Red-eared turtle care at home in winter. How to handle a red-eared slider

Many people, when deciding to have a pet, choose a turtle. Water turtles are in greater demand for this purpose than land turtles. The main species kept at home are red-eared, musky, marsh turtle and Trionix.

When choosing an animal, you need to take care of it proper nutrition and creation necessary conditions for a full life.

Pond slider

water turtle The red-eared bird got its name due to its “ears.” These are yellow, orange or red spots located on both sides of the head. The size of the reptile is average, 18-30 centimeters depending on gender and age.

The round-oval, streamlined shell is covered with horn-like plates-scutes. The armor pattern is very unusual - green and white wavy lines and spots. The turtle's fingers are connected by membranes and have sharp claws at the ends. The head is covered with a hard stratum corneum.

The animal has a well-developed sense of smell and vision, but weak hearing. Red-eared water turtle good conditions contents can live for thirty years.


The soft-bodied turtle has a long, thin neck and webbed fingers with sharp claws at the ends. The shell does not have hard horny plates, its length is 30-40 centimeters. The top of the shell is brownish-green with yellowish spots; below it has a yellowish color. small in size with a dark line from the eyes to the neck. Males and females can be distinguished by the length of their tail; males have it longer.

A distinctive feature of this turtle is the presence of a proboscis with nostrils. The turtle weighs no more than four kilograms.

Turtles of this species like to rest during the day, burying themselves in sand or small pebbles; they are active at night. The water level in the aquarium should allow the animal to reach the air without getting out of the sand.

Trionics are predators and must be kept separately from other turtle species. Turtles of this species live for 25 years.

Musk turtle

This is a small aquatic turtle with a shell length of 8-10 cm, in rare cases - 14 cm. The color of the musk turtle is unusual - the body is a uniform dark shade, and the neck and head have bright stripes of light color along the edges of the shell. Males have a longer and thicker tail, and they also have scales on the inside of their hind legs, which are necessary to hold the female during mating.

This type of turtle is very unpretentious; they eat absolutely everything. Life expectancy is up to 55 years.

Swamp turtle

The bog turtle is a pronounced predator. It has medium dimensions (10-35 cm), body weight can reach 1.5 kg. A long tail, which serves as an additional rudder when swimming, keeps the animal in the correct position.

The shell of a turtle can be dark olive, dark brown, brown or black, and has small streaks, dots or yellow spots. The iris of the eyes is orange, reddish or yellow. The fingers are webbed with sharp long claws.

The turtle swims well for a long time may be underwater. He is very afraid of drafts, so you should not overuse walks around the house.

To create optimal conditions for a pet, when purchasing, you need to ask what region it is from, whether it lived in captivity or was caught in the wild. In addition, it is necessary to clarify the conditions of detention and temperature conditions that are suitable for this type of turtle.

A water turtle should be kept clean at home. Bacteria that develop when not properly cared for can cause illness in your pet.

Aquatic turtles grow quickly, so the water in the terrarium must be constantly cleaned and changed. It is necessary to use water that has settled for 24 hours or install water filters.

Caring for Aquatic Turtles

Carapace aquatic turtle needs regular cleaning of algae growth. Cleaning must be done carefully to avoid damaging the turtle's shell.

You should not keep your reptile in water all the time; this can be harmful to its health. The turtle also needs to stay on land.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 21 degrees. The aquarium can be illuminated with simple or ultraviolet lamps.

The turtle is fed food of plant and animal origin. To avoid diseases, food should be varied. Young turtles are fed daily, starting from the age of 3 - three times a week.

Water turtles are afraid of the cold. In winter, to warm them up, you need to use a special ultraviolet lamp. The animal must be warmed up three times a week. In summer you can place the aquarium on Fresh air, while ensuring that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

How to choose an aquarium

For a young small turtle, you can choose an aquarium at a pet store; for an adult, you will have to make it to order.

For a turtle to live comfortably, the aquarium must be quite spacious. Be sure to cover it with a lid so that the animal does not escape.

Inside the aquarium you need to arrange a small island that the turtle can easily climb onto. A lamp is placed above it to warm the water.

A large aquarium for a water turtle should be equipped with a special filter to purify the water. It changes as it gets dirty.

How and what to feed aquatic turtles

Feeding a water turtle requires attention Special attention. An animal that is free can get what it needs on its own. A water turtle at home is completely dependent on its owner. Reptiles need a balanced diet, with all necessary for the body elements.

The turtle is fed during the day, during its activity. An adult turtle can be given beef and chicken, and sometimes fish.

What to feed aquatic turtles when they are still small? To feed small reptiles they use bloodworms, earthworms, and tubifex. In addition, this animal's diet should include various beetles.

A growing turtle can also be given plant foods. This could be algae, duckweed, lettuce or dandelion leaves.

You should not give your turtle more food than it can eat. Residues may settle to the bottom and rot, in which case the water will have to be changed daily.

Communication with turtles

The turtle is a smart, active and sociable animal, but communicating with it is somewhat difficult due to its habitat. But you should not let your pet out for long walks around the apartment, as the animal can become hypothermic, dry out, swallow some object, get stuck in a crack, or get injured.

But you can hold the turtle in your arms, stroking or scratching it, which will give it pleasure. However, you should be careful, as many aquatic turtles are predators and can be aggressive.

You need to tame the animal gradually, allowing it to get used to the owner and new living conditions. Once accustomed, the turtle itself will strive to communicate and react to your appearance.

Basic mistakes

It is very difficult to treat a reptile, so keeping aquatic turtles must be correct; for this you need to remember some features:

  • The water in which the animal is kept must be clean.
  • The turtle must have a gentle exit to land, as it breathes air and can drown.
  • It is necessary to monitor the air temperature. If an animal is cold, it may refuse to leave the water, and this is harmful to its health.
  • Several males should not be kept in one aquarium.
  • Large and small species of turtles are kept separately.
  • After handling your pet, you should wash your hands.
  • You need to remember to be careful when communicating with aggressive species turtles.
  • If you notice that the animal's shell has become soft or crooked, the turtle refuses to eat, its eyes are swollen or constantly closed, the skin is peeling, or a runny nose appears, you should contact a veterinarian.

If you provide your pet with proper care, feeding and disease prevention, he will delight you long years. Do not forget that you are not purchasing a toy, but a creature that needs care and attention.

Pond slider(Trachemys scripta) is named so because of its phenotypic feature: two orange-red oblong spots stretch on the sides of the head from the eyes to the neck. Its second name - yellow-bellied - also speaks of characteristic feature, and more specifically, about the bright yellow color of the plastron (abdominal shield).

The high popularity of red-eared turtles from the family of American freshwater turtles (Emydidae) is quite understandable: these reptiles are unpretentious, beautiful, interesting to watch, and some owners even accustom them to handling. But alas, many of the owners make gross mistakes that lead to the death of reptiles of this species.

In our article we will talk about the features of care, maintenance, feeding, the most common diseases and their treatment, as well as some other nuances that we hope will help your turtle live a long and long life. happy life. And some specimens of this species, by the way, live up to 40 years in captivity.

The first thing we advise you to pay attention to when buying a “rednushka” is its size and condition. A turtle that has not grown to at least 4-5 cm will be much more difficult and difficult to raise, because at this age they are very susceptible to various diseases. Alas, nature is harsh and thus regulates the survival of a healthy generation. Therefore, a five-centimeter turtle is the best choice.

When purchasing, carefully inspect the turtle. All claws, tail, carapace (upper shield) and plastron must be intact, smooth, lens-shaped, without spots, scratches, dents and “humps”, and solid. Eyes are shiny skin clean, also without whitish or pinkish small spots. In an aquarium, the turtle should swim smoothly, without falling on its side.

Red-eared turtles are amphibians. Therefore, they need to spend part of their time on land and part in the water.

They hibernate at home extremely reluctantly, and the process of transferring them into this state is quite difficult. It is necessary to gradually lower the temperature and provide adequate nutrition, because if the turtle does not take in the required number of calories, it may not come out of hibernation. Simply die of hunger.

It is very important to clean your aquarium of green algae. The turtle itself cannot wash its shell, and algae, settling under the scales of the carapace, gradually destroy it. Moreover, a dirty aquarium is a source of fungal and bacterial infections.

It is advisable to feed the turtle in a separate container. By tearing food into pieces in the water, the redfish greatly pollutes it. But turtles of this species do not feed on land.

By the way, please note: if your turtle has eaten, then it is advisable to give it a little more time so that it clears the intestines of the remnants of digested food.

Turtles have the same not very aesthetic habit as rabbits - they eat their own excrement. Only, unlike long-eared rodents, this reptile does this only when hungry.

Periodically (every three to four days) you can wipe the shell with a clean soft cloth, removing algae deposits and other dirt. You should not lubricate the shell with oils and creams, since this, although it makes the turtle “more beautiful,” is very harmful to its skin respiration.

It is advisable that the water in the terrarium or aquarium be soft, although tap water may also be suitable. It is only necessary to leave it for at least two days to ensure almost complete evaporation of the chlorine. Once a week you need to add water with the selection of approximately 1/3 of the “old” part. A complete replacement is not recommended, since microflora is created in the aquarium, providing a favorable environment for the turtle to live.

As for feeding, here you must follow the principle: the first year the turtle is fed every day, the second - after two days, the third and all subsequent years - after three or four. You need to give as much food as she can eat in five minutes. A young turtle should eat mainly animal food with the addition of plant food, a 3-4 year old turtle should eat plant food with the addition of animal food, and older reptiles should generally eat a predominantly plant diet.

You can determine how hungry a turtle is by its behavior. She begins to actively rummage through the rocks at the bottom in search of food. Feeding time can be any, but preferably no later than 7 pm.

Keeping a red-eared turtle

Before purchasing, you must immediately stock up on all the necessary equipment:

  • an aquarium;
  • island;
  • ultraviolet lamp;
  • an incandescent lamp that can be installed above the island;
  • filter;
  • water heater;
  • large (!) decorative stones, pebbles.

You should not purchase aquarium plants, either live or artificial. Red-eared turtles are omnivores, and in addition, they like to dig in the soil (stones), so all the decor will either be eaten, torn into pieces or torn from the bottom. You can decorate the bottom with driftwood, but they must first be boiled for at least an hour in boiling water. Plastic products can also be installed in the aquarium, provided that they are not toxic. Ground, island and all decorative elements You need to rinse it under running water every one and a half to two weeks.


Ideally, 150 or more liters, but for starters, 10 liters will be enough. However, be prepared for the fact that your pet will grow quickly, adding 3-4 cm in height every year until it reaches its height. normal sizes(20-30 cm depending on gender and subspecies). They also need to exercise a lot to avoid becoming obese. Yes, turtles can also suffer from this disease. Therefore, the minimum dimensions of the aquarium should be such that its width is not less than three shell lengths, and its length is not less than six lengths.

You need to pour enough water so that the turtle can stick out its muzzle while standing on its hind legs. If the aquarium is deeper, then you can place a stone or driftwood in it for this purpose.

It is strictly forbidden to use small stones as soil! Being carried away by getting food, small turtles (and sometimes adults) can accidentally swallow a pebble, which will cause intestinal obstruction and, as a result, the death of the animal. Remember that some aquatic plants (Elodea, Lagenandra, Ambulia) are poisonous to reptiles.


Now on sale different variants islands for turtles, but when buying them, pay attention to what they are made of and how they are attached to the aquarium. Typically, plastic frames with suction cups are used as fastenings.

But when your turtle grows up and weighs about a kilogram, the suckers will constantly come off. Ideally, it is advisable to use a flat area as an island where your pet will get out of the water.

That is, a ladder is needed to the island that does not interfere with the animal’s swimming in the aquarium, but, at the same time, descends to a sufficient depth so that the turtle can sit on it when it gets hot under the lamp. We do not recommend purchasing islands made from painted polyurethane foam. The sharp claws of an adult turtle crush it with ease.


An ultraviolet lamp is necessary for the turtle to produce vitamin D3, which is involved in the absorption of calcium. In nature, sunlight contains enough ultraviolet radiation, but at home you need special lamps. Household UV sources are not suitable for these purposes because they are difficult to provide the required wavelength. The most common terrarium (aquarium) lighting options are Repti Glo 5 and 8 lamps. Place these lamps at a distance of no closer than 40 cm, as they can cause burns.

A regular incandescent lamp (from 40 to 60 W), the light spectrum of which includes infrared rays, is needed by turtles to digest food. Various metabolic processes in cold-blooded animals, which include reptiles, occur only at a certain temperature environment, which is provided by lamps. A decrease in temperature entails a slowdown in metabolism and hibernation.

Lighting a terrarium for a red-eared turtle

Heater and filter

Choose these devices based on the volume of water in the aquarium. There are many filter options, some of which allow you to change the water once a month. External filters require less maintenance, and there is no chance that your reptile will remove it from the wall, swallow the suction cup or bite the electrical wire. As for the heater, you need one that can automatically regulate the water temperature within a specified range. A comfortable temperature for a turtle is 20-27 °C.

What to feed red-eared turtles

Young turtles should receive “live” protein. Many of the owners commit serious mistake, feeding your pets only with special mixtures. There should be no more than a third of these mixtures in the diet. The other two are plant and animal foods. The best plants to use are young cabbage leaves, spinach, and duckweed (you just need to rinse it very well first under running warm water).

Providing a turtle with animal food requires a serious approach. Of course, she can be given lean beef and chicken once a week chicken liver. But this kind of nutrition is not natural. Small turtles can be fed with bloodworms, gradually replacing them with fish. Be sure to give your pet shrimp, insects, earthworms or Canadian worms (they, like bloodworms, can be bought in fishing stores), aquarium and grape snails. We do not recommend adding slugs to your diet, since they produce a lot of mucus in the water.

By the way, you can throw river snails and even empty shells into the aquarium. The turtle, which regularly needs calcium, eats them wonderfully, grinding them with its powerful jaw plates that replace its teeth. You can give a boiled egg.

You cannot feed turtles with flour products and potatoes, berries, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans), and citrus fruits.

However, sometimes it is allowed to give them carrots. Porridge and raw cereals are also contraindicated for these reptiles, but dandelion leaves are a rich source of vitamin PP (folic acid) and some other valuable substances for them. Everything that you “get” from nature (snails, worms, dandelions) must be washed to remove dirt.

When accustoming your turtle to a new type of food, if it refuses to eat it, do not give up. Keep it hungry for a couple of days, and then throw a small piece directly into the aquarium (after turning off the filter so as not to clog it).

If you do not give your turtle liver, then once a week you need to add special vitamin complexes(eg ReptoSol). In general, it is advisable to pour them directly into her mouth using a pipette.

To add vitamins, you need to take the turtle in your hand (by the side) and hold it tightly, as it will try to escape. Then bring the pipette to your mouth and tap on it. The turtle will hide its head in its shell, but you must be persistent. When she gets tired of hiding, she will start hissing and try to scare you. It is at this moment that you need to have time to inject vitamins.

Such torment has to be endured only when the turtle is small. In adulthood, she aggressively defends her territory and rushes at any unfamiliar object, which could be a pipette with medicine in your hand.

Reproduction of red-eared turtles

Males of this species of turtles begin to breed at the age of 4, and females at the age of five. If the owner wants the turtles to give birth, he must prepare the aquarium accordingly. Firstly, the thickness of the water layer should not be more than 10 cm, since during the mating process the male can hold the female under water for a long time, as a result of which she suffocates. Secondly, you immediately need to prepare a container on land where the female will lay her eggs.

By the way, sometimes females have the ability to lay eggs without males, but in this case they will be unfertilized. Consequently, turtles do not hatch from them.

The male can be distinguished from the female no earlier than at the age of about a year. In males, the plastron is concave to make it easier to stay on the female, the tail and claws are longer.

The claws of males are only 3-5 mm longer than those of females. By the way, like many reptiles, females are slightly larger in size than males.

To begin breeding, red-eared turtles need ultraviolet light in the range of 320-400 nm. Shorter wavelengths of UV light are needed to prevent rickets. In addition, reptiles begin to mate only if they have sufficiently abundant and nutritious food.

Please note that there should only be one male and one female in the aquarium. Otherwise, the males will fight, and they fight very aggressively, biting off each other’s tails and mutilating their paws.

For the same reason, you cannot leave laid eggs in the aquarium - you must definitely move them to an incubator. The size of the container with sand for eggs must be selected based on the fact that the egg reaches 4 cm in diameter and there can be up to 10 eggs in one clutch. That is, in order to lay eggs, a turtle gently digs a hole of the appropriate diameter and depth. You need to create a small shadow over the container with sand.

Incubator for red-eared turtle eggs

After the turtle lays eggs, the container with them must be placed in an incubator, which you can make yourself, or you can use one that is used for chicken eggs. The optimal temperature in the incubator should be maintained at 27 ° C (plus or minus two degrees).

You can wait up to 5 months for turtles to hatch, but if you follow the ideal temperature regime You can wait for them to appear in 2 months. Babies should not be released into the aquarium with adults, since maternal-paternal instincts are not observed in these reptiles and they can attack and injure the younger generation.

Baby turtles in an aquarium

If you do everything correctly, and at the first sign of illness in your pets, do not hesitate and immediately contact a veterinarian, then the turtles will delight you for decades.

Video: keeping a red-eared turtle at home

Medium sized turtle. The length of the shell is from 18 to 30 cm, depending on the sex of the turtle and the subspecies. Males are noticeably smaller than females. In young animals the carapace is bright green; with age it becomes olive or yellow-brown, decorated with patterns of yellow stripes.

On the head, neck and limbs the turtle is decorated with a pattern of white and green wavy stripes and spots. The turtle got its name because of two elongated bright red spots next to its eyes. This spot can be orange, bright yellow in the subspecies of the Cumberland turtle, or Trust's turtle, or yellow in the subspecies of the yellow-bellied turtle. The bottom of the shell is oval, usually dark color with yellow lines and a yellow border around the edge.

The red-eared turtle is widespread in nature. Its range covers the United States from southern Virginia to northern Florida and Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico in the west, Mexico, all of Central America, northwest South America

(northern Colombia and Venezuela).

The species was introduced to the south of Florida, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel, South Africa and some European countries. In particular, to Spain and Great Britain. The red-eared slider has entered Australia, where it is officially recognized as a pest, displacing local endemic fauna.

In nature, it lives in small lakes, ponds and other bodies of water with low, swampy shores. Leads a relatively sedentary lifestyle.

The red-eared turtle has no teeth, but thanks to the remarkable strength of its jaw muscles, it can crush a fairly strong object. When threatened by other inhabitants of flora and fauna, the individual throws its head forward with lightning speed and bites its offender.

Adults of this species can inflict serious wounds while defending their lives.

At the same time, the red-eared beauty can scratch, her nails are strong and very sharp, which she also often uses for self-defense. People should beware of the hind legs of this creature, because the turtle will try to push off their hands with them. Therefore, experts do not recommend pulling the red-eared turtle out of the water for children. This should be done by adults: very carefully and without squeezing the shell, while keeping it at a decent distance from the face and areas with open skin.

An adult turtle needs an aquaterrarium with a volume of 100-150 liters, preferably that land occupies about 25% of its area. If possible, soil or crushed stone is poured on the shore.

A gentle ascent with a rough but non-scratching surface is arranged to land. The water level must be greater than the width of the shell, so that if the turtle finds itself on its back, for any reason, it can turn over and not drown. The water temperature in the aquarium should not be lower than 20°C, normal temperature etc. The diet of adult turtles additionally includes plant foods. Pets eat well dandelion leaves, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, and plantain. Among algae, duckweed, elodea, spirogyra, seaweed, anacharis, water beetle, edogonium, etc. Young red-eared turtles are fed 2 times a day.

Later they are transferred to single meals. Turtles over 2 years old should be fed no more than 2-3 times a week.

You should not feed your turtle the same thing; the diet should be varied. The amount of food is selected so that the turtles eat everything without leaving anything in the water.

Turtles should be fed at the same time every day. It’s good if the turtle has warmed up well before this. At a temperature of 28-30°, turtle digestion is much more intense. You can also feed turtles outside the aquarium, for example in a basin with water. This will help keep the aquarium clean.

The courtship period for red-eared turtles occurs between March and July, and in captivity it can occur at any time of the year.

The male swims in front of the female, tail first, and gently touches her muzzle with his claws, as if trying to stroke her. If the female is ready to reproduce, then she accepts courtship, otherwise the female drives the male away. In some cases it comes to a brawl.

Young turtles can also perform a mating dance, but before they reach reproductive age they are unable to reproduce.

After successful mating, the female spends more time in the sun. Her eating habits may change, the amount of food she eats will change, and she may refuse some types of usual food. This is a normal reaction, you should try feeding her other foods and adjusting the amount of food.

Pregnancy lasts on average about two months; if the female cannot find a suitable place for laying, this period can be extended. During the last two weeks, the female spends a lot of time on land, sniffing and digging. Having chosen a place, the turtle generously moistens the soil from the anal bladders and digs a nest with its hind legs. A female red-eared turtle can lay from 1 to 22 eggs, with an average of 5-10. She has no instinct to care for her offspring.

Having laid eggs, the female leaves the nest.

If you notice that your animal is lethargic, is not eating well, or has refused to eat at all, it is most likely suffering from pneumonia. In an aquarium, the reptile swims only on the surface; it simply cannot dive. Probably yours

a pet got hypothermic. It can be treated in two ways. Traditional medicinal method involves a course of intramuscular injections. Keep in mind that red-eared turtles should only be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. Self-medication can cost your pet's life. And don't forget about

important point : When you calculate the amount of medicine for the weight of the turtle, you need to subtract the weight of the shell. To do this, just divide the total weight in half. Some turtle owners are afraid to use medications

and resort to methods traditional medicine

. One of the methods is based on steam baths. You need to prepare a chamomile decoction. Next, you should slightly heat the broth and hold the turtle over the steam for a while. Monitor the steam temperature. it shouldn't burn your hand. Now we are preparing a warm bath. In a ratio of 1:3, dilute chamomile decoction in water, the temperature should be about 30°C. A turtle should take medicinal baths for about an hour.

To treat this disease, red-eared turtles should have raw fish in their diet daily, preferably with small bones. Include calcium and vitamin supplements in your diet. Turtle shell diseases are dangerous and their treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. You should react especially quickly if the animal experiences detachment of the horny plates from the shell. With active growth, this phenomenon is acceptable, but with age it can only occur if the reptile is not kept properly.

Preventing and treating disease for red-eared sliders means careful care.

This also applies to diet. Perhaps this violation is a consequence of drying out.
Detachment can be caused by fungus or blue-green algae.
And in the end, in a concise form, we will present all the rules that must be followed when keeping red-eared turtles.
When keeping red-eared turtles, you must not:
keep in close quarters; keep the turtle in an aquarium without land; a turtle is capable of drowning, despite the fact that it is aquatic;;
keep the turtle without heating;
only feed turtles
raw meat
feed turtles only plant food; if the turtle does not receive food rich in calcium, it is necessary to give mineral supplements; add oil vitamins to the food “by eye”;
keep turtles in
dirty water
, especially if a film forms on the surface;
clean the turtle with rough brushes and even more so remove the horny scutes if it is overgrown with algae;
keep several males in one aquarium and introduce new animals without prior quarantine;
use only smooth materials (glass, plastic) for the construction of the ladder and island; wash the aquarium in the kitchen and use dishes for turtles in which food for humans is prepared.

Clean the aquaterrarium irregularly; hibernation optional for turtles;

Red-eared turtles are also called yellow-bellied turtles. They are so common among pet lovers. It should be noted that, unfortunately, such popularity also has

This species of pet turtle is very hardy and is great for those who are just starting to care for animals. However, in order for your pet to be healthy and happy, it must be properly cared for. Red-eared turtles need a shore (land), which should be warm, and water, warm and clean, in addition, the liquid should be changed regularly.


Red-eared turtles are strong, fast, and can be aggressive. They have no problem attacking others and each other. In addition, they have charisma and personality, and this is what sets them apart from other species. Red-eared turtles are very skillful if we're talking about about stealing food from other animals. IN wildlife they are invasive species and destroy and displace endemics.

Red-eared slider and baby

Turtles of this species make great pets, for example, because allergies to reptiles are extremely rare. Caring for a red-eared turtle at home is not difficult for an adult. However, if you decide to get one as a gift for a child, then it is worth remembering that all responsibility for the life and health of the animal rests solely with you. Children are not able to provide proper care for pet red-eared turtles; in addition, they can quickly lose interest in a new toy and forget about it. But it needs to be fed, warmed, washed and the water in the aquarium changed.


Red-eared turtles, which require some effort to care for, are easily recognizable. They cannot be confused with any other species. This species is characterized by a red or sometimes orange stripe that starts from the eye and continues along the neck. Top part the shell is round and smooth. The color is olive green with yellow and black lines. The lower part of the shell is yellow color, however, it darkens with age. The spots on the shell also darken, and the red stripe on the head loses its brightness.


After you hold the turtle in your hands, you should wash them with soap. This is especially true for children. The reptile lives in different conditions and with other bacteria. It is especially important to monitor the freshness of the food and the cleanliness of the aquarium, as turtles can carry salmonellosis.

The turtle should not have access to the kitchen or places where food may be located. Also, avoid washing your reptile, aquarium, and accessories in the kitchen sink.

Handling babies

In most cases, turtles that appear in home aquarium, are toddlers. They are very delicate and it is important to make sure they are comfortable and eating well. Baby turtles have a high mortality rate and may die without external cause and susceptible to disease.

If you notice something on the lower part, it is most likely a stomach pouch. A reptile that has just hatched consumes everything it needs from it. Therefore, it should not be touched or removed. During the first time, turtles may refuse to eat until the stomach sac resolves.

It is better not to handle small turtles, as they can get scared, get sick and become stressed. There is no need to stand near the aquarium or knock on the glass. Give them some time to get used to it and start eating. It is important that the temperature of land and water is stable.

Under no circumstances should you place the aquarium in a draft or direct position. Do not keep adult and small turtles together. Small reptiles must have access to dry land. The water temperature for keeping babies is 26-27 degrees, and sushi - up to 32. The water should be clean, and if there is no filter, then it should be changed every couple of days. You can feed turtles with branded food. Remember that most problems can be avoided if you simply create the necessary conditions.

Red-eared turtles: care and maintenance

To keep a red-eared slider, you will need an aquarium or terrarium. Its volume is 150-200 liters. Remember that your little turtle will get bigger over time. She needs such a height of water that she can turn over freely, that is, no less than the width of her shell. However, this is the minimum water level that the red-eared slider needs. How more space for swimming she will have it, so much the better.

In addition, it needs artificial land on which the red-eared turtle will crawl out to bask. The island can be purchased at a pet store. Basically, that's all that's needed. The island should be stable, have a sloping rise, and should not have burrs or sharp corners.

Land must occupy at least 25% of the surface of the terrarium and meet the following requirements:

  1. The island must be heated. The temperature on it should be at least 10 degrees higher than water. Remember that it's too high temperature will cause the reptile to overheat.
  2. The land must be semi-submerged (at least one of its sides is in water).
  3. The island must be safe. The turtle should not get stuck between it and the glass of the aquarium.
  4. When heated, it should not release toxic substances.
  5. Reliability and stability are important, as turtles of this species are very strong and can turn it over.
  6. The land should have a textured surface.


Turtles are omnivores, they eat various types stern. Variety is important to them. You can feed the red-eared turtle with artificial food, vegetables, food for aquarium fish, insects, aquarium plants, fish and invertebrates. In addition to variety, it is important to ensure that the reptile’s diet is balanced and has a high level of calcium. They, like other pets, have a tendency to overeat.


Hibernation is the period in which a turtle enters during the winter. It is not necessary for the red-eared slider to hibernate. Also, this is highly not recommended! Therefore, hibernation should not be stimulated! Why might this process be unsafe?

For example, because you may not have enough experience to care for a reptile during this period. You will not have the conditions for the turtle to hibernate normally. The reptile may not need it at all. Sick or young turtles may be too weak to survive this period.

Those reptiles that hibernate in natural conditions, burrow into vegetation and silt at the bottom of a reservoir, at which big square and shallow depth. Turtles do not rise to the surface during this period: they absorb oxygen through membranes that are located in their mouth, cloaca and pharynx. In this case, the depth of the reservoir, its temperature and the oxygen content in it are extremely important. The vast majority of artificial ponds do not provide the necessary conditions.

Thus, red-eared turtle, raised in captivity, there is no need and should not be put into a state of hibernation. What is the key condition for this? The water temperature in the terrarium should not be less than 24-26 degrees. Otherwise low temperature will remind the red-eared turtle of winter months which must be hibernated.

Name (Russian): Red-eared turtle, Yellow-bellied turtle
Name (latin):
Title (English): Yellow Belly slider

Suborder: (Cryptodira) Secretive-necked turtles
Family: Family: (Emydidae) Freshwater turtles
Subfamily: (Emydinae) Semi-box-shaped
Genus: (Trachemys) Decorated/Gliding
Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-Ear Slider)
Trachemys scripta scripta (Yellow-bellied slider)
Trachemys scripta troostii (Cumberland Slider)

Description of the red-eared slider: The wrinkled shell of an adult red-eared turtle can reach a length of 28 cm, depending on the subspecies. The spot behind their eyes is not only bright red, but also bright yellow. In general, the colors of these turtles are extremely diverse, and in addition, they change greatly with age. Young animals are usually bright green, but older ones can turn completely black. The plastron of turtles is bright yellow with dark round spots. During the first 1.5 years of life, they are able to grow up to 7.5 cm, then growth slows down and the turtle grows 1-1.25 cm per year. In the first 2 years, the turtle is quite capable of growing to 20cm or more, That. the turtle is not dwarf or decorative, as sellers often convince naive buyers of.
Trachemys scripta scripta - Length up to 27 cm. Has a very noticeable yellow postorbital patch connected to a stripe on the neck. Each costal carapace has a yellow stripe. The plastron is yellow with spots on most of the front scutes.
Trachemys scripta elegans - Length up to 28 cm. The head has a wide red postorbital stripe and narrow stripes on the chin. Each costal carapace has a transverse yellow stripe. Plastron with big spot on each shield.
Trachemys scripta troostii - Length up to 21 cm. The head has a narrow yellow postorbital stripe and wide chin stripes. Each costal carapace has a yellow transverse stripe. Plastron with a pattern of “eyes” or small black spots.

Habitat: From southern Virginia to northern Florida and Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico in the west (USA), Mexico, all of Central America, northwestern South America (northern Colombia and Venezuela). The species is introduced to southern Florida, Arizona, Guadeloupe, Israel and South Africa. They live in small lakes and ponds with low, swampy shores.

Nutritionred-eared turtle: Young red-eared or yellow-eared turtles require more animal food for active growth, so they are fed animal food daily, but once a day (never 2 or 3). Adult turtles (larger than 7 cm or older than 1-1.5 years) are fed every other day and or two, and half of their diet consists of plant foods.
You must choose the amount of food yourself, depending on how much the turtle eats. Usually for babies the volume of food is 2-3 pieces of 1 cm 3, for older adults - 2-3 pieces of 2-3 cm 3. The food must be raw and room temperature. You cannot feed turtles only gammarus or dry food, this is not food for a predator!

Types of food in equal parts: FISH (lean whole river with bones and entrails), LIVER ( beef liver, chicken heart, beef heart), INSECTS and CRUSTACEANS (daphnia crustaceans, gammarus (not dry), bloodworms, earthworms, crickets without legs, woodlice, locusts without legs, zoobass, beetles), OTHER (small freshwater snails, green shrimp, tadpoles, clams, frogs, small mice, and occasionally seafood can be given). Plant food can include aquatic plants (duckweed, water hyacinth, pistia, hornwort, etc.), as well as dandelion, clover, mallows, daisies and other non-poisonous meadow plants. The only vegetables you can feed turtles with are carrots (vitamin A) and lettuce. Give dry food to limited quantities. In an aquarium you can keep food fish (guppies, neons...), snails, and aquatic plants with turtles.

Do not feed: meat (any minced meat, sausages, beef, pork, lamb, chicken, etc.), fatty fish, fruits, bread, cheese.
In the presence of ultraviolet radiation, the necessary conditions (including temperature) in the aquaterrarium and the correct balanced food, the turtle does not necessarily need vitamin and calcium supplements. However, if the diet is not fully thought out and the conditions are not ideal, the turtle must receive vitamins and calcium. To do this, the food is sprinkled with calcium and vitamins and fed from tweezers. So that the turtle can sharpen its beak and get additional calcium, it is also better to put a cuttlefish bone (sepia) in the aquarium for birds.

Reproduction: Red-eared turtles become sexually mature in nature at 6–8 years of age, and in captivity at 4 (males) and 5–6 years for females. In March or April, the mating season begins: each male, having met a female, manages to end up right in front of her face, and very close. The female swims forward, and the male swims backward, tickling the female’s chin with his long claws. The eggs of red-eared turtles are no larger than 4 centimeters. To lay them, the female leaves the reservoir and comes to land. Having found a suitable place, she heavily wets the ground with water from the anal bladders. After this, it begins to dig a hole with its hind legs - a nest. The nests of red-eared turtles look like a ball with a diameter of 7 to 25 centimeters, in which females lay 5–22 (6–10) eggs, which they then bury. Incubation temperature is from 21 o C to 30 o C and duration is 103–150 days. At an incubation temperature below 27 o C, males hatch, and at temperatures above 30 o C, only females hatch.

Aquaterrarium forred-eared turtle:
50 liters for young turtles and 120-150 liters for one or two adults.
Equipment: ,
Lighting: 40-60 W and for reptiles UVB 5-7% for adult turtles and 10% for juveniles

An aquaterrarium for a red-eared turtle can be low, not very wide, but it must be long, with a volume of about 120–150 liters for one adult turtle (minimum 120 liters). The water level should be at least the width of the turtle's shell (i.e. at least 10 cm), which will allow it to roll over if for any reason it ends up on its back. The aquarium must have a shore or land with a gentle, non-slippery ladder leading to it.
The water temperature in the aquarium is from 20 to 24 ° C, the air on the shore is about 31–33 ° C. To maintain the water temperature, you need an aquarium water heater, however, if the water temperature is normal without a heater, then there is no need for it. The water in the pool must be changed as it becomes dirty or a powerful filter must be used (for young turtles - internal, for adult turtles - external).
Above the island, you need to install a 40–60 W incandescent lamp and an ultraviolet lamp for reptiles (10% UVB for babies and 5% for healthy adult turtles) at a height of at least 20–25 cm to prevent eye burns. Both lamps should be on for 10-12 hours a day, and should be turned off at night. Turtles usually bask on land, where they receive ultraviolet radiation necessary for activity, good metabolism (digestion of food and stomach function) and prevention of rickets.
In the warm season, it is advisable to take turtles outside in the sun as often as possible (at an outside temperature of more than 20 o C). The first exposure to the sun is limited to five minutes, gradually the duration of sunbathing is increased to two hours or more. Since turtles overheat quickly, it is necessary to create a shaded area where the animals can escape if necessary. You cannot use plastic basins and boxes - the turtle must have the opportunity to go into the shade, because in the open sun there is a high risk of overheating.

German herpetologists recommend using the following temperatures to keep turtles throughout the year. The heater is only used if the desired temperature is not achieved by the season alone. It is not necessary to adhere to these recommendations, but it is advisable, especially for adults.
For Trachemys scripta scripta and Trachemys scripta elegans:

for Trachemys scripta troostii:

Hibernation: According to some sources, some subspecies of Trachemys scripta require hibernation. However, it is not always possible to carry out full hibernation at home without harm to the turtle’s health. So it is recommended not to arrange it, especially since turtles live and reproduce well without it.

Additionally: The lifespan of red-eared turtles is 30 (40–45) years, European marsh turtles are the same, sometimes even 80 years.
Fishermen search for clutches and use turtle eggs as excellent bait for fish. Young turtles are captured in untold quantities (especially in the Mississippi Valley) and transported to pet stores throughout the United States.
Turtles are often aggressive and can bite both people and other turtles. Red-eared turtles, accustomed to being handled, often do not bite.
In nature, turtles grow on average 1.5 cm per year. They must also grow in captivity, which is achieved by proper nutrition.
View opened by THUNBERG in SCHOEPFF, 1792.

Conservation status:

Photos of red-eared turtles: