When is the best time to vacation in Cuba: what time of year and where. Resorts, reviews

What time of year and when is the best time to vacation in Cuba? Liberty Island - washed by waters Caribbean Sea and a country whose coast is famous for its bottomless bays and comfortable bays, in which there are more than enough reefs and other coral formations.

The climate here is hot, but also very mild, thanks to the sea currents that wash Cuba from all sides. Due to this, the island is warm almost all year round. However, the season by month in Cuba and when is the best time to relax on the island is the main question that worries tourists

At the same time, the heat on the coast is perceived comfortably, since there is a fresh wind blowing there, bringing with it coolness.

There are two seasons in Cuba: the dry season and the rainy season. As a rule, the rainy season lasts from May to October, and the dry season lasts from November to April. However, at the same time, March can absolutely amaze guests of the state heavy rains, and in September it can be dry and quiet for weeks. Forecasting the weather in Cuba is not that easy.

Also, many people call the climate of the island trade wind. Typical tropical humid climate, largely due to winds that regularly blow in one direction. Trade winds form in the Atlantic Ocean.

There is no clear answer to the question of when is the best time to go on vacation to Cuba. Holidays in this country are wonderful at any time. And why, read below.

What time of year is best to go to Cuba?

Cuba is an ideal country for year-round holidays. It is warm here almost all year round, but in order not to spoil your holiday with humid heat, hurricanes, typhoons and torrential rains, it is better to refrain from traveling in the summer and autumn time. March in Cuba is rightfully considered high season. Despite the frequent cool winds that blow from Atlantic Ocean, there are more than enough nice days here. The water is very warm and there are many tourists on the beaches. As a rule, tropical rains rarely occur in Cuba in the spring: about 5 days during the entire season. But it is worth noting that when the temperature exceeds +28 ° C, cool, refreshing rains are very desirable.

In the evening it is no longer so hot, since April the night temperature has been around +22 ° C, and the cool trade winds soften the heat. Many Cuban cities host very colorful festivals in April. It is in this month that the high season ends, since the rains usually begin in May. But they don’t last long (about two hours) and not every day.

On the island, the beginning of autumn can present travelers with not very pleasant surprises: usually in September-October, the island’s resorts are hit by storms, which make the sea rough, the water cloudy and saturate the air with moisture. Tour operators know this. At this time, they attract tourists in every possible way by doing favorable discounts. In terms of temperature, autumn differs little from summer. Unless it drops by a few degrees. Although the water temperature is still comfortable: +26…+29 °C. Air also contains large number moisture, so you need to prepare for the fact that acclimatization will take 2-3 days.


The most suitable time of year for travel. On winter months there is three times less precipitation compared to summer. In addition to this, in winter time lowest probability of tropical hurricanes. That is why this is a great time to relax and the answer to the question of when is the best time to go on vacation to Cuba. The average air temperature in December is +23 °C, and in January-February - +22.6 °C. January is considered the coolest month of the year.


This is a fairly comfortable time of year for relaxation, but in May the rainy season begins and the air temperature and humidity rise. On average, meteorologists note about + 23.8 °C in March, +24.9 °C in April, and +26 °C in May.


The average temperature in Cuba in June is +26.9 °C, and in July - +27.3 °C. The hottest month is August. The weather in Cuba in the summer season is very hot and humid. Maximum quantity precipitation falls directly on summer months, but showers are usually short-lived and provide relief after the heat of the day. Those who love rain should not worry about the best time to go on vacation to Cuba. After all, this is the best time for such a trip.


The rainy season, which begins in May, does not stop, as a rule, until October. For this reason, the weather in Cuba in autumn is also very humid. The heat subsides a little, but the temperature difference in summer is small. Normal air warms up to +26.9 °C in September, +26.1 °C in October and +24.6 °C in November.

History of Cuba

The history of Cuba is shrouded in many interesting and unusual legends. Many people come to this country to admire the interesting sights and magnificent tropical nature and ocean. If the purpose of the trip is not to relax on the beach, but to visit interesting places, then you need to decide where it is better to go on vacation in Cuba. When every town has many interesting places, this is not very easy to do.

The history of the country goes back centuries. As you know, Columbus discovered new lands, and Pope Alexander VI handed them over to Spain. For a long time, Cuba was considered one of Spain's colonies. For many years, Liberty Island fought with the United States and did not obey them. In the early 60s of the last century, the Cubans were still able to defend their country and achieved independence.

In the 90s, the USSR was an ally of this country. The heads of the two countries jointly made various decisions and supported each other. Overall, it is a developed and very beautiful country with a unique and interesting culture, traditions. The Cubans themselves are so hospitable that they delight many tourists with this. These are people who love music and dance great dances. You can recharge your energy there one hundred percent. And the hot Cuban sun will conquer you, you can be sure.

Sights of Cuba

There are plenty of attractions in Cuba. The main ones are located in the capital, but there are many interesting places beyond its borders. What to see in Cuba was built in colonial style. They try to ensure that the historical appearance of the city is preserved. TO significant places capitals include the following:

  • Revolution Square. The square is the heart of revolutionary Cuba. The central element of this square is the spire, when you climb it you can see the entire surrounding area.
  • Cathedral. An ancient building of the 18th century, storing relics of the tombs of the Pharaoh, as well as exhibits that once belonged to famous people countries.
  • El Morro Fortress. It is a symbol of Havana and is visible at the entrance to the bay. The lighthouse was built in the 19th century.

What to see outside of Havana

But not only in the capital there is interesting places. There are plenty of them outside too:

  • Hemingway Museum. Visitors can see a huge library and trophies brought from Africa.
  • Huge natural park, surrounded by picturesque hills, can surprise tourists with unique caves, the length of which is about 45 kilometers.
  • City of Santiago de Cuba. Significant city, which will be of interest not only to history buffs, but also to divers who can find convenient dive sites near its shores.

Cuba or the Island of Liberty, whose capital is the city of Havana, is an original and unique Cuba that will help you learn more about it.

  1. Monopoly on mobile communications. There is only one mobile operator in Cuba - Cubacel. Mobile communications there are very expensive, so the local population has developed its own free messaging system. For example, one call could mean going home. Three rings indicate that the subscriber is delayed.
  2. Strict censorship. Cuba ranks ninth among the countries with the strictest censorship. Restrictions on Internet use apply to all citizens of the state. You can only have one address email, which is also viewed.
  3. Fully free education and medicine. All Cuban children are educated at state expense. They are provided with everything they need during their studies. Universities in Cuba are also free. Therefore, education and medicine in Cuba are sufficient high level.
  4. The country is a paradise for hitchhikers. It is in Cuba that there is a law according to which all vehicles with state license plates are required to pick up hitchhiking tourists. Moreover, the fare is absent or purely symbolic.
  5. Ban on Coca-Cola. Cuba is the country where this drink was banned for 60 years. The ban was lifted quite recently. It was impossible to buy Coca-Cola legally.

Climatic features of Cuba

There are practically only two seasons on the island: the rainy season, during which there are two maximums (in June and October it does not rain constantly, usually 2-3 hours a day) and the dry season, which lasts from November to April.

The climate of Cuba, tropical, trade wind, is greatly moderated by warm sea currents washing its shores.

Maximum temperature + 35°С-occurs in August, while in January it can drop to 19°С. Average annual temperature 29 degrees.

Water temperature throughout the year is subject to less changes than air temperature: off the northern coast it ranges from 24°C in winter to 28°C in summer, and on the southern coast - from 26°C in winter to 28°C in summer.

Climate table

Month Day C° Night C° Sun, hour. Rain,
Pace. water
January 26 18 5,5 6 25
February 26 18 6,2 4 24
March 27 19 6,6 4 24
April 29 20 6,9 4 26
May 30 22 7,5 7 27
June 31 23 6,1 10 27
July 32 24 6,1 9 28
August 32 24 5,9 10 28
September 31 24 4,9 11 28
October 30 23 4,6 11 28
November 27 20 5,1 7 27
December 26 19 4,8 6 27

Hurricane season in Cuba, when the tornado comes...

It should be remembered that Cuba located in one of the most favorite places not only for tourists, but also in a place where hurricanes and tornadoes like to live.

During the rainy season, it rains between 15:00 and 18:00; at other times it usually does not rain. Considering that it rains for about forty minutes, maximum two to three hours, this is even more of a plus than a minus - the air becomes fresh and clean, dust is washed off from the plants.

The worst time for a vacation is the season from October to December - the time of tropical hurricanes. Probably at this time it’s better not to vacation in Cuba. Although thrill-seekers come to hotels, settle on the highest floors of the hotel and wait with curiosity for a spectacle that is truly difficult to describe. The speed of a hurricane can exceed 200 km per hour.

In a short time winter period There are influences of cold air masses coming from the north, but they are short-lived.The average temperature throughout the year fluctuates between 20 and 35 ºC, sometimes dropping to 10 °C.

The eastern part of the island is located in a warmer region than the western part and temperature fluctuations between day and night are less emphasized in coastal areas than inland.

Tourists who go on a beach holiday will be happy to know that average temperature water exceeds 25 ° C.In my own way geographical location, the country is divided into two seasons from June 1st and November 30th during the cyclone season.They can affect the island in the form of a hurricane with wind speeds that reach up to 200 km/h and strong storms.Major hurricanes don't come every year, but in the last few years there have been several storms that have caused flooding and damage to homes and crops.This cyclone is roughly consistent with the rainy season (May to October), before the dry season (November to April).Experience with cyclones has shown that they are not dangerous, all hotels have modern structures or have been restored and protected to withstand the force of a hurricane.The northeast trade winds are moderately warm, but summer temperatures in the shade can reach up to 33°C (Havana), and higher elsewhere.

Very often, when communicating with tourists, you have to explain what high and low seasons are in Cuba, how they are determined and what they influence. In this article we will try to tell you in detail about the holiday seasons in Cuba.

Although you can relax in Cuba all year round, however, here too there is weather conditions, affecting the seasonality of holidays and the influx of tourists. But not only this influences seasonality - the global practice of taking vacations at the end of summer and holidays when the number of tourists increases and not only weather conditions begin to dictate their laws.

In fact, in addition to the high and low seasons, there is also an ultra-high season - this is Christmas and new year holidays- when prices for hotels and tickets and, accordingly, tours skyrocket.

Of course, it is intuitively clear that in the low season the number of tourists falls, therefore, hotels try to attract tourists with cheap prices and special offers, but in the high and especially ultra-high seasons, hotel prices increase significantly.

In different seasons, the price not only for hotels, but also for car rentals changes. The price for renting private real estate in Cuba (houses, rooms, apartments) is more or less stable, with the exception of villas, the price of which can also increase in the ultra-high and high seasons.

So, let’s go through the dates, immediately clarify the beginning and end of the season, and also why this season is on these dates:

December 22 - January 3- Ultra-high season. Christmas and New Year- and that says it all. Hotel prices increase 2-3 times. Plane tickets 1.5 times.

January 4 - March 31- High season. Winter in Europe, lack of alternatives beach holiday leading to increased demand for travel to the Caribbean region. Also, the lack of likelihood of hurricanes and sweltering heat plays a role. Hotel prices are consistently high, hotels are maximally occupied, hotels must be booked in advance to avoid being rejected.

April 1 - April 30- High season. Hotel prices are comparable to November, slightly lower than March, but higher than high season in August.

May 1 - July 14 - Low season. The rainy season begins in Cuba. Hotel prices are falling. But in May holidays flow increases Russian tourists, which leads to an increase in the cost of tours and flights, since the number of flights to Cuba does not change. Therefore, anyone who wants to spend the May holidays in Cuba needs to book tours in advance.

July 15 - August 24- High season. Traditionally, August is the holiday season in Europe and Russia, which increases the flow of tourists on vacation, therefore, despite the hottest months of the year and the high probability of hurricanes, it is high season in Cuba. Hotel prices are increasing, but still lower than in the winter high season. July 26 is a holiday in Cuba: carnivals and holiday events. August is carnival season in Cuba.

August 25 - October 31- Low season. Start academic year, the end of vacations and hurricane season in Cuba means that this time of year is the lowest tourist flow and the most low prices to hotels.

November 1 - December 21- High season. Everyone who put off their trip for fear of hurricanes, as well as everyone who did not have time to relax in the summer, is heading to the warmth and the flow of tourists is increasing. Also in November, Havana hosts major exhibitions and international conferences, resulting in high demand for hotels and villas in Havana. Hotel prices are higher in October and comparable to April prices; some hotels offer promotions and reduce prices at the beginning of December, since during this period the flow of tourists drops slightly - which is most likely due to the end of the year and the availability of annual reports for most potential tourists :-)

Plan your vacation in advance, take into account all the features and choose the best vacation options for you!

Cuba is an island nation that attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world every year. Many travelers associate Cuba with the paradise island of communism. Everyone who has visited this island at least once will want to return there again. All thanks to the unique climate, many carnivals and holidays, as well as beautiful nature.

The climate in Cuba is unusual. Thanks to warm currents, which wash the shores of Cuba, the island maintains a constantly favorable temperature. The weather on the island changes frequently. There are only two seasons: the rainy season, which lasts from May to October, and the dry season from November to April. However, you should not think that it will rain all day long during the rainy season, sunny days will also make you happy. Cuba has a tropical trade wind climate. The temperature stays around +25 - +28 degrees Celsius all year round. But thanks constant winds and high humidity do not feel unbearably hot. Despite this, the island invites tourists all year round. Although the best time to go to Cuba , Still, it can be highlighted, because tourists often ask this question before going there.

Best season to holiday in Cuba

Definitely, the best time to visit this fabulous island is in autumn or winter, the most best months– from September to April. It is at this time that there is practically no precipitation in Cuba, and the air temperature is maintained at +26 degrees Celsius. The best way to visit Cuba is to book a tour with a travel company. The cost of a week-long tour usually costs about 4.5 thousand dollars for two people. Yes, the pleasure is not the cheapest. However, the price of the tour includes accommodation, flights, meals, as well as a list of excursions with a Russian-speaking guide. Such an adventure will not leave anyone indifferent; upon arrival home, you will share your impressions and talk about it for a long time. interesting stories about Cuba.

Good weather will allow you to explore all the significant sights of Cuba, of which there are quite a few. The main pearl of the island can easily be called the city of Varadero. Varadero has incredible white sand beaches and clean blue color sea. The beaches of the city of Varadero periodically receive the status - cleanest beaches peace. In addition to beautiful beaches, tourists can see the sights, which, by the way, are quite numerous in the resort area. Nature lovers can visit the Ambrosio Cave with its unique rock art. On the territory of the lake you can visit the famous dolphinarium. In addition to sightseeing, tourists are invited to do more active recreation. There are 23 diving centers in Varadero.

The capital of Cuba, Havana, is famous not only for its cigars and rum. Havana is also famous for its Colonial and Anthropological Museums. The city has several other interesting museums that you should definitely see, and the manor house where Ernest Hemingway lived. He lived in the capital of Cuba for several years, and his house still receives visitors.

You should also definitely visit the most big park Cuba - park named after V.I. Lenin - the Soviet leader. Tourists are offered a unique opportunity to visit the Cathedral Immaculate Conception, built in the mid-17th century, the Botanical Park, the San Carla Monastery, which was built in the 17th century, as well as the Havana Zoo. Not far from the La Cabaña fortress is the Havana Christ, whose height is 18 meters. As soon as evening comes, all visitors to the fortress can witness the most beautiful cannon firing ceremony. Everyone who attended this ceremony advises their friends to attend it.

As soon as you step foot on Cuban soil, you instantly fall in love with its beauty, especially if you choose the right time for your trip. Now you know when is the best time to go to Cuba.

Cuba is the most favorable for Russian tourists, since they can relax on the island without a visa for 30 days. Despite the fact that Russians do not require a visa, when entering the country, in addition to a passport, at border control they are required to present tickets to reverse side. In addition, each tourist must have a certain amount with him, at the rate of 50 dollars per day. Those who are planning to visit this sunny country are interested in , How long does the season last in Cuba, when is the best time to relax?

Climate in Cuba

Cuba is famous for the fact that the island is dominated by two seasons: drought and rainy season. Precipitation can fall for three hours, followed by sunny weather all day. Many people are interested in when is the season for a beach holiday in Cuba. You can relax here even in October, when the rainy season ends. After all, they don’t walk all day long, but only a couple of hours a day. The rest of the time you can lie on the beach under the scorching sun.

Cuba's climate is tropical, moderated by sea currents. The average annual temperature is 29°C. In summer it rises to 35°C, and in January it does not fall below 19°C. However, the water temperature even in winter fluctuates between 24°C and 28°C.

Based on this, it becomes clear when it is better to go to Cuba on vacation. The tropical season begins in November and ends in April. During this period, on Liberty Island the sun shines for 8-10 hours, and then it rains for a couple of hours. After this, the air becomes fresh and clean.

The rainy season begins in May and ends in October. However, even at this time eight hours of sunshine are not excluded.

Daytime temperatures are around 30°C and night temperatures are 23°C. At the same time, the water temperature always remains within 24°C. During the rainiest period, hurricanes begin, although they are fickle and pass quickly. Tourists are already accustomed to this phenomenon, so hurricanes do not scare anyone.

If we talk about when is the best time to fly to Cuba on vacation, then sunbathe better in summer, but you can simply swim in the sea in any season. Best month ever Tourists consider March to vacation in Cuba. During this period, all the beaches are filled with vacationers, because in March the water becomes so warm that you don’t want to get out of it. In addition, in spring rains occur extremely rarely - no more than three days per season. In spring, it’s not only pleasant to relax in Cuba, but also to go on excursions and see the local attractions.