A turtle with a black shell and a long tail. Turtle - an ancient reptile

European marsh turtle (lat. Emys orbicularis) is a very common species of aquatic turtle that is often kept at home. They live throughout Europe, as well as in the Middle East and even northern Africa. We will tell you about its habitat in nature, maintenance and care of a marsh turtle at home.

Habitat in nature

As already mentioned, the European marsh turtle lives in a wide range, covering not only Europe, but also Africa and Asia. Accordingly, it is not included in the Red Book. She lives in various bodies of water: ponds, canals, swamps, streams, rivers, even large puddles. Swamp turtles live in water, but they love to bask and climb out onto stones, snags, and various debris to lie in the sun.

Even on cool and cloudy days, they make attempts to bask in the sun that breaks through the clouds. Like most aquatic turtles in nature, swamp turtles instantly flop into the water at the sight of a person or animal. Their powerful paws with long claws allow them to swim through thickets with ease and even burrow into muddy soil or under a layer of leaves. They love aquatic vegetation and hide in it at the slightest opportunity.


The European marsh turtle has an oval or rounded carapace, smooth, usually black or yellow-green in color. It is dotted with many small yellow or white spots, sometimes forming rays or lines. The shell is smooth when wet and shines in the sun, and becomes more matte as it dries. The head is large, slightly pointed, without a beak. The skin on the head is dark, often black, with small spots of yellow or white. The paws are dark, also with light spots on them.

Emys orbicularis has several subspecies that differ in color, size or detail, but most often in habitat. For example, the Sicilian marsh turtle (Emys (orbicularis) trinacris) with a striking yellow-green carapace and the same skin color. And Emys orbicularis orbicularis, which lives in Russia and Ukraine, is almost completely black.

Adult marsh turtles reach a carapace size of up to 35 cm and a weight of up to 1.5 kg. Although, when kept at home, they are usually smaller, despite the fact that the subspecies living in Russia is one of the largest.

The European marsh turtle is very similar to the American marsh turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in appearance and habits. They were even classified for a long time in the genus Emys. However, further study led to the fact that these two species were divided according to differences in the structure of the internal skeleton.

How long does a marsh turtle live? There is no consensus on the life expectancy of a marsh turtle. But everyone agrees that she is a long-liver. The numbers range from 30-50 years to 100.


The bog turtle can be found commercially or caught in the wild during the warmer months. But, with normal maintenance, owners with zero experience in breeding turtles successfully produce offspring. All individuals kept in captivity are unpretentious and easy to care for. However, it is important to note that to keep a marsh turtle, you need to create fairly precise conditions. And just bringing it and putting it in a basin won’t work. If you catch a turtle in the wild and you only need it for fun, then leave it where you found it. Believe me, this way you will make your life easier and will not kill the animal.

Juvenile marsh turtles should be kept indoors, but older individuals can be released into home ponds for the summer. For 1-2 turtles you need an aquaterarium with a volume of at least 100 liters, and as they grow, twice as much. A couple of turtles need an aquarium 150cm x 60cm x 50cm, plus dry land for heating. Since they spend a lot of time in water, the larger the volume, the better.

However, it is important to keep the water clean and change it regularly, plus use a powerful filter. While eating, turtles litter a lot and there is a lot of waste. All this instantly spoils the water, and dirty water leads to various diseases in aquatic turtles, from bacterial eye diseases to sepsis. To reduce contamination during feeding, the turtle can be placed in a separate container.

You don’t have to use decor and soil, since the turtle doesn’t really need it, and cleaning it up in the aquarium is much more difficult.

Approximately ⅓ of the aquaterrarium should be dry land, to which the turtle should have access. They regularly come out onto land to warm themselves, and so that they can do this without access to the sun, a heating lamp is placed above the land.


Natural sunlight is best, and it is advisable to expose small turtles to sunlight at summer months. However, this is not always possible and an analogue of sunlight must be created artificially. To do this, in an aquaterrarium, above land, an incandescent lamp and a special lamp with UV rays, an ultraviolet lamp for reptiles (10% UVB), are placed. Moreover, the height must be at least 20 cm so that the animal does not get burned. The temperature on land, under the lamp should be 30-32C, and the length daylight hours at least 12 hours. In nature, they spend the winter and hibernate, but in captivity they do not do this and there is no need to force them! Her home conditions allow her to be active throughout the year; it’s not winter when there’s nothing to eat.


What to feed a swamp turtle? The main thing is not what, but how. Swamp turtles are very aggressive when feeding! It feeds on fish, shrimp, beef heart, liver, chicken heart, frogs, worms, crickets, mice, artificial food, and snails. The best food is fish, for example, you can put live fish, guppies, directly into the aquarium. Juveniles are fed every day, and adult turtles once every two to three days. They are very greedy for food and easily overeat.

For normal development, turtles need vitamins and calcium. Usually artificial food contains everything a turtle needs, so adding food from a pet store to the diet will not be out of place. And yes, they need the solar spectrum to absorb calcium and produce vitamin B3. So don’t forget about special lamps and heating.


Very smart, they quickly understand that their owner is feeding them and will rush to you in the hope of feeding them. However, at this moment they are aggressive and you need to be careful. Like all turtles, they are cunning and can bite, and quite painfully. You need to handle them carefully and generally touch them less often. It is better not to give it to children, as they pose a mutual danger to each other.
It is best to keep her alone! Swamp turtles are aggressive towards each other and even gnaw off their tails. And other aquatic species are either competitors or food for them, this also applies to fish.


Care and maintenance of a marsh turtle at home

These reptiles are often kept as pets in their own homes. You can easily buy them or catch them yourself in their habitats, for which the warm summer months are very suitable.

Domestic swamp turtles are usually smaller in size than individuals living in wildlife. Their unpretentiousness allows anyone, even the most inexperienced owners, to keep them and even have offspring from their pets.

Swamp turtle at home unable to fully live without sunlight. That is why it is quite possible to let adult healthy individuals go for a walk in the courtyard of their own dacha in warm summer weather, especially if there is a small artificial pond there.

Such reptiles can be kept in pairs, but care behind swamp turtle requires the presence of an aquarium with a volume of at least one hundred liters, as well as a heating place illuminated by an ultraviolet lamp, which heats the environment to 30 °C and provides the animals with a twelve-hour daylight hours.

Living at home, swamp turtles do not hibernate, and animal owners should know this and not worry about this. To the disadvantages keeping a swamp turtle refers to her immense aggressiveness. Reptiles are pugnacious to such an extent that they are capable of injuring each other and even biting off their tails.

They are no friendlier to other pets, not tolerating rivals in the house, especially when it comes to fighting for food. They are capable of being cunning and can, if not carefully, be dangerous to small children. However, turtles are quite smart and reward those who feed them with gratitude.

Swamp turtle nutrition

When feeding, turtles become very dirty, so it is best to place them in a separate container while eating. In addition, these reptiles are extremely voracious and prone to overeating, so it should be borne in mind that adult individuals need to be fed only after two days on the third, but young turtles need daily food intake.

What does a marsh turtle eat?? In nature, they feed on snails, mice, crickets, worms and frogs, centipedes and crustaceans, as well as insects, larvae and algae that can be found in the aquatic environment.

Turtles are quite warlike predators, capable of attacking even snakes; they also catch and eat small lizards and chicks of waterfowl. What to feed swamp turtles if they are pets? It is possible to give them chicken and beef heart and liver, and pamper them a little with shrimp.

Live small fish, for example, guppies, are also usually released into the aquarium to feed turtles. Supplements in the form of vitamins and calcium are simply necessary for such pets. In this sense, artificial food containing everything you need is very convenient.


Who is she, this representative of reptiles?

The description of this species, ancient in origin, should begin with the fact that its homeland is Russia, or rather, parts of its wetlands, of which there are so many around. Tropical and temperate climates, high humidity, warmth and peace - this is what it needs to live in nature.

Today we are talking about the domestication of individual individuals and even the possibility of taming them and the development of conditioned reflexes:

  • recognition of the one who feeds,
  • developing habits
  • reaction to the owner’s voice, and possibly to his smell,
  • showing friendliness to people and other animals.

And all this is not a myth.

About the structural features

Paws, tail, head - just like in the famous cartoon. Plus – reliable, strong protection for all this in the form of a shell. The European marsh turtle is distinguished primarily by its brownish-olive shell (usually with yellow spots) with the number of rings symbolizing her age, relatively long tail(up to 10 cm in adults), well-developed hind legs with strong claws. The paws and tail are the main organs that enable movement, including swimming. There are small membranes between the toes that allow them to rake in water and swim faster than moving on land.

The male's eyes are red, while the female's are yellowish. The eyes are located on the sides of the head and point downwards.

The skin of the body is strong, but vulnerable.

Character can be expressed in one word: predator. The need to independently obtain food for themselves in nature led to the presence of appropriate formations in individuals: teeth and claws, from which the one who provides care can sometimes suffer. Moreover, such a friend bites painfully, and after scratches, skin problems will remain for a long time.

The carapace consists of a carapace (upper dark part) and plastron (light lower part, popularly called the abdomen). The bottom of the shell is yellowish, on which there may be one dark spot or several. This is a reliable shelter from enemies, a place of protection from drought, a way to relax “away from everyone.”

What to feed?

The turtle eats little and infrequently. It is generally recommended to feed adults every other day or every three days. Young people, whose bodies undergo processes of growth and development, need daily food intake. The predatory nature determines its need for meat, fish, mineral salts, and vitamins. However, plant foods are no less valuable, including fresh vegetables and herbs. It is a source of many essential biological substances.

To strengthen the shell, calcium is needed, which can be replenished by eating small fish whole with bones, or perhaps as part of special synthetic feed.

Needed chopped meat, ground fish components, bloodworms, insects, worms, squids, snails and similar biological structures. Animal protein is required.

He will appreciate finely chopped young leaves of dandelion or clover, although he will not disdain aquarium vegetation. However, there is an opinion that feeding plant foods is better for older animals.

She eats often, almost managing to swallow a lump of food dropped into the water before it pollutes the water. When eating, she tries to swallow everything quickly, which is why the possibility of stones entering her intestines cannot be ruled out.

How to create optimal living conditions?

A high water level in the aquarium is not necessary. 10-15 cm is enough (depending on the size of the individuals). The soil at the bottom can be anything, but does not consist of pebbles that can be swallowed.

It is necessary to equip an exit from the water to a special platform located under an artificial lighting lamp. This is where the European marsh turtle will take air baths and bask in the warm rays.

Ultraviolet irradiation has a beneficial effect. Thanks to it, the absorption of calcium improves (for the strength of the shell) and the air is effectively warmed.

In general, the water temperature in the aquarium should not rise above 27 and fall below 23 o. But aeration is not so important, since the lungs of such residents are filled with oxygen from the atmospheric air.

The company also needs to pay attention. Some aquarists decide not to populate the turtle house with other inhabitants. The specificity of their living conditions is rarely favorable for large fish. However, those who like to experiment will love the ensemble, in which a turtle with yellow spots against a background of bright green vegetation flirts with red swordtails.

About the characteristics of reproduction

Starting from the month of May, these interesting inhabitants of the aquarium begin to reproduce their offspring. Until July, the female produces up to three clutches of eggs, 5-12 eggs each. To do this, she uses small depressions in wet sand. The eggs are smooth, up to 3 cm in size and weighing about 8 g. After a period of 2-3 months, small turtles hatch, which during their first winter feed on the contents of the yolk sac and remain in the ground.

But with the first rays of the confident spring sun, as soon as the air warms up to 22-23 o, the cubs are released and begin an independent life.

At home, you can try to recreate similar conditions by equipping a container with warm, damp soil on an artificial shore, or you can place the turtle in another aquarium while laying eggs. As the process completes, it is necessary to independently and carefully care for the laid eggs, warm them evenly, and prevent drying out and damage.

An aquaterrarium is an original and fascinating home decoration. However, you should not think that it exists independently. Its beauty and well-being will be ensured by proper care, accuracy and following the recommendations of experienced aquarists. Anyone who doesn’t like plants constantly uprooted, floating on the surface, often muddy water and upside-down artificial decorations should not torture themselves.

Those for whom the marsh turtle has become a friend are sure that it will always respond to love, care and affection. And those moments when, when the owner approaches or the light turns on, she stretches her head and turns towards the hand, will delight and amuse everyone around her.


Natural habitat

The population is quite widespread throughout Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and quite numerous.

You can meet the beauty under the shell in freshwater bodies of water and on the banks of ponds, rivers, lakes, streams, and swamps. Sometimes a drainage ditch or large puddles are suitable for temporary housing. Most of the time turtles stay in the water, but on bright days they like to bask in the sun. Set up beds on coastal stone ledges, rotting debris, and old roots. They also come out onto land in cloudy, cool weather.

They are distinguished by their speed of reaction. When they see danger, they quickly hide under the water in the depths. The choice of shelter is algae, stems of water lilies, thickets of reeds, or a thick ball of silt. Muscular paws and long claws help burrow into it. If necessary, piles of leaves are used for hiding on the ground.

Appearance and behavior characteristics

Turtles of this species have an oval or round carapace. Adults of some subspecies reach 37 centimeters in length and weigh up to 1.6 kg. The body is black, less often greenish-yellow. White or light yellow spots with blurred contours form a linear pattern. Color is a camouflage attribute. When wet, the matte shell acquires a beautiful shine and smoothness. The head of a mature turtle is pointed, without a beak-like extension, and proportionally large. Coloration, size and area of ​​residence indicate a separate subspecies. This is caused by the need for camouflage in the environment. The largest are representatives of the subspecies living in Eastern Europe.

Representatives of Emysorbicularis are very similar to their relatives from America - the Emydoideablandingii turtles - in habits and external characteristics. For a long time, scientists considered them complete analogues. Research has shown differences in the placement of skeletal bones, so each subspecies has occupied its own separate niche in the scientific classification.

Life expectancy ranges from 35 to 100 years and depends on various factors and their totality. Even with ideal home care, turtles sometimes age and die earlier than usual. Growth also slows down a bit.

Why are European marsh turtles the most accessible and beloved by zoologists?

Representatives of the swamp family can be easily found in any pet store and affordable prices or catch in habitats throughout the spring and summer. Young turtles are resistant to stress associated with changes in conditions, and newcomers who organize their maintenance correctly and accurately will soon be able to produce offspring if they place a female and a male together. But we must understand that nothing comes easy. You won't be able to put it in a jar, play with it, and forget it. It is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​placing a European turtle in your house.

Caring for a turtle. Peculiarities. Difficulties.

It is important for every living creature to have its own nook. For married couple For turtles, it will be an aquarium, but not a terrarium of a suitable size. Its volume must be at least one hundred liters. The third part of this structure is always dry land, as a place for heating and the opportunity to dry out.

Related article: Why can't you keep turtles in the same aquarium as fish?

The primary requirement is water purity. This is not so easy to do, given the number of liters and the fact that a lot of polluting waste is left behind during meals. Residents are not prone to cleanliness. Pathogenic putrefactive bacteria multiply and diseases of the eyes and skin develop. Placing them in a separate container for feeding and frequent cleaning of the main shelter will help solve the problem. To simplify the task, it is better to abandon unnecessary decoration of the bottom and underwater soil. Turtles have little need for such details. It is recommended to keep young animals in a suitable room at all times; adult, stronger representatives can be placed in artificial ponds on the street, if the air temperature allows.

How to arrange heating

Natural sunlight is not always available, although whenever possible, natural ultraviolet light should be used when raising young. Babies are periodically exposed to the sun so that they get a dose of vitamins and warm up. In addition, a special lamp with the required radiation is placed in the aquarium above the dry area. The mounting height is adjusted with age and size preferences, but does not fall below 20 centimeters above the surface. The temperature regime is stopped at 30°C and the glow duration is 12 -14 hours.

Home conditions are more comfortable in this regard, so the activity of turtles remains at the same level regardless of the season. In satiety and warmth, natural hibernation is canceled.

How to feed

What to feed a swamp turtle? The diet of the marsh turtle is expanded and includes fish and meat products. The turtle is omnivorous. It will be a delicacy beef liver, pieces of hearts, snails, squids, worms, mice, insects. Artificial combined feeds are also an option. To maintain natural instincts, live fry or small fish are released into the aquarium.

Plant foods: Lettuce, cabbage and dandelion leaves are recommended to be given only to adults.

The youth are fed daily, controlling only the quantity, older ones - after 2 days. It is necessary to be careful not to overeat, because greed is the main trait of their character.

Food must contain vitamins and more calcium, which the shell requires. In pet stores, in special departments for reptiles, ready-made vitamins are sold in jars.

For a turtle, the process of absorbing food is important, the process of processing and assimilation of which is not possible without light. Everything is interconnected, located in one chain. Since the reptile eats only in water, before feeding it must be placed in a separate basin with water, the temperature of which is +32 °C. It is also necessary to plant them to avoid contamination of the terrarium.

How to contact and communicate

Turtles are smart and understand who is looking after them and feeding them. But eating is a sacred activity for them; touching animals at this moment is risky. They respond with aggression, attack, and bite very painfully. Cunning is another prominent trait, so you need to lift the turtle by the back of its shell. Communication with these reptiles must be multiplied by caution and accuracy. Restrict children's access to places of residence.

How often is it recommended to change the water in the aquarium and is it necessary to bathe the turtle?

Many people ask the question: “Is it worth bathing a turtle at all, since it spends most of its life in water?” “Do reptiles need a similar hygiene procedure?”

It is not always possible to change the water in an aquarium, since changing 100 liters at a time is not so easy. Due to the fact that it is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness, dirt accumulates on the turtle's shell. Therefore, it is necessary to bathe her.

As dirt accumulates, mechanical removal is carried out. For water procedures, pour warm water into a basin and rub the reptile’s shell with a soft brush or cloth. You cannot use hard objects, otherwise it will damage the shell - you can erase the keratinized covering of your pet.

Related article: How to wash a land turtle?

How to keep a European tortoise? For normal life activities, you need to keep a turtle only in clean water. The water should be changed when it becomes dirty. And since the turtle both feeds and defecates exactly in the place where it lives, there is a need to frequently change the water. The owners must constantly keep this issue under control. If kept in dirt, the turtle will develop diseases.

Changing the water and completely cleaning the aquarium should be done once a month. You can only change the water more often. To do this, you need to drain 2/3 of the water from the aquarium and add new water. Can be diluted with clean, settled tap water.

Does a European tortoise need hibernation when kept at home?

Turtle lovers have debated for a long time whether a turtle needs to hibernate. In natural living conditions, winter sleep is simply necessary for reptiles, since they are cold-blooded animals and cannot control their body temperature themselves. When the ambient temperature drops, all processes in the turtle slow down and it is forced to hibernate.

Related article: Hibernation of a red-eared turtle.

Pets are kept in an aquarium with optimal water temperature, so during winter hibernation they dont need. Moreover, not every owner can prepare them for hibernation and create appropriate conditions.

Who is in the house: male or female?

Sex can only be determined in adults. Males have a concave plastron and a long tail. All small turtles have long tails, so at this age it is not possible to determine the sex, and length is not an indicator. With age, the length of the tail becomes shorter.

It is necessary to pay attention to the cloacal region near the tail. In the male, the cloaca opening is located further from the tail than in the female, and it has greater mobility, which plays a huge role during mating.

Walk in the fresh air and in the apartment

Turtles love to walk on the grass. But when choosing places for walking, it is advisable to avoid nearby bodies of water. Although the turtle is not that agile, if it falls into the water, it will not come back to you.

You can let the turtle walk around the room, but you can’t lose sight of it. She can hide in a hard-to-reach place. If your pet is hiding, you can turn off the light and wait a few minutes. Soon the turtle will make itself known with its rustling noises.

It should be remembered that we are responsible for those we have trained! When keeping a marsh turtle in captivity, you must follow the rules of care, otherwise you will not be able to avoid trouble. If you notice any strange behavior in your pet, you should contact a specialist.


It is found not only in Europe. It can be found in Asia and Africa. Its natural habitat is bodies of water: rivers, swamps, lakes, ponds, quiet creeks. A prerequisite for turtles to live must be the presence of open shores where they can bask in the sun. The structural features of the body allow the reptiles to easily swim in dense thickets and bury themselves in silt and leaves.


The marsh turtle is distinguished by an oval, perfectly smooth, streamlined carapace of black or yellow-green color. The neck, head and paws are dotted with small spots of white or yellow flowers.
The reptile has a large, sharp head, on the sides of which there are eyes, slightly lowered down. It has a relatively long tail, powerful, well-developed paws with sharp claws. The membranes between the toes allow the animal to actively rake in water and swim faster than moving on land.

Despite the strong body cover, it is very easy to injure.

Young turtles must be kept at home - in an apartment; older individuals can be released into small country ponds and lakes in the summer. Keeping a European marsh turtle at home requires the presence of a special terrarium or aquarium.

Aquaterrariums should be spacious (from 120 liters), conditionally divided into two parts - land for heating and water. Animals don't need it high level water, a depth of 15 to 20 cm is sufficient for them.

The terrarium for marsh turtles will be additionally equipped with:

  • an artificial lighting lamp that is installed above land;
  • UV irradiator for effective heating;
  • water filter for water purification;

  • bottom soil similar to the natural bottom of the reservoir;
  • edible plants.

Reptiles are often kept in basins, under radiators, or in boxes. With this lifestyle, irreversible processes occur in the animal’s body (dehydration, breathing problems, lack of heat), as a result of which the pet becomes lethargic, apathetic, lifeless and slowly dies over several years.

Reptiles of this species are predators. However, they feed not only on food of animal origin, but also on “carrion” and aquatic plants. The main diet should be proteins. You can diversify the menu with fish, shrimp, liver, dried or live worms. You should not exclude plant foods that act as vitamin supplements.
If you don’t know what to feed your marsh turtle, then it’s better to use ready-made balanced food containing everything essential vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. To preserve the reptile’s natural instinct to hunt, it is recommended to introduce live small fish into the terrarium.

Do not forget that marsh turtles eat little, given their age. Young ones need food every day, adults are fed 2-3 times a week. Animals are prone to overeating, so you should strictly monitor the amount of food consumed.

A bog turtle kept at home requires regular and careful care. While eating food, the reptile litters a lot, which leads to rapid contamination of the water.
Dirty water is a favorable source for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that are harmful to the health of the animal. To avoid rapid contamination of the water, turtles are kept away while they eat.

Animals also need water treatments. Since dirt accumulates on the shell, it must be removed mechanically. For washing, use warm water and a soft brush, which carefully removes all dirt.

By nature, the European tortoise is aggressive, intelligent, quick-witted, cunning and even insidious. She understands her owners well, but when eating food she can be aggressive and can bite. The reptile loves solitude, so it is better to keep it in solitude.
When keeping an animal at home, you need to know how a marsh turtle winters. With the onset of the first cold weather, the animal may hibernate, during which processes in vital organs are inhibited.

The domestic reptile does not feel the coming of winter as keenly as its relatives living in nature, so it does not need winter sleep. When favorable conditions are created, including a microclimate and clean water, the reptile will delight with its activity throughout the year.

The breeding season for European turtles begins in the spring. Animals living in captivity have a greater chance of reproducing. They become sexually mature at 6-8 years of age. A few days before laying eggs, the female’s behavior appears nervous and restless; she tries to get out of the terrarium, sits on dry land and digs a hole.
During this period, you should create conditions for the animal that are as close to natural as possible for laying: place a flat tray with sand or transplant the turtle into another aquarium with a 15-20 cm layer of soil. After laying the eggs, they are carefully transferred to a special incubator, the temperature of which should be 28-30 degrees. The young reptiles will hatch after 10-12 weeks.

Failure to comply with comfortable living conditions can lead to the rapid death of a swamp reptile. The largest percentage of all animal diseases are associated with unsanitary conditions in the aquarium. Prolonged stay in contaminated water leads to the development of bacterial eye disease and subsequently to sepsis.

Swamp turtle diseases often occur due to lower water temperatures. If hypothermia occurs, an animal can even get pneumonia or pneumonia. A lack of vitamin D or vitamin A hypovitaminosis leads to malocclusion and, as a consequence, the formation of stomatitis and herpes.
The most common disease of reptiles living in captivity is calcium deficiency, which occurs due to poor diet or lack of UV radiation. An accurate diagnosis of a particular disease can only be established by a professional veterinarian.

How long a marsh turtle lives will depend on its living conditions, nutrition and microclimate inside the terrarium. On average, a reptile lives at home for 30-50 years. However, there are cases when an animal outlives its owner for many years.


The European marsh turtle is characterized by a dark olive or brown-brown oval shell (carapace) with diverging bright yellow dots or dashes, paws with sharp claws (5 toes on the front legs and 4 on the hind legs) and moderately developed swimming membranes, long tail. The head and paws are decorated with yellow spots. The plastron is lighter, from yellow to dark brown with black. The color of the shell may change as it grows and develops. Newborn turtles are almost completely black with a yellow rim along the edges of the plastron and carapace. As turtles grow, they lighten and become covered with a bright yellow pattern, the plastron also turns yellow, and with age, the brown-brown shell becomes dark olive. The length of the carapace reaches 18–25 cm (depending on the subspecies), males are usually smaller than females. In nature they live up to 50 years.


The European marsh turtle is common in temperate climates. Lives in Central and Southern Europe, America, North-West Africa, Western Asia, Western Europe(Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania). In Russia, it is distributed in the warm temperate climate zone of the European part. The habitat extends from the Smolensk region along the border with Belarus and Ukraine to the south (Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Caspian Lowland), in the upper and lower reaches of the Don, on middle Volga and the left bank of the Ural River. Lives in slow-flowing rivers, ponds, lakes with muddy bottoms and gently sloping banks.

Security measures

The species is included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (RL/nt), in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in Regulation II of the Berne Convention. The European marsh turtle population is endangered. Recent research shows that the European marsh turtle is beginning to be replaced by another related species- American marsh turtle.

The main factors in reducing the number of the species are the catching of turtles by fishermen, land reclamation, and urbanization. People find marsh turtles near bodies of water or away from them. Most often, these are females looking for a favorable place to lay eggs at the mouths of rivers, and moving away from their habitat several kilometers. People don't realize how much harm they cause to nature by taking a turtle home. Even the best conditions in captivity cannot replace natural ones. And often aquatic turtles are kept in basins or even under a radiator, behind a cabinet, etc. In this case, the animal slowly dies over several years. Irreversible pathological processes occur in the turtle's body. For example, the following: dehydration (the turtle dries out, the skin begins to adhere to the bones, as a result of which the skull bones stand out on the head), atrophy of the swimming membranes, drying out and death of the tip of the tail, overgrowth of the choanae, which can cause breathing problems, respiratory diseases, lack of heat leads to various kidney pathologies, serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Conditions in captivity. General information.

Equipped aquaterrarium with access to the shore. Water temperature 24–26°C (optimally 25°C). The temperature on the shore should be at least 28–30°C, and therefore an incandescent lamp is installed above the shore to maintain the required temperature. A ReptiGlo 10.0 UV lamp must be installed in the aquaterrarium. (Hagen) (10–12 hours per day) at a distance of 20–25 cm from the shore. The depth of the water is determined by the size and age of the turtles. For turtles under the age of one year - no more than 5 cm. After a year, the depth should be such that the turtle, standing upright on its hind legs, can breathe freely. For adult healthy turtles, the water depth can be 30–40 cm with an aquarium volume of at least 100 liters, as this helps strengthen muscles when swimming and brings them closer to natural conditions a habitat. Large and medium-sized stones that the animal could not swallow can be used as soil. Sand cannot be used as a primer.(multithumb)

Important: It must be remembered that even the best home conditions cannot replace life in nature for turtles. The population of the European marsh turtle is constantly decreasing. Before you take responsibility and get a turtle, you should think about the fact that you are depriving the animal of a full life. Turtles found or caught in their habitat should be released into the wild near a body of water. Only sick or injured individuals require temporary care and are released after treatment.

Features of behavior.

The marsh turtle remains active during the daytime and sleeps at the bottom of the reservoir at night. Spends several hours on land under the rays of the sun. It can move several kilometers away from bodies of water. The marsh turtle swims quickly, burrowing into the mud at the slightest danger, and moves quite quickly on land. In captivity, turtles quickly adapt to new conditions: they swim or sit on the bottom, periodically emerging for a breath of air every 15-20 minutes. They can remain without air for up to 2 hours without harm to health. During the period of minimal activity, the anaerobic respiration mechanism is activated. For marsh turtles in an aquaterrarium, it is advisable to provide a place with darker lighting (under the shore, behind the grotto) where they could hide or sleep. Turtles love to bask and sunbathe on the shore with their hind legs stretched out.

Swamp turtles can defend their territory. So, for example, if 2-3 turtles are sitting on the shore under a lamp, they somehow share the territory among themselves. When attempting to encroach on someone else's place, the turtle begins to defend its territory. It is expressed this way: the turtle opens its mouth and stretches its head towards the offender, showing by its behavior “My place! Do you want to dispute? Usually, conflicts do not arise between females; they get along quite peacefully together. Two males can be quite aggressive towards each other. However, it should be borne in mind that the behavior of each individual depends on individual characteristics. There are completely calm turtles that are friendly to neighboring turtles and people. Over time, they become practically tame, do not hide in their shell at all, are not afraid of people, stretch their heads when the owner-breadwinner approaches, and respond to their name. However, there are also quite aggressive individuals whose behavior is difficult to predict.

Determination of age.

The age of swamp turtles, like other species, is determined by the number of growth rings on the carapace. It should be taken into account that in the first year or two of life, 1 ring appears within 3-6 months. After 2 years, 1 ring is equivalent to 1 year of life. Thus, if a turtle has 5-6 rings, it is about 2-3 years old, 6-7 rings - 3-4 years old, etc.

In nature, growth occurs much faster than when kept at home. Therefore, by the thickness of the last (outer) rings it is easy to determine how many years the turtle spent in captivity. In adult turtles (after 15-20 years), with a shell size of at least 15 cm, the growth rings are smoothed out, the carapace and plastron become smooth.

Determination of gender


1) smooth, flat plastron;

2) the iris of the eyes is yellow, decorated with symmetrical black triangles diverging from the pupil in three directions;

3) the tail is thinner than that of the male at the base, the cloaca opening is located close to the shell;


1) concave plastron;

2) the iris of the eyes is dark yellow or brown, the pupil is not surrounded by a pattern;

3) a tail thick at the base with an anus located 2-3 cm from the shell.

4) the upper “lip” is whitish (it does not always appear; there are completely black individuals, slightly decorated with yellow spots);

Sexual behavior

Turtles become sexually mature at 6-8 years old with a shell length of 10-12 cm. Males actively flirt with females, sniff their paws, tail, and stretch their nose to their muzzle. Often males are quite aggressive, on land they run after females, in water they sit on top of the females’ shell, tightly grasping the edges of the carapace with their paws and begin to knock on the female’s head with their noses. Such turtle games often end in mating. Eggs are laid after 1-2 months. During pregnancy, females need enhanced nutrition, enriched with protein, vitamins and calcium (calcium is required 2-3 times more than with normal nutrition). Since 2-3 months before laying the turtle stops eating (which is the main sign of future laying), until this time the female needs daily nutrition and a higher temperature (2-3 degrees higher) of water and air to digest it and absorb nutrients. Special attention need to be given a regime of ultraviolet lighting, without which the synthesis of vitamin D3 and the absorption of calcium is impossible. During pregnancy, it is advisable to keep the female separately from the male.

In nature, females lay 5-12 eggs from May to July. During the season, the female makes 1-3 clutches (usually in May, June and July). The eggs of swamp turtles are oval, covered with a hard shell, 28-33 mm long and 18-20 mm wide, weighing about 8 g. Female eggs are laid at night in pre-dug holes 10-12 cm deep. Small turtles about 15 mm long hatch after 2- 3 months from August to October. Young turtles spend their first winter in the ground, feeding from the yolk sac located on the ventral scutes of the plastron. They usually appear from the ground only by next spring, when the air temperature reaches 15-20? C.

At home, European marsh turtles can also breed. A few days before laying, the females become restless, try to get out of the aquarium, often sit on the shore and dig the soil. At this time, care must be taken to create conditions for masonry. On the shore, you can place a ditch with moistened sand, sphagnum or vermiculite (you can use a mixture of sand and vermiculite), where the turtle could lay its eggs. If the shore is small, you can place the female overnight in a separate box with a 12-15 centimeter layer of soil. After laying eggs, they should be carefully placed in the incubator without turning them over. Incubation temperature is 28-30? C with an optimal humidity of 80%. The duration of incubation depends on the temperature and is 2-3 months.


In nature, food sources include fish, shellfish, frogs, insect larvae, woodlice, worms, aquatic and coastal plants.

In captivity, the main types of food are lean fish, shrimp, squid, earthworms. From plant foods, turtles can be offered lettuce, cabbage, dandelions, and duckweed. Only adult turtles eat plant foods.

As a source of vitamins, turtles are given fresh raw beef liver no more than once a week.

Sources of calcium in the natural diet include fish with small bones and snails.

Supplements containing vitamins and calcium, developed specifically for reptiles, are used as supplements. (Wardley Reptile Calcium and Wardley Reptile Multi-vitamins (Hartz), Reptocal, Reptosol (Tetra), Reptilife powder).

Of the dry foods, only Nutrafin (Hagen) or Reptomin (Tetra) can be given to aquatic turtles, which are the most balanced foods, enriched with substances necessary for growth and development. Constant feeding of dry food is not recommended.

The bog turtle can only eat in water. When feeding, it is recommended to place the turtles in a separate bowl of water (the water temperature for better digestion of food should be slightly higher, about 32-34 C). When feeding in an aquarium, the water quickly becomes dirty and spoils.

Victoria Shuster.

© The article used photographic materials from Valentina Retskaya, Sergei Lipnik, Tatyana Zaitseva, Klimenty Semyon, Victoria Shuster.


External differences of the European marsh turtle

  • The shell of this turtle is smooth, covered with small yellow dots and spots. The back is brown with small yellow spots. Larger yellow spots are located on the abdomen. They may also cover the head and legs. But sometimes this pronounced sign is absent;
  • The skin is black, has numerous yellow spots of different sizes, sometimes merging with each other. Sometimes the skin becomes completely yellow. The arrangement of these yellow spots is irregular, completely different for each animal, just like human fingerprints;
  • Eyes - the iris in females is pale yellow color, and in males it has an orange or almost reddish tint;
  • Sizes – there are gender differences in size associated with the physiology of reproduction, males are slightly smaller than females and have a concave lower part of the body (plastron), while in females it is quite flat. There are also differences in tail size between females and males. Males have a much longer and more massive tail. Top part The shell shell of both sexes is very similar, slightly convex, often abundantly covered with algae. A typical representative of this species has a carapace length of about 20 cm in females and 17 cm in males.

The eyelids are opaque and flexible. The tail is 1/3 of the length of the shell. The head can be retracted and hidden in the shell.

Lifestyle and behavior

The European marsh turtle can live more than 120 years in the wild. These species of turtles spend most of their lives in close proximity to bodies of water, from which only females come onto land to lay eggs. The turtle hunts in water; it lives mainly in this environment. In the water it moves smoothly, awkwardly and slowly.

Active during the day, lives in stagnant or slowly moving bodies of water with a muddy bottom (small, overgrown lakes, forest ponds, swamps, densely overgrown and inaccessible ponds, big rivers with dense vegetation).

She spends most of her time in water, but breathes atmospheric air. Can stay under water for up to one hour. The animal is very shy and cautious, so it is difficult to meet. In quiet places it likes to get out of the water and soak up the sun. The European turtle with yellow spots on its body overwinters deep in the mud, at the bottom of reservoirs, for about 6-7 months (usually from October to March).

Males are very aggressive towards each other, especially during mating season.

This species easily tolerates drought and is resistant to low temperatures, motor activity loses only at temperatures of 2-3° C.

It feeds on insects, snails, tadpoles, and sometimes eats amphibians and fish. The main food for turtles is the larvae of insects, invertebrates and various amphibians, fish fry, and sometimes they feed on carrion.

These animals feed around the clock, however, they are especially active at dusk and sometimes at night. They capture their prey with their jaws and tear them with their claws. During the day on clear days they rest and bask in the sun.

How do representatives of this species reproduce?

Turtles wake up from hibernation early spring and become active in late March or early April, depending on the weather. The mating period takes place in water and begins in April, as the animals are very resistant to low temperatures.

Soon after waking up, individuals walk in shallow parts of lakes and reservoirs. Mating occurs very expressively and actively. There have been cases of mutilation during mating games.

After the mating season is over, the males remain in their previous areas, and the females, in late May and early June, go on a hike to the nesting sites, where they will remain for many years. Reservoirs located a short distance from nesting sites are an excellent refuge for newly hatched cubs.

After completing their journey from breeding site to nesting site, females lay eggs. The female lays her eggs in July in a hole in the ground, which she digs with her hind legs. Eggs have thin shells, their sizes reach 2x3 cm. One female has on average from 6 to 16 eggs (sometimes their number reaches 20).

Eggs don't stay straight sun rays, but burrow into the ground to a depth of several centimeters, where in favorable temperature conditions incubated for approximately 100 days.

The most important for proper development embryo are high temperatures in June and July. Turtles in eggs, like other reptiles, undergo a thermal sex determination process. So, on warm summer days, more females hatch, and on cold days, males.

When temperatures are low, turtles are able to overwinter in eggs until spring. If the summer is cool, then the turtles do not hatch; this happens more often at the northern borders of the natural range of this species.

IN normal conditions at the end of autumn, small turtles 2.5 cm long, which have a soft shell, hatch from the eggs. They emerge from their earthen burrows only in the spring.

After the young turtles leave the nest, they head into the water. During this trek, the cubs are vulnerable to attacks from any terrestrial predators. Only after 10 years of life do their shells become so large and strong that turtles can feel relatively safe. Juveniles reach sexual maturity after about 7 years.

Depending on weather conditions, the spotted turtle leads an active lifestyle from March or April until October. In the fall, turtles go into hibernation.

Bog turtles throughout Europe are under state protection and have absolute protection status. Catching and hunting them is strictly prohibited.


Appearance and description

The European marsh turtle has an oval, low and slightly convex carapace with a smooth surface and a movable connection with the lower shell. Juveniles of this species are characterized by a rounded carapace with a weak median keel on the posterior rounded part.

There are long and fairly sharp claws on the limbs, and small membranes between the fingers. The tail part is very long. An adult turtle has a tail up to a quarter of a meter long. It is the tail part that plays an important role when swimming, and serves, along with the hind limbs, as a kind of additional steering. Average length an adult individual can vary between 12-38 cm with a body weight of one and a half kilograms.

The coloring of the shell of an adult turtle is usually dark olive, brownish brown or dark brown, almost black with small spots, streaks or dots of yellow. The plastron is dark brown or yellowish in color with blurry dark spots. The area of ​​the head, neck, legs and tail is also in dark colors, with a large number of yellow spots. The eyes have a very characteristic yellow, orange or reddish iris. The species feature is the smooth edges of the jaws and complete absence"beak".

Swamp turtle- the most common type of aquatic reptile kept at home. It lives in Europe, the Middle East, and is also found in Africa. Its maintenance does not require the creation of special living conditions, but is based on compliance with some basic rules.

It is found not only in Europe. It can be found in Asia and Africa. Its natural habitat is bodies of water: rivers, swamps, lakes, ponds, quiet creeks. A prerequisite for turtles to live must be the presence of open shores where they can bask in the sun. The structural features of the body allow the reptiles to easily swim in dense thickets and bury themselves in silt and leaves.


The marsh turtle is distinguished by an oval, perfectly smooth, streamlined carapace of black or yellow-green color. The neck, head and paws are dotted with small spots of white or yellow flowers. The reptile has a large, sharp head, on the sides of which there are eyes, slightly lowered down. It has a relatively long tail, powerful, well-developed paws with sharp claws. The membranes between the toes allow the animal to actively rake in water and swim faster than moving on land.

Despite the strong body cover, it is very easy to injure.

Young turtles must be kept at home - in an apartment; older individuals can be released into small country ponds and lakes in the summer. Keeping a European marsh turtle at home requires the presence of a special terrarium or aquarium.

Aquaterrariums should be spacious (from 120 liters), conditionally divided into two parts - land for heating and water. Animals do not need a high water level; a depth of 15 to 20 cm is sufficient for them.

The terrarium for marsh turtles will be additionally equipped with:

  • an artificial lighting lamp that is installed above land;
  • UV irradiator for effective heating;
  • water filter for water purification;

  • bottom soil similar to the natural bottom of the reservoir;
  • edible plants.

Reptiles are often kept in basins, under radiators, or in boxes. With this lifestyle, irreversible processes occur in the animal’s body (dehydration, breathing problems, lack of heat), as a result of which the pet becomes lethargic, apathetic, lifeless and slowly dies over several years.

Reptiles of this species are predators. However, they feed not only on food of animal origin, but also on “carrion” and aquatic plants. The main diet should be proteins. You can diversify the menu with fish, shrimp, liver, dried or live worms. You should not exclude plant foods that act as vitamin supplements.
If you don’t know what to feed your marsh turtle, then it is better to use ready-made balanced food containing all the necessary vitamins and microelements that have a positive effect on the general condition of the body. To preserve the reptile’s natural instinct to hunt, it is recommended to introduce live small fish into the terrarium.

Do not forget that marsh turtles eat little, given their age. Young ones need food every day, adults are fed 2-3 times a week. Animals are prone to overeating, so you should strictly monitor the amount of food consumed.

A bog turtle kept at home requires regular and careful care. While eating food, the reptile litters a lot, which leads to rapid contamination of the water.
Dirty water is a favorable source for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms that are harmful to the health of the animal. To avoid rapid contamination of the water, turtles are kept away while they eat.

Animals also need water treatments. Since dirt accumulates on the shell, it must be removed mechanically. For washing, use warm water and a soft brush, which carefully removes all dirt.

By nature, the European tortoise is aggressive, intelligent, quick-witted, cunning and even insidious. She understands her owners well, but when eating food she can be aggressive and can bite. The reptile loves solitude, so it is better to keep it in solitude.

When keeping an animal at home, you need to know how a marsh turtle winters. With the onset of the first cold weather, the animal may hibernate, during which processes in vital organs are inhibited.

The domestic reptile does not feel the coming of winter as keenly as its relatives living in nature, so it does not need winter sleep. When favorable conditions are created, including a microclimate and clean water, the reptile will delight with its activity throughout the year.

The breeding season for European turtles begins in the spring. Animals living in captivity have a greater chance of reproducing. They become sexually mature at 6-8 years of age. A few days before laying eggs, the female’s behavior appears nervous and restless; she tries to get out of the terrarium, sits on dry land and digs a hole.
During this period, you should create conditions for the animal that are as close to natural as possible for laying: place a flat tray with sand or transplant the turtle into another aquarium with a 15-20 cm layer of soil. After laying the eggs, they are carefully transferred to a special incubator, the temperature of which should be 28-30 degrees. The young reptiles will hatch after 10-12 weeks.

Failure to comply with comfortable living conditions can lead to the rapid death of a swamp reptile. The largest percentage of all animal diseases are associated with unsanitary conditions in the aquarium. Prolonged stay in contaminated water leads to the development of bacterial eye disease and subsequently to sepsis.

Swamp turtle diseases often occur due to lower water temperatures. If hypothermia occurs, an animal can even get pneumonia or pneumonia. A lack of vitamin D or vitamin A hypovitaminosis leads to malocclusion and, as a consequence, the formation of stomatitis and herpes.
The most common disease of reptiles living in captivity is calcium deficiency, which occurs due to poor diet or lack of UV radiation. An accurate diagnosis of a particular disease can only be established by a professional veterinarian.

How long a marsh turtle lives will depend on its living conditions, nutrition and microclimate inside the terrarium. On average, a reptile lives at home for 30-50 years. However, there are cases when an animal outlives its owner for many years.



The low carapace (carapace) is almost oval; if you look at it from above, you can see that the width in the back is slightly wider than in the front. Carapace length from 20 cm or more in adults large turtles. Since water has always been the key habitat for turtles, the carapace scutes naturally fit perfectly together. In terms of their structure, the carapace and plastron are completely streamlined and have no protrusions. There are large claws on the legs, small membranes are located between the toes. The claws of a swamp turtle can easily tear prey apart and can significantly scratch your hand. The tail of this turtle is relatively long, can reach 3/4 of the length of the carapace (about 12 cm) and during swimming it takes part as an auxiliary rudder during any turns (the main steering is carried out by the legs) and as a counterweight that holds the turtle in the required position during maneuvers. The carapace usually has a dark olive, dark green, sometimes almost black color, the plastron is light, yellowish. The shell, neck, head, legs are covered with small light spots. Often females have yellow eyes, while males are slightly reddish. Females have slightly shorter tails than males.

Territory of Russia: from the Smolensk region at the border with Belarus and Ukraine in the south, in the Caspian lowland, on the middle Volga, in the upper and lower reaches of the Don, in the Caucasus. Belarus, the left bank of the Ural River, Lithuania, North-West Africa, Southern and Central Europe, Northern Iran, Turkey, the Urals, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia. They live in swampy places, ponds, lakes, and in addition they can often be found in quiet river backwaters with a gentle bank and muddy bottom, however, under a number of conditions: there must be open places on the shore where they can bask in the sun for a long time.

Young turtles need to be fed every day, adults 2-3 times a week. The amount of food must be selected personally depending on how much food the turtle eats. As a rule, the volume of food is 2-3 pieces of 1 cm3 for babies, 2-3 pieces of 2-3 cm3 for older individuals. The food must be moist and room temperature. The main food for turtles is fish. It is preferable to feed only live small fish, which can be instantly introduced into the aquarium.

Types of feed

Fish (not very fatty and of all kinds - thalassa, cod, hake, gobies, etc.), meat (in particular internal organs: chicken heart, beef liver, beef heart, but not chicken), crustaceans and insects in the form of an infrequent delicacy (bloodworms, daphnia crustaceans, gammarus, earthworms, beetles, wood lice, locusts without legs), others (small freshwater snails, squid, tadpoles, shrimp , frogs).

Turtles are required to receive vitamins and mineral supplements in their food. For these purposes, the food is supplemented with calcium-containing subcortex and vitamins (Wardley and other companies), or a varied and complete food is given (fish with internal organs and bones). With a precise diet, auxiliary calcination will not be required. In addition, it is preferable to place a mineral neutralizer block in the aquarium.

Since swamp turtles are predators, their thinking abilities are much greater than those of land turtles, and they learn easily and simply. You are allowed to try to teach a turtle to take food from tweezers: they willingly do this by stretching their head out of the water and on the shore. It is also interesting that, having grabbed food outside the water, the turtle goes to swallow it into the reservoir, but still, with this feeding, the water most often remains clean. Soon, when the owner appears, he will be provoked conditioned reflex: turtles will harmoniously stick their heads out of the water. In addition, they are tamed at certain feeding times and will be able to recognize the owner.

In the spring comes marriage time. During this period, turtles (age 6–8 years and shell 9–12 cm) are far from water bodies. Turtles can also mate in water. The sperm of turtles can be stored in the female’s tract for up to 1 year or more; as a result, a female caught in the wild can “personally” lay completely full-fledged eggs after 5-6 months. Between May and July, females lay eggs three times in holes dug in the ground. During the season, the female produces 1–3 clutches. The depth of the pits is approximately 10 cm. The eggs that fall into them are beautiful: their shells are snow-white, they themselves have an oblong, regular shape, size 30 x 20 millimeters, weight approximately 8 g. In any clutch there are about 5–10 eggs, and they The female buries it most carefully. After approximately 2-3 months, these eggs produce tiny turtles about 24–25 millimeters long, weighing 5 g, with a large yolk sac on the belly. The shell of young turtles is usually dark brown with yellow lines. They dig small tunnels near the nest, where they spend the winter in most cases. In the spring, turtles crawl out of their shelters onto the surface of the earth and begin an independent life. The incubation temperature is about 25–30°C and the duration is 54–90 days. Incubation humidity 90%. The water depth for newly born turtles is approximately 5 cm. Young individuals feed on daphnia and insect larvae.

The terrarium must be sufficiently free (120–150 liters, 120 liters is a minimum for 1 individual), which consists of two halves - water and land, with a ladder between them. It is preferable to have a pond up to 10 cm deep for small specimens, 15–20 cm for large ones. An ultraviolet lamp and an incandescent heating lamp for reptiles (10% UVB) are placed above the dry part of the territory at a height of at least 20 cm. A water filter and heater must be present water (a heater, however, is not required if the water temperature does not drop below 24-26 degrees, in fact, this is what it should be). On land, the air temperature in front of the lamp is 30-33 C. In the cold season of the year, in natural conditions, the turtle falls hibernate, but at home at a temperature of 22–25°C this fact doesn't happen.

To prevent the water from becoming polluted, the turtle is transplanted into a basin or bathtub and fed there, and then put back into the aquarium.

Additional information

Scientists identify 13 subspecies of the marsh turtle in nature, but only 5 are found in Russia. In the summer, turtles live near bodies of water and, if an enemy appears, they rush into the water and dive to the bottom, often burying themselves in silt. Swamp turtles hibernate in the fall, in October, thereby waiting out the winter at the bottom of reservoirs.

Adults and larger individuals can be hostile at times and try to bite. They must be taken by the edge of the back of the shell, since the head on the long neck has a large physical activity. The bite can be very painful, since, having grabbed the soft part of the hand with its mouth, the turtle convulsively clenches its jaws several times. However, if you treat this animal well, they instantly become tamed, stop hiding their head under their shell, and, on the contrary, pull it towards the owner-breadwinner.

Major diseases

Fungal skin infections, pneumonia, septicemia.

Swamp turtles began to be delivered to central Europe back in the Middle Ages, then they were eaten during the period of fasting, traders brought them from Italy.

Characteristics of this species

The European marsh turtle is characterized by a brown-brown or dark olive oval shell (carapace) with diverging lines or bright yellow dots, paws with sharp claws (4 claws on the hind legs and 5 on the front) and moderately developed swimming membranes, a long tail . The head and paws are decorated with yellow spots. The plastron is lighter, ranging in color from yellow to dark brown with black. The color of the shell can change as it grows and forms. Newborn turtles are almost entirely black with a yellow rim along the edges of the plastron and carapace. Turtles lighten with age and become covered with a bright yellow pattern, the plastron also turns yellow, and the carapace changes from brown to dark olive. Depending on the subspecies, the length of the shell reaches 18–25 cm, and males are usually smaller than females. In nature they live up to 120 years.


The European marsh turtle is common in temperate climates. Lives in Central and Southern Europe, Western Asia, America, Western Europe (Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania), North-West Africa. In Russia, it is distributed in the warm temperate climate zone of the European part. The habitat ranges from the Smolensk region at the border with Belarus, Ukraine to the south (Caucasus, Caspian Lowland, Transcaucasia), in the middle Volga, in the upper and lower reaches of the Don and the left bank of the Ural River. The turtle lives on slowly flowing rivers, ponds, and lakes with flat banks and muddy bottoms.

Protection measures

This species is listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (RL/nt), in provision II of the Berne Convention, and in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The population of this turtle species is in danger of extinction. Recent studies show that it is being replaced by a related species such as the American marsh turtle.

The main reasons for the decline in the number of the species are fishermen, land reclamation, and urbanization. A person finds marsh turtles near bodies of water or far from them. Most often, these are females who are looking for a good place to lay eggs at the mouths of rivers, and moving away from their usual habitat for a number of kilometers. People don't realize the damage they cause to nature when they take a turtle into their home. Even the best conditions in captivity can never replace natural ones. And very often turtles are kept in basins or by and large behind the cabinet, under the radiator, etc. When treated this way, the animal slowly dies over many years. Irreversible pathological processes occur in the turtle's body. For example: dehydration (the turtle dries out, the skull bones stand out on the head, the epidermis begins to adhere to the bones), loss of swimming membranes, overgrowth of the choanae, which can cause respiratory pathology, respiratory diseases, lack of heat leads to serious gastrointestinal diseases, various kidney pathologies, drying out and loss of the tip of the tail.

Equipped terrarium with access to the bank. Water temperature is 24–26°C (acceptable 25°C). The temperature on the shore must be at least 28–30°C; if not, then there must be an incandescent light bulb above the shore to maintain the required temperature. A ReptiGlo 10.0 UV lamp must be installed in the aquaterrarium. (Hagen) (10–12 hours a day) at a distance of 20–25 cm from the shore. The depth of the water is determined by the age and size of the turtles. For turtles under one year of age - no more than 5 cm. After a year, the depth must be such that the turtle, rising vertically on its hind legs, has the opportunity to breathe freely. For adult healthy turtles, the water depth can be 30–40 cm with an aquarium size of no less than 100 liters, as this helps strengthen muscles when swimming and brings them closer to natural living conditions. It is allowed to use medium and large stones as soil, but only such that the animal could never swallow them. It is prohibited to use sand as soil. It must be remembered that even the best home conditions can never replace life in natural conditions for turtles. The turtle population is steadily decreasing. Before you make the commitment to own a turtle, you need to think about the fact that you are depriving the animal of a full life. Turtles found or captured in their habitat must be released near a reservoir. Only sick or injured individuals need temporary care; they must be released after treatment.

Features of behavior

The marsh turtle sleeps at the bottom of the reservoir at night, and remains active during the daytime. While away for several hours in the sun on land. It can be several kilometers away from bodies of water. The marsh turtle swims very quickly, buries itself in the mud even if there is a slight threat, and moves quite quickly on the ground. In captivity, turtles instantly adapt to new circumstances: they swim or sit on the bottom, emerging from time to time (every 15-20 minutes) for a breath of air. However, they will be able to stay without air for up to 2 hours without harming their well-being. During minimal activity, their anaerobic respiration mechanism turns on. For marsh turtles in an aquaterrarium, it would be good to create conditions so that there is a dark place (under the shore, behind the grotto) where they have the opportunity to hide or take a nap. Turtles love to bask or sunbathe on the shore with their hind legs extended.

Bog turtles often defend their area. So, for example, if 2-3 turtles are sitting on the shore under a lamp, they will definitely divide the territory among themselves. If there is an attempt to encroach on its place, then the turtle begins to defend its territory. This manifests itself in this way: the turtle opens its mouth and stretches its head towards the offender, demonstrating with its own behavior “This place is mine!” Do you want to protest?" As a rule, conflicts never arise between females; they get along together absolutely calmly. But two males can be quite hostile in their relationship to each other. To do this, it is necessary to take into account that the actions of any individual depend on personal characteristics. There are absolutely serene turtles that show affection for their neighbor turtles and people. In the future, these turtles become virtually tamed, do not hide in their shells at all, are not afraid of people, raise their heads when the owner-breadwinner approaches, and respond to their own name. However, there are also quite hostile individuals whose actions are difficult to predict.

Age determination

The age of swamp turtles, like other species, is determined by the number of growth rings on the carapace. It should be taken into account that in the first or second year of life, 1 ring appears within 3-6 months. After two years, one ring is equivalent to one year of existence.

In nature, growth occurs noticeably faster than with household maintenance. As a result, by the thickness of the last (outer) rings it is easy and simple to determine how many years the turtle spent in captivity.

Sexual behavior

Turtles become sexually mature at approximately 6-8 years old, with a shell length of 10-12 cm. Males dynamically flirt with females, sniff their tail, paws, and stretch their nose to their muzzle. Males are often quite aggressive; they chase females on land, then they sit on top of the females’ shell, tightly grasping the edges of the shell with their paws and begin to hit the female’s head with their nose. Such turtle fun often ends in mating. In females, egg laying occurs in approximately 1-2 months. During pregnancy, females need increased nutrition, which should be enriched with vitamins, protein and calcium. Please pay special attention that calcium is needed 2-3 times more than with normal nutrition. The female stops eating 2-3 months before laying (the main sign of the upcoming laying); until this time, the female needs daily food and a higher temperature (2-3 degrees more) of water and air to absorb and digest the necessary substances. Particular attention should be paid to the ultraviolet lighting regime, without which it is simply impossible to absorb calcium and synthesize vitamin D3. During pregnancy, it is preferable for the female to be kept separately from the male.

Under natural conditions, female turtles lay about 5-12 eggs between May and July. During this time, the female lays 1-3 clutches (usually in May, June and July). The eggs of swamp turtles are oval, covered with a hard shell, about 28-33 millimeters long and about 18-20 millimeters wide, weighing about 8 g. Females lay eggs at night in initially dug holes about 10-12 cm deep. Small turtles are about 15 long millimeters hatch after 2-3 months between August and October. They spend the first winter in the ground, feeding on the yolk sac located in the abdominal scutes of the plastron. They appear from the ground, as a rule, only by next spring, if the air temperature reaches 15-20C.

European marsh turtles kept in captivity have every chance of breeding. A couple of days before laying, the females become restless, try to get out of the aquarium, and often sit on the shore and dig the soil. During this period, you need to worry about creating ideal conditions for masonry. On the shore, it is allowed to place a ditch with wet sphagnum, sand or vermiculite (you can use a mixture of vermiculite and sand), where the turtle could lay eggs. If the coast is small, you can transplant the female into a separate box overnight with a 12-15 centimeter layer of soil. After the eggs have been laid, they must be carefully placed in the incubator without turning them over. Incubation temperature is 28-30C with an optimal moisture level of 80%. The duration of incubation depends on the temperature and is approximately 2-3 months.


In nature, the main sources of food are small frogs, fish, woodlice, insect larvae, worms, mollusks, coastal and aquatic plants.

In captivity, the main types of food are squid, shrimp, earthworms, and lean fish. Recommended plant foods include lettuce, dandelions, cabbage, and duckweed. Only adult turtles eat plant foods.

The source of calcium in the natural diet can be snails or fish with small bones.

Supplements that contain calcium and vitamins that are designed only for reptiles are used as supplements. Of the dry foods, it is allowed to give only Reptomin (Tetra) or Nutrafin (Hagen) for aquatic turtles, which are more balanced foods, enriched with substances necessary for growth and formation. Constant feeding of dry food is not recommended.

The marsh turtle can only eat in water. When feeding, it is recommended to transplant the turtles into a separate bowl of water (the water temperature should be slightly higher than 32-34 C for better digestion of food). When feeding in an aquarium, the water instantly becomes polluted and spoils.


The European marsh turtle is characterized by a dark olive or brown-brown oval shell (carapace) with diverging bright yellow dots or dashes, paws with sharp claws (5 toes on the front legs and 4 on the hind legs) and moderately developed swimming membranes, long tail. The head and paws are decorated with yellow spots. The plastron is lighter, from yellow to dark brown with black. The color of the shell may change as it grows and develops. Newborn turtles are almost completely black with a yellow rim along the edges of the plastron and carapace. As turtles grow, they lighten and become covered with a bright yellow pattern, the plastron also turns yellow, and with age, the brown-brown shell becomes dark olive. The length of the carapace reaches 18–25 cm (depending on the subspecies), males are usually smaller than females. In nature they live up to 50 years.


The European marsh turtle is common in temperate climates. Lives in Central and Southern Europe, America, North-West Africa, Western Asia, Western Europe (Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania). In Russia, it is distributed in the warm temperate climate zone of the European part. The habitat extends from the Smolensk region along the border with Belarus and Ukraine to the south (Caucasus, Transcaucasia, Caspian Lowland), in the upper and lower reaches of the Don, on the middle Volga and the left bank of the Ural River. Lives in slow-flowing rivers, ponds, lakes with muddy bottoms and gently sloping banks.

Security measures

The species is included in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (RL/nt), in the Red Book of the Republic of Bashkortostan, in Regulation II of the Berne Convention. The European marsh turtle population is endangered. Recent research shows that the European marsh turtle is beginning to be replaced by another related species, the American marsh turtle.

The main factors in reducing the number of the species are the catching of turtles by fishermen, land reclamation, and urbanization. People find marsh turtles near bodies of water or away from them. Most often, these are females looking for a favorable place to lay eggs at the mouths of rivers, and moving away from their habitat several kilometers. People don't realize how much harm they cause to nature by taking a turtle home. Even the best conditions in captivity cannot replace natural ones. And often aquatic turtles are kept in basins or even under a radiator, behind a cabinet, etc. In this case, the animal slowly dies over several years. Irreversible pathological processes occur in the turtle's body. For example, the following: dehydration (the turtle dries out, the skin begins to adhere to the bones, as a result of which the skull bones stand out on the head), atrophy of the swimming membranes, drying out and death of the tip of the tail, overgrowth of the choanae, which can cause breathing problems, respiratory diseases, lack of heat leads to various kidney pathologies, serious gastrointestinal diseases.

Conditions in captivity. General information.

Equipped aquaterrarium with access to the shore. Water temperature 24–26°C (optimally 25°C). The temperature on the shore should be at least 28–30°C, and therefore an incandescent lamp is installed above the shore to maintain the required temperature. A ReptiGlo 10.0 UV lamp must be installed in the aquaterrarium. (Hagen) (10–12 hours per day) at a distance of 20–25 cm from the shore. The depth of the water is determined by the size and age of the turtles. For turtles under the age of one year - no more than 5 cm. After a year, the depth should be such that the turtle, standing upright on its hind legs, can breathe freely. For adult healthy turtles, the water depth can be 30–40 cm with an aquarium volume of at least 100 liters, as this helps strengthen muscles when swimming and brings them closer to natural living conditions. Large and medium-sized stones that the animal could not swallow can be used as soil. Sand cannot be used as a primer.(multithumb)

Important: It must be remembered that even the best home conditions cannot replace life in nature for turtles. The population of the European marsh turtle is constantly decreasing. Before you take responsibility and get a turtle, you should think about the fact that you are depriving the animal of a full life. Turtles found or caught in their habitat should be released into the wild near a body of water. Only sick or injured individuals require temporary care and are released after treatment.

Features of behavior.

The marsh turtle remains active during the daytime and sleeps at the bottom of the reservoir at night. Spends several hours on land under the rays of the sun. It can move several kilometers away from bodies of water. The marsh turtle swims quickly, burrowing into the mud at the slightest danger, and moves quite quickly on land. In captivity, turtles quickly adapt to new conditions: they swim or sit on the bottom, periodically emerging for a breath of air every 15-20 minutes. They can remain without air for up to 2 hours without harm to health. During the period of minimal activity, the anaerobic respiration mechanism is activated. For marsh turtles in an aquaterrarium, it is advisable to provide a place with darker lighting (under the shore, behind the grotto) where they could hide or sleep. Turtles love to bask and sunbathe on the shore with their hind legs stretched out.

Swamp turtles can defend their territory. So, for example, if 2-3 turtles are sitting on the shore under a lamp, they somehow share the territory among themselves. When attempting to encroach on someone else's place, the turtle begins to defend its territory. It is expressed this way: the turtle opens its mouth and stretches its head towards the offender, showing by its behavior “My place! Do you want to dispute? Usually, conflicts do not arise between females; they get along quite peacefully together. Two males can be quite aggressive towards each other. However, it should be borne in mind that the behavior of each individual depends on individual characteristics. There are completely calm turtles that are friendly to neighboring turtles and people. Over time, they become practically tame, do not hide in their shell at all, are not afraid of people, stretch their heads when the owner-breadwinner approaches, and respond to their name. However, there are also quite aggressive individuals whose behavior is difficult to predict.

Determination of age.

The age of swamp turtles, like other species, is determined by the number of growth rings on the carapace. It should be taken into account that in the first year or two of life, 1 ring appears within 3-6 months. After 2 years, 1 ring is equivalent to 1 year of life. Thus, if a turtle has 5-6 rings, it is about 2-3 years old, 6-7 rings - 3-4 years old, etc.

In nature, growth occurs much faster than when kept at home. Therefore, by the thickness of the last (outer) rings it is easy to determine how many years the turtle spent in captivity. In adult turtles (after 15-20 years), with a shell size of at least 15 cm, the growth rings are smoothed out, the carapace and plastron become smooth.

Determination of gender


1) smooth, flat plastron;

2) the iris of the eyes is yellow, decorated with symmetrical black triangles diverging from the pupil in three directions;

3) the tail is thinner than that of the male at the base, the cloaca opening is located close to the shell;


1) concave plastron;

2) the iris of the eyes is dark yellow or brown, the pupil is not surrounded by a pattern;

3) a tail thick at the base with an anus located 2-3 cm from the shell.

4) the upper “lip” is whitish (it does not always appear; there are completely black individuals, slightly decorated with yellow spots);

Sexual behavior

Turtles become sexually mature at 6-8 years old with a shell length of 10-12 cm. Males actively flirt with females, sniff their paws, tail, and stretch their nose to their muzzle. Often males are quite aggressive, on land they run after females, in water they sit on top of the females’ shell, tightly grasping the edges of the carapace with their paws and begin to knock on the female’s head with their noses. Such turtle games often end in mating. Eggs are laid after 1-2 months. During pregnancy, females need enhanced nutrition, enriched with protein, vitamins and calcium (calcium is required 2-3 times more than with normal nutrition). Since 2-3 months before laying the turtle stops eating (which is the main sign of future laying), until this time the female needs daily nutrition and a higher temperature (2-3 degrees higher) of water and air to digest it and absorb nutrients. Particular attention should be paid to the ultraviolet lighting regime, without which the synthesis of vitamin D3 and the absorption of calcium is impossible. During pregnancy, it is advisable to keep the female separately from the male.

In nature, females lay 5-12 eggs from May to July. During the season, the female makes 1-3 clutches (usually in May, June and July). The eggs of swamp turtles are oval, covered with a hard shell, 28-33 mm long and 18-20 mm wide, weighing about 8 g. Female eggs are laid at night in pre-dug holes 10-12 cm deep. Small turtles about 15 mm long hatch after 2- 3 months from August to October. Young turtles spend their first winter in the ground, feeding from the yolk sac located on the ventral scutes of the plastron. They usually appear from the ground only by next spring, when the air temperature reaches 15-20? C.

At home, European marsh turtles can also breed. A few days before laying, the females become restless, try to get out of the aquarium, often sit on the shore and dig the soil. At this time, care must be taken to create conditions for masonry. On the shore, you can place a ditch with moistened sand, sphagnum or vermiculite (you can use a mixture of sand and vermiculite), where the turtle could lay its eggs. If the shore is small, you can place the female overnight in a separate box with a 12-15 centimeter layer of soil. After laying eggs, they should be carefully placed in the incubator without turning them over. Incubation temperature is 28-30? C with an optimal humidity of 80%. The duration of incubation depends on the temperature and is 2-3 months.


In nature, food sources include fish, shellfish, frogs, insect larvae, woodlice, worms, aquatic and coastal plants.

In captivity, the main types of food are lean fish, shrimp, squid, and earthworms. From plant foods, turtles can be offered lettuce, cabbage, dandelions, and duckweed. Only adult turtles eat plant foods.

As a source of vitamins, turtles are given fresh raw beef liver no more than once a week.

Sources of calcium in the natural diet include fish with small bones and snails.

Supplements containing vitamins and calcium, developed specifically for reptiles, are used as supplements. (Wardley Reptile Calcium and Wardley Reptile Multi-vitamins (Hartz), Reptocal, Reptosol (Tetra), Reptilife powder).

Of the dry foods, only Nutrafin (Hagen) or Reptomin (Tetra) can be given to aquatic turtles, which are the most balanced foods, enriched with substances necessary for growth and development. Constant feeding of dry food is not recommended.

The bog turtle can only eat in water. When feeding, it is recommended to place the turtles in a separate bowl of water (the water temperature for better digestion of food should be slightly higher, about 32-34 C). When feeding in an aquarium, the water quickly becomes dirty and spoils.

Victoria Shuster.

© The article used photographic materials from Valentina Retskaya, Sergei Lipnik, Tatyana Zaitseva, Klimenty Semyon, Victoria Shuster.


Natural habitat

The population is quite widespread throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa and is quite numerous.

You can meet the beauty under the shell in freshwater bodies of water and on the banks of ponds, rivers, lakes, streams, and swamps. Sometimes a drainage ditch or large puddles are suitable for temporary housing. Most of the time turtles stay in the water, but on bright days they like to bask in the sun. Set up beds on coastal stone ledges, rotting debris, and old roots. They also come out onto land in cloudy, cool weather.

They are distinguished by their speed of reaction. When they see danger, they quickly hide under the water in the depths. The choice of shelter is algae, stems of water lilies, thickets of reeds, or a thick ball of silt. Muscular paws and long claws help burrow into it. If necessary, piles of leaves are used for hiding on the ground.

Appearance and behavior characteristics

Turtles of this species have an oval or round carapace. Adults of some subspecies reach 37 centimeters in length and weigh up to 1.6 kg. The body is black, less often greenish-yellow. White or light yellow spots with blurred contours form a linear pattern. Color is a camouflage attribute. When wet, the matte shell acquires a beautiful shine and smoothness. The head of a mature turtle is pointed, without a beak-like extension, and proportionally large. Coloration, size and area of ​​residence indicate a separate subspecies. This is caused by the need for camouflage in the environment. The largest are representatives of the subspecies living in Eastern Europe.

Representatives of Emysorbicularis are very similar to their relatives from America - the Emydoideablandingii turtles - in habits and external characteristics. For a long time, scientists considered them complete analogues. Research has shown differences in the placement of skeletal bones, so each subspecies has occupied its own separate niche in the scientific classification.

Life expectancy ranges from 35 to 100 years and depends on various factors and their combination. Even with ideal home care, turtles sometimes age and die earlier than usual. Growth also slows down a bit.

Why are European marsh turtles the most accessible and beloved by zoologists?

Representatives of the swamp family can be easily found in any pet store and at affordable prices, or they can be caught in their habitats throughout the spring and summer. Young turtles are resistant to stress associated with changes in conditions, and newcomers who organize their maintenance correctly and accurately will soon be able to produce offspring if they place a female and a male together. But we must understand that nothing comes easy. You won't be able to put it in a jar, play with it, and forget it. It is better to immediately abandon the idea of ​​​​placing a European turtle in your house.

Caring for a turtle. Peculiarities. Difficulties.

It is important for every living creature to have its own nook. For a married couple of turtles, it will be an aquarium, but not a terrarium of a suitable size. Its volume must be at least one hundred liters. The third part of this structure is always dry land, as a place for heating and the opportunity to dry out.

Related article: Why can't you keep turtles in the same aquarium as fish?

The primary requirement is water purity. This is not so easy to do, given the number of liters and the fact that a lot of polluting waste is left behind during meals. Residents are not prone to cleanliness. Pathogenic putrefactive bacteria multiply and diseases of the eyes and skin develop. Placing them in a separate container for feeding and frequent cleaning of the main shelter will help solve the problem. To simplify the task, it is better to abandon unnecessary decoration of the bottom and underwater soil. Turtles have little need for such details. It is recommended to keep young animals in a suitable room at all times; adult, stronger representatives can be placed in artificial ponds on the street, if the air temperature allows.

How to arrange heating

Natural sunlight is not always available, although whenever possible, natural ultraviolet light should be used when raising young. Babies are periodically exposed to the sun so that they get a dose of vitamins and warm up. In addition, a special lamp with the required radiation is placed in the aquarium above the dry area. The mounting height is adjusted with age and size preferences, but does not fall below 20 centimeters above the surface. The temperature regime is stopped at 30°C and the glow duration is 12 -14 hours.

Home conditions are more comfortable in this regard, so the activity of turtles remains at the same level regardless of the season. In satiety and warmth, natural hibernation is canceled.

How to feed

What to feed a swamp turtle? The diet of the marsh turtle is extensive and includes fish and meat products. The turtle is omnivorous. Delicacies include beef liver, pieces of hearts, snails, squid, worms, mice, and insects. Artificial combined feeds are also an option. To maintain natural instincts, live fry or small fish are released into the aquarium.

Plant foods: Lettuce, cabbage and dandelion leaves are recommended to be given only to adults.

The youth are fed daily, controlling only the quantity, older ones - after 2 days. It is necessary to be careful not to overeat, because greed is the main trait of their character.

Food must contain vitamins and more calcium, which the shell requires. In pet stores, in special departments for reptiles, ready-made vitamins are sold in jars.

For a turtle, the process of absorbing food is important, the process of processing and assimilation of which is not possible without light. Everything is interconnected, located in one chain. Since the reptile eats only in water, before feeding it must be placed in a separate basin with water, the temperature of which is +32 °C. It is also necessary to plant them to avoid contamination of the terrarium.

How to contact and communicate

Turtles are smart and understand who is looking after them and feeding them. But eating is a sacred activity for them; touching animals at this moment is risky. They respond with aggression, attack, and bite very painfully. Cunning is another prominent trait, so you need to lift the turtle by the back of its shell. Communication with these reptiles must be multiplied by caution and accuracy. Restrict children's access to places of residence.

How often is it recommended to change the water in the aquarium and is it necessary to bathe the turtle?

Many people ask the question: “Is it worth bathing a turtle at all, since it spends most of its life in water?” “Do reptiles need a similar hygiene procedure?”

It is not always possible to change the water in an aquarium, since changing 100 liters at a time is not so easy. Due to the fact that it is impossible to maintain perfect cleanliness, dirt accumulates on the turtle's shell. Therefore, it is necessary to bathe her.

As dirt accumulates, mechanical removal is carried out. For water procedures, pour warm water into a basin and rub the reptile’s shell with a soft brush or cloth. You cannot use hard objects, otherwise it will damage the shell - you can erase the keratinized covering of your pet.

Related article: How to wash a land turtle?

How to keep a European tortoise? For normal life, a turtle needs to be kept only in clean water. The water should be changed when it becomes dirty. And since the turtle both feeds and defecates exactly in the place where it lives, there is a need to frequently change the water. The owners must constantly keep this issue under control. If kept in dirt, the turtle will develop diseases.

Changing the water and completely cleaning the aquarium should be done once a month. You can only change the water more often. To do this, you need to drain 2/3 of the water from the aquarium and add new water. Can be diluted with clean, settled tap water.

Does a European tortoise need hibernation when kept at home?

Turtle lovers have debated for a long time whether a turtle needs to hibernate. In natural living conditions, winter sleep is simply necessary for reptiles, since they are cold-blooded animals and cannot control their body temperature themselves. When the ambient temperature drops, all processes in the turtle slow down and it is forced to hibernate.

Related article: Hibernation of a red-eared turtle.

Pets are kept in an aquarium with optimal water temperature, so during winter hibernation they dont need. Moreover, not every owner can prepare them for hibernation and create appropriate conditions.

Who is in the house: male or female?

Sex can only be determined in adults. Males have a concave plastron and a long tail. All small turtles have long tails, so at this age it is not possible to determine the sex, and length is not an indicator. With age, the length of the tail becomes shorter.

It is necessary to pay attention to the cloacal region near the tail. In the male, the cloaca opening is located further from the tail than in the female, and it has greater mobility, which plays a huge role during mating.

Walk in the fresh air and in the apartment

Turtles love to walk on the grass. But when choosing places for walking, it is advisable to avoid nearby bodies of water. Although the turtle is not that agile, if it falls into the water, it will not come back to you.

You can let the turtle walk around the room, but you can’t lose sight of it. She can hide in a hard-to-reach place. If your pet is hiding, you can turn off the light and wait a few minutes. Soon the turtle will make itself known with its rustling noises.

It should be remembered that we are responsible for those we have trained! When keeping a marsh turtle in captivity, you must follow the rules of care, otherwise you will not be able to avoid trouble. If you notice any strange behavior in your pet, you should contact a specialist.


External differences of the European marsh turtle

  • The shell of this turtle is smooth, covered with small yellow dots and spots. The back is brown with small yellow spots. Larger yellow spots are located on the abdomen. They may also cover the head and legs. But sometimes this pronounced sign is absent;
  • The skin is black, has numerous yellow spots of different sizes, sometimes merging with each other. Sometimes the skin becomes completely yellow. The arrangement of these yellow spots is irregular, completely different for each animal, just like human fingerprints;
  • Eyes - the iris in females is pale yellow, and in males it has an orange or almost reddish tint;
  • Sizes – there are gender differences in size associated with the physiology of reproduction, males are slightly smaller than females and have a concave lower part of the body (plastron), while in females it is quite flat. There are also differences in tail size between females and males. Males have a much longer and more massive tail. The upper part of the shell of both sexes is very similar, slightly convex, often abundantly covered with algae. A typical representative of this species has a carapace length of about 20 cm in females and 17 cm in males.

The eyelids are opaque and flexible. The tail is 1/3 of the length of the shell. The head can be retracted and hidden in the shell.

Lifestyle and behavior

The European marsh turtle can live more than 120 years in the wild. These species of turtles spend most of their lives in close proximity to bodies of water, from which only females come onto land to lay eggs. The turtle hunts in water; it lives mainly in this environment. In the water it moves smoothly, awkwardly and slowly.

Active during the day, lives in stagnant or slowly moving bodies of water with a muddy bottom (small, overgrown lakes, forest ponds, swamps, densely overgrown and inaccessible ponds, large rivers with dense vegetation).

She spends most of her time in water, but breathes atmospheric air. Can stay under water for up to one hour. The animal is very shy and cautious, so it is difficult to meet. In quiet places it likes to get out of the water and soak up the sun. The European turtle with yellow spots on its body overwinters deep in the mud, at the bottom of reservoirs, for about 6-7 months (usually from October to March).

Males are very aggressive towards each other, especially during mating season.

This species easily tolerates drought and is resistant to low temperatures; it loses motor activity only at temperatures of 2-3° C.

It feeds on insects, snails, tadpoles, and sometimes eats amphibians and fish. The main food for turtles is the larvae of insects, invertebrates and various amphibians, fish fry, and sometimes they feed on carrion.

These animals feed around the clock, however, they are especially active at dusk and sometimes at night. They capture their prey with their jaws and tear them with their claws. During the day on clear days they rest and bask in the sun.

How do representatives of this species reproduce?

Turtles awaken from hibernation in early spring and become active in late March or early April, depending on the weather. The mating period takes place in water and begins in April, as the animals are very resistant to low temperatures.

Soon after waking up, individuals walk in shallow parts of lakes and reservoirs. Mating occurs very expressively and actively. There have been cases of mutilation during mating games.

After the mating season is over, the males remain in their previous areas, and the females, in late May and early June, go on a hike to the nesting sites, where they will remain for many years. Reservoirs located a short distance from nesting sites are an excellent refuge for newly hatched cubs.

After completing their journey from breeding site to nesting site, females lay eggs. The female lays her eggs in July in a hole in the ground, which she digs with her hind legs. The eggs have thin shells, their dimensions reach 2x3 cm. One female has on average from 6 to 16 eggs (sometimes their number reaches 20).

The eggs do not remain in direct sunlight, but are buried in the ground to a depth of several centimeters, where they are incubated under favorable temperature conditions for about 100 days.

The most important temperatures for proper embryo development are high temperatures in June and July. Turtles in eggs, like other reptiles, undergo a thermal sex determination process. So, on warm summer days, more females hatch, and on cold days, males.

When temperatures are low, turtles are able to overwinter in eggs until spring. If the summer is cool, then the turtles do not hatch; this happens more often at the northern borders of the natural range of this species.

Under normal conditions, at the end of autumn, small turtles 2.5 cm long, which have a soft shell, hatch from the eggs. They emerge from their earthen burrows only in the spring.

After the young turtles leave the nest, they head into the water. During this trek, the cubs are vulnerable to attacks from any terrestrial predators. Only after 10 years of life do their shells become so large and strong that turtles can feel relatively safe. Juveniles reach sexual maturity after about 7 years.

Depending on weather conditions, the spotted turtle leads an active lifestyle from March or April until October. In the fall, turtles go into hibernation.

Bog turtles throughout Europe are under state protection and have absolute protection status. Catching and hunting them is strictly prohibited.


Swamp turtle - descriptions and external characteristics

This type of reptile is distinguished by a large head with dark skin dotted with small white or yellow spots. Her paws have the same color. They have large and sharp claws, with the help of which the animal tears its prey into pieces. The shape of the carapace is oval or round. Its color is black and yellow-green, with small yellow and white splashes. The marsh turtle has a long tail, which can reach a length of 12 cm. As a rule, it is slightly smaller in females than in males. Also, males and females differ in eye color - males have reddish eyes, females yellow. The size of adult turtles living in the wild reaches 35 cm. Their weight can be 1.5 kg.

Where does the marsh turtle live?

The European marsh turtle comes in several subspecies. They differ in size and some external features. But most often there is a division according to habitat areas. This type of reptile is widespread. It can be seen in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Such turtles live in various bodies of water with sufficient warm water. These could be lakes, ponds, swamps, even puddles. However, they need to be close to the shore so that they can get out onto land and warm themselves.

What does a marsh turtle eat?

Swamp turtles are predators and are excellent at hunting. When living in natural conditions, they feed on small animals. These include:

This reptile reaches sexual maturity at approximately 6-8 years of age, when their shell acquires a length of 10-12 cm. Under natural conditions, the mating season begins in the spring. Males tend to aggressive behavior, they are capable of chasing females. Mating games They are quite dynamic and involve sniffing the tail and paws. Mating can take place both in water and on the shore.

The female lays eggs after about 1-2 months. During this period, they need increased nutrition, and the food should contain more vitamins, protein and calcium than usual. Also, they need higher air and water temperatures - this will ensure the absorption of nutrients. A few days before laying eggs, the female stops eating - this sign is used to determine that she will soon lay eggs.

The female places the eggs in the ground, digging small holes 10 cm deep. During the period from May to June, the female makes about 3 clutches. The eggs have a regular elongated shape and White color shells. They are small (about 3x2 cm), weigh about 8 g. The number of eggs in a clutch is from 5 to 10 pieces. After 2-3 months, the cubs hatch from them. Their weight is 5 g, size is 2.4-2.5 cm. They have a yolk sac on their belly. The color of the shell is most often dark brown, decorated with yellow lines.


These reptiles are active during the day and sleep at night. To sleep, they go down to the bottom of the reservoir in which they live. During the day they prefer dry land to warm themselves. They are capable of moving several kilometers away from a body of water. They cannot stay in the water all the time - they need air to breathe, so the animals often float to the surface. They can survive without oxygen for about two hours. With low activity, there is no need for it at all, since anaerobic respiration is activated.

European marsh turtle and its maintenance at home

For an animal such as the European marsh turtle, maintenance can be organized at home if you know certain rules. But to do this, you need to know what a marsh turtle is and what care it needs at home. Therefore, before getting such a pet, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of its life and needs. Also, it must be taken into account that being kept at home cannot be compared with a free life, no matter how ideal it may be. This means that the marsh turtle at home usually does not live as long (despite the absence of the threat of death from predators) and is smaller in size. But it is possible to organize optimal conditions for it.

The basic needs of this reptile at home:

Although it is possible to provide a quality home for an animal such as the European Swamp Turtle, you need to think carefully before making a decision. Deprivation of its natural habitat is difficult, especially if the animal first lived in the wild. Therefore, it is not worth catching these animals.

For a pet like a marsh turtle, care requires taking into account the peculiarities of its behavior.

They have the ability to quickly adapt, so they can easily tolerate being moved to an aquaterrarium. It is very important that the animal’s new “home” has a dark place to rest.

They are distinguished by high mental abilities. The reptile quickly understands that the owner is feeding them, so it reacts to his appearance. However, you should be careful when feeding. Turtles tend to be cunning; they bite and scratch. That's why you shouldn't let children touch them. It is also not advisable for adults to often handle such pets. Sometimes there are individuals who are not at all characterized by aggression and who do not avoid people or hide from them under their shells. But most often the behavior of these animals is unpredictable.

What to feed a marsh turtle at home

Living in the wild, the marsh turtle chooses its own food, but when it is at home, care and feeding fall on the owner. Therefore, he needs to know what the swamp turtle eats.

The European marsh turtle, which is kept at home, must eat properly. Otherwise the animal will die. Her diet must be balanced so that the pet receives all the necessary nutrients. Feeding the reptile must be done in water.

The main types of food for her at home:

As these animals grow older, plant foods become necessary, for example:

Food for young marsh turtles plant origin not particularly needed. They grow actively, so they need animal food.

The frequency of feeding depends on the age of the pet. Young turtles need food more often, so they should be fed daily. Adults can go several days without food, so they are fed 2 or 3 times a week.

Reproduction in captivity

The European marsh turtle, which is kept at home, has every chance of breeding. In this case, it is very important that the marsh turtle receives proper maintenance and care. It is necessary that during pregnancy the temperature regime be maintained (about 2 degrees higher than usual). It is also important to have a sufficient amount of calcium-rich food. Adequate UV light must be provided to allow nutrients, especially vitamin D, to be absorbed. During this period, females should be kept separate from males.

Conditions for masonry should be prepared. It is recommended to use a container placed in the aquaterrarium with a mixture of sand and vermiculite. If the size of the terrarium does not allow this, you can place the female in a separate box with soil, the depth of which should be at least 12 cm. After the female lays eggs, the clutch should be transferred to an incubator. For incubation, you need to maintain a temperature of 28-30 degrees and air humidity of 80%. The period before the birth of babies depends on compliance with these conditions and can last 2-3 months.

This animal is ideal for lovers of inactive pets. But we must not forget that despite their apparent unpretentiousness, turtles require careful care. In the wild, their lives proceed naturally. In order for them to live in a person’s house for a long time, you need to try to organize the right conditions for them.


Appearance and description

The European marsh turtle has an oval, low and slightly convex carapace with a smooth surface and a movable connection with the lower shell. Juveniles of this species are characterized by a rounded carapace with a weak median keel on the posterior rounded part.

There are long and fairly sharp claws on the limbs, and small membranes between the fingers. The tail part is very long. An adult turtle has a tail up to a quarter of a meter long. It is the tail part that plays an important role when swimming, and serves, along with the hind limbs, as a kind of additional steering. The average length of an adult can vary between 12-38 cm with a body weight of one and a half kilograms.

The coloring of the shell of an adult turtle is usually dark olive, brownish brown or dark brown, almost black with small spots, streaks or dots of yellow. The plastron is dark brown or yellowish in color with blurry dark spots. The area of ​​the head, neck, legs and tail is also in dark colors, with a large number of yellow spots. The eyes have a very characteristic yellow, orange or reddish iris. The specific feature is the smooth edges of the jaws and the complete absence of a “beak”.

A turtle is an animal of the chordate type, class Reptiles, order Tortoise (Testudines). These animals have existed on planet Earth for more than 220 million years.

The tortoise got its Latin name from the word “testa”, meaning “brick”, “tile” or “clay vessel”. The Russian analogue came from the Proto-Slavic word čerpaxa, which in turn came from the modified Old Slavic word “čerpъ”, “shard”.

The turtle's masonry is covered with soil on top and compacted with blows from the plastron.

Depending on the species, the number of eggs laid can be from 1 to 200. The duration of the incubation period ranges from 2 to 3 months, but in some species this period can reach six months or more.

During the mating season, a female turtle is capable of laying several clutches.

By their way of life, turtles are solitary animals and find a mate only for the mating period, although some species tend to gather in small groups for wintering.

How to care for a turtle at home?

Keeping turtles at home, both land and aquatic, is very popular today. These animals are unpretentious, and caring for turtles is very simple, so even children can look after their pets. However, you should not choose large species of turtles, which can reach more than half a meter in length, as pets. For comfortable living of reptiles in an apartment, specially equipped aquariums, terrariums or enclosures for turtles are designed, which create conditions as close as possible to their natural habitat.

The hygiene of aquatic inhabitants consists of removing algae that has grown on the shell. Land reptiles should be bathed daily in warm water with added baking soda, washing away food debris and adhered soil. Overgrown tortoise claws must be shortened using a small nail file. IN winter period pets need to be periodically irradiated with the rays of a quartz lamp, making a kind of sunbathing. It is necessary to ensure that the light does not shine directly into the animal’s eyes.

About feeding turtles at home is written in detail just above.

If proper care is taken at home, turtles can live up to 170 years.

  • The sex of the offspring is determined by the ambient temperature during the incubation period. At lower temperatures, males appear, and at higher temperatures, females appear.
  • Turtles became the first creatures to fly around the Moon aboard a research probe launched by Soviet Union in 1968, and returned safely. This happened a few months before the Apollo 8 mission.
  • In 2013, employees of the Dnepropetrovsk Agrarian University museum were shocked by an unprecedented incident. Several exhibit turtle eggs, which had been lying on shelves for many years, hatched into full-fledged offspring.
  • The image of a turtle is present in the heraldry of some states.
  • Unlike other reptiles, turtles are practically incapable of causing significant harm to humans. However, during mating season male snapping turtles may mistake a person for a rival and attack him. And male leatherback turtles can confuse a swimmer with a female, grab him with flippers and drag him into the depths.
  • Turtle meat is a delicious product that can be consumed either without heat treatment or fried or boiled.
  • Expensive accessories are cut from turtle shells and used to decorate women's hair.

When choosing a pet, many people seriously think about a turtle: harmless, problem-free, original, inexpensive. At first glance, care does not require much effort, and nutrition is not extravagant. Is it really? Does the European marsh turtle really require no attention and care?

Who is she, this representative of reptiles?

The description of this species, ancient in origin, should begin with the fact that its homeland is Russia, or rather, parts of its wetlands, of which there are so many around. Tropical and temperate climates, high humidity, warmth and peace - this is what it needs to live in nature.

Today we are talking about the domestication of individual individuals and even the possibility of taming them and the development of conditioned reflexes:

  • recognition of the one who feeds,
  • developing habits
  • reaction to the owner’s voice, and possibly to his smell,
  • showing friendliness to people and other animals.

And all this is not a myth.

About the structural features

Paws, tail, head - just like in the famous cartoon. Plus – reliable, strong protection for all this in the form of a shell. The European marsh turtle is distinguished, first of all, by a brownish-olive shell (usually with yellow spots) with a number of rings symbolizing its age, a relatively long tail (up to 10 cm in adults), well-developed hind legs with strong claws. The paws and tail are the main organs that enable movement, including swimming. There are small membranes between the toes that allow them to rake in water and swim faster than moving on land.

The male's eyes are red, while the female's are yellowish. The eyes are located on the sides of the head and point downwards.

The skin of the body is strong, but vulnerable.

Character can be expressed in one word: predator. The need to independently obtain food for themselves in nature led to the presence of appropriate formations in individuals: teeth and claws, from which the one who provides care can sometimes suffer. Moreover, such a friend bites painfully, and after scratches, skin problems will remain for a long time.

The carapace consists of a carapace (upper dark part) and plastron (light lower part, popularly called the abdomen). The bottom of the shell is yellowish, on which there may be one dark spot or several. This is a reliable shelter from enemies, a place of protection from drought, a way to relax “away from everyone.”

What to feed?

The turtle eats little and infrequently. It is generally recommended to feed adults every other day or every three days. Young people, whose bodies undergo processes of growth and development, need daily food intake. The predatory nature determines its need for meat, fish, mineral salts, and vitamins. However, plant foods are no less valuable, including fresh vegetables and herbs. It is a source of many essential biological substances.

To strengthen the shell, calcium is needed, which can be replenished by eating small fish whole with bones, or perhaps as part of special synthetic feed.

You need minced meat, ground fish ingredients, bloodworms, insects, worms, squid, snails and similar biological structures. Animal protein is required.

He will appreciate finely chopped young leaves of dandelion or clover, although he will not disdain aquarium vegetation. However, there is an opinion that feeding plant foods is better for older animals.

She eats often, almost managing to swallow a lump of food dropped into the water before it pollutes the water. When eating, she tries to swallow everything quickly, which is why the possibility of stones entering her intestines cannot be ruled out.

How to create optimal living conditions?

A high water level in the aquarium is not necessary. 10-15 cm is enough (depending on the size of the individuals). The soil at the bottom can be anything, but does not consist of pebbles that can be swallowed.

It is necessary to equip an exit from the water to a special platform located under an artificial lighting lamp. This is where the European marsh turtle will take air baths and bask in the warm rays.

Ultraviolet irradiation has a beneficial effect. Thanks to it, the absorption of calcium improves (for the strength of the shell) and the air is effectively warmed.

In general, the water temperature in the aquarium should not rise above 27 and fall below 23 o. But aeration is not so important, since the lungs of such residents are filled with oxygen from the atmospheric air.

The company also needs to pay attention. Some aquarists decide not to populate the turtle house with other inhabitants. The specificity of their living conditions is rarely favorable for large fish. However, those who like to experiment will love the ensemble, in which a turtle with yellow spots against a background of bright green vegetation flirts with red swordtails.

About the characteristics of reproduction

Starting from the month of May, these interesting inhabitants of the aquarium begin to reproduce their offspring. Until July, the female produces up to three clutches of eggs, 5-12 eggs each. To do this, she uses small depressions in wet sand. The eggs are smooth, up to 3 cm in size and weighing about 8 g. After a period of 2-3 months, small turtles hatch, which during their first winter feed on the contents of the yolk sac and remain in the ground.

But with the first rays of the confident spring sun, as soon as the air warms up to 22-23 o, the cubs are released and begin an independent life.

At home, you can try to recreate similar conditions by equipping a container with warm, damp soil on an artificial shore, or you can place the turtle in another aquarium while laying eggs. As the process completes, it is necessary to independently and carefully care for the laid eggs, warm them evenly, and prevent drying out and damage.

An aquaterrarium is an original and fascinating home decoration. However, you should not think that it exists independently. Its beauty and well-being will be ensured by proper care, accuracy and following the recommendations of experienced aquarists. Anyone who doesn’t like plants constantly uprooted, floating on the surface, often muddy water and upside-down artificial decorations should not torture themselves.

Those for whom the marsh turtle has become a friend are sure that it will always respond to love, care and affection. And those moments when, when the owner approaches or the light turns on, she stretches her head and turns towards the hand, will delight and amuse everyone around her.

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If you are lucky enough to meet a turtle with yellow spots on its body near bodies of water, it is a European marsh turtle. She is one of the 2 trusted swamp genus, and the yellow spots on the turtle’s body are its distinctive specificity.

This one is exotic for our geographical area The confidant of reptiles lives, like other modern turtles, in a form that has remained approximately unchanged since the time of the dinosaurs.

The fact that over such a long period, these animals have been preserved in virtually their former form, emphasizes their great adaptability and unimaginable biology.

The European marsh turtle is a reptile from the freshwater family that lives in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Western Asia, as well as in Europe, with the exception of its northern part: Scandinavia, Great Britain, the Benelux countries, northern France and Estonia. Also lives in northern Africa.

Synonyms of names: Testudo europaea (Schneider, 1783), Testudo orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758).

Foreign names:

  • Latin name: Emys orbicularis;
  • English: European Pond Turtle;
  • German: Europ?ische Sumpfschildkr?te;
  • Czech: ?elva bahenn?;
  • French: Cistude d'Europe;
  • Spanish: Gal?pago europeo.

External differences of the European marsh turtle

  • The shell of this turtle is smoothed, covered with small yellow dots and specks. The back is chestnut with small yellow spots. Larger yellow spots are located on the abdomen. They may also cover the head and legs. But occasionally this pronounced sign is absent;
  • The skin is black, has countless yellow spots of various sizes, occasionally merging with each other. Occasionally the skin becomes completely yellow. The arrangement of these yellow spots has an incorrect character, which is certainly different for every animal, just like fingerprints for a person;
  • Eyes - the iris in females is pale yellow, and in males it has an orange or approximately reddish tint;
  • Sizes – there are gender differences in size related to the physiology of reproduction; males are slightly smaller than females and have a concave lower part of the body (plastron), while in females it is quite flat. Also, females and males are characterized by differences in tail size. Males have a much longer and more bulky tail. The upper part of the shell of the shell is very similar in both sexes, slightly convex, often richly covered with algae. The common squirrel of this species has a carapace length of about 20 cm in females and 17 cm in males.

The eyelids are opaque and elastic. The tail is 1/3 of the length of the shell. The head can be retracted and hidden in the shell.

Lifestyle and behavior

The European marsh turtle can live more than 120 years in the wild. These species of turtles spend a large part of their lives in close proximity to bodies of water, from which only females come onto land and lay eggs. The turtle hunts in water; it lives mainly in this environment. In the water it moves smoothly, awkwardly and slowly.

Active during the day, lives in standing or slowly moving bodies of water with a muddy bottom (small, overgrown lakes, forest ponds, swamps, densely overgrown and inaccessible ponds, huge rivers with dense vegetation).

She spends most of her time in water, but breathes atmospheric air. Can stay under water for up to one hour. The animal is very timid and cautious, which makes it difficult to meet. In quiet places it likes to get out of the water and soak up the sun. The European turtle with yellow spots on its body overwinters in mud, at the bottom of reservoirs for about 6-7 months (usually from October to March).

Males are very hostile towards each other, exclusively during the mating season.

This species easily tolerates drought and is resistant to low temperatures; it loses motor activity only at temperatures of 2-3° C.

It feeds on insects, snails, tadpoles, and occasionally eats amphibians and fish. The main food for turtles is the larvae of insects, invertebrates and various amphibians, fish fry, and occasionally they feed on carrion.

These animals feed around the clock, however, they are extremely energetic at dusk and sometimes at night. They capture their prey with their jaws and tear them with their claws. During the day on clear days they rest and bask in the sun.

How do representatives of this species reproduce?

Turtles wake up from hibernation in early spring and become energetic in late March or early April, depending on the weather. The mating period takes place in water and begins in April, because the animals are very resistant to low temperatures.

Soon after waking up, individuals walk in shallow parts of lakes and reservoirs. Mating occurs very colorfully and energetically. There have been cases of mutilation during mating games.

After the conclusion of the mating season, the males remain in their former sites, and the females, in late May and early June, go on a hike to the nesting sites, where they will remain for many years. Reservoirs located a short distance from nesting sites are a wonderful refuge for newly hatched cubs.

After completing their journey from breeding site to nesting site, females lay eggs. The female lays her eggs in July in a hole in the ground, which she digs with her hind legs. The eggs have thin shells, their dimensions reach 2x3 cm. One female has on average from 6 to 16 eggs (occasionally their number reaches 20).

The eggs do not remain in direct clear light, but are buried in the ground to a depth of several centimeters, where they are incubated under favorable temperature conditions for approximately 100 days.

The most important for the positive development of the embryo are high temperatures in June and July. Turtles in eggs, like other reptiles, undergo a thermal sex determination process. Thus, on warm summer days, larger females hatch, and on cold days, males hatch.

When temperatures are low, turtles are able to overwinter in eggs until spring. If the summer is cool, then turtles do not hatch; this happens more often at the northern borders of the natural range of this species.

Under typical conditions, in late autumn, small turtles, 2.5 cm long, which have a soft shell, emerge from the eggs. They emerge from their earthen burrows only in the spring.

After the young turtles leave the nest, they head into the water. During this trip, the cubs are vulnerable to attacks from all kinds of earthly predators. Only after 10 years of life does their shell become so huge and strong that turtles can feel relatively safe. Juveniles reach sexual maturity after approximately 7 years.

Depending on weather conditions, the spotted turtle leads an energetic lifestyle from March or April until October. In the fall, turtles go into hibernation.

Swamp turtles in every Europe are under state protection and have the rank of unconditional protection. Catching and hunting them is strictly prohibited.