The meaning of the name Thea for a girl according to the church. Thea: meaning and history of the name

Nowadays it has become fashionable to call children names that no one has remembered for many years. Many parents want their child to be different from everyone else, so they try to name the baby something original, looking for euphonious, rare modern life names. One of the rarest names for girls today is a melodious, surprisingly tender name Theon.

The origin of the name Theon, or Thea, is Greek, and its meaning is interpreted in different sources in several versions - divine wisdom, goddess, divine, the thought of God. Moreover, initially there was only a male version - Theon, and only much later did girls begin to be called by the name Thea, Thea, Thea - the full Theon. Most often it is found in Georgia, but the claim that its roots are Georgian is definitely wrong.

Since childhood, little Thea has shown talent - she can extinguish conflict situations completely effortlessly. Reasonable baby has a calming effect on even the noisiest children. She is very curious and often wants to know everything at once, so parents should help their daughter navigate the choice of interests.

The meaning of the name Theon for a girl is expressed in the fact that she is usually a fairly obedient child, but somewhat restless. In order for Theo to be able to concentrate on the task at hand in life, as a child she needs to be told how to choose one goal from many, how to set priorities. Thea always has a lot of friends and acquaintances.

With age, Theo's strong character as a fighter for justice becomes more and more noticeable. Moreover, she can stressful situations collect yourself without giving in to panic and despair. Not very trusting by nature, Thea, however, attracts many of the most different people– with his charm, ease of communication, readiness to come to the rescue at any time.

Teona Kontridze (Georgian actress)

Thea is a born leader; she knows how to quickly and effectively set her surroundings in the right optimistic mood. Avoiding hateful scandals, Thea knows how to find simple compromise solutions in the most difficult situations. However, if a person appears in her environment who is capable of meanness and lies, Thea knows how to confront the insolent person very harshly, and breaks off the relationship without regard to potential problems.

Thea is ambitious and great value gives the achieved status, trying to correspond to it in all respects - not only as a professional in her field, but also as a woman. Having achieved a certain position in life, Theo will never allow himself to be careless in his relationships with people, in his appearance, in organizing the life of your family. Moreover, Thea very often sets herself tasks that seem simply fantastic to others. However, the more complex the goal, the harder Thea moves towards it, surprising her loved ones with unprecedented determination.

The meaning of the name for the health of its owner

Throughout her life, Thea has been tirelessly taking care of her health. If she does not play sports professionally, then There are definitely classes in her routine either fitness, or yoga, or swimming, or something else beneficial to health.

The meaning of the name for marriage and family

Thea has a unique charm that invariably attracts the most different men. The girl knows how to maintain smooth relationships, without alienating, but also without encouraging her fans.

Teona is very freedom-loving. Long time she will prefer short-term novels while being closely involved in other aspects of her life. Most likely Thea will choose a man as her husband who will not limit her freedom, demanding that all attention be given to the family, because a career for a woman is one of the main goals in life.

Actress Teona Dolnikova with her lover, actor Maxim Shchegolev

If mutual understanding is reached, Theo will perfectly combine his work life with housekeeping and raising children. She will keep the house in perfect order, despite all her busyness.

If Thea has to choose between a man and a career, she will recklessly choose a career. Thea pays maximum attention to children, instilling in them determination and responsibility. Most likely that Thea will get married once and for all, trusting her intuition, which will not let her down.

Meaning of the name for career and hobbies

Thea is very responsible about her labor activity. Often she chooses creative professions, because he thinks creatively and always achieves his goals. She will make a wonderful artist, actress, and designer.

Teona Tsitsakishvili (dancer)

In addition, Thea outstanding analytical skills– she will make an excellent leader, systematically and efficiently organizing the work process, which requires precision and painstakingness. It should be noted that any work that Theo undertakes to do will be done with high quality and within a strictly defined time frame.

Famous names bearers

  • Teona DolnikovaRussian actress and singer;
  • Teona Kumsiashvili– Georgian singer;
  • Teona Koroshinadze– Georgian singer;

Teona Kumsiashvili

  • Teona Kontridze– Georgian actress;
  • Theona Etheria– Abkhaz designer;
  • Teona Bakradze– Georgian football player;

Teona Dolnikova

  • Teona Todadze– Georgian football player;
  • Teona Bostashvili- Georgian swimmer.

Dear readers, have you met in your life the owners of the rare name Theon, enchanting with its sound? Are you trying to choose a beautiful name with positive potential for your girl? If you prefer a more familiar framework, then pay attention to the never-going-out-of-fashion design. Or do you prefer bright names that give their owners incredible fortitude, such as ? Or the alluring, sweet-sounding one that is becoming more and more common today? Let us know if the article was interesting to you.

What does the name Thea mean?: American name

Researchers, analyzing the meaning of the name Thea from the point of view of its origin, often say that it has not only English, but also Greek and Ukrainian roots. Widespread in countries whose residents profess Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Another thing is that synonyms can be different: Terry, Teri, Tessa, Tracy, Terez, Theresia, etc. It is believed that the name Teresa was originally formed, and only then the British remade it in their own way - it is they who are best known for the name Thea, which today is independent.

Also, many are sure that the name has Greek roots. According to one of these versions, the meaning of the name Thea is “huntress”. Interestingly, this is one of the few names that does not have a male pairing.

IN catholic church Saint Teresa is revered, and there are several owners of this name. In most cases the name Theresia is used. Saint Therese of Lisieux is believed to be the patron of nations Central Africa and France, flower growers and pilots. Naturally, many people know Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun; thanks to her, the congregation “Sisters of the Missionaries of Love” was founded, whose members were engaged in serving the sick and poor. It is noteworthy that Mother Teresa is a laureate Nobel Prize peace and beatified in the Catholic Church.

Characteristics of the name Thea

Angel Thea Day: The name Thea celebrates name days three times a year:

  • March 11
  • October 1
  • October 15

In Catholicism, the day of the angel named Thea is celebrated

  • January 25
  • March 3 and 7
  • April 12 and 23
  • May 9
  • June 17 and 28
  • July 24
  • August 9, 26, 27 and 28
  • September 5
  • October 3

The fate of Thea in history

  1. Saint Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Ahumada, Teresa of Jesus) is a Carmelite nun from Spain, author of mystical works, Catholic saint, creator of the order branch of the “Barefoot Carmelites,” reformer of the Carmelite Order.
  2. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (St. Thérèse the Lesser, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Thérèse Martin) - Carmelite nun, Catholic saint and one of three women who are holders of the title Doctor of the Church
  3. Mother Teresa (Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) - Catholic nun, known as the founder of the women's monastic congregation "Sisters of the Missionaries of Love", who provided assistance to the poor and sick, beatified in the Catholic Church, known as a Nobel Peace Prize winner
  4. Teresa of León - Princess of León, illegitimate daughter of Alfonso VI of Castile, Countess of Portugal
  5. Theresa Mathilde Amalia of Mecklenburg is the wife of Prince Charles Alexander of Thurn and Taxis, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
  6. Madame Thérèse Tallien (Thérèse Cabarrus) - Princess de Chimay, Marquise de Fontenay, socialite of the era French Revolution
  7. Therese Johaug is a skier of Norwegian origin who specializes in long distances, Olympic champion, world champion among adults and juniors.
  8. Teresa Victoria Carpio is an American performer, actress, and songwriter of Chinese-Filipino descent, known as T.V.Carliio and daughter of Teresa Carpio.
  9. Teresa Berganza - opera singer from Spain with a mezzo-soprano voice
  10. Teresa Behr - German singer with a contralto voice, mother of actor Stefan Schnabel and pianist Karl Ulrich Schnabel, wife of pianist Arthur Schnabel
  11. Teresa Moncheva Marinova – athlete of Bulgarian origin, world record holder among juniors, summer champion Olympic Games 2000 in triple jump
  12. Teresa Vestri, Maria Teresa Francesca, Teresa Vestris - ballerina of Italian origin, who danced in theaters of various European countries
  13. Teresa Saldana is an American-born film actress and public figure who is known to be the victim of attempted murder by Arthur Richard Jackson
The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore you should pay special attention unity of style, softness of lines and, just as important, general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing makes the same unpleasant impression as a worn-out, stale part of the suit. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to you looking like a “gray mouse”.

Compatibility of the name Thea, manifestation in love

Thea, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in forms that can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It's good if you have the prudence to focus on specific purpose, and direct all efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore it is in right moment will tell you the only right decision. Try to “hear” him.

It has been known since ancient times that a name has a strong influence on a person’s character and destiny, so you should choose it carefully. It should fit perfectly. After all, once parents have named their child, they will no longer have this opportunity. There are known cases, however, when a person, changing his name, completely rewrote the course of events.

Meaning and origin

Therefore, you should study the meaning of each name. The name Thea is very beautiful and is of Greek origin. It is very rare in latitudes Eastern Europe. It is an abbreviation for the name Theon, which, in turn, is a variant of the masculine Theon and has the same meaning. The name Thea is translated from English as “divine” or “gift of the gods”, “like the gods”.


Thea is sweet and easy to talk to. The meaning of the name defines the girl’s character as calm and kind. She is an excellent diplomat and during conflict situations always tries to find a peaceful solution. Most often, people named Thea do not suffer from loneliness, as they are friendly and sociable, so they are surrounded by many friends. Thea happily accepts help and support from them. She is a leader by nature. You don’t have to be afraid to trust her; Thea always keeps her word, as she is an example of morality and nobility. All Theons are distinguished by their cordiality; they will never refuse a person who finds himself in difficult situation, will do everything possible to help him.

Personal life and career

The name Thea (origin and meaning play a significant role in this) allows the girl to always be the center of attention of men. There really seems to be something divine about her. The owners of this rare name endowed with extraordinary feminine charm, sensitivity and tenderness. Later, Thea becomes a wonderful wife, faithful and loving, since she will only marry great love, and her chosen one will become the most important person all over the world. For the sake of him and the children, she will not hesitate to sacrifice everything if she has to.

Significantly influences success in career ladder each name has a meaning. The name Thea gives the girl the ability to achieve everything without effort, but she needs to learn to be more diligent and focused. She is easy to train and remembers easily new material, she can handle a program of any complexity; she can easily learn both a new language and technical sciences, and all thanks to the fact that she loves to study and learn new things. She avoids gossip and intrigue in every possible way, as she is always focused on work. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that her bosses love her.

IN to a greater extent girls with this name are drawn to art, they have a talent for writing poetry, stories, and paintings. They will also make excellent journalists, architects or designers.

The main thing is not to immediately try to do two things at the same time, since this will not give decent results, but to focus on one thing, because Thea has many abilities and she can simply get confused. Sometimes it's hard to give up one professional path, giving preference to another. And the only right decision will be to listen to yourself, to give in to reason, because you can get real pleasure from work if you really like it.

Therefore, the meaning of her name plays a significant role for a girl. The name Thea characterizes a very versatile personality who likes both big companies, and loneliness.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Thea?

The name influences a person's destiny. That’s why people strive to learn as much as possible about him. Let's look at the meaning of the name Thea. It is rare in the Russian-speaking world. But it sounds very nice. Young mothers try to name their daughters exactly these names: mysterious, alluring, attractive. It would be nice to understand what it will bring to the baby’s fate. Let's look at the meaning of the name Thea so that romantic mothers and their spouses do not make mistakes.

Thea (name): origin

Words should be analyzed from the definition of the language that gave birth to them and presented them to the world. This seriously affects the meaning of the name. Thea is a Greek word. It translates as "goddess" or "angel". Indeed, very romantic. Full name- Theon. It's not very often you meet a girl with that name. The fact is that such names are not allowed everywhere. The Arabs cannot call a woman “divine.” This is considered sacrilege. Civilization, of course, has eliminated some prejudices, but not all old names, as they say, survived. Theona came to us from ancient papyri. We can say that this name was revived by scientists. Today's Europeans liked it, but it did not become widespread. Therefore, the meaning of the name Thea is associated with history, the ancient world. It is suitable only for inquisitive natures and adherents of traditions. Agree, by calling your daughter that, you will seriously limit her in life.

Character of a woman named Thea

Morality and nobility are what sets this beauty apart from those around her. The girl Thea is very calm and balanced. She brings the ancient traditions of her family into the world with dignity. But he doesn’t bother anyone with his views. On the contrary, since childhood she has been sociable and sociable. The girl is always surrounded by friends, everyone offers her their toys and is happy when she accepts them. They enjoy the respect of others throughout their lives. It arises in the subconscious. People feel that this woman has a special destiny. She is not capable of betrayal and baseness. As if she was specially born to remind others of the need to fulfill their human duty. The name Thea leaves a certain imprint on the fate of its owner. This woman, as a rule, falls in love once and remains faithful forever. Her chosen one is always a worthy and decent person, a wonderful family man and father. It feels like Thea is being led by the hand by angels from the moment of birth to the graveyard.


The meaning of the name Thea is such that its owner never deviates from the chosen path. Maybe she feels a connection with Heaven much stronger than other people? A girl with that name is very talented. She finds it easy to study and choosing a profession does not cause problems. She already knows in first grade what she will do when she grows up. Such perseverance allows you to be well prepared for career growth. The girl absorbs exactly the information that will later help her come to fruition. Her career is usually cloudless. To her colleagues, she seems like a lucky girl, for whom everything comes without difficulty. But that's not true. It’s just that Thea knows how to organize her time, works a lot, reads, remembers, analyzes. These women need to choose a field rich in communication and communication. They make excellent journalists, designers, and architects. But it is not advisable for Thea to engage in politics. She is not able to lie, which limits the scope of her talents.

Thea name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Thea mean?

What does the name Thea mean?: American name

Researchers, analyzing the meaning of the name Thea from the point of view of its origin, often say that it has not only English, but also Greek and Ukrainian roots. Widespread in countries whose residents profess Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Another thing is that synonyms can be different: Terry, Teri, Tessa, Tracy, Terez, Theresia, etc. It is believed that the name Teresa was originally formed, and only then the British remade it in their own way - it is they who are best known for the name Thea, which today is independent.

Also, many are sure that the name has Greek roots. According to one of these versions, the meaning of the name Thea is “huntress”. Interestingly, this is one of the few names that does not have a male pairing.

In the Catholic Church, Saint Teresa is revered, and there are several owners of this name. In most cases the name Theresia is used. It is believed that Saint Therese of Lisieux is the patron of the peoples of Central Africa and France, flower growers and pilots. Naturally, many people know Mother Teresa, a Catholic nun; thanks to her, the congregation “Sisters of the Missionaries of Love” was founded, whose members were engaged in serving the sick and poor. It is noteworthy that Mother Teresa is a Nobel Peace Prize laureate and beatified in the Catholic Church.

Angel Thea Day: The name Thea celebrates name days three times a year:

  • March 11
  • October 1
  • October 15

In Catholicism, the day of the angel named Thea is celebrated

  • January 25
  • March 3 and 7
  • April 12 and 23
  • May 9
  • June 17 and 28
  • July 24
  • August 9, 26, 27 and 28
  • September 5
  • October 3

The fate of the name Thea in history:

  1. Saint Teresa of Avila (Teresa de Ahumada, Teresa of Jesus) is a Carmelite nun from Spain, author of mystical works, Catholic saint, creator of the order branch of the “Barefoot Carmelites,” reformer of the Carmelite Order.
  2. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (St. Thérèse the Lesser, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, Thérèse Martin) - Carmelite nun, Catholic saint and one of three women who hold the title Doctor of the Church
  3. Mother Teresa (Mother Teresa of Calcutta, Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu) - Catholic nun, known as the founder of the women's monastic congregation "Sisters of the Missionaries of Love", who provided assistance to the poor and sick, beatified in the Catholic Church, known as a Nobel Peace Prize winner
  4. Teresa of León - Princess of León, illegitimate daughter of Alfonso VI of Castile, Countess of Portugal
  5. Theresa Mathilde Amalia of Mecklenburg is the wife of Prince Charles Alexander of Thurn and Taxis, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz.
  6. Madame Therese Tallien (Thérèse Cabarrus) - Princess de Chimay, Marquise de Fontenay, socialite of the era of the French Revolution
  7. Therese Johaug is a skier of Norwegian origin who specializes in long distances, Olympic champion, world champion among adults and juniors.
  8. Teresa Victoria Carpio is an American performer, actress, and songwriter of Chinese-Filipino descent, known as T.V.Carliio and daughter of Teresa Carpio.
  9. Teresa Berganza - opera singer from Spain with a mezzo-soprano voice
  10. Teresa Behr - German singer with a contralto voice, mother of actor Stefan Schnabel and pianist Karl Ulrich Schnabel, wife of pianist Arthur Schnabel
  11. Tereza Moncheva Marinova – athlete of Bulgarian origin, world record holder among juniors, champion of the 2000 Summer Olympics in the triple jump
  12. Teresa Vestri, Maria Teresa Francesca, Teresa Vestris - ballerina of Italian origin, who danced in theaters in various European countries
  13. Teresa Saldana is an American-born film actress and public figure who is known as the victim of attempted murder by Arthur Richard Jackson.


Theia Theia This term has other meanings, see Theia (meanings).

Theia, Thea, Fairy(ancient Greek Θεία “goddess”) - in ancient Greek mythology one of the Titanides, eldest daughter Uranus and Gaia, sister and wife of the titan Hyperion, the first lunar goddess, mother of Helios (Sun), Eos (dawn) and Selene (moon).

According to Xenagoras, Ocean gave birth to the Cercopes Kandula and Atlas. According to some, the titanide Theia and Theia, who gave birth to the Kerkops from Ocean, are different, while the second is the daughter of Ocean.

She is also called Euryphaessa.

The asteroid (405) Theia, discovered in 1895, as well as the hypothetical ancient planet Theia.


  • Teya is an urban-type settlement in the North Yenisei region Krasnoyarsk Territory Russia.
  • Teya is a village in the Grigoriopol region of the PMR.
  • Thea (Spanish) Teya listen)) is a municipality in Mexico, Yucatan state.
  • Teya is a village in Mexico, Yucatan state, the administrative center of the municipality of the same name.
  • Teya (tributary of the Velmo) is a river in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a tributary of the Velmo.
  • Tyoya is a river in Khakassia.
  • Thea is a female name
  • (453) Thea is an asteroid discovered in 1900.
  • Thea - German cargo ship sunk Soviet aviation in May 1944.

It has been known since ancient times that a name has a strong influence on a person’s character and destiny, so you should choose it carefully. It should fit perfectly. After all, once parents have named their child, they will no longer have this opportunity. There are known cases, however, when a person, changing his name, completely rewrote the course of events.

Meaning and origin

Therefore, you should study Thea from everyone - it is very beautiful and is of Greek origin. It is very rare in the latitudes of Eastern Europe. It is an abbreviation for the name Theon, which, in turn, is a variant of the masculine Theon and has the same meaning. The name Thea is translated from English as “divine” or “gift of the gods”, “like the gods”.


Thea is sweet and easy to talk to. The meaning of the name defines the girl’s character as calm and kind. She is an excellent diplomat and during conflict situations she always tries to find a peaceful solution. Most often, people named Thea do not suffer from loneliness, as they are friendly and sociable, so they are surrounded by many friends. Thea happily accepts help and support from them. She is a leader by nature. You don’t have to be afraid to trust her; Thea always keeps her word, as she is an example of morality and nobility. All Theons are distinguished by their cordiality, they will never refuse a person who finds themselves in a difficult situation, they will do everything possible to help him.

Personal life and career

The name Thea (origin and meaning play a significant role in this) allows the girl to always be the center of attention of men. There really seems to be something divine about her. The owners of this rare name are endowed with extraordinary feminine charm, sensitivity and tenderness. Later, Thea becomes a wonderful wife, faithful and loving, since she will marry only out of great love, and her chosen one will become the most important person in the whole world. For the sake of him and the children, she will not hesitate to sacrifice everything if she has to.

The meaning of each name significantly influences success in the career ladder. The name Thea gives the girl the ability to achieve everything without effort, but she needs to learn to be more diligent and focused. She is easy to train and easily remembers new material, she can handle a program of any complexity, she can easily learn both a new language and technical sciences, and all thanks to the fact that she loves to study and learn new things. She avoids gossip and intrigue in every possible way, as she is always focused on work. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that her bosses love her.

To a greater extent, girls with this name are drawn to art; they have a talent for writing poetry, stories, and paintings. They will also make excellent journalists, architects or designers.

The main thing is not to immediately try to do two things at the same time, since this will not give decent results, but to focus on one thing, because Thea has many abilities and she can simply get confused. Sometimes it can be difficult to give up one career path in favor of another. And the only right decision will be to listen to yourself, to give in to reason, because you can get real pleasure from work if you really like it.

Therefore, the meaning of her name plays a significant role for a girl. The name Thea characterizes a very versatile person who likes both large companies and loneliness.