Panther, leopard tortoise (Geochelone pardalis). Leopard tortoise Diet of the leopard tortoise

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Leopard tortoise ( official name African leopard tortoise – Geochelone Pardalis) can grow up to 61 cm and weigh up to 32 kilograms, subject to proper maintenance and good heredity. They are wonderful pets and can live up to 80 years if their health is taken care of throughout their life. When purchasing a turtle, it is very important to monitor its health to ensure it has a long, happy life.


    Buy a healthy turtle – If you know a reputable pet store that specializes in reptiles, you can purchase a turtle there.

    However, it would be even better to contact a turtle breeder and purchase your pet directly from them. You can also buy a turtle at a reptile show. In any case, you should carefully examine your pet before purchasing. Make sure your turtle's eyes are clear and shiny (not cloudy and filmy) and that his stool is not very runny. Don't pick up a turtle from the street. Create natural conditions

  1. wildlife

    – see “Warnings” below. Create a natural outdoor environment – ​​If you live in a warm, dry climate like the one described above, you will probably want to create a natural environment for your tortoise by building an outdoor, fenced enclosure for your new pet. will be the cheapest), add a layer of substrate on top using branches, soft sand and dry grass. You can place some rocks for your turtle to bask on. It is worth making sure to place something like an empty deck or other shelter, like a grotto, where the turtle can hide from the outside world when he needs it. It is very important to provide suitable temperature and lighting. (this is described below in the next step)

    Provide proper diet– Wild leopard tortoises eat mainly grass. For pet turtles, you need to choose a mixture of herbs. Leaves and straw work best. Many people successfully feed their pets garden timothy. Some people pick up young spring leaves and grass. However, be careful with vegetables: too much wet food can lead to digestive upset and extremely soft stools with unpleasant smell. It's great to grow weeds and wild plants in your yard that your tortoise prefers, such as clover, dandelions, weeds, etc.

    Find the right temperature and lighting - your tortoise will need two main light sources for light and warmth. For daylight you should buy a UVB lamp (100 watt) to simulate sunlight

    . Also try to provide natural light to your pet whenever possible. For night lighting, use a 60-watt infrared lamp to keep the terrarium warm. To maintain a stable temperature in the terrarium, you can set timers on the lamps so that they turn on and off automatically. The average temperature should be 37.7 degrees Celsius. It should never fall below 21 degrees and above 37.7. Use a small disk thermometer to continuously monitor the temperature. Set the necessary timers and lamp voltage. Find the right supplements - How to food supplement Mazuri turtle food is well suited. Mazuri was designed for Galapagos tortoises , but many turtle owners find that it works great for other species as well. Turtles need large quantities

  2. calcium and minerals as they continually grow. Babies need calcium and vitamin D3 supplements daily, adults - a little less often. Provide social interaction – in the wild, turtles tend to be solitary, but they don't mind attention from time to time, especially towards old age.

    Leopard tortoises are not the best pets for beginners or children because they require a lot of care and a calm, stress-free life.

    • Warnings
    • No iceberg lettuce! Iceberg lettuce has no nutritional value and is not an acceptable food source for your turtle.
    • Never leave your pet outdoors on a cold night and never let his enclosure get too cold. Turtles are very susceptible to respiratory diseases and can easily die from hypothermia.
    • Turtles are very slow, but when scared they can run quite fast. You may want to make your turtle run because it looks funny. Do not do that. Their little hearts may not be able to bear it; it is very difficult for turtles to run for their lives. It creates too much stress.
    • Some turtle food packages indicate that they are suitable for box turtles. This does not mean they are suitable for a leopard tortoise, as box turtles are omnivores and eat both vegetables and meat.
    • Do not knock on the shell or terrarium. This really irritates them.
    • If possible, avoid purchasing your turtle online or from resellers. This way, you will not be able to properly inspect the animal, and the transportation process will cause stress for the pet even before you receive it.
    • IN South Africa any content wild turtle(including leopard) in captivity without a license from the Nature Conservancy is illegal.

Panther or leopard tortoise(Geochelone pardalis)

Class - reptiles
Squad - turtles

Family - land turtles

Genus - Geochelone


A large turtle, the length of its shell reaches 70 cm. The weight of an adult individual can be 50 kg.

Males differ from females more long tail, there is a depression on their plastron. The leopard tortoise's shell is high and dome-shaped. Its main color is sandy yellow. Young turtles have a distinct dark brown, almost black, pattern on their shell scutes. With age it gradually smoothes out. Panther tortoises from Ethiopia have weaker shell pigmentation than all others.


The leopard tortoise's range spans Africa from Sudan and Ethiopia to the southern tip of the continent.

The main habitats (savanna and dry uplands) are characterized by big amount varied vegetation. Animals can also climb mountains to heights of up to 1800-2000 meters above sea level.


The gland at the tail emits a strong and pungent odor, with which the turtle attracts a partner for mating and, conversely, repels the predator. When it gets very hot, the leopard tortoise digs a hole in the ground and stays underground to avoid overheating and losing too much water. She remains in the hole until the temperature drops and it rains again. If it becomes difficult to find food, the turtle passes long haul in search of food. To keep their shells healthy and their bones strong, turtles eat old bones if they find them while feeding.

Herbivorous, but on occasion consumes protein foods of animal origin. They can eat watermelons, pumpkins and various legumes in fields.


The turtle reaches sexual maturity at the age of 8-10 years. Pregnancy in a panther tortoise lasts from 70 to 80 days. The number of eggs in a clutch ranges from 5 to 30 pieces. Incubation will last from 125 to 230 days. Incubation can last up to 360-540 days.

This type of reptile can be kept in small groups - a male and several females.

Plants should not be placed in a terrarium, because the reptile will eat them; for the same reason, plants should not be placed in a terrarium. poisonous plants. This can lead to the death of the animal.

In a warm corner of the terrarium, it is necessary to place a pond with low edges, in which the reptile can swim from time to time. The water temperature in the drinking bowl should be at 26-28°C. In the cold corner of the terrarium it is necessary to place shelters (driftwood, broken pots, etc.). must be in the terrarium. Reptiles need good ventilation, so both side walls The terrarium should be made of mesh.

Animals cannot be kept in an apartment, on the floor instead of a terrarium. Drafts and dust will lead to illness in the reptile, as well as a lack of lighting, warm spots and UV radiation.

The panther tortoise is an omnivore. Plant foods should make up about 75% of a turtle's diet. Fibrous, roughage feeds with a low protein content are best suited as a feed base. Reptiles can be given plants such as chamomile, clover, alfalfa, lettuce, beans, cacti or aloe. A turtle should definitely be given carrots, because they are a source of vitamin A. A deficiency of this vitamin will cause problems with the reptile’s scales. Fruits can be given to your turtle no more than once a week. The reptile's diet must be varied, but the turtle should not be given spinach, cabbage and other plants containing oxalic acid salts. As a protein food, the turtle should be given food such as crickets and cockroaches, after killing them. The feeder should have low edges that allow the turtle to eat from there. As the reptile finishes its meal, the food bowl must be removed from the terrarium. Turtles should be fed daily.

The panther tortoise lives up to 75 years in captivity.

A large turtle, the length of its shell reaches 70 cm. The weight of an adult individual can be 50 kg. Males differ from females in having a longer tail, and there is a depression on their plastron. The leopard tortoise's shell is high and dome-shaped. Its main color is sandy yellow. Young turtles have a distinct dark brown, almost black, pattern on their shell scutes. With age it gradually smoothes out. Panther tortoises from Ethiopia have weaker shell pigmentation than all others.

Distribution and habitat

The leopard tortoise's range spans Africa from Sudan and Ethiopia to the southern tip of the continent.


IN mating season(from September to October) males fight for females, trying to knock the opponent onto his back. One observer reported that large females can attack turtles of both sexes by ramming them with their shells. During the mating process, the male extends his neck, lowering his head towards the female, and at the same time makes loud hoarse sounds. In the Southern Hemisphere, egg laying occurs in September-October, and at the equator the breeding season is more extended. The eggs are spherical in shape, with a thick shell, diameter - 2.5-5 cm. The clutch contains from 5 to 30 eggs. With a large number of eggs, the female can lay them in several layers, separated from each other by soil. The duration of incubation in nature is from 180 days, and when unfavorable conditions and up to 440.


  • Geochelone pardalis pardalis- the carapace is relatively low with a flat top.
  • Geochelone pardalis babcocki- the carapace is high, dome-shaped.

Leopard tortoises are kept in terrariums or pens with low air humidity (35-40%). A dry mixture of gravel and peat is suitable as a soil. Temperature - 23-30°C during the day and 20-25°C at night. To stimulate reproduction, it is useful to temporarily reduce the temperature to 15°C. Incubation of eggs at a temperature of 27°C lasts 125-180 days, at more low temperatures it can take up to 230 days. The oldest captive panther tortoise lived to be 75 years old.


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    Stigmochelys pardalis babcocki.jpg

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  • Darevsky I. S. Orlov N. L. Rare and endangered animals. Amphibians and reptiles. - M.: graduate School, 1988. P. 145. ISBN 5-06-001429-0
  • Kudryavtsev S.V. Frolov V.E. Korolev A.V. Terrarium and its inhabitants. - M.: Forest Industry, 1991. P. 265-267. (wrong)


  • The Reptile Database:

Excerpt characterizing the Leopard tortoise

“Give me my dressing room,” said the countess. - Dunyasha will get into the carriage with me.
They also gave away a dressing cart and sent it to pick up the wounded two houses away. All the household and servants were cheerfully animated. Natasha was in an enthusiastically happy revival, which she had not experienced for a long time.
-Where should I tie him? - people said, adjusting the chest to the narrow back of the carriage, - we must leave at least one cart.
- What is he with? – Natasha asked.
- With the count's books.
- Leave it. Vasilich will clean it up. It is not necessary.
The chaise was full of people; doubted about where Pyotr Ilyich would sit.
- He's on the goat. Are you a jerk, Petya? – Natasha shouted.
Sonya kept busy too; but the goal of her efforts was the opposite of Natasha’s goal. She put away those things that were supposed to remain; I wrote them down, at the countess’s request, and tried to take with me as many as possible.

In the second hour, the four Rostov carriages, loaded and stowed, stood at the entrance. The carts with the wounded rolled out of the yard one after another.
The carriage in which Prince Andrei was carried, passing by the porch, attracted the attention of Sonya, who, together with the girl, was arranging seats for the countess in her huge tall carriage, which stood at the entrance.
– Whose stroller is this? – Sonya asked, leaning out of the carriage window.
“Didn’t you know, young lady?” - answered the maid. - The prince is wounded: he spent the night with us and is also coming with us.
- Who is this? What's the last name?
– Our very former groom, Prince Bolkonsky! – sighing, answered the maid. - They say he is dying.
Sonya jumped out of the carriage and ran to the Countess. The countess, already dressed for travel, in a shawl and hat, tired, walked around the living room, waiting for her family to sit with her. closed doors and pray before leaving. Natasha was not in the room.
“Maman,” said Sonya, “Prince Andrei is here, wounded, near death.” He's coming with us.
The Countess opened her eyes in fear and, grabbing Sonya’s hand, looked around.
- Natasha? - she said.
For both Sonya and the Countess, this news had only one meaning at first. They knew their Natasha, and the horror of what would happen to her at this news drowned out for them all sympathy for the person they both loved.
– Natasha doesn’t know yet; but he’s coming with us,” said Sonya.
- Are you talking about dying?
Sonya nodded her head.
The Countess hugged Sonya and began to cry.
"God works in mysterious ways!" - she thought, feeling that in everything that was done now, an omnipotent hand, previously hidden from people’s view, began to appear.
- Well, mom, everything is ready. What are you talking about?.. – Natasha asked with a lively face, running into the room.
“Nothing,” said the Countess. - It's ready, let's go. – And the countess bent down to her reticule to hide her upset face. Sonya hugged Natasha and kissed her.
Natasha looked at her questioningly.
- What you? What happened?
- There is nothing…
- Very bad for me?.. What is it? – asked the sensitive Natasha.
Sonya sighed and did not answer. The Count, Petya, m me Schoss, Mavra Kuzminishna, Vasilich entered the living room, and, having closed the doors, they all sat down and sat silently, without looking at each other, for several seconds.
The count was the first to stand up and, sighing loudly, began to make the sign of the cross. Everyone did the same. Then the count began to hug Mavra Kuzminishna and Vasilich, who remained in Moscow, and, while they caught his hand and kissed his shoulder, he lightly patted them on the back, saying something vague, affectionately soothing. The Countess went into the imagery, and Sonya found her there on her knees in front of the images that remained scattered along the wall. (According to family legends, the most expensive images were taken with them.)
On the porch and in the courtyard, people leaving with daggers and sabers with which Petya had armed them, with their trousers tucked into their boots and tightly belted with belts and sashes, said goodbye to those who remained.
As always during departures, much was forgotten and not properly packed, and for quite a long time two guides stood on both sides of the open door and steps of the carriage, preparing to give the Countess a ride, while girls with pillows, bundles, and carriages were running from home to the carriages. , and the chaise, and back.
- Everyone will forget their time! - said the countess. “You know that I can’t sit like that.” - And Dunyasha, gritting her teeth and not answering, with an expression of reproach on her face, rushed into the carriage to redo the seat.