Which running is better - in the morning or in the evening: benefits and harms. When is the best time to run - morning or evening

To get your body in order, you don’t have to spend hours puffing away on exercise machines in dusty gyms. An excellent alternative to such a pastime would be regular running. At the stadium, around the house, near the river - no matter what place you choose, you will know for sure that both your figure and your health will improve every day. This is one of the most affordable and effective ways to take care of yourself, however, for many, the thought of working out is accompanied by the dilemma of whether it is better to run in the morning or in the evening.

Everything is further complicated by the fact that the answer to this question, which leaves no doubt, simply does not exist in nature. But we will still try to delve into all the benefits of morning and evening jogging.

A little about the benefits of running

Most beginning runners start training, of course, with the desire to get as close to the ideal as possible, getting rid of interfering centimeters in “problem” areas. However, the benefits of jogging are far from limited to this, and it does not matter at all when to jog in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is to do it.

Scientists have conducted a lot of research that scientifically confirms the fact positive influence regular exercise for health. Among them:

The list can be endless. Sometimes even scientists themselves are unable to explain the mechanism of such an effect, however practical research time after time their truthfulness.

It is also worth recalling that even before starting jogging, you need to adequately assess your health, since based on this the level of permissible load is regulated. There are also cases when running is completely prohibited: birth defects heart problems respiratory system or blood circulation. You should postpone classes for a while if you have a cold, sore throat or fever.

Morning jogging: pros and cons

The debate about when it is more beneficial to run in the morning or in the evening is practically insoluble for athletes, since both options have a sufficient number of fans who provide very convincing arguments in favor of their choice.

Opponents of morning training unanimously argue that it is difficult for the body to switch to active work after a night of relaxation and such overload can cause a lot of harm. For others, even the thought that they will have to exchange a couple of extra minutes under the blanket for a run in not always comfortable weather puts them into a stupor, unlike exercising after a difficult day at work. It is practically useless to fight such features of the rhythm of life, and there is no need, because coercion can never bring real pleasure. “Owls” are better off rescheduling their runs to something more comfortable for them. evening time, at least until running becomes a necessity and time plays no role.

Extract maximum benefit You can avoid a morning run thanks to high-quality preparation for it. It is worth remembering that it takes some time to “start” the body, so before heading to the stadium it is advisable to take a contrast shower, drink a glass of juice or water, and have a light snack. To warm up your muscles, you need to do a short warm-up, and only then start running.

If we talk about the time when it is better to run in the morning, then this is the period between 6 and 8 hours, when the body reaches its peak activity. In addition, during this period it is not yet hot, the air is not so clogged with exhaust, and there are much fewer people on the treadmills, which allows you to completely dissolve in the process and fully enjoy it.

Properly carried out morning workout will awaken the body, giving it energy and strength for the whole next day. And for those who want to lose weight, this is completely best time, since the glucose level is at its minimum, and accordingly, the body consumes energy from fat reserves. You can enhance the effect by jogging on an empty stomach.

The benefits of an evening run

The first, and almost the only disadvantage of running in the evenings is that it may never happen. The reason for the disruption of the training regime may be workload at work or severe fatigue after it, or the prospect of relaxing in front of the TV will be more tempting, however, these are primarily matters of personal discipline. Those who, thinking about when it is useful to run in the morning or in the evening, prefer an evening jog, get real pleasure from it, forgetting about all the problems and stress experienced during the day.

However, planning an evening workout should be approached even more scrupulously than planning a morning workout. It is necessary to take into account a number important rules:

  • It is better to create a jogging schedule in advance. Just set aside days for yourself on which you can probably go for a run at the same time and don’t bet on them additional tasks.
  • On training days, you need to strictly monitor your diet, excluding heavy junk food from it. This will give you the ease you need during your workout. You cannot eat an hour before or an hour after a run. The maximum is a glass of kefir or yogurt before and vegetable salad after.
  • When choosing a time for jogging, you need to take into account that it should be separated from sleep by an interval of at least two hours, since exercise immediately before bedtime can cause chronic insomnia and completely disrupt the daily routine.
  • You shouldn’t be too zealous when choosing a running pace; it’s better to prefer jogging. You can compensate for the load by increasing the duration of classes.

If, after reading the arguments, you still cannot understand for yourself when it is right to run in the morning or in the evening, try to listen to yourself, feel your biological rhythm. When do you personally feel most comfortable getting on the treadmill? If you are a typical night owl, but would really like to lose weight and go for a morning run, try starting with more comfortable evening ones and gradually try to transfer them to the morning. Or alternate every other week, and soon you yourself will be able to check in practice what time is optimal for you, the main thing is to start.


If you have the opportunity, jog during the day. During this period, the body is already functioning at the proper level, and night sleep is still far away.

If we talk about the performance and endurance of the body, highest level it reaches from 9 to 12 noon and from 17 to 19 pm. Many athletes are well aware of this fact, and therefore they draw up their training schedule in such a way that the most active part of the exercises is transferred to this time.

However, not everyone can afford to jog during the day. This may be due to study, work or some other reasons. Therefore, many people have a pressing question: should they jog in the morning or in the evening? To do right choice, you need to consider the main features of both options.

What to choose: morning or evening jogging?

Morning jogging is the most common option, especially for those who study or work. For example, if the work/school day starts at 8-9 am, you can conduct classes at 6 am and devote approximately 30-40 minutes to them. Before jogging, it is better not to eat anything, but just drink one glass of freshly squeezed juice. As a result, running will allow you to start your body's metabolic processes, fill it with energy and invigorate you for the upcoming working day.

The disadvantage of this option is that many people find it quite difficult to force themselves to wake up early in the morning and go for a run. The main thing here is to gain patience and strength in the first weeks, after which your body will get used to it and problems with early awakening will disappear over time.

Evening is also great time for jogging, however, it also has its advantages and disadvantages. If your work takes a lot of energy and after a busy working day a feeling of fatigue appears, in this state you should not expose your body to physical activity.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid jogging late in the evening. At this time, the body relaxes and prepares for a night's rest. Otherwise, insomnia may occur.

Health Benefits of Running

Running is very beneficial for human health, regardless of age and physical training. Regular and proper training will allow you to get rid of excess weight, will improve general condition body, strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular system and improve lung function. Joggers usually do not suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis, or heart failure.

Running will protect older people from myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension and other health problems. However, if you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor before exercising.

Any novice athlete who wants to take up running may have a lot of questions regarding the effectiveness of training and obtaining the proper result. However, first of all, all beginners are interested in when it is better to run - in the morning or in the evening. To all sorts of questions related to running, any person who decides to take up this beautiful view sports, will find all the necessary answers.

A little about physiology

In means mass media There is a lot of debate between beginning athletes, athletes and coaches about when is the best time to run. Some people recommend running in the morning after sleep, citing the fact that after sleep the body will have to take energy from fat reserves. Others advise running before bed, which revs up your metabolism and forces you to burn fat throughout the night.

It’s one thing to say the right thing, another thing is to have the appropriate capabilities and amenities to conduct a full-fledged workout. If you have the opportunity to get up early in the morning and jog before work, then this period of exercise, according to professionals, is the most effective for the fat burning process. After training there is severe hunger which most quench unconsciously a large number food that takes a whole day to digest.

Evening races and control of food intake

Running in the evening is very beneficial. Jogging before bed guarantees that you will fall asleep quickly and completely. A novice athlete needs to think about something completely different. People start running more often when they want to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat, and for these purposes, in addition to jogging, there are certain requirements for nutrition and water consumption. You need to run on an empty stomach or 3 hours after eating. It is also prohibited to eat within an hour after a run, because you need to force energy to be produced from fat cells, and not provide food as a source of nutrition. If in the evening nutrition at night is not critical, why deny yourself the pleasure of healthy and deep sleep? It turns out that the athlete himself must decide when it is best for him to run.

About running correctly

Before you start running, you need to know about the fat burning process so that as a result of the workout, in addition to getting tired, you will lose some calories. To operate the body, energy is used, which is obtained by breaking down glycogen stored in the liver, kidneys and other organs of the human body. In normal mode, the accumulation and consumption of glycogen occur in the same way. But during running, glycogen is quickly consumed and does not have time to replenish its reserves, so you have to turn to fat deposits.

The main goal of running is to start this very fat burning. There is only one problem - on average, glycogen reserves are enough for 18-22 minutes of intense training, during which you can run about three kilometers. And few people can do such a run, not only in the first days of training. And you don’t need to expect that an ordinary walk in fast pace, which will lead to profuse sweating, will start the process of burning fat - this will never happen. This requires a completely different approach, which requires extreme effort both physically and mentally.

You can't do without rigidity

The process of fat burning and the functioning of the cardiovascular system are inextricably linked. The higher an athlete's heart rate, the more energy the body requires to operate all organs, including cooling through sweating. Naturally, greater energy expenditure quickly destroys a person’s fat layer. All beginners need to figure out how to properly increase their heart rate and maintain it throughout the entire workout.

Increasing your heart rate is not at all difficult; it directly depends on your running speed. If you jog not at a jog (8 km/h), but at a slight acceleration (12 kilometers per hour), then literally at a hundred meters your heart rate will increase significantly. Also, fast walking or running uphill puts stress on the heart. However, another problem may arise: due to the heavy load, a heart attack or metabolic disorder is quite possible.

Maximum heart rate

It is generally accepted that the maximum heart rate of a newborn baby is 220 beats per minute and decreases inversely with age. That is, a 30-year-old person will have a maximum heart rate (MPR) of 190 beats per minute, and a 45-year-old person will have 175. As a result of many scientific research It was found that for effective fat burning, a person must keep his heart rate within 70-85% of the maximum frequency. A decrease leads to the production of glycogen in the body, and an increase leads to a heart attack. As a result, athletes starting to run need to accelerate their heart rate and simply keep it within the required range for 20-40 minutes. For some it will be an intense run, while for others a quick walk in the park will be enough. It all depends on age, body weight and body fat percentage.

Maintain target heart rate

Controlling a constant heart rate is not as difficult as it seems. There are three options that are actively used by athletes around the world. The first two measurements are absolutely free, but require some inconvenience when obtaining data, and their accuracy is very low.

  1. Calculate your heart rate directly while jogging using a stopwatch and feeling the pulse on your hand.
  2. Six-second heart rate measurement with the result multiplied by 10.
  3. The use of a high-tech device called a heart rate monitor, which is not only capable of measuring the heart rate, but also signaling that the thresholds set by the owner before starting to run are exceeded or decreased.

Gradual load

Many beginners are interested in the question of how much they need to run per day to achieve results. Judging by the reviews of professional athletes in the media, athletes who want to lose weight who do not have any physical training are prohibited from running at all without a preparatory course of training, which includes warming up all the muscles of the body, stretching the joints and preparing the lungs to process large volumes of oxygen.

Therefore, for the first week, jogging for all beginners is replaced by a walk, during which you need to perform the usual set of exercises on the go. This includes swinging to the sides and raising your arms up (if you walk with your arms raised up, your pulse will slowly but surely begin to rise). You can stop and do a few tilts with your body down, stretching your back muscles and spine. After 5-6 sessions, you can do short runs for 20-30 seconds so that all the muscles of the body begin to get used to the load, and the lungs are adjusted to working with a large volume of oxygen.

A step in the right direction

Having decided how much to run in the morning, a novice athlete will be interested to know that there is a special program for conducting intense training aimed at actively burning fat deposits. MyFitness, ActiveSport, BodyFitness and the like programs can be found on the Internet. You can also use the search for a specialized store if we are talking about a program for a mobile phone.

It is thanks to these programs that the athlete makes his own decisions about how much to run and how often. The advantage of keeping a training log is the result that you can actually see, and not just guess when you step on the scale. After all, few athletes know that jogging removes water from the body - this is what beginners see on the screen when weighing themselves. But here are the real centimeter measurements of the waist, legs, arms, etc. will clearly show the result.

Jogging every day is not good for you

They're not even allowed to run every day. Olympic champions, because not only the muscles, but the entire human body requires 48 hours to recover. It is recommended to devote 3 days a week to training, once every two days. For beginners, this can be too much, so in the first months of training you can only run twice a week.

And if you really want to put a strain on your body on days free from running, then you can do other sports. An excellent alternative to running is cycling, swimming, playing volleyball or tennis. It is clear that as a result, it is still up to the beginner to decide how much to run per day, however, professionals do not recommend doing both jogging and any active sport from the list above on the same day, since this puts a very strong strain on the cardiovascular system. system.

Running on a treadmill in the gym

Many beginners, along with the question of whether to run in the morning or in the evening, are interested in the opportunity to use a special exercise machine instead of going outside. After all, in winter, in severe frosts, you can’t run much. In fact, treadmill is not just an alternative, but the most the best solution to lose extra calories. Indeed, unlike a path in a park or forest, a mechanical device can change the angle of inclination, thereby creating a significant load on the entire body. Naturally, the treadmill also has a heart rate monitor, which will always show your heart rate.

Having a treadmill will make it easier for the user to decide when it is better to run and when it is enough to walk to give a full load to the entire body. After all, most modern devices have many built-in programs that can squeeze every ounce of strength out of an athlete.

In conclusion

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all when it is better for a beginner to run - in the morning or in the evening, because in essence there is not much difference. The main thing in running is to correctly receive the necessary load, which will put the body into active calorie burning mode, and, accordingly, eliminating the fat layer. That is, first of all, jogging should be done on an empty stomach; after training, it is forbidden to eat food for one hour. While running or actively walking on a mechanical treadmill, you need to keep your heart rate within 70-85% of your heart rate. Training in this mode should be at least 22 minutes and last no more than one hour. Before any workout, a novice athlete must warm up his muscles and stretch his joints.

When and how to run correctly? When is the best time to run: morning, afternoon or evening? This is very important to know. After all, your main goal is not just to run through environment, you probably want to get pleasure from this, satisfaction from the accomplishment muscle load Well, and health benefits. The rate of metabolism and your biological age, your active longevity, depend on the speed of blood circulation, which is ensured by running.

Is it better to run in the morning or evening?

Looking ahead, I would immediately like to note that we are all individual and we need to listen to our body and understand its signals. If your body completely refuses to obey you in the morning, then running in the morning is clearly not for you and there will be little benefit from it!

So, you can train after you have properly prepared, i.e. when you have a sufficient amount in your bloodstream nutrients. “It is recommended to run 2-3 hours after sleep and 3-4 hours before bedtime” Therefore, if you want to run in the morning, then half an hour before running, drink fresh juice or eat porridge or porridge 40-60 minutes before running. vegetable soup. Your task is to provide the body at the metabolic level so that the training is beneficial. If it’s not a sense of duty that gets you up in the morning, but a desire to run, then that’s great, it means your body is ready for the stress. If in the morning you really don’t want to exercise, there is laziness and fatigue that does not leave you during the day, then this indicates that the body has not recovered to the required level and is not ready for stress. In addition, if you find dark circles under your eyes in the morning, this is a signal that your blood is thick, so your blood vessels and heart will receive additional stress.

Keep in mind that in the morning, the body and heart in particular are not yet ready for sudden loads, they need a smooth start, so try to keep the pace of your workout 10-15 heart rate beats lower than usual. Also, be sure to do a long warm-up before your workout. Morning run should be long and smooth without explosive loads.

Running for weight loss in the morning or evening?

Many people struggle to get up in the morning just so that jogging will be more fat-burning. Justifying this by saying that we don’t eat anything at night, so in the morning we have a minimum level of glucose and glycogen in the body, which allows us to immediately burn fat. But is this true?

In fact, there is an effect, but it is not always significant and in order to achieve it, you need to adhere to a constant diet and, most importantly, you need to run only on an empty stomach. Why insignificant? In the morning, the glucose level is really minimal, but it is normal. The same applies to glycogen, there is also less of it, but during sleep we spend “Diseases of the cardiovascular system most often occur in the morning, so you need to exercise responsibly in the morning” glycogen from the liver, because It is he who is responsible for maintaining a minimum level of glucose in the blood. Glycogen, which is located directly locally in the muscles, is responsible for the work of muscles, so when we get up for a run in the morning, anyway, we will first burn glycogen located locally and only then will fat be burned. Thus, you can achieve a similar result at any other time, you just need to not eat for a certain time before jogging.

To summarize, we can conclude: in the morning on an empty stomach, fats begin to be burned faster, but there is no huge difference for effective fat burning, but for health there is, because running in the morning is a very serious load that should be taken very seriously. It is also important to understand that to run in the morning you must be more prepared, and the morning must begin easily and naturally, otherwise such a workout will be of little use!

The most effective running for burning fat

One of the most effective types of running for weight loss is considered to be - interval running. The idea is to change the load: moderately, quickly, moderately, quickly. If you want to run in this style in the morning, then you need to prepare your body for this. You need to wake up slowly (within 5-10 minutes), then it is important to do a warm-up, after which you need to drink a glass “Such running is on average 3-5 times more effective than usual” water and sits down to eat after 15 minutes. Breakfast should be from complex carbohydrates with low glycemic index. After breakfast, 20-40 minutes should pass, after which you can go for a run. The jogging itself should start smoothly, i.e. the pace at the very beginning should be low (walking is possible), after a few minutes you can increase the speed to your usual pace. After 3 minutes you can already run at an effort, alternating between fast and medium paces. The duration of such a run should be within 30-40 minutes, preferably over rough terrain. You need to finish this run with 2-3 minutes of quiet walking to completely restore your breathing.

It's no secret that many athletes and fitness center trainers recommend regular jogging to keep their bodies in shape. Even a distance of a couple of kilometers several times a week will help not only improve your well-being, but also have a noticeable effect on your health. physical condition. But all novice runners are tormented by the same question: what time of day is best to run? This article will try to find the answer to this and some other questions from novice athletes.

Running is the simplest, most accessible and in an efficient way keeping your body in good condition physical fitness. In addition, it is thanks to daily jogging that you can get rid of a couple of extra pounds, feel confident in your abilities again and start enjoying every day. But let's think about what pitfalls the treadmill hides, and what questions does every beginner pose?

What time of day is best for a beginner to run? Here, first of all, everything depends on your daily schedule, goals and time workload. If you work late, then you should not depress your body by getting up for five hours and jogging at dawn - this approach will bring nothing but serious stress to your body. Many experts advise running at exactly the time of day that is ideal for your body. You can find out what time to run for you by trial. To do this, just try to go for a run early in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

As a general rule, people who go to bed around twenty-two o'clock and wake up around six to seven o'clock do best with a morning jog before breakfast. This warm-up will not only help you stay in excellent shape all day long, but will also help you lose a couple of extra pounds. If you managed to endure two or three morning runs (the first workouts are the hardest for the body), then most likely you should run just before breakfast. When asked whether running in the morning is harmful, many athletes answer the same way - they cite as an example their many years of experience in morning jogging, and you can safely listen to this answer.

Many adults tend to give up jogging after lunch due to their daily workload and tight work schedule. However, this option should not be completely rejected. For example, on weekends you can try to go for a long distance jog in the afternoon - five or more kilometers (it all depends on the runner’s preparation), which can be repeated weekly and compare the resulting results. But do not forget that at the height of summer, when the temperature in the sun reaches terrifying levels, it is best to refrain from jogging and move it to a cooler time of the day.

But at what time of day is it better to run, if the morning hours are extremely busy or a novice runner is labor activity just can't devote his time to running at dawn? Don't underestimate running regularly in the evening. Of course, in some ways such runs will be inferior to morning runs, but still, evening runs are much healthier than sitting in front of the TV with a bottle of beer or a delicious cake!

If your daily routine precludes jogging in the morning, try running in the evenings, but you should do this at least an hour after eating and two hours before bed.

In general, the answer to the question of what time of day is best to run depends entirely on your regime and the body’s reaction to jogging in different times. But the main thing to remember is that regular running, which has become a habit at any time of the day or night, is much more beneficial than not running at all!