The moon is visible in the evening like a crescent. Apparent movement and phases of the moon

As you know, the Moon does not emit light, but only reflects it. And therefore, only that side of it that is illuminated by the Sun is always visible in the sky. This side is called the day side. Moving across the sky from the west to the east, the Moon over the course of the month catches up and overtakes the Sun. A change is taking place relative position Moon, Earth and Sun. In this case, the sun's rays change the angle of incidence on the lunar surface and therefore the part of the Moon visible from the Earth changes. The movement of the Moon across the sky is usually divided into phases directly related to its modification: new moon, new moon, first quarter, full moon and last quarter.

Moon observations

Moon - celestial body spherical shape. That is why, when it is partially illuminated sunlight the appearance of a “sickle” appears on the side. By the way, by the illuminated side of the Moon you can always determine in which direction the Sun is located, even if it is hidden behind the horizon.

The duration of the complete change of all lunar phases is usually called a synodic month and ranges from 29.25 to 29.83 Earth solar days. The length of the synodic month varies due to the elliptical shape of the lunar orbit.

During the new moon, the Moon's disk is completely invisible in the night sky, since at this time it is located as close as possible to the Sun and at the same time faces the Earth with its night side.

Next comes the new moon phase. During this period of time, the Moon becomes visible in the night sky in the form of a narrow crescent for the first time in the synodic month and can be observed at dusk a few minutes before it sets.

Next comes the first quarter. This is the phase in which exactly half of its visible part is illuminated, as in the last quarter. The only difference is that in the first quarter the proportion of the illuminated part at this moment increases.

The full moon is the phase in which the lunar disk is clearly and completely visible. During the full moon, for several hours you can observe the so-called opposition effect, in which the brightness of the lunar disk noticeably increases, while its size remains the same. This phenomenon is explained quite simply: for an earthly observer, at this moment all shadows on the surface of the Moon disappear.

There are also phases of increasing, decreasing and old moon. All of them are characterized by a very narrow crescent of the Moon with a grayish-ash color typical for these phases.

From all of the above we can conclude that, in fact, nothing obscures the Moon. The angle of its illumination by the sun's rays simply changes.


  • Rituals for the full moon and waxing moon

Everyone knows that the success of an enterprise depends not only on the presence of all necessary conditions and the psychological attunement of people who are ready to get down to business. Success also depends on the right moment chosen to implement the business. The ancients always focused on the position of celestial bodies before starting any business. In particular, they paid attention to the phase of the moon.

You will need

  • - astrological magazines and websites;
  • - observing the moon.


Take a look at. This will be the most reliable way to determine the phase of the moon. Typically, such calendars can be found on special websites or in the news (see the “Weather” section). Various publications for gardeners can also help. The moon helps gardeners choose the right day to plant flowers, vegetables or trees. It is believed that trees are best placed on the Moon, because this way they will grow faster.

Use a method familiar to everyone from childhood. Determine the phase of the moon using the finger method. "Substitute" index finger to the crescent. If the resulting figure forms the letter “P” (a crescent moon acts as the “arm”), then the Moon is growing. If the crescent is turned in the other direction and resembles the letter “C,” it means that the Moon is waning. This method is suitable if you need to determine right now whether the Moon is waning or not, but there is no opportunity to turn to the Internet or any magazine: in front of you is only the sky and crescent.

Do not start new things during the waning moon. The position of the night star affects the daily activities of any person much more than the position of the Sun. Whenever you are about to undertake any serious undertaking, pay attention to the phase of the moon. Choose the moment when it is growing. But at the same time, there are situations in which the waning Moon is favorable. “Underground” vegetables grow better, operations are also resolved favorably, and all household chores go well.

Analyze the dreams you have at the stage when the Moon is waning. You may dream about things that need to be completed. Pay attention to such dreams, use them as a guide for yourself. On the waning moon, you often have very emotional dreams, imbued with a lyrical mood. This lunar phase provokes active work nervous system. It is during this half of the month that a person (through feelings and emotions) comes to decisions and answers that he could not find before, with the help of reason.

Video on the topic

Please note

Take care of your body's health, taking into account lunar phases. There are 4 of them. Carefully study the features of each to achieve the best healing effect.

Useful advice

Pay attention to the meaning of lunar days; each of them is favorable for a certain type of activity.


  • All about the lunar calendar
  • Which moon is waxing or waning?

Moon - natural satellite Earth, the radius of which is approximately a quarter of the Earth's. At night, we see its disk, illuminated differently by the Sun, which is invisible at this time. The degree of illumination depends on the relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun. In total, there are four degrees of illumination, which are called “phases”.

The cycle of lunar phases repeats itself after about 30 days - more precisely, from 29.25 to 29.83 days. The illumination line - the terminator - moves smoothly along the surface of the Earth's natural satellite, but it is customary to distinguish only four positions, referring to all intermediate options to one of them. Therefore, it is believed that during each cycle there are four lunar phases, which are also called “quarters”. Determine which phase the Moon is in at the moment, you can visually - there are simple mnemonic rules for this.

Each new cycle begins with a new moon - western edge On the first day of the visible disk, a very narrow illuminated crescent is visible, and with each subsequent day its width increases. During this first phase of the cycle, as well as in the second that follows, the Moon is called waxing. If we conventionally draw a visible sickle vertical line, you get “P” - the first in “”. When visible sickle the natural satellite will grow to half the disk at its widest part, the first phase will end and the second will begin - this happens in approximately 7.5 days. The second phase - or the second quarter - lasts the same amount of time and by its end the entire visible disk of the Earth's satellite turns out to be luminous. On the last day of the second phase, the full moon comes, and the natural satellite most justifies the “night luminary”.

The next two quarters of the Moon are called “waning” or “aging.” During this period, her luminous area every night more and more resembles the letter “C” - the first in the word “aging”. The process occurs in the reverse order - the width of the illuminated part of the disk decreases every night, and when only half of it remains, the third phase will end and the last one will begin. At the end of the fourth quarter, the Moon faces the Earth with its unlit side.

Video on the topic

The moon, or the month, as it is popularly called, has always attracted people, beckoned with its mystery, and it and its ability to change size and shape have been given mystical meaning. The different phases of the moon have their meaning in astrology, magic, religion, and science.

Being a night luminary, the Moon actually does not shine, and this was proven many centuries ago. What a person sees in the sky at night is the reflection of the sun’s rays from its surface. As the Moon moves in space relative to the Earth and the Sun, it changes its shape, going from waxing to waning. Each of the three phases of visibility and glow of the Moon in astronomy and astrology corresponds to a calendar value lunar day. In mysticism and magic, these phases have their own names; they correspond to the rituals and beliefs permitted in a given period. Scientists from various fields did not ignore the lunar phases, and they all interpreted its changes as the angle in which it is visible from the Earth.

How to determine the “age” of a month

Almost every person is fascinated by the night sky illuminated by the Moon, and he watches with interest the changes in the outlines of this night star, but not everyone knows what phase the Moon is in at the moment and even has no idea about the “new month”.

There are many interpretations of this expression regarding the Moon. But, in essence, it means that the night star is just beginning to emerge from the shadow of planet Earth, and only a small part of its surface is accessible to the rays of the Sun. During this period, only a thin semicircular strip with pointed edges facing left, in the shape of a semicircle from the letter P, can be observed from the Earth.

In religious terms, the new month symbolizes the beginning of a new period. The phase of the new month, according to church canons, is most successful for baptism, wedding, tonsure as a monk and taking vows.

In various astrological calendars The new month promotes growth and formation, and it is during this period that it is best to change something in your life, for example, your place of work or residence. Even those carried out during the waxing Moon phase will bring greatest benefit, and plant seeds planted in the soil will sprout vigorously, which will bring a large harvest.

In magic, during the birth of the month and its growth, various rituals are performed, spells for love spells and improvement are read on the young moon financial situation, perform other magical actions.

Other meanings of the expression “new moon”

The growing Moon is very popular not only among astrologers, fans of black or white magic and ministers of religion, but also among lyrical poets. One can find many examples among the works of the classics, where a lover compared himself or the object of his passion with the new moon, or where someone suffering from unrequited love shared his sorrows with the nascent Moon.

In the common people, this epithet was awarded to beloved children, young talents on whom great hopes were pinned; this was the name given to unusually beautiful boys and girls.


  • What is a new moon
  • Three phases of the moon

Even in ancient times, astronomy helped people find their way. Simple techniques for determining direction in an unfamiliar place can still be useful to you today on a hike or a walk.
Direction to cardinal directions can be determined by the sun, moon and starseven more accurate than using a compass.

Sun orientation

To determine the cardinal directions by the sun, you can use ordinary . If you point the clock hand at the sun at one o'clock in the afternoon, it will show you the direction to the south, because the sun at noon is in the southern part of the sky. (Astronomical noon occurs around 1 p.m.). To determine the direction to the cardinal points at other times, you need to point the hour hand at the sun and divide the angle formed between this arrow and the number “1” in half. The resulting line will show the direction to the south. Before noon it will be located to the left of the number “1”, after noon - to the right (Fig. 1).
To more accurately point the hour hand at the sun, place a stick, such as a pencil, perpendicular to the plane of the clock in the center of the dial. Now turn the clock so that the shadow of the stick and the hour hand form a straight line. In this position, the hour hand will be directed directly towards the sun.

Orientation by the moon

At night and in the evening you can navigate by the moon. To do this, you need to know what the main phases of the moon look like.
There are four main phases of the moon.
New moon.The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, at this time the shadow side of the Moon faces the Earth, and we do not see it.
First quarter.The moon is visible in the evening in the southwestern side of the sky in the form of a light semicircle, convexly facing to the right.

Full moon.The moon is completely illuminated and looks like a bright disk.
Last quarter.The moon is visible in the morning in the southeastern side of the sky in the form of a light semicircle, convexly facing to the left (Fig. 2).
You will find information about the onset of lunar phases in tear-off and table calendars, via the Internet.
To be able to navigate by the moon, you need to remember the following. The crescent of the “young” moon, curved to the right, is visible in the evening in the western sky and sets shortly after sunset. During the first quarter, the moon is in the south around 7 p.m. The full moon in the south direction occurs around 1 am. At 10 o'clock in the evening it is in the southeastern side of the sky, and at 4 o'clock in the morning it is in the southwest. The last quarter moon is in the south at 7 am. The crescent of the "old" moon, resembling the letter "C", is visible in the morning, shortly before sunrise, in the eastern sky. Knowing this, you can easily determine the points of the horizon based on the position of the moon and its phase.

Orientation by the stars

The moon is not always visible in the sky. But every night, when the sky is not covered with clouds, stars are visible on it, by which you can also determine the direction.
The easiest way to navigate is by the North Star, which always stands above North Pole. Polaris is found by constellation Ursa Major. This constellation is known to everyone and is visible throughout the night. The North Star is the end of the handle of the “bucket” of the constellation Ursa Minor.

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth. This is the closest celestial body to the Earth; it shines with reflected sunlight. The Moon moves around the Earth approximately in an elliptical orbit in the same direction as the Earth rotates around its axis. Therefore, we see the Moon moving among the stars towards the rotation of the sky. The direction of the Moon's movement is always the same - from west to east. For an observer on Earth, the Moon moves 13.2° per day.

The Moon completes its orbit around the Earth in 27.3 days ( sidereal month). And in the same time it makes one revolution around its axis, so the same hemisphere of the Moon always faces the Earth.

The movement of the Moon around the Earth is very complex, and its study is one of the most difficult problems of celestial mechanics. The apparent movement of the Moon is accompanied by a continuous change in its appearance - a change of phases. This happens because the Moon occupies various provisions relative to the Sun and Earth illuminating it. Lunar phase called the part of the lunar disk visible in sunlight.

Let's look at the phases of the moon, starting with the new moon. This phase occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth and faces us with its dark side. The Moon is not visible at all from Earth.

After one or two days, a narrow bright crescent of the “young” Moon appears in the western sky and continues to grow. Sometimes it is noticeable against the sky (due to the dim grayish glow - the so-called ashen light Moon) and the rest of the lunar disk. The phenomenon of ashen light is explained by the fact that the lunar crescent is illuminated directly by the Sun, and the rest of the lunar surface is illuminated by scattered sunlight reflected by the Earth. After 7 days, the entire right half of the lunar disk will be visible - the first quarter phase. In this phase, the Moon rises during the day and is visible in the evening southern region sky and sets at night. Then the phase increases, and 14-15 days after the new moon, the Moon comes into opposition with the Sun. Her phase becomes complete, comes full moon. sun rays illuminate the entire lunar hemisphere facing the Earth. The Full Moon rises at sunset, sets at sunrise, and is visible in the southern sky in the middle of the night.

After the full moon, the Moon gradually approaches the Sun from the west and is illuminated by it from the left. After about a week, the phase begins third, or last quarter. In this case, the Moon rises around midnight, by sunrise it is in the southern sky and sets during the day. With further approach of the Earth's satellite to the Sun, the waning phases of the Moon become crescent-shaped. The moon is visible only in the morning, shortly before sunrise, and sets during daylight hours, before sunset. This time the narrow crescent of the Moon is convexly facing the east. Then the new moon comes again, and the Moon ceases to be visible in the sky.

About 29.5 days pass from one new moon to the next. This period of changing lunar phases is called synodic month. The synodic (or lunar) month is longer than the sidereal (or sidereal) month, since both the Moon and the Earth move in a forward direction through space.

Consistent changes in the visible moon in the sky

The moon goes through the following phases of illumination:

  • new moon- a state when the Moon is not visible. New Moon is the phase of the Moon at which its ecliptic longitude is the same as that of the Sun. Thus, at this time the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun approximately on the same straight line with them. If they are exactly on the same straight line, then solar eclipse. The Moon is not visible in the night sky during the new moon because it is very close to the Sun at this time. celestial sphere(no further than 5°) and at the same time turned towards us with the night side. But sometimes it can be seen against the background of the solar disk (solar eclipse). In addition, some time (usually about two days) after or before the new moon, with a very clear atmosphere, you can still notice the disk of the Moon, illuminated by weak light reflected from the Earth (the ashen light of the Moon). The interval between new moons is on average 29.530589 days (synodic month). At the new moon the Jewish New Year and Chinese (Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) New Year of the 60-year cycle.
  • new moon- the first appearance of the Moon in the sky after the new moon in the form of a narrow crescent.
  • first quarter- the state when half of the Moon is illuminated.
  • waxing moon
  • full moon- a state when the entire Moon is illuminated. Full Moon is the phase of the Moon at which the difference between the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and the Moon is 180°. This means that the plane drawn through the Sun, Earth and Moon is perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. If all three objects are on the same line, then lunar eclipse. The moon at full moon looks like a regular luminous disk. In astronomy, the moment of the full moon is calculated with an accuracy of several minutes; In everyday life, a full moon is usually called a period of several days during which the Moon is visually almost indistinguishable from the full one. During a full moon, the so-called opposition effect can occur for several hours, during which the brightness of the disk increases noticeably, despite its unchanged size. The effect is explained by the complete disappearance (for an earthly observer) of shadows on the surface of the Moon at the moment of opposition. The maximum brightness of the Moon during a full moon is -12.7m.
  • waning moon
  • last quarter- the state when half of the moon is illuminated again.
  • old moon
Mnemonic rule for determining the phases of the moon

To distinguish the first quarter from the last, an observer located in the northern hemisphere can use the following mnemonic rules. If the lunar crescent in the sky looks like the letter “C (d)”, then this is the “Aging” or “Descending” moon, that is, this is the last quarter (dernier in French). If it is turned to reverse side, then by mentally placing a stick on it, you can get the letter “P (p)” - the moon is “Waxing”, that is, this is the first quarter (premier in French).

The waxing month is usually observed in the evening, and the aging month in the morning.

It should be noted that near the equator the month is always visible “lying on its side”, and this method not suitable for phase determination. In the Southern Hemisphere, the orientation of the crescent in the corresponding phases is the opposite: the waxing month (from new moon to full moon) looks like the letter “C” (Crescendo,<), а убывающий (от полнолуния до новолуния) похож на букву «Р» без палочки (Diminuendo, >). Interesting facts Usually, there is one full moon for each calendar month, but since the phases of the moon change a little faster than 12 times a year, sometimes a second full moon in a month occurs, called a blue moon.

V. N. Bespalov,
boarding school No. 4, Voronezh

Light. Optical phenomena. 9th grade

Lesson explaining new material using cartoon frames

It's a pity, astronomy academic subject leaves school. Integration with physics may be useful, but physicists are unlikely to spend much time studying astronomical phenomena. And schoolchildren will lose a lot. Agree, studying solar system in the 5th grade is unlikely to remain in the memory of students, and within the framework of the theory of relativity, of course, no one will talk about summer and maternity time. And now from the big screen we hear: “METEOR impacts caused the death of dinosaurs,” “... summer time ahead of the waist by 2 hours”, etc. Many begin to believe that stars are falling, and when moving from Astrakhan to Moscow, you can see more constellations. When studying lenses in the school curriculum, there is no time to study the structure of telescopes. And students will continue to think that “telescopes bring planets closer” instead of “telescopes increase the angle of view.” In mechanics there is no place for studying the movement of meteors and meteorites. And some begin to believe that stars are falling. But let's not talk about sad things.

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The proposed lesson can be taught when studying the rectilinear propagation of light in the topic “Optical Phenomena.” For this lesson I madeDVD-disc, digitized and re-voiced recordings on video cassette of 1991 programsd. Of course, the quality leaves much to be desired. It would be nice if our Ministry of Education produced 5-10 minute films for lessons, as they did 15-20 years ago. Now there are discs “Open Physics”, “Open Astronomy”, but I would still like to have films. Maybe I violated the copyrights of our animators, but showing fragments of cartoons in physics lessons allows you to look at the video material from the other side - educational.Once upon a time, the Rossiya channel showed
26 episodes of the Canadian animated series "The Magic School Bus". From a pedagogical point of view, it would be useful in extracurricular activities, and fragments could be included in physics, biology, and astronomy lessons. But where can I get this cartoon? I have VCR recordings, I play some things in class, but now I want to have recordings of higher quality, because multimedia projectors have appeared in schools.

At the end of the lesson, you can show a two-minute film about eclipses as a consequence of the rectilinear propagation of light and solve 2-3 problems from the book WHAT??Malakhova G.I.., Strout E.K.

After this lesson, the students wanted to know more about the Moon, so I organized a question and answer evening where I showed old recordings onDVD-discs films about the Moon. Students who had experience participating in school CPD also answered questions.

Lesson Objectives: find out what light is; understand why we see light sources and bodies that are not sources; why the appearance of the Moon in the sky changes; learn to calculate the wavelength of radiation if its frequency is known, draw the location of the Earth, Sun and Moon and determine the time of day (evening, morning) at different lunar phases, teach terrain orientation based on the phases of the Moon; conduct observations of the Moon over several evenings.

Teacher. Life on Earth arose and exists thanks to the radiant energy of sunlight. Primitive man's fire, oil, fuel space rocket– all this is light energy, once stored by plants and animals. What do you think will happen if the Sun goes out? Stop the solar flow, and rain of liquid nitrogen and oxygen will fall on the Earth. The temperature will approach absolute zero, i.e. to –273 ° C. A seven-meter shell of frozen atmospheric gases will cover the earth’s surface. Only sometimes in this icy desert you will find puddles of liquid helium.

According to astronomers, the Sun will remain in a stationary stage for a long time. And all this time it will bring warmth and light to the Earth. What can you learn from the sun's rays? Thanks to the luminous flux we perceive and know the world around us. Rays of light tell us about the position of close and distant objects, their shape and color. In a homogeneous medium, rays propagate rectilinearly.

What is light? Light is electromagnetic radiation perceived by the human eye. The wavelengths of this radiation are very short and lie in a narrow range - from 0.38 to 0.77 microns (380–770 nm).Light is electromagnetic in nature. ( On the screen or on the interactive whiteboard is the table “Radiation and Frequency”. )

Tasks “Types of radiation”

    What type of radiation are they? electromagnetic waves frequency 30 GHz? 600 THz? 100 kHz? 1200 THz?

    Calculate the wavelengths of these radiations.

Light sources

Teacher. Let's fill out the table ( Students name the light sources, and the corresponding table cells “open” )/

Natural sources

Artificial sources


Screens of switched on TVs

Glowing insects

We see radiation sources because the radiation they create hits our eyes. But we can also see bodies that are not sources of radiation. Why? It's all about the reflection of light. We see only illuminated bodies. In the dark, all cats are gray because there is no light, which means it is not reflected from the object. Democritus was the first to understand that the Moon shines from reflected sunlight. Depending on the position of the Sun, Earth and Moon, the appearance of the Moon is constantly changing.

Study of lunar phases

(A 2.5-minute video is shown . Here is the announcer's text .) It’s as if a person has been running along a lunar path all his life. The first time he set foot on it, he raised his head and asked himself: “Why is the Moon so different: today it’s round, and tomorrow it’s crescent-shaped?” After thousands of years, he realized: the Moon shines with light reflected from the Sun. And it revolves around the Earth. During this journey, the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun, so the dark side of the Moon is turned towards us, and we do not see it. It's a new moon.

After about 7 days, the first quarter begins. The right half of the Moon is visible in the southern sky during sunset. Around midnight, the Moon will set below the horizon in the western sky.

About 7 more days will pass and we will see the full Moon. It appears in the evening in the eastern sky. Now the Earth is located between the Moon and the Sun. At midnight full moon will be at its maximum height at the point south.

But midnight is not 0 o'clock. In Voronezh, midnight occurs at 0:23 in winter and at 1:23 in summer. In Moscow - at 0:30 and 1:30, respectively. In other administrative centers - at different times. (See “Time zones on the territory of Russia” in the newspaper “Geography-PS”,
No. 39/2001. The line for Tomsk and Kirov regions: now in Tomsk the time of the VI time zone has been introduced instead of VII, and in Kirov - the III time zone instead of IV, so the time of noon must be reduced by 1 hour).

After midnight, the height of the Moon begins to decrease, and in the morning in the western sky the full Moon will set below the horizon.

The next phase of the Moon is the last quarter. The moon appears in the east at midnight and will be visible until the morning. When the sun rises, old month will seem to “dissolve” in the southern side of the sky...

This is how the man explained to himself what lunar phases are. And the Moon became a little clearer, as if closer.

Filling out the Moon Phases table

(There is an empty table on the screen; when explained, the corresponding cells “open” .)

Teacher. Draw the positions of the Moon, Sun and Earth when the Moon is in its new moon phase. ( Students make a schematic drawing. )

What if the Moon is in its first quarter phase? ( Students make a drawing .)

Seeing an incomplete disk of the Moon in the sky, not everyone can accurately determine whether the month is young or in decline. The narrow crescent of the newly born month and the crescent of the old Moon differ only in that their convexities face in opposite directions. In the Northern Hemisphere, the young month is always directed with its convex side to the right, the old one - to the left. In mid latitudes Southern Hemisphere it's the other way around.

Problems “Phases of the Moon in Animated Films”

1. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino”.

On the screen is Uncle Fyodor, a cat and a dog. “This is probably the camera gun that came to me,” says the dog. Everyone sighs. And above the house you can see a narrow crescent of the month convex to the right.

? What time of day did the photo gun “arrive”? Draw the location of the Moon, Earth and Sun.

Clue . Please note: the month is narrow (why?). We conclude: The sun is somewhere nearby (where? in which direction?), the sky is not completely dark (why?). We see only bright stars.

2. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “The Tale of the Seven Knights”.

Tsarevich Elisha turns to the month with a request to find the princess. To which the month replies: “My brother, // I have not seen the red maiden. //I stand on guard //Only in my turn. //The princess, apparently, //ran away without me.” “What a shame,” Elisha sighs. On the screen there is a narrow crescent of the month, convex to the left.

? Which month (young or old) is Prince Elisha talking to?

Clue. The month is low above the horizon. Which direction will he move?

3. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

On the screen Troubadour: “The ray of the golden sun of darkness was hidden by a veil. //And suddenly a wall grew between us again.//The night will pass, the stormy time will pass, the Sun will rise.”

? On which side of the horizon is the Moon visible?

Clue. On the screen we see the full Moon low above the horizon. When does the full moon rise? When does it set over the horizon?

4. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”.

Uncle Fyodor and his friends are looking for treasure.

? What time of day is it at this time?

Clue. What month do you see? Which direction should he move?

5. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”.

Postman Pechkin knocks on the door. And above the house you can see a narrow crescent of the month convex to the right.

? Which direction of the horizon do the windows face?

6. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “Snowman-Postman”.

The fox is carrying a letter. But the path is blocked by a wolf. The moon is shining.

? To what direction does the shadow fall on the horizon?

Clue. What phase does the Moon have? Where can you see her?

Mindfulness tasks or Find the error

1. Showing a fragment from the cartoon "Caterok".

? What's interesting about this slide? Where can you see the Sun high above your head?

Clue. On the slide we see both the Sun and the Moon. But which side does the month face towards the Sun?

2. Slide show from the cartoon "The Night Before Christmas".

“The last day before Christmas has passed. A clear winter night has arrived. The moon majestically rose to the sky to shine good people and to the whole world."

? What phase does the month have when it “rises” above the horizon? When can you see such a sunrise?

Clue. The moon rises above the horizon. And the Sun? ( We are waiting for an answer.) The sun should also rise... Who among you has seen the month rising above the horizon in such a phase?

3. Show slides from the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”.

Ball. It's your fault that Uncle Fyodor got sick.

Matroskin. Why me?

Ball. You gave him cold milk. And he also boasted: this is the kind of cold milk my cow gives!

(There's a knock on the door.)

Ball. Who's there?

Ball. In this weather they sit at home and watch TV.

? What time of day did the boy’s parents arrive? Does this phase of the Moon agree with Sharik’s phrase: “In this weather they sit at home, watch TV”?

Clue . On the first slide we see two cartoon characters, on the second - a view of the Moon from their window. Is it possible to say at what time of day a dog and a cat sort things out?

4. Showing a fragment from the cartoon “Twelve Months”.

The young month is melting.// The stars are going out in succession.

? Does the text correspond to the cartoon fragment or these slides?

Clue. On the left slide we see the month low above the horizon, on the second slide the dark sky becomes light. The stars are no longer visible. At what time of day can such a month be seen?

5. Slides from the cartoon "Twelve Months".

The red sun is coming out of the open gates!

? Where can you watch such a sunrise?

Clue. On each subsequent slide the Sun gets higher and higher. Pay attention to the trajectory of the Sun. Is this how the Sun rises in mid-latitudes? ( This is a difficult question for ninth graders. But if they cannot answer, the question can be given at home, and in the next lesson, 1-2 minutes can be spent answering. .)

Teacher. Today in class we solved problems, watched cartoons and determined the phases of the moon. Now, I think you can easily determine whether the month is young or old in the sky. If we “see” the letter “C” in the sky, this is an old, waning month. And if we get the letter “P” when we draw a straight line through the two “extreme” points of the month, then we have a growing, young month. The French have their own signs. If they see the Latin letter "R"What does it mean premierfirst, then this indicates the first quarter of the Moon waxing. If you get the letter “ d» – dernier, last, the last phase of the moon, and the month is old.

In the southern latitudes of our hemisphere, you can notice that the crescent of the month leans strongly to one side, and closer to the equator it lies so that it seems like a boat rocking on the waves, or a light arch. In any case, it should be remembered that the young month is visible in the evening in the western part of the sky, the old one in the morning in the eastern part of the sky.

Nothing is as stunning as a total solar eclipse with its majestic, slowly unfolding beauty. In this lesson (and, if possible, in the next one) you should also consider the conditions for the occurrence of solar and lunar eclipses, because they are a consequence of the rectilinear propagation of light. In order not to overload students with video recordings, this part of the lesson can be taught in the traditional form, using the text of the textbook and tasks from the collection of didactic material on astronomy.

Blitz survey

What is light? What types of electromagnetic radiation are not perceived by the human eye? What is the difference between invisible electromagnetic radiation from visible ones? Why in different days month The moon is visible in the sky in different ways: sometimes as a narrow crescent, sometimes in the form of a disk?


Draw the location of the Earth, the Sun and the month with whom Prince Elisha spoke. Draw what the Moon looks like in the first quarter. At what time of day is it visible in this phase? Look at chapter two of the book “Entertaining Astronomy” Ya.I.Perelman and get answers to many questions regarding the appearance of the Moon. When and where are the young and old moons visible?


Types of radiation

1. 30 GHz = 0.030 THz, but 0.03 THz< 0,3 ТГц, значит, это радиоволна. Если скорость света равна произведению длины волны на его частоту, то длину волны найти легко, ведь скорость света известна и равна 300000км/с или 3 10 8 м/с.

Therefore = v/ n = 1 cm.

2. 600 THz belongs to the frequency range of visible radiation. = 500 nm.

3. 100 kHz is many times smaller than 0.3 THz, and these are radio waves. = 3 km.

4. It is easy to understand that 1200 THz is in the frequency range ultraviolet radiation. = 250 nm.

Moon phases in cartoons

1. The month above the roof is convex to the right. It's a new month. The sickle is narrow, which means it is located close to the Sun. Summer holidays. The sun sets in the northwest, which means the month is visible on the western horizon.

2. A narrow sickle convex to the left is an old month. The sun will rise soon. Such a month is visible in the early morning on the eastern side of the horizon.

3. It is difficult to answer this question by watching a fragment of the cartoon. The full moon is visible in the evening in the east. At midnight it can be seen in the south, and in the morning - in the west. But if the song contains the words “The night will pass - the morning will come...” (future tense), and the Moon is not high above the horizon, then perhaps it is visible in the eastern direction. Or in the south, but definitely not in the west.

4. In one or two days the Moon will be in its first quarter phase. In this phase, the angle between the meridians where the Moon and the Sun are located is approximately 90°. This means that at present there is approximately 60–70° between the Moon and the Sun. The crescent of the old month is low above the horizon. The month is slowly rising above the horizon. The sun will rise soon. It will be light in about 3-4 hours. Three from Prostokvashino are looking for treasure, apparently sometime after midnight or early in the morning.

5. We see a narrow crescent of the month facing to the right. This is a young month, therefore, in front of us is the western side. This means that the windows “look” to the east.

6. It is extremely difficult to answer, because... in favorable weather, the full Moon is visible all night: in the evening, at midnight, and in the morning. We can say this: the shadow definitely does not fall to the south. In the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, the Moon moves from left to right and passes over the point of the south. But if it is evening, then the shadow falls to the west. If it is midnight, then to the north, and if it is morning, then the shadow is directed to the east.

Mindfulness tasks Find errors»)

1. The sun is high above your head. This is possible in the tropical zone. The unlit part of the Moon faces the Sun. Could this be possible? Of course not.

2. Residents of the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere will say: “This is a young month, and it should be approaching the horizon in the western sky. But for some reason the month rises above the horizon. This can only happen in cartoons, never in life!”

Residents of the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere will argue: “This is the “old” month, and it will indeed rise above the horizon, but in the eastern direction, and its path will go from right to left, and not as shown in the cartoon.”

3. Please note: it is an old month outside the window, which means the parents arrived early in the morning. At the same time, the phrase sounds: “In this weather, they sit at home, watch TV.” But they usually watch TV in the evenings. Artists should have painted not the morning month, but the evening one.

4. For residents of the Northern Hemisphere, this is a young month. In the rays of dawn, the evening (young) month cannot “melt”. Residents of the Southern Hemisphere 12-13 times a year watch how such a month “melts” in the rays of the morning dawn, and after it “the red Sun comes out of the open gates.” But they won’t call this a month for young people. It is still old for Australian residents and South America. Maybe S.Ya. Marshak observed such a “picture” in the Southern Hemisphere, and, without understanding it, called it young?

5. Students know that in the middle latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere the Sun rises above the horizon, moving from left to right. From geography lessons, schoolchildren remember that only at the equator does the Sun rise at right angles to the horizon, therefore, the cartoon characters ended up in the tropics. But this happens only 2 times a year: on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes. The teacher may say that before the New Year the Sun will rise perpendicular to the horizon at the parallel of 23.5° south latitude.

But such a snowy winter, as shown in the cartoon, does not happen in the tropics! The artists had to shift the Sun to the right as it rose above the horizon.


Bespalov V.N.. Time zones in Russia. – “Geography-PS”, No. /2001 or

Gromov S.V.. Physics-9. – M.: Education, 2003.

Levitan E.N.. Astronomy: Textbook for 11th grade. – M.: Education, 1994 (and all subsequent editions).

Malakhova G.I., Strout E.K. Didactic material on astronomy. – M.: Education, 1989 (and all subsequent editions).

Perelman Ya.I.. Entertaining astronomy. – M.: Nauka, 1966.

Skvortsova G. Competence-based approach: rules for setting educational goals. – First of September, No. 4, 5/2008.