How many minutes should you cook eggs? How and how long to boil hard-boiled eggs: chicken and quail.

Hard-boiled eggs are great for preparing a variety of dishes or as a rich in protein snacks. However, as eggs cook, they may crack or their yolks may turn greenish. But there are ways to boil eggs that avoid this.


Boiling eggs on the stove

    Take the eggs and place them at the bottom of the pan. Place the eggs carefully so as not to break them. Do not put too many eggs in one dish (more than four layers).

    • If you don't know whether the eggs you are going to boil are fresh, place them in a pan of salted water. If the egg sinks to the bottom of the pan, then it is suitable for consumption, and if not, then most likely it is rotten.
    • To prevent eggs from cracking during cooking, place a piece of gauze on the bottom of the pan. However, this is not mandatory.
  1. Pour cold tap water into the pan until all the eggs are covered. Add a pinch of salt. While filling the pan with water, you can hold the eggs with your hand to prevent them from cracking.

    Place the pan over medium heat. Cover the pan with a lid to help the water boil a little faster; but if you want to monitor the cooking process, do not use the lid.

    • With the help wooden spoon carefully spread the eggs throughout the pan to prevent them from cracking.
  2. As soon as the water in the pan boils, turn off the stove, but do not remove the pan from it. Don't touch the lid either. In 3-20 minutes the eggs will be ready (depending on whether you want them soft-boiled or hard-boiled).

    Pour carefully hot water from the pan or remove the eggs from the pan using a slotted spoon. Cool the eggs by running them under cold tap water or in a saucepan with cold water(for 5 minutes).

    • Once the eggs have cooled, place them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes to separate the whites from the shells.
    • If you don't care appearance eggs after peeling them, do not put them in the refrigerator, but peel them immediately after cooling under cold water.
    • To check how well an egg is cooked, place it on the table and spin it: if it spins properly, then the egg is soft-boiled, and if not, then you should cook it some more.
  3. Peel the eggs. Before peeling, lightly hit the egg on the counter to crack the shell. It is better to start cleaning with the blunt end. There is a small depression there (under the shell) that will speed up cleaning. The easiest way to peel eggs is under cold running water.

    • To quickly peel eggs, place them in a pan, cover it with a lid, and then shake the pan so that the shells crack on all the eggs at the same time.
  4. Store peeled eggs in the refrigerator for no longer than 5 days. To do this, place them in a bowl and cover it with a plate or place the eggs in a sealable container. In both cases, place a wet paper towel over the eggs and change it daily to prevent the eggs from drying out.

    • You can also store eggs in cold water which needs to be changed every day.
    • Hard-boiled eggs can be stored for a few days (in their shell), but they will likely dry out a bit. Therefore, it is better to store already peeled eggs in water or under wet paper towel.

    Microwave oven

    Remove the container from the microwave oven hot water(use a towel or mitten) and then use a slotted spoon to lower the eggs into the water. Make sure each egg is completely covered with water.

    • Don't throw eggs into water. So they can crack; Moreover, drops of hot water may get on you.
  5. Remove the eggs from the water using a slotted spoon and cool them.

    • Place eggs in cold water or a bowl of ice (5 minutes) to chill.
    • Once the eggs have cooled, you can peel them or place them in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes to make peeling easier.
    • In the refrigerator, store eggs under a damp paper towel or in water (change towels and water daily). Do not store boiled eggs in the refrigerator longer than 5 days.

    Problem Solving

    1. If the yolk has a greyish-green tint, cook the eggs for less time. Boiled eggs with this yolk are perfectly safe, but if they look unappetizing, boil the eggs for less time next time.

Boiled eggs are a classic breakfast in many countries. Eggs are quite nutritious, but at the same time easy to prepare and easy to digest. But an egg can be boiled in different ways - hard-boiled, in a “bag” or soft-boiled. It depends on the time the egg will be cooked. To make breakfast as planned and tasty, you need to know how to boil eggs. We will tell you about some nuances that will help facilitate and speed up the process of boiling eggs.

A little about chicken eggs

Here are some beneficial properties And interesting facts, which will help you understand the nature of this product.

  1. Chicken eggs are the most popular and consumed product in the whole world. globe. In 2011, scientists in China tried to count the number of eggs eaten per year and were horrified. The country consumed more than half a billion eggs per day.
  2. The entire calorie content of the product comes from the yolk; the protein occupies only a small part of the nutritional composition. But the allergen is protein. It is not recommended for allergy sufferers.
  3. The egg contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements. Eggs are useful for diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, they improve memory, and help strengthen women's health. In addition, regular consumption of eggs strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.
  4. Egg shells are very useful - they are used as a source of calcium.
  5. Many who like to drink raw eggs will be disappointed. In the egg, or rather, on its surface (it is in contact with the contents in any case), there may be a salmonella bacillus, which causes intoxication of the body and food poisoning. Salmonella is killed by heat treatment.
  6. Eggs are actively used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology - there is no product more valuable and nutritious for hair and skin.
  7. In some countries, eggs have begun to be produced artificially, and no chickens are required for this. A man-made egg looks like a sausage - the outer shell is the white, and the inner shell is the yolk. The taste of such an “egg” is no different from an ordinary one, but one can argue about the benefits and naturalness of such a product.

We can talk about eggs for a very long time and in an entertaining way, but let’s try to figure out how to boil them correctly.

For cooking we need a saucepan, water, salt, spoon and eggs. Before cooking, you can check the eggs for freshness. Place the egg in a glass of water. If it sinks to the bottom, the product is fresh. If it rises to the surface, most likely the egg is already rotten.

  1. Eggs need to be washed first so that droppings on the egg shell do not get on the edible part if the egg cracks.
  2. There are several ways to boil eggs. You can put eggs in boiling or cold water, which is correct? If you put eggs in boiling water, and even more so if you take them out of the refrigerator, there is a high probability that they will crack. This happens either due to hitting the bottom of the pan (you wouldn’t put your hands in boiling water) or due to a sudden temperature change.
  3. It is best to place the eggs in a pan of cold water. Arrange the eggs so that they are distributed evenly across the bottom of the dish. If there are a lot of eggs, it is better to cook them in several batches.
  4. Fill the eggs with water. At the same time, they should be held so that they do not hit the walls of the dishes. You can add it to water small quantity salt (a third of a teaspoon) so that the eggs are cooked possible impact did not crack or leak.
  5. Place the eggs on the fire and cover with a lid. If you drop eggs into boiling water, you need to do it with a spoon. You can place a piece of clean cloth in the bottom of the pan to protect the eggs from impact.
  6. When the water boils, turn down the heat and remove the lid. It is very important to note the time. If you like your eggs soft-boiled, cooking time is very important, so it's best to use a kitchen timer.
  7. A soft-boiled egg takes 2-4 minutes to cook depending on the size of the egg. The “bag” needs to be cooked for 5-7 minutes, and in order for the egg to be hard-boiled, you need to wait about 8-10 minutes after boiling. There is no need to boil the egg for longer than 15 minutes. After long cooking, the yolk becomes hard and dark around the edges.
  8. When the eggs are cooked, carefully pour off the boiling water. Place the eggs under cold water. This is done to cool them, and also to ensure that the shells can be cleaned easily and without problems. It is usually difficult to peel an egg if it is very fresh.
  9. If you are distracted and do not know how long the egg was cooked, remove it from the water and spin it on the table. A well-boiled egg spins very quickly, but a half-raw egg will not make even three revolutions. This egg can be overcooked.
  10. It is much more convenient to peel boiled eggs under running cold water. If there are a lot of eggs, you just need to shake the pan with eggs so that all the shells crack.
Eggs are perfectly stored both in the refrigerator and outside its walls. Eggs can be filled with water in the refrigerator and stored for up to a week if the water is changed daily. If boiled eggs are not peeled, they will keep in the refrigerator for about 10 days. If you have already cleaned them, cover them with a damp cloth and leave them in a container with the lid open - they will be good for at least 5-7 days.

You can also boil an egg in the microwave. To do this, place a bowl of cold water in it, and when it boils, lower the egg into it. Eggs take a little longer to cook in the microwave - 5-8 minutes. Never leave an egg in the microwave without water. The internal pressure will simply burst eggshells and you will need a huge cleaning of the equipment.

Eggs are included in many recipes. Every good housewife should have at least a dozen eggs in reserve in her refrigerator. Eggs are boiled, fried, baked. They are whipped and drunk raw, added to cocktails, pickled and even pickled. Whipped eggs are fried in the form of pancakes, actively used in baking, cutlets and croutons cannot be done without eggs. Eggs are the most popular and sought-after product, which you cannot do without.

Video: how to boil an egg with the yolk facing out

Boiled eggs recipe. Some tips on how to boil hard-boiled eggs, how long to cook them after boiling and how long it will take

I really love eggs. Place a piece of butter on the French toast, top with half a perfectly hard-boiled egg, lightly salt... Ummm!

The problem is that sometimes they can be overcooked. Then the white becomes “rubbery” and the yolk takes on a not very pleasant gray-green color.

This recipe will tell you how to properly hard-boil eggs without overcooking them. The cooking process itself takes a few minutes, and the rest of the time the eggs simply sit under a lid in hot water.

Did you know that?

  • Old eggs, unlike fresh ones, are easier to clean. If you plan to brew a large batch for Easter, buy them one to two weeks in advance.

  • If you have fresh testicles and want them to be easy to clean. Just steam them! Pour a 2-3 centimeter layer of water into the pan and bring the water to a boil. Place the steamer basket inside, place the eggs in it and steam them for 15 minutes. The steam will penetrate under the shell and make the cleaning process easier.

  • If you have already boiled fresh eggs that are difficult to peel, break the shells on them. Place the eggs in water for a while, which will seep under the shells and simplify the cleaning process.

See also:

Recipe - How to boil hard-boiled eggs


  1. 6 chicken eggs.

Additional equipment:

  1. A small saucepan with a thick bottom.

Cooking method:

  • Place the eggs in a single layer in the bottom of a small saucepan and cover them with cold water. Water should cover them with a layer of 4 - 5 centimeters. The more eggs you put in the pan, the greater the layer of water should be above them.

Bring water to a boil

  • Place the pan on the stove over high heat, cover with a lid and bring the water to a boil.
  • To curl the egg white and prevent it from leaking out if the shell suddenly cracks during cooking, add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water.

  • After the water in the pan boils, turn off the heat under it and let the eggs stand under the lid for 10 - 12 minutes.
  • If you are using a regular pot without a thick bottom, and your stove does not hold the temperature after turning off, after boiling, reduce the heat under the eggs to low, cook them for one minute and then turn off the heat. Leave them in the pan with the lid on. They will reach perfect condition in 10 - 12 minutes.
  • The times indicated in this recipe are approximate. The final time depends on many factors - the shape of the pan, the size of the eggs, the amount of water and even the altitude. It's up to you to find the perfect cooking time.
  • If you're brewing a large batch, sacrifice one after about 10 minutes. Remove it from the pan, cool under running water and cut it. If you don't think it's ready enough yet, let the rest sit for a couple more minutes.
  • In this way, it will be very difficult for you to “digest” the eggs, even if they sit in your pan for 15 - 20 minutes.

Drain the water from the pan and cool the eggs

  • After 12 minutes, drain the hot water from the pan and pour cold water over the eggs to stop the cooking process and cool them quickly. If you are making a large batch, remove them from the boiling water with a slotted spoon and place them in a pan of ice water.

How to steam hard-boiled eggs

  • Pour a two-centimeter layer of water into the pan and place a steaming rack in it. The water should not reach the bottom of the steamer a little.

  • If you don't have a special steaming stand, just add a two-centimeter layer of water.
  • Place the steamer on the stove and heat it over high heat until the water boils.
  • Remove the pan from the heat, carefully place the eggs in the steamer basket, and cover the pan with a lid and place it back on the stove. Reduce the heat under the eggs to medium.

  • Keep track of the time. If you want to soft-boil the eggs, remove them from the steamer after 6 minutes. To poach them, remove them after 10 minutes of cooking. And if you boil hard-boiled eggs, you will need 12-15 minutes.

  • Using a spoon, remove the eggs from the steamer, place them in a prepared bowl and cover with cold water to quickly reduce the temperature inside the eggs and stop the cooking process.

Store hard-boiled eggs in a covered container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Bon appetit!

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Simple advice on how to quickly soften butter for adding to baked goods or creams. To quickly soften the butter you will need two sheets of wax paper, a rolling pin and a few seconds of your time.

Notes for the novice cook

This dish is quite simple to prepare. Nevertheless, even the most experienced housewives sometimes wonder how to boil hard-boiled eggs correctly? The technology of this process is extremely simple and does not require any special skills. Perhaps that is why many of us began our training in the intricacies of culinary skills with this dish. Now let’s take a closer look at the question of how long to boil a hard-boiled egg and how. Here are a few tips to greatly simplify this process.

Little tricks, or how to boil hard-boiled eggs correctly

  • To prevent the shell from cracking and the contents from leaking out, before placing the egg in a pan of cold water, dissolve a tablespoon of salt in the liquid. Firstly, this will increase the density of the water, which means that the eggs will not sink to the bottom and will not hit the walls of the pan. Secondly, salt increases the thermal conductivity of the liquid, thus speeding up the boiling process, while eggs cooked in such an environment are heated evenly. Thirdly, salt helps the protein coagulate faster if a crack does form in the shell. Make sure there is enough water in the pan, that is, it should completely cover the eggs.
  • Be sure to wash eggs before putting them in water, but never immediately after purchasing, as this may damage the protective layer covering the surface of the shell.
  • When cooking, use a timer specially designed for this purpose or a regular alarm clock.
  • Boiled eggs are often used in the preparation of various salads, while many housewives are of the opinion that it is better to overcook them than to undercook them. However, an overcooked product loses not only its natural pure taste, but also all nutrients. How to boil hard-boiled eggs to avoid this? The following information will help answer this question.

How to hard-boil an egg so that it does not lose all its nutritional properties?

Every average schoolchild knows that hard-boiling eggs takes 8-10 minutes. It is assumed that this period also includes the time required for water to boil. Below we will examine this statement in more detail. If you are boiling a lot of eggs at the same time, for example a dozen, it will be better to use a saucepan with a large number liquids. It takes a lot of time for it to boil, which means the cooking process itself (without taking into account the minutes spent on boiling) will take about 10 minutes. How to boil hard-boiled eggs if you only need a small amount? To cook several pieces, 8 minutes will be enough. Immediately after the time required for cooking has elapsed, the eggs are laid out of the pan into a container with cold water, and are kept there until they have completely cooled down and become suitable for subsequent cleaning and consumption.

Boiling eggs is very easy, but even experienced housewives Sometimes things happen that could have been avoided. Let's find out the rules for preparing this product.

How long and how should you boil eggs?

We are talking about chicken eggs. Cooking them is not particularly difficult for any housewife.

Cooking rules you need to know:

  • It is not advisable to immediately put cold eggs that have just been taken out of the tray into water in order to immediately turn on the heat. Because of the difference temperature regime, the peel will burst.
  • Cooking: Keep an eye on the time or set a timer.
  • Fresh product takes longer to prepare than usual. If the eggs are less than 4 days old, the cooking time is increased by 3 minutes.
  • To obtain whole eggs without cracked shells, use a small saucepan. If there is a lot of space, then they will float and touch each other.
  • Cooking - medium heat, the water should not boil violently.
  • To prevent damage to the shell, it must be pierced before cooking. Take a thick needle and pierce the egg from the blunt end, very carefully. If this is not done, then the probability is more than 80% that it will crack.

Methods for boiling eggs

How to boil soft-boiled eggs (rare yolk)? There are 2 cooking methods, let's consider both:

  • Take a small saucepan, put the eggs, pour in water so that it covers the eggs by only 1 cm. Cook for a minute in boiling water, then you need to remove the container from the stove and leave for 6 minutes (on the timer). The yolk will set, the white will be runny. And 7 minutes, if you need the white and yolk to be a little denser.
  • The second method is similar to the first: you also need to put the eggs in a cooking container, add water directly from the tap, and put them directly on the stove, turning on high heat. From the moment of boiling, reduce the heat and count 3 minutes on the timer, if you need the egg to be semi-liquid, 4 minutes for the white to set and the yolk to remain runny, and 5 minutes if you want the white to be dense, the yolk is the same, but with a soft center .

Boil hard:

  • Place eggs in a saucepan, add water, wait for it to boil.
  • Using a timer, count 6 minutes to get a barely runny yolk and 7 minutes to boil the eggs for the salad.
  • After cooking, you need to drain the boiling water, pour in cold water, and leave the eggs for a couple of minutes. As soon as you can remove the eggs from the water with your bare hands (they should cool slightly), you need to take them out and put them on a plate.

Undercooked eggs will be runny when cut open and the yolk will be darker than that of a properly cooked egg. If overcooked, then the yolk will be dense with a grayish coating (on taste qualities this has no effect), but the protein will turn out “rubbery”.

Other ways to boil eggs

Weld using other devices:

  • in the microwave: in a cup of salted water for 10 minutes, if the power of the device is 500 W;
  • in a slow cooker - 5 minutes and 12 are allotted for this;
  • in a double boiler, the cooking time increases by 6 minutes (i.e. you need to cook for 18 minutes);
  • in a special device - only 7 minutes, and in a pressure cooker no more than 5;
  • try boiling an egg without the shell in a container with a closed lid, put it in just boiled water;
  • You can finish cooking the eggs if you are not satisfied with the result. To do this, you need to put them back in the water (cold), wait until it boils and cook for a while (for example, 3 or 4 minutes). Then, as usual, leave in cold water and clean when cool.

How long should you cook the eggs of other birds?

Every housewife knows how to cook chicken eggs, let's find out how to cook feathered eggs:

  • quail eggs are boiled for 1 to 3 minutes from the moment of boiling;
  • ostrich boil for 1.5 hours or more;
  • goose 5 (soft-boiled) minutes and 15;
  • Duck eggs are boiled for only 12 minutes;
  • guinea fowl eggs – 5 minutes;
  • and turkeys - no more than 10 minutes exclusively in salt water.