How many types of land turtles are there? How to care for and what to feed a land turtle at home - choosing a terrarium and diet

The Galapagos tortoise is most often called the elephant tortoise. The life expectancy of these reptiles is very long. There are cases where elephant turtles lived to be 400 years or more. The distribution areas of the large Galapagos tortoise are savannas, broadleaf forests and scrub plains located in tropical natural areas.


The shell of an elephant tortoise can reach 1.5 m in length and 0.5 m in height. The body weight of adult individuals is from 150 to 400 kg.

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: males are much larger than females. The elephant tortoise's feet are strong and thick, with short, powerful toes.

Compared to aquatic turtles, land turtles are not as agile, so in case of danger they hide inside their shells rather than flee.

There are no membranes between the fingers. The neck is thin. The dorsal carapace is black, covered with small, weakly defined hills. In adults, the shell is covered with lichen.

Galopagos tortoise


Elephant turtles are herbivores. Their diet includes grass and green parts of plants. Turtles that live on the lava plains of the Galapagos get their food on the plateaus formed on the site of an extinct volcano. Such plateaus provide an abundance of turtles fresh water, accumulating in the recesses of the volcano.

The large size of the elephant tortoise makes it impossible to keep it at home.

Mediterranean turtle

Mediterranean sea ​​turtle- a small land animal, the size of mature age does not exceed 25–28 cm.

Under natural conditions, this species is found in the Mediterranean countries, where the name of the turtle comes from, as well as in Iran, Iraq, Georgia, Azerbaijan and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

In the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Mediterranean turtles live in steppes, semi-deserts and on bush-covered mountain slopes, and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - in forests. Sometimes Mediterranean turtles live in fields and vineyards.


The shell of this species is strong, well developed, convex, covering the entire body. The scutes of the shell form a complex pattern in the form of irregular rings, dark along the outer edge.

The older the turtle, the more rings there are on its shell, although their number does not correspond to the exact number of years of the animal.


The most active Mediterranean turtles

manifest during the day, but in summer, in hot weather, in the middle of the day they often hide in the forest under fallen leaves and branches, and in the steppe they burrow into the ground. In cool weather, in spring or autumn, turtles crawl out into open areas to bask in the sun.

These animals are quite slow, but in the spring, during the breeding season, they often have to cover considerable distances. The Mediterranean tortoise feeds mainly on plant matter, occasionally eating worms, snails or insects.

For the winter, animals take refuge in crevices, small depressions between tree roots, or burrow into the ground. They emerge from hibernation in March.

After waking up, the turtles begin mating games, which take place on open spaces. During games, the male comes close to the female, hides his head and taps the edge of his shell against the female’s shell.

In June-July, females begin to lay eggs in specially dug holes. During the summer, turtles lay eggs on average 3 times. Each clutch contains 3–8 white eggs. The turtle covers the laid eggs with soil and compacts its surface, walking over it several times.

Mediterranean turtle

After 70–80 days, the cubs are born. Since young turtles hatch from eggs at the end of summer or autumn, most of them do not crawl to the surface, but burrow into the ground and hibernate until spring.

Mediterranean turtles, especially young ones whose shells are still soft, often become easy prey for predatory animals and birds. In many ways, people contribute to the decline in the number of Mediterranean turtles by catching them in huge quantities and destroying their natural habitat. Therefore, you should not take home very small turtles, which practically do not survive in such conditions. Preference should be given to mature and sufficiently developed individuals.

Coal turtle

The coal turtle is also called the red-footed turtle. It lives mainly in the forests of Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Guiana, Northern Argentina and Bolivia.

The adult reaches 55 cm in length.


Coal turtles lay eggs in the fall. There are from 5 to 15 eggs in a clutch. The incubation period is 3.5–6 months at an ambient temperature of 26–30 °C.

Coal turtle

The coal turtle is an omnivore. When animals are kept in captivity, they are fed fruits (apples, pears, plums, bananas, oranges), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage), chicken or lean beef, and even dry cat food.

Particular attention is paid to the temperature in the terrarium, which should be at least 27 °C, and to the humidity - it needs to be quite high.

Leopard tortoise

The leopard tortoise is common in areas adjacent to the Sahara. Some populations live in South Sudan, East Africa, Botswana, Ethiopia, and South-West Africa.


The carapace is tall, round, up to 60 cm long, light-colored Brown with small dark spots. Animals are easy to distinguish by gender: males are much larger than females. Old individuals can weigh up to 35 kg.

Leopard tortoise


The leopard tortoise mainly lives in deserts, semi-deserts, plains with thorny bushes, some populations are found in mountainous areas.

The leopard tortoise's diet consists of food plant origin(prickly pear, aloe, spurge, thistle).

Terrarium where they are kept leopard turtles, must be equipped with an artificial pond.

Since this type of turtle does not tolerate low temperatures well, a lamp must be turned on all the time in their terrarium during the cold season.

Yellow-footed turtle, or shabuti

Shabuti turtles are distributed in South America east of the Andes, on the island of Trinidad, Venezuela, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Guiana. IN last years The number of yellow-footed turtles has decreased significantly.

In captivity, shabutis adapt to the most unfavorable conditions.


The carapace reaches a length of 60 cm; in nature, individuals with a length of 1 m or more are found. The carapace is convex, oblong, the carapace is motionlessly connected to the plastron. There are many thick, large horny scutes on the plastron and carapace.


The head and limbs are dark gray, almost black. Many individuals have yellow limbs, which is how turtles got their name. However, there are individuals with orange and red legs, which is why they are often confused with red-footed turtles.

Radiant turtle

Previously, this turtle was called the steppe turtle and belonged to the genus Testudo, but then it was separated into a separate genus, which includes only one species.

Radiated turtles live in Madagascar. Until the end of the first quarter of the 20th century, these animals lived in prickly pear thickets, but after the Dactylopus coccus beetles, which were actively breeding during that period, destroyed most of the plants, the turtles had to change their habitats.


The radiated tortoise is considered one of the most beautiful turtles in the world. This is a fairly large land animal, up to 40 cm long and weighing 15–18 kg, with a very high, dome-shaped carapace.


The yellow-footed turtle lives in tropical forests. The main part of its diet is plant food: fruits and green parts of plants.

The female makes a nest in a pile of fallen leaves and buries 4-12 eggs there, covered with a calcareous shell.

The scutes of the shell are black or dark brown, on each of them there is a yellowish spot, shaped like a star with rays diverging to the edges. The head and limbs are yellowish, top part the heads, muzzle and neck are black, with a bright yellow spot on the back of the head. The limbs are elephant-like. Male radiant tortoises have long tails and a notch on the plastron at the base of the tail.

LIFESTYLE Under natural conditions, radiant tortoises live in arid areas with shrubby vegetation, most often in forested areas in the south of Madagascar. IN Lately the number of these animals in nature has decreased significantly, as they are often used for cooking. Since 1979, radiated turtles have been bred at the Wildlife Recreation Center. Thus, out of 500 eggs laid by turtles, about 300 hatchlings were hatched.

Radiant turtle

The mating season for radiant turtles begins in early spring, and the offspring appear in September. During mating games, the male walks in circles around the female, trying to pry her shell with his own, while making sounds reminiscent of cackling. The male shakes his head and sniffs the female's cloaca and hind legs.

Sometimes he lifts the female with the front of his carapace to limit her movements. Females select males with a carapace length of at least 33 cm.

Females lay approximately 4-12 eggs in a pre-dug hole 15–20 cm deep. The incubation period is 145–230 days. The length of the shell of newly hatched turtles does not exceed 3 cm.

Central Asian turtle

The Central Asian tortoise lives in the countries Central Asia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran. In Russia, this animal is found on the northeastern coast of the Caspian Sea.

Inhabits mainly desert and semi-desert areas, as well as mountainous areas.


The shell of the Central Asian tortoise is round, not too high, yellowish-brown in color, with dark spots. The carapace consists of 13 scutes, the plastron - of 16. There are 25 scutes on the sides of the carapace. On each carapace scute there are grooves, the number of which corresponds to the exact number of years of the turtle.

The plastron of males is slightly concave. The length of the shell of this species in some cases can reach 28 cm, but most often it is no more than 20 cm. Males of the Central Asian tortoise are usually smaller than females.

Central Asian tortoise


The Central Asian tortoise in its natural habitat usually hibernates twice - in winter and during summer heat. Before falling asleep, turtles dig holes, the depth of which can sometimes reach 2 m. In captivity, these reptiles rarely hibernate. In March-April, turtles emerge from hibernation and begin mating. From April to July, females make 2–3 clutches, each of which contains from 2 to 6 eggs. The duration of the incubation period is 80-110 days.

These animals reach sexual maturity at the 10th year of life.

Panther turtle

The panther turtle belongs to the group of land turtles and is quite large in size.

Panther tortoises are native to South and East Africa. These animals live in various areas, both in savannas and in the mountains; Moreover, turtles living in high mountain areas are usually larger than their lowland relatives. These reptiles are distributed mostly in North America.


The length of the carapace of an adult individual can reach 70 cm, and the weight can be 45–50 kg, so a panther tortoise should be kept in captivity only if it is possible to provide it with a sufficiently spacious terrarium.

The shape of the carapace in this species, like in most land turtles, is dome-shaped. The color of the shell is dull yellow. In young individuals, the scutes are decorated with dark brown patterns, which in some cases look like rectangles connected by a common center. With age, the drawing becomes more faded, and the lines become curved.

The scutes of the shell are uneven, shaped like asymmetrical pyramids. The carapace is brown, uneven, with a keel, its length is 13–23 cm. The plastron is yellow, with black spots on the outer edges of the scutes.

The turtle's neck and forelimbs are often reddish or orange in color.


Animal food predominates in the diet of panther turtles. Sometimes turtles eat green parts of plants and ripe fruits.

Panther turtle

The mating season for this species is in autumn. In September and October, males conquer the females they have chosen, while females also take an active part in mating competitions.

The eggs of these animals are spherical, with a hard shell, with a diameter of 2.5 to 5 cm. Each clutch contains from 6 to 13 eggs. The duration of the incubation period is, depending on the ambient temperature, from 189 to 440 days.

Indian star tortoise

Indian star tortoises live in India and the island of Sri Lanka. Individuals are found on the small islands of Karaduwa and Ramaswaran.


The carapace is black, painted with yellow lines emanating in the form of rays from each shield. The pattern on the shell resembles big star. The scutes on the carapace are relief-convex, protruding in the form of a pyramid.

Indian star tortoise

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: females are much larger than males. The largest male reaches only 15 cm in length, and the female reaches 25 cm. The shell of females is wider than that of males. The length of the shell of newborn cubs is only 3 cm, but during the first 6 months of a turtle’s life, their shell grows by about one third.


In natural habitats, the mating season for Indian star tortoises begins in June and, as a rule, lasts until mid-October.

At this time, the males fight with each other, trying to turn the opponent over with the plastron up. During the year, the female makes three clutches of 4–6 eggs.

The incubation period is 100 days at 28 °C.

In warm weather, adult turtles must be enclosed outdoors in an area with scattered sunlight. In rain or extreme heat, turtles are moved indoors.

In captivity, Indian star tortoises are kept in a fairly spacious enclosure with a bedding of dry grass or sawdust. A large cardboard box with a hole cut in it is installed as a shelter.

Turtles require daily bathing, so a large container of water is installed in the enclosure, which is changed daily.

The diet of Indian star tortoises consists of food of plant origin. Occasionally you can give dry food for dogs and turtles, meat products and eggs.

Balkan tortoise

The Balkan tortoise is a small land animal that lives in Southern Europe. In nature, this species is currently rare, but in European countries there are special farms where animals are bred artificially.

There are two subspecies of the Balkan tortoise - western and eastern. The latter differs from the first in its larger size.


A distinctive feature of the Balkan tortoise is the long conical spike on its tail.

The carapace is small in size, most often 14–16 cm. In young individuals it is colored brownish-yellow, and in adults it is colored dark color with a bright yellow border around the edge.

In its natural habitat, the Balkan tortoise prefers to settle in dry steppes and bushes.

Balkan tortoise

Star turtle

The star tortoise is a land animal that lives on the Hindustan Peninsula, Sri Lanka and nearby islands.


This species got its name due to the pattern on the shell in the shape of a star with rays diverging from the center to the edges.

Star turtle

The background of the carapace is black or dark brown, and the color of the star is yellow. The carapace of females is wider than that of males, and the costal and vertebral scutes stand out more clearly. The supratail shield is shorter in females. The length of the carapace of males does not exceed 15 cm, and that of females – 25 cm.


Star turtles are most active in the morning and evening; during the day they prefer to rest in shaded areas and sleep at night. When it rains, they go out into open areas.

The breeding season for star turtles occurs during the rainy season, from June to October. During this period, females make 2–3 clutches, each of which contains 3–6 eggs.

Eggs develop, depending on weather conditions, 45-147 days. Young turtles do not have a star pattern on their shell; they may have either a yellow or orange shell with a yellow stripe along the spine. On the carapace of young individuals there are black spots resembling blots, and on the plastron there are five pairs of black spots located at the junction of the scutes.

Egyptian tortoise

The Egyptian tortoise is one of the smallest species of these animals. The maximum length of the carapace does not exceed 12.7 cm in females and 11.5 cm in males.

The Egyptian tortoise is found only on a small stretch of the Mediterranean coast between Libya and Israel.


Externally, the Egyptian tortoise is very similar to the Mediterranean one, however, the spots on the plastron of the first are located only in the area of ​​the ventral scutes, while in the second they cover the entire plastron. In addition, Egyptian tortoises do not have growths on their feet.

Egyptian tortoise

In the posterior part of the plastron, female Egyptian tortoises have an elastic ligament that allows them to cover their hind limbs and tail with a shield. In males this ligament is ossified.


Under natural conditions, Egyptian tortoises hibernate during the hot season, from June to September, and from autumn to spring they lead an active lifestyle.

Animals begin to mate in March. During the mating season, both females and males make peculiar sounds. Females lay 1–3 eggs in small holes up to 5 cm deep. The eggs mature in about 3 months, but there are cases where the incubation period lasted 10 months.

Flat-tailed turtle, or Capidolo

The flat-tailed turtle is found only in Madagascar. This small animal is quite often kept in a home terrarium.


The carapace of this animal is elongated, with large yellow scutes, 12 cm long. The scutes have yellowish or light brown spots, around which there are black stripes intersected by light ones.


On the marginal scutes there are vertical, light stripes.

The plastron is light, with dark spots, without elastic ligament.

The head of turtles is painted black or dark brown, the limbs are yellow. The tail is flat, with a nail-like outgrowth at the end.


The capidolo goes into hibernation during the hot months, and the animal's active period occurs during the rainy season.

Female flat-tailed turtles usually lay only one fairly large egg.

Desert tortoise, or western desert gopher

The desert tortoise, or western desert gopher as it is sometimes called, lives in the deserts of North America. Also found in southwestern Utah, southern Nevada, Arizona, and the Maiave and Sonoran deserts.

Most often it can be found in areas overgrown with bushes with fairly loose soil. Life expectancy is 100 years or more.

Gopher or desert tortoise


The carapace is dome-shaped, like most land turtles, low and quite wide, and can reach 38 cm in length. The color of the carapace is brown, with dark patterns, the plastron is yellow, the marginal scutes are jagged.

The limbs are large and very powerful. Males have elongated gular scutes, which they use in mating competitions.

The head is large, and there are often horny growths on the paws that look like spurs. Males are smaller than females, and the marginal scutes on their carapace are pointed.


The gopher tortoise spends most of its life in a hole up to 9-10 m deep. It moves quite slowly. It is most active at night and early in the morning.

The diet consists of leaves of shrubs and grass. Although turtles can for a long time do without food; captive specimens are recommended to be fed 2 times a day.

The breeding season lasts from November to March; females usually lay eggs in March.

The female desert tortoise digs a nest hole in the sandy soil, where she then lays 4 to 12 round white eggs. The incubation period lasts about 4 months.

The shell of newborn cubs is soft, which makes them easy prey for other animals and birds of prey. As turtles grow older, it gradually hardens.

Yellow or oblong turtle

These turtles are common in Asia, found from Nepal to Malaysia: in India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Kampuchea, and southern China. Quite often imported for sale from Vietnam to China.

Currently, the number of these turtles has decreased significantly; in a number of countries this species is protected.


The length of the yellow turtle is about 30 cm, body weight is no more than 3.5 kg. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced: the shell of males is convex, and that of females is flat. Females have long claws on their hind limbs, adapted for digging the ground.

The color of yellow turtles is light or dark yellow, with a black spot on each shield. Sometimes there are individuals of black or light color without spots.

The head of the animals is yellowish; during the breeding season, both females and males have a pinkish color around the eyes and nose.


The yellow turtle lives in wet forests, but can sometimes be found in drier areas.

It is most active at night: at this time it hunts and eats food. These turtles tolerate low temperatures well, becoming active at a temperature of 20 ° C, but in the morning they like to bask in the sun. On hot days they become lethargic and try to hide in the shade.

Yellow turtle

Females become sexually mature when they reach a length of 23 cm. A pair of turtles is kept in a fairly large aqua-terrarium (5 x 3 m).

During mating season the male becomes aggressive, so when turtles are kept in captivity, the pair from which they hope to produce offspring is removed. The behavior of reptiles needs to be monitored: the male can inadvertently injure the female by biting her on the head, paws and tail.

The female, who is about to lay eggs, becomes active, tries to crawl out of the enclosure in search of a nest, often stops and sniffs the ground. As a rule, she chooses a moist area of ​​land, devoid of vegetation, and digs a hole there 15–20 cm deep. During the season, the female makes 3 clutches of 2–4 eggs each.

The laid eggs are carefully transferred to an incubator with an air temperature of at least 28 °C. The incubation period is 130–190 days at 28 °C. The body length of newborns is 50–55 mm, weight 30–35 g.

The hatched cubs are kept separately, fed with protein-rich food, and only at 9 months of age are they transferred to a large terrarium.

Steppe turtle

Contrary to its name, the steppe tortoise does not live in the steppes, but in clayey and sandy deserts, occasionally settles on commercial lands.

Distributed in Southern Kazakhstan and the plains of Central Asia.


The length of the carapace is about 18 cm, in some adults it is up to 30 cm. The carapace is low, round in shape, yellowish-brown, with vague dark spots.


These turtles are most active during daylight hours.

They hibernate during the hottest time of the year - July-August. Mating season steppe turtles begins in February, and in April the females lay eggs.

There are from 2 to 6 eggs in one clutch. The incubation period lasts 60–65 days. Males reach sexual maturity after 6 years, and females after 12.

Large pebbles and shell rock are used as soil. Turtles often eat finer soil. Also, one part of a ceramic pot sawn in half and turned over is installed in the terrarium.

Steppe tortoise

Adult turtles are sprayed once a day with a spray bottle, preventing the soil from getting wet. It is best to remove them from the terrarium at this time. With the coming warm days The turtles are moved to an outdoor pen.

In captivity, adult steppe tortoises are fed no more than 2–3 times a week, and young ones – daily. The diet of these reptiles is varied: they can be given grass (plantain, lawn grass, coltsfoot, clover, dandelion), berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries) and almost all types of fruits.

Moorish tortoise

The Latin name for the Moorish tortoise is Testudo graeca, or Greek tortoise. Carl Linnaeus described the species in 1758, suggesting that it originated in Greece. In fact, these turtles are most widely distributed in the territory from North Africa to Western Asia inclusive, therefore the German name of the species - Moorish tortoise - is considered more correct.

Currently, the number of these animals has reached a critical level, so the Moorish tortoise is included in the Red Book of Russia.


The length of an adult is 20–30 cm; there is a shield on the carapace above the tail. The color of the shell is dark yellow with dark spots. The paws are yellow-brown with dark spots.

Moorish tortoise


The Moorish tortoise's diet consists of food of plant origin.

Animals are most active in the morning and evening hours, and during the day they hide in dense thickets of bushes or other shady places.

Chaco turtle

Although the Chaco tortoise's Latin name is Chilean tortoise, it is not found in Chile.

Distributed in South America: in southwestern Bolivia, northwestern Argentina and western Paraguay. Homeland: Argentina and Paraguay.


The Chaco tortoise resembles a gopher tortoise in appearance. The length of the carapace of an adult animal reaches 20 cm. This is the smallest turtle of the Geochelone genus, which also includes the giant Galopagos tortoise.


Chaco turtles live in dry deserts overgrown with bushes and grass. They mostly spend time in burrows. Thus, in the north of Patagonia, where winter temperatures sometimes reach -10 °C, animals spend the winter in deep burrows.

The mating season lasts from November to December. In February, females lay eggs in nests that they dig in the sand. The incubation period is 125–365 days.

Chaco turtles feed on both plant (grass, fruits, cacti) and animal (insects and their larvae) food.

Kinix Homo

Turtles of the kinix genus live in tropical rainforests and bushes. Tropical Africa and on the island of Madagascar.

The length of the carapace of an adult is about 25–30 cm. The carapace is convex, with strongly jagged edges. The rear third of the shell is very mobile, covering the body from behind.

Kinix Homa is common in Cote d'Ivoire (the old name is Ivory Coast), Congo, and Nigeria.

Some species settle along the banks of reservoirs and swamps, others - in arid plains overgrown with grass and shrubs. They usually lead a hidden lifestyle and are most active at sunrise and sunset. They like to bask in the sun for a long time after swimming, while simultaneously producing vitamin D in the body.

In natural habitats they never hibernate.


The head is light, the eyes are large. The shell has angular outlines with a pronounced angle in the back. The general color is brown.


The diet of the quinix Homa consists of snails, slugs, various insects, and plants. In captivity, turtles eat fruits, vegetables, mealworms and earthworms, and occasionally specialized dry food for turtles.

The terrarium where turtles are kept must have high air humidity. If the air is dry, animals hibernate, after which they become lethargic and soon die.

Turtles of this species do not tolerate bright light sunlight, therefore, they are given an outdoor enclosure exclusively in the shade.

You should not give your kinik-sam dry dog ​​food, and food of animal origin should be added to food no more than once a week. Pregnant females and hatchlings should be given a turtle calcium supplement daily.

Schweiger's turtle

Schweiger's tortoises are widespread in the evergreen forests of West Africa. They live along the banks of reservoirs and in humid tropical jungles.

APPEARANCE Schweiger's tortoise is the largest among other representatives of this genus. The length of the carapace of an adult individual reaches almost 30 cm.

The color of the carapace is rusty-brown, with light spots on the central plates and a border on the outer plates.

Males differ from females by having long, thick tails.

Schweiger's turtles are kept in conditions of high humidity. Unlike other species, these animals do not require lighting.

A spacious terrarium is set up for the animals with a shelter - a cardboard box with a hole or a piece of tree bark bent in half.

You definitely need to take care of the artificial pond. It may be shallow, but the water in it must be changed constantly.

Schweiger's turtle is undemanding when it comes to food: it can be fed grass, fruits, and small invertebrates.

Once a week, the animals are given mineral supplements for turtles or, as a substitute, pork or beef bones.

Mating in turtles of this species occurs throughout the year. Mating behavior The male is very interesting: he walks around the female in circles, unexpectedly knocking her over onto her back. The fertilized female eats a lot and is almost constantly in the water.

After 4 months, the female is given shelter in a terrarium - a small cardboard box with a closed top; inside, a layer of sand must be poured, in which the turtle will lay eggs.

The eggs are carefully transferred to an incubator at 30°C. The incubation period is 130–157 days.

The hatched cubs are transferred to a special “children’s” terrarium with the same bark shelter. Juveniles are fed bananas, pears, cucumbers, peaches and finely chopped earthworms.

Asian turtle

Asian turtles are widespread in the mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam (with Vietnamese language its name can be translated as “three-tailed turtle”). Also found in Malaysia and Thailand.

The plastron of these animals is used in Chinese folk medicine. Currently, the number of these turtles has decreased significantly.


The color of the carapace is grayish-brown, sometimes orange, with a dark border on the plates. The limbs are dark, the head is light. Individuals living in Malaysia are brown in color. The plastron is light yellow, with a dark spot on each plate.


Asian turtles live in forests and highlands. They feed on bamboo shoots and other plants.

The mating season begins during the rainy season.

Schweiger's tortoise cubs are most active in the morning; during the day they rest in a shelter, and in the evening they crawl out again to eat.

In captivity, Asian tortoises often get sick, have poor food intake, and usually die within a few weeks of being caught.

Many hobbyists who have achieved certain results in keeping reptiles advise giving animals juicy fruits (mango, guava, black grapes, bananas) as food.

Asian turtle

Hermann's tortoise

Hermann's turtles are widespread in Southeast Europe, Southern California, Southern Italy, Albania, Greece, and the Balkans. The second population lives in northern Spain, southern France and some islands of the Western Mediterranean.

Around 10-15 years ago, these turtles were often exported to the UK and many other countries, where they were never able to acclimatize. Currently, the number of these turtles has recovered.


Young animals have a bright yellow pattern on the carapace, which darkens with age. The inhabitants of Italy, France and the Mediterranean islands are brighter colored than the representatives of the second variety. They have red spots and specks on their plastron.


Under natural conditions, the female makes a nest on the slopes, into which she lays from 2 to 12 eggs.

The incubation period, depending on the temperature, is 90-120 days. Newborn cubs are as brightly colored as adults. Already on the third day after birth, they begin to forage.

In captivity, Hermann's turtles eat plant foods, as well as snails and slugs. Particular preference is given to strawberries, figs and snails.

Turtles are funny reptiles that differ from other reptiles by having a strong, permanent shell. This species is the oldest on the planet; scientists claim that such animals existed long before the first humans appeared. In their natural habitat, these reptiles can be found in the tropics and temperate latitudes.

Currently on Earth More than three hundred species of turtles have been recorded. Recently, these animals have attracted interest not only among scientists and researchers, but also among ordinary people who are thinking about what kind of pet to get.

All about turtles: description and characteristics

A turtle can be easily recognized by the protective covering of its body - its shell. It serves the animal to protect itself from predators and external dangers. The upper part of a turtle's shell is called the carapace. The lower part covering the abdomen is the plastron. The strength of this protective frame is very great; it can withstand a weight exceeding the weight of a turtle by two hundred times.

Back of the shell, more precisely, the carapace, is formed from two layers.

  1. Inner layer. It consists of bone plates. There are several species of turtles in which the bony plates are covered with skin.
  2. The outer layer is formed from horny scutes.

The plastron consists of ossified and fused:

  • Clavicle.
  • Abdominal ribs.
  • The bones that form the anterior wall of the chest.

Among a large number various types turtles there are individuals from small sizes to very huge ones. For example, in nature there are giants weighing more than a ton and long shell more than three meters. There are also baby turtles weighing one hundred grams and a carapace size of only ten centimeters.


Most species nature she prudently gave it a medium-sized and streamlined head, so that the turtle could easily hide it in its shell when danger appeared. But some turtles do not have this opportunity, since they have too large a head and it simply does not fit into the “turtle house”.

In land turtles, due to the peculiarities of their way of life, their gaze is directed to the ground. In aquatic representatives of the species, the opposite is true; their eyes are located close to the top of the head and look up and forward. Most turtles have a short, thick neck, but there are breeds that have thin and long necks.


All turtle species have four legs. Their structure and appearance directly depend on the turtle’s lifestyle.

Almost all types of turtles have a tail. It usually thickens at the base and becomes thinner towards the tip. The tip may end in a spike.

Developed color vision helps these animals in searching for food; with the help of fine hearing, they can hear the approach of danger from afar.

Like many reptiles, turtles molt several times a year. Transparent thin shields and skin from the neck and paws come off their shell.

In their natural environment, turtles can live one hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty years. When cold weather or summer drought sets in, these animals go into hibernation, which can last more than six months.

Does a turtle have teeth?

Does a turtle have teeth? This question has arisen for almost all lovers of these animals.

Ancient prehistoric turtles that lived about two hundred million years ago had real and quite sharp teeth. Unlike their ancient ancestors, modern species lack teeth. They are helped to bite and grind food by a unique strong beak, which ends with the turtle’s muzzle. Its surface is covered with roughness and irregularities, which are what replace teeth.

The absence of teeth does not prevent turtles from biting very painfully. In predators the beak is very sharp, in herbivores it has jagged edges.

How to determine gender?

Turtles do not have distinct sexual characteristics, so it can be difficult to determine which group they belong to. applies to your pet: for boys or girls. But if you approach this issue seriously, monitor the behavior of the animal and carefully become familiar with its appearance, then determining the gender of this entertaining exotic species will not be difficult.

Types of land turtles

Three hundred and twenty-eight species of turtles have been recorded so far. Species are also divided into fourteen families.

According to the method of retracting the head into the shell, these animals are divided into two groups:

  • Side-necked. The shelled head rests near one of the forelimbs.
  • Hiddencervical. The head is hidden in the shell when the neck is folded in the shape of the letter S.

Turtles are also classified depending on their habitat:

  • Marine species (living in the seas and oceans).
  • Terrestrial species (representatives of this species live on land or in fresh water bodies). *Land *Freshwater.

Cape spotted turtle

Homopus Signatus or Cape Speckled Tortoise in Latin. It lives in the Republic of South Africa and the southern part of Namibia. It is considered the smallest turtle in the world, the length of its shell does not exceed ten centimeters, and its weight rarely reaches two hundred grams.

Testudo (Agrionemys) horsfieldii or Central Asian tortoise. Is one of the most popular types reptiles that are chosen as pets. If you still don’t have this cute and smart animal, maybe you should get one?

It lives in the north-west of Pakistan, in the central part of Central Asia, in the north-east of Iran and India. At home, the Central Asian tortoise can live for forty to fifty years, does not require special care and is not difficult to maintain.

She has four toes on her front paws with strong claws. The carapace is round, yellowish in color with dark spots, mostly brown or black. Is small view with a carapace length of up to twenty centimeters.

Leopard or panther tortoise

The leopard or panther tortoise is called Geochelone pardalis in Latin. Lives in Africa. The panther tortoise has a tall, dome-shaped shell, seventy centimeters or more in length, with a sandy or yellowish color. Juveniles have a dark pattern on the carapace, which disappears with age.

The weight of a representative of this species can reach fifty kilograms.

Egyptian tortoise

Egyptian tortoise or Testudo kleinmanni- one of the smallest species among its land counterparts. Lives in northern Africa and the Middle East. The length of the shell rarely reaches ten centimeters; females are larger than males. The color of the carapace of the Egyptian tortoise is brown with a yellow tint, the horny plates have a dark brown or black border.

Galapagos elephant tortoise

Galapagos elephant tortoise or translated into Latin Chelonoidis elephantopus. The size of the elephant turtle and the shape of its shell directly depend on its habitat. Individuals living in humid climatic zones have a large dome-shaped shell and their size exceeds their counterparts living in arid regions. The length of the carapace of such turtles often reaches two meters, and the weight exceeds four hundred kilograms.

Residents of arid regions have a saddle-shaped shell and thin elongated limbs. Turtles of this species live, as you might guess from their name, on the Galapagos Islands.

Turtles are very ancient creatures. To some extent, they are descendants of some species of dinosaurs.

There are a huge variety of turtles. They are divided into species, subspecies, orders, suborders. Many are already extinct, and some are on the verge of extinction. Some turtles can be kept in the house, but some are simply not meant for this.

Today we will try to understand all the diversity and types of turtles.

There are a huge variety of turtle species. In total there are more than 328 species, which are included in 14 families.

The tortoise order consists of two suborders, divided by the way the animal retracts its head into its shell:

  1. Hidden-necked turtles, folding their necks in the form Latin letter"S"
  2. Side-necked turtles with their head tucked toward one of their front paws

This is the simplest division. I will not give an official division into all types and subspecies here. For this we can read Wikipedia. The purpose of this article is not to confuse you, but to give the most convenient and simple classification. Therefore, we will divide turtles by habitat.

According to the habitat of turtles, there is the following classification:

  • Sea turtles (live in seas and oceans)
  • Terrestrial turtles (live on land or in fresh water)

In turn, terrestrial turtles last for:

  • Land turtles
  • Freshwater turtles

Types of sea turtles

Sea turtles are inhabitants of salt waters. Unlike their earthly relatives they differ large size. They live in warm tropical waters, practically not visiting cold latitudes.

Sea turtles have remained virtually unchanged for millions of years since they appeared on the planet. They are characterized by developed forelimbs, used as flippers, and hind legs that are almost not involved in movement. Also, in sea turtles, the limbs cannot be retracted into the shell. Moreover, some species, such as the leatherback turtle, have no shell at all.

Despite the popular belief that turtles are slow animals, this is only the case on land, where they really look clumsy. However, in the water they are transformed, becoming examples of speed and superior navigator qualities. Even in Fiji (a state in the Pacific Ocean), the sea turtle is a symbol of the marine department. This is no accident - nature really rewarded these animals with qualities that allowed them to become excellent swimmers.

In addition, scientists have not fully figured out why, but turtles have amazing navigational abilities:

  • Firstly, they accurately determine the place of their birth, and return exactly there to continue their offspring. And even after many years they remember the place of their birth.
  • Secondly, sea turtles make epic migrations, presumably guided by the Earth's magnetic field, which prevents them from getting lost.
  • And thirdly, some sea turtles, for example, the Ridley turtle, gather to lay eggs in the sand only on one day a year. Scientists suggest that only those individuals that were born in this particular place and were lucky enough to survive gather on the beach. Locals call this day "invasion" when thousands of turtles emerge from the water. This behavior suggests a collective consciousness among turtles.

When the turtle lays her eggs, she very carefully buries the eggs with sand, compacts it, and makes it invisible. Looking at such care for the eggs, it is difficult to imagine that the mother turtle does not experience any maternal feelings, and having done her job, returns to the ocean without waiting for the eggs to hatch.

The hatched turtle will likely live less than 10 minutes. Having got out of the sand, she rushes to the water, on the way to which a huge number of enemies, primarily birds of prey, await her. But even when they reach water, most of them will be eaten by sea predators. Only one in a hundred turtles born will reach adulthood and return to this beach to continue their lineage.

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The most famous representatives of sea turtles:

  • Leatherback turtle
  • Green (soup sea turtle)
  • Loggerhead sea turtle (false carriage turtle)
  • Hawksbill sea turtle (true caretta)
  • ridley (olive turtle)

Types of land turtles

Terrestrial turtles make up the largest large group by the number of species included in it. This includes the land turtle family, which has 37 species, as well as the two largest families of freshwater turtles (85 species).

Terrestrial turtles also include many families, including 1-2 species.

Spread throughout the roast and temperate zone(except Australia). Swamp turtles live in the steppe zone of Russia and the Caucasus.
Includes 5–7 species inhabiting the Mediterranean, the Balkan Peninsula, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Central Asia.

Terrestrial turtles are herbivores. This is one of the few examples of the development of only plant foods among turtles. Their food is green grass and vegetation, with which they receive the necessary portion of water. In the habitats of many species, food and water are available only for short periods.

In such places, turtles spend most of their lives hibernating. Thanks to this slow metabolism, the life expectancy of turtles is very long, up to 100 - 150 years.

The most famous representatives of land turtles:

  • Galapagos elephant tortoise
  • Elastic turtle
  • Steppe tortoise
  • Elephant turtle
  • Wood turtle

Types of land turtles

Land turtles, like freshwater turtles, belong to the species of terrestrial turtles.

Let's start with the land ones - a family of turtles with 11-13 genera, including about forty species.

Land animals with a high, less often flattened, shell, with thick columnar legs. The toes are fused together, and only the short claws remain free. The head and legs are covered with scutes and scales.

Among land turtles there are both small species, about 12 cm long, and giant ones, up to a meter or more in length. Gigantic species live only on a few islands (Galapagos, Seychelles, etc.). Specimens are known that have reached about 400 kg of live weight in captivity.

Compared to freshwater turtles, land turtles are very slow and clumsy, so in case of danger they do not try to escape, but hide in their shells. Another method of defense used by many land turtles is the sudden emptying of a very capacious bladder. When in danger, the Central Asian turtle hisses like a viper.

They are distinguished by phenomenal vitality and longevity. Life expectancy in different species ranges from 50 to 100 years, sometimes up to 150.

Land turtles are primarily herbivores, but their diet must include a certain amount of animal food. They can go for a very long time without water and food, and in the presence of succulent vegetation they do not need water at all, but they drink it willingly, especially in the heat.

The most popular are the Central Asian and Mediterranean turtles. It's better to take a young turtle. This can be easily determined by the size of the shell (it is small) and behavior (reaction, better in young turtles).

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The most famous representatives of land turtles:

  • Panther turtle
  • Yellow-footed turtle
  • Yellow-headed turtle
  • Red footed turtle
  • Radiant turtle
  • Steppe (Central Asian) turtle
  • Mediterranean (Caucasian, Greek)

Types of freshwater turtles

Freshwater turtles are the largest family of turtles, comprising 31 genera and 85 species. These are small and medium-sized animals, the shell of which in most cases is low and has a rounded oval streamlined shape.

Their limbs are usually swimming, have more or less developed membranes and are armed with sharp claws. The head is covered on top with smooth skin, only sometimes there are small shields on the back of the head. Many species have very bright, beautiful colors of the head and legs, and often the shell.

The family is distributed unusually widely - in Asia, Europe, North Africa, North and South America. There are two main nodes in their geography. The main, most ancient center lies in South-East Asia, where more than 20 genera are concentrated; the second center apparently formed later in eastern North America, where 8 genera of freshwater turtles are found.

Most species are aquatic inhabitants, inhabiting bodies of water with weak currents. They move deftly both in water and on land, and feed on a variety of animal and plant foods. Only a few species switched to living on land for the second time, which affected their appearance and behavior. Although carnivory is characteristic of aquatic turtles, some species are strict vegetarians.

Just like land animals, they should be kept in terrariums, but only in special ones. You need a heated lamp, a “bank” where the turtle should go out to warm up, and actual water.

Trionix is ​​a representative of the family, soft shell turtles.

It inhabits the Amur basin within Russia (which is the extreme northern limit of its range) almost from the mouth and south to the western part of Primorye, Eastern China, North Korea, Japan, as well as Hainan Island, Taiwan. Introduced to Hawaii.

Lives in fresh water bodies. Most active at dusk and at night. During the day it often basks on the shore. In case of danger, it instantly disappears into the water, burying itself in the bottom silt. It feeds on fish, amphibians, insects, mollusks and worms.

Also, red-eared turtles are very popular. Representatives of the genus can be found south of North America, Southern and Central Europe, South Africa, South-East Asia.

The turtle got its name from the two elongated bright red spots behind its eyes. This spot may be bright yellow in the Cumberland turtle subspecies or yellow in the yellow-bellied turtle subspecies. The plastron is oval, usually dark in color with yellow lines and a yellow edging around the edge.

The most famous representatives of freshwater turtles:

  • Side-necked turtle

Unofficial division of turtles

These divisions are not included in the official ones, but I believe that it is worth dividing them according to these criteria to make your choice easier.

Types of pet turtles

Here again we will divide for convenience into land and freshwater turtles.

Land pet turtles

The most common type of turtle. Those turtles that we are used to seeing among our friends, acquaintances, and relatives. Moves slowly and a little awkwardly, waddling.

By the way, it is officially listed in the Red Book and prohibited for sale. But, as we see, most pet stores circumvent this ban.

In nature, it lives in southern, warm regions, in agricultural and desert areas of Central Asia. The sizes are medium, the shell is 20-30 centimeters long, yellow-brown in color with dark zones on the scutes. The limbs have four fingers.

The most comfortable temperature for keeping in a terrarium is 24-30 degrees. However, being in a closed space has a detrimental effect on the health and psychological state of the animal, and it dies early. It’s not for nothing that the Central Asian turtle was included in the Red Book!

This breed has about 20 subspecies, living in various landscapes and climatic zones. Basically it's North Africa, southern Europe and Southwest Asia, Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Dagestan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan.

Accordingly, it loves warmth and sunlight. Depending on the subspecies, it has different sizes and colors of the shell. The dimensions of the shell reach up to 35 centimeters. Color – brown-yellow with dark splashes. On the back of the thighs there is a horny tubercle. There are 5 toes on the front paws, and spurs on the hind paws. Comfortable temperature for keeping in an aquarium is 25-30 degrees.

They are similar in appearance to Mediterranean turtles, but much smaller. The dimensions of the shell are 15-20 centimeters (according to some sources – 30 centimeters). The color of the shell is yellow-brown with black spots. At a young age it is bright, but fades over the years.

A characteristic feature of this species is the conical spike at the end of the tail. Individuals living in the west are smaller than individuals living in the east.

In general, this species lives in Southern Europe, along the Mediterranean coast: northeastern Spain, European Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Balearic Islands, Corsica, the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian coasts of Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, as well as the Greek islands. Comfortable temperature for keeping in a terrarium is 26-32 degrees.

These turtles are very small. Their shell size is only about 12 centimeters. Yellow in color, shields with a dark border. There are no spurs on the hind legs.

Habitat: Mediterranean coast of Israel, Egypt, Libya. If you decide to get such a turtle, then remember that the temperature in the terrarium should be about 24-30 degrees. Feature behavior of the Egyptian tortoise - like an ostrich, it quickly buries itself in the sand when danger approaches.

Freshwater pet turtles

The most common species of freshwater turtles, which can be found in terrariums and aquariums of urban residents. It includes approximately 15 subspecies and belongs to the genus of decorated (lined, painted) turtles. They call it this because of its main distinguishing feature - a red spot near the ears (yellow in some subspecies).

The shell is 18-30 centimeters long. In youth it has a bright green shell color, which darkens with age. There are bright green stripes on the head and limbs. Males differ from females in their larger and more massive tail and nail plate.

They live naturally in the USA (Virginia, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico), Mexico and the countries of Central America and the Caribbean, and South America (Colombia, Venezuela).

Can also be found in Australia, South Africa, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel, Spain, and Great Britain. Lives in lakes and ponds with swampy shores. Leads a sedentary and lazy lifestyle. For comfortable living in your terrarium, maintain the water temperature 22-28 degrees, air temperature – 30-32 degrees.

There are 13 subspecies of the European marsh turtle. Their carapace is low, convex, and smooth. They reach a length of up to 35 centimeters and a weight of up to one and a half kilograms.

The carapace is dark green or dark olive in color, the plastron is light. Small spots on the head, neck, shell and paws (yellow specks). The claws on the paws are quite large, and there are membranes between the toes. In adult turtles, the length of the tail is up to ¾ the size of the shell, and in small turtles it is even longer!

You can meet the European marsh turtle in Russia (Crimea, Yaroslavl region, Smolensk, Bryansk, Tula, Oryol, Belgorod, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Samara, Saratov region, upper Don, Mari El Republic, Trans-Urals, central and southern regions), Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, Central and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Asia, Turkey, northern Iran and northwest Africa.

In its natural habitat it prefers ponds and lakes with muddy bottoms. Activity occurs during the daytime. The water temperature in the terrarium is 22-25 degrees, the air temperature is 30. The species is listed in the Red Book.

Reaches a total length of up to 30 centimeters (25 centimeters of which is the shell). The carapace is flat, oval, brown-green in color with yellow stripes. There are also stripes on the paws and on the head. You can distinguish a male from a female by the tail (in females it is shorter and thinner), and by the concave carapace of the male.

Caspian turtles live in southern Europe (Montenegro, Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Cyprus), Western Asia, the north-west of the Arabian Peninsula (Lebanon, Israel, Saudi Arabia), the Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Iran, Iraq.

In nature, it settles in bodies of water, both fresh and brackish water, near which there is coastal vegetation. And these turtles can climb mountains to heights of up to 1800 meters above sea level and live up to 30 years! In captivity, the air temperature in the terrarium is 30-32 degrees, the water temperature is 18-22 degrees.

Chinese trionix (Far Eastern tortoise). There are exceptions to any rule. Chinese Trionix is ​​proof of this. We are all used to seeing turtles with a classic hard shell. The Chinese Trionix is ​​soft.

The dimensions of the shell reach 20 centimeters, it is soft, leathery, without any scutes. Green color. But this is not all that can surprise an unprepared person in this unique representative of the turtle order.

They have three toes on their paws. On the face instead of a nose there is a proboscis. And if you pass by some pond somewhere in China and see such a proboscis sticking out of the water, you know that this is a Trionix turtle sticking out to get a fresh portion of oxygen.

Despite all their vulnerability and cuteness, the jaws of the Chinese trionyx have sharp cutting edges with which they grab their prey.

The amazing qualities of this turtle also include its speed of movement and reaction. This is not your classic turtle, barely moving around the house.

It is dangerous for humans due to its nature: Trionics turtles are quite aggressive, bite painfully and are rarely tamed. Unless they are raised in captivity from a young age. You can meet Trionix in China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, on the islands of Hainan and Taiwan, in the Russian Far East, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Hawaiian and Mariana Islands, Micronesia.

They prefer to live in rivers with weak currents, lakes and canals. In eastern countries - China, Japan, Korea - it is highly valued for its meat and served as a delicacy. In captivity, the water temperature in the terrarium should reach 26 degrees, the air temperature - 30-32.

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Types of aquarium turtles

You can see aquarium turtles in the photo or in natural form in the store, and choose a pet based on your aesthetic preferences. There are no big differences in the content of different breeds of such amphibians.

Types of aquarium turtles that are most often found in aquaterrariums:

  • Swamp turtle
  • Long-necked turtle
  • Mud turtle

The last one is the smallest. An adult reaches only 10 centimeters. Accordingly, she will need a comparatively smaller home. The rest grow 2-3 times larger at home. All these amphibians have good eyesight, react to movement, and distinguish smells and tastes. At the same time, turtles are somewhat deaf, their ears are covered with folds of skin.

Keeping turtles in aquariums

When thinking about how to care for aquarium turtles, you should consider that they need both water and dry land to live a full life. Well, it’s not for nothing that biologists called them amphibians! The minimum dimensions of an aquaterratium should be 160 centimeters in length, 60 centimeters in width and 80 centimeters in height. For a musk turtle, these dimensions can be halved.

Caring for an aquarium turtle will require the arrangement of three zones: a pond, land and “shallow water”. Dry land should occupy up to a third of the area of ​​the aquaterrarium. Cute amphibians climb onto it to warm themselves. The shallow water area (depth 3-4 centimeters) may be quite small, but it is definitely necessary. Turtles use it for thermoregulation.

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Types of small turtles

The little turtle will be an ideal pet for those who are short on time.

Little turtles are very popular exotic pets. All over the world, millions of people choose these cute, funny animals that do not require complex care and maintenance as pets.

Advantages of small turtles over other pets

The little turtle is ideal for both small city apartments and spacious private houses. Small, leisurely, requiring virtually no care and very unusual in appearance, turtles will become true friends both restless children and calm elderly people.

If you don’t have the time or desire to walk your dog three times a day in any weather, brush your cat every week, or spend a whole day every month cleaning an aquarium with fish, purchasing a turtle would be an ideal option.

For small turtles, a 100-liter aquarium or a terrarium prepared with your own hands from a large box or old suitcase (if the turtle is an amphibian) is quite enough.

Which turtles are small

Small turtles include species of turtles that do not grow in length by more than 12-13 cm. Turtles with a body length exceeding 13-15 cm are considered large and require more complex care and maintenance conditions. There are several species of small turtles.

Flat-bodied (flat) turtles. The body length of representatives of this species varies between 6-8.5 cm, weight reaches 100-170 g. Such miniature sizes allow the turtle to feel comfortable in a small aquarium, and the fact that these turtles feed mainly on small succulents (plants containing a lot of moisture), makes caring for them very simple.

Locking turtles. Locked turtles live naturally in parts of Africa, as well as in Mexico and the United States. There are four subspecies of reclusive turtles. Yellow snapback turtles and Sonoran snapback turtles typically grow to 7.5-13 cm. Striped snapback turtles and reddish mud turtles reach 7.5-11 cm.

Musk turtles. Another type of small turtles that can be kept at home. Adults reach a maximum length of 15 cm. The genus of musk turtles has four species. The keeled musk turtle reaches 7.5-15 cm in length. The common musk turtle and the small musk turtle grow to 7.5-12.5 cm. Sternotherus depressus is 7.5-11 cm long.

Spotted turtles. This is a semi-aquatic species of turtles reaching 7.5-13 cm in length. Since this turtle is a semi-terrestrial animal, in addition to a small water aquarium, a dry aquarium or terrarium is perfect for it.

Chinese three-keeled turtles. The average body length of representatives of this species of turtle is 13 cm. The three-keeled turtle is an excellent choice for people who are purchasing a turtle for the first time, as it is a very calm and unpretentious animal.

Small turtles do not require large expenses for their maintenance, do not need any special care and do not take up much space in the apartment - a small 100-150-liter aquarium will be quite enough for them.

Despite the enormous popularity of these small exotic animals as pets, keeping them in captivity is illegal in some countries.

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Endangered turtle species

At the moment, there are several species of turtles that are either extinct or on the verge of extinction.

Galapagos tortoise or elephant tortoise. By the early 20th century, more than 200,000 Galapagos tortoises had been exterminated. Almost all natural habitats were also destroyed. elephant turtles.

This is due to the fact that agriculture began to actively develop and places were needed for raising livestock. Many types of livestock were also introduced, which competed with turtles for food.

Since the early 20th century, much effort has been made to restore the elephant turtle population. Captive-bred turtles were released into their natural habitats. Today the number of such turtles is more than 20,000 individuals.

Leatherback turtle. About 30 years ago, there were more than 117 thousand females of such turtles. Now their number has decreased to about 25 thousand.
This is due to the fact that leatherback turtles feed on jellyfish and dive to very great depths for them. In their natural habitats, water bodies are heavily clogged and turtles very often swallow various rubbish they die from this.

Swamp turtle. The only representative of turtles in Belarus. Females are distinguished by larger body sizes and a comparatively thinner tail at the base.

Protected in many European countries. The species is listed in the Red Books of Belarus and many other CIS countries.

The decline in turtle numbers in Belarus is associated with the transformation and reduction in the area of ​​natural habitats that followed changes in natural landscapes and drainage of wetlands.

Far Eastern turtle. In most of its habitat, the Far Eastern tortoise is a common species. But in Russia, this rare view, whose numbers are rapidly declining in this part of its range.

This is due to the fact that the Far Eastern turtle is one of the main edible species of turtles. Therefore, many poachers catch, kill and sell them. Local residents also destroy the nests and take away the eggs of Far Eastern turtles.

Poisonous turtles

Along with pet turtles, there are some species that can cause irreparable harm to your health.

Leatherback turtle. The leatherback turtle is the largest of all turtles, sometimes reaching over 2.5 meters in length. These 2,000-pound omnivores are arguably the widest-growing vertebrates on Earth, but their populations are declining every year due to industrial development, pollution and being caught as bycatch.

These turtles are usually quite gentle giants, however if disturbed they can bite and their bite can break bones as they are very strong and powerful. In one strange case, a huge leatherback turtle, likely weighing more than 680 kilograms, directed its aggression towards a small boat and rammed it. Shortly before, the turtle was being chased by a shark, so it considered the boat a potential threat.

Fringed turtle (mata-mata). The Amazon of South America is famous for its incredible and sometimes creepy creatures. In the same river with piranhas and river dolphins lives a bizarre fringed turtle.

What will happen if a person steps on a fringed turtle is unknown, but this strange river reptile has an elongated, snake-like neck and a strange mouth containing two sharp plates that resemble human teeth fused together. This uniquely creepy carnivore's lunch menu includes waterbirds, fish and other reptiles.

We can only imagine what will happen to a person who reaches out from the boat to touch the strange lump visible from the water...

Big-headed turtle. The big-headed turtle is a bizarre-looking creature with a long, snake-like tail that is almost as long as its body. This turtle is endemic to Southeast Asia, where it hunts a variety of prey in rivers.

The large head does not retract into the shell, and is equipped with very powerful jaws. If a turtle feels threatened, it will not hesitate to use its beak, which can crush bones, so it is better to keep your distance from them. Incredibly, this creature, living in Asia, is able to climb trees, where it can sit like a bird. Unfortunately, this amazing creature is endangered due to poaching, which must be constantly combated.

Soft-bodied turtles. Looking like flat human-reptile hybrids from alien horror films, soft-bodied turtles compensate for their lack of shell by greatly strong bite. Among the many species of soft-shelled turtles from around the world, the most feared is the large Cantor's soft-shelled turtle, endemic to China.

She hides in the sand, waiting for prey, and then jumps out and bites the prey with sharp teeth. The turtle's sheer size and the force of its bite can cause horrific injuries. However, this species is unfortunately currently endangered. However, more common species of softshell turtles, such as the evil trionix, can be found throughout the world and are quite capable of biting an unwary fisherman.

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I hope you received today Full description what types of turtles there are. We figured out all their diversity and have already planned a pet for the future. Well, I say goodbye to you.

Kawabanga, friends!

The turtle is a beautiful animal belonging to the order Reptiles. Turtles are considered the oldest creatures that were among the first to appear on earth. In the wild, these animals live in the tropics, as well as in places with a predominant temperate climate. Turtles can live both on land and in water.

Today, terrestrial species have become actively used as pets. Let's look at the main types of domestic turtles.

Terrestrial turtles are divided into two types:

  • land;
  • freshwater

Types of land turtles

Central Asian tortoise

Among the species of domestic turtles, this animal is considered the most popular. These are exactly the creatures that people most often see when visiting their friends and acquaintances. These are very clumsy animals that are characterized by extremely slow movement. It is worth noting that this turtle is listed in the Red Book, which means that its sale is prohibited by law. However, pet stores do not pay attention to this. In the wild, the main habitat is Central Asia.

The turtle has a light shell with dark scutes. The limbs are characterized by the presence of four fingers. To keep this species in a terrarium, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of about 30 degrees. It is also worth keeping in mind that with psychological point vision these animals do not like enclosed spaces, it is this fact that explains the rapid death of turtles.

This species has about 20 subspecies, which are characterized by living in completely different climatic conditions. These turtles love warmth and direct sunlight. Each subspecies has its own characteristics: the size and color of the shell. The maximum size reaches 35 cm. On the back of the thigh of this turtle you can see a mound of horny tissue. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have spurs. Keeping them in a terrarium involves maintaining a temperature of about 25-30 degrees.

Egyptian tortoise

These animals are extremely small. The maximum size of the shell is 12 cm. The color is yellowish with scutes bordered by a dark stripe. There are no spurs on the hind legs. In the wild they live mainly in Egypt, Israel, and Libya. Like most other species, the temperature in the aquarium is required within 24-30 degrees. These turtles have some peculiarities in behavior. So, for example, when any danger approaches, the animal immediately buries itself in the sand.

Balkan tortoise

This species can be confused with Mediterranean turtles by its external features. The main difference is the small size of the shell, about 15-20 cm. The color of the shell is light brown with dark spots. The younger the turtle, the brighter its color. Another distinctive feature should be considered conical spike, which is located at the end of the tail. The main habitat in the wild is Southern Europe, namely the Mediterranean coast. It is worth noting that turtles that live to the west are much smaller than those located in the east. At home, keeping the species is possible at a temperature of 26-32 degrees.

Types of freshwater turtles

European marsh turtle

This type has 13 subspecies. The turtle's shell is low and smooth. The length of the animal is about 35 cm, the average weight of individuals is approximately one and a half kilograms. Turtle shell color dark green. The head, neck and paws are covered with light spots. The fingers have large, sharp claws and webbing. View characterized by a fairly large tail, the length of which is ¾ of the length of the turtle’s entire body.

In the wild, these animals can be found in different regions of Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, etc. Ideal habitat conditions for the species are lakes and ponds. Individuals are most active during the day. The species is one of those listed in the Red Book. Keeping it at home requires a temperature of 22-25 degrees and air temperature of about 30.

Pond slider

Of all the species, city dwellers most often breed this one in their aquariums and terrariums. All 15 subspecies red eared turtles classified as so-called decorated. They received this name because of the red or yellow spots, which are located near the ears. The size of individuals is about 18-30 centimeters. Young turtles have a lighter color shell. The head and paws are decorated with stripes of rich green color. The species has sexual differences: males have a more powerful tail and nail plate.

In the wild they are found in Mexico, America, the USA, and less often in Australia, Spain, Great Britain, and Israel. The optimal habitat is marshy shores of water bodies and ponds. Individuals of the species are very lazy, slow and inactive. At home, turtles must be kept at a water temperature of about 28 degrees, air temperature of 32.

Far Eastern turtle

Another name for the species is Chinese trionix. These individuals are the exception to all the rules. The fact is that, unlike the usual hard shell, these turtles have a soft “house”. Dimensions reach 20 cm, the surface of the shell is leathery, soft, without scutes, green in color.

This is not to say that the shell is the only part that can surprise this species. A little It’s unusual to see a trunk instead of a nose and observe the presence of only three toes on the paws. If somewhere in China a small trunk sticks out of a pond, you need to remember that this is a feature of Far Eastern turtles. At first glance, this species is very cute and completely defenseless, but they have a secret here too. Trionix's jaws have special sharp edges, thanks to which the animal can grab prey. In addition, it is worth noting the increased mobility of individuals and the speed of reaction.

For humans, these turtles are also very dangerous, as they often show aggression, bite and are very difficult to tame. The only option to find a common language with individuals is to raise them in captivity from birth. The main habitats are China, Japan, and the Russian Far East. The most popular habitats are bodies of water characterized by weak currents. Chinese and Japanese The meat of these turtles is highly valued and consider it a delicacy. Closed terrariums for keeping at home require maintaining a water temperature of about 26 degrees and an air temperature of 32.

Caspian turtle

Individuals of this species have a flat, oval shell with an average length of 30 cm. The color is dark green with the presence of yellow stripes. Stripes can also be noted on the head and limbs. Also the species has sexual differences: Males have a concave carapace and a thicker, longer tail.

In the wild they are found mainly in southern Europe, Arabian Peninsula, Caucasus, Iraq, Iran. Most favorable conditions habitats – bodies of water with both fresh and salt water, with the presence of coastal vegetation. This species of turtle has unique ability– climb mountains to great heights, and also live for about 30 years. To keep them at home, a certain temperature is required: water -18-22 degrees, air - 30-32.

  • ultra-violet rays;
  • required water and air temperatures;
  • terrarium or aquarium;
  • the ability of aquatic turtles to come onto land.

Thus, today there are quite a lot of species of domestic turtles. Each of them requires certain care and has its own characteristics. The choice always remains with the person, who has the right to choose which pet will delight the eye every day.

Many animals live in glass containers: turtles, fish, lizards and crustaceans. Home terrariums usually contain a terrestrial species of turtles, from which freshwater and land animals emerge.

Reptiles with webbed swimming limbs. Majority aquatic species turtles inhabit bodies of water with weak water movement. Mobile carnivorous reptiles, but herbivorous species are also found.


Brown-green turtle. Also called . It lives in shallow ponds in Mexico, South and Central America and Africa. It got its name because of the red spots in the ear area; there are species with bright yellow spots. There are rich green stripes on the head and paws. Young individuals are less intensely colored than mature ones. The carapace (upper part of the shell) of females is up to 30 cm, in males - up to 15 cm, there are claws. The diet of young individuals is dominated by animal food. Sedentary and non-conflict pets.

Trionix Chinese or Far Eastern

Turtles up to 20 cm in size with a soft leathery shell. The nose is oblong in the form of a trunk. These three-toed inhabitants of Asian reservoirs are very active and aggressive. They can injure a person with sharp plates located on their jaws. To keep these predators at home, a newborn individual is purchased. included in the Red Book and prohibited for sale. It is caught by smugglers and supplied to stores.


Omnivorous turtles with a flat oval shell up to 30 cm in length. The color consists of alternating yellow and green stripes. Individuals love salty or fresh water with a temperature of 18–22 degrees and a large amount of vegetation near the reservoir. Found in Southern Europe and Central Asia. In nature, they climb high into the mountains. They live for 30 years. In this species of freshwater turtle, sexual differences are clearly visible: the tail of males is more powerful and longer, the carapace is concave.

Silt loggerhead

Aquarium turtles with a small shell up to 18 cm and disproportionate big body. Though harmless in appearance, reptiles are capable of injuring with their false teeth. They come from North and South America. They live in shallow streams and swamps with abundant vegetation. A container of 60–100 liters is suitable for keeping at home. They feed on animal food and dry food.

European marsh

Dark green turtles up to 35 cm. The body is covered with light spots. A large and long tail, webbed feet and sharp claws. Reptiles live near lakes and ponds. listed in the Red Book. Kept at an air temperature of about 30 degrees.

Types of small

According to scientific classification, small turtles are considered freshwater species, the average size of which does not exceed 13 cm. A terrarium with a capacity of 100 liters is suitable for pets.


Small reptiles up to 13 cm. Color from reddish-brown to black, carapace with three keels. Easy to care for, an aquarium up to 100 liters is suitable. They inhabit the countries of South Asia and lead a completely land-based lifestyle in forests. They are omnivores, eat fruits and vegetables, and are not averse to eating fish. In some countries they are prohibited for home keeping.


Turtles get their name from the musk glands under their shells. The length of the oval carapace is 7–13 cm. There are light inclusions on the dark head and carapace. Young turtles are distinguished by three longitudinal ridges on the carapace, which disappear over the years. They feed on mollusks, insects, and small fish. Range: Canada to South America. In the natural environment, they are the orderlies of the reservoir. Turtles swim well; the terrarium should have an island and a pond.


Amphibious pets up to 12 cm in length. The carapace is black, without projections. Light yellow spots are evenly distributed on the shell, head and limbs. There are also color variations with orange and reddish splashes. They live at room temperature. For convenience, place shelters in a glass container and aquatic plants in a pond. The turtle is diurnal. Diet type: insectivores. Juveniles feed exclusively on animal food. Plants are rarely eaten. In nature, they live in marshy and damp areas.

Pond Reeves

A turtle with a shell length of 13 cm. The carapace is colored brown. There are olive, gray-green and black body colors, with yellow stripes. Females are lighter than males and have a shorter tail. Temperatures not lower than 22 degrees are allowed. It is known that turtles can survive freezing temperatures.


Domestic turtles are endowed with a peculiarity: in case of danger, the gap between the plastron and the carapace closes. The genus of closures consists of species:

  1. reddish mud turtle;
  2. mud red-cheeked;
  3. mud walleye;
  4. musk common;
  5. musky keel.


The carapace of these 9-centimeter turtles is slightly extended forward and has a slight convexity. Color ranges from olive to brown depending on the breed. The forelimbs have scales and 4 or 5 toes. The muzzle is oblong. Females are larger than males. Carnivorous, eats fish, mice and shrimp.

Types of land

Central Asian

Popular domestic pet species. At home, they grow up to 10–18 cm. Turtles have a light shell with dark scutes and four-fingered limbs. Once a week you can have a swim. They do not like to be disturbed; they prefer peace and regularity. Provide animals with air at 30 degrees and sandy soil in which they can dig.

Star or Indian

Beautiful pets with unusual shape shell. The scutes are convex, slightly pointed, with a striking star pattern. The shell is dark, the pattern is yellow. Turtles are medium in size, females reach 25 cm, males - 15 cm. The varieties living in Sri Lanka and South India have 5-7 rays in color. Individuals from northern India have 7–9 thin “star” rays. They eat plant foods.


Color and maintenance preferences differ among subspecies. The color can be plain or dark with yellow splashes. The front legs of domestic turtles have 5 toes, and the hind legs have spurs. There is a bump of horny tissue on the back of the thigh. Sizes up to 35 cm.


The shell size reaches 12 cm, females are smaller than males. The shell is sand-colored with black spots. They are whimsical in their contents and susceptible to diseases. Herbivores, in nature they feed on plants of the genus Artemisia. Calcium and D3 are added to the diet. The opportunity to determine sex in this species is available at 15 years of age. They are kept in groups of their own species in a spacious tank.


The shell size is up to 20 cm. Externally it resembles Mediterranean turtle. The shell is light brown with a dark pattern. Over the years, the color fades to yellowish-gray. The tail has a horny tip. They feed on peas, beans, clover and fruits. Supplement the diet with slugs and snails. Mobile pets are especially active in the warm season.


Some species of domestic turtles are small in size and also relatively unpretentious. Even for such animals you will need a spacious and long aquaterrarium, an ultraviolet lamp and a water filter. Take a responsible approach to keeping your pet turtle, and then it will delight you with the opportunity to observe it for a long time.