Is it possible to baptize a child with godfather omens? How can godparents prepare for the Great Sacrament? Prayer for the Baptism of a child for godparents

Hello everyone. The question: “Who can be a child’s godfather” worries many who have to baptize their children. We will try to answer all your questions.

Baptism in Rus' is an important sacrament for every Christian. What is the main duty of a godfather? Help little man grow up observing the canons Orthodox Church, in faith, piety, spiritual purity, therefore, only a baptized Christian can be trusted to baptize children.

This school began when five businessmen and their families felt called by God to work on missions. They prepared to go to another country, learned the culture and language of another nation, but later discovered that their work would not be done there; their role will be to train, send and support missionaries in the fields around the world. So they sold their houses and moved in together to invest more in work and created a school where my call was made and directed.

It was during our senior year that Dolly and I realized that God was calling us to invest our lives in missions. We are very pleased with this direction of the Lord. I have the clear impression that, from God's point of view, the world is divided into two groups. Sometimes it's part ethnic groups, who do not even know about the existence of the Gospel or the Kingdom of God, who do not consider the presence of God's servants among them. When she saw many people, she took pity on them, because they were sad and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

Who should you not take as godparents to your child?

  • You cannot take people of a different faith: a Catholic, a Muslim, an ardent atheist.
  • Mentally ill.
  • Who is going to get married or has already gotten married.
  • Those who accepted monasticism.
  • Unbaptized people.

During the Sacrament, the baby is immersed in water three times, calling on God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, because here he “dies” to a sinful life, but is reborn from the Holy Spirit into a righteous life. At this moment he is cleansed of original sin, which he receives through birth.

Then he said to his disciples: The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest to guide slaves into his harvest. We don't know everything that needs to happen for the world to hear and believe, but God does, and makes it his mission to do everything. The Kingdom of Light must advance and the Kingdom of Darkness must yield. And we all have a task. We need to get busy with the task of bringing the gospel to the lost. He may personally gather to preach or help teach those who go, or even pray and support the missionary work by offering to those who depend on contributions to stay in the field.

Is it possible to baptize a child with other godparents, that is, exchange them for others? The sacrament of Baptism is performed only once (after all, a person comes into this world only once). During the ceremony, the recipient (of the same gender as the baby) will hold him in his arms, read the “Creed” on his behalf, and take a vow of renunciation of Satan in order to unite with Christ.

Unfortunately, many believers have not yet realized that this great unfinished task is an absolute priority for God and for the entire Church, and it requires the effort of every follower of Jesus. It's easy for us to become so involved in and around our local church that we lose sight of the world at large.

What task are you going to do? Taking the church where it is not. However, there is strength in his objectivity and faithfulness to the vision that Jesus conveyed to his disciples and the ongoing efforts of his followers. Jesus also spoke two simple but definitive phrases.

Is it possible to change godmother child (or father), if they stumbled and began to behave very badly? No, you can't! In this case, the person perceived and his relatives must earnestly pray to God that this person will change his behavior for the better.

Exists superstition about pregnant women: Is it possible to baptize a child while pregnant? Can be pregnant, unmarried.

“Go make disciples” and “I will build my own church.” From that time on, Jesus built his Church, using disciples to make this happen. In each of the Gospels, as well as in the Book of Acts, we find statements related to what we usually call the “Great Commission.”

Matthew shows the Comprehensive Commission. Then Jesus came to them and said: All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. All the powers, all the nations, all the trinity, all the teachings of Jesus and, implicitly by the nature of the work, all the disciples, every day, at all times. Disciples go out to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples! When we make disciples, Christ fulfills his promise to always be with us and build his church.

Can a father be godfather to his child? No! Neither father nor mother can. They are the baby's parents. They already have responsibilities for his upbringing.

The question is often asked: can a husband and wife be godparents of one child? Ask the priest where you will baptize your child.

What should the godmother and godparent do after the Sacrament? Their duty: to participate in the education of a true Christian. They can go to church with him, talk to him, follow his progress, and help him throughout his life.

Hades won't be able to overcome it. Our tendency is to reverse the order that God has given. We are trying to build a church and leave disciple making with Jesus; it doesn't work. First, because we cannot build a church; it is Jesus who does it. Second, Jesus will not make disciples because He does not call us to do His work, and neither will He. “Go and make disciples” is the command He gave us along with the promise to always be with us.

Marcos introduces the "Emergency Commission". Go into the whole world and preach the Gospel to all people. He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned. Eternal life with God or eternal separation from God? This is an immediate matter of life and death. Good news must reach everyone as quickly as possible, and those who are achieved must identify themselves as followers through the act of baptism. Once again the whole world needs to be reached.

What do godparents give for a child's Baptism?

Most best gift - this is a cross and a chain. The metal from which the cross is made can be anything, the main thing is that it is of the type accepted in the Orthodox Church.

Luke hands over the Prophetic Commission. Referring to an excerpt from Old Testament, Jesus says. “It is written that Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”

The missionary call was not something in last minute, although it was given at the end of Jesus' earthly ministry. He has existed from the beginning, and that is why Jesus is called “the lamb of God who was slain from the foundation of the world.” The prophetic nature of this commission gives credibility because it began in God and with God it will end.

  • A beautiful silver spoon can serve as a gift. It was called a “tooth gift.” When the baby begins to eat on his own, they begin to feed him with this spoon for the first time.
  • You can give a towel in which the godson is wrapped, a shirt and a cap for Baptism, but this is by agreement with the parents. These things are never washed, but used when children are sick.
  • Children's Bible purchased from Orthodox church, will also be a great gift.
  • You can give a girl jewelry that she will wear when she grows up.
  • During the ritual, a lock of children's hair is cut off as a symbol of a gift to the Lord. Therefore, you can give a beautiful box for a curl and a cross.
  • A set of dishes with the name of the godson.
  • Golden.
  • A coin made of gold, silver or a bell.

The main thing is that the gift reminds you of that great day when the baby became a true Christian

John shows The Commission Incarnate. “In the beginning was the Word.” “He who is the Word became flesh and lived among us.” Jesus always existed, but only in a spiritual way, with his Father. However, with his miraculous birth, through a virgin, he became a man and manifested the reality of God in human form to be contemplated and known. And because He has given flesh and blood to the truth, He calls us to be born again and demonstrate the reality of new life and the qualities of true grace.

The Book of Acts demonstrates the "Energy Commission." “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” The task is too difficult if we try to accomplish it with human potential alone. However, thank God, the Holy Spirit was given to enable us. If we allow Him to inspire us, guide us, and anoint us, we will be able to do beyond our capabilities.

How to choose godparents for a child

Being a godmother is an honor, but also a responsibility, because they take on great responsibility for a small member of the Orthodox Church.

According to the teachings of the Church, you must raise someone who has been accepted as your own child, because on the day of the final judgment, you will be held accountable for this, as if you were your own children. Therefore, the responsibility is great.

Each of these biblical passages focuses on a different aspect of God's call. Likewise, gifts and abilities also vary. The repeated emphasis of the writers demonstrates the priority God gives for evangelization and the empowerment He will give to those who have given themselves to His work.

What can we do if we can't. Of course, not all followers of Jesus can move from their home country to work as missionaries abroad. However, a person who cannot go can do very important work in your church, in your home and in the surrounding area.

  1. Godparents must be baptized, Orthodox Christians.
  2. You must be sure that they will help not only with money, gifts, but also to educate you spiritually.
  3. An uncle, aunt, grandfather, or grandmother can be the adopter of your little relative.
  4. Could be the child's sibling. And that means sister. If he is an adult or is approaching adulthood.
  5. But spouses cannot, one of them. Whom to take is up to you. However, there is another interpretation here. Are we depriving the child of double care and love? Maybe when he grows up, one of the spouses will become a good mentor or friend to him. Consult with the priest, then decide: who to take - one of the spouses or both.

Can a child have one godfather? Yes, maybe, but he should be the same gender as the one perceived. The ceremony can be performed without another godparent, but you must register as a godparent. After all, a person could have good reasons not to be present during the Sacrament. Until 1917, this practice existed, but it only concerned members of the Emperor's family. But it will be better if you do without correspondence christenings.

Missionary work needs help. Thousands of Christians are experiencing great joy when they see that their contribution, added to that of other brethren, can support a missionary in that field. Unfortunately, some people worry for a while, but then give up and forget about commitment.

Missionaries also need prayer partners and believe that this is number one in the field. And how good it is when we receive news that God has answered our prayers, solved a problem, or given us a spiritual victory in the field! Missionaries also need friends. They need to know that there are people who are interested in them personally, with whom they can open their hearts, knowing that they will maintain their trust. Still, missionaries need housing. Often when they return to their homeland and travel to spread the word, ask for prayer and raise funds to continue their work, they need people to offer them a warm and loving home.

Why does a child need a godfather?

We know very little about this, we don’t even think about the responsibility we take on. Therefore, before agreeing to this responsibility, go to church and ask the priest how you can prepare for such a step.

Why is the godson called the adopted one, and the godfather - the adopted one? After immersion in the font, the priest takes the baby, then passes it into the hands of the godfather.
And he takes the baby into his own hands, taking on the responsible mission of leading him along the path of ascent to the Kingdom of God.

Last but not least, missionaries need disseminators of their work as well as correspondents. Advocates are the ones who always pray, ask for prayers, and also tell staff when missionaries have special needs. Besides, how good it is when a worker is far from home and receives news! It helps keep in touch with friends; This is why the work of correspondents is so important.

And if you have a brother or friend on the mission field, seriously consider sending him books or suggesting websites to help build your life and ministry. People who take on this role must fulfill certain conditions because they will have a mission to support their godson throughout his Christian life. This is why the Church sets these conditions. Therefore, the sponsor must meet the following criteria.

Prayer for the Baptism of a child for godparents

The role of a godfather in a child's life? The Church calls the recipients “guardians of faith and piety.” To unite with God, a person needs: faith and repentance. But the baby doesn’t understand anything about this, he lies in his lace, and the recipients are called upon to teach their recipients faith and repentance, so they pronounce the “Creed” and renounce Satan instead of the little man.

To be a Catholic is to be baptized and confirmed, or at least be catechized and make your first communion; - Be at least 16 years of age to have sufficient maturity to accompany his godson or godson. However, the priest may make an exception to this criterion if he believes that the reason given is valid.

It should be noted that some parishes ask the sponsor and godmother to provide their baptismal certificate. Remember, well before the ceremony, to ask your parish in advance to confirm with you whether you will be asked to provide this document or not. A request for a copy of the baptismal certificate is made only in writing, so the person concerned, or his parents if he is a minor, mails the form to the parish in which he was baptized.

But p first prayer- “Our Father,” which you must know by heart and repeat in a whisper after the priest. But prayers must not only be repeated, but also their meaning must be understood.

If the person you choose does not meet the conditions, you will always have the option of asking him to take on the role of witness for the baptism. Indeed, if a non-Catholic person cannot be a godfather or godmother, a person who is baptized but not Catholic can be a witness at baptism. The baptismal witness plays a role similar to that of the marriage witness, which means that he will sign this pass on the baptism register.

What is the difference between sponsorship and testimony?

While the godfather and godmother accompany the child on the journey of faith, the witness will be responsible for the human aspect of the accompaniment, without addressing the religious and ecclesiastical side of his role. Thus, during baptism, the witness will also have the opportunity to read one and all prayers if he is a believer, but there must at least be the presence godfather or a Catholic godmother that this is possible.

Third prayer- “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.” It was folded according to the words of the Archangel Gabriel. He said that the Mother of God gave birth to the Savior of the human race, and this is joy for all of us.

Answers to important questions

Is it possible to baptize a child without godparents?

Sometimes parents, having decided to baptize their baby, do not have the opportunity to find a worthy person. The Church does not deprive its new member of God's grace just because they are absent godparents. So the answer is a resounding yes.

Regarding the issue of married divorced Christians who are living the Christian life, they know that they will be able to claim this title. He materializes on the ground with the help of directed bronze arrows, the symbol of which sums up the incomparable site of Besançon: the loop of the Oak and the spur crowned by the Citadel. 5.6 km long, it makes you discover mainly the fortifications listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site along the banks of the Oak and the invading gardens of Besançon. This can be done in 2 hours, but we recommend allowing for half a day if possible, allowing you to read the interpretive panels that punctuate the course to make some refreshing stops on the banks of the Oak to take advantage of the green spaces.

The child is not to blame for this, so the priest takes on the responsibilities of a godparent. And that's very good.

Can an ex-husband be the godfather of a child?

A husband and wife cannot be godparents due to kinship and intimate relationships. But the ex-husband can become the godfather of the baby if it is not his baby, that is, he is not related to him by blood. Before you offer ex-husband such a responsible matter, consult with your real husband so that there is no discord later.

But the church is against it if the godfather or godmother live in a civil marriage.

Godfather to several children. Is this possible? If you believe that only this person can become a spiritual mentor to your child, then the Church does not impose restrictions. But for twins, you need to invite two godparents, since one person will not be able to take two children into his hands from the font at once.

Can a child become a godfather?

You can take your eldest child or other children into the role of a successor only if you are completely confident that he will conscientiously fulfill his duties before God. That is, a child who has not achieved an understanding of his responsibility cannot be a real spiritual mentor. Only adult children can understand the responsibility they take on. Don't decide for small children.

Is it possible to baptize a child with a godfather? It’s possible, because it doesn’t violate the spiritual relationship, it even makes it even stronger. But there are different opinions on this.

Therefore, the answer to the question: “Can the godmother be the godmother of my child”? - only the priest knows. It’s better to ask at the church where you will baptize your child.

What do godparents do in church?

Since the natural mother cannot be present at the baptism, the second mother chosen by the parents performs all the duties of a biological parent: she takes her in her hands, if it is a girl, dresses, undresses, and calms. Fulfills all the priest's requirements.

Before plunging into the font, the godfather holds the girl in his arms, and the boy is in the arms of the second mother. But after the immersion, the father accepts a boy into the kryzhma, and the mother accepts a girl.

How can godparents prepare for the Great Sacrament?

  • Visit the temple to talk with the priest.
  • It is very correct if you confess and take communion.
  • If you constantly confess and receive communion, then a conversation with a priest will be enough for you.
  • Usually the recipient pays for the ceremony, and the godmother buys baptismal clothes, but this is by agreement with the parents of the baby.

Answers to questions for women

Is it possible to baptize a child while the godmother is on her period?

You shouldn't do this. You must be "clean". Ask to set another date for the Sacrament so that you feel confident and do not think that you are breaking church rules.

What should the godmother wear to her child's christening?

  • First of all, the skirt or dress should be below the knees, not provocative in color, modest, and not necessarily dark in color.
  • There should be a light light scarf or scarf on your head.
  • The cross must be there.
  • Don't wear high heels as you will be holding a very young godson.

What does a godmother need to know?

  • Throughout the life of the goddaughter, the second mother should be involved in her spiritual education.
  • Before the Sacrament, she must confess and receive communion.
  • Buy your godson or goddaughter a baptismal towel and clothes.
  • Learn three prayers.
  • Pray daily, ask God for a bright path for your perceived one.
  • Go to church together, take communion, confess.
  • Take full responsibility if the baby’s blood parents die.
  • For an adult goddaughter, become a friend, a spiritual mentor.
  • Finally, give a memorable gift for Christening.

Dear friends, you now know what godparents should do. If you are not ready to take on this mission, then you need to directly admit this to the baby’s parents. It’s better to go to the temple, talk to the priest, and prepare to take on this honorable mission.

Despite the fact that many traditions that came to us from time immemorial have already been forgotten, today the majority of children in the countries former USSR baptized. In this case, it is customary to choose godfather and mother. From the right choice It depends on whether the baby will have two additional people close to him in the future or not.

Kumovya are, in fact, relatives

Before the christening, the baby’s parents usually think for a long time about who exactly will be the child’s godfather. Godmothers are exactly godparents. Moreover, this degree of relationship is established not only between blood and godparents, but also between the newly-made father and mother themselves.

Godfathers are not blood relatives, but rather spiritual ones. It is for this reason that such relationships are not registered in official documents and acts.

Where did nepotism come from?

This phenomenon has its roots in the history of early Christianity. Initially, even the blood parent himself could baptize a child. Subsequently, the approach to baptism and the spiritual connections established as a result of this sacrament changed somewhat.

Nepotism came to the territory of the Eastern Slavs from Byzantium along with Christianity itself. It should be considered that only in X-XII centuries on the territory modern Russia and other CIS countries, the first godfathers appeared. This is due to the fact that previously Christianity in Rus' was a singular phenomenon and met serious resistance from the masses.

How do they become godfathers?

To do this, it is necessary to baptize the child. As a result of this event, spiritual connections between the godfather and the godfather are established, as well as their relationship with the child and his parents. At the same time, they become second parents to the baptized person and are called godparents.

What should godfathers and godfathers do in church?

Previously, it was accepted that no stranger should see the sacrament of baptism. Even my own mother and father were not allowed to participate in this procedure. In the temple there were only the priest, other church servants, the baby, and the future godparents, dad and mom. Nowadays, most often, clergy meet the child’s family halfway and allow all those invited to the ceremony.

During the sacrament, the godparents take turns holding the child in their arms. It is customary that before baptism they must purchase a cross and festive clothes for the baby. Sometimes the child’s blood parents bear all expenses.

After the end of the sacrament, a feast is usually held. The godfather and godfather, as well as their newly minted ward, are the main heroes of the occasion. They most often participate in competitions and also raise money for the child’s parents. One of the most common traditions is beating a pot of porridge. To prevent the porridge from crumbling and the clay shards from scattering to the sides, the pot is wrapped in a scarf or sheet. Subsequently, the godfather and godfather put the porridge on plates and give everyone a piece of the pot for good luck. In this case, everyone must give some amount for the treat. The largest pieces of the pot and especially the largest spoons of porridge go to those who are the most generous.

Responsibilities of godparents

Previously, everyone who was chosen as godfathers took their duties quite seriously. The fact is that if a child was deprived of his blood parents and other close relatives, then it was the godparents who took upon themselves his upbringing. Currently, orphans are already sufficiently protected by the state, so there is no such serious need for such guardianship.

We said that, in essence, godfathers become relatives. As a relationship, this is not enshrined in any documents or acts, but one should not consider the appointment to such a high “position” to be formal. The fact is that only those people who themselves have undergone this same sacrament have the right to become godparents. As a result, they take on certain spiritual responsibilities, which many consider much more important than even legal ones.

Most often now, the duties of godparents are reduced to periodic visits to the child and their godfathers. In this case, the baby is usually given gifts.

How to choose godparents correctly?

Nowadays, when deciding who to take as a godfather, most often the choice falls on the best friends of the mother and father of the child. In fact, this approach is not entirely correct. The fact is that not every friend, even the best one at the moment, will be able to perform with dignity the tasks that will be assigned to him. Therefore, before making a choice, you need to think carefully. In addition, it is quite important that godparents have the physical opportunity to visit the child at least once every 2-3 months. Otherwise, it will be difficult to talk about any connection between them and their ward.

The godfather plays a big role in the process of raising a girl. Who is the godfather in this case? The godfather is the second father for the baby. It is from the example of these two men, if, of course, the godfather takes sufficient part in raising the girl, that she will learn how young people should behave towards her. As a result, if the godfather and blood fathers set a not very good example, there is a high probability that future husband she will suffer from the same shortcomings.

As for the godmother, she should become a real second mother for her godchildren. If she does not visit her charges from the first months and years of their lives, then in the future they will not perceive her as a relative. Her task is to help the children's blood mother in raising them. At the same time, for many, close relationships with their godchildren become their first experience of communicating with children. In this case, the newly-made godfather will gain knowledge that will help her in raising her own children.

Relationships between godfathers

Many are tormented by the question of whether it is possible for people who have baptized the same child to marry. Naturally, no difficulties arise with the legal side of the issue. Nepotism is not blood relationship, so it cannot act as an obstacle.

As for spiritual kinship, it does not affect documents. Difficulties may arise if two godparents want to get married. Many clergy believe that there is already a spiritual relationship between godfathers and that it cannot be destroyed under the pressure of carnal desires. In fact, there are no prohibitions on weddings between godparents of the same child. So the clergy have no reason to refuse to perform this sacrament. Naturally, you should not insist on holding a wedding if the priest considers it impossible. There is only one way out - to look for another priest.

The absence of obstacles is justified by the fact that previously, for example, only one adult was needed to baptize a child. He had to be the same gender as the baby. One of the main responsibilities that he was entrusted with was teaching the child Christian values. For example, if a boy was baptized, then only a godfather was needed. Who is the godfather in this situation? Receiver. And the child was called perceived.

It is worth noting that the sacrament of baptism still imposes some restrictions on marriage. For example, godparents should not marry the child’s natural parents. In addition, marriage between godparents and their godchildren is prohibited. There are no other restrictions according to canonical literature.