Consequences of being hit with a stun gun. Possible consequences of using a shocker for humans

The stun gun belongs to the category of modern and highly effective means of protection. During operation of the device, the enemy or attacker is struck by an electric discharge.

Considering the algorithm of action of the self-defense agent, it can be assumed that it allows you to paralyze the neuromuscular reaction and neutralize the attacking person without having a serious harmful effect on his body.

But contrary to the definition and the completely logical operation of a device that performs its functions in accordance with its characteristics, many people do not know what will happen if they buy a shocker and use it for its intended purpose.

What assumptions and conjectures exist about the action of a stun gun?

This self-defense tool is effective, but some people are afraid to use it. Fear is explained by simple reasons: fear of killing the enemy, as well as causing harm to oneself personally. There is an opinion that a person with weak hearted may not withstand powerful electrical discharge.

Also, many are afraid of electrocuting themselves if the person at whom the shocker is aimed grabs the defender’s hand. There is also a category of people who are sure that through thick winter clothes electric charge will not penetrate, so there is no point in using the device in the cold season.

What will actually happen if you hit a person with a stun gun?

The use of a stun gun can theoretically lead to death, but in practice such cases are isolated and occur quite rarely. Shockers Molniya and other models designed for civil use, can cause severe pain, but not kill the attacker. Similar devices used in law enforcement agencies, are more powerful, but they do not kill, but only cause significant harm to health.

The Molniya 1119 a stun gun can be used in winter. The statement that the device is not capable of delivering electric shock through thick clothing is a myth. High-quality shockers can act through a layer of clothing up to 5 cm. The only thing that can protect the enemy is a rubberized raincoat worn.

When using a shocker as a means of self-defense, reverse electric shock is not possible if the enemy grabs the person defending himself by the hand with the device. The Police 1106 stun gun and other similar civilian models have design features due to which, when used, only a certain muscle group or a separate area on the body is affected.

Taking all this into account, we can conclude that the shock of a stun gun will cause the enemy to experience a muscle spasm, impaired coordination of movements and the ability to attack or provide active resistance.

Our concepts about many things are made up of scattered information, the sources of which are not always trustworthy. This is how common myths appear, in most cases having nothing to do with the real state of affairs. Everyone can give many examples of such myths, many of them are firmly rooted in our consciousness. An apple didn’t fall on Newton’s head, Alfred Nobel’s wife didn’t cheat on him with a mathematician (Nobel wasn’t married at all!), men don’t think about sex every five seconds, but nerve cells- neurons are still being restored.

The “truthfulness” of most of these myths does not affect our lives in any way (in fact, do we really care whether an apple fell on Newton or whether Archimedes jumped out of a bathtub naked!). But there are also myths that can prevent us from doing right choice. These include, for example, myths about electric shock weapons. The purpose of our article is to clarify the most common of them.

Myth No. 1. A shocker discharge can kill, as a result of the discharge the heart will stop, especially in a person who is not completely healthy.

Many believe that “a person with a weak heart can die from a stun gun.” The reasons for this confidence should be sought... in television. Rare film or a series about doctors does without an episode using a defibrillator. “We are losing him!” the doctor exclaims, the assistants immediately give him electrodes, a blow - and a life-affirming line runs across the monitor screen!

“Since an electric discharge can “start” a stopped heart, then, perhaps, it can also stop a working one,” our consciousness draws such a conclusion, and puts it on the shelf with other similar conclusions. Moreover, this idea is often supported by doctors, speaking about the danger of shockers from television screens. The status of a doctor gives their words considerable weight, although they draw their conclusions based on the same premises as ordinary people.

Many of them have little understanding of the nature of electricity and its effects on the human body. They don’t seem to be aware that the Ministry of Health is developing and approving standards for permissible human exposure damaging factors self-defense weapons.

To start or stop the heart, you need a fairly powerful electrical discharge. Russian manufacturers are developing stun guns using data medical research, And electrical characteristics Russian shockers exclude the possibility of death from their use.

In any case, over the 20 years of production and use of shockers in Russia, not a single one has been registered death associated with the use of a Russian stun gun. You can easily verify this by searching for relevant information on the Internet. All reports of deaths are from abroad.

There are especially many such messages from the UK and the USA. That is why imported models are prohibited for use in Russia: Russian standards do not apply to American, Chinese and other manufacturers.

The characteristics of the shocker are maintained just enough to put a person into a state of shock, so that he is not able to take active actions, is disoriented, and at most - a short-term loss of consciousness (the reaction of a drug addict, for example). And the power of the shocker should be enough (and is enough) precisely for a person to enter this shocked state, but quickly enough (maximum 10 minutes) to come out of it without consequences for health. This is quite enough for the injured party to have time to escape or take safety measures; no more is needed.

However, people with serious cardiac diseases do not attack passers-by in gateways.

Myth No. 2. Since a shocker does not kill, it means it is a weak and ineffective weapon.

The non-lethal nature of electroshock weapons, along with information about strict medical restrictions regarding the technical characteristics of stun guns, became the reason for the emergence of e another myth, the opposite of the first.

A stun gun can be called “weak” only in relation to the weapon’s ability to kill. Yes, a stun gun does not kill, but this does not mean that it is ineffective. The purpose of using a stun gun is to stop the enemy and put him in a state of shock. The characteristics of Russian shockers make it possible to achieve this goal. No more - so as not to kill a person or harm his health. But no less - so that the owner of the shocker can be sure that the weapon will really protect him.

Myth No. 3. The use of a shocker requires close contact.

You can use a shocker not only in contact, but also at a distance. Modern shooting stun guns can also be used remotely, using special cartridges. Such a cartridge fires damaging harpoon electrodes at a distance of up to 4.5 meters.

The first remote shockers in Russia began to be produced by the MART GROUP company. Since 2008, the company has been producing exclusively shooting models. With their help, you can defend yourself without letting the enemy get close, and, even more so, without coming into contact with him.

Myth No. 4. Upon contact with an enemy, an electric discharge will pass through his body and hit you.

Often in movies I show how a policeman fires a stun gun at a criminal and he falls, beautifully sparking discharges all over his body. This is how this myth was born. What's really going on?

Even if you are in contact with the enemy (holding each other’s hands or “hugging”), you can safely use a shocker! An electrical discharge passes through the shortest route, that is, between the electrodes of the shocker.

Accordingly, only your opponent will receive the blow, and only in the place where you “poked” him with the shocker. On Youtube, on the official channel of the manufacturer or on the website you can watch many video tests of stun guns. There is also a video that clearly destroys this myth. A man holds a metal knife and applies a stun gun to it. The discharge hits only the place where he applied it, which can be seen from the sparks between the electrodes of the shocker. Outside this place, the discharge does not spread; the person calmly holds the metal object with his hand.

For the same reason, the myth that a stun gun cannot be used in the rain or even just in wet weather turns out to be untenable. Like, if the shocker is wet, or if you take it with a wet hand, then the discharge will hit you, not your opponent.

Myth No. 5. A stun gun is only effective if applied to a naked body or through thin clothing. In winter, through a jacket or sheepskin coat, the enemy will not even feel the discharge of the shocker.

Of course, Russian manufacturers are aware that it’s far from summer here. all year round, and that Russians wear warm outerwear 6-9 months a year. Of course, when developing shockers, they take this into account! A stun gun is capable of “piercing” even several layers of clothing (jacket, sheepskin coat, sweater), this will not in any way affect the effectiveness of the weapon.

The only thing that the manufacturers recommend is that when using a shocker, “lean” on the enemy, so as not to give him the opportunity to move away from you, since he will definitely feel the shock and try to get rid of it. Make sure that you do not hear the sound of the discharge, this will mean that all of it goes into the enemy and the shocker does not work idle in the air layer of clothing.

As you can see, a lot of the “reliable information” about stun guns is not as reliable as many people think... We wish you safety!

The stun gun is effective means for self-defense. Despite large number information, people are still influenced by myths. And the same questions come up all the time. Therefore, we decided to collect the most popular of them and give detailed answers.

How does a stun gun work?

After being hit with a stun gun, a person experiences temporary paralysis. Within 10-30 minutes he will be disoriented and unable to take any action. If the stun gun was powerful, the person will experience severe muscle pain. Control brain signals are also suppressed, and the amount of carbohydrates that muscles need for movement drops sharply. The level of aggression also decreases, and drunk people quickly sober up.

The severity and duration of the reaction to a shocker depends on the class of the device.

Can marks remain after an impact?

With short-term contact of up to two seconds, the likelihood of traces appearing is minimal. If contact lasts longer, slight redness will remain on the skin. But they disappear completely within two hours. When struck with a stun gun through clothing, the area of ​​redness will be larger. However, absolutely all traces of contact disappear after two days, regardless of the duration and force of the impact.

Legality of using stun guns in the Russian Federation

According to the law, stun guns Russian production permitted for use, wearing and storage. Any adult citizen can legally purchase them. However, according to Article No. 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the use of a stun gun must be justified. It can only be used in cases where the health or life of the owner is in real danger, and there is no other way to avoid a confrontation. Only under such circumstances will self-defense be considered acceptable. Otherwise, the law will not be on your side, which may lead to criminal charges.

If the enemy has already been neutralized, then you cannot finish him off with additional blows.

What places on the body are most sensitive to stun gun impacts?

If you want a stun gun to be effective enough, then aim at one of the most sensitive areas. These include:

  • chest (especially the area around the neck);
  • groin area;
  • back;
  • solar plexus;
  • buttocks.

A stun gun of sufficient power is capable of stopping an enemy when struck in any part of the body. Only the effect will differ.

Can a stun gun handle winter clothes?

The depth of the breakdown of a stun gun depends on the voltage. These parameters are always specified in technical specifications to the device. Powerful shockers can easily handle a down jacket, sheepskin coat or fur coat.

Is it safe to use a stun gun in the rain?

Atmospheric precipitation does not affect the effectiveness of using a stun gun. It is suitable for defense even during heavy rain. It's completely safe.

Is it possible to get an electric shock from an opponent?

During a shock, the victim's body completely absorbs the electrical discharge. Therefore, you cannot be harmed by the enemy. The only exception is the unlikely case when both people are in a filled bath.

Is it possible to die after being hit with a Taser?

Manufacturers of stun guns draw up a medical and biological report before releasing a model. Only on this basis is the device certified. This confirms that the stun gun is completely legal, which means that its impact cannot lead to death.

There is a myth that a shock to the heart can lead to death. However, numerous tests and trials on volunteers refuted it. After dozens of beats of varying duration, the heart continues to function normally.

The effectiveness of a stun gun when encountering aggressive dogs

A stun gun allows you to protect yourself not only from unfriendly people, but also from aggressive dogs. Devices of any class are suitable for scaring away stray animals. Dogs are afraid of stun guns for three reasons.

  1. Loud sound. Aggressive cracking can scare almost any dog.
  2. The smell of ozone. During discharge occurs chemical reaction, which results in the release of ozone. Dogs really don't like this smell.
  3. Bright flash. A long arc of electricity sparkling in the night quickly puts the animals to flight.

However, it is worth remembering that stun guns are created to neutralize people. Dogs are more susceptible to shock and may die after being shocked.

One thing is certain, to be sure that the stun gun is safe and legal, you should only purchase certified products with a guarantee. This will avoid problems with the law. with a quality certificate, you can, for example, in the ShopShoker online store. We work only with reliable manufacturers whose products are permitted to be sold in the Russian Federation.

03.05.2018 4500

Powerful spark gaps are available for sale in impressive quantities. But simply owning an effective weapon is not enough - you need to know how to use it, where to hit with a shocker, what effects it can cause. We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What effects does a spark gap cause?

Before a person is “knocked out” by electric shock, he will feel a whole host of different painful sensations. Spark gaps highest class powers are distinguished by their ability to paralyze aggressors. Exposure to an electric arc produces a crushing blow - the enemy is thrown to the ground, his breath is taken away, a painful shock occurs, and the attacker loses spatial orientation. It looks like the effect of being hit by a heavyweight boxer, only without the fractures and bruises.

Electromagnetic impulses, penetrating the nerve trunks, provoke numerous muscle spasms in the area of ​​impact. The enemy loses coordination, the body stops obeying him. By contracting convulsively, muscles transmit chaotic signals to the central nervous system. Unable to process unusual information, the brain may simply “reboot,” resulting in deep fainting. It is important to know which shocker can “knock out” a person - the probability and duration of a knockout depend on its voltage, power and other parameters.

Where to hit with a shocker: the best places to apply the shock

  • Limbs. The discharge blocks only the musculoskeletal system, the enemy loses the ability to walk or move his arms, but remains conscious.
  • Belly or back. Most often in a fight you manage to hit one of these zones. The discharge causes difficulty breathing, noticeable pain, shock, but often the aggressor remains on his feet.
  • Solar plexus, neck, groin are the most effective attacks. Places of mass accumulation of nerve endings are especially sensitive to pain; a discharge directed into them causes not only severe pain shock, but also muscular paralysis. The most likely critical damage is knockdown and knockout.
  • Head. “Forbidden zone” for owners of stun guns. A blow is fraught with injury and even death, a lot of problems and criminal liability. The defender should avoid even accidental blows to the brain area!

Remember: To knock a person out with a shocker, the duration of the discharge must be at least 3-4 seconds!

What kind of shocker can “knock out” a person? Review of the most effective ESAs

The most “breaking” spark gaps must meet a number of requirements. Voltage - at least 50-60,000 Kilovolts, power - about 3 Watts, first class. Classic “toothed” electrodes facilitate knockout; the distance between them should be at least 2-3 centimeters.

What kind of stun gun can “knock out” a person? In our assortment, the knockout group is represented by models and. These are professional dischargers of a classic shape, with massive conductive “teeth” that easily pierce clothes, excellent ergonomics, guaranteeing extremely strong pressing of the electrodes to the enemy’s body and the most concentrated discharge.

The mini-shocker also has increased knockout properties. "Groza-2M" and the most powerful electric-discharge flashlight - the only shocker flashlight that has a classic electrode system. Also, of course, electric shock batons and .

Although they have a coronal rather than a serrated type of electrodes, the enormous voltage of a million volts makes it possible to easily send even hardy and physically strong attackers to “rest”!

In our catalog you can easily choose with the appropriate parameters.

When exposed electric current the person experiences short-term paralysis. For half an hour he will not be able to take any action. If the body is exposed to high voltage, a person feels serious pain, which appears due to the simultaneous sharp contraction of muscles. In this case, control signals from the brain are suppressed, as well as the depletion of nutritional sugars that are needed to provide muscle energy. Such exposure prevents a person from taking active actions for a short period.

If contact occurs, the electrical discharge leaves subtle red marks on the skin. However, after a couple of hours they disappear. If it comes into contact with skin, the stun gun will leave small stains. If the current passed through clothing, the marks will be more extensive. Based on existing data, it can be noted that after two days there are no traces of the use of a shocker.

There is an opinion that the use of a stun gun in the heart area leads to the organ stopping. To refute this statement, special tests were carried out, which made it possible to establish that dozens of discharges lasting more than five seconds do not lead to any consequences. Cardiovascular system continues to work fine. There were no abnormalities in cardiac function at the time of discharge. Tests were also conducted on volunteers who were pre-injected with substances that increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Long-term practice of using stun guns has not revealed a single fatal outcome, so you can buy a stun gun in Yekaterinburg without a license.



  • Do you want to feel safer when going outside?
  • Are you worried about your loved ones and want to make their lives safer?
  • Is your area considered crime-ridden?
  • Does your path in the morning and evening pass through unlit and sparsely populated places?
  • Have you or someone you know experienced street aggression?
  • Do dogs care about you and your pet that needs to be walked?
  • Do you spend the night in your garden or cottage and are afraid of burglars?
  • Do you think that no one will come to your aid in an emergency?


  • You do not need to obtain permission to carry a Taser
  • Stun guns are not deadly weapon, unlike trauma and firearms
  • Effectively repels packs of dogs up to fifty meters away
  • Convenient to use in enclosed spaces, cars, etc.
  • Opportunity psychological impact on the aggressor without direct contact
  • Possibility of sudden use
  • No risk of exposure to electric current for the owner of the stun gun
  • Email shockers have a second function - a bright flashlight or siren
  • Anyone over 18 years old can buy a stun gun.
  • Reasonably priced, not much more expensive than pepper spray
  • You can use a stun gun with almost no training; people of any age can handle it
  • No additional costs for the maintenance and operation of the shocker
  • Disguise as a flashlight, which gives the advantage of surprise and does not attract the attention of others


12 month warranty FOR EXCHANGE!

When purchasing a stun gun from us, in the event of a breakdown, you have the right to exchange it for a new device free of charge

Answers to your questions

How often should I charge?

Of course, the charging frequency depends on the frequency of use. But stun guns often use a flashlight, which lasts for 2-3 hours on a single charge. According to the experience of our customers, charging is required once a week with active use, or once every 2 months if rarely used. And once every 4-6 months, if the device has not been used at all.

Check the spark strength from time to time; if the spark arc becomes weaker, then put the device on charge, otherwise the efficiency will decrease. Also keep in mind that in the cold, batteries lose some of their capacity and are restored back only in warmth, so for long-term work in the cold you need to have a well-charged stun gun.

What can't you do with a stun gun?

Can only be used for self-defense.

  • Cannot be used against children, pregnant women and the elderly
  • Cannot be turned on while charging
  • Avoid getting the device wet
  • Do not touch metal objects with a stun gun (cause a short circuit)

At what distance does the stun gun work?

Stun guns belong to civilian weapons contact action. However, at a distance, the shocker also affects people and dogs, but purely psychologically.

How long will the battery last?

In our “online store of stun guns” all models have a battery and are charged from a 220v network (some models also have a car charger).

There are models with removable and built-in batteries. All batteries are lithium-ion, that is, they are not necessary and even undesirable to completely discharge before charging, like cadmium ones, because they do not have a "memory effect".

The service life is at least 500 charges, which means that even with charging once a week (this is very often, usually the charge lasts for 2 months) the resource will be 10 years.

If you find yourself in a potentially dangerous place, then always keep a stun gun handy. It is best to switch your ESA to combat mode in advance and keep it in your hand in your pocket, and in an emergency, all you have to do is take it out and press the button.

ESA can be most effectively applied to the following areas: neck, back, pectoral muscles, groin area. You also need to aim at the places least protected by clothing, for example, in winter it is better to hit the thigh than a thick leather jacket.

The effectiveness also depends on the exposure time, from 0.5 to 3 seconds. A short impact is similar to a blow with a fist; a longer impact can cause severe pain shock and muscle cramps at the site of application.

Why does the spark “hit” more often on one side?

Models in the form of a flashlight have 2 coronary electrodes and the spark can come out in two places. In this case, the spark will appear more often where the distance between the electrodes is even a micron smaller, because electricity always follows the path of least resistance. So one of the options is possible when the electric arc strikes only in one place and this is absolutely normal, it does not affect the efficiency in any way.

How to avoid getting stressed yourself?

We sell electric shock devices that make it impossible to accidentally shock yourself. But in other stores there are models in the form of lipstick, a telephone, a pack of cigarettes, which, due to their small size and symmetrical design, can be accidentally taken into your hand with the wrong side and the combat electrodes will end up in your hand and you yourself will not understand how you pressed the "start".

Also, when the stun gun comes into contact with an enemy, the charge cannot transfer to you, even if you grab the person.