Working with bees in early spring. How to quickly increase your apiary

Every beekeeper must carry out spring work in the apiary, this way they can improve their condition after the winter they have experienced; at this time, favorable conditions in order for the bee colony to fully develop.

Caring for bees in early spring

You need to look after insects from the beginning of spring, at this time bees are very restless, irritable and noisy. When the air temperature rises sharply in the hives, the bees suffer from a disorder, large number death. Insects make noise when honey crystallizes in the nest. In this situation, you definitely need to give the insects something to drink. Very restless bees that overwintered with poor food, and it contained a large amount of honeydew.

At the beginning of March it is necessary to carry out the following spring work in the apiary:

  1. Check how the bees behave after wintering.
  2. It is impossible for the temperature in the hive to rise by more than 4 degrees Celsius, open all ventilation holes, and leave the door open at night.
  3. At the beginning of spring, insects begin their first flight, this is how they cleanse their intestines, so it is advised to set up the hive in advance. It is also useful to expose those who have overwintered normally, this way you can activate the insects, the queens will begin to lay full eggs and raise brood. Therefore, you need to exhibit the bees in advance, the optimal time is 3 weeks in advance. It has been proven that bees that fly around earlier have more brood than others.
  4. Remove the snow from the hive, cover it with straw, and lay some roofing material in front of it. In order for the bees to start flying around, you need to open the entrance. If the weather is sunny and calm, the bees will begin to fly around at a temperature of 7 degrees Celsius.
  5. If the bees winter normally, there is no need to expose them from the omshanik in advance. To do this you need to select warm weather, the air temperature should be up to +12 degrees.
  6. In order for the insects to fly around faster, the hive is warmed up, for this purpose glass and wooden frames are placed on top.
  7. You need to constantly watch the bees. Families that have overwintered normally are energetic and are able to clean the hive of debris themselves. A family that has overwintered unsuccessfully has swollen abdomens; when it arrives on the landing board, it immediately begins to defecate. This indicates a disease such as nosematosis. Such bees fly around slowly and fly poorly. They must be marked, and the dead ones are submitted to the laboratory for analysis.

Spring quick check of bees

After the end of the mass flight, you need to reduce the entrances in the hives, then quickly examine the bees that fly around poorly. Then provide the following basic assistance:

  1. Get rid of the pestilence.
  2. Install high-quality, clean honeycombs.
  3. Place frames containing food in the hive.
  4. Shorten and insulate the nest.
  5. You need to leave the required number of frames.
  6. Improve conditions for brood.

A quick inspection is used at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius. It is important to find out in time how strong the family is and how much food is in the hive. When small quantity, insects will not fully engage in brood rearing. The hive should have up to 15 kg of honey. If there is not enough bee product in the combs, it is necessary to install frames with a bee club.

It is convenient to carry out a quick inspection in a multi-body hive. First you need to remove the lower body, if it is empty, then quickly look up to find out if there is brood or food supplies. When part of the family remains downstairs, they may be left in other buildings.

When there are no cells in the honeycombs, the bees do not have a queen, the beekeeper must attach a nucleus. On the first day, after the bees are exhibited, the insects may lose their individuality; at this moment, the family can be expanded by combining several families. You need to be careful with bee bread; it is an important product for bees.

Spring insulation of nests

It is important to insulate the nests and provide warmth in them. When the first brood begins to appear in them, you need to maintain a temperature of 32 to 34 degrees Celsius. To retain heat, you need to lay insulation; for this, old newspapers folded in several layers can be used; strips of plastic film can be placed. Other materials that are popular in construction are also used.

  • You need to separate the brood using a diaphragm.
  • Leave the frames with food.
  • Assemble a nest; if insects occupy 9 frames, a 4-frame nest will do.
  • The top of the body must be carefully insulated; the nest must be kept in this form until the end of May.
  • Expand the nest, use one frame per day, you can feed the bees with sugar syrup, this way you can stimulate queen oviposition.

Spring cleansing of the river bottoms

This type of work must be done in the spring. Beekeeping does not allow delays in cleaning. Comes from the dead bad smell, this is the source of various diseases. If the bottom is not cleaned in time, this will be done by bees, then all sanitary conditions in the apiary will be violated. The bottom needs to be cleaned when the hives are removed from the winter huts. Donyas, which are spare, are burned using a blowtorch. When the bottoms are permanent, the work is done in warm weather.

Ways to increase your apiary

Beekeeping apiaries are divided into three groups. One is needed for the reproduction process, the other to strengthen the family, it can be used for honey collection.

Spring work involves cutting, insulating, and supplying food. Caring for bees during this period is very important. When you notice that the brood is occupied up to 6 frames, you need to increase the colony. So the bees will begin to swarm and lay queen cells.

Main stages of the method:

  1. Rearrange two frames with mature brood into the colony that will reproduce. The frames should be completely covered with bees.
  2. The frame must be taken carefully, without affecting the queen, and placed in the hive, which is a spare one. Frames with artificial foundation are installed on the empty space.
  3. When the strange bees flock, the frames with the bees that remain must be placed in a new colony.

Beekeeping takes into account the fact that when a large number of hard-working bees accumulate, the whole process will improve; they are responsible for laying swarm queen cells.

When you notice larvae in the queen cell, you need to move the queen and one frame with brood to a special hive. Add frames with printed brood. The layer must be insulated, then begin to expand the nest, to do this, place frames with artificial foundation.

After a week, you will be able to notice the printed queen cell. Afterwards the family is separated. It is necessary to distribute an equal number of frames in the hives. Printed queen cells are left in all hives.

Monitoring the condition of the hives

Beekeeping requires constant monitoring of queens, if it dies, it is necessary to replace it with a new one or take a queen cell from another family.

Subsequently, the emergence of the queens from the queen cells is checked, and after 7–10 days the beginning of egg laying is checked. Beekeeping most often uses this accelerated method, with its help you can increase your apiary. This way you can protect families from the swarming process. To increase the strength on the main bribe, it is necessary to substitute magazine housings. After the early division of the family, in late spring early summer, the family will be able to increase its strength to the main bribe. When eggs begin to be laid, you need to constantly enlarge the body with the help of frames on which artificial foundation is placed. This procedure is necessary to expand the socket. The advantage of this method is that in the end there are always strong families who actively work in the apiary.

Below in the table you can find ways to save a weak family.

Methods What are the
Preserving an independent family
  1. You need to leave a quantity from the honeycomb in the nest, which will be covered by the bees.
  2. Free honeycombs must be removed from the hive.
  3. The honeycombs that remain should be placed to the south to keep it warm.
  4. The side cushions must be firmly attached to the inner wall of the nest.
  5. The nest must be insulated from above.
  6. The outside of the hive needs to be wrapped with cellophane.
  7. Using artificial heating inside the nest.
Keeping weak families in pairs using a partitionFamilies will exchange heat with each other, and their development will improve. When the colonies fill the entire hive, they need to be divided.
The weak family is placed on a nest with a strong family belowWarmth will emanate from below, this will keep the weakened family warm
Swap weak and strong familyThis procedure should be carried out in sunny weather, when it is warm. Worker bees from strong colonies will always be able to enlarge a weak one.

Providing bees with water

Work in the spring requires mandatory watering of insects. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose a windless place; it should warm up thoroughly.
  2. Install drinking bowls, there should be two of them. One contains plain water, the other salted.
  3. Insects must be accustomed to drinking bowls; to do this, you need to lubricate them a little with honey.

Water for bees

If there are no drinking bowls, the bees will start drinking from different puddles or ponds and may die. Salt water needed to provide bees with minerals. When not doing this in the spring, bees drink water from animal farms. All this leads to serious bee diseases. To increase the number of brood in the family, you need to use cobalt and add it to the water.

Spring therapeutic treatment of bee colonies

Often after winter, insects are weakened because of this, and a large number of diseases cling to them. In the spring, you need to treat for a disease such as varroatosis. It is recommended to fumigate insects with thyme, chamomile, wormwood, and tobacco. A mesh subframe must be installed in the hive, it must have a tray, this is where the mites will fall.

One of the best means for processing in spring is thyme, it needs to be crushed, then placed in gauze, rolled in plastic and hung on top of the nest. Flour from spruce or pine needles will help destroy mites. It should be used in the spring immediately after the bees have made their first flight. First you need to pour it into gauze, then use it to sprinkle the bees thoroughly. One family needs up to 50 grams of powder.

Use essential oil from pine, fir. You must first apply it to plastic film. Treat three times every 10 days. Dill oil in syrup helps a lot; in spring it is one of the best medicines.

Number of spring inspections of bee colonies

It is not worth inspecting families often, as you will spend a lot of time, you will interfere with insects, develop and work normally, caring for insects involves providing them with a normal microclimate. And due to inspections, it is disrupted and heat is lost. All this disorganizes the work of insects on the main feeding area.

Beekeeping provides that all spring work is first carried out after the bees are exposed. If the family is strong, you don’t have to watch it for about a month. Average, about 30 days, weak - 31 days. When the bees begin to develop and grow, inspection is sufficient once a week.

Spring bee audits

All work is carried out in mid-spring, when the weather is warm and fine. During spring audits you need:

  1. Dismantle nests of families.
  2. Determine the strength of families.
  3. Find out about the quality of the queen and brood.
  4. Monitor how much feed is left and whether a supplement is needed.
  5. Replace the honeycomb in the nest if it is of poor quality.

With the help of a spring audit, you can learn in detail about bee colonies. After the bees have already overwintered, they begin to actively increase their colonies. A large number of bees may appear. Queen's oviposition is regulated by worker bees. The second period can last differently; it is an individual process for each family. Some weak families may remain in the second period for the entire main honey flow.

Caring for bees in the spring requires constantly replenishing food supplies, expanding nests with wax and drying. It rarely happens that in the spring there is a strong honey flow, then the bees fill all the honeycombs, and the queen does not have enough space to lay eggs. In this situation, if the family is strong, you need to use stores.

It must be taken into account that in the spring the bees eat a large amount of food, so there is less of it in the hive. We have to constantly replenish food supplies using sugar syrup, honey, and we need to expand the nests. The family must grow intensively, for this they use a systematic method - brood and young bees are selected from it, and in this way layering is formed.

Spring work ends with new insects accumulating. The period lasts until the family becomes strong. In this situation, it is important to prevent swarming in time; to do this, you need to separate the bees.

Apiary productivity depends on proper preparation to the honey collection. Beekeeping in the spring has its own characteristics. Everything needs to be done necessary work so that the bees feel comfortable and nothing distracts them from collecting the main bribe.

Wintering is a very important part of the life of bees, for which it is necessary to carefully prepare, actually overwinter, and then take care of restoring strength and establishing a familiar working routine. Therefore, spring work in the apiary is the basis for the future prosperity of the farm.

Apiary in spring

It is necessary to introduce artificial fertilizing in the spring only if the bees have a lack of food reserves. For these purposes, kandi is made from honey and powdered sugar; the resulting product is wrapped in gauze and placed on top part hive.

To increase the immunity and resilience of bees, 30 grams of pine or spruce decoction is mixed into the feed. For nosematosis, fumaggilin is used, and for varroatosis, dill oil and tincture of dry eucalyptus leaves are used.

Spring bee inspection

As soon as the bees recover from their winter torpor and begin to make their first flights from the hive, the beekeeper's task will consist mainly of careful observation of them. Bees that have successfully survived the winter are quite active and energetic and immediately begin cleaning out accumulated excrement and other debris. The efficiency of a family in the first couples is directly proportional to its strength, i.e. the stronger the bee family, the faster they will start working as a friendly and well-coordinated swarm.

Inspection of bees in spring

Weaker and inferior families stand out very much from the general background. There are several reasons for the weakening of families:

  1. They leave their houses with swollen round bellies and immediately empty their intestines. This condition indicates that during the winter they ate poor quality or spoiled food, or were exposed to an invasive disease called nosematosis;
  2. During departure, such families are somewhat inhibited and sluggish, their movements are not systematic, and the number of individuals is usually small. This is associated with an insufficient supply of food for the winter and, consequently, hunger or a small family;
  3. It is also possible that the uterus is lost for some reason. In this case, the bees will be disoriented and it seems that they are looking for something. Movement along the walls of the hive will be erratic, and flights will be weak and ineffective;
  4. If bees are unable to get into the air and fall down, it may be an invasive disease that affects respiratory system bees - acarapidosis.

If during an inspection colonies with similar problems are identified, their hives should be immediately marked with chalk. If there are no direct symptoms of diseases, but you suspect them, then it would not be superfluous to send specimens of individuals of dubious families to a bacterial laboratory at a veterinary clinic. After the end of the mass general territorial flight, they begin to quickly check the bees that turned out to be too weak to fly around, and the size of the opening for flight is narrowed by about one centimeter.

Bees that died after hibernation

As soon as any problems are discovered, they must be eliminated immediately; spring work on the apiary must be carried out: bees that have died after hibernation must be removed from the hive; Honeycombs that have been affected by mold or are already outdated are also thrown out, and in their place fresh frames with food are installed and the hive is insulated. It is important that the number of frames is as much as needed to fully accommodate the bees, not more. This will allow you to quickly establish temperature regime, warm the hive and raise the brood.

A quick inspection can be carried out even at a temperature of + 10 °C, taking into account that the frames are not removed, but are moved around the perimeter of the hive. They take into account such points as the strength of the family, the quality and quantity of the food supply in the hive. One street should contain up to one kilogram of honey supply. If there is less of it, then the efficiency of brood development and growth will be low. As a result, in the spring there should be at least eight kilograms of honey in the hive. If a deficiency is still present, then the additional honeycombs are warmed up to room temperature and are installed next to the club.

To facilitate wintering and spring restoration work, two-tier houses are often used. In the spring, the bees simply move to the upper compartment full of food, and the lower one is removed. After this, you need to inspect the remaining tier for the presence of food, the condition of the families and brood.

In early spring, you can replace the queen if something happened to her. During this period, the probability of survival is almost 100%.

Special attention it is necessary to devote bee bread, the amount of which depends on the breed of bees.

Spring insulation of nests

In early spring, it is necessary to provide the hive with sufficient heat and regulate the temperature regime. When young brood appears in the hive, the temperature will remain at approximately 34 degrees. If the temperature drops by even a couple of degrees, the brood will begin to develop much worse and the viability of future bees will be in question. If at the time of development to the adult state the temperature is 28-29 or 37-38 degrees, then a large percentage of individuals will die. Therefore, to avoid such an outcome, it is necessary to insulate the hive.

Important! In the upper part of the house, lay several layers (8-10) newsprint or polyethylene film is stretched. Modern building materials designed for home insulation are also suitable.

It is necessary to narrow the openings for the emergence of several individuals, patch and close all the cracks and seal the space above the frame well. This is required in order to reduce ventilation and air exchange between the hive and environment, protect from the wind. After all, it is at this time that a large amount of heat is lost.

It is also better to close the bottom hole for ejection. For some reason, during the cold season, bees clog only the upper exit, while the lower one remains open. You can open it around May, when they will be crowded at the top.

To retain heat in the hive, A. G. Blinov’s method is also used, the essence of which is to limit the amount of brood in the spring. During the initial inspection, the brood is separated from the feeding frames by a diaphragm, leaving the food behind them. In this case, the nest is placed exactly in the middle of the structure: for example, bees occupy 8-10 frames, then the nest is arranged on 4-5 frames; if there are 6-8 frames, then the nest is 3-4 frames, everything else is located just behind the diaphragm. Then the hive is insulated on top, and is kept in this state until the end of May. Then comes the reverse expansion, one frame per day.

Cleansing the bottoms

Spring work in the apiary includes general cleaning Donev. If you do not remove the dead individuals, they will begin to rot, become moldy and emit an extremely unpleasant aroma. Moreover, among total mass there may be representatives who died from infectious disease, and they can serve as a source of infection. If you delay this matter, the bees will start cleaning themselves, at which point they can become infected and create a dangerous unsanitary situation. Therefore, cleaning is done either on the day the winter ends, or every other day, but not later. Spare bottoms are fired.

If the bottoms are removable, then cleaning can be done in cold weather, without waiting for favorable time and warmth, without fear of catching the young brood. If you can’t remove them, then wait until it warms up.

Providing bees with water

It is equally important to give water to the bees. Drinkers are installed in a well-heated place, protected from the wind. There should be two drinkers: plain water and slightly salted water (dilute 5 g of table salt per liter). In order for the bees to get used to them, on the first day after wintering, the drinking bowls are lubricated with honey. If this is not done, the bees will seek an alternative source of water and in the process may be injured or killed by gusts of wind. You can also add 20 mg of cobalt sulfate per liter of water to the water to stimulate the growth of young animals.

Bees drink water

Ways to increase your apiary

Important! Reproduction bee families stv are produced from strong individuals, the layering is moved to a separate hive along with the native queen or a purchased one.

All bees are divided into three groups, one will serve as the basis, and the other two will serve as a colony. Having accumulated about six frames of brood, they are moved to new equipped hives and after one or two weeks they are supplemented with two other groups. It is necessary to carry out such an event around March, and under no circumstances should this work be carried out in the apiary in May.

Each period is important and necessary in its own way. Bees in April require no less care than in any other month. spring month. The spring period is the most optimal for increasing and expanding the apiary, since during this time the number of bees can be increased for honey harvest. While studying the basics of beekeeping, pay attention to the fact that spring work in the apiary is extremely important, since the productivity of insects for the upcoming period of collecting bee products directly depends on this.

So, the first steps in beekeeping have already been taken and now I want not only to devote more time to bees, but also to make the income from the apiary more significant. Surely such thoughts come to any novice beekeeper, when overwintered bees delight the eye with their friendly flight after a long and exciting first winter.

Well, quite reasonable thoughts, you just need to decide how best to reproduce bees.

Quite a lot has been written in the beekeeping literature about the reproduction of bee colonies, but it rarely talks about how to do this without compromising honey production. Worse yet, there is an opinion that the reproduction of bee colonies reduces the honey productivity of the apiary, although I categorically disagree with this opinion. An increase in the number of families in the current season not only may not reduce the yield of marketable honey from the apiary, but on the contrary should increase it. What is needed for this?

First of all, you should always strive to ensure that only strong families go to winter. Even a well-wintered layering on five frames will not be able to complete the task set above. It will systematically gain strength for the main July honey harvest, but it will not have enough strength to organize breeding, and in this case, most likely, the rule “either” will work. additional family, or honey." A well-overwintered strong family occupies approximately 10 Dadan frames at the end of April, actively works on spring flowers and develops much faster even compared to families of average strength. It is precisely such families that have enormous potential, which experienced beekeepers know how to manage well; it is precisely such families that very often swarm if competent beekeeping methods are not applied to them.

Remember! As a rule, you should not make layering less than a month before the start of the main honey flow.. In this case, the family is weakened and cannot fully use the upcoming honey harvest, because we will not only give the layering of bees, but we will put several frames with brood in it, and at first the layering will grow only at the expense of the maternal family. That is why June swarms are so undesirable, as they split up the apiary and the strength of the families goes not to honey collection, but to growing brood from the young ones that appeared and from the old queens that flew out with the swarm.

Considering that the main bribe comes at the beginning of July, all work on organizing layering must be completed before June 5-10 and the sooner the better. In this case, the families from which the layering was made, and the layering itself, will have time to increase a sufficient number of bees for the upcoming honey harvest, which will take part in the honey harvest. The honey productivity of the cuttings will directly depend on when they were organized. The earliest layerings made in mid-May on purchased southern queens manage to turn into strong colonies by the July honey harvest that independently use the honey collection. Later ones, at a minimum, must provide themselves with honey for the coming winter and go into the winter as a full-fledged strong family.

You may ask, what about the June bribe? After all, it often happens that in June good families bring 1-3.5 kg of honey per day. When should layering be formed in this case? It is difficult to give a specific answer here; you yourself need to decide which bribe (June or July) is your priority. If you are counting on June honey, this means that the layerings need to be formed somewhat weaker in order to disrupt the strength of the main families as little as possible. But my practice suggests that in our region there are not always bribes in June, but the worst thing is that families that are not sufficiently weakened in May can enter a swarm state in June, and therefore it is worth considering whether it is worth counting on June honey. The price to pay for the desire to have early honey will be either several flasks of fragrant flower or sainfoin honey, or the need to take measures to bring some families out of the swarm state.

In conclusion, I note that when talking about when to make layering, I proceeded from the conditions of my region, where the main layering occurs, as a rule, in July. But I indicated the basic principles of organizing layering, based on them, it is possible to determine when and with what strength it is worth making layering in conditions with different timing of the main bribe.

From what has been written, you can also determine which queens are more appropriate to use: buy or breed yourself. Very often, especially if the main harvest is early, layering is formed 7-10 days before the start of honey flow on the fertile queens, and a sealed queen cell is given to the main colony. This solves two problems at once: Firstly, the number of families increases, and secondly, the flight of the young queen occurs during the flowering of the main honey plant and just at this time there is no open brood in the family, which largely distracts the family from honey collection. Thus, thanks to the timely organization of layering, the main family makes more effective use of early honey collection. But it must be noted that for Saratov region This method is not acceptable, since it leads to a shortage of honey in July.

So think and decide for yourself. What I have always liked about beekeeping is that in this industry agriculture There is usually no single right way to solve a problem. Finding the right solution and implementing it into life for a beekeeper is not only interesting, but also profitable!

An apiary is a place where bees live and work during the honey harvest to ensure good yields. Each beekeeper must engage in regular spring work aimed at creating favorable conditions for the development of bee colonies, as well as restoring them general condition after winter period.

Features of caring for bees

Spring work in the apiary includes mandatory care for an insect. Read more for a more complete picture of how. Bees are worried in the spring and are characterized by increased irritability and noise. After the temperature in the hives rises, insects experience distress and numerous deaths. Bees are noisy when the honey crystallization process occurs. In this case, they need to be given something to drink. To prevent such situations, the beekeeper should carry out a mandatory inspection in the spring. These manipulations must be carried out after each wintering.

Spring work in the apiary in March:

  • families are inspected after wintering;
  • The temperature in the hives is monitored. The temperature should not be allowed to rise by more than four degrees. To achieve this, good ventilation is ensured;
  • early spring insects make their first cleansing flight, so the hives are set up in advance. A suitable period is three weeks. Bees that fly around early in the spring have rich brood;
  • After the end of the winter period, roofing material and straw are laid near the hive. To allow the bees to fly around, open the entrance. It will begin when the air temperature stops at around seven degrees, and the weather is calm and sunny;
  • During the inspection, bees are examined, especially after the winter period. Those families that overwintered normally are distinguished by high energy and ability to work; they can clean their hive on their own. Unsuccessful wintering is characterized by bloated abdomens, indicating the course of a disease such as nosematosis. Sick bees fly around slowly and sluggishly. In this case, it is necessary to send the waste to the laboratory for analysis.

Quick Look

After completion of the flight, the number of entrances in the hives is reduced. Next, you should conduct a quick inspection of bees that fly poorly. After this, the following assistance is provided:

  • eliminate the pestilence;
  • install clean honeycombs;
  • fill the frames with food and place them in the hives;
  • after that, shorten and insulate the nest;
  • leave the required number of frames;
  • create favorable conditions for brood.

A quick inspection is an important procedure in the spring, when the air temperature hovers around ten degrees Celsius. It is advisable to determine in advance the approximate amount of food needed, the condition of the family and the presence of diseases. If there is a shortage of food supplies, the bees will not be able to raise brood. The optimal amount of honey products for insects is at least fifteen kilograms. If there is little honey in the combs, you need to place frames filled with fertilizing.

This inspection is carried out after completion of the cleaning flight in early spring. The procedure will be more convenient in a multi-body hive. First, remove the lower body. After this, the top one is inspected to make sure there is food and brood.

If there are no cells in the combs, there is no mother in the family. In this case, the beekeeper is obliged to attach the nucleus. On the first day of the insect exhibition, the individuality of the individuals is lost. This moment is suitable for increasing the size of the family. Be especially careful when handling bee bread, as it is an important product for bees.

Insulation of the nest

An important part of the work in the apiary is the insulation of nests. When the first brood appears, it is important to maintain a stable air temperature, namely 32-34 degrees Celsius. Insulation is used to preserve heat. For this purpose, you can take folded newspapers. In addition, the reduction of the tapholes will retain heat.

The most popular method of insulating nests:

  • the brood is separated through a diaphragm;
  • leave frames filled with food;
  • collect the nest;
  • the top of the body is carefully insulated, such a nest can be disassembled at the end of May or in the summer;
  • then they expand the nest using one frame per day. You can feed the insects sugar syrup to stimulate the queen to lay eggs.

Cleaning the bottoms

A mandatory type of spring work is cleaning the bottoms. It is strictly forbidden to delay this procedure, as the death gives off an unpleasant odor, which is a source of infection and disease.

If cleaning is not done in time, insects will do it on their own. In this case, it is violated sanitary standards apiaries. They are cleaned when the hives are removed from the omshanik. Spare bottoms need to be burned using a blowtorch.

Methods for increasing an apiary

The apiary is divided into 3 main groups. One part is intended for reproduction, the second - for strengthening the family, the third can be used in honey collection. According to the schedule of spring work, it is necessary to carry out insulation, reduce nests, and replenish food supplies. It is very important to properly care for insects during this period, so that in the summer they can show all their hard work. If the brood occupies about six frames, you can begin to increase the family. This way they can swarm and lay queen cells.

Stages of the method:

  1. Place two frames containing mature brood in the colony that is undergoing the breeding process. Make sure the frames are completely covered with bees.
  2. The frame should be taken extremely carefully and carefully, without touching the mother. Place it in the hive. In an empty space, place frames with artificial foundation.
  3. When the individuals begin to flock, place the frames with the remaining insects in the new family.

If you notice larvae in the queen cell, place the brood frame and queen in a separate hive. Frames containing printed brood are added to it. Then the layer is carefully insulated and the nest is expanded. After seven days you will be able to notice the printed queen cell. Then it is necessary to divide the family, distribute the frames in the hives in equal quantities. Monitor your uterus regularly. If it is destroyed, replace it.

Next, the mother emerges from the queen cell, and ten days later egg-laying begins. Basically, beekeepers prefer an accelerated method for increasing the apiary in order to protect themselves from unwanted swarming.

If necessary, increase the strength of the bee family for the main bribe, you can use store-bought housings. When the separation of the family is completed, an increase in the strength of insects can be observed towards the main bribe. To expand the nest, frames filled with artificial foundation are installed during egg laying. This technique contributes to the formation of a strong, able-bodied family.

Into three main groups. You will have one for reproduction, and the others will be needed for further brood and subsequent honey collection. That is, it turns out that two old ones are responsible for one family.

For each new family you can take a separate frame where they will lay eggs. They put it in specific place in a free hive, insulate it and feed the bees generously with food. When, as a result of the brood, 6 full frames are occupied, you need to start adding other families, those that are intended to help. This is necessary so that the bees begin to swarm and lay queen cells even more actively.

After 5-7 days, the placement procedure is repeated. The number of bees is significant, and this is the number of nurses too. And there are more queen cells. As soon as larvae appear in the queen cells, the main queen is transplanted into another hive with new frames for further reproduction. Brood from spare families is also added there again and again they wait 6-7 days. After this, the family is again divided into three parts and resettled in different hives. Thus, in different bee houses there are equally efficient bees.

When they begin to emerge from the queen cells, after 7-10 days they are already laying eggs. Thus, there is a continuous process of reproduction of offspring: both queens and nurse bees. Experts assure: with this method of accelerated reproduction of bees, apiary can easily be doubled in just 2-3 months.

To ensure that your apiary grows much faster next year, try to ensure that only the strongest bees go to winter. Having wintered well, such a family will be able to occupy about 10 frames already in the middle. This means that you will have much greater chances of getting offspring faster. It is these strong families that have the necessary potential, which experienced beekeepers willingly use. Therefore, these families swarm more willingly and often, which means they increase your apiary.