What types of fishing nets are there? Review of characteristics of commercial fishing nets Chameleon Profi

Fishing nets provide a large catch in a short period of time. It is fishing nets that are used by companies that fish on an industrial scale. Ordinary fishermen too show interest in them, however, they need permission to use the networks. Fishing crews fill out paperwork before going to sea. Catching fish with nets without a license is poaching.

Network classification

It seems to many ordinary people that all teams use the same nets for fishing. In fact, you can find several types on sale. All networks are divided into thread and line. This division is determined by the material from which the seines are made. For the manufacture of thread seines they use nylon or nylon cords. Such gear is considered very durable. Tackle made from fishing line very often breaks, although there are seines made from twisted fishing line on sale that can last a long time.

There are fixed and smooth gears. Fixed seines are installed in one place, but smooth seines are pulled on a motor boat or sent downstream. There is also a classification of fishing nets based on their structure. Experts distinguish the following types:

  • gills;
  • red;
  • frame;
  • casting.

Fishermen consider gill nets to be the simplest, as they consist of only one sheet. All cells equal in size. The advantage of such nets is that they only catch fish of a certain size. Small items do not get confused and do not get stuck in nets.

Rye nets consist of three fabrics. The outer canvases are smaller than the average size. The cell size of the average canvas is always much smaller. The advantage of such gear is that the fish quickly gets confused. However, such nets often trap a lot of small trash fish. As a rule, the outer fabrics are woven from strong nylon threads, while the fabric in the middle is sewn from fishing line. This is due to the fact that large fish can break the line.

The main difference between frame seines is that their central part is very “soft”, but the edges are “hard”. Thanks to this structure, the fish quickly gets caught in a trap from which it cannot escape. Casting meshes are very similar to frame meshes, but differ in their small size. They are used exclusively for manual throwing into water.

Now on sale you can find products from various companies. The most popular fishing nets are those made in China. Their popularity is due to their low price. These gears are not distinguished by their high quality. Finnish seines are considered to be of higher quality and more reliable. They can last for several years. But their cost is quite high.

DIY making

Special craftsmen knit seines themselves. The manufacturing process is quite tedious. He demands accuracy and patience. To knit a network you need:

  • floats;
  • sinkers;
  • shuttle;
  • template (bar);
  • fishing line or cord.

The shuttle is made of a plate with a cutout in the upper part. You need to wrap a fishing line or cord around it while weaving. In fact, the shuttle performs the same role as the needle. The plank can be made from a piece of ruler or plywood, 3 millimeters thick. Its length ranges from 10 to 12 centimeters. The width of the template depends on the desired cell size. The turn of the cord around the bar is equal to two cells.

All knitting accessories must be carefully sanded. If burrs remain on them, the threads will constantly cling and get tangled during work. This will lead to an increase in the time spent on making the seine.

The weaving process begins by attaching a thick cord in the shape of a ring to any structure. Then a loop is tied to it, which is made at the end of a thread (fishing line) tied to the shuttle. Then a second loop is formed, which is secured with a knot at the end. It takes a lot of repetitions to get the required width. After completing the first row, begin to weave the second. The only difference is that the cells of the second row are attached not to the cord, but to the first row.

After finishing the weaving, you need to thread two cords through the loops of the first and last row. Floats must be attached to the top cord. But special weights are attached to the lower cord.

Nets for feeding fish

The popularity of polyvinyl acetate nets is growing every year. They are a must-have equipment when fishing for carp. Such nets are needed to throw bait into a certain place. The net is a small bag that is filled with bait using a special tube. Before throwing the net into the pond, a hook with fish bait is hidden there.

A big advantage of polyvinyl acetate nets is the ability to dissolve in water. There are no traces of them left in the reservoir. There are 4 types of such nets on sale:

  • cellular;
  • solid;
  • drowning;
  • floating.

PVA nets can be purchased at any fishing store. Anyone can use them.

Despite the fact that fishing nets are widely considered a poaching fishing tool, interest in them is still high. This is understandable: the volume of catch obtained using nets is always significant, and amateur gear, as a rule, cannot compete with them. But you also need to use networks skillfully; they also have their secrets.

For an inexperienced person, all fishing nets are approximately the same. But this, of course, is not true. Nets, just like any other fishing gear, have their own characteristics and classification.

These fishing gears can be divided into three main types:
  1. Gills or gills (the simplest)
  2. Ryazhevye (rezhevye), consisting of 2-3 cloths.
  3. Combined.

In addition, nets are divided into fixed and floating, that is, those that are placed in one place and those that are set adrift or towed by a motor boat or cutter.

Gill nets are also called single-walled because they consist of one sheet. The size of the fish caught in them depends on the size of the mesh, so they make it possible to catch fish of a strictly defined size, while cutting off small things.

A ryazh usually consists of three panels, hence another name for it - three-wall. Between two canvases with a large mesh there is a third one, which has a smaller mesh size and a larger width. When a fish gets into such a net, it pulls the middle web through the large meshes behind itself, thereby forming a kind of bag in which it is securely fixed.

Often, a nylon thread is used to make the outer “walls” of a row, and ordinary fishing line is used for the inner walls. This is done so that the outer sheets can hold large fish caught in the net.

Three-walled nets cannot cut off small things, so it is possible that too many small trash fish are caught in a row net.

All these varieties are mainly fixed. Floating nets include the well-known seine, dragnet, trawl and others.

Combined tackle can combine the properties of different types of nets.

A fishing net can be made from either fishing line or various cords: nylon, nylon, silk and others. Most often, nylon thread is used as a material for the mesh.

A fishing line net is not very durable, although high-quality products are made from twisted fishing line, which greatly increases strength. Nylon tackle, like nylon, is probably the most durable, if, of course, you handle it with care.

Nets are also made from cotton cord, but it quickly becomes unusable, especially if you do not dry the gear after fishing.

Nowadays you can find many different nets on the market, made from different materials by different manufacturers. Fishing nets made in China, the so-called Chinese, are very popular today. Their quality leaves much to be desired, but their cheapness makes the “Chinese” the most common gear.

“Finks,” that is, fishing gear made in Finland or using Finnish technology, are much superior in quality to Chinese ones, but, accordingly, are more expensive.

Also, some craftsmen knit nets with their own hands. This process is quite complicated, but with appropriate preparation it allows you to make tackle of any complexity.

In order to set nets from a boat, a certain skill and at least minimal experience are required. It's easiest to do this together, but it's quite possible to do it alone. But you can use the net without having a boat.

The grid can be installed:
  • from a boat;
  • wade;
  • from the shore;
  • under the ice (in winter).

Using a boat, you can place nets in the most interesting places in terms of catch. You can’t do without it on large rivers and lakes.

It should be noted that successful fishing is only possible if the angler knows the reservoir well and the migration routes and stopovers of the fish.

If the fishing net is used in a small body of water, then setting can be done by wading. This method is good in shallow places, and makes it possible to set up various corridors from the nets to catch wary fish, such as salmon.

From the shore it is possible to set it using the so-called drag method; it is performed by two fishermen. The net is “pulled” into the water using a cord with a load, which is thrown to the opposite shore, where a smooth cord from the net is tied to it.

You can also set a net by throwing it into the water using a weight tied to the net's weight cord. The second end of the cord must be firmly fixed to the shore. This method is the most risky, as there is a high risk of tangling and breaking the gear.

In winter, nets are set by drilling a series of holes through which the net is pulled using a pole with a hook. The method is quite labor-intensive, but if there is a current in the reservoir, tedious drilling of ice can be avoided. The performance is done using a large float, which is set adrift with a flowing cord attached. For such an operation it is enough to drill only one hole.

For those who are not afraid of long and painstaking work, you can make the network yourself. This will require a fair amount of time and patience, as well as some special tools.

To weave a net with your own hands you will need:
  1. Shuttle.
  2. Template (bar).
  3. Fishing line or cord from which the mesh is knitted.
  4. Loads.
  5. Special floats for the network.

The shuttle is a plate with a figured cutout in the upper part. A thread or fishing line intended for knitting is wound onto the shuttle. In essence, the shuttle plays the role of a sewing needle or knitting needle.

A template or plank is a piece of a ruler, a piece of plywood, plastic, etc. With its help, cells are formed, knots are knitted and threads are fixed during knitting. Template size: length 10-12 cm, thickness - 3 mm, width depends on the planned mesh size. One turn around the template should be equal to twice the mesh size.

These tools must be well treated to remove unevenness, burrs and other surface defects so that the threads do not catch or tear when knitting.

As for the material of manufacture, it can be a nylon fishing line, cotton or nylon thread. The main requirement is strength and the same diameter along the entire length.

Having secured a ring-shaped rope in a convenient place, a loop is tied to it, made at the end of a fishing line or cord wound around a shuttle. This is the start of the network. Next, using a template attached to the first loop, the first mesh of the future network is formed, drawing the thread with a shuttle under the bar and up through the rope ring. The thread on the bar is pressed with a finger, and the resulting loop is tied with a knot. By repeating all these steps, a number of cells are obtained, the width of each should be equal to the width of the future net for fishing.

After the required width has been achieved, they begin to knit the next row of cells, with the difference that the shuttle is now threaded not into the rope ring, but into the cell.

In this way, you can knit any mesh made of fishing line, nylon and other materials, with any required mesh size.

After finishing the knitting, cords are pulled through the upper and lower cells. Floats are attached to the upper cord, and sinkers are attached to the lower cord. Floats are special, elongated, spindle-shaped, with a hole along the axis. A smooth cord is threaded through this hole.

The lower cord, called the cargo cord, is equipped with weights that also have an oblong shape. The weight of the sinkers and the buoyancy of the floats should be enough to ensure that the net in the reservoir stands vertically, without floating up or sinking to the bottom.

The cords are attached in such a way that the finished tackle does not jump off them.

Finally, it is worth mentioning one more net, which, although not intended for direct fishing, is an indispensable assistant for carp fishermen. This is a PVA net for fishing, the peculiarity of which is the ability to dissolve in water.

It is made from polyvinyl acetate (abbreviated PVA).

It is intended for spot feeding of the fishing area. Using a special piston with a tube, the net is filled with boilies, pellets or other bait and thrown into the fishing area. The hook with bait is hidden in the net before casting. The PVA mesh in the rig plays the role of a spring or feeder with the difference that not a trace remains of it except a pile of bait at the bottom.

There are several types of such grids:
  1. Solid.
  2. Cellular.
  3. Floating.
  4. Drowning.

Floating baits are delivered to the site through the water column; this method can be effective when fishing for carp. Sinkers, as the name suggests, dissolve at the bottom, forming a tasty pile of food at the bottom. Solid ones have the appearance and shape of a bag, but do not dissolve very quickly.

Using a PVA net for fishing, you can quickly and accurately deliver bait to the fishing site, which is very important for this type of fishing, such as carp fishing.

This fishing net is the only one that cannot be considered poaching gear. All the rest are classified as prohibited gear and the net can only be used if the fisherman has a commercial fishing license.

It is also necessary to remember that nets that have not been removed or forgotten in a reservoir create a lot of problems for both the inhabitants of the reservoir and the fishermen.

A lot of fish die in abandoned nets. In addition, this is a headache for spinning anglers, bottom fishers, and feeders, who leave a lot of expensive baits and equipment in these traps.

Therefore, when going out to the pond, remember both the natural resources that we must protect and our fellow fishermen, so as not to spoil their fishing with annoying cliffs and loss of bait.

Fishing with a fishing rod is fishing for the soul. But catching on an industrial scale is possible only thanks to fishing nets.

It would seem that it could be easier than choosing fishing nets, but this is simple only at first glance. In fact, there are a lot of criteria by which the net is selected for a specific type of fish, for the volume of catch, for a reservoir, etc.

Network strength

The first selection criterion is the strength of the mesh. It directly depends on the size of the fish you plan to catch, as well as its quantity. The larger the type of fish and the larger the catch, the stronger the net should be. Strength is also a decisive factor for so-called “complex reservoirs” - those where there are a large number of sharp stones or snags sticking out of the water.

To prevent the net from breaking when entangled in them, you should give preference to especially durable material for its manufacture.

Network type

Next, we pay attention to the class and type of networks. The class is easy, medium and hard. Lightweight is suitable for small standing reservoirs, for small catches and small varieties of fish. If the reservoir is stagnant, but there will be more fish (or their quantity), you should prefer the middle class of mesh. For a large catch and large fish, heavy classes of nets are suitable, and for turbulent rivers - super-heavy ones.

The type of mesh is its design. Single-walled is the simplest variety; it is usually 30 meters long. The three-wall net has a different mesh shape and is designed for a larger catch, it is larger, but if you are not a professional, there is a risk of entanglement. The frame net has hard edges and a soft middle, forming a kind of bag when catching fish, which is very convenient. The casting net is the same in design as the frame net, but has a much smaller size and is intended for manual casting.

Only fishing nets allow it on an industrial scale. At first glance, everything seems simple and clear. But in reality this is not the case. There are many different nuances that are not taken into account when purchasing and manufacturing them. It is these specific moments that this review will be devoted to.

Fishing nets allow you to achieve tangible results with minimal labor and time. At a quick glance, everything seems simple and clear. But if you familiarize yourself with this type of gear in detail, it becomes clear that this is a whole science. To choose the most appropriate solution in this matter, you need to understand it well. Otherwise, it will be impossible to get the desired result - a large catch of fish.

Now there are different classifications of seines. The two most common are based on the type of material and depending on the structure. In the first case, the mesh is divided into thread and line. But in appearance, seines are of the following types:

  • Single wall
  • Three-walled
  • Frame
  • Casting

The simplest among the above list is a single-wall mesh. Most often, its length is 30 meters and its height is 1.8 m. It comes with additional cords, on which floats are installed on one side (to indicate the location of the seine), and weights for fixation on the other. Three-wall networks have a different structure. Due to the different shape of the meshes, the catch increases significantly, but the likelihood of entanglement of the nets also increases. Fishing using a frame seine means that the central part is “soft” and the edges are “hard”. Due to this, a kind of bag is obtained, once in which the fish can no longer leave it. The casting one is very similar to the frame one, but it is smaller in size and is intended only for manual throwing and pulling.

Selection of gear

Now let's figure out what the network is most correctly.

First of all, you need to start from the potential catch. That is, on the size of the fish that lives in this body of water. That is, the grid cells should be smaller than the average inhabitant of this river or lake. Also, the tackle must have the necessary degree of strength and reliability. A thread seine is suitable for small crucian carp and perches. But if you plan or catfish, then you can’t do without fishing line.

Which is better: do it yourself or buy it?

Such equipment can either be purchased at a specialized store, or you can make it yourself. In the first case, you will have a ready-made device that can be immediately used for its intended purpose. Their choice must be approached quite thoroughly - before purchasing, you need to make sure that both the material itself and the product as a whole are sufficiently strong. If you decide to make a seine on your own, then a natural question arises about how to make fishing nets. The first thing worth noting is that this is a rather labor-intensive procedure that requires skills, knowledge and perseverance. Also in the process of work you will need a bar (it is responsible for the cell pitch) and a shuttle (this is a needle with which the mesh is made).

Video on how to knit fishing nets:

You need to start this work in the most comfortable position, that is, sitting. Immediately make a ring of the required diameter and tie it. Then we attach a bar to it and begin to slowly knit the first row of cells on it. We fix them using special knots. Then the second one and so on until the mesh is completely done. At the final stage, limiting lines or threads are tightened along the entire perimeter of the seine. This is just a brief summary of the technology for its manufacture. This is a rather labor-intensive and very complex procedure. It makes sense to start it only if you are 100% confident of success. Otherwise, it is better to abandon this idea and visit a specialized store.


There are now various ways in which fishing nets can be installed. Video, text description, set of photographs - this is not a complete list of possible sources of information. But the best of them is definitely the first one. The simplest of them is the following. The possible length of installation of the seine is determined. Next, you need a rubber boat, on which two people sit, and the tackle is thrown. One of the boat passengers rows the oars, and the second throws the net. Moreover, he does this gradually - he starts from one edge and moves to the other. Before this procedure, it must be equipped with everything necessary - floats and weights. After 3 hours the tackle is checked. To do this, the same 2 people, moving from its beginning, take it out, if there is fish there, untangle the catch and lower the net again. After 2-4 such visits, a change of location is necessary.


In order to use fishing nets, you must have not only permission, but also permission.

If you take a net fishing, a big fish awaits you

If it is not there, then you can become a poacher. This must be remembered without fail. But the result of such fishing, in any case, will be a pleasant surprise for you. With its help, you can catch a significantly larger number of fish with minimal labor and time than by any other method.

Determination of network parameters for specific types of fishing

Whether to buy a ready-made network or make it yourself - everyone decides this question for themselves. Twenty or thirty years ago, when netting tools could only be bought under the counter and for a lot of money, they were available only to poachers catching fish for sale - and many amateurs spent long winter evenings knitting netting. Now the situation has changed - affordable nets are available in almost every store that sells fishing supplies. But anglers are not always satisfied with their quality and compliance with specific fishing conditions. Therefore, many amateurs choose an intermediate option - they make nets themselves, but from purchased materials: net fabrics (the so-called “dolls”), racks, cargo and floating cords.

The main points you need to know before purchasing netting supplies are:

– what types of fish will become the object of fishing;

– the size of the reservoir where the networks will be used;

– depth of network installation;

– bottom configuration at the fishing site.

The most important characteristics of the mesh fabric are length, height, mesh size, and thread diameter. The length and height of the mesh fabric are determined in a stretched state. For example, if it is indicated that the mesh fabric has dimensions of 1.5x60, this means that with a height (depth) of 1.5 m, the length of the fabric is 60 m.

When choosing a mesh fabric for self-planting a network, first of all pay attention to the mesh pitch.

Scientists studying fisheries have derived the following formula for the relationship between the length of fish and the mesh size of the nets designed to catch them:

where a is the mesh pitch; L – zoological length of fish; k – coefficient depending on the ratio between the maximum girth of the fish and its length (see Table 1).

Table 1. Values ​​of coefficient k for some fish of inland waters

But usually net fishing enthusiasts do not use tables and formulas, determining the required size “by eye”. They use fine-mesh nets (with a mesh of less than 20 mm) to catch small but valuable schooling fish (vendice, ripus, smelt), as well as to catch live bait when it is required in large quantities, for example, for multi-hook nets.

To catch small fish, the most common in Russian water bodies, that is, perch and roach, amateurs most often use single-wall nets with a mesh size of 27x32 mm. A pike weighing up to 1 kg can get caught in the same net, getting caught not by its gills, but by the bony protrusions on its lower jaw, and sometimes even managing to wrap the net around its tail. For fish in which the ratio of body width to length is increased (bream, crucian carp, etc.), a net with a large mesh size is required.

To catch the largest fish, large mesh nets are used, in recreational fishing, usually with a mesh pitch not exceeding 120–140 mm.

Ryazha on two- and three-wall nets (sometimes called ryazha or rezha) is placed with a mesh from 170 to 400 mm. The thread on the yarn is 4–6 times stronger than that of the mesh fabric.

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