shrimp was bred from the same wild species.

The yellow shrimp got its name due to its color, which is rare for shrimp. In size, like its relative cherry, it is small - 2.5-3 cm. The range of temperatures acceptable for keeping is slightly larger than that of that one - 22-28 degrees Celsius.

Female yellow shrimp are larger than males, their color is rather dark yellow and their underbelly is curved, so they are easy to distinguish from males. Females may also have a stripe along the back, which males do not have.

One of the variations of yellow shrimp, neon yellow, is distinguished by a bright yellow stripe on its back.

Riley shrimp

A mutation of the cherry shrimp, released in 1996. There are different color variations; The classic Riley shrimp has a bright red tail, head and chest and a transparent body. Grown-up females have yellow spot on the neck. The size of these shrimp is 2-2.5 cm, females are slightly larger than males.

Chocolate, white, blue neocardines

Females of this species have a rich brown, while males are much paler. The size ranges from 2.5 (males) to 3 (females) cm. The temperature suits them from 23 to 26 degrees Celsius.

Neocardina Shanjagensis white is sold under the name Snowball or White Pearl, obtained thanks to caviar similar to snowballs. Unpretentious shrimps, transparent whitish, look best on dark soil. Females are more decorative than males. The temperature suits them is from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

An interesting feature of these shrimp, which sets them apart from all other neocardines, is the absence of a larval stage.

Neocardina Shanjagensis blue. You can also find other names - Blue Ice, Blue Pearl. This is the second color variation of Neocardina Shanjarentis. It has a bluish color with a pearl as if hidden in front of the body. They are also unpretentious to living conditions.

Other shrimp

In addition to such common neocardines, there are others interesting views shrimp.

Amano shrimp. These shrimp reach a length of 4-5 cm. Their coloring is unusual; on a transparent or light green body there are small red-brown spots or broken lines, as well as a light stripe on the back. Amano are masters of camouflage, their ability to mimicry is so great that sometimes it is impossible to notice them at all at the bottom.

Females of Amano shrimp are much larger than males and sexually mature age wider than them.

A distinctive feature that makes these shrimp desirable inhabitants of the aquarium is that they eat filamentous algae, which is not easy to overcome. The optimal water temperature ranges from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.

Green shrimp. Sometimes it is also called dark green shrimp. She became famous among aquarists in 2007. It is distinguished by a rich, dark green color and size of 3-3.5 cm. It is easy to confuse it with Babaulti, a similar-colored shrimp.

Dark green prefers water with a temperature of 20 to 28 degrees Celsius. Females are larger, thicker and darker in color than males. Their caviar is a rich lemon green color.

Babaulti Shrimp. Also called green algae shrimp, this is fair, since most often it is green shrimp of this species that can be seen in the aquarium. What colors do this type of shrimp come in? They can be blue, red, brown and orange. When stressed, they can instantly change the color of their translucent body.

The size of these shrimp does not exceed 4 cm; females are larger than males and in adulthood have a yellow-green spot on their neck.


She is also a black bee or a crystal black shrimp. It is black and white in color and reaches 2.5-3 cm. Sensitive to water parameters and its contamination, it needs water with pH 6.5-7.5, GH 4-6, KH 1-2, temperature 18-26 degrees Celcius. It is important to create just such conditions for the black bee, so it cannot be called easy to keep.

Blue bee shrimp. Its size and optimal conditions contents are similar to cherry shrimp.

The shrimp was first introduced in 2008. Despite the name, the color can be not only blue, but also purple or brown. Because of this, it can be difficult to determine the exact type of shrimp, because most of the bees are caught in wildlife, and its breeding has not yet become widespread.

The sex of bee shrimp can only be determined in adulthood. The main difference between females and males is that their lower abdomen is curved, and the female itself is larger.

Red crystal and Indian glass

Red crystal. Sometimes it is called the red bee. Originally appeared as a mutation of the black bee. This is a beautiful shrimp with white and red stripes, size - 2.5-3 cm. It is not easy to keep, like its ancestor, it loves soft acidic water with a temperature of 18-26 degrees Celsius, and is demanding on the purity and quality of the water.

Indian glass shrimp. Another name - ghost shrimp - it received for its transparent color. However, they may have a yellowish or orange tint. There are small spots on the tail. Females reach 5 cm, males - 3-4 cm. The water temperature for normal life should be 20-29 degrees Celsius.

Rosenberg shrimp

Huge shrimp, an adult is 13 cm in size. They can hunt small fish and eat aquarium plants. The desired water temperature is 26-30 degrees Celsius; high water hardness is required for good shell development.

These shrimp are transparent in at a young age, over time, the color may change, transparency decreases, and blue stripes may appear on the body.

Rosenberg shrimp are interesting because their behavior is quite complex, and there are mating games.


Other names include bamboo shrimp, Asian filter shrimp, and tree shrimp. It was called a filterer due to its legs with cilia-fans, with which the shrimp filters water flows and thus catches food.

Coloring happens different colors and shades - brown, red, red. The dimensions of an adult are 7-10 cm, the optimal temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Cardinal

Very beautiful small (2-2.5 cm) shrimp of deep red tones with white front legs and dots on the body. They are found infrequently and are not suitable for beginners, as they are demanding in terms of living conditions. Water temperature is recommended from 26 degrees Celsius, in cold water Cardinals don't live long. Also important for them is high water hardness and pH 7-9.

You can see the beauty of this type of shrimp in the photo.

Harlequin and the Ringed Hand

Like the Cardinals, the Harlequins are very beautiful. Their rich, contrasting colors combine red, white and black. These shrimp are very small - only 0.6-1.2 cm. They are quite shy and whimsical, so it is better for experienced aquarists to keep them. The preferred temperature is 26 degrees Celsius.

Shrimp Ringed Hand. These are large (6-8 cm) marbled beige-brown shrimp with long claws in red and rusty shades. Thanks to their claws, they got their name. These shrimp are not as peaceful as many others - they often fight and can injure small fish. Males are larger than females and reach 8 cm. Keeping temperature is 20-30 degrees Celsius; they love oxygenated water. They can eat plants.


Usually named by features appearance shrimp, and their names are often very fancy and unusual. One more thing - Ninja. This shrimp was named so because of its ability to quickly change color and mimicry, allowing it to literally go invisible. It is difficult to name the color of a shrimp, because it can change it to almost any other.

It is also called Christmas shrimp, honey shrimp.

Ninja's size is normal for shrimp - 2.5-3.5 cm, the optimal temperature is 22-27 degrees Celsius.

Khanka shrimp

Received its name from the island of Khanka on Far East. In terms of structural features and behavior, they are similar to freshwater crayfish. The size of this shrimp is 3-4.15 cm, males are 10-15 mm larger than females, which is generally rare for shrimp.

Khanka shrimp are not a particularly attractive species, with a grayish-brownish translucent color. They have mustaches and claws. They are kept not for their beauty, but for the benefits they bring to the aquarium. It is advisable to maintain the temperature of the water in which they live from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius and organize a “change of seasons” - in winter, cool it to 18-20 degrees Celsius.

Chameleon and Pearl Shrimp

Chameleon. Otherwise - shrimp of the year. Brown color, light stripes and dark brown spots on the body. These shrimp have powerful claws. They are aggressive, it is better not to keep fish with them and to create shelters in the aquarium if there are several shrimp. Active in evening time. The temperature preferred is 18-24 degrees Celsius.

Males of Chameleons are much larger than females, 9-12 cm versus 7 cm.

Pearl shrimp. Relatively small shrimp up to 5 cm in length. There are other names - Sand shrimp, Marble shrimp. A peaceful appearance with small claws and a pleasant coloration, their body is light greenish or brownish-white in color, covered with white and black dots. Whimsical, love clean water 15-28 degrees Celsius and pH above 7, are very sensitive to changes in its parameters.

Japanese river shrimp and black tiger shrimp

These shrimp are 7-8 cm in size, have large orange or brick claws, white “stockings” on their legs and a transverse stripe on their back. The body itself is translucent brownish, the color intensity increases with age.

In general, they are not aggressive, but they can fight for territory and also eat sedentary fish and snails. A very unpretentious species, but it is still advisable to maintain the temperature in the range of 26-30 degrees Celsius and saturate the water with oxygen.

Black tiger shrimp. Very beautiful black shrimp with orange or black eyes. Females are slightly larger than males and grow up to 3 cm. They are very difficult to keep and cannot tolerate changes in water parameters, which are limited by clear boundaries. The required water temperature for maintenance is 21.5-23.5 degrees Celsius, pH - 7.2-7.4.

Sea shrimps. Type: Doctor

In cooking, it is the saltwater species of shrimp that are used for food. However, let's look at the most famous inedible species, suitable for marine aquariums.

Adult Doctors are 5-6 cm in size. They have an attractive color - a white longitudinal stripe on the back combined with crimson stripes on the sides. There are also white antennae.

This shrimp needs a marine aquarium with a temperature of 22-26 degrees Celsius, salt water and high hardness, an imitation is desirable coral reef. During molting, it is desirable to contain iodine in the water.

An interesting feature of Pacific cleaner shrimp is that they do not have females, all shrimp are born males and only with age they acquire bisexuality, that is, the shrimp is both male and female.

Fire cleaner shrimp

These shrimp are very shy and secretive; in daylight they hide in shelters. But over time, they can begin to recognize the owner and take food from his hands.

In matters of maintenance, you should focus on the needs of the desired type of shrimp, take into account the temperature suitable for it, the frequency of water changes and other parameters.

Many people need hard water with a high calcium content (carbonate hardness in the range of 5-10), because shrimp, like all crustaceans, molt periodically, and in soft water their new shell may not harden sufficiently. Immediately after molting, shrimp have a soft body that is easily damaged, and at first they hide. The old shrimp shell is usually eaten.

All shrimp are very sensitive to copper, even small doses can be lethal. In this regard, the shrimp should be moved to another container if other inhabitants of the aquarium require treatment with copper-containing preparations or, conversely, treatment should be carried out in a special quarantine aquarium. Anti-snail tablets can also be harmful to shrimp.

For all small shrimp, a small (from 10 liters) aquarium is suitable - a shrimp tank with a thick layer of soil in which aquarium plants will take root well. You should choose unpretentious species, since in shrimp tanks there is no need to supply CO 2, which is so beloved by plants. Java moss, hornwort, vallisneria, Thai fern and others are suitable. In a large aquarium, shrimp will simply “get lost” due to their miniature size. The average stocking density of these crustaceans is 2 shrimp per liter (this is only true for small species).

Most shrimp require a high oxygen content in the water, so it is advisable to have an aerator and turn it on at least at night, when the plants stop releasing O2. You also need to remember that as the temperature rises, the oxygen level decreases, and accordingly, additional aeration is also needed. And at temperatures above 32 degrees Celsius, shrimp die very easily even with aeration, because protein coagulation occurs in their bodies.

Thus, there are a huge number of species of shrimp, the description of which is impossible to fully describe. Among these funny and useful animals, both beginners and experienced aquarists will find suitable ones. The main thing to remember when purchasing shrimp is the simple rules for keeping them, and then these tireless cleaners will serve as orderlies and decoration of the aquarium.

Shrimp are an infraorder of crustaceans from the order Decapods. Widely distributed throughout the seas of the whole world, many species have mastered fresh waters.

Adult size different representatives varies from 2 to 30 cm.

Most of the colorful species on the market come from China, Japan, South-East Asia and India. A large number of families and countless genera of shrimp live in the sea, some genera also inhabit fresh waters. The desire to obtain more colorful forms of shrimp has resulted in numerous breeding attempts and the search for new, brightly colored species. In turn, interspecific crossings and selection work have led to the fact that shrimp with extremely bright colors can now be found on sale in pet stores.



Have enough complex structure, especially expressed in a large number of legs, which in shrimp perform a wide variety of functions, from movement to breathing. The shrimp's body is divided into two main parts: the cephalothorax, on which the faceted eyes and most of the limbs are located, including antennae and walking legs, and the abdominal part, on which auxiliary limbs are located that help the shrimp when swimming and bearing young.

In these animals, three anterior thoracic segments are fused with the head, five pairs of hind legs are used for movement, the forelimbs are transformed into jaws, with which they carry food to the mouth. The head and chest are protected by the carapace, the gills are hidden under its edges. The limbs of the last segment of the abdomen have changed into wide plates that form a tail fan, thanks to which the shrimp can make sharp jumping swimming movements. Oral apparatus represents well developed jaws(mandibles) used for grinding food. The blade located on the jaws ensures the movement of water in the gills. The anterior end of the carapace is extended into a sharp awl-shaped rostrum (beak or nose). The abdominal legs (pleopods) are used for swimming, and in females, for bearing offspring. In males, the first pair of abdominal legs has transformed into a copulatory organ.

The eyes of shrimps are stalked and can turn in different sides, which provides a wide overview. In search of food and shelter, shrimp use not so much vision as smell, touch and the “chemical sense”. These functions are performed by antennae. At the base of the antennae there is an organ of balance - a statocyst.

Conditions of detention

Shrimp molt regularly. During this time (two or three days before molting and one or two after it) they do not feed. Having freed themselves from the old shell, the shrimp take refuge in thickets of plants, under stones or in other shelters. After molting, their integuments are soft, and for some time, until the shell becomes hard, the animals are defenseless. The shell is often eaten by shrimp - it contains minerals necessary for a new chitinous cover. After molting, shrimp recover damaged and lost limbs. In young people this happens faster, in adults it happens gradually, over two or three molts.

Freshwater shrimp

Freshwater aquarium shrimp are becoming increasingly popular among aquarists due to their interesting behavior and peaceful disposition. Small shrimp can be kept in small aquariums in the company of small fish.

Shrimp are very sensitive to oxygen deficiency, so the water must be aerated. They can live at temperatures from 15 to 30 °C. At 26-30 °C they are active, at 18 °C and below they become sluggish. Sharp fluctuations in water temperature in the aquarium are unacceptable.

A part of the aquarium that is densely overgrown with plants will serve as a refuge for the shrimp, and they will happily clean the snags, on which many tiny organisms usually live. The bottom soil in a shrimp aquarium should consist of gravel with a particle size of 3 to 5 mm, which allows a weak flow of water to penetrate into the soil and, accordingly, ensures good plant growth. It’s good if there is a lot of moss in the aquarium, especially Javanese. Moss provides shrimp with a large surface area from which they can eat microorganisms, and the sludge that accumulates under the moss serves as an additional source of food.

Since shrimp lead a secretive lifestyle, you can start a separate aquarium for observation and breeding - [[shrimp tank].

Sea shrimp

Marine shrimps are also cleaners and marine aquariums. They are not very aggressive. The maximum aggression they are capable of is to fight with the same shrimp using whisker swords. Many owners reef aquarium, having caught a shrimp opening the corpse of a dead fish or invertebrate, all the blame is placed on it, but this is nothing more than a delusion. Shrimp are aquarium orderlies, not killers.


Shrimp are ideal for the aquarium. Small shrimps do not prey on fish or spoil plants, so they can be kept together with small peaceful fish species. Large fish They regard small shrimp as a pleasant addition to lunch. At joint content shrimp and fish, it is usually difficult to preserve any juvenile shrimp after the larval stage, including those that reproduce in fresh water species, since even the smallest fish readily eat the larvae.

In addition to small freshwater shrimp, large shrimp are also sold in stores. For example, Nigerian shrimp is a large filter feeder. But even such large shrimps have a peaceful disposition. However, there are exceptions, such as the Rosenberg shrimp and the chameleon shrimp.


Shrimp feed on a variety of food: dying aquatic plants and other organic debris, aquatic insects, polychaetes, tubifex, bloodworms, daphnia, and coretra. They also eat plants, preferring soft-leaved ones (such as ceratopteris). They eagerly eat dead fish, snails and other animals, and do not refuse dry food.


The process of shrimp reproduction is very interesting. As noted, in the male the anterior pleopods were transformed into a special organ - the gonopodium. Having found by smell a female who molts before mating, he uses the gonopodium to attach spermatophores (sacs with sexual fluid) at her genital opening. A young male up to 8-10 mm in size can fertilize five females, while large older individuals (15-20 mm) can fertilize only one. The time interval between mating and laying eggs is from several days to two weeks. The eggs remain hanging on the female’s pleopods until the larvae hatch. At this time, she hides in a shelter.

During the breeding season, it is better to place shrimp in a separate aquarium, where the female calmly breeds her offspring. IN community aquarium it will be eaten by fish and other shrimp. Juveniles are very different from adults. She is very sensitive to unfavorable conditions and often dies.

Crossing shrimp is possible in some cases: see the compatibility table for shrimp species.

The commercial shrimp or chilim or shrimp, unlike their fellow decapods, have adapted to life in the water column. This affected the structure of the shrimp.

The shrimp has an elongated body, while it is flattened on the sides. The body is divided into 2 main sections - the abdomen and the cephalothorax, which is almost half the length of the body.

At the beginning of the cephalothorax shell there is a pair of compound eyes located in special recesses.

Each eye is formed from large number facets, and their number increases with age. The facets are separated from each other dark spots. Each facet perceives only those rays that fall perpendicular to the cornea. Some facets see only a small part of the object that the shrimp is looking at, and the remaining parts are seen by other facets. That is, shrimp have mosaic vision. At night, the pigments diverge to the bases of the eyes, due to which oblique rays reach the retina, and the shrimp begins to see objects in full, but they are blurry.

The cephalothorax is protected by a durable chitinous shell, which is formed from two plates and attached to the gills. The lower part of the chitinous shell is soft and thin.

Shrimp have 19 pairs of limbs, all of which are responsible for certain actions. The antennae are used as organs of touch; with the help of the mandibles, the shrimp crushes prey, and it holds it with its jaws. Thin long legs, at the end of which there are small claws, play a special role - with the help of them the shrimp clean their bodies, they also insert these legs into the cavity of the toads and clean them if they are clogged. The remaining legs are used to move along the ground; they are longer and thicker in size than the other legs. The abdominal limbs are used during swimming.

It’s interesting to watch the behavior of shrimp while snorkeling in warm waters Sea of ​​Japan. If you move the lush algae, the shrimp begin to jump out of them, like grasshoppers in a meadow.

It has a wide and strong caudal fin. Shrims bends him sharply and moves with thrusts. When the shrimp stops, it straightens its small oar legs under its tail and begins to quickly move them, swimming between the algae. In this case, the pectoral legs and antennae are pressed to the body. When a shrimp lands on algae and freezes, it moves its long antennae to the sides.

Chilims have orange legs. The eyes are violet. When Sun rays pass through the body of the shrimp, it shines through and gives off an emerald tint. The chilim reaches 18 centimeters in length. There are dark stripes along the body that serve to camouflage the shrimp among marine plants. Only when you get close can you notice the shrimp.

Shrimp - very delicious delicacy.

If you lure a shrimp with a piece of meat or fish, they gather in small groups near the prey. At the slightest movement, they jump to the sides, while swimming away backwards, sharply bending their abdomen and pushing off the water with their caudal fin and abdominal legs.

What do shrimp eat?

The shrimp diet consists not only of animal food (plankton), but also algae and soil. A large number of shrimp accumulates near fishing nets, while they eat the fish so quickly that if the fishermen do not get the net in time, they will be left with only naked skeletons.

They find food using their senses of touch and smell. If a shrimp loses its eyes, then it can find prey in 4-5 minutes, and if the first pair of antennae is lost, this time increases to 20 minutes; if both pairs of antennae are lost, the shrimp find prey even longer, while they use the toes of walking legs and bristles of the oral appendages, characterized by high sensitivity.

Far Eastern shrimp

Shrimp are bisexual organisms, but their female and male gonads are formed in different times. When it comes puberty, the shrimp first transforms into a male, and in the third year of life it transforms into a female. Females glue eggs to the hairs of the abdominal legs and carry them with them until larvae emerge from them.

Palemon shrimp

Shrimp are fished in the seas Pacific Ocean, in the Atlantic and northern seas. These are the most sought-after commercial creatures; up to a million tons of shrimp are caught annually.