How to turn an ordinary ring into a magical one. All about how to create talismans yourself

These are amulets with different properties depending on their purpose.

With their help, magicians performed miracles. According to Langois, there were two specific types of magic rings:

1. Those that gave the owners supernatural power.

2. Those that bound the owners with slave bondage. One of the most famous rings of antiquity was the so-called ring of Solomon, in the stone of which the great ruler saw everything he wanted to know (this was clairvoyance, as we have already talked about).

The most famous types of rings were the following

Star rings, which were worn not on the finger, but on the neck, like scapulars;

Traveler rings that helped travelers travel for a long time without getting tired (through self-hypnosis they simply doubled people’s energy);

Rings of invisibility, like the ring of Gyges, king of Lydia, which made its owner invisible to others.

It was made of solid mercury and decorated with a stone that can only be found in a hoopoe's nest.

Most likely, wedding rings are the remains of magic rings. They are placed on the ring finger because in palmistry it corresponds to the heart. The husband will be the master of the house if he is very careful when putting the ring on his wife's finger.

Influence of the will: Kabbalah says that the human will is the key to magic; by understanding the mechanisms that influence the world around us, we get the opportunity to influence people, animals and even inanimate objects.

Influence by word

I would like to remind you about KARMA when you start experiments on people and subjugating them to your will...

The power of a person's gaze: By applying your magnetic gaze in everyday life, you can achieve real success in your relationships with people.

If you notice that someone is trying to influence you with their gaze, you must firmly maintain your spiritual position, instilling in yourself that you are strong enough to resist outside influence. This spiritual position will serve as your protection: it will give you the opportunity to maintain mental balance and stand. These tips described in the chapter, of course, can be applied in the opposite direction.

The power of a glance

Willpower development exercises will help you strengthen and, most importantly, develop your weakened will by the external factors surrounding you in your life.

Through this series of exercises we strive to learn to be completely calm and collected, thus teaching the body to obey thoughts, and thoughts to will.

The Golden Ring, consecrated by magical action, is the first and most important symbol of the Testament. It is a visible psychic key.

Even in Ancient Egypt and India, and later - in Judea, Greece, Assyria and Persia - not only Initiated Magicians, but also laymen saw in a ring worn on a finger not a decoration, but a talisman with deep mystical power.

What caused this idea of ​​the ring?

The circle is the geometric basis of matter, space and the Universe. The Teaching says that in the beginning there was a point of Divine Thought, containing in an essential state all the future qualities of the World. But in order to communicate them to the surrounding emptiness, the point had to embrace, encircle some space and communicate its Divine qualities to it. This should be called the first stage of organizing chaos. Indeed, chaos simply cannot be organized otherwise. Therefore, the Lord girded him with a Golden Ring, and chaos became part of the One Divine Body! A golden ring of perfect round shape is a sign of Divine power over chaos.

Sign of the Magician - golden hoop

The sign of the Magician is a golden hoop encircling his brow, and a golden or silver serpent serving as his belt. Indeed, aren’t we now shackling chaos with a solar and indissoluble chain?

O Mother, highest of goddesses, Sacred Night! How, tell me, How to make permanent dominion over the gods? How should everything become One for me and yet each one remain special? Encircle the Universe with endless Ether and accept within yourself the Sky, and in it the mighty Earth along with the sea and all the miracles that decorate the sky. So you will put an inextricable connection on the entire Universe, And a golden Chain is ready from the Ether. Here are several important Hermetic axioms: The Great Name of God has the shape of a cross, continuously rotating and with its rotation embracing the Universe.

The rotation of the Hermetic cross is set by the continuous circular transition of one letter of the Name to another: YOD a to HE, HE to VAU, and so on.

The rotation of the cross gives birth to many new crosses, and each new cross, in turn, serves as the basis for the appearance of many others. Each cycle begins its rotation from the area of ​​the second “HE” of the previous cross, and this “HE” serves as the IOD of the next cycle.

This is how worlds are born. Therefore, space, time and matter are constantly expanding.

Rotation is the basis of the metaphysical and geometric expansion of the Universe.

Rotation is infinite, and the circle is the first possible shape.

Ring shape

Thus we prove that the shape of the ring is the first of the existing forms, and the one who understands this stands on the threshold of great Power, coming into contact with the main process of Divine life-creation.

Gold serves as the material basis of the Ring of the Covenant because it actively correlates with the Sun and, consequently, with the most productive forces of the astral and mental worlds. Let us remember our statement that the Sun is a physical projection of pure Divine Thought onto a given point in the Universe. Whoever owns the key to the Sun is able to heal illnesses and, in the words of Christ, “step on snakes and scorpions” without harm.

Therefore, the Covenant Ring is worn on the ring finger, which belongs to Apollo (Sun). Look closely at your Apollo mount - if it is poorly or insufficiently developed, then after initiation it will begin to grow, and if it is excessive, it will decrease, because the solar energy attracted by the Ring harmonizes it.

A prerequisite for the procedure is the “virginity” of the ring - that is, no one except the initiate should have worn it previously and cannot wear it in the future. This means that the Covenant Ring must be specially made and cannot under any circumstances be purchased, received as a gift, or bequeathed.

On its upper part, facing the sky, is engraved the Hebrew Aleph or Yod (depending on the key used by the student). If this is the key suggested in this book, the sign of the ring is ALEPH (X). If it is any other key, the hieroglyph YODINE (") is engraved.

ALEPH and YOD (the first and tenth hieroglyphs of the Hebrew mystical alphabet) are one thing, one hypostasis of the Divine, but in different manifestations. If ALEPH is the Lord, incarnate on Earth, dwelling among people and himself being a Man (the fourth secret meaning of the hieroglyph is Man, and the fifth is Magician), then YOD is the same Spirit, but abiding in itself, in its full Ecumenical greatness, all-pervading , all-encompassing and all-present. ALEPH - is the Son. IOD - Father and Holy Spirit.

So the Son is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, for he has them in himself, but he himself is not them, for to be the Father and the Holy Spirit means to be ALL. Therefore, ALEPH is not God, but God who dwells in Man and has entered into a Covenant with him.

ALEPH is a part of pure and indivisible YODINE, which is mathematically 1+0, or one in infinity, and ALEPH speaks the language of YODE.

ALEPH - means connection with the Spirit through the Teacher. But in the absence of the Teacher on the three Planes, the student turns to God directly with his prayer for initiation. This initiation is also called the Teacher's initiation - for all the Teachers accepted it directly from the Divine Heart. Such direct initiation is a fire that renews, but also incinerates.

The absence of the Teacher on three Plans is his absence in general, but in no way a physical departure.

The hieroglyph YOD is intended for those souls who have a Teacher, at least on the Mental and Astral Plane, the initiation formula.

The article collects popular questions on this topic and offers answers to them, which makes it possible to learn more about the mysterious world of magic rings and choose the best solution for your purchase.

Solomon's magic ring

One of the legends says that the angels gave the king magic stones, which make it possible to command the elements, control evil and good spirits, animals and people. Solomon made a magic ring from four stones, which helped in the construction of the Jerusalem Temple.

Another legend tells about the wisdom of the king. Solomon was given a magic ring that helped in difficult periods of life, as soon as he picked it up. The ring often helped the king, but one day the inscription “Everything will pass” appeared to him. After the loss of his wife, during a period of grief, the inscription “This too shall pass” was revealed to Solomon. And in old age, when the king learned about life, he saw the words “Nothing passes.”

Historians still argue about the appearance of the ring and its influence on the life of the Jews. But they agree on one thing: the ring symbolizes wisdom and power.

Buy magic rings, where and how much you can

Magic rings and rings can be bought in online esoteric stores. The rings are made in the form of various magical figures, symbols and are endowed with magical powers. Very often, natural stones onyx, sapphires, rubies and other precious stones are inserted into rings. Stones give additional strength to the decoration, but are quite expensive from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. Magic salons conduct special rituals to impart magical powers to the rings.

You can also buy inexpensive rings from 300 rubles, which will act as a talisman and protect the owner from troubles.

Magic ring with ruby, alexandrite, diamond, rauchtopaz - magical properties and what they mean

A ring with a ruby ​​is intended to give confidence to the owner and help him achieve his goal. Ruby influences determination, will, and success in business.

The magical properties of alexandrite help the owner avoid danger. The stone is intended for hot-tempered, impulsive people; it will give peace and confidence. The stone is also used as an amulet to attract wealth.

Diamonds help honest people, bringing them success, wealth and power. The stone prevents the emergence of bad habits: alcoholism, promiscuity, suppresses outbursts of anger and aggression.

A ring with rauchtopaz will help cleanse the soul, get rid of accumulated grievances, anger, and irritability. Jewelry with this stone is suitable for hot-tempered emotional people, because it will calm and relieve negative emotions.

Magic tattoos and their meaning

Magical tattoos include hieroglyphs, inscriptions, zodiac signs, Aztec, Buddhist symbols, etc.

A Buddhist tattoo - a mandala, means spiritual integrity and depicts the geometric diagram of the Universe.

The infinity sign is often applied by lovers as a symbol of eternal fidelity. A simple sign symbolizes the eternity of existence, the impossibility of fully understanding the world, and the desire to move forward.

Runes are directly related to the world of magic and are used in fortune telling, amulets, and witchcraft. Runes can heal, protect, attract love, preserve and replenish life energy.

Pentagrams can mean both evil and good, depending on the location of the vertex. The pintagram symbolizes leadership, strength, luck, prosperity.

Magic rings for vampires, men, women

The famous magical artifact of vampires is the ring of Alexander the Great. Legends say that the ring gives the owner unlimited power over the world. The ring makes people commit feats or terrible crimes.

Magic rings made of silver and their properties

Silver rings and rings have the ability to develop intuition, improve health, and bestow the gift of foresight. Silver rings are worn as a talisman that wards off evil spirits and absorbs negative energy.

Magic ring with the sign of the universe

It is believed that a ring with the Sign of the Universe gives power over the world and time. The ring is an octagon of red stone, inscribed in an eight-pointed star, which is obtained from two squares of dark gray and reddish colors, superimposed on each other. The entire composition was inscribed in a square frame made of black stone. There are many bloody stories associated with the ring, and it has still not been found.

One of the most beloved and ancient amulets, of course, is the ring. But few people know how the power lies in it, and why it is an excellent amulet. This will be discussed in our article.

A ring is a beautiful amulet of ancient origin and even a way to attract good luck. But not everyone knows and understands how it does this. It's all about the shape of the ring - it is always round and, as it were, encloses the finger. It was not for nothing that there were round dances all around - after all, they were always part of the most important rituals of the Slavs. The circle is inherently closed; it is designed to keep evil spirits away from the one who outlined it. Remember how in N.V. Gogol’s story “Viy,” the spiritual student Khoma Brut drew a circle around himself, defending himself from the witch lady rising from the grave. It is the closedness of this form that makes it perfect.

The second thing that gives the shape of a circle its magical power is its connection with the infinite beginning. After all, walking in a circle, you will always return to the beginning. In this form, one thing leads to another, and, in fact, there is no end. We can say that you will draw energy from an inexhaustible eternal source, from higher forces that do not know time. This means that your talisman will operate constantly, and it will become one of the most powerful amulets.

But for this the ring must be prepared.

What kind of ring can become a talisman?

Of course, the best amulet ring is the one made by us. But a store-bought one will also work; he will simply need time to get used to your energy, and you will need to learn to interact with him. The ring does not have to be very expensive and have a precious stone. The most ancient amulets rings were worn by peasants centuries ago. As you understand, they were not talking about any diamonds or gold. The most important detail was the internal inscription. It is this technique that is most often used by magicians and sorcerers even to this day.

What could be on this internal inscription? Most often, a secret name was indicated there. Previously, the child was given a name that was used in life, and a second name that was baptized. At the same time, this second name was kept secret; Apart from the parents and the child, no one had any idea about him. Sorcerers, of course, could have a spell on the inside of the ring. The text on the ring enhanced the effect of the amulet and saved one’s soul from the devil. After all, if he does not know your name, then it will not be so easy for him to spoil you and imprison you in hell. But if you opened your personal ring to him, then he can very easily take possession of your soul. Therefore, losing a ring is considered a bad omen.

How to make a talisman from a simple ring

Of course, first of all, special conspiracies and rituals are used for this. For example, here is one of them.

A ring, necessarily one that was worn before you either by a very close relative and passed it on to you, or a completely clean ring that has not yet been worn, must first be cleaned. This is done using salt or water charged with silver. If you want to clean your ring with salt, pour it into a small bowl and immerse the ring completely in it. Next, rub the ring with salt, carefully, of course, so as not to damage it. Leave it in this salt overnight and the ring will undergo the necessary cleaning.

To rinse your ring with water, be sure to first let the water absorb the positive cleansing energy. Place a silver object in it and keep it there for at least a night. Then carefully moisten a cotton swab in this water and wipe the ring with it, while saying: “All evil spirits, go away, and strength and protection come.” Now the ring is ready to become your talisman. Wear it for a week without taking it off (unless you can neglect this rule to wash your hands). Also, periodically place it in your palms and breathe on it, at least a couple of times a day. This way the ring will tune in to your energy and life biorhythm.

After a week, you can perform a small ritual to activate the protective energy of the ring. It is advisable to do this two or three days before the Full Moon or after it, on the second or third day. Place the ring on your palm and say the spell three times: “Wrap yourself around, sit tight, and if you have to, protect me. From this moment and forever, follow my words. Key and lock. Let it be so". Now your ring has become a talisman. It will ward off troubles from you and reduce the effects of black magic.

In addition to the ring, there are other strong amulets against the evil eye that you can also successfully use. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.08.2016 04:09

Jewelry has attracted people's attention since ancient times. They were not only a way to show their wealth,...

The magic of the ring is greatly revealed by the jewels embedded in it. Everyone has their own zodiac sign, so by choosing “yours” carefully, you will strengthen your own talents and attract success and love into your life.

Amethyst lives well next to Aries, he is considered a kind of magical amulet that will not allow him to do stupid things, because Aries is characterized by this trait, the consequences of which he later regrets.

Onyx considered a “brain” stone, its property is to improve mental abilities. Most suitable for Taurus who crave self-confidence.

Rhodonite- an amulet for Cancers, which will protect its owner from adversity, illness, and threats to life. It is said to send out finger "squeezing" signals in times of danger.

Chrysolite has a “calming” effect, preventing you from doing something stupid and leading to a quarrel. Especially good for Gemini.

Obsidian– a powerful guardian for the life of its owner, will protect in case of danger. Develops intuition and magic abilities, improves mental abilities and gives confidence in one's abilities. For Leo, this stone is just a godsend.

Lapis lazuli– an excellent choice for Libra. It has the ability to establish balance in the family and with a loved one, cope with irritation and forgive those who have offended.

Jasper– a fairly “strong” stone that helps to cope with troubles and fight enemies. For women, jasper is good because it gives sexual strength. Recommended for Virgos.

Chrysoprase gives its owner courage, resourcefulness, helps to cope with complex problems, develops resourcefulness and cunning. It is popularly believed that chrysoprase is most closely associated with Scorpios.

Sardonyx in the ring - a talisman against betrayal and deception, excellent as a magical amulet that preserves marital relationships, ignites the so-called spark in marriage. This stone in a ring is most suitable for Capricorns.

Aquamarine Aquarians adore it, it adds positivity to life, saves from melancholy and troubles.

Emerald– a gem of an “investigator” that can act as an assistant and tell you how to investigate a particular problem and solve it. Recommended for Pisces.

And here diamond– an “empty” jewel that does not carry its own energy, but is capable of accumulating it. If the diamond ring is, so to speak, second-hand, then it can also cause trouble, because it has “absorbed” someone else’s energy for a long time.

Which fingers to wear rings on?

In addition to all that has been said, it is also necessary to wear the “endless circle” on a certain finger, so that the ring exerts its correct magical influence on the owner. So,

Recommended for those who are naturally emotional and quick-tempered, it will help cope with outbursts of temperament and relieve stress. The thumb is considered to belong to Mars. If you see a ring on your interlocutor, know that he is aggressive and can hardly be persuaded to do anything.

As a rule, a ring on this finger is worn by modest people who do not want to stand out. In this way, they try to increase their self-esteem, become more courageous and less shy in any field of activity. The index finger “belongs” to Jupiter, and if you see a ring on it on your opponent, rest assured that you will be able to convince him of your point of view.

The ring on the middle finger is a real amulet that will save you from problems and force you to make the right decisions. This is the finger of Saturn, and its owner most likely values ​​this ring very much. It gives you confidence in your own strength, makes you strive for leadership, and makes your mind more resourceful.

If you like to wear rings on your ring finger, you are a true esthete and romantic, you do not accept ugliness and are looking for harmony and love in everything. It is not for nothing that marriage is based on the exchange of this finger, because this ritual symbolizes hope and love.

Little finger
If you want to succeed in business, wear a ring on your little finger. In addition, it helps to find your path in business, develops intuition, flexibility, thinking, as well as the desire to intrigue and play “adult games.”

How to “remove” damage and other people’s energy from a ring

If you received a ring as a gift, then it is better so that the energy left over from the previous owner does not affect you. You can get rid of other people's negativity in the following ways:

1. Bury the ring in salt for about a day. This can even be done at home in a matchbox. After the time has passed, throw away the box of salt, rinse the ring under ice-cold running water, and at the same time say: “All bad things run into the water!”

2. Read the prayer “Our Father!” over it.

Now the magical properties of the infinity symbol are ready to work for you!

Now I wear my ring without taking it off!

Almost everyone has heard about amulets, amulets and talismans, many even use them.

You can make a good talisman, amulet and, in fact, almost any amulet yourself. A talisman is something that preserves and protects a person or some place from negative influences (primarily energy) from other people or forces.

Any human thing can become a talisman, not just a mineral or decoration. Children often choose their mascots from their favorite soft or other toys. But at the same time, a talisman is most often created with the goal of achieving success and increasing luck.

You can speak to almost any thing, but rings are the most powerful talismans that can interact with human energy.

Since ancient times, jewelry has served as personal talismans and obregs. Our ancestors used spells to turn rings, bracelets and other jewelry into excellent protection against poverty, bad luck, enemies and failures.

Spell for a wedding ring

Take both rings, place them in a glass of holy water and place them in front of your home iconostasis. The next day, carefully take out the rings, blot them with a towel, pick them up and say:

“The higher powers protect the ring and preserve our marriage. There is no place in it for quarrels and scandals, discord and squabbles. We’ll put rings on our hands and share strong love between two.”

After this, exchange rings with your partner and confess your love to each other in front of the icons. This will help you save your marriage for many years.

Plot for good luck

Rinse your favorite ring under cold water to wash away negative energy. Thread a red woolen thread into it and, shaking the decoration, say the words of the spell:

“I speak a ring for good luck, I lure capricious Fortune. Just as a needle cannot sew without thread, so nothing I do goes without luck. Just as I put a ring on my finger, there will be a good outcome to any matter.”

Wear the ring without removing it for six months, then the ritual can be repeated again.

Money plot

For this plot, you need to take a ring made of a precious metal or an alloy of several metals. Pour spring water from a natural source into a glass and place your ring in it. After a few minutes, throw coins of different denominations into the glass one by one. Take a silver spoon, stir your riches in a glass and say:

“The spring water came from the depths of the earth and saw all the riches. I’ll remind her about the energy of money and put it in her ring. Just as waters endlessly make their way underground, so wealth will come to me, knowing no barriers.”

Place the ring on your finger, and return one of the coins to the natural source from which the water was taken to perform the ritual.

Love spell

If you want to attract love into your life, you can speak the ring in such a way that it awakens your feminine energy. To do this, experts recommend using the simplest and most unpretentious decoration without stones or other foreign inclusions or inserts. Take the ring in your left hand, clench your fist, bring it to your heart and say:

“I’m looking for love, I’m looking for it, I’m attracting my happiness. I am looking for my betrothed, destined for me by fate. Not drinking and not partying, loving and hard-working. I’m looking for a real husband.”

If you are not in the mood for a serious relationship, then simply put the ring under your pillow and say:

“Betrothed, come in a dream, show yourself. Look at me, come for me.”

Place the ring on your finger and do not remove it. It will help you quickly attract real feelings into your life.